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synced 2025-03-04 23:26:01 +08:00
We currently only support building with CCS and SCons is not using. bsp/rm48x50/HALCoGen/HALCoGen.{hcg,dil} is the HALCoGen project file. You may need to regenerate the source file as you like, providing that: 1, IRQ is in Dispatch Mode and the table entry is IRQ_Handler. The channel 5 in enabled and connected to IRQ. 2, RTI driver is enabled and compare3 source is selected to counter1 and the compare3 will generate tick in the period of 10ms. This value is coresponding with RT_TICK_PER_SECOND in rtconfig.h. In CCS, you need to create a new CCS project and create link folders pointing at bsp/rm48x50, libcpu/arm/rm48x50 and src/, include/. Remember to add the include path to the Build Properties.
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#ifndef USB_H_
#define USB_H_
// These macros allow conversion between 0-based endpoint indices and the
// USB_EP_x values required when calling various USB APIs.
#define INDEX_TO_USB_EP(x) ((x) << 4)
#define USB_EP_TO_INDEX(x) ((x) >> 4)
// The following are values that can be passed to USBFIFOConfigSet() as the
// uFIFOSize parameter.
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_8 0x00000000 // 8 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_16 0x00000001 // 16 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_32 0x00000002 // 32 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_64 0x00000003 // 64 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_128 0x00000004 // 128 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_256 0x00000005 // 256 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_512 0x00000006 // 512 byte FIFO
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_1024 0x00000007 // 1024 byte FIFO
// This macro allow conversion from a FIFO size label as defined above to
// a number of bytes
#define USB_FIFO_SIZE_DB_FLAG 0x00000010
#define USB_FIFO_SZ_TO_BYTES(x) ((8 << ((x) & ~ USB_FIFO_SIZE_DB_FLAG)) * \
(((x) & USB_FIFO_SIZE_DB_FLAG) ? 2 : 1))
//! The maximum number of independent interfaces that any single device
//! implementation can support. Independent interfaces means interface
//! descriptors with different bInterfaceNumber values - several interface
//! descriptors offering different alternative settings but the same interface
//! number count as a single interface.
//! Following macro directives can be used for the configuring the USB device.
//! Note that these directives map directly to the hardware bit definitions and
//! cannot be modified to any other value.
#define USBD_PWR_BUS_PWR (0x0000u) //Device is bus powered
#define USBD_PWR_SELF_PWR (0x0004u) //Device is self powered
#define USBD_DATA_ENDIAN_LITTLE (0x0000u) //Little Endian Data (RM48x)
#define USBD_DATA_ENDIAN_BIG (0x0080u) //Bit Endian Data
#define USBD_DMA_ENDIAN_LITTLE (0x0000u) //DMA is Little Endian
#define USBD_DMA_ENDIAN_BIG (0x0040u) //DMA is Big Endian
//! Following macro directives can be used for the configuring the Endpoints
//! Note that these directives map directly to the hardware bit definitions and
//! cannot be modified to any other value.
#define USBD_EP_DIR_IN (0x0010u) //IN Endpoint
#define USBD_EP_DIR_OUT (0x0000u) //OUT Endpoint
#define USB_EP_DEV_IN USBD_EP_DIR_IN //IN Endpoint
#define USB_TRANS_IN USBD_EP_DIR_IN //IN Endpoint
#define USB_TRANS_IN_LAST 0 //Used to indicate the last transaction
//(NOT USED in this port of USB)
#define USBD_TXRX_EP_VALID_VALID (0x8000u) //EP is valid & configured
#define USBD_TXRX_EP_VALID_NOTVALID (0x0000u) //EP is not valid & not configured
#define USBD_TXRX_EP_ISO_ISO (0x0800u) //EP is of ISO type
#define USBD_TXRX_EP_ISO_NONISO (0x0000u) //EP is either Bulk/Interrup/Control
#define USBD_TXRX_EP_DB_ENABLED (0x4000u) //EP has double buffering enabled
// For IN EPs DB should be enabled only in DMA mode */
#define USBD_TXRX_EP_DB_DISABLED (0x0000u) //EP has double buffering disabled
//! Following macro directives are to be used for enabling/disabling interrupts
//! Note that these directives map directly to the hardware bit definitions and
//! cannot be modified to any other value.
#define USBD_INT_EN_SOF_IE (0x0080u) //Start-of-Frame Interrupt
#define USBD_INT_EN_EPN_RX_IE (0x0020u) //Non-EP0 RX Interrupt
#define USBD_INT_EN_EPN_TX_IE (0x0010u) //Non-EP0 TX Interrupt
#define USBD_INT_EN_DS_CHG_IE (0x0008u) //Device State change interrupt
#define USBD_INT_EN_EP0_IE (0x0001u) //EP0 Interrupt
//! Following macro directives are to be used for decoding the interrupt source
//! Note that these directives map directly to the hardware bit definitions and
//! cannot be modified to any other value.
#define USBD_INT_SRC_TXN_DONE (0x0400u) //non-EP0 TX done interrupt
#define USBD_INT_SRC_RXN_CNT (0x0200u) //non-EP0 RX Count
#define USBD_INT_SRC_RXN_EOT (0x0100u) //non-EP0 RX end of transfer
#define USBD_INT_SRC_SOF (0x0080u) //Start-of-frame interrupt
#define USBD_INT_SRC_EPN_RX (0x0020u) //non-EP0 RX interrupt
#define USBD_INT_SRC_EPN_TX (0x0010u) //non-EP0 TX interrupt
#define USBD_INT_SRC_DS_CHG (0x0008u) //Device State change interrupt
#define USBD_INT_SRC_SETUP (0x0004u) //Setup interrupt
#define USBD_INT_SRC_EP0_RX (0x0002u) //EP0 RX Interrupt
#define USBD_INT_SRC_EP0_TX (0x0001u) //EP0 TX Interrupt
// These values are used to indicate which endpoint to access.
#define USB_EP_0 0x00000000 // Endpoint 0
#define USB_EP_1 0x00000010 // Endpoint 1
#define USB_EP_2 0x00000020 // Endpoint 2
#define USB_EP_3 0x00000030 // Endpoint 3
#define USB_EP_4 0x00000040 // Endpoint 4
#define USB_EP_5 0x00000050 // Endpoint 5
#define USB_EP_6 0x00000060 // Endpoint 6
#define USB_EP_7 0x00000070 // Endpoint 7
#define USB_EP_8 0x00000080 // Endpoint 8
#define USB_EP_9 0x00000090 // Endpoint 9
#define USB_EP_10 0x000000A0 // Endpoint 10
#define USB_EP_11 0x000000B0 // Endpoint 11
#define USB_EP_12 0x000000C0 // Endpoint 12
#define USB_EP_13 0x000000D0 // Endpoint 13
#define USB_EP_14 0x000000E0 // Endpoint 14
#define USB_EP_15 0x000000F0 // Endpoint 15
#define NUM_USB_EP 16 // Number of supported endpoints
// The following are values that can be passed to USBHostEndpointConfig() and
// USBDevEndpointConfigSet() as the ulFlags parameter.
#define USB_EP_AUTO_SET 0x00000001u // Auto set feature enabled
#define USB_EP_AUTO_REQUEST 0x00000002u // Auto request feature enabled
#define USB_EP_AUTO_CLEAR 0x00000004u // Auto clear feature enabled
#define USB_EP_DMA_MODE_0 0x00000008u // Enable DMA access using mode 0
#define USB_EP_DMA_MODE_1 0x00000010u // Enable DMA access using mode 1
#define USB_EP_MODE_ISOC 0x00000000u // Isochronous endpoint
#define USB_EP_MODE_BULK 0x00000100u // Bulk endpoint
#define USB_EP_MODE_INT 0x00000200u // Interrupt endpoint
#define USB_EP_MODE_CTRL 0x00000300u // Control endpoint
#define USB_EP_MODE_MASK 0x00000300u // Mode Mask
#define USB_EP_SPEED_LOW 0x00000000u // Low Speed
#define USB_EP_SPEED_FULL 0x00001000u // Full Speed
// The following are values that are returned from USBEndpointStatus(). The
// USB_HOST_* values are used when the USB controller is in host mode and the
// USB_DEV_* values are used when the USB controller is in device mode.
#define USB_DEV_EP0_OUT_PKTRDY 0x00000001u // Receive data packet ready
#define USB_DEV_RX_PKT_RDY 0x00010000u // Data packet ready
#define USB_DEV_TX_TXPKTRDY 0x00000001u
#define USB_DEV_TX_FIFO_NE 0x00000002u
// This value specifies the maximum size of transfers on endpoint 0 as 64
// bytes. This value is fixed in hardware as the FIFO size for endpoint 0.
#define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0 64
// Macros for hardware access, both direct and via the bit-band region.
#define HWREG(x) (*((volatile unsigned int *)(x)))
//! Initialize the USB Device
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usFlags specifies the bus/self powered and endianness for data & dma.
//! Should be a combination of the following flags
//! \param usFifoPtr specifies the start of the EP0 FIFO.
//! This function will initialize the USB Device controller specified by the
//! \e ulBase parameter.
//! \return None
//! Note This function does not intiate a device connect (pull ups are
//! not enabled). Also the EP0 is intialized with FIFO size of 64Bytes.
void USBDevInit(uint32 ulBase, uint16 usFlags, uint16 usFifoPtr);
//! Initialize the USB Device's EP0
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usSize FIFO size. Supported values are USB_FIFO_SZ_8/USB_FIFO_SZ_16/
//! \param usFifoPtr specifies the start of the EP0 FIFO.
//! This function will initialize the USB Device controller specified by the
//! \e ulBase parameter. The \e uFlags parameter is not used by this
//! implementation.
//! \return None
void USBDevEp0Config(uint32 ulBase, uint16 usSize, uint16 usFifoPtr);
//! Disable control interrupts on a given USB device controller.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usFlags specifies which control interrupts to disable.
//! This function will disable the interrupts for the USB device controller
//! specified by the \e ulBase parameter. The \e usFlags parameter specifies
//! which control interrupts to disable. The flags passed in the \e usFlags
//! parameters should be the definitions that start with \b USBD_INT_EN_*
//! \return None.
void USBIntDisable(uint32 ulBase, uint16 usFlags);
//! Enable control interrupts on a given USB device controller.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usFlags specifies which control interrupts to enable.
//! This function will enable the control interrupts for the USB device controller
//! specified by the \e ulBase parameter. The \e usFlags parameter specifies
//! which control interrupts to enable. The flags passed in the \e usFlags
//! parameters should be the definitions that start with \b USBD_INT_EN_* and
//! not any other \b USB_INT flags.
//! \return None.
void USBIntEnable(uint32 ulBase, uint16 usFlags);
//! Returns the control interrupt status on a given USB device controller.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! This function will read interrupt status for a USB device controller.
//! The bit values returned should be compared against the \b USBD_INT_SRC_*
//! values.
//! \return Returns the status of the control interrupts for a USB device controller.
uint16 USBIntStatus(uint32 ulBase);
//! Stalls the specified endpoint in device mode.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usEndpoint specifies the endpoint to stall.
//! \param usFlags specifies whether to stall the IN or OUT endpoint.
//! This function will cause to endpoint number passed in to go into a stall
//! condition. If the \e usFlags parameter is \b USB_EP_DEV_IN then the stall
//! will be issued on the IN portion of this endpoint. If the \e usFlags
//! parameter is \b USB_EP_DEV_OUT then the stall will be issued on the OUT
//! portion of this endpoint.
//! \note This function should only be called in device mode.
//! \return None.
void USBDevEndpointStall(uint32 ulBase, uint16 usEndpoint, uint16 usFlags);
//! Clears the stall condition on the specified endpoint in device mode.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usEndpoint specifies which endpoint to remove the stall condition.
//! \param usFlags specifies whether to remove the stall condition from the IN
//! or the OUT portion of this endpoint.
//! This function will cause the endpoint number passed in to exit the stall
//! condition. If the \e usFlags parameter is \b USB_EP_DEV_IN then the stall
//! will be cleared on the IN portion of this endpoint. If the \e usFlags
//! parameter is \b USB_EP_DEV_OUT then the stall will be cleared on the OUT
//! portion of this endpoint.
//! \note This function should only be called in device mode.
//! \return None.
void USBDevEndpointStallClear(uint32 ulBase, uint16 usEndpoint, uint16 usFlags);
//! Connects the USB device controller to the bus in device mode.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! This function will cause the soft connect feature of the USB device controller to
//! be enabled. Call USBDisconnect() to remove the USB device from the bus.
//! \return None.
void USBDevConnect(uint32 ulBase);
//! Removes the USB device controller from the bus in device mode.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! This function will cause the soft disconnect feature of the USB device controller to
//! remove the device from the USB bus. A call to USBDevConnect() is needed to
//! reconnect to the bus.
//! \return None.
void USBDevDisconnect(uint32 ulBase);
//! Sets the address in device mode.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param ulAddress is the address to use for a device.
//! This function will set the device address on the USB bus. This address was
//! likely received via a SET ADDRESS command from the host controller.
//! \note This function is not available on this controller. This is maintained
//! for compatibility.
//! \return None.
void USBDevAddrSet(uint32 ulBase, uint32 ulAddress);
//! Determine the number of bytes of data available in a given endpoint's FIFO.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usEndpoint is the endpoint to access.
//! This function will return the number of bytes of data currently available
//! in the FIFO for the given receive (OUT) endpoint. It may be used prior to
//! calling USBEndpointDataGet() to determine the size of buffer required to
//! hold the newly-received packet.
//! \return This call will return the number of bytes available in a given
//! endpoint FIFO.
uint16 USBEndpointDataAvail(uint32 ulBase, uint16 usEndpoint);
//! Retrieves data from the given endpoint's FIFO.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usEndpoint is the endpoint to access.
//! \param pucData is a pointer to the data area used to return the data from
//! the FIFO.
//! \param pulSize is initially the size of the buffer passed into this call
//! via the \e pucData parameter. It will be set to the amount of data
//! returned in the buffer.
//! This function will return the data from the FIFO for the given endpoint.
//! The \e pulSize parameter should indicate the size of the buffer passed in
//! the \e pulData parameter. The data in the \e pulSize parameter will be
//! changed to match the amount of data returned in the \e pucData parameter.
//! If a zero byte packet was received this call will not return a error but
//! will instead just return a zero in the \e pulSize parameter. The only
//! error case occurs when there is no data packet available.
//! \return This call will return 0, or -1 if no packet was received.
uint32 USBEndpointDataGet(uint32 ulBase, uint16 usEndpoint, uint8 *pucData, uint32 *pulSize);
//! Retrieves the setup packet from EP0 Setup FIFO
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param sPkt Pointer to the data area for storing the setup packet.
//! Atleast 8 bytes should be available.
//! \param pusPktSize On return this contains the size of the setup packet (8Bytes)
//! This function will retrieves the 8Byte long setup packet from the EP0 setup
//! FIFO.
//! \return None.
void USBDevGetSetupPacket (uint32 ulBase, uint8 * sPkt, uint16 * pusPktSize);
//! Acknowledge that data was read from the given endpoint's FIFO in device
//! mode.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usEndpoint is the endpoint to access.
//! \param bIsLastPacket This parameter is not used.
//! This function acknowledges that the data was read from the endpoint's FIFO.
//! The \e bIsLastPacket parameter is set to a \b true value if this is the
//! last in a series of data packets on endpoint zero. The \e bIsLastPacket
//! parameter is not used for endpoints other than endpoint zero. This call
//! can be used if processing is required between reading the data and
//! acknowledging that the data has been read.
//! \return None.
void USBDevEndpointDataAck(uint32 ulBase, uint16 usEndpoint, uint8 bIsLastPacket);
//! Puts data into the given endpoint's FIFO.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usEndpoint is the endpoint to access.
//! \param pucData is a pointer to the data area used as the source for the
//! data to put into the FIFO.
//! \param ulSize is the amount of data to put into the FIFO.
//! This function will put the data from the \e pucData parameter into the FIFO
//! for this endpoint. If a packet is already pending for transmission then
//! this call will not put any of the data into the FIFO and will return -1.
//! Care should be taken to not write more data than can fit into the FIFO
//! allocated by the call to USBFIFOConfig().
//! \return This call will return 0 on success, or -1 to indicate that the FIFO
//! is in use and cannot be written.
uint32 USBEndpointDataPut(uint32 ulBase, uint16 usEndpoint,uint8 *pucData, uint32 ulSize);
//! Starts the transfer of data from an endpoint's FIFO.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usEndpoint is the endpoint to access.
//! \param ulTransType Not used.
//! This function will start the transfer of data from the FIFO for a given
//! endpoint.
//! \return This call will return 0 on success, or -1 if a transmission is
//! already in progress.
uint32 USBEndpointDataSend(uint32 ulBase, uint16 usEndpoint, uint32 ulTransType);
//! Resets the USB Device Controller
//! \param void
//! \return None.
//! \note Since the USB Device reset is handled by the host, this is a dummy
//! function & maintained for compatibility purpose.
void USBReset(void);
//! Sets the FIFO configuration for an endpoint.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usEndpoint is the endpoint to access.
//! \param uFIFOAddress is the starting address for the FIFO.
//! \param uFIFOSize is the size of the FIFO in bytes.
//! \param uFlags specifies what information to set in the FIFO configuration.
//! This function will set the starting FIFO RAM address and size of the FIFO
//! for a given endpoint. Endpoint zero does not have a dynamically
//! configurable FIFO so this function should not be called for endpoint zero.
//! The \e uFIFOSize parameter should be one of the values in the
//! \b USB_FIFO_SZ_ values. If the endpoint is going to use double buffering
//! it should use the values with the \b _DB at the end of the value. For
//! example, use \b USB_FIFO_SZ_16_DB to configure an endpoint to have a 16
//! byte double buffered FIFO. If a double buffered FIFO is used, then the
//! actual size of the FIFO will be twice the size indicated by the
//! \e uFIFOSize parameter. This means that the \b USB_FIFO_SZ_16_DB value
//! will use 32 bytes of the USB controller's FIFO memory.
//! The \e uFIFOAddress value should be a multiple of 8 bytes and directly
//! indicates the starting address in the USB controller's FIFO RAM. For
//! example, a value of 64 indicates that the FIFO should start 64 bytes into
//! the USB controller's FIFO memory. The \e uFlags value specifies whether
//! the endpoint's OUT or IN FIFO should be configured. If in host mode, use
//! \b USB_EP_HOST_OUT or \b USB_EP_HOST_IN, and if in device mode use
//! \b USB_EP_DEV_OUT or \b USB_EP_DEV_IN.
//! \return None.
void USBFIFOConfigSet(uint32 ulBase, uint32 usEndpoint, uint32 uFIFOAddress, uint32 uFIFOSize, uint16 uFlags);
//! Gets the current configuration for an endpoint.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usEndpoint is the endpoint to access.
//! \param pulMaxPacketSize is a pointer which will be written with the
//! maximum packet size for this endpoint.
//! \param puFlags is a pointer which will be written with the current
//! endpoint settings. On entry to the function, this pointer must contain
//! either \b USB_EP_DEV_IN or \b USB_EP_DEV_OUT to indicate whether the IN or
//! OUT endpoint is to be queried.
//! This function will return the basic configuration for an endpoint in device
//! mode. The values returned in \e *pulMaxPacketSize and \e *puFlags are
//! equivalent to the \e ulMaxPacketSize and \e uFlags previously passed to
//! USBDevEndpointConfigSet() for this endpoint.
//! \note This function should only be called in device mode.
//! \return None.
void USBDevEndpointConfigGet(uint32 ulBase, uint16 usEndpoint, uint32*pulMaxPacketSize, uint32*puFlags);
//! Sets the configuration for an endpoint.
//! \param ulBase specifies the USB module base address.
//! \param usEndpoint is the endpoint to access.
//! \param ulMaxPacketSize is the maximum packet size for this endpoint.
//! \param uFlags are used to configure other endpoint settings.
//! This function will set the basic configuration for an endpoint in device
//! mode. Endpoint zero does not have a dynamic configuration, so this
//! function should not be called for endpoint zero. The \e uFlags parameter
//! determines some of the configuration while the other parameters provide the
//! rest.
//! The \b USB_EP_MODE_ flags define what the type is for the given endpoint.
//! - \b USB_EP_MODE_CTRL is a control endpoint.
//! - \b USB_EP_MODE_ISOC is an isochronous endpoint.
//! - \b USB_EP_MODE_BULK is a bulk endpoint.
//! - \b USB_EP_MODE_INT is an interrupt endpoint.
//! \note This function should only be called in device mode.
//! \return None.
void USBDevEndpointConfigSet(uint32 ulBase, uint16 usEndpoint, uint32 ulMaxPacketSize, uint16 uFlags);
void USBDevSetDevCfg(uint32 ulBase);
void USBDevClearDevCfg(uint32 ulBase);
uint16 USBDevGetEPnStat(uint32 ulBase);
void USBDevPullEnableDisable(uint32 ulBase, uint32 ulSet);
void USBIntStatusClear (uint16 uFlag);
uint16 USBDevGetDevStat(uint32 ulBase);
void USBDevCfgUnlock(uint32 ulBase);
void USBDevCfgLock(uint32 ulBase);
#endif /*USB_H_*/