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* Copyright (C) 2020, Huada Semiconductor Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
* This software component is licensed by HDSC under BSD 3-Clause license
* (the "License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
/** \file hc32f460_cmp.h
** A detailed description is available at
** @link CmpGroup CMP @endlink
** - 2018-10-22 CDT First version for Device Driver Library of CMP.
#ifndef __HC32F460_CMP_H__
#define __HC32F460_CMP_H__
* Include files
#include "hc32_common.h"
#include "ddl_config.h"
/* C binding of definitions if building with C++ compiler */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
** \defgroup CmpGroup Comparator(CMP)
* Global type definitions ('typedef')
** \brief CMP function enumeration
typedef enum en_cmp_func
CmpVcoutOutput = (1u << 12), ///< CMP vcout output enable function
CmpOutpuInv = (1u << 13), ///< CMP output invert enable function
CmpOutput = (1u << 14), ///< CMP output enable function
} en_cmp_func_t;
** \brief CMP edge selection enumeration
typedef enum en_cmp_edge_sel
CmpNoneEdge = 0u, ///< None edge detection
CmpRisingEdge = 1u, ///< Rising edge detection
CmpFaillingEdge = 2u, ///< Falling edge detection
CmpBothEdge = 3u, ///< Falling or Rising edge detection
} en_cmp_edge_sel_t;
** \brief CMP filter sample clock division enumeration
typedef enum en_cmp_fltclk_div
CmpNoneFlt = 0u, ///< Unuse filter
CmpFltPclk3Div1 = 1u, ///< PCLK3/1
CmpFltPclk3Div2 = 2u, ///< PCLK3/2
CmpFltPclk3Div4 = 3u, ///< PCLK3/4
CmpFltPclk3Div8 = 4u, ///< PCLK3/8
CmpFltPclk3Div16 = 5u, ///< PCLK3/16
CmpFltPclk3Div32 = 6u, ///< PCLK3/32
CmpFltPclk3Div64 = 7u, ///< PCLK3/64
} en_cmp_fltclk_div_t;
** \brief CMP INP4 input enumeration
typedef enum en_cmp_inp4_sel
CmpInp4None = 0u, ///< None input
CmpInp4PGAO = 1u, ///< PGAO output
CmpInp4PGAO_BP = 2u, ///< PGAO_BP output
CmpInp4CMP1_INP4 = 4u, ///< CMP1_INP4
} en_cmp_inp4_sel_t;
** \brief CMP INP input enumeration
typedef enum en_cmp_inp_sel
CmpInpNone = 0u, ///< None input
CmpInp1 = 1u, ///< INP1 input
CmpInp2 = 2u, ///< INP2 input
CmpInp1_Inp2 = 3u, ///< INP1 INP2 input
CmpInp3 = 4u, ///< INP3 input
CmpInp1_Inp3 = 5u, ///< INP1 INP3 input
CmpInp2_Inp3 = 6u, ///< INP2 INP3 input
CmpInp1_Inp2_Inp3 = 7u, ///< INP1 INP2 INP3 input
CmpInp4 = 8u, ///< INP4 input
CmpInp1_Inp4 = 9u, ///< INP1 INP4 input
CmpInp2_Inp4 = 10u, ///< INP2 INP4 input
CmpInp1_Inp2_Inp4 = 11u, ///< INP1 INP2 INP4 input
CmpInp3_Inp4 = 12u, ///< INP3 INP4 input
CmpInp1_Inp3_Inp4 = 13u, ///< INP1 INP3 INP4 input
CmpInp2_Inp3_Inp4 = 14u, ///< INP2 INP3 INP4 input
CmpInp1_Inp2_Inp3_Inp4 = 15u, ///< INP1 INP2 INP3 INP4 input
} en_cmp_inp_sel_t;
** \brief CMP INM input enumeration
typedef enum en_cmp_inm_sel
CmpInmNone = 0u, ///< None input
CmpInm1 = 1u, ///< INM1 input
CmpInm2 = 2u, ///< INM2 input
CmpInm3 = 4u, ///< INM3 input
CmpInm4 = 8u, ///< INM4 input
} en_cmp_inm_sel_t;
** \brief CMP INP State enumeration (read only)
typedef enum en_cmp_inp_state
CmpInpNoneState = 0u, ///< none input state
CmpInp1State = 1u, ///< INP1 input state
CmpInp2State = 2u, ///< INP2 input state
CmpInp3State = 4u, ///< INP3 input state
CmpInp4State = 8u, ///< INP4 input state
} en_cmp_inp_state_t;
** \brief CMP Output State enumeration (read only)
typedef enum en_cmp_output_state
CmpOutputLow = 0u, ///< Compare output Low "0"
CmpOutputHigh = 1u, ///< Compare output High "1"
} en_cmp_output_state_t;
** \brief CMP input selection
typedef struct stc_cmp_input_sel
en_cmp_inm_sel_t enInmSel; ///< CMP INM sel
en_cmp_inp_sel_t enInpSel; ///< CMP INP sel
en_cmp_inp4_sel_t enInp4Sel; ///< CMP INP4 sel
} stc_cmp_input_sel_t;
** \brief DAC channel
typedef enum en_cmp_dac_ch
CmpDac1 = 0u, ///< DAC1
CmpDac2 = 1u, ///< DAC2
} en_cmp_dac_ch_t;
** \brief ADC internal reference voltage path
typedef enum en_cmp_adc_int_ref_volt_path
CmpAdcRefVoltPathDac1 = (1u << 0u), ///< ADC internal reference voltage path: DAC1
CmpAdcRefVoltPathDac2 = (1u << 1u), ///< ADC internal reference voltage path: DAC2
CmpAdcRefVoltPathVref = (1u << 4u), ///< ADC internal reference voltage path: VREF
} en_cmp_adc_int_ref_volt_path_t;
** \brief CMP initialization structure definition
typedef struct stc_cmp_init
en_cmp_edge_sel_t enEdgeSel; ///< CMP edge sel
en_cmp_fltclk_div_t enFltClkDiv; ///< CMP FLTclock division
en_functional_state_t enCmpOutputEn; ///< CMP Output enable
en_functional_state_t enCmpVcoutOutputEn; ///< CMP output result enable
en_functional_state_t enCmpInvEn; ///< CMP INV sel for output
en_functional_state_t enCmpIntEN; ///< CMP interrupt enable
} stc_cmp_init_t;
** \brief CMP DAC initialization structure definition
typedef struct stc_cmp_dac_init
uint8_t u8DacData; ///< CMP DAC Data register value
en_functional_state_t enCmpDacEN; ///< CMP DAC enable
} stc_cmp_dac_init_t;
* Global pre-processor symbols/macros ('#define')
* Global variable definitions ('extern')
Global function prototypes (definition in C source)
en_result_t CMP_Init(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx, const stc_cmp_init_t *pstcInitCfg);
en_result_t CMP_DeInit(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx);
en_result_t CMP_Cmd(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx, en_functional_state_t enCmd);
en_result_t CMP_IrqCmd(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx, en_functional_state_t enCmd);
en_result_t CMP_SetScanTime(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx,
uint8_t u8ScanStable,
uint8_t u8ScanPeriod);
en_result_t CMP_FuncCmd(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx,
en_cmp_func_t enFunc,
en_functional_state_t enCmd);
en_result_t CMP_StartScan(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx);
en_result_t CMP_StopScan(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx);
en_result_t CMP_SetFilterClkDiv(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx,
en_cmp_fltclk_div_t enFltClkDiv);
en_cmp_fltclk_div_t CMP_GetFilterClkDiv(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx);
en_result_t CMP_SetEdgeSel(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx,
en_cmp_edge_sel_t enEdgeSel);
en_cmp_edge_sel_t CMP_GetEdgeSel(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx);
en_result_t CMP_InputSel(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx,
const stc_cmp_input_sel_t *pstcInputSel);
en_result_t CMP_SetInp(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx, en_cmp_inp_sel_t enInputSel);
en_cmp_inp_sel_t CMP_GetInp(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx);
en_result_t CMP_SetInm(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx, en_cmp_inm_sel_t enInputSel);
en_cmp_inm_sel_t CMP_GetInm(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx);
en_result_t CMP_SetInp4(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx,en_cmp_inp4_sel_t enInputSel);
en_cmp_inp4_sel_t CMP_GetInp4(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx);
en_cmp_output_state_t CMP_GetOutputState(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx);
en_cmp_inp_state_t CMP_GetInpState(M4_CMP_TypeDef *CMPx);
en_result_t CMP_DAC_Init(en_cmp_dac_ch_t enCh,
const stc_cmp_dac_init_t *pstcInitCfg);
en_result_t CMP_DAC_DeInit(en_cmp_dac_ch_t enCh);
en_result_t CMP_DAC_Cmd(en_cmp_dac_ch_t enCh, en_functional_state_t enCmd);
en_result_t CMP_DAC_SetData(en_cmp_dac_ch_t enCh, uint8_t u8DacData);
uint8_t CMP_DAC_GetData(en_cmp_dac_ch_t enCh);
en_result_t CMP_ADC_SetRefVoltPath(en_cmp_adc_int_ref_volt_path_t enRefVoltPath);
//@} // CmpGroup
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* DDL_CMP_ENABLE */
#endif /* __HC32F460_CMP_H__ */
* EOF (not truncated)