
1272 lines
27 KiB

* File : dc.c
* This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
* COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 - 2009, RT-Thread Development Team
* The license and distribution terms for this file may be
* found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
* http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2009-10-16 Bernard first version
* 2010-09-20 richard modified rtgui_dc_draw_round_rect
* 2010-09-27 Bernard fix draw_mono_bmp issue
#include <rtgui/dc.h>
#include <rtgui/rtgui_system.h>
#include <string.h> /* for strlen */
#include <stdlib.h> /* fir qsort */
/* for sin/cos etc */
#include <math.h>
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
static int _int_compare(const void *a, const void *b)
return (*(const int *) a) - (*(const int *) b);
void rtgui_dc_destory(struct rtgui_dc* dc)
if (dc == RT_NULL) return;
void rtgui_dc_draw_line (struct rtgui_dc* dc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
if (dc == RT_NULL) return;
if (y1 == y2)
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, x1, x2, y1);
else if (x1 == x2)
rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, x1, y1, y2);
int dx, dy, sdx, sdy, dxabs, dyabs, x, y, px, py;
register rt_base_t i;
/* rtgui_rect_t rect; */
dx = x2 - x1; /* the horizontal distance of the line */
dy = y2 - y1; /* the vertical distance of the line */
#define rtgui_sgn(x) ((x<0)?-1:((x>0)?1:0)) /* macro to return the sign of a number */
#define rtgui_abs(x) ((x)>=0? (x):-(x)) /* macro to return the absolute value */
dxabs = rtgui_abs(dx);
dyabs = rtgui_abs(dy);
sdx = rtgui_sgn(dx);
sdy = rtgui_sgn(dy);
x = dyabs >> 1;
y = dxabs >> 1;
px = x1;
py = y1;
if(dxabs >= dyabs) /* the line is more horizontal than vertical */
for(i = 0; i < dxabs; i++)
y += dyabs;
if(y >= dxabs)
y -= dxabs;
py += sdy;
px += sdx;
/* draw this point */
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, px, py);
else /* the line is more vertical than horizontal */
for(i = 0; i < dyabs; i++)
x += dxabs;
if(x >= dyabs)
x -= dyabs;
px += sdx;
py += sdy;
/* draw this point */
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, px, py);
void rtgui_dc_draw_horizontal_line(struct rtgui_dc* dc, int x1, int x2, int y)
rtgui_color_t color;
if (dc == RT_NULL) return ;
/* save old color */
color = RTGUI_DC_FC(dc);
RTGUI_DC_FC(dc) = dark_grey;
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, x1, x2, y);
y ++;
RTGUI_DC_FC(dc) = high_light;
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, x1, x2, y);
/* restore color */
RTGUI_DC_FC(dc) = color;
void rtgui_dc_draw_vertical_line(struct rtgui_dc* dc, int x, int y1, int y2)
rtgui_color_t color;
if (dc == RT_NULL) return ;
/* save old color */
color = RTGUI_DC_FC(dc);
RTGUI_DC_FC(dc) = dark_grey;
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, x, y1, y2);
x ++;
RTGUI_DC_FC(dc) = high_light;
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, x, y1, y2);
/* restore color */
RTGUI_DC_FC(dc) = color;
void rtgui_dc_draw_rect (struct rtgui_dc* dc, struct rtgui_rect* rect)
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect->x1, rect->x2, rect->y1);
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect->x1, rect->x2, rect->y2 - 1);
rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect->x1, rect->y1, rect->y2);
rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect->x2 - 1, rect->y1, rect->y2);
void rtgui_dc_fill_rect_forecolor(struct rtgui_dc* dc, struct rtgui_rect* rect)
int i = 0;
rtgui_dc_draw_rect(dc, rect);
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect->x1+1, rect->x2-1, rect->y1+i);
}while(!(rect->y1+i == rect->y2));
void rtgui_dc_draw_round_rect(struct rtgui_dc* dc, struct rtgui_rect* rect, int r)
RT_ASSERT(((rect->x2 - rect->x1)/2 >= r)&&((rect->y2-rect->y1)/2 >= r));
if(r < 0)
if(r == 0)
rtgui_dc_draw_rect(dc, rect);
if(((rect->x2 - rect->x1)/2 >= r)&&((rect->y2-rect->y1)/2 >= r))
rtgui_dc_draw_arc(dc, rect->x1 + r, rect->y1 + r, r, 180, 270);
rtgui_dc_draw_arc(dc, rect->x2 - r, rect->y1 + r, r, 270, 360);
rtgui_dc_draw_arc(dc, rect->x1 + r, rect->y2 - r, r, 90, 180);
rtgui_dc_draw_arc(dc, rect->x2 - r, rect->y2 - r, r, 0, 90);
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect->x1 + r, rect->x2 - r, rect->y1);
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect->x1 + r, rect->x2 - r, rect->y2);
rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect->x1, rect->y1 + r, rect->y2 - r);
rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect->x2, rect->y1 + r, rect->y2 - r);
void rtgui_dc_fill_round_rect(struct rtgui_dc* dc, struct rtgui_rect* rect, int r)
struct rtgui_rect rect_temp;
RT_ASSERT(((rect->x2 - rect->x1)/2 >= r)&&((rect->y2-rect->y1)/2 >= r));
if(((rect->x2 - rect->x1)/2 >= r)&&((rect->y2-rect->y1)/2 >= r))
rect_temp.x1 = rect->x1 + r;
rect_temp.y1 = rect->y1;
rect_temp.x2 = rect->x2 - r;
rect_temp.y2 = rect->y2;
rtgui_dc_fill_rect_forecolor(dc, &rect_temp);//fill rect with foreground
rect_temp.x1 = rect->x1;
rect_temp.y1 = rect->y1 + r;
rect_temp.x2 = rect->x1 + r;
rect_temp.y2 = rect->y2 - r;
rtgui_dc_fill_rect_forecolor(dc, &rect_temp);//fill rect with foreground
rect_temp.x1 = rect->x2 - r;
rect_temp.y1 = rect->y1 + r;
rect_temp.x2 = rect->x2;
rect_temp.y2 = rect->y2 - r;
rtgui_dc_fill_rect_forecolor(dc, &rect_temp);//fill rect with foreground
rtgui_dc_fill_circle(dc, rect->x1 + r, rect->y1 + r, r);
rtgui_dc_fill_circle(dc, rect->x2 - r, rect->y2 - r, r);
rtgui_dc_fill_circle(dc, rect->x2 - r, rect->y1 + r, r);
rtgui_dc_fill_circle(dc, rect->x1 + r, rect->y2 - r, r);
void rtgui_dc_draw_shaded_rect(struct rtgui_dc* dc, rtgui_rect_t* rect,
rtgui_color_t c1, rtgui_color_t c2)
RTGUI_DC_FC(dc) = c1;
rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect->x1, rect->y1, rect->y2);
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect->x1 + 1, rect->x2, rect->y1);
RTGUI_DC_FC(dc) = c2;
rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect->x2, rect->y1, rect->y2);
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect->x1, rect->x2 + 1, rect->y2);
void rtgui_dc_draw_focus_rect(struct rtgui_dc* dc, rtgui_rect_t* rect)
int i;
for (i = rect->x1; i <= rect->x2; i += 2)
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, i, rect->y1);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, i, rect->y2);
for (i = rect->y1; i <= rect->y2; i += 2)
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, rect->x1, i);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, rect->x2, i);
void rtgui_dc_draw_text (struct rtgui_dc* dc, const char* text, struct rtgui_rect* rect)
rt_uint32_t len;
struct rtgui_font *font;
struct rtgui_rect text_rect;
font = RTGUI_DC_FONT(dc);
if (font == RT_NULL)
/* use system default font */
font = rtgui_font_default();
/* text align */
rtgui_font_get_metrics(font, text, &text_rect);
rtgui_rect_moveto_align(rect, &text_rect, RTGUI_DC_TEXTALIGN(dc));
len = strlen((const char*)text);
rtgui_font_draw(font, dc, text, len, &text_rect);
* draw a monochrome color bitmap data
void rtgui_dc_draw_mono_bmp(struct rtgui_dc* dc, int x, int y, int w, int h, const rt_uint8_t* data)
int i, j, k;
/* get word bytes */
w = (w + 7)/8;
/* draw mono bitmap data */
for (i = 0; i < h; i ++)
for (j = 0; j < w; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if ( ((data[i*w + j] >> (7-k)) & 0x01) != 0)
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, x + 8*j + k, y + i);
void rtgui_dc_draw_byte(struct rtgui_dc*dc, int x, int y, int h, const rt_uint8_t* data)
rtgui_dc_draw_mono_bmp(dc, x, y, 8, h, data);
void rtgui_dc_draw_word(struct rtgui_dc*dc, int x, int y, int h, const rt_uint8_t* data)
rtgui_dc_draw_mono_bmp(dc, x, y, 16, h, data);
void rtgui_dc_draw_border(struct rtgui_dc* dc, rtgui_rect_t* rect, int flag)
rtgui_rect_t r;
rtgui_color_t color;
if (dc == RT_NULL) return ;
/* save old color */
color = RTGUI_DC_FC(dc);
r = *rect;
switch (flag)
rtgui_dc_draw_shaded_rect(dc, &r, high_light, black);
rtgui_rect_inflate(&r, -1);
rtgui_dc_draw_shaded_rect(dc, &r, light_grey, dark_grey);
rtgui_dc_draw_shaded_rect(dc, &r, dark_grey, high_light);
rtgui_rect_inflate(&r, -1);
rtgui_dc_draw_shaded_rect(dc, &r, black, light_grey);
rtgui_dc_draw_shaded_rect(dc, &r, dark_grey, high_light);
rtgui_rect_inflate(&r, -1);
rtgui_dc_draw_shaded_rect(dc, &r, high_light, dark_grey);
rtgui_dc_draw_shaded_rect(dc, &r, dark_grey, high_light);
RTGUI_DC_FC(dc) = light_grey;
rtgui_dc_draw_rect(dc, &r);
RTGUI_DC_FC(dc) = black;
rtgui_dc_draw_rect(dc, &r);
/* restore color */
RTGUI_DC_FC(dc) = color;
void rtgui_dc_draw_polygon(struct rtgui_dc* dc, const int *vx, const int *vy, int count)
int i;
const int *x1, *y1, *x2, *y2;
* Sanity check
if (count < 3) return;
* Pointer setup
x1 = x2 = vx;
y1 = y2 = vy;
* Draw
for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
rtgui_dc_draw_line(dc, *x1, *y1, *x2, *y2);
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
rtgui_dc_draw_line(dc, *x1, *y1, *vx, *vy);
void rtgui_dc_draw_regular_polygon(struct rtgui_dc* dc, int x, int y, int r, int count, rt_uint16_t angle)
int i, temp_val;
double temp;
float angle_interval;
int *xx;
int *x_head;
int *yy;
int *y_head;
* Sanity check
if (count < 3) return;
angle_interval = 360.0 / count;
* Pointer setup
x_head = xx = (int *)rt_malloc(sizeof(int) * count);
y_head = yy = (int *)rt_malloc(sizeof(int) * count);
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
temp = cos(((angle_interval * i) + angle) * M_PI / 180);
temp *= r;
temp_val = (int)temp;
*xx = temp_val + x;
temp = sin(((angle_interval * i) + angle) * M_PI / 180);
temp *= r;
temp_val = (int)temp;
*yy = temp_val + y;
rtgui_dc_draw_polygon(dc, (const int *)x_head, (const int *)y_head, count);
void rtgui_dc_fill_polygon(struct rtgui_dc* dc, const int* vx, const int* vy, int count)
int i;
int y, xa, xb;
int miny, maxy;
int x1, y1;
int x2, y2;
int ind1, ind2;
int ints;
int *poly_ints = RT_NULL;
* Sanity check number of edges
if (count < 3) return;
* Allocate temp array, only grow array
poly_ints = (int *) rt_malloc(sizeof(int) * count);
if (poly_ints == RT_NULL) return ; /* no memory, failed */
* Determine Y maximal
miny = vy[0];
maxy = vy[0];
for (i = 1; (i < count); i++)
if (vy[i] < miny) miny = vy[i];
else if (vy[i] > maxy) maxy = vy[i];
* Draw, scanning y
for (y = miny; (y <= maxy); y++) {
ints = 0;
for (i = 0; (i < count); i++) {
if (!i) {
ind1 = count - 1;
ind2 = 0;
} else {
ind1 = i - 1;
ind2 = i;
y1 = vy[ind1];
y2 = vy[ind2];
if (y1 < y2) {
x1 = vx[ind1];
x2 = vx[ind2];
} else if (y1 > y2) {
y2 = vy[ind1];
y1 = vy[ind2];
x2 = vx[ind1];
x1 = vx[ind2];
} else {
if ( ((y >= y1) && (y < y2)) || ((y == maxy) && (y > y1) && (y <= y2)) )
poly_ints[ints++] = ((65536 * (y - y1)) / (y2 - y1)) * (x2 - x1) + (65536 * x1);
qsort(poly_ints, ints, sizeof(int), _int_compare);
for (i = 0; (i < ints); i += 2)
xa = poly_ints[i] + 1;
xa = (xa >> 16) + ((xa & 32768) >> 15);
xb = poly_ints[i+1] - 1;
xb = (xb >> 16) + ((xb & 32768) >> 15);
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xa, xb, y);
void rtgui_dc_draw_circle(struct rtgui_dc* dc, int x, int y, int r)
rt_int16_t cx = 0;
rt_int16_t cy = r;
rt_int16_t df = 1 - r;
rt_int16_t d_e = 3;
rt_int16_t d_se = -2 * r + 5;
rt_int16_t xpcx, xmcx, xpcy, xmcy;
rt_int16_t ypcy, ymcy, ypcx, ymcx;
* sanity check radius
if (r < 0) return ;
/* special case for r=0 - draw a point */
if (r == 0) rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, x, y);
* draw circle
ypcy = y + cy;
ymcy = y - cy;
if (cx > 0)
xpcx = x + cx;
xmcx = x - cx;
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmcx, ypcy);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpcx, ypcy);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmcx, ymcy);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpcx, ymcy);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, x, ymcy);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, x, ypcy);
xpcy = x + cy;
xmcy = x - cy;
if ((cx > 0) && (cx != cy))
ypcx = y + cx;
ymcx = y - cx;
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmcy, ypcx);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpcy, ypcx);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmcy, ymcx);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpcy, ymcx);
else if (cx == 0)
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmcy, y);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpcy, y);
* Update
if (df < 0)
df += d_e;
d_e += 2;
d_se += 2;
df += d_se;
d_e += 2;
d_se += 4;
}while (cx <= cy);
void rtgui_dc_fill_circle(struct rtgui_dc* dc, rt_int16_t x, rt_int16_t y, rt_int16_t r)
rt_int16_t cx = 0;
rt_int16_t cy = r;
rt_int16_t ocx = (rt_int16_t) 0xffff;
rt_int16_t ocy = (rt_int16_t) 0xffff;
rt_int16_t df = 1 - r;
rt_int16_t d_e = 3;
rt_int16_t d_se = -2 * r + 5;
rt_int16_t xpcx, xmcx, xpcy, xmcy;
rt_int16_t ypcy, ymcy, ypcx, ymcx;
* Sanity check radius
if (r < 0) return;
* Special case for r=0 - draw a point
if (r == 0)
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, x, y);
return ;
* Draw
do {
xpcx = x + cx;
xmcx = x - cx;
xpcy = x + cy;
xmcy = x - cy;
if (ocy != cy) {
if (cy > 0) {
ypcy = y + cy;
ymcy = y - cy;
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmcx, xpcx, ypcy);
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmcx, xpcx, ymcy);
} else {
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmcx, xpcx, y);
ocy = cy;
if (ocx != cx) {
if (cx != cy) {
if (cx > 0) {
ypcx = y + cx;
ymcx = y - cx;
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmcy, xpcy, ymcx);
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmcy, xpcy, ypcx);
} else {
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmcy, xpcy, y);
ocx = cx;
* Update
if (df < 0) {
df += d_e;
d_e += 2;
d_se += 2;
} else {
df += d_se;
d_e += 2;
d_se += 4;
} while (cx <= cy);
void rtgui_dc_draw_arc(struct rtgui_dc *dc, rt_int16_t x, rt_int16_t y, rt_int16_t r, rt_int16_t start, rt_int16_t end)
rt_int16_t cx = 0;
rt_int16_t cy = r;
rt_int16_t df = 1 - r;
rt_int16_t d_e = 3;
rt_int16_t d_se = -2 * r + 5;
rt_int16_t xpcx, xmcx, xpcy, xmcy;
rt_int16_t ypcy, ymcy, ypcx, ymcx;
rt_uint8_t drawoct;
int startoct, endoct, oct, stopval_start, stopval_end;
double temp;
stopval_start = 0;
stopval_end = 0;
temp = 0;
/* Sanity check radius */
if (r < 0) return ;
/* Special case for r=0 - draw a point */
if (r == 0)
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, x, y);
* Draw arc
// Octant labelling
// \ 5 | 6 /
// \ | /
// 4 \ | / 7
// \|/
//------+------ +x
// /|\
// 3 / | \ 0
// / | \
// / 2 | 1 \
// +y
drawoct = 0; // 0x00000000
// whether or not to keep drawing a given octant.
// For example: 0x00111100 means we're drawing in octants 2-5
// 0 <= start & end < 360; note that sometimes start > end - if so, arc goes back through 0.
while (start < 0) start += 360;
while (end < 0) end += 360;
/* Fixup angles */
start = start % 360;
end = end % 360;
// now, we find which octants we're drawing in.
startoct = start / 45;
endoct = end / 45;
oct = startoct - 1; // we increment as first step in loop
//stopval_start, stopval_end; // what values of cx to stop at.
do {
oct = (oct + 1) % 8;
if (oct == startoct)
// need to compute stopval_start for this octant. Look at picture above if this is unclear
switch (oct)
case 0:
case 3:
temp = sin(start * M_PI / 180);
case 1:
case 6:
temp = cos(start * M_PI / 180);
case 2:
case 5:
temp = -cos(start * M_PI / 180);
case 4:
case 7:
temp = -sin(start * M_PI / 180);
temp *= r;
stopval_start = (int)temp; // always round down.
// This isn't arbitrary, but requires graph paper to explain well.
// The basic idea is that we're always changing drawoct after we draw, so we
// stop immediately after we render the last sensible pixel at x = ((int)temp).
// and whether to draw in this octant initially
if (oct % 2) drawoct |= (1 << oct); // this is basically like saying drawoct[oct] = true, if drawoct were a bool array
else drawoct &= 255 - (1 << oct); // this is basically like saying drawoct[oct] = false
if (oct == endoct)
// need to compute stopval_end for this octant
switch (oct)
case 0:
case 3:
temp = sin(end * M_PI / 180);
case 1:
case 6:
temp = cos(end * M_PI / 180);
case 2:
case 5:
temp = -cos(end * M_PI / 180);
case 4:
case 7:
temp = -sin(end * M_PI / 180);
temp *= r;
stopval_end = (int)temp;
// and whether to draw in this octant initially
if (startoct == endoct)
// note: we start drawing, stop, then start again in this case
// otherwise: we only draw in this octant, so initialize it to false, it will get set back to true
if (start > end)
// unfortunately, if we're in the same octant and need to draw over the whole circle,
// we need to set the rest to true, because the while loop will end at the bottom.
drawoct = 255;
drawoct &= 255 - (1 << oct);
else if (oct % 2) drawoct &= 255 - (1 << oct);
else drawoct |= (1 << oct);
} else if (oct != startoct) { // already verified that it's != endoct
drawoct |= (1 << oct); // draw this entire segment
} while (oct != endoct);
// so now we have what octants to draw and when to draw them. all that's left is the actual raster code.
ypcy = y + cy;
ymcy = y - cy;
if (cx > 0)
xpcx = x + cx;
xmcx = x - cx;
// always check if we're drawing a certain octant before adding a pixel to that octant.
if (drawoct & 4) rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmcx, ypcy); // drawoct & 4 = 22; drawoct[2]
if (drawoct & 2) rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpcx, ypcy);
if (drawoct & 32) rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmcx, ymcy);
if (drawoct & 64) rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpcx, ymcy);
if (drawoct & 6) rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, x, ypcy); // 4 + 2; drawoct[2] || drawoct[1]
if (drawoct & 96) rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, x, ymcy); // 32 + 64
xpcy = x + cy;
xmcy = x - cy;
if (cx > 0 && cx != cy)
ypcx = y + cx;
ymcx = y - cx;
if (drawoct & 8) rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmcy, ypcx);
if (drawoct & 1) rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpcy, ypcx);
if (drawoct & 16) rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmcy, ymcx);
if (drawoct & 128) rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpcy, ymcx);
else if (cx == 0)
if (drawoct & 24) rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmcy, y); // 8 + 16
if (drawoct & 129) rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpcy, y); // 1 + 128
* Update whether we're drawing an octant
if (stopval_start == cx)
// works like an on-off switch because start & end may be in the same octant.
if (drawoct & (1 << startoct)) drawoct &= 255 - (1 << startoct);
else drawoct |= (1 << startoct);
if (stopval_end == cx)
if (drawoct & (1 << endoct)) drawoct &= 255 - (1 << endoct);
else drawoct |= (1 << endoct);
* Update pixels
if (df < 0)
df += d_e;
d_e += 2;
d_se += 2;
df += d_se;
d_e += 2;
d_se += 4;
} while (cx <= cy);
void rtgui_dc_draw_annulus(struct rtgui_dc *dc, rt_int16_t x, rt_int16_t y, rt_int16_t r1, rt_int16_t r2, rt_int16_t start, rt_int16_t end)
rt_int16_t start_x, start_y;
rt_int16_t end_x, end_y;
double temp;
rt_int16_t temp_val = 0;
/* Sanity check radius */
if ((r1 < 0) || (r1 < 0)) return ;
/* Special case for r=0 - draw a point */
if ((r1 == 0) && (r2 == 0))
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, x, y);
while (start < 0) start += 360;
while (end < 0) end += 360;
rtgui_dc_draw_arc(dc, x, y, r1, start, end);
rtgui_dc_draw_arc(dc, x, y, r2, start, end);
temp = cos(start * M_PI / 180);
temp_val = (int)(temp * r1);
start_x = x + temp_val;
temp_val = (int)(temp * r2);
end_x = x + temp_val;
temp = sin(start * M_PI / 180);
temp_val = (int)(temp * r1);
start_y = y + temp_val;
temp_val = (int)(temp * r2);
end_y = y + temp_val;
rtgui_dc_draw_line(dc, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y);
temp = cos(end * M_PI / 180);
temp_val = (int)(temp * r1);
start_x = x + temp_val;
temp_val = (int)(temp * r2);
end_x = x + temp_val;
temp = sin(end * M_PI / 180);
temp_val = (int)(temp * r1);
start_y = y + temp_val;
temp_val = (int)(temp * r2);
end_y = y + temp_val;
rtgui_dc_draw_line(dc, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y);
void rtgui_dc_draw_sector(struct rtgui_dc *dc, rt_int16_t x, rt_int16_t y, rt_int16_t r, rt_int16_t start, rt_int16_t end)
int start_x, start_y;
int end_x, end_y;
/* Sanity check radius */
if (r < 0) return ;
/* Special case for r=0 - draw a point */
if (r == 0)
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, x, y);
while (start < 0) start += 360;
while (end < 0) end += 360;
/* Fixup angles */
start = start % 360;
end = end % 360;
rtgui_dc_draw_arc(dc, x, y, r, start, end);
start_x = x + r * cos(start * M_PI / 180);
start_y = y + r * sin(start * M_PI / 180);
end_x = x + r * cos(end * M_PI / 180);
end_y = y + r * sin(end * M_PI / 180);
rtgui_dc_draw_line(dc, x, y, start_x, start_y);
rtgui_dc_draw_line(dc, x, y, end_x, end_y);
void rtgui_dc_fill_sector(struct rtgui_dc *dc, rt_int16_t x, rt_int16_t y, rt_int16_t r, rt_int16_t start, rt_int16_t end)
int start_x, start_y;
int end_x, end_y;
/* Sanity check radius */
if (r < 0) return ;
/* Special case for r=0 - draw a point */
if (r == 0)
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, x, y);
while (start < 0) start += 360;
while (end < 0) end += 360;
/* Fixup angles */
start = start % 360;
end = end % 360;
end_x = x + r * cos(end * M_PI / 180);
end_y = y + r * sin(end * M_PI / 180);
start_x = x + r * cos(start * M_PI / 180);
start_y = y + r * sin(start * M_PI / 180);
start ++;
rtgui_dc_draw_line(dc, x, y, start_x, start_y);
}while(!((start_x == end_x) && (start_y == end_y)));
void rtgui_dc_draw_ellipse(struct rtgui_dc* dc, rt_int16_t x, rt_int16_t y, rt_int16_t rx, rt_int16_t ry)
int ix, iy;
int h, i, j, k;
int oh, oi, oj, ok;
int xmh, xph, ypk, ymk;
int xmi, xpi, ymj, ypj;
int xmj, xpj, ymi, ypi;
int xmk, xpk, ymh, yph;
* Sanity check radii
if ((rx < 0) || (ry < 0)) return;
* Special case for rx=0 - draw a vline
if (rx == 0)
rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, x, y - ry, y + ry);
* Special case for ry=0 - draw a hline
if (ry == 0)
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, x - rx, x + rx, y);
* Init vars
oh = oi = oj = ok = 0xFFFF;
if (rx > ry)
ix = 0;
iy = rx * 64;
h = (ix + 32) >> 6;
i = (iy + 32) >> 6;
j = (h * ry) / rx;
k = (i * ry) / rx;
if (((ok != k) && (oj != k)) || ((oj != j) && (ok != j)) || (k != j))
xph = x + h;
xmh = x - h;
if (k > 0)
ypk = y + k;
ymk = y - k;
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmh, ypk);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xph, ypk);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmh, ymk);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xph, ymk);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmh, y);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xph, y);
ok = k;
xpi = x + i;
xmi = x - i;
if (j > 0)
ypj = y + j;
ymj = y - j;
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmi, ypj);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpi, ypj);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmi, ymj);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpi, ymj);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmi, y);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpi, y);
oj = j;
ix = ix + iy / rx;
iy = iy - ix / rx;
} while (i > h);
ix = 0;
iy = ry * 64;
h = (ix + 32) >> 6;
i = (iy + 32) >> 6;
j = (h * rx) / ry;
k = (i * rx) / ry;
if (((oi != i) && (oh != i)) || ((oh != h) && (oi != h) && (i != h)))
xmj = x - j;
xpj = x + j;
if (i > 0)
ypi = y + i;
ymi = y - i;
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmj, ypi);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpj, ypi);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmj, ymi);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpj, ymi);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmj, y);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpj, y);
oi = i;
xmk = x - k;
xpk = x + k;
if (h > 0)
yph = y + h;
ymh = y - h;
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmk, yph);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpk, yph);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmk, ymh);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpk, ymh);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xmk, y);
rtgui_dc_draw_point(dc, xpk, y);
oh = h;
ix = ix + iy / ry;
iy = iy - ix / ry;
} while (i > h);
void rtgui_dc_fill_ellipse(struct rtgui_dc *dc, rt_int16_t x, rt_int16_t y, rt_int16_t rx, rt_int16_t ry)
int ix, iy;
int h, i, j, k;
int oh, oi, oj, ok;
int xmh, xph;
int xmi, xpi;
int xmj, xpj;
int xmk, xpk;
* Special case for rx=0 - draw a vline
if (rx == 0)
rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, x, y - ry, y + ry);
/* special case for ry=0 - draw a hline */
if (ry == 0) {
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, x - rx, x + rx, y);
* Init vars
oh = oi = oj = ok = 0xFFFF;
* Draw
if (rx > ry) {
ix = 0;
iy = rx * 64;
do {
h = (ix + 32) >> 6;
i = (iy + 32) >> 6;
j = (h * ry) / rx;
k = (i * ry) / rx;
if ((ok != k) && (oj != k)) {
xph = x + h;
xmh = x - h;
if (k > 0) {
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmh, xph, y + k);
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmh, xph, y - k);
} else {
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmh, xph, y);
ok = k;
if ((oj != j) && (ok != j) && (k != j)) {
xmi = x - i;
xpi = x + i;
if (j > 0) {
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmi, xpi, y + j);
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmi, xpi, y - j);
} else {
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmi, xpi, y);
oj = j;
ix = ix + iy / rx;
iy = iy - ix / rx;
} while (i > h);
} else {
ix = 0;
iy = ry * 64;
do {
h = (ix + 32) >> 6;
i = (iy + 32) >> 6;
j = (h * rx) / ry;
k = (i * rx) / ry;
if ((oi != i) && (oh != i)) {
xmj = x - j;
xpj = x + j;
if (i > 0) {
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmj, xpj, y + i);
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmj, xpj, y - i);
} else {
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmj, xpj, y);
oi = i;
if ((oh != h) && (oi != h) && (i != h)) {
xmk = x - k;
xpk = x + k;
if (h > 0) {
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmk, xpk, y + h);
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmk, xpk, y - h);
} else {
rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, xmk, xpk, y);
oh = h;
ix = ix + iy / ry;
iy = iy - ix / ry;
} while (i > h);