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synced 2025-03-03 15:15:29 +08:00
* Add CANFD support and correct typos - Added CANFD required fields to can.h - Fixed typos in can.h and can.c - Corrected all the projects affected by the typo - Fixed wrong line-ending in some affected can driver files Signed-off-by: Fan YANG <fan.yang@hpmicro.com> * update * bsp: support boards from hpmicro - Supported HPM6750EVKMINI - Supported HPM6750EVK Signed-off-by: Fan YANG <fan.yang@hpmicro.com> Signed-off-by: Fan YANG <fan.yang@hpmicro.com> Co-authored-by: Meco Man <920369182@qq.com>
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Change Log
[0.13.1] - 2022-08-23:
Main changes since 0.13.0
- Driver:I2S: update i2s drivers
- middleware: lwip: optimize variable_name definition
- samples: lwip: lwip_iperf: update readme files
- samples: lwip: common: arch: add LWIP_MEM_SECTION declartion
- samples: multicore: BOOT_HEADER was missing in multicore core0 example
- samples: jpeg: Fix encoding and decoding problem
- samples: audio codec: wav decoder: fix 32bit wave file playback
- I2S_DMA: fix wav channel not align problem
- i2s_interrupt: fix I2S FIFO overflow
- fix lack of interrupt claim for swi
- driver: watchdog: overflow
- Fix critical section logic issue in dma manager
- Fix the core1 application debugging issue
[0.13.0] - 2022-07-31:
Main changes since 0.12.1
- drivers: adc: fix sequence and preemption mode
- drivers: usb: automatically change transceiver type in host mode
- drivers: pwm: modify the interface for setting the pwm shadow register trigger function
- drivers: sdxc: driver improvement
- samples: jpeg demo update
- samples: motor_ctrl: Optimize motor control performance
- samples: motor_ctrl: Modify the pwm update method to be hardware triggered
- samples: audio_codec: wav: Modify the interface
- samples: audio_codec: add dao support
- samples: tinyusb: update all USB project names
- samples: adc: place DMA buffer in noncacheable
- components: usb: update two struct definitions for the hcd_data_t and the dcd_data_t
- middleware: littlevgl: update double buffer refresh approach.
- middleware: fatfs: enable exfat format
- middleware: fatfs: change 'USB' to lowercase
- middleware: hpm_math: remove cache operations from the ffa interface
- scripts: ses: update file path using $(HPM_SDK_BASE)
- drivers: gpiom: fix spelling errors in API names
- drivers: enet: fix ptp time offset update
- drivers: cam: fix store mode configuration
- drivers: can: Fix the issue can timestamp cannot be enabled
- drivers: gpio: incorrect return type gpio_get_port_interrupt_flags.
- middleware: audio_codec: decoder_wav: fix wav codec problem
- middleware: tinyusb: fix the alignment of _hcd_data
- soc: driver: clock: i2s get clock error
- soc: hpm_misc.h: fix incorrect system address mapping.
- soc: SVD files: fix SDP peripheral reset value problem
- soc: disable vector mode explicitly.
- boards: correct device name in ses project
- board: correct the printf format for frequency and register base
- python: fix ses project generation on windows
- samples: adc: fix not working in sequence mode and preemption mode
- ses: set obj path for common configuration.
- cmake: ses: put app source into separate category in ses.
- components: enet_phy: add rtl8211 driver
- components: hpm_spi: add initial SPI component
- components: add DMA Manager
- drivers: cam: add new API
- drivers: uart: add uart_set_baudrate API
- drivers: spi: update dma transfer API
- samples: tinyusb: host: add a hid demo
- samples: drivers: spi: add master_trans_large_amount_of_data example
- samples: decoder_wav: Add support for different bit rates and bits
- samples: drivers: audio: automatic acquisition of i2s clock frequency
- middleware: tinyusb: update portable file for USB host
[0.12.1] - 2022-07-01:
Main changes since 0.12.0
- update lwipopt.h for updated enet driver
[0.12.0] - 2022-06-30:
Tested with SES 6.32
Main changes since 0.11.0
- boards: hpm6360evk has been renamed to hpm6300evk
- boards: Use CSR_CYCLE in the clock_delay function
- soc: hpm_soc.h: include hpm_common.h
- driver: rename hpm_pmu_drv.c to hpm_pcfg_drv.h
- driver: spi: change to non-blocking interfaces
- driver: dma: update driver to adapt to different DMA instance constraints
- components: enet_phy: update dp83867 driver
- components: enet_phy: remove rtl8211 driver
- cmake: enable nano newlib by default
- cmake: move distclean to the beginning
- middleware: littlevgl enable PDMA by default
- middleware: tinyusb: upgrade to 0.13.0
- samples: tinyusb: device: cdc_msc: adjust buffer size
- samples: drivers: plic: use gpio toggle count as nested irq
- drivers: pwm: fix function name inconsistency bug
- drivers: enet: remove "board.h" in enet driver
- drivers: clock: Fix bugs in hpm6360 clock driver
- drivers: clock: returns wrong adc/dac clock in HPM6360
- drivers: dram: failed to configure 8bit mode.
- freertos: fix issue about running on core1
- boards: hpm6300evk pmp_entry set initial value
- middleware: littlevgl: fix pdma cache op issue
- middleware: littlevgl: fix doxygen markdown for pdma driver
- middleware: lvgl: ses: update ram linker.
- middleware: hpm_math: fix ffa cache size error
- samples: audio_codec: remove the wrong dependency
- samples: FATFS demo cannot support write/read if FATFS passes unaligned buffer address
- samples: add memstress and flash stress
- drivers: clock: add implement common delay function based on mcycle and mcycleh register
- boards: add hpm6300evk support
- boards: hpm6750evkmini: motor control support
- soc: add svd files
- middleware: lwip: iperf: enable iperf and add udp function
- samples: lwip: add lwip_iperf
[0.11.0] - 2022-05-31:
Main changes since 0.10.0-hpm6360-er
- readme: change the location of the starting document
- components: change hal_adc_xx to hpm_adc_xx
- drivers: update the I2C driver
- cmake: change default rv_arch to rv32imac
- cmake: modified in a zephyr-compatible way
- drivers: uart: redefined struct with zephyr
- cmake: change soc and board name
- cmake: ses: support enable ext_dsp in project file.
- samples/tinyusb/host: optimize the toggle rate of the blinking led
- samples/tinyusb/device: replace mchtimer with board_timer for led_linking_taskk
- samples/tinyusb/device: optimize the implement of led_blinking_task
- soc: update IP header and soc header files
- samples: motor_ctrl: bldc_block: fix some error
- middleware: hpm_math: fix andes toolchain compile error
- middleware: hpm_math: fix libdsp.a error
- middleware: hpm_math: add ext-dsp for SES
- samples: openocd_algo: fix func_table placement.
- boards: hpm6360evk: correct cpu frequency
- boards: fix warning caused by code irregularities
- boards: LED status is not the same between hpm6750mini rev-A and rev-B
- boards: update board_led_write.
- driver: add spi_setup_dma_transfer() API
- middleware: hpm_math: add software fft function
- middleware: hpm_math: add ffa to hpm_math
- samples: i2c: update the sample b2b
- samples: hpm_math: add fft_performance demo
- samples: add SPI DMA sample
- samples: multicore coremark using debug console only
- samples: 1588: add ptp v1 master/slave
[0.10.0_hpm6300] - 2022-05-16:
Main changes since 0.10.0
- ip register header file update
- ses_proj: using generated complete cpu_regs_xml to replace general cpu registers xml
- drivers: gpiom: move gpiom_gpio_t into hpm_gpiom_src.h
- drivers: update the enet driver
- samples: dram: change sdram test address in dma demo
- samples: drivers: mbx: exclude flash targets for core0 as well.
- samples: lwip: update ethernetif.c
- drivers: ptpc: update ptpc_init_timer_with_initial.
- drivers: can: bug fix and update
- soc: correct vector table inclusion and swi name
- env.sh: fix HPM_SDK_BASE setting problem with msys.
- samples: sha256_example: failed to run case 13 and 14 with gcc.
- soc: add HPM6360 support
- drivers: add ffa, pllctlv2, dac
- boards: add hpm6360evk support
- components: add adcx module
- components/enet_phy: add the RTL8201 driver
- samples: drivers: dac, ffa
- samples: rgb_red: add evkmini ver B support
[0.10.0] - 2022-04-30:
Main changes since 0.9.0
- drivers: gptmr: split irq enable/disable interface
- drivers: can: 155 Update SJW setting in CAN driver
- soc: HPM6750: rename safe stack symbol in link script
- components: debug_console: wait uart tx flag on writing.
- drivers: enet: add 1588 support
- drivers: can: Add TDC support
- drivers: mchtmr: add counter init API.
- drivers: dma: add dma_disable_channel() API
- middleware: add wav decoder
- samples: lwip: add ptp demos
- samples: tinyusb: add msc, cdc demo
- samples: audio_codec: add wav player demo
- samples: add tinyuf2 initial support
- samples: add initial uart dma rx idle demo
- soc: HPM6750: sysctl: fix cpu lp mode API.
- drivers: uart: correct baudrate calculation.
- drivers: usb: fix: no response in device mode when a USB cable is pluged out
- boards: correct the pin setting related to USB
[0.9.0] - 2022-04-01:
Main changes since 0.8.0
- drivers: update WDG, UART, DMA, DMAMUX driver
- drivers: enet remove enet_intf_selection
- drivers: can: support configure bit timing via low-level bit timing parameters
- drivers: optimize gpio driver
- samples: exclude flash targets for mbx core1
- samples: adjust SES project setting for coremark
- samples: jpeg: update and integration jpeg decode samples
- ses: use relpath for linker script in project file
- ses: add HPM device name in generated project file
- soc: HPM6750: add an interface selection api
- soc: HPM6750: add ram linker for core1
- ses: support to use Andes toolchain
- middleware: add hpm_math (replacing hpm_dsp)
- samples: add lwip httpd
- drivers: add section and alignment general instructions in hpm_common.h
- boards: hpm6750evk: fix bldc adc pinmux error
- boards : hpm6750evk : pinmux : fix spi init pins error
- samples: sdp: fix non-cacheable data initialization issue
- samples: littlevgl: fix wrong picture patch in README
[0.8.0] - 2022-03-04:
All changes since 0.7.3
- rename middleware/sdmmc to middleware/hpm_sdmmc
- place isr into .isr_vector section for irq non-vector mode
- change csr functions to support llvm
- ses: fix issue in register xml
- freertor: fix trap handler at non-vector mode
- sdxc: fix software reset issue
- add sdk doc
- add more sample doc
- add multicore demo
- i2c/uart: add dma support
- add tensorflow lite for microcontroller
[0.7.3] - 2022-02-23:
All changes since 0.7.2
- freertos: change exception handling
[0.7.2] - 2022-02-21:
All changes since 0.7.1
- freertos: change freertos irq stack definition, passed in CMakeLists.txt, defined in linker
- soc: hpm6750: add DISABLE_IRQ_PREEMPTIVE to check if it needs to enable irq preemption
- freertos: disable irq preemption
[0.7.1] - 2022-02-13:
All changes since 0.7.0
- drivers: adc12: update adc12_prd_config_t
- samples: can: update case with interrupt and communication between two boards
- drivers: can: fix blocking transcation issue
- samples: mbx: support run this example in SES
- SES: startup: add fpu enable if abi is set to enable hw fp
- samples: multicore: add flash based multicore example
- drivers: can: add apis to recvieve message for non-blocking use
[0.7.0] - 2022-01-30:
All changes since 0.6.2
- update default CPU frequency to 816MHz from 648MHz
- update the ip headers
- drivers: gpio: replace gpio_XXX_pins with gpio_XXX_port
- drivers: gpio: remove pin level enum definition
- drivers: i2s: driver update to remove mclk_div
- drivers: ptpc: update driver
- drivers: common: update get first set bit API
- drivers: uart: split one enable with parameter into enable and disable interfaces
- drivers: pwm: change name of output_channel config API
- drivers: trgm: split separate API to enable/disable io output
- soc: HPM6750: initialize noncacheable data in startup
- soc: HPM6750: l1c: update fence.i call
- samples: hello_world: add LED flashing
- samples: littlevgl: remove lvgl example
- hpm6750evkmini: correct refresh cycle number of sdram
- hpm6750evkmini: Fix the SDRAM memory range issue in flash_sdram_xip linker file
- SES: remove no_relax option for linker, since segger has provide a patch to its ld for ses v6.10.
- drivers: gpio: fix read pin issue:
- drivers: usb: fix usb disconnection under linux environment
- drivers: sdxc: Fixed the compatibility issue on different SD/eMMC cards in the sdcard_fatfs demo
- drivers: gptmr: incorrect DMAEN configuration condition
- drivers: gptmr: clear CNTRST bit after set.
- SDK_DECLARE_EXT_ISR_M cannot work in the c++ file
- FreeRTOS: fix ISR_STACK setting
- components: touch: gt911: fix gpio write pin call
- SEG: add register definition file in generated embedded studio project
- samples: drivers: gpiom: Add example to demonstrate gpiom's function
- drivers: common: add macro to put data into noncacheable sections
- middleware: integrate lwip