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\file gd32f4xx_rtc.h
\brief definitions for the RTC
Copyright (C) 2016 GigaDevice
2016-08-15, V1.0.0, firmware for GD32F4xx
#ifndef GD32F4XX_RTC_H
#define GD32F4XX_RTC_H
#include "gd32f4xx.h"
/* RTC definitions */
#define RTC RTC_BASE
/* registers definitions */
#define RTC_TIME REG32((RTC) + 0x00U) /*!< RTC time of day register */
#define RTC_DATE REG32((RTC) + 0x04U) /*!< RTC date register */
#define RTC_CTL REG32((RTC) + 0x08U) /*!< RTC control register */
#define RTC_STAT REG32((RTC) + 0x0CU) /*!< RTC status register */
#define RTC_PSC REG32((RTC) + 0x10U) /*!< RTC time prescaler register */
#define RTC_WUT REG32((RTC) + 0x14U) /*!< RTC wakeup timer regiser */
#define RTC_COSC REG32((RTC) + 0x18U) /*!< RTC coarse calibration register */
#define RTC_ALRM0TD REG32((RTC) + 0x1CU) /*!< RTC alarm 0 time and date register */
#define RTC_ALRM1TD REG32((RTC) + 0x20U) /*!< RTC alarm 1 time and date register */
#define RTC_WPK REG32((RTC) + 0x24U) /*!< RTC write protection key register */
#define RTC_SS REG32((RTC) + 0x28U) /*!< RTC sub second register */
#define RTC_SHIFTCTL REG32((RTC) + 0x2CU) /*!< RTC shift function control register */
#define RTC_TTS REG32((RTC) + 0x30U) /*!< RTC time of timestamp register */
#define RTC_DTS REG32((RTC) + 0x34U) /*!< RTC date of timestamp register */
#define RTC_SSTS REG32((RTC) + 0x38U) /*!< RTC sub second of timestamp register */
#define RTC_HRFC REG32((RTC) + 0x3CU) /*!< RTC high resolution frequency compensation registor */
#define RTC_TAMP REG32((RTC) + 0x40U) /*!< RTC tamper register */
#define RTC_ALRM0SS REG32((RTC) + 0x44U) /*!< RTC alarm 0 sub second register */
#define RTC_ALRM1SS REG32((RTC) + 0x48U) /*!< RTC alarm 1 sub second register */
#define RTC_BKP0 REG32((RTC) + 0x50U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP1 REG32((RTC) + 0x54U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP2 REG32((RTC) + 0x58U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP3 REG32((RTC) + 0x5CU) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP4 REG32((RTC) + 0x60U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP5 REG32((RTC) + 0x64U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP6 REG32((RTC) + 0x68U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP7 REG32((RTC) + 0x6CU) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP8 REG32((RTC) + 0x70U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP9 REG32((RTC) + 0x74U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP10 REG32((RTC) + 0x78U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP11 REG32((RTC) + 0x7CU) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP12 REG32((RTC) + 0x80U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP13 REG32((RTC) + 0x84U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP14 REG32((RTC) + 0x88U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP15 REG32((RTC) + 0x8CU) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP16 REG32((RTC) + 0x90U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP17 REG32((RTC) + 0x94U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP18 REG32((RTC) + 0x98U) /*!< RTC backup register */
#define RTC_BKP19 REG32((RTC) + 0x9CU) /*!< RTC backup register */
/* bits definitions */
/* RTC_TIME */
#define RTC_TIME_SCU BITS(0,3) /*!< second units in BCD code */
#define RTC_TIME_SCT BITS(4,6) /*!< second tens in BCD code */
#define RTC_TIME_MNU BITS(8,11) /*!< minute units in BCD code */
#define RTC_TIME_MNT BITS(12,14) /*!< minute tens in BCD code */
#define RTC_TIME_HRU BITS(16,19) /*!< hour units in BCD code */
#define RTC_TIME_HRT BITS(20,21) /*!< hour tens in BCD code */
#define RTC_TIME_PM BIT(22) /*!< AM/PM notation */
/* RTC_DATE */
#define RTC_DATE_DAYU BITS(0,3) /*!< date units in BCD code */
#define RTC_DATE_DAYT BITS(4,5) /*!< date tens in BCD code */
#define RTC_DATE_MONU BITS(8,11) /*!< month units in BCD code */
#define RTC_DATE_MONT BIT(12) /*!< month tens in BCD code */
#define RTC_DATE_DOW BITS(13,15) /*!< day of week units */
#define RTC_DATE_YRU BITS(16,19) /*!< year units in BCD code */
#define RTC_DATE_YRT BITS(20,23) /*!< year tens in BCD code */
/* RTC_CTL */
#define RTC_CTL_WTCS BITS(0,2) /*!< auto wakeup timer clock selection */
#define RTC_CTL_TSEG BIT(3) /*!< valid event edge of time-stamp */
#define RTC_CTL_REFEN BIT(4) /*!< reference clock detection function enable */
#define RTC_CTL_BPSHAD BIT(5) /*!< shadow registers bypass control */
#define RTC_CTL_CS BIT(6) /*!< display format of clock system */
#define RTC_CTL_CCEN BIT(7) /*!< coarse calibration function enable */
#define RTC_CTL_ALRM0EN BIT(8) /*!< alarm0 function enable */
#define RTC_CTL_ALRM1EN BIT(9) /*!< alarm1 function enable */
#define RTC_CTL_WTEN BIT(10) /*!< auto wakeup timer function enable */
#define RTC_CTL_TSEN BIT(11) /*!< time-stamp function enable */
#define RTC_CTL_ALRM0IE BIT(12) /*!< RTC alarm0 interrupt enable */
#define RTC_CTL_ALRM1IE BIT(13) /*!< RTC alarm1 interrupt enable */
#define RTC_CTL_WTIE BIT(14) /*!< auto wakeup timer interrupt enable */
#define RTC_CTL_TSIE BIT(15) /*!< time-stamp interrupt enable */
#define RTC_CTL_A1H BIT(16) /*!< add 1 hour(summer time change) */
#define RTC_CTL_S1H BIT(17) /*!< subtract 1 hour(winter time change) */
#define RTC_CTL_DSM BIT(18) /*!< daylight saving mark */
#define RTC_CTL_COS BIT(19) /*!< calibration output selection */
#define RTC_CTL_OPOL BIT(20) /*!< output polarity */
#define RTC_CTL_OS BITS(21,22) /*!< output selection */
#define RTC_CTL_COEN BIT(23) /*!< calibration output enable */
/* RTC_STAT */
#define RTC_STAT_ALRM0WF BIT(0) /*!< alarm0 configuration can be write flag */
#define RTC_STAT_ALRM1WF BIT(1) /*!< alarm1 configuration can be write flag */
#define RTC_STAT_WTWF BIT(2) /*!< wakeup timer can be write flag */
#define RTC_STAT_SOPF BIT(3) /*!< shift function operation pending flag */
#define RTC_STAT_YCM BIT(4) /*!< year configuration mark status flag */
#define RTC_STAT_RSYNF BIT(5) /*!< register synchronization flag */
#define RTC_STAT_INITF BIT(6) /*!< initialization state flag */
#define RTC_STAT_INITM BIT(7) /*!< enter initialization mode */
#define RTC_STAT_ALRM0F BIT(8) /*!< alarm0 occurs flag */
#define RTC_STAT_ALRM1F BIT(9) /*!< alarm1 occurs flag */
#define RTC_STAT_WTF BIT(10) /*!< wakeup timer occurs flag */
#define RTC_STAT_TSF BIT(11) /*!< time-stamp flag */
#define RTC_STAT_TSOVRF BIT(12) /*!< time-stamp overflow flag */
#define RTC_STAT_TP0F BIT(13) /*!< RTC tamper 0 detected flag */
#define RTC_STAT_TP1F BIT(14) /*!< RTC tamper 1 detected flag */
#define RTC_STAT_SCPF BIT(16) /*!< smooth calibration pending flag */
/* RTC_PSC */
#define RTC_PSC_FACTOR_S BITS(0,14) /*!< synchronous prescaler factor */
#define RTC_PSC_FACTOR_A BITS(16,22) /*!< asynchronous prescaler factor */
/* RTC_WUT */
#define RTC_WUT_WTRV BITS(0,15) /*!< auto wakeup timer reloads value */
/* RTC_COSC */
#define RTC_COSC_COSS BITS(0,4) /*!< coarse calibration step */
#define RTC_COSC_COSD BIT(7) /*!< coarse calibration direction */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_SCU BITS(0,3) /*!< second units in BCD code */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_SCT BITS(4,6) /*!< second tens in BCD code */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_MSKS BIT(7) /*!< alarm second mask bit */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_MNU BITS(8,11) /*!< minutes units in BCD code */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_MNT BITS(12,14) /*!< minutes tens in BCD code */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_MSKM BIT(15) /*!< alarm minutes mask bit */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_HRU BITS(16,19) /*!< hour units in BCD code */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_HRT BITS(20,21) /*!< hour units in BCD code */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_PM BIT(22) /*!< AM/PM flag */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_MSKH BIT(23) /*!< alarm hour mask bit */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_DAYU BITS(24,27) /*!< date units or week day in BCD code */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_DAYT BITS(28,29) /*!< date tens in BCD code */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_DOWS BIT(30) /*!< day of week selection */
#define RTC_ALRMXTD_MSKD BIT(31) /*!< alarm date mask bit */
/* RTC_WPK */
#define RTC_WPK_WPK BITS(0,7) /*!< key for write protection */
/* RTC_SS */
#define RTC_SS_SSC BITS(0,15) /*!< sub second value */
#define RTC_SHIFTCTL_SFS BITS(0,14) /*!< subtract a fraction of a second */
#define RTC_SHIFTCTL_A1S BIT(31) /*!< one second add */
/* RTC_TTS */
#define RTC_TTS_SCU BITS(0,3) /*!< second units in BCD code */
#define RTC_TTS_SCT BITS(4,6) /*!< second units in BCD code */
#define RTC_TTS_MNU BITS(8,11) /*!< minute units in BCD code */
#define RTC_TTS_MNT BITS(12,14) /*!< minute tens in BCD code */
#define RTC_TTS_HRU BITS(16,19) /*!< hour units in BCD code */
#define RTC_TTS_HRT BITS(20,21) /*!< hour tens in BCD code */
#define RTC_TTS_PM BIT(22) /*!< AM/PM notation */
/* RTC_DTS */
#define RTC_DTS_DAYU BITS(0,3) /*!< date units in BCD code */
#define RTC_DTS_DAYT BITS(4,5) /*!< date tens in BCD code */
#define RTC_DTS_MONU BITS(8,11) /*!< month units in BCD code */
#define RTC_DTS_MONT BIT(12) /*!< month tens in BCD code */
#define RTC_DTS_DOW BITS(13,15) /*!< day of week units */
/* RTC_SSTS */
#define RTC_SSTS_SSC BITS(0,15) /*!< timestamp sub second units */
/* RTC_HRFC */
#define RTC_HRFC_CMSK BITS(0,8) /*!< calibration mask number */
#define RTC_HRFC_CWND16 BIT(13) /*!< calibration window select 16 seconds */
#define RTC_HRFC_CWND8 BIT(14) /*!< calibration window select 16 seconds */
#define RTC_HRFC_FREQI BIT(15) /*!< increase RTC frequency by 488.5ppm */
/* RTC_TAMP */
#define RTC_TAMP_TP0EN BIT(0) /*!< tamper 0 detection enable */
#define RTC_TAMP_TP0EG BIT(1) /*!< tamper 0 event trigger edge for RTC tamp 0 input */
#define RTC_TAMP_TPIE BIT(2) /*!< tamper detection interrupt enable */
#define RTC_TAMP_TP1EN BIT(3) /*!< tamper 1 detection enable */
#define RTC_TAMP_TP1EG BIT(4) /*!< Tamper 1 event trigger edge for RTC tamp 1 input */
#define RTC_TAMP_TPTS BIT(7) /*!< make tamper function used for timestamp function */
#define RTC_TAMP_FREQ BITS(8,10) /*!< sample frequency of tamper event detection */
#define RTC_TAMP_FLT BITS(11,12) /*!< RTC tamp x filter count setting */
#define RTC_TAMP_PRCH BITS(13,14) /*!< precharge duration time of RTC tamp x */
#define RTC_TAMP_DISPU BIT(15) /*!< RTC tamp x pull up disable bit */
#define RTC_TAMP_TP0SEL BIT(16) /*!< Tamper 0 function input mapping selection */
#define RTC_TAMP_TSSEL BIT(17) /*!< Timestamp input mapping selection */
#define RTC_TAMP_AOT BIT(18) /*!< RTC_ALARM output Type */
#define RTC_ALRM0SS_SSC BITS(0,14) /*!< alarm0 sub second value */
#define RTC_ALRM0SS_MASKSSC BITS(24,27) /*!< mask control bit of SS */
#define RTC_ALRM1SS_SSC BITS(0,14) /*!< alarm1 sub second value */
#define RTC_ALRM1SS_MASKSSC BITS(24,27) /*!< mask control bit of SS */
/* constants definitions */
/* structure for initialization of the RTC */
typedef struct
uint8_t year; /*!< RTC year value: 0x0 - 0x99(BCD format) */
uint8_t month; /*!< RTC month value */
uint8_t date; /*!< RTC date value: 0x1 - 0x31(BCD format) */
uint8_t day_of_week; /*!< RTC weekday value */
uint8_t hour; /*!< RTC hour value */
uint8_t minute; /*!< RTC minute value: 0x0 - 0x59(BCD format) */
uint8_t second; /*!< RTC second value: 0x0 - 0x59(BCD format) */
uint16_t factor_asyn; /*!< RTC asynchronous prescaler value: 0x0 - 0x7F */
uint16_t factor_syn; /*!< RTC synchronous prescaler value: 0x0 - 0x7FFF */
uint32_t am_pm; /*!< RTC AM/PM value */
uint32_t display_format; /*!< RTC time notation */
/* structure for RTC alarm configuration */
typedef struct
uint32_t alarm_mask; /*!< RTC alarm mask */
uint32_t weekday_or_date; /*!< specify RTC alarm is on date or weekday */
uint8_t alarm_day; /*!< RTC alarm date or weekday value*/
uint8_t alarm_hour; /*!< RTC alarm hour value */
uint8_t alarm_minute; /*!< RTC alarm minute value: 0x0 - 0x59(BCD format) */
uint8_t alarm_second; /*!< RTC alarm second value: 0x0 - 0x59(BCD format) */
uint32_t am_pm; /*!< RTC alarm AM/PM value */
/* structure for RTC time-stamp configuration */
typedef struct
uint8_t timestamp_month; /*!< RTC time-stamp month value */
uint8_t timestamp_date; /*!< RTC time-stamp date value: 0x1 - 0x31(BCD format) */
uint8_t timestamp_day; /*!< RTC time-stamp weekday value */
uint8_t timestamp_hour; /*!< RTC time-stamp hour value */
uint8_t timestamp_minute; /*!< RTC time-stamp minute value: 0x0 - 0x59(BCD format) */
uint8_t timestamp_second; /*!< RTC time-stamp second value: 0x0 - 0x59(BCD format) */
uint32_t am_pm; /*!< RTC time-stamp AM/PM value */
/* structure for RTC tamper configuration */
typedef struct
uint32_t tamper_source; /*!< RTC tamper source */
uint32_t tamper_trigger; /*!< RTC tamper trigger */
uint32_t tamper_filter; /*!< RTC tamper consecutive samples needed during a voltage level detection */
uint32_t tamper_sample_frequency; /*!< RTC tamper sampling frequency during a voltage level detection */
ControlStatus tamper_precharge_enable; /*!< RTC tamper precharge feature during a voltage level detection */
uint32_t tamper_precharge_time; /*!< RTC tamper precharge duration if precharge feature is enabled */
ControlStatus tamper_with_timestamp; /*!< RTC tamper time-stamp feature */
/* time register value */
#define TIME_SC(regval) (BITS(0,6) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to RTC_TIME_SC bit field */
#define GET_TIME_SC(regval) GET_BITS((regval),0,6) /*!< get value of RTC_TIME_SC bit field */
#define TIME_MN(regval) (BITS(8,14) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 8)) /*!< write value to RTC_TIME_MN bit field */
#define GET_TIME_MN(regval) GET_BITS((regval),8,14) /*!< get value of RTC_TIME_MN bit field */
#define TIME_HR(regval) (BITS(16,21) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 16)) /*!< write value to RTC_TIME_HR bit field */
#define GET_TIME_HR(regval) GET_BITS((regval),16,21) /*!< get value of RTC_TIME_HR bit field */
#define RTC_AM ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< AM format */
#define RTC_PM RTC_TIME_PM /*!< PM format */
/* date register value */
#define DATE_DAY(regval) (BITS(0,5) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to RTC_DATE_DAY bit field */
#define GET_DATE_DAY(regval) GET_BITS((regval),0,5) /*!< get value of RTC_DATE_DAY bit field */
#define DATE_MON(regval) (BITS(8,12) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 8)) /*!< write value to RTC_DATE_MON bit field */
#define GET_DATE_MON(regval) GET_BITS((regval),8,12) /*!< get value of RTC_DATE_MON bit field */
#define RTC_JAN ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< janurary */
#define RTC_FEB ((uint8_t)0x02U) /*!< february */
#define RTC_MAR ((uint8_t)0x03U) /*!< march */
#define RTC_APR ((uint8_t)0x04U) /*!< april */
#define RTC_MAY ((uint8_t)0x05U) /*!< may */
#define RTC_JUN ((uint8_t)0x06U) /*!< june */
#define RTC_JUL ((uint8_t)0x07U) /*!< july */
#define RTC_AUG ((uint8_t)0x08U) /*!< august */
#define RTC_SEP ((uint8_t)0x09U) /*!< september */
#define RTC_OCT ((uint8_t)0x10U) /*!< october */
#define RTC_NOV ((uint8_t)0x11U) /*!< november */
#define RTC_DEC ((uint8_t)0x12U) /*!< december */
#define DATE_DOW(regval) (BITS(13,15) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 13)) /*!< write value to RTC_DATE_DOW bit field */
#define GET_DATE_DOW(regval) GET_BITS((uint32_t)(regval),13,15) /*!< get value of RTC_DATE_DOW bit field */
#define RTC_MONDAY ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< monday */
#define RTC_TUESDAY ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< tuesday */
#define RTC_WEDSDAY ((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< wednesday */
#define RTC_THURSDAY ((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< thursday */
#define RTC_FRIDAY ((uint8_t)0x05) /*!< friday */
#define RTC_SATURDAY ((uint8_t)0x06) /*!< saturday */
#define RTC_SUNDAY ((uint8_t)0x07) /*!< sunday */
#define DATE_YR(regval) (BITS(16,23) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 16)) /*!< write value to RTC_DATE_YR bit field */
#define GET_DATE_YR(regval) GET_BITS((regval),16,23) /*!< get value of RTC_DATE_YR bit field */
/* ctl register value */
#define CTL_OS(regval) (BITS(21,22) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 21)) /*!< write value to RTC_CTL_OS bit field */
#define RTC_OS_DISABLE CTL_OS(0) /*!< disable output RTC_ALARM */
#define RTC_OS_ALARM0 CTL_OS(1) /*!< enable alarm0 flag output */
#define RTC_OS_ALARM1 CTL_OS(2) /*!< enable alarm1 flag output */
#define RTC_OS_WAKEUP CTL_OS(3) /*!< enable wakeup flag output */
#define RTC_CALIBRATION_512HZ RTC_CTL_COEN /*!< calibration output of 512Hz is enable */
#define RTC_CALIBRATION_1HZ (RTC_CTL_COEN | RTC_CTL_COS) /*!< calibration output of 1Hz is enable */
#define RTC_ALARM0_HIGH RTC_OS_ALARM0 /*!< enable alarm0 flag output with high level */
#define RTC_ALARM0_LOW (RTC_OS_ALARM0 | RTC_CTL_OPOL) /*!< enable alarm0 flag output with low level*/
#define RTC_ALARM1_HIGH RTC_OS_ALARM1 /*!< enable alarm1 flag output with high level */
#define RTC_ALARM1_LOW (RTC_OS_ALARM1 | RTC_CTL_OPOL) /*!< enable alarm1 flag output with low level*/
#define RTC_WAKEUP_HIGH RTC_OS_WAKEUP /*!< enable wakeup flag output with high level */
#define RTC_WAKEUP_LOW (RTC_OS_WAKEUP | RTC_CTL_OPOL) /*!< enable wakeup flag output with low level*/
#define RTC_24HOUR ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< 24-hour format */
#define RTC_12HOUR RTC_CTL_CS /*!< 12-hour format */
#define RTC_TIMESTAMP_RISING_EDGE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< rising edge is valid event edge for time-stamp event */
#define RTC_TIMESTAMP_FALLING_EDGE RTC_CTL_TSEG /*!< falling edge is valid event edge for time-stamp event */
/* psc register value */
#define PSC_FACTOR_S(regval) (BITS(0,14) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to RTC_PSC_FACTOR_S bit field */
#define GET_PSC_FACTOR_S(regval) GET_BITS((regval),0,14) /*!< get value of RTC_PSC_FACTOR_S bit field */
#define PSC_FACTOR_A(regval) (BITS(16,22) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 16)) /*!< write value to RTC_PSC_FACTOR_A bit field */
#define GET_PSC_FACTOR_A(regval) GET_BITS((regval),16,22) /*!< get value of RTC_PSC_FACTOR_A bit field */
/* alrmtd register value */
#define ALRMTD_SC(regval) (BITS(0,6) & ((uint32_t)(regval)<< 0)) /*!< write value to RTC_ALRMTD_SC bit field */
#define GET_ALRMTD_SC(regval) GET_BITS((regval),0,6) /*!< get value of RTC_ALRMTD_SC bit field */
#define ALRMTD_MN(regval) (BITS(8,14) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 8)) /*!< write value to RTC_ALRMTD_MN bit field */
#define GET_ALRMTD_MN(regval) GET_BITS((regval),8,14) /*!< get value of RTC_ALRMTD_MN bit field */
#define ALRMTD_HR(regval) (BITS(16,21) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 16)) /*!< write value to RTC_ALRMTD_HR bit field */
#define GET_ALRMTD_HR(regval) GET_BITS((regval),16,21) /*!< get value of RTC_ALRMTD_HR bit field */
#define ALRMTD_DAY(regval) (BITS(24,29) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 24)) /*!< write value to RTC_ALRMTD_DAY bit field */
#define GET_ALRMTD_DAY(regval) GET_BITS((regval),24,29) /*!< get value of RTC_ALRMTD_DAY bit field */
#define RTC_ALARM_NONE_MASK ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< alarm none mask */
#define RTC_ALARM_DATE_MASK RTC_ALRMXTD_MSKD /*!< alarm date mask */
#define RTC_ALARM_HOUR_MASK RTC_ALRMXTD_MSKH /*!< alarm hour mask */
#define RTC_ALARM_MINUTE_MASK RTC_ALRMXTD_MSKM /*!< alarm minute mask */
#define RTC_ALARM_SECOND_MASK RTC_ALRMXTD_MSKS /*!< alarm second mask */
#define RTC_ALARM_DATE_SELECTED ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< alarm date format selected */
#define RTC_ALARM_WEEKDAY_SELECTED RTC_ALRMXTD_DOWS /*!< alarm weekday format selected */
/* wpk register value */
#define WPK_WPK(regval) (BITS(0,7) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to RTC_WPK_WPK bit field */
/* ss register value */
#define SS_SSC(regval) (BITS(0,15) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to RTC_SS_SSC bit field */
/* shiftctl register value */
#define SHIFTCTL_SFS(regval) (BITS(0,14) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to RTC_SHIFTCTL_SFS bit field */
#define RTC_SHIFT_ADD1S_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< not add 1 second */
#define RTC_SHIFT_ADD1S_SET RTC_SHIFTCTL_A1S /*!< add one second to the clock */
/* tts register value */
#define TTS_SC(regval) (BITS(0,6) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to RTC_TTS_SC bit field */
#define GET_TTS_SC(regval) GET_BITS((regval),0,6) /*!< get value of RTC_TTS_SC bit field */
#define TTS_MN(regval) (BITS(8,14) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 8)) /*!< write value to RTC_TTS_MN bit field */
#define GET_TTS_MN(regval) GET_BITS((regval),8,14) /*!< get value of RTC_TTS_MN bit field */
#define TTS_HR(regval) (BITS(16,21) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 16)) /*!< write value to RTC_TTS_HR bit field */
#define GET_TTS_HR(regval) GET_BITS((regval),16,21) /*!< get value of RTC_TTS_HR bit field */
/* dts register value */
#define DTS_DAY(regval) (BITS(0,5) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to RTC_DTS_DAY bit field */
#define GET_DTS_DAY(regval) GET_BITS((regval),0,5) /*!< get value of RTC_DTS_DAY bit field */
#define DTS_MON(regval) (BITS(8,12) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 8)) /*!< write value to RTC_DTS_MON bit field */
#define GET_DTS_MON(regval) GET_BITS((regval),8,11) /*!< get value of RTC_DTS_MON bit field */
#define DTS_DOW(regval) (BITS(13,15) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 13)) /*!< write value to RTC_DTS_DOW bit field */
#define GET_DTS_DOW(regval) GET_BITS((regval),13,15) /*!< get value of RTC_DTS_DOW bit field */
/* ssts register value */
#define SSTS_SSC(regval) (BITS(0,15) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to RTC_SSTS_SSC bit field */
/* hrfc register value */
#define HRFC_CMSK(regval) (BITS(0,8) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*!< write value to RTC_HRFC_CMSK bit field */
#define RTC_CALIBRATION_WINDOW_32S ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< 2exp20 RTCCLK cycles, 32s if RTCCLK = 32768 Hz */
#define RTC_CALIBRATION_WINDOW_16S RTC_HRFC_CWND16 /*!< 2exp19 RTCCLK cycles, 16s if RTCCLK = 32768 Hz */
#define RTC_CALIBRATION_WINDOW_8S RTC_HRFC_CWND8 /*!< 2exp18 RTCCLK cycles, 8s if RTCCLK = 32768 Hz */
#define RTC_CALIBRATION_PLUS_SET RTC_HRFC_FREQI /*!< increase RTC frequency by 488.5ppm */
#define RTC_CALIBRATION_PLUS_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< no effect */
/* tamp register value */
#define TAMP_FREQ(regval) (BITS(8,10) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 10)) /*!< write value to RTC_TAMP_FREQ bit field */
#define RTC_FREQ_DIV32768 TAMP_FREQ(0) /*!< sample once every 32768 RTCCLK(1Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) */
#define RTC_FREQ_DIV16384 TAMP_FREQ(1) /*!< sample once every 16384 RTCCLK(2Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) */
#define RTC_FREQ_DIV8192 TAMP_FREQ(2) /*!< sample once every 8192 RTCCLK(4Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) */
#define RTC_FREQ_DIV4096 TAMP_FREQ(3) /*!< sample once every 4096 RTCCLK(8Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) */
#define RTC_FREQ_DIV2048 TAMP_FREQ(4) /*!< sample once every 2048 RTCCLK(16Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) */
#define RTC_FREQ_DIV1024 TAMP_FREQ(5) /*!< sample once every 1024 RTCCLK(32Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) */
#define RTC_FREQ_DIV512 TAMP_FREQ(6) /*!< sample once every 512 RTCCLK(64Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) */
#define RTC_FREQ_DIV256 TAMP_FREQ(7) /*!< sample once every 256 RTCCLK(128Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) */
#define TAMP_FLT(regval) (BITS(11,12) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 11)) /*!< write value to RTC_TAMP_FLT bit field */
#define RTC_FLT_EDGE TAMP_FLT(0) /*!< detecting tamper event using edge mode. precharge duration is disabled automatically */
#define RTC_FLT_2S TAMP_FLT(1) /*!< detecting tamper event using level mode.2 consecutive valid level samples will make a effective tamper event */
#define RTC_FLT_4S TAMP_FLT(2) /*!< detecting tamper event using level mode.4 consecutive valid level samples will make an effective tamper event */
#define RTC_FLT_8S TAMP_FLT(3) /*!< detecting tamper event using level mode.8 consecutive valid level samples will make a effective tamper event */
#define TAMP_PRCH(regval) (BITS(13,14) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 13)) /*!< write value to RTC_TAMP_PRCH bit field */
#define RTC_PRCH_1C TAMP_PRCH(0) /*!< 1 RTC clock prechagre time before each sampling */
#define RTC_PRCH_2C TAMP_PRCH(1) /*!< 2 RTC clock prechagre time before each sampling */
#define RTC_PRCH_4C TAMP_PRCH(2) /*!< 4 RTC clock prechagre time before each sampling */
#define RTC_PRCH_8C TAMP_PRCH(3) /*!< 8 RTC clock prechagre time before each sampling */
#define RTC_TAMPER0 RTC_TAMP_TP0EN /*!< tamper 0 detection enable */
#define RTC_TAMPER1 RTC_TAMP_TP1EN /*!< tamper 1 detection enable */
#define RTC_TAMPER_TRIGGER_EDGE_RISING ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< tamper detection is in rising edge mode */
#define RTC_TAMPER_TRIGGER_EDGE_FALLING RTC_TAMP_TP0EG /*!< tamper detection is in falling edge mode */
#define RTC_TAMPER_TRIGGER_LEVEL_LOW ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< tamper detection is in low level mode */
#define RTC_TAMPER_TRIGGER_LEVEL_HIGH RTC_TAMP_TP0EG /*!< tamper detection is in high level mode */
#define RTC_TAMPER_TRIGGER_POS ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /* shift position of trigger relative to source */
#define RTC_ALARM_OUTPUT_OD ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< RTC alarm output open-drain mode */
#define RTC_ALARM_OUTPUT_PP RTC_TAMP_AOT /*!< RTC alarm output push-pull mode */
/* ALRMXSS register value */
#define ALRMXSS_SSC(regval) (BITS(0,14) & ((uint32_t)(regval)<< 0)) /*!< write value to RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC bit field */
#define ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(regval) (BITS(24,27) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 24)) /*!< write value to RTC_ALRMXSS_MASKSSC bit field */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_0_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(0) /*!< mask alarm subsecond configuration */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_1_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(1) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:1], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_2_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(2) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:2], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[1:0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_3_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(3) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:3], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[2:0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_4_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(4) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:4]], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[3:0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_5_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(5) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:5], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[4:0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_6_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(6) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:6], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[5:0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_7_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(7) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:7], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[6:0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_8_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(8) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:7], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[6:0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_9_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(9) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:9], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[8:0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_10_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(10) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:10], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[9:0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_11_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(11) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:11], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[10:0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_12_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(12) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:12], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[11:0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_13_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(13) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:13], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[12:0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_14 ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(14) /*!< mask RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14], and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[13:0] is to be compared */
#define RTC_MASKSSC_NONE ALRMXSS_MASKSSC(15) /*!< mask none, and RTC_ALRMXSS_SSC[14:0] is to be compared */
/* RTC interrupt source */
#define RTC_INT_TIMESTAMP RTC_CTL_TSIE /*!< time-stamp interrupt enable */
#define RTC_INT_ALARM0 RTC_CTL_ALRM0IE /*!< RTC alarm0 interrupt enable */
#define RTC_INT_ALARM1 RTC_CTL_ALRM1IE /*!< RTC alarm1 interrupt enable */
#define RTC_INT_TAMP RTC_TAMP_TPIE /*!< tamper detection interrupt enable */
#define RTC_INT_WAKEUP RTC_CTL_WTIE /*!< RTC wakeup timer interrupt enable */
/* write protect key */
#define RTC_UNLOCK_KEY1 ((uint8_t)0xCAU) /*!< RTC unlock key1 */
#define RTC_UNLOCK_KEY2 ((uint8_t)0x53U) /*!< RTC unlock key2 */
#define RTC_LOCK_KEY ((uint8_t)0xFFU) /*!< RTC lock key */
/* registers reset value */
#define RTC_REGISTER_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< RTC common register reset value */
#define RTC_DATE_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00002101U) /*!< RTC_DATE register reset value */
#define RTC_STAT_RESET ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< RTC_STAT register reset value */
#define RTC_PSC_RESET ((uint32_t)0x007F00FFU) /*!< RTC_PSC register reset value */
#define RTC_WUT_RESET ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFFU) /*!< RTC_WUT register reset value */
/* RTC alarm */
#define RTC_ALARM0 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< RTC alarm 0 */
#define RTC_ALARM1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /*!< RTC alarm 1 */
/* RTC coarse calibration direction */
#define CALIB_INCREASE ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< RTC coarse calibration increase */
#define CALIB_DECREASE ((uint8_t)0x02U) /*!< RTC coarse calibration decrease */
/* RTC wakeup timer clock */
#define CTL_WTCS(regval) (BITS(0,2) & ((regval)<< 0))
#define WAKEUP_RTCCK_DIV16 CTL_WTCS(0) /*!< wakeup timer clock is RTC clock divided by 16 */
#define WAKEUP_RTCCK_DIV8 CTL_WTCS(1) /*!< wakeup timer clock is RTC clock divided by 8 */
#define WAKEUP_RTCCK_DIV4 CTL_WTCS(2) /*!< wakeup timer clock is RTC clock divided by 4 */
#define WAKEUP_RTCCK_DIV2 CTL_WTCS(3) /*!< wakeup timer clock is RTC clock divided by 2 */
#define WAKEUP_CKSPRE CTL_WTCS(4) /*!< wakeup timer clock is ckapre */
#define WAKEUP_CKSPRE_2EXP16 CTL_WTCS(6) /*!< wakeup timer clock is ckapre and wakeup timer add 2exp16 */
/* RTC_AF pin */
#define RTC_AF0_TIMESTAMP ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< RTC_AF0 use for timestamp */
#define RTC_AF1_TIMESTAMP RTC_TAMP_TSSEL /*!< RTC_AF1 use for timestamp */
#define RTC_AF0_TAMPER0 ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< RTC_AF0 use for tamper0 */
#define RTC_AF1_TAMPER0 RTC_TAMP_TP0SEL /*!< RTC_AF1 use for tamper0 */
/* function declarations */
/* reset most of the RTC registers */
ErrStatus rtc_deinit(void);
/* initialize RTC registers */
ErrStatus rtc_init(rtc_parameter_struct* rtc_initpara_struct);
/* enter RTC init mode */
ErrStatus rtc_init_mode_enter(void);
/* exit RTC init mode */
void rtc_init_mode_exit(void);
/* wait until RTC_TIME and RTC_DATE registers are synchronized with APB clock, and the shadow registers are updated */
ErrStatus rtc_register_sync_wait(void);
/* get current time and date */
void rtc_current_time_get(rtc_parameter_struct* rtc_initpara_struct);
/* get current subsecond value */
uint32_t rtc_subsecond_get(void);
/* configure RTC alarm */
void rtc_alarm_config(uint8_t rtc_alarm, rtc_alarm_struct* rtc_alarm_time);
/* configure subsecond of RTC alarm */
void rtc_alarm_subsecond_config(uint8_t rtc_alarm, uint32_t mask_subsecond, uint32_t subsecond);
/* get RTC alarm */
void rtc_alarm_get(uint8_t rtc_alarm,rtc_alarm_struct* rtc_alarm_time);
/* get RTC alarm subsecond */
uint32_t rtc_alarm_subsecond_get(uint8_t rtc_alarm);
/* enable RTC alarm */
void rtc_alarm_enable(uint8_t rtc_alarm);
/* disable RTC alarm */
ErrStatus rtc_alarm_disable(uint8_t rtc_alarm);
/* enable RTC time-stamp */
void rtc_timestamp_enable(uint32_t edge);
/* disable RTC time-stamp */
void rtc_timestamp_disable(void);
/* get RTC timestamp time and date */
void rtc_timestamp_get(rtc_timestamp_struct* rtc_timestamp);
/* get RTC time-stamp subsecond */
uint32_t rtc_timestamp_subsecond_get(void);
/* RTC time-stamp pin map */
void rtc_timestamp_pin_map(uint32_t rtc_af);
/* enable RTC tamper */
void rtc_tamper_enable(rtc_tamper_struct* rtc_tamper);
/* disable RTC tamper */
void rtc_tamper_disable(uint32_t source);
/* RTC tamper0 pin map */
void rtc_tamper0_pin_map(uint32_t rtc_af);
/* enable specified RTC interrupt */
void rtc_interrupt_enable(uint32_t interrupt);
/* disble specified RTC interrupt */
void rtc_interrupt_disable(uint32_t interrupt);
/* check specified flag */
FlagStatus rtc_flag_get(uint32_t flag);
/* clear specified flag */
void rtc_flag_clear(uint32_t flag);
/* configure RTC alarm output source */
void rtc_alarm_output_config(uint32_t source, uint32_t mode);
/* configure RTC calibration output source */
void rtc_calibration_output_config(uint32_t source);
/* adjust the daylight saving time by adding or substracting one hour from the current time */
void rtc_hour_adjust(uint32_t operation);
/* adjust RTC second or subsecond value of current time */
ErrStatus rtc_second_adjust(uint32_t add, uint32_t minus);
/* enable RTC bypass shadow registers function */
void rtc_bypass_shadow_enable(void);
/* disable RTC bypass shadow registers function */
void rtc_bypass_shadow_disable(void);
/* enable RTC reference clock detection function */
ErrStatus rtc_refclock_detection_enable(void);
/* disable RTC reference clock detection function */
ErrStatus rtc_refclock_detection_disable(void);
/* enable RTC wakeup timer */
void rtc_wakeup_enable(void);
/* disable RTC wakeup timer */
ErrStatus rtc_wakeup_disable(void);
/* set auto wakeup timer clock */
ErrStatus rtc_wakeup_clock_set(uint8_t wakeup_clock);
/* set auto wakeup timer value */
ErrStatus rtc_wakeup_timer_set(uint16_t wakeup_timer);
/* get auto wakeup timer value */
uint16_t rtc_wakeup_timer_get(void);
/* configure RTC smooth calibration */
ErrStatus rtc_smooth_calibration_config(uint32_t window, uint32_t plus, uint32_t minus);
/* enable RTC coarse calibration */
ErrStatus rtc_coarse_calibration_enable(void);
/* disable RTC coarse calibration */
ErrStatus rtc_coarse_calibration_disable(void);
/* configure RTC coarse calibration direction and step */
ErrStatus rtc_coarse_calibration_config(uint8_t direction, uint8_t step);
#endif /* GD32F4XX_RTC_H */