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* Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 2016-2017 NXP
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
* of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
* other materials provided with the distribution.
* o Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission.
#ifndef _FSL_ENET_H_
#define _FSL_ENET_H_
#include "fsl_common.h"
* @addtogroup enet
* @{
* Definitions
/*! @name Driver version */
/*! @brief Defines the driver version. */
#define FSL_ENET_DRIVER_VERSION (MAKE_VERSION(2, 1, 1)) /*!< Version 2.1.1. */
/*! @name Control and status region bit masks of the receive buffer descriptor. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_EMPTY_MASK 0x8000U /*!< Empty bit mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_SOFTOWNER1_MASK 0x4000U /*!< Software owner one mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_WRAP_MASK 0x2000U /*!< Next buffer descriptor is the start address. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_SOFTOWNER2_Mask 0x1000U /*!< Software owner two mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_LAST_MASK 0x0800U /*!< Last BD of the frame mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_MISS_MASK 0x0100U /*!< Received because of the promiscuous mode. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_BROADCAST_MASK 0x0080U /*!< Broadcast packet mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_MULTICAST_MASK 0x0040U /*!< Multicast packet mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_LENVLIOLATE_MASK 0x0020U /*!< Length violation mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_NOOCTET_MASK 0x0010U /*!< Non-octet aligned frame mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_CRC_MASK 0x0004U /*!< CRC error mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_OVERRUN_MASK 0x0002U /*!< FIFO overrun mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_TRUNC_MASK 0x0001U /*!< Frame is truncated mask. */
/*! @name Control and status bit masks of the transmit buffer descriptor. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_READY_MASK 0x8000U /*!< Ready bit mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_SOFTOWENER1_MASK 0x4000U /*!< Software owner one mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_WRAP_MASK 0x2000U /*!< Wrap buffer descriptor mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_SOFTOWENER2_MASK 0x1000U /*!< Software owner two mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_LAST_MASK 0x0800U /*!< Last BD of the frame mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_TRANMITCRC_MASK 0x0400U /*!< Transmit CRC mask. */
/* Extended control regions for enhanced buffer descriptors. */
/*! @name First extended control region bit masks of the receive buffer descriptor. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_IPV4_MASK 0x0001U /*!< Ipv4 frame mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_IPV6_MASK 0x0002U /*!< Ipv6 frame mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_VLAN_MASK 0x0004U /*!< VLAN frame mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_PROTOCOLCHECKSUM_MASK 0x0010U /*!< Protocol checksum error mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_IPHEADCHECKSUM_MASK 0x0020U /*!< IP header checksum error mask. */
/*! @name Second extended control region bit masks of the receive buffer descriptor. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_INTERRUPT_MASK 0x0080U /*!< BD interrupt mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_UNICAST_MASK 0x0100U /*!< Unicast frame mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_COLLISION_MASK 0x0200U /*!< BD collision mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_PHYERR_MASK 0x0400U /*!< PHY error mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_RX_MACERR_MASK 0x8000U /*!< Mac error mask. */
/*! @name First extended control region bit masks of the transmit buffer descriptor. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_ERR_MASK 0x8000U /*!< Transmit error mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_UNDERFLOWERR_MASK 0x2000U /*!< Underflow error mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_EXCCOLLISIONERR_MASK 0x1000U /*!< Excess collision error mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_FRAMEERR_MASK 0x0800U /*!< Frame error mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_LATECOLLISIONERR_MASK 0x0400U /*!< Late collision error mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_OVERFLOWERR_MASK 0x0200U /*!< Overflow error mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_TIMESTAMPERR_MASK 0x0100U /*!< Timestamp error mask. */
/*! @name Second extended control region bit masks of the transmit buffer descriptor. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_INTERRUPT_MASK 0x4000U /*!< Interrupt mask. */
#define ENET_BUFFDESCRIPTOR_TX_TIMESTAMP_MASK 0x2000U /*!< Timestamp flag mask. */
/*! @brief Defines the receive error status flag mask. */
#define ENET_TX_INTERRUPT (kENET_TxFrameInterrupt | kENET_TxBufferInterrupt)
#define ENET_RX_INTERRUPT (kENET_RxFrameInterrupt | kENET_RxBufferInterrupt)
#define ENET_TS_INTERRUPT (kENET_TsTimerInterrupt | kENET_TsAvailInterrupt)
#define ENET_ERR_INTERRUPT (kENET_BabrInterrupt | kENET_BabtInterrupt | kENET_EBusERInterrupt | \
kENET_LateCollisionInterrupt | kENET_RetryLimitInterrupt | kENET_UnderrunInterrupt | kENET_PayloadRxInterrupt)
/*! @name Defines the maximum Ethernet frame size. */
#define ENET_FRAME_MAX_FRAMELEN 1518U /*!< Default maximum Ethernet frame size. */
#define ENET_FIFO_MIN_RX_FULL 5U /*!< ENET minimum receive FIFO full. */
#define ENET_RX_MIN_BUFFERSIZE 256U /*!< ENET minimum buffer size. */
/*! @brief Defines the PHY address scope for the ENET. */
/*! @brief Defines the status return codes for transaction. */
enum _enet_status
kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 0U), /*!< A frame received but data error happen. */
kStatus_ENET_RxFrameFail = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 1U), /*!< Failed to receive a frame. */
kStatus_ENET_RxFrameEmpty = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 2U), /*!< No frame arrive. */
kStatus_ENET_TxFrameBusy =
MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 3U), /*!< Transmit buffer descriptors are under process. */
kStatus_ENET_TxFrameFail = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 4U) /*!< Transmit frame fail. */
kStatus_ENET_PtpTsRingFull = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 5U), /*!< Timestamp ring full. */
kStatus_ENET_PtpTsRingEmpty = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 6U) /*!< Timestamp ring empty. */
/*! @brief Defines the RMII or MII mode for data interface between the MAC and the PHY. */
typedef enum _enet_mii_mode
kENET_MiiMode = 0U, /*!< MII mode for data interface. */
kENET_RmiiMode /*!< RMII mode for data interface. */
} enet_mii_mode_t;
/*! @brief Defines the 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps speed for the MII data interface. */
typedef enum _enet_mii_speed
kENET_MiiSpeed10M = 0U, /*!< Speed 10 Mbps. */
kENET_MiiSpeed100M /*!< Speed 100 Mbps. */
} enet_mii_speed_t;
/*! @brief Defines the half or full duplex for the MII data interface. */
typedef enum _enet_mii_duplex
kENET_MiiHalfDuplex = 0U, /*!< Half duplex mode. */
kENET_MiiFullDuplex /*!< Full duplex mode. */
} enet_mii_duplex_t;
/*! @brief Defines the write operation for the MII management frame. */
typedef enum _enet_mii_write
kENET_MiiWriteNoCompliant = 0U, /*!< Write frame operation, but not MII-compliant. */
kENET_MiiWriteValidFrame /*!< Write frame operation for a valid MII management frame. */
} enet_mii_write_t;
/*! @brief Defines the read operation for the MII management frame. */
typedef enum _enet_mii_read
kENET_MiiReadValidFrame = 2U, /*!< Read frame operation for a valid MII management frame. */
kENET_MiiReadNoCompliant = 3U /*!< Read frame operation, but not MII-compliant. */
} enet_mii_read_t;
/*! @brief Define the MII opcode for extended MDIO_CLAUSES_45 Frame. */
typedef enum _enet_mii_extend_opcode {
kENET_MiiAddrWrite_C45 = 0U, /*!< Address Write operation. */
kENET_MiiWriteFrame_C45 = 1U, /*!< Write frame operation for a valid MII management frame. */
kENET_MiiReadFrame_C45 = 3U /*!< Read frame operation for a valid MII management frame. */
} enet_mii_extend_opcode;
/*! @brief Defines a special configuration for ENET MAC controller.
* These control flags are provided for special user requirements.
* Normally, these control flags are unused for ENET initialization.
* For special requirements, set the flags to
* macSpecialConfig in the enet_config_t.
* The kENET_ControlStoreAndFwdDisable is used to disable the FIFO store
* and forward. FIFO store and forward means that the FIFO read/send is started
* when a complete frame is stored in TX/RX FIFO. If this flag is set,
* configure rxFifoFullThreshold and txFifoWatermark
* in the enet_config_t.
typedef enum _enet_special_control_flag
kENET_ControlFlowControlEnable = 0x0001U, /*!< Enable ENET flow control: pause frame. */
kENET_ControlRxPayloadCheckEnable = 0x0002U, /*!< Enable ENET receive payload length check. */
kENET_ControlRxPadRemoveEnable = 0x0004U, /*!< Padding is removed from received frames. */
kENET_ControlRxBroadCastRejectEnable = 0x0008U, /*!< Enable broadcast frame reject. */
kENET_ControlMacAddrInsert = 0x0010U, /*!< Enable MAC address insert. */
kENET_ControlStoreAndFwdDisable = 0x0020U, /*!< Enable FIFO store and forward. */
kENET_ControlSMIPreambleDisable = 0x0040U, /*!< Enable SMI preamble. */
kENET_ControlPromiscuousEnable = 0x0080U, /*!< Enable promiscuous mode. */
kENET_ControlMIILoopEnable = 0x0100U, /*!< Enable ENET MII loop back. */
kENET_ControlVLANTagEnable = 0x0200U /*!< Enable VLAN tag frame. */
} enet_special_control_flag_t;
/*! @brief List of interrupts supported by the peripheral. This
* enumeration uses one-bot encoding to allow a logical OR of multiple
* members. Members usually map to interrupt enable bits in one or more
* peripheral registers.
typedef enum _enet_interrupt_enable
kENET_BabrInterrupt = ENET_EIR_BABR_MASK, /*!< Babbling receive error interrupt source */
kENET_BabtInterrupt = ENET_EIR_BABT_MASK, /*!< Babbling transmit error interrupt source */
kENET_GraceStopInterrupt = ENET_EIR_GRA_MASK, /*!< Graceful stop complete interrupt source */
kENET_TxFrameInterrupt = ENET_EIR_TXF_MASK, /*!< TX FRAME interrupt source */
kENET_TxBufferInterrupt = ENET_EIR_TXB_MASK, /*!< TX BUFFER interrupt source */
kENET_RxFrameInterrupt = ENET_EIR_RXF_MASK, /*!< RX FRAME interrupt source */
kENET_RxBufferInterrupt = ENET_EIR_RXB_MASK, /*!< RX BUFFER interrupt source */
kENET_MiiInterrupt = ENET_EIR_MII_MASK, /*!< MII interrupt source */
kENET_EBusERInterrupt = ENET_EIR_EBERR_MASK, /*!< Ethernet bus error interrupt source */
kENET_LateCollisionInterrupt = ENET_EIR_LC_MASK, /*!< Late collision interrupt source */
kENET_RetryLimitInterrupt = ENET_EIR_RL_MASK, /*!< Collision Retry Limit interrupt source */
kENET_UnderrunInterrupt = ENET_EIR_UN_MASK, /*!< Transmit FIFO underrun interrupt source */
kENET_PayloadRxInterrupt = ENET_EIR_PLR_MASK, /*!< Payload Receive interrupt source */
kENET_WakeupInterrupt = ENET_EIR_WAKEUP_MASK, /*!< WAKEUP interrupt source */
kENET_TsAvailInterrupt = ENET_EIR_TS_AVAIL_MASK, /*!< TS AVAIL interrupt source for PTP */
kENET_TsTimerInterrupt = ENET_EIR_TS_TIMER_MASK /*!< TS WRAP interrupt source for PTP */
} enet_interrupt_enable_t;
/*! @brief Defines the common interrupt event for callback use. */
typedef enum _enet_event
kENET_RxEvent, /*!< Receive event. */
kENET_TxEvent, /*!< Transmit event. */
kENET_ErrEvent, /*!< Error event: BABR/BABT/EBERR/LC/RL/UN/PLR . */
kENET_WakeUpEvent, /*!< Wake up from sleep mode event. */
kENET_TimeStampEvent, /*!< Time stamp event. */
kENET_TimeStampAvailEvent /*!< Time stamp available event.*/
} enet_event_t;
/*! @brief Defines the transmit accelerator configuration. */
typedef enum _enet_tx_accelerator
kENET_TxAccelIsShift16Enabled = ENET_TACC_SHIFT16_MASK, /*!< Transmit FIFO shift-16. */
kENET_TxAccelIpCheckEnabled = ENET_TACC_IPCHK_MASK, /*!< Insert IP header checksum. */
kENET_TxAccelProtoCheckEnabled = ENET_TACC_PROCHK_MASK /*!< Insert protocol checksum. */
} enet_tx_accelerator_t;
/*! @brief Defines the receive accelerator configuration. */
typedef enum _enet_rx_accelerator
kENET_RxAccelPadRemoveEnabled = ENET_RACC_PADREM_MASK, /*!< Padding removal for short IP frames. */
kENET_RxAccelIpCheckEnabled = ENET_RACC_IPDIS_MASK, /*!< Discard with wrong IP header checksum. */
kENET_RxAccelProtoCheckEnabled = ENET_RACC_PRODIS_MASK, /*!< Discard with wrong protocol checksum. */
kENET_RxAccelMacCheckEnabled = ENET_RACC_LINEDIS_MASK, /*!< Discard with Mac layer errors. */
kENET_RxAccelisShift16Enabled = ENET_RACC_SHIFT16_MASK /*!< Receive FIFO shift-16. */
} enet_rx_accelerator_t;
/*! @brief Defines the ENET PTP message related constant. */
typedef enum _enet_ptp_event_type
kENET_PtpEventMsgType = 3U, /*!< PTP event message type. */
kENET_PtpSrcPortIdLen = 10U, /*!< PTP message sequence id length. */
kENET_PtpEventPort = 319U, /*!< PTP event port number. */
kENET_PtpGnrlPort = 320U /*!< PTP general port number. */
} enet_ptp_event_type_t;
/*! @brief Defines the IEEE 1588 PTP timer channel numbers. */
typedef enum _enet_ptp_timer_channel
kENET_PtpTimerChannel1 = 0U, /*!< IEEE 1588 PTP timer Channel 1. */
kENET_PtpTimerChannel2, /*!< IEEE 1588 PTP timer Channel 2. */
kENET_PtpTimerChannel3, /*!< IEEE 1588 PTP timer Channel 3. */
kENET_PtpTimerChannel4 /*!< IEEE 1588 PTP timer Channel 4. */
} enet_ptp_timer_channel_t;
/*! @brief Defines the capture or compare mode for IEEE 1588 PTP timer channels. */
typedef enum _enet_ptp_timer_channel_mode
kENET_PtpChannelDisable = 0U, /*!< Disable timer channel. */
kENET_PtpChannelRisingCapture = 1U, /*!< Input capture on rising edge. */
kENET_PtpChannelFallingCapture = 2U, /*!< Input capture on falling edge. */
kENET_PtpChannelBothCapture = 3U, /*!< Input capture on both edges. */
kENET_PtpChannelSoftCompare = 4U, /*!< Output compare software only. */
kENET_PtpChannelToggleCompare = 5U, /*!< Toggle output on compare. */
kENET_PtpChannelClearCompare = 6U, /*!< Clear output on compare. */
kENET_PtpChannelSetCompare = 7U, /*!< Set output on compare. */
kENET_PtpChannelClearCompareSetOverflow = 10U, /*!< Clear output on compare, set output on overflow. */
kENET_PtpChannelSetCompareClearOverflow = 11U, /*!< Set output on compare, clear output on overflow. */
kENET_PtpChannelPulseLowonCompare = 14U, /*!< Pulse output low on compare for one IEEE 1588 clock cycle. */
kENET_PtpChannelPulseHighonCompare = 15U /*!< Pulse output high on compare for one IEEE 1588 clock cycle. */
} enet_ptp_timer_channel_mode_t;
/*! @brief Defines the receive buffer descriptor structure for the little endian system.*/
typedef struct _enet_rx_bd_struct
uint16_t length; /*!< Buffer descriptor data length. */
uint16_t control; /*!< Buffer descriptor control and status. */
uint8_t *buffer; /*!< Data buffer pointer. */
uint16_t controlExtend0; /*!< Extend buffer descriptor control0. */
uint16_t controlExtend1; /*!< Extend buffer descriptor control1. */
uint16_t payloadCheckSum; /*!< Internal payload checksum. */
uint8_t headerLength; /*!< Header length. */
uint8_t protocolTyte; /*!< Protocol type. */
uint16_t reserved0;
uint16_t controlExtend2; /*!< Extend buffer descriptor control2. */
uint32_t timestamp; /*!< Timestamp. */
uint16_t reserved1;
uint16_t reserved2;
uint16_t reserved3;
uint16_t reserved4;
} enet_rx_bd_struct_t;
/*! @brief Defines the enhanced transmit buffer descriptor structure for the little endian system. */
typedef struct _enet_tx_bd_struct
uint16_t length; /*!< Buffer descriptor data length. */
uint16_t control; /*!< Buffer descriptor control and status. */
uint8_t *buffer; /*!< Data buffer pointer. */
uint16_t controlExtend0; /*!< Extend buffer descriptor control0. */
uint16_t controlExtend1; /*!< Extend buffer descriptor control1. */
uint16_t reserved0;
uint16_t reserved1;
uint16_t reserved2;
uint16_t controlExtend2; /*!< Extend buffer descriptor control2. */
uint32_t timestamp; /*!< Timestamp. */
uint16_t reserved3;
uint16_t reserved4;
uint16_t reserved5;
uint16_t reserved6;
} enet_tx_bd_struct_t;
/*! @brief Defines the ENET data error statistic structure. */
typedef struct _enet_data_error_stats
uint32_t statsRxLenGreaterErr; /*!< Receive length greater than RCR[MAX_FL]. */
uint32_t statsRxAlignErr; /*!< Receive non-octet alignment/ */
uint32_t statsRxFcsErr; /*!< Receive CRC error. */
uint32_t statsRxOverRunErr; /*!< Receive over run. */
uint32_t statsRxTruncateErr; /*!< Receive truncate. */
uint32_t statsRxProtocolChecksumErr; /*!< Receive protocol checksum error. */
uint32_t statsRxIpHeadChecksumErr; /*!< Receive IP header checksum error. */
uint32_t statsRxMacErr; /*!< Receive Mac error. */
uint32_t statsRxPhyErr; /*!< Receive PHY error. */
uint32_t statsRxCollisionErr; /*!< Receive collision. */
uint32_t statsTxErr; /*!< The error happen when transmit the frame. */
uint32_t statsTxFrameErr; /*!< The transmit frame is error. */
uint32_t statsTxOverFlowErr; /*!< Transmit overflow. */
uint32_t statsTxLateCollisionErr; /*!< Transmit late collision. */
uint32_t statsTxExcessCollisionErr; /*!< Transmit excess collision.*/
uint32_t statsTxUnderFlowErr; /*!< Transmit under flow error. */
uint32_t statsTxTsErr; /*!< Transmit time stamp error. */
} enet_data_error_stats_t;
/*! @brief Defines the receive buffer descriptor configuration structure.
* Note that for the internal DMA requirements, the buffers have a corresponding alignment requirements.
* 1. The aligned receive and transmit buffer size must be evenly divisible by ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT.
* when the data buffers are in cacheable region when cache is enabled, all those size should be
* aligned to the maximum value of "ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT" and the cache line size.
* 2. The aligned transmit and receive buffer descriptor start address must be at
* least 64 bit aligned. However, it's recommended to be evenly divisible by ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT.
* buffer descriptors should be put in non-cacheable region when cache is enabled.
* 3. The aligned transmit and receive data buffer start address must be evenly divisible by ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT.
* Receive buffers should be continuous with the total size equal to "rxBdNumber * rxBuffSizeAlign".
* Transmit buffers should be continuous with the total size equal to "txBdNumber * txBuffSizeAlign".
* when the data buffers are in cacheable region when cache is enabled, all those size should be
* aligned to the maximum value of "ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT" and the cache line size.
typedef struct _enet_buffer_config
uint16_t rxBdNumber; /*!< Receive buffer descriptor number. */
uint16_t txBdNumber; /*!< Transmit buffer descriptor number. */
uint32_t rxBuffSizeAlign; /*!< Aligned receive data buffer size. */
uint32_t txBuffSizeAlign; /*!< Aligned transmit data buffer size. */
volatile enet_rx_bd_struct_t *rxBdStartAddrAlign; /*!< Aligned receive buffer descriptor start address. */
volatile enet_tx_bd_struct_t *txBdStartAddrAlign; /*!< Aligned transmit buffer descriptor start address. */
uint8_t *rxBufferAlign; /*!< Receive data buffer start address. */
uint8_t *txBufferAlign; /*!< Transmit data buffer start address. */
} enet_buffer_config_t;
/*! @brief Defines the ENET PTP time stamp structure. */
typedef struct _enet_ptp_time
uint64_t second; /*!< Second. */
uint32_t nanosecond; /*!< Nanosecond. */
} enet_ptp_time_t;
/*! @brief Defines the structure for the ENET PTP message data and timestamp data.*/
typedef struct _enet_ptp_time_data
uint8_t version; /*!< PTP version. */
uint8_t sourcePortId[kENET_PtpSrcPortIdLen]; /*!< PTP source port ID. */
uint16_t sequenceId; /*!< PTP sequence ID. */
uint8_t messageType; /*!< PTP message type. */
enet_ptp_time_t timeStamp; /*!< PTP timestamp. */
} enet_ptp_time_data_t;
/*! @brief Defines the ENET PTP ring buffer structure for the PTP message timestamp store.*/
typedef struct _enet_ptp_time_data_ring
uint32_t front; /*!< The first index of the ring. */
uint32_t end; /*!< The end index of the ring. */
uint32_t size; /*!< The size of the ring. */
enet_ptp_time_data_t *ptpTsData; /*!< PTP message data structure. */
} enet_ptp_time_data_ring_t;
/*! @brief Defines the ENET PTP configuration structure. */
typedef struct _enet_ptp_config
uint8_t ptpTsRxBuffNum; /*!< Receive 1588 timestamp buffer number*/
uint8_t ptpTsTxBuffNum; /*!< Transmit 1588 timestamp buffer number*/
enet_ptp_time_data_t *rxPtpTsData; /*!< The start address of 1588 receive timestamp buffers */
enet_ptp_time_data_t *txPtpTsData; /*!< The start address of 1588 transmit timestamp buffers */
enet_ptp_timer_channel_t channel; /*!< Used for ERRATA_2579: the PTP 1588 timer channel for time interrupt. */
uint32_t ptp1588ClockSrc_Hz; /*!< The clock source of the PTP 1588 timer. */
} enet_ptp_config_t;
/*! @brief Defines the interrupt coalescing configure structure. */
typedef struct _enet_intcoalesce_config
uint8_t txCoalesceFrameCount[FSL_FEATURE_ENET_QUEUE]; /*!< Transmit interrupt coalescing frame count threshold. */
uint16_t txCoalesceTimeCount[FSL_FEATURE_ENET_QUEUE]; /*!< Transmit interrupt coalescing timer count threshold. */
uint8_t rxCoalesceFrameCount[FSL_FEATURE_ENET_QUEUE]; /*!< Receive interrupt coalescing frame count threshold. */
uint16_t rxCoalesceTimeCount[FSL_FEATURE_ENET_QUEUE]; /*!< Receive interrupt coalescing timer count threshold. */
} enet_intcoalesce_config_t;
/*! @brief Defines the basic configuration structure for the ENET device.
* Note:
* 1. macSpecialConfig is used for a special control configuration, a logical OR of
* "enet_special_control_flag_t". For a special configuration for MAC,
* set this parameter to 0.
* 2. txWatermark is used for a cut-through operation. It is in steps of 64 bytes.
* 0/1 - 64 bytes written to TX FIFO before transmission of a frame begins.
* 2 - 128 bytes written to TX FIFO ....
* 3 - 192 bytes written to TX FIFO ....
* The maximum of txWatermark is 0x2F - 4032 bytes written to TX FIFO.
* txWatermark allows minimizing the transmit latency to set the txWatermark to 0 or 1
* or for larger bus access latency 3 or larger due to contention for the system bus.
* 3. rxFifoFullThreshold is similar to the txWatermark for cut-through operation in RX.
* It is in 64-bit words. The minimum is ENET_FIFO_MIN_RX_FULL and the maximum is 0xFF.
* If the end of the frame is stored in FIFO and the frame size if smaller than the
* txWatermark, the frame is still transmitted. The rule is the
* same for rxFifoFullThreshold in the receive direction.
* 4. When "kENET_ControlFlowControlEnable" is set in the macSpecialConfig, ensure
* that the pauseDuration, rxFifoEmptyThreshold, and rxFifoStatEmptyThreshold
* are set for flow control enabled case.
* 5. When "kENET_ControlStoreAndFwdDisabled" is set in the macSpecialConfig, ensure
* that the rxFifoFullThreshold and txFifoWatermark are set for store and forward disable.
* 6. The rxAccelerConfig and txAccelerConfig default setting with 0 - accelerator
* are disabled. The "enet_tx_accelerator_t" and "enet_rx_accelerator_t" are
* recommended to be used to enable the transmit and receive accelerator.
* After the accelerators are enabled, the store and forward feature should be enabled.
* As a result, kENET_ControlStoreAndFwdDisabled should not be set.
typedef struct _enet_config
uint32_t macSpecialConfig; /*!< Mac special configuration. A logical OR of "enet_special_control_flag_t". */
uint32_t interrupt; /*!< Mac interrupt source. A logical OR of "enet_interrupt_enable_t". */
uint16_t rxMaxFrameLen; /*!< Receive maximum frame length. */
enet_mii_mode_t miiMode; /*!< MII mode. */
enet_mii_speed_t miiSpeed; /*!< MII Speed. */
enet_mii_duplex_t miiDuplex; /*!< MII duplex. */
uint8_t rxAccelerConfig; /*!< Receive accelerator, A logical OR of "enet_rx_accelerator_t". */
uint8_t txAccelerConfig; /*!< Transmit accelerator, A logical OR of "enet_rx_accelerator_t". */
uint16_t pauseDuration; /*!< For flow control enabled case: Pause duration. */
uint8_t rxFifoEmptyThreshold; /*!< For flow control enabled case: when RX FIFO level reaches this value,
it makes MAC generate XOFF pause frame. */
uint8_t rxFifoStatEmptyThreshold; /*!< For flow control enabled case: number of frames in the receive FIFO,
independent of size, that can be accept. If the limit is reached, reception
continues and a pause frame is triggered. */
uint8_t rxFifoFullThreshold; /*!< For store and forward disable case, the data required in RX FIFO to notify
the MAC receive ready status. */
uint8_t txFifoWatermark; /*!< For store and forward disable case, the data required in TX FIFO
before a frame transmit start. */
enet_intcoalesce_config_t *intCoalesceCfg; /* If the interrupt coalsecence is not required in the ring n(0,1,2), please set
to NULL. */
} enet_config_t;
/* Forward declaration of the handle typedef. */
typedef struct _enet_handle enet_handle_t;
/*! @brief ENET callback function. */
typedef void (*enet_callback_t)(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, enet_event_t event, void *userData);
/*! @brief Defines the ENET handler structure. */
struct _enet_handle
volatile enet_rx_bd_struct_t *rxBdBase; /*!< Receive buffer descriptor base address pointer. */
volatile enet_rx_bd_struct_t *rxBdCurrent; /*!< The current available receive buffer descriptor pointer. */
volatile enet_tx_bd_struct_t *txBdBase; /*!< Transmit buffer descriptor base address pointer. */
volatile enet_tx_bd_struct_t *txBdCurrent; /*!< The current available transmit buffer descriptor pointer. */
uint32_t rxBuffSizeAlign; /*!< Receive buffer size alignment. */
uint32_t txBuffSizeAlign; /*!< Transmit buffer size alignment. */
enet_callback_t callback; /*!< Callback function. */
void *userData; /*!< Callback function parameter.*/
volatile enet_tx_bd_struct_t *txBdDirtyStatic; /*!< The dirty transmit buffer descriptor for error static update. */
volatile enet_tx_bd_struct_t *txBdDirtyTime; /*!< The dirty transmit buffer descriptor for time stamp update. */
uint64_t msTimerSecond; /*!< The second for Master PTP timer .*/
enet_ptp_time_data_ring_t rxPtpTsDataRing; /*!< Receive PTP 1588 time stamp data ring buffer. */
enet_ptp_time_data_ring_t txPtpTsDataRing; /*!< Transmit PTP 1588 time stamp data ring buffer. */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
* @name Initialization and de-initialization
* @{
* @brief Gets the ENET default configuration structure.
* The purpose of this API is to get the default ENET MAC controller
* configuration structure for ENET_Init(). Users may use the initialized
* structure unchanged in ENET_Init() or modify fields of the
* structure before calling ENET_Init().
* This is an example.
enet_config_t config;
* @param config The ENET mac controller configuration structure pointer.
void ENET_GetDefaultConfig(enet_config_t *config);
* @brief Initializes the ENET module.
* This function ungates the module clock and initializes it with the ENET configuration.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param handle ENET handler pointer.
* @param config ENET Mac configuration structure pointer.
* The "enet_config_t" type mac configuration return from ENET_GetDefaultConfig
* can be used directly. It is also possible to verify the Mac configuration using other methods.
* @param bufferConfig ENET buffer configuration structure pointer.
* The buffer configuration should be prepared for ENET Initialization.
* @param macAddr ENET mac address of the Ethernet device. This Mac address should be
* provided.
* @param srcClock_Hz The internal module clock source for MII clock.
* @note ENET has two buffer descriptors legacy buffer descriptors and
* enhanced IEEE 1588 buffer descriptors. The legacy descriptor is used by default. To
* use the IEEE 1588 feature, use the enhanced IEEE 1588 buffer descriptor
* by defining "ENET_ENHANCEDBUFFERDESCRIPTOR_MODE" and calling ENET_Ptp1588Configure()
* to configure the 1588 feature and related buffers after calling ENET_Init().
void ENET_Init(ENET_Type *base,
enet_handle_t *handle,
const enet_config_t *config,
const enet_buffer_config_t *bufferConfig,
uint8_t *macAddr,
uint32_t srcClock_Hz);
* @brief Deinitializes the ENET module.
* This function gates the module clock, clears ENET interrupts, and disables the ENET module.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
void ENET_Deinit(ENET_Type *base);
* @brief Resets the ENET module.
* This function restores the ENET module to the reset state.
* Note that this function sets all registers to the
* reset state. As a result, the ENET module can't work after calling this function.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
static inline void ENET_Reset(ENET_Type *base)
/* @} */
* @name MII interface operation
* @{
* @brief Sets the ENET MII speed and duplex.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param speed The speed of the RMII mode.
* @param duplex The duplex of the RMII mode.
void ENET_SetMII(ENET_Type *base, enet_mii_speed_t speed, enet_mii_duplex_t duplex);
* @brief Sets the ENET SMI (serial management interface) - MII management interface.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param srcClock_Hz This is the ENET module clock frequency. Normally it's the system clock. See clock distribution.
* @param isPreambleDisabled The preamble disable flag.
* - true Enables the preamble.
* - false Disables the preamble.
void ENET_SetSMI(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t srcClock_Hz, bool isPreambleDisabled);
* @brief Gets the ENET SMI- MII management interface configuration.
* This API is used to get the SMI configuration to check whether the MII management
* interface has been set.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @return The SMI setup status true or false.
static inline bool ENET_GetSMI(ENET_Type *base)
return (0 != (base->MSCR & 0x7E));
* @brief Reads data from the PHY register through an SMI interface.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @return The data read from PHY
static inline uint32_t ENET_ReadSMIData(ENET_Type *base)
return (uint32_t)((base->MMFR & ENET_MMFR_DATA_MASK) >> ENET_MMFR_DATA_SHIFT);
* @brief Starts an SMI (Serial Management Interface) read command.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param phyAddr The PHY address.
* @param phyReg The PHY register.
* @param operation The read operation.
void ENET_StartSMIRead(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t phyAddr, uint32_t phyReg, enet_mii_read_t operation);
* @brief Starts an SMI write command.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param phyAddr The PHY address.
* @param phyReg The PHY register.
* @param operation The write operation.
* @param data The data written to PHY.
void ENET_StartSMIWrite(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t phyAddr, uint32_t phyReg, enet_mii_write_t operation, uint32_t data);
* @brief Starts the extended IEEE802.3 Clause 45 MDIO format SMI read command.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param phyAddr The PHY address.
* @param phyReg The PHY register. For MDIO IEEE802.3 Clause 45,
* the phyReg is a 21-bits combination of the devaddr (5 bits device address)
* and the regAddr (16 bits phy register): phyReg = (devaddr << 16) | regAddr.
void ENET_StartExtC45SMIRead(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t phyAddr, uint32_t phyReg);
* @brief Starts the extended IEEE802.3 Clause 45 MDIO format SMI write command.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param phyAddr The PHY address.
* @param phyReg The PHY register. For MDIO IEEE802.3 Clause 45,
* the phyReg is a 21-bits combination of the devaddr (5 bits device address)
* and the regAddr (16 bits phy register): phyReg = (devaddr << 16) | regAddr.
* @param data The data written to PHY.
void ENET_StartExtC45SMIWrite(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t phyAddr, uint32_t phyReg, uint32_t data);
/* @} */
* @name MAC Address Filter
* @{
* @brief Sets the ENET module Mac address.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param macAddr The six-byte Mac address pointer.
* The pointer is allocated by application and input into the API.
void ENET_SetMacAddr(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t *macAddr);
* @brief Gets the ENET module Mac address.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param macAddr The six-byte Mac address pointer.
* The pointer is allocated by application and input into the API.
void ENET_GetMacAddr(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t *macAddr);
* @brief Adds the ENET device to a multicast group.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param address The six-byte multicast group address which is provided by application.
void ENET_AddMulticastGroup(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t *address);
* @brief Moves the ENET device from a multicast group.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param address The six-byte multicast group address which is provided by application.
void ENET_LeaveMulticastGroup(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t *address);
/* @} */
* @name Other basic operations
* @{
* @brief Activates ENET read or receive.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @note This must be called after the MAC configuration and
* state are ready. It must be called after the ENET_Init() and
* ENET_Ptp1588Configure(). This should be called when the ENET receive required.
static inline void ENET_ActiveRead(ENET_Type *base)
* @brief Enables/disables the MAC to enter sleep mode.
* This function is used to set the MAC enter sleep mode.
* When entering sleep mode, the magic frame wakeup interrupt should be enabled
* to wake up MAC from the sleep mode and reset it to normal mode.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param enable True enable sleep mode, false disable sleep mode.
static inline void ENET_EnableSleepMode(ENET_Type *base, bool enable)
if (enable)
/* When this field is set, MAC enters sleep mode. */
{ /* MAC exits sleep mode. */
* @brief Gets ENET transmit and receive accelerator functions from the MAC controller.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param txAccelOption The transmit accelerator option. The "enet_tx_accelerator_t" is
* recommended as the mask to get the exact the accelerator option.
* @param rxAccelOption The receive accelerator option. The "enet_rx_accelerator_t" is
* recommended as the mask to get the exact the accelerator option.
static inline void ENET_GetAccelFunction(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t *txAccelOption, uint32_t *rxAccelOption)
*txAccelOption = base->TACC;
*rxAccelOption = base->RACC;
/* @} */
* @name Interrupts
* @{
* @brief Enables the ENET interrupt.
* This function enables the ENET interrupt according to the provided mask. The mask
* is a logical OR of enumeration members. See @ref enet_interrupt_enable_t.
* For example, to enable the TX frame interrupt and RX frame interrupt, do the following.
* @code
* ENET_EnableInterrupts(ENET, kENET_TxFrameInterrupt | kENET_RxFrameInterrupt);
* @endcode
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param mask ENET interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of the
* enumeration :: enet_interrupt_enable_t.
static inline void ENET_EnableInterrupts(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
base->EIMR |= mask;
* @brief Disables the ENET interrupt.
* This function disables the ENET interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask
* is a logical OR of enumeration members. See @ref enet_interrupt_enable_t.
* For example, to disable the TX frame interrupt and RX frame interrupt, do the following.
* @code
* ENET_DisableInterrupts(ENET, kENET_TxFrameInterrupt | kENET_RxFrameInterrupt);
* @endcode
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param mask ENET interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of the
* enumeration :: enet_interrupt_enable_t.
static inline void ENET_DisableInterrupts(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
base->EIMR &= ~mask;
* @brief Gets the ENET interrupt status flag.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @return The event status of the interrupt source. This is the logical OR of members
* of the enumeration :: enet_interrupt_enable_t.
static inline uint32_t ENET_GetInterruptStatus(ENET_Type *base)
return base->EIR;
* @brief Clears the ENET interrupt events status flag.
* This function clears enabled ENET interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask
* is a logical OR of enumeration members. See the @ref enet_interrupt_enable_t.
* For example, to clear the TX frame interrupt and RX frame interrupt, do the following.
* @code
* ENET_ClearInterruptStatus(ENET, kENET_TxFrameInterrupt | kENET_RxFrameInterrupt);
* @endcode
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param mask ENET interrupt source to be cleared.
* This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration :: enet_interrupt_enable_t.
static inline void ENET_ClearInterruptStatus(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
base->EIR = mask;
/* @} */
* @name Transactional operation
* @{
* @brief Sets the callback function.
* This API is provided for the application callback required case when ENET
* interrupt is enabled. This API should be called after calling ENET_Init.
* @param handle ENET handler pointer. Should be provided by application.
* @param callback The ENET callback function.
* @param userData The callback function parameter.
void ENET_SetCallback(enet_handle_t *handle, enet_callback_t callback, void *userData);
* @brief Gets the ENET the error statistics of a received frame.
* This API must be called after the ENET_GetRxFrameSize and before the ENET_ReadFrame().
* If the ENET_GetRxFrameSize returns kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError,
* the ENET_GetRxErrBeforeReadFrame can be used to get the exact error statistics.
* This is an example.
* @code
* status = ENET_GetRxFrameSize(&g_handle, &length);
* if (status == kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError)
* {
* // Get the error information of the received frame.
* ENET_GetRxErrBeforeReadFrame(&g_handle, &eErrStatic);
* // update the receive buffer.
* ENET_ReadFrame(EXAMPLE_ENET, &g_handle, NULL, 0);
* }
* @endcode
* @param handle The ENET handler structure pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
* @param eErrorStatic The error statistics structure pointer.
void ENET_GetRxErrBeforeReadFrame(enet_handle_t *handle, enet_data_error_stats_t *eErrorStatic);
* @brief Gets the ENET transmit frame statistics after the data send.
* This interface gets the error statistics of the transmit frame.
* Because the error information is reported by the uDMA after the data delivery, this interface
* should be called after the data transmit API. It is recommended to call this function on
* transmit interrupt handler. After calling the ENET_SendFrame, the
* transmit interrupt notifies the transmit completion.
* @param handle The PTP handler pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
* @param eErrorStatic The error statistics structure pointer.
* @return The execute status.
status_t ENET_GetTxErrAfterSendFrame(enet_handle_t *handle, enet_data_error_stats_t *eErrorStatic);
* @brief Gets the size of the read frame.
* This function gets a received frame size from the ENET buffer descriptors.
* @note The FCS of the frame is automatically removed by Mac and the size is the length without the FCS.
* After calling ENET_GetRxFrameSize, ENET_ReadFrame() should be called to update the
* receive buffers If the result is not "kStatus_ENET_RxFrameEmpty".
* @param handle The ENET handler structure. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
* @param length The length of the valid frame received.
* @retval kStatus_ENET_RxFrameEmpty No frame received. Should not call ENET_ReadFrame to read frame.
* @retval kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError Data error happens. ENET_ReadFrame should be called with NULL data
* and NULL length to update the receive buffers.
* @retval kStatus_Success Receive a frame Successfully then the ENET_ReadFrame
* should be called with the right data buffer and the captured data length input.
status_t ENET_GetRxFrameSize(enet_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *length);
* @brief Reads a frame from the ENET device.
* This function reads a frame (both the data and the length) from the ENET buffer descriptors.
* The ENET_GetRxFrameSize should be used to get the size of the prepared data buffer.
* This is an example.
* @code
* uint32_t length;
* enet_handle_t g_handle;
* //Get the received frame size firstly.
* status = ENET_GetRxFrameSize(&g_handle, &length);
* if (length != 0)
* {
* //Allocate memory here with the size of "length"
* uint8_t *data = memory allocate interface;
* if (!data)
* {
* ENET_ReadFrame(ENET, &g_handle, NULL, 0);
* //Add the console warning log.
* }
* else
* {
* status = ENET_ReadFrame(ENET, &g_handle, data, length);
* //Call stack input API to deliver the data to stack
* }
* }
* else if (status == kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError)
* {
* //Update the received buffer when a error frame is received.
* ENET_ReadFrame(ENET, &g_handle, NULL, 0);
* }
* @endcode
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param handle The ENET handler structure. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
* @param data The data buffer provided by user to store the frame which memory size should be at least "length".
* @param length The size of the data buffer which is still the length of the received frame.
* @return The execute status, successful or failure.
status_t ENET_ReadFrame(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length);
* @brief Transmits an ENET frame.
* @note The CRC is automatically appended to the data. Input the data
* to send without the CRC.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param handle The ENET handler pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
* @param data The data buffer provided by user to be send.
* @param length The length of the data to be send.
* @retval kStatus_Success Send frame succeed.
* @retval kStatus_ENET_TxFrameBusy Transmit buffer descriptor is busy under transmission.
* The transmit busy happens when the data send rate is over the MAC capacity.
* The waiting mechanism is recommended to be added after each call return with
* kStatus_ENET_TxFrameBusy.
status_t ENET_SendFrame(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length);
* @brief The transmit IRQ handler.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param handle The ENET handler pointer.
void ENET_TransmitIRQHandler(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle);
* @brief The receive IRQ handler.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param handle The ENET handler pointer.
void ENET_ReceiveIRQHandler(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle);
* @brief The error IRQ handler.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param handle The ENET handler pointer.
void ENET_ErrorIRQHandler(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle);
* @brief the common IRQ handler for the tx/rx/error etc irq handler.
* This is used for the combined tx/rx/error interrupt for single ring (ring 0).
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
void ENET_CommonFrame0IRQHandler(ENET_Type *base);
/* @} */
* @name ENET PTP 1588 function operation
* @{
* @brief Configures the ENET PTP IEEE 1588 feature with the basic configuration.
* The function sets the clock for PTP 1588 timer and enables
* time stamp interrupts and transmit interrupts for PTP 1588 features.
* This API should be called when the 1588 feature is enabled
* ENET_Init should be called before calling this API.
* @note The PTP 1588 time-stamp second increase though time-stamp interrupt handler
* and the transmit time-stamp store is done through transmit interrupt handler.
* As a result, the TS interrupt and TX interrupt are enabled when you call this API.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param handle ENET handler pointer.
* @param ptpConfig The ENET PTP1588 configuration.
void ENET_Ptp1588Configure(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, enet_ptp_config_t *ptpConfig);
* @brief Starts the ENET PTP 1588 Timer.
* This function is used to initialize the PTP timer. After the PTP starts,
* the PTP timer starts running.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param ptpClkSrc The clock source of the PTP timer.
void ENET_Ptp1588StartTimer(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t ptpClkSrc);
* @brief Stops the ENET PTP 1588 Timer.
* This function is used to stops the ENET PTP timer.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
static inline void ENET_Ptp1588StopTimer(ENET_Type *base)
/* Disable PTP timer and reset the timer. */
* @brief Adjusts the ENET PTP 1588 timer.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param corrIncrease The correction increment value. This value is added every time the correction
* timer expires. A value less than the PTP timer frequency(1/ptpClkSrc) slows down the timer,
* a value greater than the 1/ptpClkSrc speeds up the timer.
* @param corrPeriod The PTP timer correction counter wrap-around value. This defines after how
* many timer clock the correction counter should be reset and trigger a correction
* increment on the timer. A value of 0 disables the correction counter and no correction occurs.
void ENET_Ptp1588AdjustTimer(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t corrIncrease, uint32_t corrPeriod);
* @brief Sets the ENET PTP 1588 timer channel mode.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param channel The ENET PTP timer channel number.
* @param mode The PTP timer channel mode, see "enet_ptp_timer_channel_mode_t".
* @param intEnable Enables or disables the interrupt.
static inline void ENET_Ptp1588SetChannelMode(ENET_Type *base,
enet_ptp_timer_channel_t channel,
enet_ptp_timer_channel_mode_t mode,
bool intEnable)
uint32_t tcrReg = 0;
tcrReg = ENET_TCSR_TMODE(mode) | ENET_TCSR_TIE(intEnable);
/* Disable channel mode first. */
base->CHANNEL[channel].TCSR = 0;
base->CHANNEL[channel].TCSR = tcrReg;
* @brief Sets ENET PTP 1588 timer channel mode pulse width.
* For the input "mode" in ENET_Ptp1588SetChannelMode, the kENET_PtpChannelPulseLowonCompare
* kENET_PtpChannelPulseHighonCompare only support the pulse width for one 1588 clock.
* this function is extended for control the pulse width from 1 to 32 1588 clock cycles.
* so call this function if you need to set the timer channel mode for
* kENET_PtpChannelPulseLowonCompare or kENET_PtpChannelPulseHighonCompare
* with pulse width more than one 1588 clock,
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param channel The ENET PTP timer channel number.
* @param isOutputLow True --- timer channel is configured for output compare
* pulse output low.
* false --- timer channel is configured for output compare
* pulse output high.
* @param pulseWidth The pulse width control value, range from 0 ~ 31.
* 0 --- pulse width is one 1588 clock cycle.
* 31 --- pulse width is thirty two 1588 clock cycles.
* @param intEnable Enables or disables the interrupt.
static inline void ENET_Ptp1588SetChannelOutputPulseWidth(ENET_Type *base,
enet_ptp_timer_channel_t channel,
bool isOutputLow,
uint8_t pulseWidth,
bool intEnable)
uint32_t tcrReg;
tcrReg = ENET_TCSR_TIE(intEnable) | ENET_TCSR_TPWC(pulseWidth);
if (isOutputLow)
tcrReg |= ENET_TCSR_TMODE(kENET_PtpChannelPulseLowonCompare);
tcrReg |= ENET_TCSR_TMODE(kENET_PtpChannelPulseHighonCompare);
/* Disable channel mode first. */
base->CHANNEL[channel].TCSR = 0;
base->CHANNEL[channel].TCSR = tcrReg;
* @brief Sets the ENET PTP 1588 timer channel comparison value.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param channel The PTP timer channel, see "enet_ptp_timer_channel_t".
* @param cmpValue The compare value for the compare setting.
static inline void ENET_Ptp1588SetChannelCmpValue(ENET_Type *base, enet_ptp_timer_channel_t channel, uint32_t cmpValue)
base->CHANNEL[channel].TCCR = cmpValue;
* @brief Gets the ENET PTP 1588 timer channel status.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param channel The IEEE 1588 timer channel number.
* @return True or false, Compare or capture operation status
static inline bool ENET_Ptp1588GetChannelStatus(ENET_Type *base, enet_ptp_timer_channel_t channel)
return (0 != (base->CHANNEL[channel].TCSR & ENET_TCSR_TF_MASK));
* @brief Clears the ENET PTP 1588 timer channel status.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param channel The IEEE 1588 timer channel number.
static inline void ENET_Ptp1588ClearChannelStatus(ENET_Type *base, enet_ptp_timer_channel_t channel)
base->TGSR = (1U << channel);
* @brief Gets the current ENET time from the PTP 1588 timer.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param handle The ENET state pointer. This is the same state pointer used in the ENET_Init.
* @param ptpTime The PTP timer structure.
void ENET_Ptp1588GetTimer(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, enet_ptp_time_t *ptpTime);
* @brief Sets the ENET PTP 1588 timer to the assigned time.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param handle The ENET state pointer. This is the same state pointer used in the ENET_Init.
* @param ptpTime The timer to be set to the PTP timer.
void ENET_Ptp1588SetTimer(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, enet_ptp_time_t *ptpTime);
* @brief The IEEE 1588 PTP time stamp interrupt handler.
* @param base ENET peripheral base address.
* @param handle The ENET state pointer. This is the same state pointer used in the ENET_Init.
void ENET_Ptp1588TimerIRQHandler(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle);
* @brief Gets the time stamp of the received frame.
* This function is used for PTP stack to get the timestamp captured by the ENET driver.
* @param handle The ENET handler pointer.This is the same state pointer used in
* ENET_Init.
* @param ptpTimeData The special PTP timestamp data for search the receive timestamp.
* @retval kStatus_Success Get 1588 timestamp success.
* @retval kStatus_ENET_PtpTsRingEmpty 1588 timestamp ring empty.
* @retval kStatus_ENET_PtpTsRingFull 1588 timestamp ring full.
status_t ENET_GetRxFrameTime(enet_handle_t *handle, enet_ptp_time_data_t *ptpTimeData);
* @brief Gets the time stamp of the transmit frame.
* This function is used for PTP stack to get the timestamp captured by the ENET driver.
* @param handle The ENET handler pointer.This is the same state pointer used in
* ENET_Init.
* @param ptpTimeData The special PTP timestamp data for search the receive timestamp.
* @retval kStatus_Success Get 1588 timestamp success.
* @retval kStatus_ENET_PtpTsRingEmpty 1588 timestamp ring empty.
* @retval kStatus_ENET_PtpTsRingFull 1588 timestamp ring full.
status_t ENET_GetTxFrameTime(enet_handle_t *handle, enet_ptp_time_data_t *ptpTimeData);
/* @} */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
/*! @}*/
#endif /* _FSL_ENET_H_ */