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* @brief LPC8xx UART ROM API declarations and functions
* @note
* Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
* All rights reserved.
* @par
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
* any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
* all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
* merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
* intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
* or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
* patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
* or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
* in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
* representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
* specified use without further testing or modification.
* @par
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
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* is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
* copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
* this code.
#ifndef __ROM_UART_8XX_H_
#define __ROM_UART_8XX_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @defgroup UARTROM_8XX CHIP: LPC8xx UART ROM API declarations and functions
* @ingroup CHIP_8XX_Drivers
* @{
* @brief UART ROM driver - UART errors in UART configuration used in uart_init function
#define OVERRUN_ERR_EN (1 << 0) /*!< Bit 0: Enable overrun error */
#define UNDERRUN_ERR_EN (1 << 1) /*!< Bit 1: Enable underrun error */
#define FRAME_ERR_EN (1 << 2) /*!< Bit 2: enable frame error */
#define PARITY_ERR_EN (1 << 3) /*!< Bit 3: enable parity error */
#define RXNOISE_ERR_EN (1 << 4) /*!< Bit 4: enable receive noise error */
* Macros for UART errors
/*!< Enable all the UART errors */
/*!< Disable all the errors */
#define NO_ERR_EN (0)
* Transfer mode values in UART parameter structure.
* Used in uart_get_line & uart_put_line function
/*!< 0x00: uart_get_line: stop transfer when the buffer is full */
/*!< 0x00: uart_put_line: stop transfer when the buffer is empty */
#define TX_MODE_BUF_EMPTY (0x00)
#define RX_MODE_BUF_FULL (0x00)
/*!< 0x01: uart_get_line: stop transfer when CRLF are received */
/*!< 0x01: uart_put_line: transfer stopped after reaching \0 and CRLF is sent out after that */
#define TX_MODE_SZERO_SEND_CRLF (0x01)
#define RX_MODE_CRLF_RECVD (0x01)
/*!< 0x02: uart_get_line: stop transfer when LF are received */
/*!< 0x02: uart_put_line: transfer stopped after reaching \0. And LF is sent out after that */
#define TX_MODE_SZERO_SEND_LF (0x02)
#define RX_MODE_LF_RECVD (0x02)
/*!< 0x03: uart_get_line: RESERVED */
/*!< 0x03: uart_put_line: transfer stopped after reaching \0 */
#define TX_MODE_SZERO (0x03)
* @brief UART ROM driver modes
#define DRIVER_MODE_POLLING (0x00) /*!< Polling mode */
#define DRIVER_MODE_INTERRUPT (0x01) /*!< Interrupt mode */
#define DRIVER_MODE_DMA (0x02) /*!< DMA mode */
* @brief UART ROM driver UART handle
typedef void UART_HANDLE_T;
* @brief UART ROM driver UART callback function
typedef void (*UART_CALLBK_T)(uint32_t err_code, uint32_t n);
* @brief UART ROM driver UART DMA callback function
typedef void (*UART_DMA_REQ_T)(uint32_t src_adr, uint32_t dst_adr, uint32_t size);
* @brief UART ROM driver configutaion structure
typedef struct {
uint32_t sys_clk_in_hz; /*!< main clock in Hz */
uint32_t baudrate_in_hz; /*!< Baud rate in Hz */
uint8_t config; /*!< Configuration value */
/*!< bit1:0 Data Length: 00: 7 bits length, 01: 8 bits length, others: reserved */
/*!< bit3:2 Parity: 00: No Parity, 01: reserved, 10: Even, 11: Odd */
/*!< bit4: Stop Bit(s): 0: 1 Stop bit, 1: 2 Stop bits */
uint8_t sync_mod; /*!< Sync mode settings */
/*!< bit0: Mode: 0: Asynchronous mode, 1: Synchronous mode */
/*!< bit1: 0: Un_RXD is sampled on the falling edge of SCLK */
/*!< 1: Un_RXD is sampled on the rising edge of SCLK */
/*!< bit2: 0: Start and stop bits are transmitted as in asynchronous mode) */
/*!< 1: Start and stop bits are not transmitted) */
/*!< bit3: 0: The UART is a slave in Synchronous mode */
/*!< 1: The UART is a master in Synchronous mode */
uint16_t error_en; /*!< Errors to be enabled */
/*!< bit0: Overrun Errors Enabled */
/*!< bit1: Underrun Errors Enabled */
/*!< bit2: FrameErr Errors Enabled */
/*!< bit3: ParityErr Errors Enabled */
/*!< bit4: RxNoise Errors Enabled */
* @brief UART ROM driver parameter structure
typedef struct {
uint8_t *buffer; /*!< Pointer to data buffer */
uint32_t size; /*!< Size of the buffer */
uint16_t transfer_mode; /*!< Transfer mode settings */
/*!< 0x00: uart_get_line: stop transfer when the buffer is full */
/*!< 0x00: uart_put_line: stop transfer when the buffer is empty */
/*!< 0x01: uart_get_line: stop transfer when CRLF are received */
/*!< 0x01: uart_put_line: transfer stopped after reaching \0 and CRLF is sent out after that */
/*!< 0x02: uart_get_line: stop transfer when LF are received */
/*!< 0x02: uart_put_line: transfer stopped after reaching \0 and LF is sent out after that */
/*!< 0x03: uart_get_line: RESERVED */
/*!< 0x03: uart_put_line: transfer stopped after reaching \0 */
uint16_t driver_mode; /*!< Driver mode */
/*!< 0x00: Polling mode, function blocked until transfer completes */
/*!< 0x01: Interrupt mode, function immediately returns, callback invoked when transfer completes */
/*!< 0x02: DMA mode, in case DMA block is available, DMA req function is called for UART DMA channel setup, then callback function indicate that transfer completes */
UART_CALLBK_T callback_func_pt; /*!< callback function pointer */
UART_DMA_REQ_T dma_req_func_pt; /*!< UART DMA channel setup function pointer, not applicable on LPC8xx */
* @brief UART ROM driver APIs structure
typedef struct UARTD_API {
/*!< UART Configuration functions */
uint32_t (*uart_get_mem_size)(void); /*!< Get the memory size needed by one Min UART instance */
UART_HANDLE_T * (*uart_setup)(uint32_t base_addr, uint8_t * ram); /*!< Setup Min UART instance with provided memory and return the handle to this instance */
uint32_t (*uart_init)(UART_HANDLE_T *handle, UART_CONFIG_T *set); /*!< Setup baud rate and operation mode for uart, then enable uart */
/*!< UART polling functions block until completed */
uint8_t (*uart_get_char)(UART_HANDLE_T *handle); /*!< Receive one Char from uart. This functions is only returned after Char is received. In case Echo is enabled, the received data is sent out immediately */
void (*uart_put_char)(UART_HANDLE_T *handle, uint8_t data); /*!< Send one Char through uart. This function is only returned after data is sent */
uint32_t (*uart_get_line)(UART_HANDLE_T *handle, UART_PARAM_T *param); /*!< Receive multiple bytes from UART */
uint32_t (*uart_put_line)(UART_HANDLE_T *handle, UART_PARAM_T *param); /*!< Send string (end with \0) or raw data through UART */
/*!< UART interrupt functions return immediately and callback when completed */
void (*uart_isr)(UART_HANDLE_T *handle); /*!< UART interrupt service routine. To use this routine, the corresponding USART interrupt must be enabled. This function is invoked by the user ISR */
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __ROM_UART_8XX_H_ */