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\file gd32f30x_exmc.h
\brief definitions for the EXMC
Copyright (C) 2017 GigaDevice
2017-02-10, V1.0.2, firmware for GD32F30x
#ifndef GD32F30X_EXMC_H
#define GD32F30X_EXMC_H
#include "gd32f30x.h"
/* EXMC definitions */
#define EXMC (EXMC_BASE) /*!< EXMC register base address */
/* registers definitions */
#define EXMC_SNCTL0 REG32(EXMC + 0x00U) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash control register 0 */
#define EXMC_SNTCFG0 REG32(EXMC + 0x04U) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash timing configuration register 0 */
#define EXMC_SNWTCFG0 REG32(EXMC + 0x104U) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash write timing configuration register 0 */
#define EXMC_SNCTL1 REG32(EXMC + 0x08U) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash control register 1 */
#define EXMC_SNTCFG1 REG32(EXMC + 0x0CU) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash timing configuration register 1 */
#define EXMC_SNWTCFG1 REG32(EXMC + 0x10CU) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash write timing configuration register 1 */
#define EXMC_SNCTL2 REG32(EXMC + 0x10U) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash control register 2 */
#define EXMC_SNTCFG2 REG32(EXMC + 0x14U) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash timing configuration register 2 */
#define EXMC_SNWTCFG2 REG32(EXMC + 0x114U) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash write timing configuration register 2 */
#define EXMC_SNCTL3 REG32(EXMC + 0x18U) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash control register 3 */
#define EXMC_SNTCFG3 REG32(EXMC + 0x1CU) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash timing configuration register 3 */
#define EXMC_SNWTCFG3 REG32(EXMC + 0x11CU) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash write timing configuration register 3 */
/* NAND/PC card */
#define EXMC_NPCTL1 REG32(EXMC + 0x60U) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card control register 1 */
#define EXMC_NPINTEN1 REG32(EXMC + 0x64U) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card interrupt enable register 1 */
#define EXMC_NPCTCFG1 REG32(EXMC + 0x68U) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card common space timing configuration register 1 */
#define EXMC_NPATCFG1 REG32(EXMC + 0x6CU) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card attribute space timing configuration register 1 */
#define EXMC_NECC1 REG32(EXMC + 0x74U) /*!< EXMC NAND ECC register 1 */
#define EXMC_NPCTL2 REG32(EXMC + 0x80U) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card control register 2 */
#define EXMC_NPINTEN2 REG32(EXMC + 0x84U) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card interrupt enable register 2 */
#define EXMC_NPCTCFG2 REG32(EXMC + 0x88U) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card common space timing configuration register 2 */
#define EXMC_NPATCFG2 REG32(EXMC + 0x8CU) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card attribute space timing configuration register 2 */
#define EXMC_NECC2 REG32(EXMC + 0x94U) /*!< EXMC NAND ECC register 2 */
#define EXMC_NPCTL3 REG32(EXMC + 0xA0U) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card control register 3 */
#define EXMC_NPINTEN3 REG32(EXMC + 0xA4U) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card interrupt enable register 3 */
#define EXMC_NPCTCFG3 REG32(EXMC + 0xA8U) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card common space timing configuration register 3 */
#define EXMC_NPATCFG3 REG32(EXMC + 0xACU) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card attribute space timing configuration register 3 */
#define EXMC_PIOTCFG3 REG32(EXMC + 0xB0U) /*!< EXMC PC card I/O space timing configuration register */
/* bits definitions */
/* EXMC_SNCTLx,x=0..3 */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_NRBKEN BIT(0) /*!< NOR bank enable */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_NRMUX BIT(1) /*!< NOR bank memory address/data multiplexing */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_NRTP BITS(2,3) /*!< NOR bank memory type */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_NRW BITS(4,5) /*!< NOR bank memory data bus width */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_NREN BIT(6) /*!< NOR flash access enable */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_SBRSTEN BIT(8) /*!< synchronous burst enable */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_NRWTPOL BIT(9) /*!< NWAIT signal polarity */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_WRAPEN BIT(10) /*!< wrapped burst mode enable */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_NRWTCFG BIT(11) /*!< NWAIT signal configuration, only work in synchronous mode */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_WREN BIT(12) /*!< write enable */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_NRWTEN BIT(13) /*!< NWAIT signal enable */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_EXMODEN BIT(14) /*!< extended mode enable */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_ASYNCWAIT BIT(15) /*!< asynchronous wait */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_CPS BITS(16,18) /*!< CRAM page size */
#define EXMC_SNCTL_SYNCWR BIT(19) /*!< synchronous write */
/* EXMC_SNTCFGx,x=0..3 */
#define EXMC_SNTCFG_ASET BITS(0,3) /*!< address setup time */
#define EXMC_SNTCFG_AHLD BITS(4,7) /*!< address hold time */
#define EXMC_SNTCFG_DSET BITS(8,15) /*!< data setup time */
#define EXMC_SNTCFG_BUSLAT BITS(16,19) /*!< bus latency */
#define EXMC_SNTCFG_CKDIV BITS(20,23) /*!< synchronous clock divide ratio */
#define EXMC_SNTCFG_DLAT BITS(24,27) /*!< data latency for NOR flash */
#define EXMC_SNTCFG_ASYNCMOD BITS(28,29) /*!< asynchronous access mode */
/* EXMC_SNWTCFGx,x=0..3 */
#define EXMC_SNWTCFG_WASET BITS(0,3) /*!< address setup time */
#define EXMC_SNWTCFG_WAHLD BITS(4,7) /*!< address hold time */
#define EXMC_SNWTCFG_WDSET BITS(8,15) /*!< data setup time */
#define EXMC_SNWTCFG_WBUSLAT BITS(16,19) /*!< bus latency */
#define EXMC_SNWTCFG_WASYNCMOD BITS(28,29) /*!< asynchronous access mode */
/* EXMC_NPCTLx,x=1..3 */
#define EXMC_NPCTL_NDWTEN BIT(1) /*!< wait feature enable */
#define EXMC_NPCTL_NDBKEN BIT(2) /*!< NAND bank enable */
#define EXMC_NPCTL_NDTP BIT(3) /*!< NAND bank memory type */
#define EXMC_NPCTL_NDW BITS(4,5) /*!< NAND bank memory data bus width */
#define EXMC_NPCTL_ECCEN BIT(6) /*!< ECC enable */
#define EXMC_NPCTL_CTR BITS(9,12) /*!< CLE to RE delay */
#define EXMC_NPCTL_ATR BITS(13,16) /*!< ALE to RE delay */
#define EXMC_NPCTL_ECCSZ BITS(17,19) /*!< ECC size */
/* EXMC_NPINTENx,x=1..3 */
#define EXMC_NPINTEN_INTRS BIT(0) /*!< interrupt rising edge status */
#define EXMC_NPINTEN_INTHS BIT(1) /*!< interrupt high-level status */
#define EXMC_NPINTEN_INTFS BIT(2) /*!< interrupt falling edge status */
#define EXMC_NPINTEN_INTREN BIT(3) /*!< interrupt rising edge detection enable */
#define EXMC_NPINTEN_INTHEN BIT(4) /*!< interrupt high-level detection enable */
#define EXMC_NPINTEN_INTFEN BIT(5) /*!< interrupt falling edge detection enable */
#define EXMC_NPINTEN_FFEPT BIT(6) /*!< FIFO empty flag */
/* EXMC_NPCTCFGx,x=1..3 */
#define EXMC_NPCTCFG_COMSET BITS(0,7) /*!< common memory setup time */
#define EXMC_NPCTCFG_COMWAIT BITS(8,15) /*!< common memory wait time */
#define EXMC_NPCTCFG_COMHLD BITS(16,23) /*!< common memory hold time */
#define EXMC_NPCTCFG_COMHIZ BITS(24,31) /*!< common memory data bus HiZ time */
/* EXMC_NPATCFGx,x=1..3 */
#define EXMC_NPATCFG_ATTSET BITS(0,7) /*!< attribute memory setup time */
#define EXMC_NPATCFG_ATTWAIT BITS(8,15) /*!< attribute memory wait time */
#define EXMC_NPATCFG_ATTHLD BITS(16,23) /*!< attribute memory hold time */
#define EXMC_NPATCFG_ATTHIZ BITS(24,31) /*!< attribute memory data bus HiZ time */
#define EXMC_PIOTCFG3_IOSET BITS(0,7) /*!< IO space setup time */
#define EXMC_PIOTCFG3_IOWAIT BITS(8,15) /*!< IO space wait time */
#define EXMC_PIOTCFG3_IOHLD BITS(16,23) /*!< IO space hold time */
#define EXMC_PIOTCFG3_IOHIZ BITS(24,31) /*!< IO space data bus HiZ time */
/* EXMC_NECCx,x=1,2 */
#define EXMC_NECC_ECC BITS(0,31) /*!< ECC result */
/* constants definitions */
/* EXMC NOR/SRAM timing initialize struct */
typedef struct
uint32_t asyn_access_mode; /*!< asynchronous access mode */
uint32_t syn_data_latency; /*!< configure the data latency */
uint32_t syn_clk_division; /*!< configure the clock divide ratio */
uint32_t bus_latency; /*!< configure the bus latency */
uint32_t asyn_data_setuptime; /*!< configure the data setup time,asynchronous access mode valid */
uint32_t asyn_address_holdtime; /*!< configure the address hold time,asynchronous access mode valid */
uint32_t asyn_address_setuptime; /*!< configure the data setup time,asynchronous access mode valid */
/* EXMC NOR/SRAM initialize struct */
typedef struct
uint32_t norsram_region; /*!< select the region of EXMC NOR/SRAM bank */
uint32_t write_mode; /*!< the write mode, synchronous mode or asynchronous mode */
uint32_t extended_mode; /*!< enable or disable the extended mode */
uint32_t asyn_wait; /*!< enable or disable the asynchronous wait function */
uint32_t nwait_signal; /*!< enable or disable the NWAIT signal while in synchronous bust mode */
uint32_t memory_write; /*!< enable or disable the write operation */
uint32_t nwait_config; /*!< NWAIT signal configuration */
uint32_t wrap_burst_mode; /*!< enable or disable the wrap burst mode */
uint32_t nwait_polarity; /*!< specifies the polarity of NWAIT signal from memory */
uint32_t burst_mode; /*!< enable or disable the burst mode */
uint32_t databus_width; /*!< specifies the databus width of external memory */
uint32_t memory_type; /*!< specifies the type of external memory */
uint32_t address_data_mux; /*!< specifies whether the data bus and address bus are multiplexed */
exmc_norsram_timing_parameter_struct* read_write_timing; /*!< timing parameters for read and write if the extended mode is not used or the timing
parameters for read if the extended mode is used */
exmc_norsram_timing_parameter_struct* write_timing; /*!< timing parameters for write when the extended mode is used */
/* EXMC NAND/PC card timing initialize struct */
typedef struct
uint32_t databus_hiztime; /*!< configure the dadtabus HiZ time for write operation */
uint32_t holdtime; /*!< configure the address hold time(or the data hold time for write operation) */
uint32_t waittime; /*!< configure the minimum wait time */
uint32_t setuptime; /*!< configure the address setup time */
/* EXMC NAND initialize struct */
typedef struct
uint32_t nand_bank; /*!< select the bank of NAND */
uint32_t ecc_size; /*!< the page size for the ECC calculation */
uint32_t atr_latency; /*!< configure the latency of ALE low to RB low */
uint32_t ctr_latency; /*!< configure the latency of CLE low to RB low */
uint32_t ecc_logic; /*!< enable or disable the ECC calculation logic */
uint32_t databus_width; /*!< the NAND flash databus width */
uint32_t wait_feature; /*!< enables or disables the wait feature */
exmc_nand_pccard_timing_parameter_struct* common_space_timing; /*!< the timing parameters for NAND flash common space */
exmc_nand_pccard_timing_parameter_struct* attribute_space_timing; /*!< the timing parameters for NAND flash attribute space */
/* EXMC PC card initialize struct */
typedef struct
uint32_t atr_latency; /*!< configure the latency of ALE low to RB low */
uint32_t ctr_latency; /*!< configure the latency of CLE low to RB low */
uint32_t wait_feature; /*!< enables or disables the Wait feature */
exmc_nand_pccard_timing_parameter_struct* common_space_timing; /*!< the timing parameters for NAND flash common space */
exmc_nand_pccard_timing_parameter_struct* attribute_space_timing; /*!< the timing parameters for NAND flash attribute space */
exmc_nand_pccard_timing_parameter_struct* io_space_timing; /*!< the timing parameters for NAND flash IO space */
/* EXMC_register address */
#define EXMC_SNCTL(region) REG32(EXMC + 0x08U * (region)) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash control register */
#define EXMC_SNTCFG(region) REG32(EXMC + 0x04U + 0x08U * (region)) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash timing configuration register */
#define EXMC_SNWTCFG(region) REG32(EXMC + 0x104U + 0x08U * (region)) /*!< EXMC SRAM/NOR flash write timing configuration register */
#define EXMC_NPCTL(bank) REG32(EXMC + 0x40U + 0x20U * (bank)) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card control register */
#define EXMC_NPINTEN(bank) REG32(EXMC + 0x44U + 0x20U * (bank)) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card interrupt enable register */
#define EXMC_NPCTCFG(bank) REG32(EXMC + 0x48U + 0x20U * (bank)) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card common space timing configuration register */
#define EXMC_NPATCFG(bank) REG32(EXMC + 0x4CU + 0x20U * (bank)) /*!< EXMC NAND/PC card attribute space timing configuration register */
#define EXMC_NECC(bank) REG32(EXMC + 0x54U + 0x20U * (bank)) /*!< EXMC NAND ECC register */
/* CRAM page size */
#define SNCTL_CPS(regval) (BITS(16,18) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 16))
#define EXMC_CRAM_AUTO_SPLIT SNCTL_CPS(0) /*!< automatic burst split on page boundary crossing */
#define EXMC_CRAM_PAGE_SIZE_128_BYTES SNCTL_CPS(1) /*!< page size is 128 bytes */
#define EXMC_CRAM_PAGE_SIZE_256_BYTES SNCTL_CPS(2) /*!< page size is 256 bytes */
#define EXMC_CRAM_PAGE_SIZE_512_BYTES SNCTL_CPS(3) /*!< page size is 512 bytes */
#define EXMC_CRAM_PAGE_SIZE_1024_BYTES SNCTL_CPS(4) /*!< page size is 1024 bytes */
/* NOR bank memory data bus width */
#define SNCTL_NRW(regval) (BITS(4,5) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 4))
#define EXMC_NOR_DATABUS_WIDTH_8B SNCTL_NRW(0) /*!< NOR data width 8 bits */
#define EXMC_NOR_DATABUS_WIDTH_16B SNCTL_NRW(1) /*!< NOR data width 16 bits */
/* NOR bank memory type */
#define SNCTL_NRTP(regval) (BITS(2,3) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 2))
#define EXMC_MEMORY_TYPE_NOR SNCTL_NRTP(2) /*!< NOR flash */
/* asynchronous access mode */
#define SNTCFG_ASYNCMOD(regval) (BITS(28,29) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 28))
#define EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_A SNTCFG_ASYNCMOD(0) /*!< mode A access */
#define EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_B SNTCFG_ASYNCMOD(1) /*!< mode B access */
#define EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_C SNTCFG_ASYNCMOD(2) /*!< mode C access */
#define EXMC_ACCESS_MODE_D SNTCFG_ASYNCMOD(3) /*!< mode D access */
/* data latency for NOR flash */
#define SNTCFG_DLAT(regval) (BITS(24,27) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 24))
#define EXMC_DATALAT_2_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(0) /*!< data latency 2 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_3_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(1) /*!< data latency 3 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_4_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(2) /*!< data latency 4 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_5_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(3) /*!< data latency 5 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_6_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(4) /*!< data latency 6 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_7_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(5) /*!< data latency 7 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_8_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(6) /*!< data latency 8 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_9_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(7) /*!< data latency 9 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_10_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(8) /*!< data latency 10 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_11_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(9) /*!< data latency 11 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_12_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(10) /*!< data latency 12 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_13_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(11) /*!< data latency 13 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_14_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(12) /*!< data latency 14 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_15_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(13) /*!< data latency 15 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_16_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(14) /*!< data latency 16 EXMC_CLK */
#define EXMC_DATALAT_17_CLK SNTCFG_DLAT(15) /*!< data latency 17 EXMC_CLK */
/* synchronous clock divide ratio */
#define SNTCFG_CKDIV(regval) (BITS(20,23) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 20))
/* ECC size */
#define NPCTL_ECCSZ(regval) (BITS(17,19) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 17))
#define EXMC_ECC_SIZE_256BYTES NPCTL_ECCSZ(0) /* 256 bytes */
#define EXMC_ECC_SIZE_512BYTES NPCTL_ECCSZ(1) /* 512 bytes */
#define EXMC_ECC_SIZE_1024BYTES NPCTL_ECCSZ(2) /* 1024 bytes */
#define EXMC_ECC_SIZE_2048BYTES NPCTL_ECCSZ(3) /* 2048 bytes */
#define EXMC_ECC_SIZE_4096BYTES NPCTL_ECCSZ(4) /* 4096 bytes */
#define EXMC_ECC_SIZE_8192BYTES NPCTL_ECCSZ(5) /* 8192 bytes */
/* ALE to RE delay */
#define NPCTL_ATR(regval) (BITS(13,16) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 13))
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_1_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(0) /* ALE to RE delay = 1*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_2_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(1) /* ALE to RE delay = 2*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_3_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(2) /* ALE to RE delay = 3*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_4_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(3) /* ALE to RE delay = 4*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_5_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(4) /* ALE to RE delay = 5*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_6_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(5) /* ALE to RE delay = 6*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_7_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(6) /* ALE to RE delay = 7*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_8_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(7) /* ALE to RE delay = 8*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_9_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(8) /* ALE to RE delay = 9*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_10_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(9) /* ALE to RE delay = 10*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_11_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(10) /* ALE to RE delay = 11*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_12_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(11) /* ALE to RE delay = 12*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_13_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(12) /* ALE to RE delay = 13*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_14_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(13) /* ALE to RE delay = 14*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_15_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(14) /* ALE to RE delay = 15*HCLK */
#define EXMC_ALE_RE_DELAY_16_HCLK NPCTL_ATR(15) /* ALE to RE delay = 16*HCLK */
/* CLE to RE delay */
#define NPCTL_CTR(regval) (BITS(9,12) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 9))
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_1_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(0) /* CLE to RE delay = 1*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_2_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(1) /* CLE to RE delay = 2*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_3_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(2) /* CLE to RE delay = 3*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_4_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(3) /* CLE to RE delay = 4*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_5_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(4) /* CLE to RE delay = 5*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_6_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(5) /* CLE to RE delay = 6*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_7_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(6) /* CLE to RE delay = 7*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_8_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(7) /* CLE to RE delay = 8*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_9_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(8) /* CLE to RE delay = 9*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_10_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(9) /* CLE to RE delay = 10*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_11_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(10) /* CLE to RE delay = 11*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_12_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(11) /* CLE to RE delay = 12*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_13_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(12) /* CLE to RE delay = 13*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_14_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(13) /* CLE to RE delay = 14*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_15_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(14) /* CLE to RE delay = 15*HCLK */
#define EXMC_CLE_RE_DELAY_16_HCLK NPCTL_CTR(15) /* CLE to RE delay = 16*HCLK */
/* NAND bank memory data bus width */
#define NPCTL_NDW(regval) (BITS(4,5) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 4))
#define EXMC_NAND_DATABUS_WIDTH_8B NPCTL_NDW(0) /*!< NAND data width 8 bits */
#define EXMC_NAND_DATABUS_WIDTH_16B NPCTL_NDW(1) /*!< NAND data width 16 bits */
/* EXMC NOR/SRAM bank region definition */
#define EXMC_BANK0_NORSRAM_REGION0 ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< bank0 NOR/SRAM region0 */
#define EXMC_BANK0_NORSRAM_REGION1 ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /*!< bank0 NOR/SRAM region1 */
#define EXMC_BANK0_NORSRAM_REGION2 ((uint32_t)0x00000002U) /*!< bank0 NOR/SRAM region2 */
#define EXMC_BANK0_NORSRAM_REGION3 ((uint32_t)0x00000003U) /*!< bank0 NOR/SRAM region3 */
/* EXMC NOR/SRAM write mode */
#define EXMC_ASYN_WRITE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< asynchronous write mode */
#define EXMC_SYN_WRITE ((uint32_t)0x00080000U) /*!< synchronous write mode */
/* EXMC NWAIT signal configuration */
#define EXMC_NWAIT_CONFIG_BEFORE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< NWAIT signal is active one data cycle before wait state */
#define EXMC_NWAIT_CONFIG_DURING ((uint32_t)0x00000800U) /*!< NWAIT signal is active during wait state */
/* EXMC NWAIT signal polarity configuration */
#define EXMC_NWAIT_POLARITY_LOW ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< low level is active of NWAIT */
#define EXMC_NWAIT_POLARITY_HIGH ((uint32_t)0x00000200U) /*!< high level is active of NWAIT */
/* EXMC NAND/PC card bank definition */
#define EXMC_BANK1_NAND ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /*!< bank1 NAND flash */
#define EXMC_BANK2_NAND ((uint32_t)0x00000002U) /*!< bank2 NAND flash */
#define EXMC_BANK3_PCCARD ((uint32_t)0x00000003U) /*!< bank3 PC card */
/* EXMC flag bits */
#define EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_FLAG_RISE EXMC_NPINTEN_INTRS /*!< interrupt rising edge status */
#define EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_FLAG_LEVEL EXMC_NPINTEN_INTHS /*!< interrupt high-level status */
#define EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_FLAG_FALL EXMC_NPINTEN_INTFS /*!< interrupt falling edge status */
/* EXMC interrupt enable bits */
#define EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_RISE EXMC_NPINTEN_INTREN /*!< interrupt rising edge detection enable */
#define EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_LEVEL EXMC_NPINTEN_INTHEN /*!< interrupt high-level detection enable */
#define EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FALL EXMC_NPINTEN_INTFEN /*!< interrupt falling edge detection enable */
/* EXMC interrupt flag bits */
#define EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_RISE EXMC_NPINTEN_INTREN /*!< interrupt rising edge detection enable */
#define EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_LEVEL EXMC_NPINTEN_INTHEN /*!< interrupt high-level detection enable */
#define EXMC_NAND_PCCARD_INT_FLAG_FALL EXMC_NPINTEN_INTFEN /*!< interrupt falling edge detection enable */
/* function declarations */
/* deinitialize EXMC NOR/SRAM region */
void exmc_norsram_deinit(uint32_t exmc_norsram_region);
/* initialize EXMC NOR/SRAM region */
void exmc_norsram_init(exmc_norsram_parameter_struct* exmc_norsram_init_struct);
/* exmc_norsram_parameter_struct parameter initialize */
void exmc_norsram_parameter_init(exmc_norsram_parameter_struct* exmc_norsram_init_struct);
/* CRAM page size configure */
void exmc_norsram_page_size_config(uint32_t exmc_norsram_region, uint32_t page_size);
/* EXMC NOR/SRAM bank enable */
void exmc_norsram_enable(uint32_t exmc_norsram_region);
/* EXMC NOR/SRAM bank disable */
void exmc_norsram_disable(uint32_t exmc_norsram_region);
/* deinitialize EXMC NAND bank */
void exmc_nand_deinit(uint32_t exmc_nand_bank);
/* initialize EXMC NAND bank */
void exmc_nand_init(exmc_nand_parameter_struct* exmc_nand_init_struct);
/* exmc_norsram_parameter_struct parameter initialize */
void exmc_nand_parameter_init(exmc_nand_parameter_struct* exmc_nand_init_struct);
/* EXMC NAND bank enable */
void exmc_nand_enable(uint32_t exmc_nand_bank);
/* EXMC NAND bank disable */
void exmc_nand_disable(uint32_t exmc_nand_bank);
/* enable or disable the EXMC NAND ECC function */
void exmc_nand_ecc_config(uint32_t exmc_nand_bank, ControlStatus newvalue);
/* get the EXMC ECC value */
uint32_t exmc_ecc_get(uint32_t exmc_nand_bank);
/* deinitialize EXMC PC card bank */
void exmc_pccard_deinit(void);
/* initialize EXMC PC card bank */
void exmc_pccard_init(exmc_pccard_parameter_struct* exmc_pccard_init_struct);
/* exmc_pccard_parameter_struct parameter initialize */
void exmc_pccard_parameter_init(exmc_pccard_parameter_struct* exmc_pccard_init_struct);
/* EXMC PC card bank enable */
void exmc_pccard_enable(void);
/* EXMC PC card bank disable */
void exmc_pccard_disable(void);
/* check EXMC flag is set or not */
FlagStatus exmc_flag_get(uint32_t exmc_bank,uint32_t flag);
/* clear EXMC flag */
void exmc_flag_clear(uint32_t exmc_bank,uint32_t flag);
/* check EXMC flag is set or not */
FlagStatus exmc_interrupt_flag_get(uint32_t exmc_bank,uint32_t interrupt_source);
/* clear EXMC flag */
void exmc_interrupt_flag_clear(uint32_t exmc_bank,uint32_t interrupt_source);
/* enable EXMC interrupt */
void exmc_interrupt_enable(uint32_t exmc_bank,uint32_t interrupt_source);
/* disable EXMC interrupt */
void exmc_interrupt_disable(uint32_t exmc_bank,uint32_t interrupt_source);
#endif /* GD32F30X_EXMC_H */