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* File : drv_mmc.h
* This file is part of gkipc BSP for RT-Thread distribution.
* Copyright (c) 2017 chengdu goke Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
* All rights reserved
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Visit http://www.goke.com to get contact with goke.
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
#ifndef MMC_H_
#define MMC_H_
#include "rtdevice.h"
#define MMC_FEQ_MIN 100000
#define MMC_FEQ_MAX 50000000
#define MMC_DMA_DESC_BUFF_SIZE (0x1f00)
#define CARD_PLUGED 0
typedef enum {
RT_GAPI_SDIO_VERSION = (rt_int32_t)0x00010000 //!< The current driver version
} RT_SDIO_VersionEnumT;
typedef enum {
RT_GAPI_SDIO_TRANSFER_TYPE_NORMAL = 0, //!< Normal transfer type for SD/SDHC/MMC cards (default)
RT_GAPI_SDIO_TRANSFER_TYPE_DIRECT, //!< Direct transfer mode special for SDIO cards
RT_GAPI_SDIO_TRANSFER_TYPE_SECURE, //!< Spezial secure transfer mode for SD-Cards
} RT_SDIO_TransferTypeEnumT;
typedef enum rt_card_type
** \brief SDIO callback function signature
** This is the callback function signature required by the SDIO driver
** for internally notification functions.
** \param comState Comunication status.
** \param optArgPtr Optional arg pointer.
typedef void (*RT_SDIO_NotifyFuncT)(rt_uint32_t index, rt_uint32_t comState, void* optArgPtr);
typedef void (*RT_SDIO_IRQFuncT)();
typedef void (*RT_SDIO_RESETFuncT)(rt_uint32_t index);
typedef struct {
The version of the driver.
RT_SDIO_VersionEnumT version;
RT_SDIO_TransferTypeEnumT type;
** The handle specific notification function.
RT_SDIO_NotifyFuncT notifyFunc;
RT_SDIO_IRQFuncT irqFunc;
RT_SDIO_RESETFuncT resetFunc;
** Optional data pointer for the notification function.
void* notifyFuncOptPtr;
Flag to request DMA for read/write transfer operation.
rt_uint32_t isUseDmaWay;
/*cid info */
typedef struct
rt_uint8_t MID; /*Manufacturer ID width:8[127:120]*/
rt_uint16_t OID; /*OEM/Application ID width:16[119:104]*/
rt_uint8_t PNM[5]; /*Product name width:40[103:64]*/
rt_uint8_t PRV; /*Product revision width:8[63:56]*/
rt_uint32_t PSN; /*Product serial number width:32[55:24]*/
rt_uint16_t MDT; /*Manufacturing date width:12[19:8]*/
/*I just care about usefull info of CSD*/
typedef struct
rt_uint8_t csdStructure; /*csd revision*/
rt_uint32_t classes; /*Describes the card command classes CCC*/
rt_uint32_t tranSpeed; /*transfer speed*/
rt_uint8_t eraseBlkEn; /*erase block enable*/
rt_uint8_t permWriteProtect; /*write protect*/
rt_uint8_t tmpWriteProtect; /*write protect*/
/*I just case ablot usefull info of SCR*/
typedef struct
rt_uint32_t scrStructure; // SCR Register Structure Version
rt_uint32_t sdSpec; // Describes the Physical Layer Specification Version supported by the card.
rt_uint32_t stateaftererase; // Defines the data status after erase, whether it is 0 or 1.
rt_uint32_t sdSecurity; // Describes the Security Specification Version supported by the card.
rt_uint32_t sdBusWith; // Describes all the DAT bus widths that are supported by this card.
typedef struct
rt_uint32_t index; /*index of handle array*/
rt_uint32_t ocr; /*card volage info*/
rt_uint32_t csd[4]; /*csd info (invert)*/
rt_uint32_t read_bl_len;
rt_uint32_t write_bl_len;
unsigned long long capacity_user;
rt_uint32_t sectorcount;
rt_uint32_t inhighspeed;
rt_uint32_t maxTransferBlk;
rt_uint32_t eraseGrpSize;
rtSdioScrInfo scr;
rtSdiocsdInfo csdInfo;
rt_uint32_t tran_speed; /*max transfer speed*/
rt_uint32_t rca; /*card address*/
rt_uint32_t cid[4]; /*card cid info*/
enum rt_card_type type; /*card type*/
rt_uint32_t highCapacity; /*is high capacity*/
rtSdioCidInfo cidInfo;
/* SDIO specific handle */
typedef struct
rt_uint32_t inUse; /* specifies if handle is in use */
rt_uint32_t index; /*index of handle array*/
RT_SDIO_OpenParamsT openParams; /* open params of the handle */
rtSdioBlockT devicePtr; /* pointer to hardware device */
} rtSdioHandleT;
typedef struct gk_mmc_driver
rtSdioHandleT handle;
RT_SDIO_OpenParamsT openParams;
struct rt_device *deviceP[MMC_HANDLE_COUNT];
struct dfs_partition *partP[MMC_HANDLE_COUNT];
typedef void (*fs_sdio_notify_func_t)(rt_uint32_t index, rt_uint32_t comState, void* optArgPtr);
int rt_hw_mmc_init(gk_mmc_driver_s *pMmcParams);
#endif /* MMC_H_ */