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\file usbd_std.h
\brief USB standard definitions
Copyright (C) 2017 GigaDevice
2017-02-10, V1.0.0, firmware for GD32F30x
#ifndef USBD_STD_H
#define USBD_STD_H
#include "usbd_core.h"
#include <wchar.h>
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0U
/* constants definitions */
#define USB_DEV_QUALIFIER_DESC_LEN 0x0AU /* device qualifier descriptor length */
#define USB_CFG_DESC_LEN 0x09U /* configuration descriptor length */
#define USBD_LANGID_STR_IDX 0x00U /* language ID string index */
#define USBD_MFC_STR_IDX 0x01U /* manufacturer string index */
#define USBD_PRODUCT_STR_IDX 0x02U /* product string index */
#define USBD_SERIAL_STR_IDX 0x03U /* serial string index */
#define USBD_CONFIG_STR_IDX 0x04U /* configuration string index */
#define USBD_INTERFACE_STR_IDX 0x05U /* interface string index */
#define USB_STANDARD_REQ 0x00U /* standard request */
#define USB_CLASS_REQ 0x20U /* device class request */
#define USB_VENDOR_REQ 0x40U /* vendor request */
#define USB_REQ_MASK 0x60U /* request type mask */
#define USB_REQTYPE_DEVICE 0x00U /* request recipient is device */
#define USB_REQTYPE_INTERFACE 0x01U /* request recipient is interface */
#define USB_REQTYPE_ENDPOINT 0x02U /* request recipient is endpoint */
#define USB_REQ_RECIPIENT_MASK 0x1fU /* request recipient mask */
#define USBREQ_GET_STATUS 0x00U /* Get_Status standard requeset */
#define USBREQ_CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01U /* Clear_Feature standard requeset */
#define USBREQ_SET_FEATURE 0x03U /* Set_Feature standard requeset */
#define USBREQ_SET_ADDRESS 0x05U /* Set_Address standard requeset */
#define USBREQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06U /* Get_Descriptor standard requeset */
#define USBREQ_GET_CONFIGURATION 0x08U /* Get_Configuration standard requeset */
#define USBREQ_SET_CONFIGURATION 0x09U /* Set_Configuration standard requeset */
#define USBREQ_GET_INTERFACE 0x0AU /* Get_Interface standard requeset */
#define USBREQ_SET_INTERFACE 0x0BU /* Set_Interface standard requeset */
#define USB_DESCTYPE_DEVICE 0x01U /* device descriptor type */
#define USB_DESCTYPE_CONFIGURATION 0x02U /* configuration descriptor type */
#define USB_DESCTYPE_STRING 0x03U /* string descriptor type */
#define USB_DESCTYPE_INTERFACE 0x04U /* interface descriptor type */
#define USB_DESCTYPE_ENDPOINT 0x05U /* endpoint descriptor type */
#define USB_DESCTYPE_DEVICE_QUALIFIER 0x06U /* device qualifier descriptor type */
#define USB_DESCTYPE_OTHER_SPEED_CONFIGURATION 0x07U /* other speed configuration descriptor type */
#define USB_DESCTYPE_BOS 0x0FU /* BOS descriptor type */
#define USB_STATUS_REMOTE_WAKEUP 2U /* USB is in remote wakeup status */
#define USB_STATUS_SELF_POWERED 1U /* USB is in self powered status */
#define USB_FEATURE_ENDP_HALT 0U /* USB has endpoint halt feature */
#define USB_FEATURE_REMOTE_WAKEUP 1U /* USB has endpoint remote wakeup feature */
#define USB_FEATURE_TEST_MODE 2U /* USB has endpoint test mode feature */
#define ENG_LANGID 0x0409U /* english language ID */
#define CHN_LANGID 0x0804U /* chinese language ID */
#define USB_EPTYPE_MASK 0x03U
/* USB device exported macros */
#define SWAPBYTE(addr) (((uint16_t)(*((uint8_t *)(addr)))) + \
(uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(*(((uint8_t *)(addr)) + 1U))) << 8U))
#define LOWBYTE(x) ((uint8_t)((x) & 0x00FFU))
#define HIGHBYTE(x) ((uint8_t)(((x) & 0xFF00U) >> 8U))
#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define IS_NOT_EP0(ep_addr) (((ep_addr) != 0x00U) && ((ep_addr) != 0x80U))
#define WIDE_STRING(string) _WIDE_STRING(string)
#define _WIDE_STRING(string) L##string
#define USBD_STRING_DESC(string) \
(void *)&(const struct { \
uint8_t _len; \
uint8_t _type; \
wchar_t _data[sizeof(string)]; \
}) { \
sizeof(WIDE_STRING(string)) + 2U - 2U, \
WIDE_STRING(string) \
typedef struct
uint8_t bLength; /*!< size of the descriptor */
uint8_t bDescriptorType; /*!< type of the descriptor */
} usb_descriptor_header_struct;
typedef struct
usb_descriptor_header_struct Header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size */
uint16_t bcdUSB; /*!< BCD of the supported USB specification */
uint8_t bDeviceClass; /*!< USB device class */
uint8_t bDeviceSubClass; /*!< USB device subclass */
uint8_t bDeviceProtocol; /*!< USB device protocol */
uint8_t bMaxPacketSize0; /*!< size of the control (address 0) endpoint's bank in bytes */
uint16_t idVendor; /*!< vendor ID for the USB product */
uint16_t idProduct; /*!< unique product ID for the USB product */
uint16_t bcdDevice; /*!< product release (version) number */
uint8_t iManufacturer; /*!< string index for the manufacturer's name */
uint8_t iProduct; /*!< string index for the product name/details */
uint8_t iSerialNumber; /*!< string index for the product's globally unique hexadecimal serial number */
uint8_t bNumberConfigurations; /*!< total number of configurations supported by the device */
} usb_descriptor_device_struct;
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct
usb_descriptor_header_struct Header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size */
uint16_t wTotalLength; /*!< size of the configuration descriptor header,and all sub descriptors inside the configuration */
uint8_t bNumInterfaces; /*!< total number of interfaces in the configuration */
uint8_t bConfigurationValue; /*!< configuration index of the current configuration */
uint8_t iConfiguration; /*!< index of a string descriptor describing the configuration */
uint8_t bmAttributes; /*!< configuration attributes */
uint8_t bMaxPower; /*!< maximum power consumption of the device while in the current configuration */
} usb_descriptor_configuration_struct;
#pragma pack()
typedef struct
usb_descriptor_header_struct Header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size */
uint8_t bInterfaceNumber; /*!< index of the interface in the current configuration */
uint8_t bAlternateSetting; /*!< alternate setting for the interface number */
uint8_t bNumEndpoints; /*!< total number of endpoints in the interface */
uint8_t bInterfaceClass; /*!< interface class ID */
uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass; /*!< interface subclass ID */
uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol; /*!< interface protocol ID */
uint8_t iInterface; /*!< index of the string descriptor describing the interface */
} usb_descriptor_interface_struct;
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct
usb_descriptor_header_struct Header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size. */
uint8_t bEndpointAddress; /*!< logical address of the endpoint */
uint8_t bmAttributes; /*!< endpoint attributes */
uint16_t wMaxPacketSize; /*!< size of the endpoint bank, in bytes */
uint8_t bInterval; /*!< polling interval in milliseconds for the endpoint if it is an INTERRUPT or ISOCHRONOUS type */
} usb_descriptor_endpoint_struct;
typedef struct
usb_descriptor_header_struct Header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size. */
uint16_t wLANGID; /*!< LANGID code */
#pragma pack()
/* function declarations */
/* USB SETUP transaction processing */
uint8_t usbd_setup_transaction (usbd_core_handle_struct *pudev);
/* USB OUT transaction processing */
uint8_t usbd_out_transaction (usbd_core_handle_struct *pudev, uint8_t ep_num);
/* USB IN transaction processing */
uint8_t usbd_in_transaction (usbd_core_handle_struct *pudev, uint8_t ep_num);
/* handle USB standard device request */
uint8_t usbd_standard_request (usbd_core_handle_struct *pudev, usb_device_req_struct *req);
/* handle device class request */
uint8_t usbd_device_class_request (usbd_core_handle_struct *pudev, usb_device_req_struct *req);
/* handle USB vendor request */
uint8_t usbd_vendor_request (usbd_core_handle_struct *pudev, usb_device_req_struct *req);
/* decode setup data packet */
void usbd_setup_request_parse (usbd_core_handle_struct *pudev, usb_device_req_struct *req);
/* handle USB enumeration error event */
void usbd_enum_error (usbd_core_handle_struct *pudev, usb_device_req_struct *req);
#endif /* USBD_STD_H */