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git-svn-id: https://rt-thread.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1394 bbd45198-f89e-11dd-88c7-29a3b14d5316
/* * File : readme.txt * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 - 2009, RT-Thread Development Team * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2011-02-17 lgnq the first version */ Summary: ======== This directory contains the source code for M16C porting to rt-thread two tasks is running: led_task - blink the LED finsh - a user shell, comes with rt-thread Where to get help: ================== In case you have questions about, problems with or contributions for Renesas M16C prot to rt-thread, you can send a mail to dzzxzz@gmail.com. or you can post a message to the rt-thread forum there are two forums: http://www.rt-thread.org/phpbbforum http://www.ourdev.cn/bbs Where to get source code: ========================= The rt-thread source code is maintained in google code http://code.google.com/p/rt-thread/ use the following command to anonymously check out the latest source code: svn checkout http://rt-thread.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ rt-thread-read-only Directory Hierarchy: ==================== /rt-thread /bsp /m16c62p /application.c - init led task /board.c - hardware init, init uart0 /board.h /bsp.c - include led_init(), mcu_init(), timer0_init() /bsp.h /cstartup.asm - assembly start /interrupts.asm - include time0 interrupt handler, uart0 interrupt handler /lnkm30627fhp.xcl - IAR link file for m16c62p(m30627fhp) /rtconfig.h - rt-thread config file /rtconfig.py - SCONS config file /rtt2m16c.dep - IAR project file /rtt2m16c.ewd - IAR project file /rtt2m16c.ewp - IAR project file /rtt2m16c.eww - IAR project file /SConsscript - SCONS script file /SConstruct - SCONS struct file /startup.c - rt-thread start, include main() /uart.c - implement uart0 device /uart.h /vectors.asm - relocatable exception vector table /libcpu /m16c /m16c62p /context_iar.asm - rt-thread context switch, used by IAR project /context_iar.S - rt-thread context switch, used by SCONS /interrupt.c /stack.c - rt-thread stack initlization Build Project: ============== there are two ways to build the renesase M16C project: 1, install IAR Embedded Workbench for renesas m16c(recommend EWM16C-EV-3501.exe) Open Workspace rtt2m16c.eww by IAR directly rebuild all the target file(rtt2m16c.mot) will be produced in /rt-thread/bsp/m16c62p/Debug/Exe you can download the rtt2m16c.mot to m16c board with E8A 2, install python, scons and IAR for m16c(recommend python2.7, scons1.3.1 and EWM16C-EV-3501.exe) open a windows cmd, and change directory to m16c project, like /rt-thread/bsp/m16c62p/ #set PATH=C:\Python27\Scripts;%PATH% #scons -c #scons -j 2