mirror of https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread.git synced 2025-03-04 04:35:26 +08:00
2024-02-15 18:05:39 -05:00

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* Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
*2024-02-14 ShichengChu first version
#ifndef __DRV_HW_I2C_H__
#define __DRV_HW_I2C_H__
#include <rtthread.h>
#include "rtdevice.h"
#include <rthw.h>
#include "pinctrl.h"
#include "mmio.h"
#define I2C0 0x0
#define I2C1 0x1
#define I2C2 0x2
#define I2C3 0x3
#define I2C4 0x4
#define I2C0_BASE 0x4000000
#define I2C1_BASE 0x4010000
#define I2C2_BASE 0x4020000
#define I2C3_BASE 0x4030000
#define I2C4_BASE 0x4040000
#define BIT_I2C_CMD_DATA_READ_BIT (0x01 << 8)
#define BIT_I2C_CMD_DATA_STOP_BIT (0x01 << 9)
/* bit definition */
#define BIT_I2C_CON_MASTER_MODE (0x01 << 0)
#define BIT_I2C_CON_STANDARD_SPEED (0x01 << 1)
#define BIT_I2C_CON_FULL_SPEED (0x02 << 1)
#define BIT_I2C_CON_HIGH_SPEED (0x03 << 1)
#define BIT_I2C_CON_10B_ADDR_SLAVE (0x01 << 3)
#define BIT_I2C_CON_10B_ADDR_MASTER (0x01 << 4)
#define BIT_I2C_CON_RESTART_EN (0x01 << 5)
#define BIT_I2C_CON_SLAVE_DIS (0x01 << 6)
#define BIT_I2C_TAR_10B_ADDR_MASTER (0x01 << 12)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RX_UNDER (0x01 << 0)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RX_OVER (0x01 << 1)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RX_FULL (0x01 << 2)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_TX_OVER (0x01 << 3)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_TX_EMPTY (0x01 << 4)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RD_REQ (0x01 << 5)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_TX_ABRT (0x01 << 6)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RX_DONE (0x01 << 7)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_ACTIVITY (0x01 << 8)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_STOP_DET (0x01 << 9)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_START_DET (0x01 << 10)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_GEN_ALL (0x01 << 11)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RX_UNDER_MASK (0x01 << 0)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RX_OVER_MASK (0x01 << 1)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RX_FULL_MASK (0x01 << 2)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_TX_OVER_MASK (0x01 << 3)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_TX_EMPTY_MASK (0x01 << 4)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RD_REQ_MASK (0x01 << 5)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_TX_ABRT_MASK (0x01 << 6)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RX_DONE_MASK (0x01 << 7)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_ACTIVITY_MASK (0x01 << 8)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_STOP_DET_MASK (0x01 << 9)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_START_DET_MASK (0x01 << 10)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_GEN_ALL_MASK (0x01 << 11)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RX_UNDER_RAW (0x01 << 0)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RX_OVER_RAW (0x01 << 1)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RX_FULL_RAW (0x01 << 2)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_TX_OVER_RAW (0x01 << 3)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_TX_EMPTY_RAW (0x01 << 4)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RD_REQ_RAW (0x01 << 5)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_TX_ABRT_RAW (0x01 << 6)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_RX_DONE_RAW (0x01 << 7)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_ACTIVITY_RAW (0x01 << 8)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_STOP_DET_RAW (0x01 << 9)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_START_DET_RAW (0x01 << 10)
#define BIT_I2C_INT_GEN_ALL_RAW (0x01 << 11)
#define BIT_I2C_DMA_CR_TDMAE (0x01 << 1)
#define BIT_I2C_DMA_CR_RDMAE (0x01 << 0)
struct i2c_regs {
volatile uint32_t ic_con; /* 0x00 */
volatile uint32_t ic_tar; /* 0x04 */
volatile uint32_t ic_sar; /* 0x08 */
volatile uint32_t ic_hs_maddr; /* 0x0c */
volatile uint32_t ic_cmd_data; /* 0x10 */
volatile uint32_t ic_ss_scl_hcnt; /* 0x14 */
volatile uint32_t ic_ss_scl_lcnt; /* 0x18 */
volatile uint32_t ic_fs_scl_hcnt; /* 0x1c */
volatile uint32_t ic_fs_scl_lcnt; /* 0x20 */
volatile uint32_t ic_hs_scl_hcnt; /* 0x24 */
volatile uint32_t ic_hs_scl_lcnt; /* 0x28 */
volatile uint32_t ic_intr_stat; /* 0x2c */
volatile uint32_t ic_intr_mask; /* 0x30 */
volatile uint32_t ic_raw_intr_stat; /* 0x34 */
volatile uint32_t ic_rx_tl; /* 0x38 */
volatile uint32_t ic_tx_tl; /* 0x3c */
volatile uint32_t ic_clr_intr; /* 0x40 */
volatile uint32_t ic_clr_rx_under; /* 0x44 */
volatile uint32_t ic_clr_rx_over; /* 0x48 */
volatile uint32_t ic_clr_tx_over; /* 0x4c */
volatile uint32_t ic_clr_rd_req; /* 0x50 */
volatile uint32_t ic_clr_tx_abrt; /* 0x54 */
volatile uint32_t ic_clr_rx_done; /* 0x58 */
volatile uint32_t ic_clr_activity; /* 0x5c */
volatile uint32_t ic_clr_stop_det; /* 0x60 */
volatile uint32_t ic_clr_start_det; /* 0x64 */
volatile uint32_t ic_clr_gen_call; /* 0x68 */
volatile uint32_t ic_enable; /* 0x6c */
volatile uint32_t ic_status; /* 0x70 */
volatile uint32_t ic_txflr; /* 0x74 */
volatile uint32_t ic_rxflr; /* 0x78 */
volatile uint32_t ic_sda_hold; /* 0x7c */
volatile uint32_t ic_tx_abrt_source; /* 0x80 */
volatile uint32_t ic_slv_dat_nack_only; /* 0x84 */
volatile uint32_t ic_dma_cr; /* 0x88 */
volatile uint32_t ic_dma_tdlr; /* 0x8c */
volatile uint32_t ic_dma_rdlr; /* 0x90 */
volatile uint32_t ic_sda_setup; /* 0x94 */
volatile uint32_t ic_ack_general_call; /* 0x98 */
volatile uint32_t ic_enable_status; /* 0x9c */
volatile uint32_t ic_fs_spklen; /* 0xa0 */
volatile uint32_t ic_hs_spklen; /* 0xa4 */
#if !defined(IC_CLK)
#define IC_CLK 100
#define NANO_TO_MICRO 1000
/* High and low times in different speed modes (in ns) */
#define MIN_SS_SCL_HIGHTIME 4000
#define MIN_SS_SCL_LOWTIME 4700
#define MIN_FS_SCL_LOWTIME 1300
#define MIN_HS100pF_SCL_HIGHTIME 60
#define MIN_HS100pF_SCL_LOWTIME 120
#define MIN_HS400pF_SCL_HIGHTIME 160
#define MIN_HS400pF_SCL_LOWTIME 320
#define CONFIG_SYS_HZ 1000 /* decrementer freq: 1ms ticks */
/* Worst case timeout for 1 byte is kept as 2ms */
#define I2C_BYTE_TO (CONFIG_SYS_HZ/500)
#define I2C_BYTE_TO_BB (I2C_BYTE_TO * 16)
/* i2c control register definitions */
#define IC_CON_SD 0x0040
#define IC_CON_RE 0x0020
#define IC_CON_10BITADDRMASTER 0x0010
#define IC_CON_10BITADDR_SLAVE 0x0008
#define IC_CON_SPD_MSK 0x0006
#define IC_CON_SPD_SS 0x0002
#define IC_CON_SPD_FS 0x0004
#define IC_CON_SPD_HS 0x0006
#define IC_CON_MM 0x0001
/* i2c data buffer and command register definitions */
#define IC_CMD 0x0100
#define IC_STOP 0x0200
/* i2c interrupt status register definitions */
#define IC_GEN_CALL 0x0800
#define IC_START_DET 0x0400
#define IC_STOP_DET 0x0200
#define IC_ACTIVITY 0x0100
#define IC_RX_DONE 0x0080
#define IC_TX_ABRT 0x0040
#define IC_RD_REQ 0x0020
#define IC_TX_EMPTY 0x0010
#define IC_TX_OVER 0x0008
#define IC_RX_FULL 0x0004
#define IC_RX_OVER 0x0002
#define IC_RX_UNDER 0x0001
/* fifo threshold register definitions */
#define IC_TL0 0x00
#define IC_TL1 0x01
#define IC_TL2 0x02
#define IC_TL3 0x03
#define IC_TL4 0x04
#define IC_TL5 0x05
#define IC_TL6 0x06
#define IC_TL7 0x07
#define IC_RX_TL IC_TL0
#define IC_TX_TL IC_TL0
/* i2c enable register definitions */
#define IC_ENABLE 0x0001
/* i2c status register definitions */
#define IC_STATUS_SA 0x0040
#define IC_STATUS_MA 0x0020
#define IC_STATUS_RFF 0x0010
#define IC_STATUS_RFNE 0x0008
#define IC_STATUS_TFE 0x0004
#define IC_STATUS_TFNF 0x0002
#define IC_STATUS_ACT 0x0001
/* Speed Selection */
#define I2C_MAX_SPEED 3400000
#define I2C_FAST_SPEED 400000
#define I2C_STANDARD_SPEED 100000
#define I2C0_IRQ (I2C_IRQ_BASE + 0)
#define I2C1_IRQ (I2C_IRQ_BASE + 1)
#define I2C2_IRQ (I2C_IRQ_BASE + 2)
#define I2C3_IRQ (I2C_IRQ_BASE + 3)
#define I2C4_IRQ (I2C_IRQ_BASE + 4)
int rt_hw_i2c_init(void);
#endif /* __DRV_HW_I2C_H__ */