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\file usb_std.h
\brief USB 2.0 standard defines
Copyright (C) 2017 GigaDevice
2017-02-10, V1.0.0, firmware for GD32F30x
#ifndef USB_STD_H
#define USB_STD_H
#include "usb_conf.h"
#define USB_DEV_QUALIFIER_DESC_LEN 0x0AU /*!< USB device qualifier descriptor length */
#define USB_DEV_DESC_LEN 0x12U /*!< USB device descriptor length */
#define USB_CFG_DESC_LEN 0x09U /*!< USB device configuration descriptor length */
#define USB_IF_DESC_LEN 0x09U /*!< USB device interface descriptor length */
#define USB_EP_DESC_LEN 0x07U /*!< USB device endpoint descriptor length */
#define USB_OTG_DESC_LEN 0x03U /*!< USB device OTG descriptor length */
/* bit 7 of bmRequestType: data phase transfer direction */
#define USB_DIR_MASK 0x80U /*!< USB transfer direction mask */
#define USB_DIR_OUT 0x00U /*!< USB transfer OUT direction */
#define USB_DIR_IN 0x80U /*!< USB transfer IN direction */
/* bit 6..5 of bmRequestType: request type */
#define USB_STANDARD_REQ 0x00U /*!< USB standard request */
#define USB_CLASS_REQ 0x20U /*!< USB class request */
#define USB_VENDOR_REQ 0x40U /*!< USB vebdor request */
#define USB_REQ_MASK 0x60U /*!< USB request mask */
/* bit 4..0 of bmRequestType: recipient type */
#define USB_REQTYPE_DEVICE 0x00U /*!< USB device request type */
#define USB_REQTYPE_INTERFACE 0x01U /*!< USB interface request type*/
#define USB_REQTYPE_ENDPOINT 0x02U /*!< USB endpoint request type*/
#define USB_REQTYPE_MASK 0x03U /*!< USB request type mask*/
/* bRequest value */
#define USBREQ_GET_STATUS 0x00U /*!< USB get status request*/
#define USBREQ_CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01U /*!< USB clear feature request*/
#define USBREQ_SET_FEATURE 0x03U /*!< USB set feature request*/
#define USBREQ_SET_ADDRESS 0x05U /*!< USB set address request*/
#define USBREQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06U /*!< USB get descriptor request*/
#define USBREQ_SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x07U /*!< USB set descriptor request*/
#define USBREQ_GET_CONFIGURATION 0x08U /*!< USB get configuration request*/
#define USBREQ_SET_CONFIGURATION 0x09U /*!< USB set configuration request*/
#define USBREQ_GET_INTERFACE 0x0AU /*!< USB get interface request*/
#define USBREQ_SET_INTERFACE 0x0BU /*!< USB set interface request*/
#define USBREQ_SYNCH_FRAME 0x0CU /*!< USB synchronize frame request*/
/* descriptor types of usb specifications */
#define USB_DESCTYPE_DEVICE 0x01U /*!< USB device descriptor type*/
#define USB_DESCTYPE_CONFIGURATION 0x02U /*!< USB configuration descriptor type*/
#define USB_DESCTYPE_STRING 0x03U /*!< USB string descriptor type*/
#define USB_DESCTYPE_INTERFACE 0x04U /*!< USB interface descriptor type*/
#define USB_DESCTYPE_ENDPOINT 0x05U /*!< USB endpoint descriptor type*/
#define USB_DESCTYPE_DEVICE_QUALIFIER 0x06U /*!< USB device qualtfier descriptor type*/
#define USB_DESCTYPE_OTHER_SPEED_CONFIGURATION 0x07U /*!< USB other speed configuration descriptor type*/
#define USB_DESCTYPE_INTERFACE_POWER 0x08U /*!< USB interface power descriptor type*/
#define USB_DESCTYPE_HID 0x21U /*!< USB HID descriptor type*/
#define USB_DESCTYPE_HID_REPORT 0x22U /*!< USB HID report descriptor type*/
#define USB_DEVDESC_SIZE 18U /*!< USB device descriptor size*/
#define USB_CFGDESC_SIZE 9U /*!< USB configure descriptor size*/
#define USB_INTDESC_SIZE 9U /*!< USB interface descriptor size*/
#define USB_EPDESC_SIZE 7U /*!< USB endpoint descriptor size*/
/* descriptor type and descriptor index */
/* use the following values when USB host need to get descriptor */
#define USB_DEVDESC ((USB_DESCTYPE_DEVICE << 8U) & 0xFF00U) /*!< USB device operation marco */
#define USB_CFGDESC ((USB_DESCTYPE_CONFIGURATION << 8U) & 0xFF00U) /*!< USB configuration operation marco */
#define USB_STRDESC ((USB_DESCTYPE_STRING << 8U) & 0xFF00U) /*!< USB string operation marco */
#define USB_INTDESC ((USB_DESCTYPE_INTERFACE << 8U) & 0xFF00U) /*!< USB interface operation marco */
#define USB_EPDESC ((USB_DESCTYPE_INTERFACE << 8U) & 0xFF00U) /*!< USB endpoint operation marco */
#define USB_DEVQUADESC ((USB_DESCTYPE_DEVICE_QUALIFIER << 8U) & 0xFF00U) /*!< USB device qualifier operation marco */
#define USB_OSPCFGDESC ((USB_DESCTYPE_OTHER_SPEED_CONFIGURATION << 8U) & 0xFF00U) /*!< USB other speed configuration operation marco */
#define USB_INTPWRDESC ((USB_DESCTYPE_INTERFACE_POWER << 8U) & 0xFF00U) /*!< USB interface power operation marco */
#define USB_HIDREPDESC ((USB_DESCTYPE_HID_REPORT << 8U) & 0xFF00U) /*!< USB HID report operation marco */
#define USB_HIDDESC ((USB_DESCTYPE_HID << 8U) & 0xFF00U) /*!< USB HID operation marco */
#define SWAPBYTE(addr) (((uint16_t)(*((uint8_t *)(addr)))) + \
(uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(*(((uint8_t *)(addr)) + 1U))) << 8U))
/* supported classes */
#define USB_MSC_CLASS 0x08U /*!< USB MSC class*/
#define USB_HID_CLASS 0x03U /*!< USB HID class*/
/* interface descriptor field values for hid boot protocol */
#define HID_BOOT_CODE 0x01U /*!< USB HID boot code*/
#define HID_KEYBRD_BOOT_CODE 0x01U /*!< USB HID keyboard boot code*/
#define HID_MOUSE_BOOT_CODE 0x02U /*!< USB HID mouse boot code*/
/* as per usb specs :standard request with data request timeout: 5sec
standard request with no data stage timeout : 50ms */
#define DATA_STAGE_TIMEOUT 5000U /*!< USB data stage timeout*/
#define NODATA_STAGE_TIMEOUT 50U /*!< USB no data stage timeout*/
+ (USBH_MAX_EP_NUM * USB_EPDESC_SIZE)) /*!< USB host set configuration descriptor size */
#pragma pack(1)
typedef union
uint8_t data[8];
struct _setup_packet_struct
uint8_t bmRequestType; /*!< type of request */
uint8_t bRequest; /*!< request of setup packet */
uint16_t wValue; /*!< value of setup packet */
uint16_t wIndex; /*!< index of setup packet */
uint16_t wLength; /*!< length of setup packet */
} b;
typedef struct
uint8_t bLength; /*!< size of the descriptor */
uint8_t bDescriptorType; /*!< type of the descriptor */
} usb_descriptor_header_struct;
typedef struct
usb_descriptor_header_struct Header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size */
uint16_t bcdUSB; /*!< BCD of the supported USB specification */
uint8_t bDeviceClass; /*!< USB device class */
uint8_t bDeviceSubClass; /*!< USB device subclass */
uint8_t bDeviceProtocol; /*!< USB device protocol */
uint8_t bMaxPacketSize0; /*!< size of the control (address 0) endpoint's bank in bytes */
uint16_t idVendor; /*!< vendor ID for the USB product */
uint16_t idProduct; /*!< unique product ID for the USB product */
uint16_t bcdDevice; /*!< product release (version) number */
uint8_t iManufacturer; /*!< string index for the manufacturer's name */
uint8_t iProduct; /*!< string index for the product name/details */
uint8_t iSerialNumber; /*!< string index for the product's globally unique hexadecimal serial number */
uint8_t bNumberConfigurations; /*!< total number of configurations supported by the device */
} usb_descriptor_device_struct;
typedef struct
usb_descriptor_header_struct Header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size */
uint16_t wTotalLength; /*!< size of the configuration descriptor header,and all sub descriptors inside the configuration */
uint8_t bNumInterfaces; /*!< total number of interfaces in the configuration */
uint8_t bConfigurationValue; /*!< configuration index of the current configuration */
uint8_t iConfiguration; /*!< index of a string descriptor describing the configuration */
uint8_t bmAttributes; /*!< configuration attributes */
uint8_t bMaxPower; /*!< maximum power consumption of the device while in the current configuration */
} usb_descriptor_configuration_struct;
typedef struct
usb_descriptor_header_struct Header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size */
uint8_t bInterfaceNumber; /*!< index of the interface in the current configuration */
uint8_t bAlternateSetting; /*!< alternate setting for the interface number */
uint8_t bNumEndpoints; /*!< total number of endpoints in the interface */
uint8_t bInterfaceClass; /*!< interface class ID */
uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass; /*!< interface subclass ID */
uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol; /*!< interface protocol ID */
uint8_t iInterface; /*!< index of the string descriptor describing the interface */
} usb_descriptor_interface_struct;
typedef struct
usb_descriptor_header_struct Header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size. */
uint8_t bEndpointAddress; /*!< logical address of the endpoint */
uint8_t bmAttributes; /*!< endpoint attributes */
uint16_t wMaxPacketSize; /*!< size of the endpoint bank, in bytes */
uint8_t bInterval; /*!< polling interval in milliseconds for the endpoint if it is an INTERRUPT or ISOCHRONOUS type */
} usb_descriptor_endpoint_struct;
typedef struct
usb_descriptor_header_struct Header; /*!< descriptor header, including type and size. */
uint16_t wLANGID; /*!< LANGID code */
#pragma pack()
#endif /* USB_STD_H */