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* Copyright (C) 2017 C-SKY Microsystems Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file ck_rtc.c
* @brief CSI Source File for RTC Driver
* @version V1.0
* @date 02. June 2017
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "ck_rtc.h"
#include "csi_core.h"
#include "drv_rtc.h"
#include "soc.h"
#define ERR_RTC(errno) (CSI_DRV_ERRNO_RTC_BASE | errno)
#define RTC_NULL_PARAM_CHK(para) \
do { \
if (para == NULL) { \
} \
} while (0)
typedef struct {
uint32_t base;
uint32_t irq;
rtc_event_cb_t cb_event;
struct tm rtc_base;
} ck_rtc_priv_t;
extern void mdelay(uint32_t ms);
static ck_rtc_priv_t rtc_instance[CONFIG_RTC_NUM];
static uint8_t leap_year[12] = {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
static uint8_t noleap_year[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
static const uint16_t g_noleap_daysbeforemonth[13] = {0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365};
static const uint16_t g_leap_daysbeforemonth[13] = {0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366};
static const rtc_capabilities_t rtc_capabilities = {
.interrupt_mode = 1, /* supports Interrupt mode */
.wrap_mode = 0 /* supports wrap mode */
static inline int clock_isleapyear(int year)
return (year % 400) ? ((year % 100) ? ((year % 4) ? 0 : 1) : 0) : 1;
static inline int32_t ck_rtc_enable(ck_rtc_reg_t *addr)
uint32_t value;
value = addr->RTC_CCR;
value |= 1 << 2;
addr->RTC_CCR = value;
return 0;
static inline int32_t ck_rtc_disable(ck_rtc_reg_t *addr)
uint32_t value;
value = addr->RTC_CCR;
value &= ~(1 << 2);
addr->RTC_CCR = value;
return 0;
static int ck_rtc_settime(ck_rtc_reg_t *addr, uint32_t settime)
if (settime < 0) {
uint64_t time = settime;
time = time * 20000000 / 16384;
time = time / 1000;
addr->RTC_CLR = (uint32_t)time;
return 0;
static time_t ck_rtc_readtime(ck_rtc_reg_t *addr)
uint64_t time = addr->RTC_CCVR ;
time = time * 16384 / 20000000;
time = time * 1000;
return (time_t)time;
static int clock_daysbeforemonth(int month, bool leapyear)
int retval = g_noleap_daysbeforemonth[month];
if (month >= 2 && leapyear) {
return retval;
static time_t clock_calendar2utc(int year, int month, int day)
time_t days;
/* Years since epoch in units of days (ignoring leap years). */
days = (year - 1970) * 365;
/* Add in the extra days for the leap years prior to the current year. */
days += (year - 1969) >> 2;
/* Add in the days up to the beginning of this month. */
days += (time_t)clock_daysbeforemonth(month, clock_isleapyear(year));
/* Add in the days since the beginning of this month (days are 1-based). */
days += day - 1;
/* Then convert the seconds and add in hours, minutes, and seconds */
return days;
time_t _mktime(struct tm *tp)
time_t ret;
time_t jdn;
/* Get the EPOCH-relative julian date from the calendar year,
* month, and date
jdn = clock_calendar2utc(tp->tm_year + 1900, tp->tm_mon, tp->tm_mday);
/* Return the seconds into the julian day. */
ret = ((jdn * 24 + tp->tm_hour) * 60 + tp->tm_min) * 60 + tp->tm_sec;
return ret;
static void clock_utc2calendar(time_t days, int *year, int *month,
int *day)
/* There is one leap year every four years, so we can get close with the
* following:
int value = days / (4 * 365 + 1); /* Number of 4-years periods since the epoch */
days -= value * (4 * 365 + 1); /* Remaining days */
value <<= 2; /* Years since the epoch */
/* Then we will brute force the next 0-3 years */
bool leapyear;
int tmp;
for (; ;) {
/* Is this year a leap year (we'll need this later too) */
leapyear = clock_isleapyear(value + 1970);
/* Get the number of days in the year */
tmp = (leapyear ? 366 : 365);
/* Do we have that many days? */
if (days >= tmp) {
/* Yes.. bump up the year */
days -= tmp;
} else {
/* Nope... then go handle months */
/* At this point, value has the year and days has number days into this year */
*year = 1970 + value;
/* Handle the month (zero based) */
int min = 0;
int max = 11;
do {
/* Get the midpoint */
value = (min + max) >> 1;
/* Get the number of days that occurred before the beginning of the month
* following the midpoint.
tmp = clock_daysbeforemonth(value + 1, leapyear);
/* Does the number of days before this month that equal or exceed the
* number of days we have remaining?
if (tmp > days) {
/* Yes.. then the month we want is somewhere from 'min' and to the
* midpoint, 'value'. Could it be the midpoint?
tmp = clock_daysbeforemonth(value, leapyear);
if (tmp > days) {
/* No... The one we want is somewhere between min and value-1 */
max = value - 1;
} else {
/* Yes.. 'value' contains the month that we want */
} else {
/* No... The one we want is somwhere between value+1 and max */
min = value + 1;
/* If we break out of the loop because min == max, then we want value
* to be equal to min == max.
value = min;
} while (min < max);
/* The selected month number is in value. Subtract the number of days in the
* selected month
days -= clock_daysbeforemonth(value, leapyear);
/* At this point, value has the month into this year (zero based) and days has
* number of days into this month (zero based)
*month = value + 1; /* 1-based */
*day = days + 1; /* 1-based */
struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *timer, struct tm *result)
time_t epoch;
time_t jdn;
int year;
int month;
int day;
int hour;
int min;
int sec;
/* Get the seconds since the EPOCH */
epoch = *timer;
/* Convert to days, hours, minutes, and seconds since the EPOCH */
jdn = epoch / SEC_PER_DAY;
epoch -= SEC_PER_DAY * jdn;
hour = epoch / SEC_PER_HOUR;
epoch -= SEC_PER_HOUR * hour;
min = epoch / SEC_PER_MIN;
epoch -= SEC_PER_MIN * min;
sec = epoch;
/* Convert the days since the EPOCH to calendar day */
clock_utc2calendar(jdn, &year, &month, &day);
/* Then return the struct tm contents */
result->tm_year = (int)year - 1900; /* Relative to 1900 */
result->tm_mon = (int)month - 1; /* zero-based */
result->tm_mday = (int)day; /* one-based */
result->tm_hour = (int)hour;
result->tm_min = (int)min;
result->tm_sec = (int)sec;
return result;
static int ck_rtc_setmarchtime(ck_rtc_reg_t *addr, int64_t settime)
int64_t time = settime;
if (settime < 0 || time >= 0x8000000000000000) {
time = time * 20000 / 16384;
time += addr->RTC_CCVR;
addr->RTC_CMR = (uint32_t)time;
return 0;
static int32_t ck_rtc_int_enable(ck_rtc_reg_t *addr)
int value = addr->RTC_CCR;
value |= 1 << 0;
addr->RTC_CCR = value;
return 0;
static int32_t ck_rtc_int_disable(ck_rtc_reg_t *addr)
uint32_t value = addr->RTC_CCR;
value &= ~(1 << 0);
addr->RTC_CCR = value;
ck_rtc_setmarchtime(addr, ck_rtc_readtime(addr));
return 0;
void ck_rtc_irqhandler(int32_t idx)
ck_rtc_priv_t *rtc_priv = &rtc_instance[idx];
ck_rtc_reg_t *addr = (ck_rtc_reg_t *)(rtc_priv->base);
if (rtc_priv->cb_event) {
int32_t __attribute__((weak)) target_get_rtc_count(void)
return 0;
int32_t __attribute__((weak)) target_get_rtc(uint32_t idx, uint32_t *base, uint32_t *irq)
return NULL;
\brief get rtc instance count.
\return rtc instance count
int32_t csi_rtc_get_instance_count(void)
return target_get_rtc_count();
\brief Initialize RTC Interface. 1. Initializes the resources needed for the RTC interface 2.registers event callback function
\param[in] idx must not exceed return value of csi_rtc_get_instance_count()
\param[in] cb_event Pointer to \ref rtc_event_cb_t
\return pointer to rtc instance
rtc_handle_t csi_rtc_initialize(int32_t idx, rtc_event_cb_t cb_event)
if (idx < 0 || idx >= CONFIG_RTC_NUM) {
return NULL;
int32_t real_idx;
uint32_t base = 0u;
uint32_t irq;
real_idx = target_get_rtc(idx, &base, &irq);
if (real_idx != idx) {
return NULL;
ck_rtc_priv_t *rtc_priv;
rtc_priv = &rtc_instance[idx];
rtc_priv->base = base;
rtc_priv->irq = irq;
ck_rtc_reg_t *addr = (ck_rtc_reg_t *)(rtc_priv->base);
rtc_priv->cb_event = cb_event;
addr->RTC_CCR = 0;
return (rtc_handle_t)rtc_priv;
\brief De-initialize RTC Interface. stops operation and releases the software resources used by the interface
\param[in] handle rtc handle to operate.
\return \ref execution_status
int32_t csi_rtc_uninitialize(rtc_handle_t handle)
ck_rtc_priv_t *rtc_priv = handle;
rtc_priv->cb_event = NULL;
return 0;
\brief Get driver capabilities.
\param[in] handle rtc handle to operate.
\return \ref rtc_capabilities_t
rtc_capabilities_t csi_rtc_get_capabilities(rtc_handle_t handle)
return rtc_capabilities;
\brief Set RTC timer.
\param[in] handle rtc handle to operate.
\param[in] rtctime \ref struct tm
\return \ref execution_status
int32_t csi_rtc_set_time(rtc_handle_t handle, const struct tm *rtctime)
ck_rtc_priv_t *rtc_priv = handle;
ck_rtc_reg_t *addr = (ck_rtc_reg_t *)(rtc_priv->base);
if (rtctime->tm_year < 70 || rtctime->tm_year >= 200) {
goto error_time;
int32_t leap = 1;
leap = clock_isleapyear(rtctime->tm_year + 1900);
if (rtctime->tm_sec < 0 || rtctime->tm_sec >= 60) {
goto error_time;
if (rtctime->tm_min < 0 || rtctime->tm_min >= 60) {
goto error_time;
if (rtctime->tm_hour < 0 || rtctime->tm_hour >= 24) {
goto error_time;
if (rtctime->tm_mon < 0 || rtctime->tm_mon >= 12) {
goto error_time;
if (leap) {
if (rtctime->tm_mday < 1 || rtctime->tm_mday > leap_year[rtctime->tm_mon]) {
goto error_time;
} else {
if (rtctime->tm_mday < 1 || rtctime->tm_mday > noleap_year[rtctime->tm_mon]) {
goto error_time;
rtc_priv->rtc_base.tm_sec = rtctime->tm_sec;
rtc_priv->rtc_base.tm_min = rtctime->tm_min;
rtc_priv->rtc_base.tm_hour = rtctime->tm_hour;
rtc_priv->rtc_base.tm_mday = rtctime->tm_mday;
rtc_priv->rtc_base.tm_mon = rtctime->tm_mon;
rtc_priv->rtc_base.tm_year = rtctime->tm_year;
ck_rtc_settime(addr, 0);
return 0;
\brief Get RTC timer.
\param[in] handle rtc handle to operate.
\param[in] rtctime \ref struct tm
\return \ref execution_status
int32_t csi_rtc_get_time(rtc_handle_t handle, struct tm *rtctime)
ck_rtc_priv_t *rtc_priv = handle;
ck_rtc_reg_t *addr = (ck_rtc_reg_t *)(rtc_priv->base);
time_t time = ck_rtc_readtime(addr);
time = time / 1000;
time += _mktime(&(rtc_priv->rtc_base));
gmtime_r(&time, rtctime);
return 0;
\brief Start RTC timer.
\param[in] handle rtc handle to operate.
\return \ref execution_status
int32_t csi_rtc_start(rtc_handle_t handle)
ck_rtc_priv_t *rtc_priv = handle;
ck_rtc_reg_t *addr = (ck_rtc_reg_t *)(rtc_priv->base);
return 0;
\brief Stop RTC timer.
\param[in] handle rtc handle to operate.
\return \ref execution_status
int32_t csi_rtc_stop(rtc_handle_t handle)
ck_rtc_priv_t *rtc_priv = handle;
ck_rtc_reg_t *addr = (ck_rtc_reg_t *)(rtc_priv->base);
return 0;
\brief Get RTC status.
\param[in] handle rtc handle to operate.
\return RTC status \ref rtc_status_t
rtc_status_t csi_rtc_get_status(rtc_handle_t handle)
rtc_status_t rtc_status = {0};
if (handle == NULL) {
return rtc_status;
ck_rtc_priv_t *rtc_priv = handle;
ck_rtc_reg_t *addr = (ck_rtc_reg_t *)(rtc_priv->base);
if (addr->RTC_RSTAT & 0x1) {
rtc_status.active = 1;
return rtc_status;
\brief config RTC timer.
\param[in] handle rtc handle to operate.
\param[in] rtctime time to wake up
\return error code
int32_t csi_rtc_timer_config(rtc_handle_t handle, const struct tm *rtctime)
ck_rtc_priv_t *rtc_priv = handle;
ck_rtc_reg_t *addr = (ck_rtc_reg_t *)(rtc_priv->base);
if (rtctime->tm_year < 70 || rtctime->tm_year >= 200) {
goto error_time;
int32_t leap = clock_isleapyear(rtctime->tm_year + 1900);
if (rtctime->tm_sec < 0 || rtctime->tm_sec >= 60) {
goto error_time;
if (rtctime->tm_min < 0 || rtctime->tm_min >= 60) {
goto error_time;
if (rtctime->tm_hour < 0 || rtctime->tm_hour >= 24) {
goto error_time;
if (rtctime->tm_mon < 0 || rtctime->tm_mon >= 12) {
goto error_time;
if (leap) {
if (rtctime->tm_mday < 1 || rtctime->tm_mday > leap_year[rtctime->tm_mon]) {
goto error_time;
} else {
if (rtctime->tm_mday < 1 || rtctime->tm_mday > noleap_year[rtctime->tm_mon]) {
goto error_time;
/* after setting RTC counter load register(RTC_CLT), loading to RTC_CCVR need two rtc clocks.
* two rtc clocks about 3ms. setting 10ms to ensure operation is completed.
struct tm current_time;
int32_t ret = csi_rtc_get_time(handle, ¤t_time);
if (ret < 0) {
int64_t settime = 0;
settime += ((int64_t)(rtctime->tm_year) - (int64_t)(rtc_priv->rtc_base.tm_year)) * (365 + (int64_t)leap) * 24 * 3600 * 1000;
if (settime < 0) {
goto error_time;
if (leap) {
settime += (int64_t)(g_leap_daysbeforemonth[rtctime->tm_mon + 1] + rtctime->tm_mday - g_leap_daysbeforemonth[current_time.tm_mon + 1] - current_time.tm_mday) * 24 * 3600 * 1000;
if (settime < 0) {
goto error_time;
} else {
settime += (int64_t)(g_noleap_daysbeforemonth[rtctime->tm_mon + 1] + rtctime->tm_mday - g_noleap_daysbeforemonth[current_time.tm_mon + 1] - current_time.tm_mday) * 24 * 3600 * 1000;
if (settime < 0) {
goto error_time;
settime += (int64_t)(rtctime->tm_hour - current_time.tm_hour) * 3600 * 1000;
if (settime < 0) {
goto error_time;
settime += (int64_t)(rtctime->tm_min - current_time.tm_min) * 60 * 1000;
if (settime < 0) {
goto error_time;
settime += (int64_t)(rtctime->tm_sec - current_time.tm_sec) * 1000;
if (settime < 0) {
goto error_time;
ck_rtc_setmarchtime(addr, settime);
return 0;
\brief disable or enable RTC timer.
\param[in] handle rtc handle to operate.
\param[in] en set 1 enable for rtc timer
\return error code
int32_t csi_rtc_timer_enable(rtc_handle_t handle, uint8_t en)
ck_rtc_priv_t *rtc_priv = handle;
ck_rtc_reg_t *addr = (ck_rtc_reg_t *)(rtc_priv->base);
if (en == 1) {
} else if (en == 0) {
} else {
return 0;