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* @file IP/Example/ht32f5xxxx_01_usbdconf.h
* @version $Rev:: 2390 $
* @date $Date:: 2017-12-21 #$
* @brief The configuration file of USB Device Driver.
* @attention
* Firmware Disclaimer Information
* 1. The customer hereby acknowledges and agrees that the program technical documentation, including the
* code, which is supplied by Holtek Semiconductor Inc., (hereinafter referred to as "HOLTEK") is the
* proprietary and confidential intellectual property of HOLTEK, and is protected by copyright law and
* other intellectual property laws.
* 2. The customer hereby acknowledges and agrees that the program technical documentation, including the
* code, is confidential information belonging to HOLTEK, and must not be disclosed to any third parties
* other than HOLTEK and the customer.
* 3. The program technical documentation, including the code, is provided "as is" and for customer reference
* only. After delivery by HOLTEK, the customer shall use the program technical documentation, including
* the code, at their own risk. HOLTEK disclaims any expressed, implied or statutory warranties, including
* the warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose.
* <h2><center>Copyright (C) Holtek Semiconductor Inc. All rights reserved</center></h2>
// <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>>
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __HT32F5XXXX_01_USBDCONF_H
#define __HT32F5XXXX_01_USBDCONF_H
// <e0> Enter Low Power mode when Suspended
// </e>
#define USBDCore_LowPower() PWRCU_DeepSleep1(PWRCU_SLEEP_ENTRY_WFE)
#define USBDCore_LowPower(...)
/* USB Interrupt Enable */
// <h> USB Interrupt Setting (UIER)
// <o0.0> USB Global Interrupt Enable (UGIE) (Default)
// <o0.1> Start Of Frame Interrupt Enable (SOFIE)
// <o0.2> USB Reset Interrupt Enable (URSTIE) (Default)
// <o0.3> Resume Interrupt Enable (RSMIE) (Default)
// <o0.4> Suspend Interrupt Enable (SUSPIE) (Default)
// <o0.5> Expected Start of Frame Interrupt Enable (ESOFE)
// <o0.8> Control Endpoint Interrupt Enable (EP0IE) (Default)
// <o0.9> Endpoint1 Interrupt Enable (EP1IE)
// <o0.10> Endpoint2 Interrupt Enable (EP2IE)
// <o0.11> Endpoint3 Interrupt Enable (EP3IE)
// <o0.12> Endpoint4 Interrupt Enable (EP4IE)
// <o0.13> Endpoint5 Interrupt Enable (EP5IE)
// <o0.14> Endpoint6 Interrupt Enable (EP6IE)
// <o0.15> Endpoint7 Interrupt Enable (EP7IE)
#define _UIER (0x011D)
// </h>
/* Endpoint0 Configuration Setting */
// <h> Control Endpoint0 Configuration
// <o0> Endpoint Buffer Length (EPLEN)
// <8=> 8 bytes
// <16=> 16 bytes
// <32=> 32 bytes
// <64=> 64 bytes
/* Maximum: 64 Bytes */
#define _EP0LEN (64)
// <h> Control Endpoint0 Interrupt Enable Settings (EP0IER)
// <o0.0> OUT Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (OTRXIE)
// <o0.1> OUT Data Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ODRXIE) (Default)
// <o0.2> OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt Enable (ODOVIE)
// <o0.3> IN Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ITRXIE)
// <o0.4> IN Data Packet Transmitted Interrupt Enable (IDTXIE) (Default)
// <o0.5> NAK Transmitted Interrupt Enable (NAKIE)
// <o0.6> STALL Transmitted Interrupt Enable (STLIE)
// <o0.7> USB Error Interrupt Enable (UERIE)
// <o0.8> SETUP Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (STRXIE)
// <o0.9> SETUP Data Packet Received Interrupt Enable (SDRXIE) (Default)
// <o0.10> SETUP Data Error Interrupt Enable (SDERIE)
// <o0.11> Zero Length Data Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ZLRXIE)
#define _EP0_IER (0x212)
// </h>
// </h>
/* Endpoint1 Configuration Setting */
// <e0> Endpoint1 Configuration
#define _EP1_ENABLE (0)
// <o0> Endpoint Address (EPADR)
// <1=> 1
// <2=> 2
// <3=> 3
// <4=> 4
// <5=> 5
// <6=> 6
// <7=> 7
#define _EP1_CFG_EPADR (1)
// <o0.0> Endpoint Enable (EPEN)
#define _EP1_CFG_EPEN_TMP (1)
// <o0> Endpoint Transfer Type
// <2=> Bulk
// <3=> Interrupt
#define _EP1_TYPR (3)
// <o0> Endpoint Direction (EPDIR)
// <1=> IN
// <0=> OUT
#define _EP1_CFG_EPDIR (1)
// <o0> Endpoint Buffer Length (EPLEN) (in byte) <4-64:4>
/* Maximum: 64 Bytes */
#define _EP1LEN_TMP (8)
// <h> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER)
// <o0> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER) <0x0-0xFF:1>
// <o0.0> OUT Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (OTRXIE)
// <o0.1> OUT Data Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ODRXIE)
// <o0.2> OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt Enable (ODOVIE)
// <o0.3> IN Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ITRXIE)
// <o0.4> IN Data Packet Transmitted Interrupt Enable (IDTXIE)
// <o0.5> NAK Transmitted Interrupt Enable (NAKIE)
// <o0.6> STALL Transmitted Interrupt Enable (STLIE)
// <o0.7> USB Error Interrupt Enable (UERIE)
#define _EP1_IER (0x10)
// </h>
// </e>
/* Endpoint2 Configuration Setting */
// <e0> Endpoint2 Configuration
#define _EP2_ENABLE (0)
// <o0> Endpoint Address (EPADR)
// <1=> 1
// <2=> 2
// <3=> 3
// <4=> 4
// <5=> 5
// <6=> 6
// <7=> 7
#define _EP2_CFG_EPADR (2)
// <o0.0> Endpoint Enable (EPEN)
#define _EP2_CFG_EPEN_TMP (1)
// <o0> Endpoint Transfer Type
// <2=> Bulk
// <3=> Interrupt
#define _EP2_TYPR (3)
// <o0> Endpoint Direction (EPDIR)
// <1=> IN
// <0=> OUT
#define _EP2_CFG_EPDIR (0)
// <o0> Endpoint Buffer Length (EPLEN) (in byte) <4-64:4>
/* Maximum: 64 Bytes */
#define _EP2LEN_TMP (8)
// <h> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER)
// <o0> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER) <0x0-0xFF:1>
// <o0.0> OUT Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (OTRXIE)
// <o0.1> OUT Data Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ODRXIE)
// <o0.2> OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt Enable (ODOVIE)
// <o0.3> IN Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ITRXIE)
// <o0.4> IN Data Packet Transmitted Interrupt Enable (IDTXIE)
// <o0.5> NAK Transmitted Interrupt Enable (NAKIE)
// <o0.6> STALL Transmitted Interrupt Enable (STLIE)
// <o0.7> USB Error Interrupt Enable (UERIE)
#define _EP2_IER (0x002)
// </h>
// </e>
/* Endpoint3 Configuration Setting */
// <e0> Endpoint3 Configuration
#define _EP3_ENABLE (0)
// <o0> Endpoint Address (EPADR)
// <1=> 1
// <2=> 2
// <3=> 3
// <4=> 4
// <5=> 5
// <6=> 6
// <7=> 7
#define _EP3_CFG_EPADR (3)
// <o0.0> Endpoint Enable (EPEN)
#define _EP3_CFG_EPEN_TMP (1)
// <o0> Endpoint Transfer Type
// <2=> Bulk
// <3=> Interrupt
#define _EP3_TYPR (3)
// <o0> Endpoint Direction (EPDIR)
// <1=> IN
// <0=> OUT
#define _EP3_CFG_EPDIR (1)
// <o0> Endpoint Buffer Length (EPLEN) (in byte) <4-64:4>
/* Maximum: 64 Bytes */
#define _EP3LEN_TMP (8)
// <h> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER)
// <o0> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER) <0x0-0xFF:1>
// <o0.0> OUT Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (OTRXIE)
// <o0.1> OUT Data Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ODRXIE)
// <o0.2> OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt Enable (ODOVIE)
// <o0.3> IN Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ITRXIE)
// <o0.4> IN Data Packet Transmitted Interrupt Enable (IDTXIE)
// <o0.5> NAK Transmitted Interrupt Enable (NAKIE)
// <o0.6> STALL Transmitted Interrupt Enable (STLIE)
// <o0.7> USB Error Interrupt Enable (UERIE)
#define _EP3_IER (0x10)
// </h>
// </e>
/* Endpoint4 Configuration Setting */
// <e0> Endpoint4 Configuration
#define _EP4_ENABLE (0)
// <o0> Endpoint Address (EPADR)
// <1=> 1
// <2=> 2
// <3=> 3
// <4=> 4
// <5=> 5
// <6=> 6
// <7=> 7
#define _EP4_CFG_EPADR (4)
// <o0.0> Endpoint Enable (EPEN)
#define _EP4_CFG_EPEN_TMP (1)
// <o0> Endpoint Transfer Type
// <1=> Isochronous
// <2=> Bulk
// <3=> Interrupt
#define _EP4_TYPR (3)
// <o0> Endpoint Direction (EPDIR)
// <1=> IN
// <0=> OUT
#define _EP4_CFG_EPDIR (0)
// <o0> Endpoint Buffer Length (EPLEN) (in byte) <4-1000:4>
/* Maximum: 1000 Bytes */
#define _EP4LEN_TMP (8)
// <o0> Single/Double Buffer Selection (SDBS)
// <0=> Single Buffer
// <1=> Double Buffer
#define _EP4_CFG_SDBS (0)
// <h> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER)
// <o0> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER) <0x0-0xFF:1>
// <o0.0> OUT Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (OTRXIE)
// <o0.1> OUT Data Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ODRXIE)
// <o0.2> OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt Enable (ODOVIE)
// <o0.3> IN Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ITRXIE)
// <o0.4> IN Data Packet Transmitted Interrupt Enable (IDTXIE)
// <o0.5> NAK Transmitted Interrupt Enable (NAKIE)
// <o0.6> STALL Transmitted Interrupt Enable (STLIE)
// <o0.7> USB Error Interrupt Enable (UERIE)
#define _EP4_IER (0x02)
// </h>
// </e>
/* Endpoint5 Configuration Setting */
// <e0> Endpoint5 Configuration
#define _EP5_ENABLE (0)
// <o0> Endpoint Address (EPADR)
// <1=> 1
// <2=> 2
// <3=> 3
// <4=> 4
// <5=> 5
// <6=> 6
// <7=> 7
#define _EP5_CFG_EPADR (5)
// <o0.0> Endpoint Enable (EPEN)
#define _EP5_CFG_EPEN_TMP (1)
// <o0> Endpoint Transfer Type
// <1=> Isochronous
// <2=> Bulk
// <3=> Interrupt
#define _EP5_TYPR (3)
// <o0> Endpoint Direction (EPDIR)
// <1=> IN
// <0=> OUT
#define _EP5_CFG_EPDIR (1)
// <o0> Endpoint Buffer Length (EPLEN) (in byte) <4-1000:4>
/* Maximum: 1000 Bytes */
#define _EP5LEN_TMP (8)
// <o0> Single/Double Buffer Selection (SDBS)
// <0=> Single Buffer
// <1=> Double Buffer
#define _EP5_CFG_SDBS (0)
// <h> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER)
// <o0> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER) <0x0-0xFF:1>
// <o0.0> OUT Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (OTRXIE)
// <o0.1> OUT Data Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ODRXIE)
// <o0.2> OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt Enable (ODOVIE)
// <o0.3> IN Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ITRXIE)
// <o0.4> IN Data Packet Transmitted Interrupt Enable (IDTXIE)
// <o0.5> NAK Transmitted Interrupt Enable (NAKIE)
// <o0.6> STALL Transmitted Interrupt Enable (STLIE)
// <o0.7> USB Error Interrupt Enable (UERIE)
#define _EP5_IER (0x10)
// </h>
// </e>
/* Endpoint6 Configuration Setting */
// <e0> Endpoint6 Configuration
#define _EP6_ENABLE (0)
// <o0> Endpoint Address (EPADR)
// <1=> 1
// <2=> 2
// <3=> 3
// <4=> 4
// <5=> 5
// <6=> 6
// <7=> 7
#define _EP6_CFG_EPADR (6)
// <o0.0> Endpoint Enable (EPEN)
#define _EP6_CFG_EPEN_TMP (1)
// <o0> Endpoint Transfer Type
// <1=> Isochronous
// <2=> Bulk
// <3=> Interrupt
#define _EP6_TYPR (3)
// <o0> Endpoint Direction (EPDIR)
// <1=> IN
// <0=> OUT
#define _EP6_CFG_EPDIR (0)
// <o0> Endpoint Buffer Length (EPLEN) (in byte) <4-1000:4>
/* Maximum: 1000 Bytes */
#define _EP6LEN_TMP (8)
// <o0> Single/Double Buffer Selection (SDBS)
// <0=> Single Buffer
// <1=> Double Buffer
#define _EP6_CFG_SDBS (0)
// <h> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER)
// <o0> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER) <0x0-0xFF:1>
// <o0.0> OUT Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (OTRXIE)
// <o0.1> OUT Data Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ODRXIE)
// <o0.2> OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt Enable (ODOVIE)
// <o0.3> IN Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ITRXIE)
// <o0.4> IN Data Packet Transmitted Interrupt Enable (IDTXIE)
// <o0.5> NAK Transmitted Interrupt Enable (NAKIE)
// <o0.6> STALL Transmitted Interrupt Enable (STLIE)
// <o0.7> USB Error Interrupt Enable (UERIE)
#define _EP6_IER (0x02)
// </h>
// </e>
/* Endpoint7 Configuration Setting */
// <e0> Endpoint7 Configuration
#define _EP7_ENABLE (0)
// <o0> Endpoint Address (EPADR)
// <1=> 1
// <2=> 2
// <3=> 3
// <4=> 4
// <5=> 5
// <6=> 6
// <7=> 7
#define _EP7_CFG_EPADR (7)
// <o0.0> Endpoint Enable (EPEN)
#define _EP7_CFG_EPEN_TMP (1)
// <o0> Endpoint Transfer Type
// <1=> Isochronous
// <2=> Bulk
// <3=> Interrupt
#define _EP7_TYPR (3)
// <o0> Endpoint Direction (EPDIR)
// <1=> IN
// <0=> OUT
#define _EP7_CFG_EPDIR (1)
// <o0> Endpoint Buffer Length (EPLEN) (in byte) <4-1000:4>
/* Maximum: 1000 Bytes */
#define _EP7LEN_TMP (8)
// <o0> Single/Double Buffer Selection (SDBS)
// <0=> Single Buffer
// <1=> Double Buffer
#define _EP7_CFG_SDBS (0)
// <h> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER)
// <o0> Endpoint Interrupt Enable Settings (EPIER) <0x0-0xFF:1>
// <o0.0> OUT Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (OTRXIE)
// <o0.1> OUT Data Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ODRXIE)
// <o0.2> OUT Data Buffer Overrun Interrupt Enable (ODOVIE)
// <o0.3> IN Token Packet Received Interrupt Enable (ITRXIE)
// <o0.4> IN Data Packet Transmitted Interrupt Enable (IDTXIE)
// <o0.5> NAK Transmitted Interrupt Enable (NAKIE)
// <o0.6> STALL Transmitted Interrupt Enable (STLIE)
// <o0.7> USB Error Interrupt Enable (UERIE)
#define _EP7_IER (0x10)
// </h>
// </e>