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* x1000_dwc.h
* Created on: 2017Äê2ÔÂ3ÈÕ
* Author: Urey
#ifndef _X1000_DWC_H_
#define _X1000_DWC_H_
#define DWC_EP_IN_OFS 0
#define DWC_EP_OUT_OFS 16
#define DWC_EPNO_MASK 0x7f
typedef struct dwc_ep_t
uint8_t num; /* ep number used for register address lookup */
#define EP_IDLE 0
#define EP_SETUP 0
#define EP_DATA 1
#define EP_STATUS 2
uint32_t ep_state;
uint32_t is_in; /* ep dir 1 = out */
uint32_t active; /* ep active */
uint32_t type; /* ep type */
uint32_t maxpacket; /* max packet bytes */
// uint32_t ctrl_req_addr;
void* xfer_buff; /* pointer to transfer buffer */
uint32_t xfer_len; /* number of bytes to transfer */
uint32_t xfer_count; /* number of bytes transfered */
} dwc_ep;
typedef union hwcfg1_data {
uint32_t d32;
struct {
unsigned ep_dir0:2;
unsigned ep_dir1:2;
unsigned ep_dir2:2;
unsigned ep_dir3:2;
unsigned ep_dir4:2;
unsigned ep_dir5:2;
unsigned ep_dir6:2;
unsigned ep_dir7:2;
unsigned ep_dir8:2;
unsigned ep_dir9:2;
unsigned ep_dir10:2;
unsigned ep_dir11:2;
unsigned ep_dir12:2;
unsigned ep_dir13:2;
unsigned ep_dir14:2;
unsigned ep_dir15:2;
} b;
#define DWC_HWCFG1_DIR_BIDIR 0x0
#define DWC_HWCFG1_DIR_IN 0x1
#define DWC_HWCFG1_DIR_OUT 0x2
} hwcfg1_data_t;
* This union represents the bit fields in the User HW Config2
* Register. Read the register into the <i>d32</i> element then read
* out the bits using the <i>b</i>it elements.
typedef union hwcfg2_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
/* GHWCFG2 */
unsigned op_mode:3;
unsigned architecture:2;
unsigned point2point:1;
unsigned hs_phy_type:2;
unsigned fs_phy_type:2;
unsigned num_dev_ep:4;
unsigned num_host_chan:4;
unsigned perio_ep_supported:1;
unsigned dynamic_fifo:1;
unsigned multi_proc_int:1;
unsigned reserved21:1;
unsigned nonperio_tx_q_depth:2;
unsigned host_perio_tx_q_depth:2;
unsigned dev_token_q_depth:5;
unsigned otg_enable_ic_usb:1;
} b;
} hwcfg2_data_t;
* This union represents the bit fields in the User HW Config3
* Register. Read the register into the <i>d32</i> element then read
* out the bits using the <i>b</i>it elements.
typedef union hwcfg3_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
/* GHWCFG3 */
unsigned xfer_size_cntr_width:4;
unsigned packet_size_cntr_width:3;
unsigned otg_func:1;
unsigned i2c:1;
unsigned vendor_ctrl_if:1;
unsigned optional_features:1;
unsigned synch_reset_type:1;
unsigned adp_supp:1;
unsigned otg_enable_hsic:1;
unsigned bc_support:1;
unsigned otg_lpm_en:1;
unsigned dfifo_depth:16;
} b;
} hwcfg3_data_t;
* This union represents the bit fields in the User HW Config4
* Register. Read the register into the <i>d32</i> element then read
* out the bits using the <i>b</i>it elements.
typedef union hwcfg4_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
unsigned num_dev_perio_in_ep:4;
unsigned power_optimiz:1;
unsigned min_ahb_freq:1;
unsigned part_power_down:1;
unsigned reserved:7;
unsigned utmi_phy_data_width:2;
unsigned num_dev_mode_ctrl_ep:4;
unsigned iddig_filt_en:1;
unsigned vbus_valid_filt_en:1;
unsigned a_valid_filt_en:1;
unsigned b_valid_filt_en:1;
unsigned session_end_filt_en:1;
unsigned ded_fifo_en:1;
unsigned num_in_eps:4;
unsigned desc_dma:1;
unsigned desc_dma_dyn:1;
} b;
} hwcfg4_data_t;
typedef union dwc_state {
uint8_t d8;
struct {
unsigned event:1;
unsigned state:7;
} dwc_st;
typedef struct dwc_cfg_if_t
hwcfg1_data_t hwcfg1;
hwcfg2_data_t hwcfg2;
hwcfg3_data_t hwcfg3;
hwcfg4_data_t hwcfg4;
dwc_st status;
#define USB_SPEED_HIGH 0
#define USB_SPEED_FULL 1
#define USB_SPEED_LOW 2
uint8_t speed;
uint8_t is_dma;
// uint8_t ep0State;
dwc_ep *dep[32];
rt_sem_t isr_sem;
} dwc_handle;
* This union represents the bit fields in the Device Control
* Register. Read the register into the <i>d32</i> member then
* set/clear the bits using the <i>b</i>it elements.
typedef union dctl_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
/** Remote Wakeup */
unsigned rmtwkupsig:1;
/** Soft Disconnect */
unsigned sftdiscon:1;
/** Global Non-Periodic IN NAK Status */
unsigned gnpinnaksts:1;
/** Global OUT NAK Status */
unsigned goutnaksts:1;
/** Test Control */
unsigned tstctl:3;
/** Set Global Non-Periodic IN NAK */
unsigned sgnpinnak:1;
/** Clear Global Non-Periodic IN NAK */
unsigned cgnpinnak:1;
/** Set Global OUT NAK */
unsigned sgoutnak:1;
/** Clear Global OUT NAK */
unsigned cgoutnak:1;
/** Power-On Programming Done */
unsigned pwronprgdone:1;
/** Reserved */
unsigned reserved:1;
/** Global Multi Count */
unsigned gmc:2;
/** Ignore Frame Number for ISOC EPs */
unsigned ifrmnum:1;
/** NAK on Babble */
unsigned nakonbble:1;
/** Enable Continue on BNA */
unsigned encontonbna:1;
unsigned reserved18_31:14;
} b;
} dctl_data_t;
* This union represents the bit fields of the Core Interrupt Mask
* Register (GINTMSK). Set/clear the bits using the bit fields then
* write the <i>d32</i> value to the register.
typedef union gintmsk_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
unsigned reserved0:1;
unsigned modemismatch:1;
unsigned otgintr:1;
unsigned sofintr:1;
unsigned rxstsqlvl:1;
unsigned nptxfempty:1;
unsigned ginnakeff:1;
unsigned goutnakeff:1;
unsigned ulpickint:1;
unsigned i2cintr:1;
unsigned erlysuspend:1;
unsigned usbsuspend:1;
unsigned usbreset:1;
unsigned enumdone:1;
unsigned isooutdrop:1;
unsigned eopframe:1;
unsigned restoredone:1;
unsigned epmismatch:1;
unsigned inepintr:1;
unsigned outepintr:1;
unsigned incomplisoin:1;
unsigned incomplisoout:1;
unsigned fetsusp:1;
unsigned resetdet:1;
unsigned portintr:1;
unsigned hcintr:1;
unsigned ptxfempty:1;
unsigned lpmtranrcvd:1;
unsigned conidstschng:1;
unsigned disconnect:1;
unsigned sessreqintr:1;
unsigned wkupintr:1;
} b;
} gintmsk_data_t;
* This union represents the bit fields in the Device EP Control
* Register. Read the register into the <i>d32</i> member then
* set/clear the bits using the <i>b</i>it elements.
typedef union depctl_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
/** Maximum Packet Size
* IN/OUT EP0 - 2 bits
* 2'b00: 64 Bytes
* 2'b01: 32
* 2'b10: 16
* 2'b11: 8 */
unsigned mps:11;
#define DWC_DEP0CTL_MPS_64 0
#define DWC_DEP0CTL_MPS_32 1
#define DWC_DEP0CTL_MPS_16 2
#define DWC_DEP0CTL_MPS_8 3
/** Next Endpoint
* OUT EPn/OUT EP0 - reserved */
unsigned nextep:4;
/** USB Active Endpoint */
unsigned usbactep:1;
/** Endpoint DPID (INTR/Bulk IN and OUT endpoints)
* This field contains the PID of the packet going to
* be received or transmitted on this endpoint. The
* application should program the PID of the first
* packet going to be received or transmitted on this
* endpoint , after the endpoint is
* activated. Application use the SetD1PID and
* SetD0PID fields of this register to program either
* D0 or D1 PID.
* The encoding for this field is
* - 0: D0
* - 1: D1
unsigned dpid:1;
/** NAK Status */
unsigned naksts:1;
/** Endpoint Type
* 2'b00: Control
* 2'b01: Isochronous
* 2'b10: Bulk
* 2'b11: Interrupt */
unsigned eptype:2;
/** Snoop Mode
* IN EPn/IN EP0 - reserved */
unsigned snp:1;
/** Stall Handshake */
unsigned stall:1;
/** Tx Fifo Number
* OUT EPn/OUT EP0 - reserved */
unsigned txfnum:4;
/** Clear NAK */
unsigned cnak:1;
/** Set NAK */
unsigned snak:1;
/** Set DATA0 PID (INTR/Bulk IN and OUT endpoints)
* Writing to this field sets the Endpoint DPID (DPID)
* field in this register to DATA0. Set Even
* (micro)frame (SetEvenFr) (ISO IN and OUT Endpoints)
* Writing to this field sets the Even/Odd
* (micro)frame (EO_FrNum) field to even (micro)
* frame.
unsigned setd0pid:1;
/** Set DATA1 PID (INTR/Bulk IN and OUT endpoints)
* Writing to this field sets the Endpoint DPID (DPID)
* field in this register to DATA1 Set Odd
* (micro)frame (SetOddFr) (ISO IN and OUT Endpoints)
* Writing to this field sets the Even/Odd
* (micro)frame (EO_FrNum) field to odd (micro) frame.
unsigned setd1pid:1;
/** Endpoint Disable */
unsigned epdis:1;
/** Endpoint Enable */
unsigned epena:1;
} b;
} depctl_data_t;
* This union represents the bit fields in the Device IN EP Interrupt
* Register and the Device IN EP Common Mask Register.
* - Read the register into the <i>d32</i> member then set/clear the
* bits using the <i>b</i>it elements.
typedef union diepint_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
/** Transfer complete mask */
unsigned xfercompl:1;
/** Endpoint disable mask */
unsigned epdisabled:1;
/** AHB Error mask */
unsigned ahberr:1;
/** TimeOUT Handshake mask (non-ISOC EPs) */
unsigned timeout:1;
/** IN Token received with TxF Empty mask */
unsigned intktxfemp:1;
/** IN Token Received with EP mismatch mask */
unsigned intknepmis:1;
/** IN Endpoint NAK Effective mask */
unsigned inepnakeff:1;
/** Reserved */
unsigned emptyintr:1;
unsigned txfifoundrn:1;
/** BNA Interrupt mask */
unsigned bna:1;
unsigned reserved10_12:3;
/** BNA Interrupt mask */
unsigned nak:1;
unsigned reserved14_31:18;
} b;
} diepint_data_t;
* This union represents the bit fields in the Device IN EP
* Common/Dedicated Interrupt Mask Register.
typedef union diepint_data diepmsk_data_t;
* This union represents the bit fields in the Device OUT EP Interrupt
* Registerand Device OUT EP Common Interrupt Mask Register.
* - Read the register into the <i>d32</i> member then set/clear the
* bits using the <i>b</i>it elements.
typedef union doepint_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
/** Transfer complete */
unsigned xfercompl:1;
/** Endpoint disable */
unsigned epdisabled:1;
/** AHB Error */
unsigned ahberr:1;
/** Setup Phase Done (contorl EPs) */
unsigned setup:1;
/** OUT Token Received when Endpoint Disabled */
unsigned outtknepdis:1;
unsigned stsphsercvd:1;
/** Back-to-Back SETUP Packets Received */
unsigned back2backsetup:1;
unsigned reserved7:1;
/** OUT packet Error */
unsigned outpkterr:1;
/** BNA Interrupt */
unsigned bna:1;
unsigned reserved10:1;
/** Packet Drop Status */
unsigned pktdrpsts:1;
/** Babble Interrupt */
unsigned babble:1;
/** NAK Interrupt */
unsigned nak:1;
/** NYET Interrupt */
unsigned nyet:1;
unsigned reserved15_31:17;
} b;
} doepint_data_t;
* This union represents the bit fields in the Device OUT EP
* Common/Dedicated Interrupt Mask Register.
typedef union doepint_data doepmsk_data_t;
* This union represents the bit fields in the Device All EP Interrupt
* and Mask Registers.
* - Read the register into the <i>d32</i> member then set/clear the
* bits using the <i>b</i>it elements.
typedef union daint_data {
/** raw register data */
uint32_t d32;
/** register bits */
struct {
/** IN Endpoint bits */
unsigned in:16;
/** OUT Endpoint bits */
unsigned out:16;
} ep;
struct {
/** IN Endpoint bits */
unsigned inep0:1;
unsigned inep1:1;
unsigned inep2:1;
unsigned inep3:1;
unsigned inep4:1;
unsigned inep5:1;
unsigned inep6:1;
unsigned inep7:1;
unsigned inep8:1;
unsigned inep9:1;
unsigned inep10:1;
unsigned inep11:1;
unsigned inep12:1;
unsigned inep13:1;
unsigned inep14:1;
unsigned inep15:1;
/** OUT Endpoint bits */
unsigned outep0:1;
unsigned outep1:1;
unsigned outep2:1;
unsigned outep3:1;
unsigned outep4:1;
unsigned outep5:1;
unsigned outep6:1;
unsigned outep7:1;
unsigned outep8:1;
unsigned outep9:1;
unsigned outep10:1;
unsigned outep11:1;
unsigned outep12:1;
unsigned outep13:1;
unsigned outep14:1;
unsigned outep15:1;
} b;
} daint_data_t;
* Functions
/* USB Endpoint Callback Events */
#define USB_EVT_SETUP 1 /* Setup Packet */
#define USB_EVT_OUT 2 /* OUT Packet */
#define USB_EVT_IN 3 /* IN Packet */
#define USB_EVT_OUT_NAK 4 /* OUT Packet - Not Acknowledged */
#define USB_EVT_IN_NAK 5 /* IN Packet - Not Acknowledged */
#define USB_EVT_OUT_STALL 6 /* OUT Packet - Stalled */
#define USB_EVT_IN_STALL 7 /* IN Packet - Stalled */
#define USB_EVT_OUT_DMA_EOT 8 /* DMA OUT EP - End of Transfer */
#define USB_EVT_IN_DMA_EOT 9 /* DMA IN EP - End of Transfer */
#define USB_EVT_OUT_DMA_NDR 10 /* DMA OUT EP - New Descriptor Request */
#define USB_EVT_IN_DMA_NDR 11 /* DMA IN EP - New Descriptor Request */
#define USB_EVT_OUT_DMA_ERR 12 /* DMA OUT EP - Error */
#define USB_EVT_IN_DMA_ERR 13 /* DMA IN EP - Error */
#define USB_EVT_SOF 14
void x1000_usbd_init(dwc_handle *dwc);
void dwc_set_address(dwc_handle *dwc,uint8_t address);
int dwc_ep_disable(dwc_handle *dwc,uint8_t epnum);
int dwc_ep_enable(dwc_handle *dwc,uint8_t epnum);
int dwc_set_ep_stall(dwc_handle *dwc,uint8_t epnum);
int dwc_clr_ep_stall(dwc_handle *dwc,uint8_t epnum);
int dwc_enable_in_ep(dwc_handle *dwc,uint8_t epnum);
int dwc_enable_out_ep(dwc_handle *dwc,uint8_t epnum);
void dwc_ep0_status(dwc_handle *dwc);
void dwc_otg_ep0_out_start(dwc_handle *dwc);
void dwc_handle_ep_data_in_phase(dwc_handle *dwc, uint8_t epnum);
void dwc_handle_ep_status_in_phase(dwc_handle *dwc, uint8_t epnum);
void dwc_handle_ep_data_out_phase(dwc_handle *dwc,uint8_t epnum);
void dwc_ep_out_start(dwc_handle *dwc,uint8_t epnum);
int HW_GetPKT(dwc_handle *dwc, uint8_t epnum, uint8_t *buf,int size);
int HW_SendPKT(dwc_handle *dwc, uint8_t epnum, const uint8_t *buf, int size);
extern void x1000_usbd_event_cb(uint8_t epnum,uint32_t event,void *arg);
#endif /* _X1000_DWC_H_ */