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synced 2025-03-03 13:45:25 +08:00
- added new boards: hpm5300evk, hpm5301evklite and hpm6800evk - upgaded hpm_sdk - driver updates and bugfixes - add hpmicro BSPs to CI Signed-off-by: Fan YANG <fan.yang@hpmicro.com>
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255 lines
7.7 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023 HPMicro
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2022-03-09 hpmicro First implementation
* 2022-08-01 hpmicro Fixed random crashing during kvdb_init
* 2022-08-03 hpmicro Improved erase speed
* 2023-01-31 hpmicro Fix random crashing issue if the global interrupt is always enabled
#include <rtthread.h>
#include <rthw.h>
#include "fal.h"
#include "hpm_romapi.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "hpm_l1c_drv.h"
#define FAL_ENTER_CRITICAL() do {\
#define FAL_EXIT_CRITICAL() do {\
#define FAL_RAMFUNC __attribute__((section(".isr_vector")))
* FAL Porting Guide
* 1. Most FLASH devices do not support RWW (Read-while-Write), the codes to access the FLASH
* must be placed at RAM or ROM code
* 2. During FLASH erase/program, it is recommended to disable the interrupt, or place the
* interrupt related codes to RAM
static int init(void);
static int read(long offset, uint8_t *buf, size_t size);
static int write(long offset, const uint8_t *buf, size_t size);
static int erase(long offset, size_t size);
static xpi_nor_config_t s_flashcfg;
* @brief FAL Flash device context
struct fal_flash_dev nor_flash0 =
/* If porting this code to the device with FLASH connected to XPI1, the address must be changed to 0x90000000 */
.len = 8 * 1024 * 1024,
.blk_size = 4096,
.ops = { .init = init, .read = read, .write = write, .erase = erase },
.write_gran = 1
* @brief FAL initialization
* This function probes the FLASH using the ROM API
FAL_RAMFUNC static int init(void)
int ret = RT_EOK;
xpi_nor_config_option_t cfg_option;
cfg_option.header.U = BOARD_APP_XPI_NOR_CFG_OPT_HDR;
cfg_option.option0.U = BOARD_APP_XPI_NOR_CFG_OPT_OPT0;
cfg_option.option1.U = BOARD_APP_XPI_NOR_CFG_OPT_OPT1;
hpm_stat_t status = rom_xpi_nor_auto_config(BOARD_APP_XPI_NOR_XPI_BASE, &s_flashcfg, &cfg_option);
if (status != status_success)
ret = -RT_ERROR;
s_flashcfg.device_info.clk_freq_for_non_read_cmd = 0U;
/* update the flash chip information */
uint32_t sector_size;
rom_xpi_nor_get_property(BOARD_APP_XPI_NOR_XPI_BASE, &s_flashcfg, xpi_nor_property_sector_size, §or_size);
uint32_t flash_size;
rom_xpi_nor_get_property(BOARD_APP_XPI_NOR_XPI_BASE, &s_flashcfg, xpi_nor_property_total_size, &flash_size);
nor_flash0.blk_size = sector_size;
nor_flash0.len = flash_size;
return ret;
* @brief FAL read function
* Read data from FLASH
* @param offset FLASH offset
* @param buf Buffer to hold data read by this API
* @param size Size of data to be read
* @return actual read bytes
FAL_RAMFUNC static int read(long offset, uint8_t *buf, size_t size)
uint32_t flash_addr = nor_flash0.addr + offset;
uint32_t aligned_start = HPM_L1C_CACHELINE_ALIGN_DOWN(flash_addr);
uint32_t aligned_end = HPM_L1C_CACHELINE_ALIGN_UP(flash_addr + size);
uint32_t aligned_size = aligned_end - aligned_start;
rt_base_t level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();
l1c_dc_invalidate(aligned_start, aligned_size);
(void) rt_memcpy(buf, (void*) flash_addr, size);
return size;
* @brief Write unaligned data to the page
* @param offset FLASH offset
* @param buf Data buffer
* @param size Size of data to be written
* @return actual size of written data or error code
FAL_RAMFUNC static int write_unaligned_page_data(long offset, const uint32_t *buf, size_t size)
hpm_stat_t status;
status = rom_xpi_nor_program(BOARD_APP_XPI_NOR_XPI_BASE, xpi_xfer_channel_auto, &s_flashcfg, buf, offset, size);
if (status != status_success)
return -RT_ERROR;
rt_kprintf("write failed, status=%d\n", status);
return size;
* @brief FAL write function
* Write data to specified FLASH address
* @param offset FLASH offset
* @param buf Data buffer
* @param size Size of data to be written
* @return actual size of written data or error code
FAL_RAMFUNC static int write(long offset, const uint8_t *buf, size_t size)
uint32_t *src = NULL;
uint32_t buf_32[64];
uint32_t write_size;
size_t remaining_size = size;
int ret = (int)size;
uint32_t page_size;
rom_xpi_nor_get_property(BOARD_APP_XPI_NOR_XPI_BASE, &s_flashcfg, xpi_nor_property_page_size, &page_size);
uint32_t offset_in_page = offset % page_size;
if (offset_in_page != 0)
uint32_t write_size_in_page = page_size - offset_in_page;
uint32_t write_page_size = MIN(write_size_in_page, size);
(void) rt_memcpy(buf_32, buf, write_page_size);
write_size = write_unaligned_page_data(offset, buf_32, write_page_size);
if (write_size < 0)
ret = -RT_ERROR;
goto write_quit;
remaining_size -= write_page_size;
offset += write_page_size;
buf += write_page_size;
while (remaining_size > 0)
write_size = MIN(remaining_size, sizeof(buf_32));
rt_memcpy(buf_32, buf, write_size);
src = &buf_32[0];
hpm_stat_t status = rom_xpi_nor_program(BOARD_APP_XPI_NOR_XPI_BASE, xpi_xfer_channel_auto, &s_flashcfg, src,
offset, write_size);
if (status != status_success)
ret = -RT_ERROR;
rt_kprintf("write failed, status=%d\n", status);
remaining_size -= write_size;
buf += write_size;
offset += write_size;
return ret;
* @brief FAL erase function
* Erase specified FLASH region
* @param offset the start FLASH address to be erased
* @param size size of the region to be erased
* @ret RT_EOK Erase operation is successful
* @retval -RT_ERROR Erase operation failed
FAL_RAMFUNC static int erase(long offset, size_t size)
uint32_t aligned_size = (size + nor_flash0.blk_size - 1U) & ~(nor_flash0.blk_size - 1U);
hpm_stat_t status;
int ret = (int)size;
uint32_t block_size;
uint32_t sector_size;
(void) rom_xpi_nor_get_property(BOARD_APP_XPI_NOR_XPI_BASE, &s_flashcfg, xpi_nor_property_sector_size, §or_size);
(void) rom_xpi_nor_get_property(BOARD_APP_XPI_NOR_XPI_BASE, &s_flashcfg, xpi_nor_property_block_size, &block_size);
uint32_t erase_unit;
while (aligned_size > 0)
if ((offset % block_size == 0) && (aligned_size >= block_size))
erase_unit = block_size;
status = rom_xpi_nor_erase_block(BOARD_APP_XPI_NOR_XPI_BASE, xpi_xfer_channel_auto, &s_flashcfg, offset);
erase_unit = sector_size;
status = rom_xpi_nor_erase_sector(BOARD_APP_XPI_NOR_XPI_BASE, xpi_xfer_channel_auto, &s_flashcfg, offset);
if (status != status_success)
ret = -RT_ERROR;
offset += erase_unit;
aligned_size -= erase_unit;
return ret;
#endif /* RT_USING_FAL */