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// hw_epi.h - Macros for use in accessing the EPI registers.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
// Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by
// TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright
// laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source
// software in order to form a larger program.
// This is part of revision 8264 of the Stellaris Firmware Development Package.
#ifndef __HW_EPI_H__
#define __HW_EPI_H__
// The following are defines for the External Peripheral Interface register
// offsets.
#define EPI_O_CFG 0x00000000 // EPI Configuration
#define EPI_O_BAUD 0x00000004 // EPI Main Baud Rate
#define EPI_O_HB16CFG 0x00000010 // EPI Host-Bus 16 Configuration
#define EPI_O_GPCFG 0x00000010 // EPI General-Purpose
// Configuration
#define EPI_O_SDRAMCFG 0x00000010 // EPI SDRAM Configuration
#define EPI_O_HB8CFG 0x00000010 // EPI Host-Bus 8 Configuration
#define EPI_O_HB8CFG2 0x00000014 // EPI Host-Bus 8 Configuration 2
#define EPI_O_HB16CFG2 0x00000014 // EPI Host-Bus 16 Configuration 2
#define EPI_O_GPCFG2 0x00000014 // EPI General-Purpose
// Configuration 2
#define EPI_O_ADDRMAP 0x0000001C // EPI Address Map
#define EPI_O_RSIZE0 0x00000020 // EPI Read Size 0
#define EPI_O_RADDR0 0x00000024 // EPI Read Address 0
#define EPI_O_RPSTD0 0x00000028 // EPI Non-Blocking Read Data 0
#define EPI_O_RSIZE1 0x00000030 // EPI Read Size 1
#define EPI_O_RADDR1 0x00000034 // EPI Read Address 1
#define EPI_O_RPSTD1 0x00000038 // EPI Non-Blocking Read Data 1
#define EPI_O_STAT 0x00000060 // EPI Status
#define EPI_O_RFIFOCNT 0x0000006C // EPI Read FIFO Count
#define EPI_O_READFIFO 0x00000070 // EPI Read FIFO
#define EPI_O_READFIFO1 0x00000074 // EPI Read FIFO Alias 1
#define EPI_O_READFIFO2 0x00000078 // EPI Read FIFO Alias 2
#define EPI_O_READFIFO3 0x0000007C // EPI Read FIFO Alias 3
#define EPI_O_READFIFO4 0x00000080 // EPI Read FIFO Alias 4
#define EPI_O_READFIFO5 0x00000084 // EPI Read FIFO Alias 5
#define EPI_O_READFIFO6 0x00000088 // EPI Read FIFO Alias 6
#define EPI_O_READFIFO7 0x0000008C // EPI Read FIFO Alias 7
#define EPI_O_FIFOLVL 0x00000200 // EPI FIFO Level Selects
#define EPI_O_WFIFOCNT 0x00000204 // EPI Write FIFO Count
#define EPI_O_IM 0x00000210 // EPI Interrupt Mask
#define EPI_O_RIS 0x00000214 // EPI Raw Interrupt Status
#define EPI_O_MIS 0x00000218 // EPI Masked Interrupt Status
#define EPI_O_EISC 0x0000021C // EPI Error Interrupt Status and
// Clear
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_CFG register.
#define EPI_CFG_BLKEN 0x00000010 // Block Enable
#define EPI_CFG_MODE_M 0x0000000F // Mode Select
#define EPI_CFG_MODE_NONE 0x00000000 // General Purpose
#define EPI_CFG_MODE_SDRAM 0x00000001 // SDRAM
#define EPI_CFG_MODE_HB8 0x00000002 // 8-Bit Host-Bus (HB8)
#define EPI_CFG_MODE_HB16 0x00000003 // 16-Bit Host-Bus (HB16)
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_BAUD register.
#define EPI_BAUD_COUNT1_M 0xFFFF0000 // Baud Rate Counter 1
#define EPI_BAUD_COUNT0_M 0x0000FFFF // Baud Rate Counter 0
#define EPI_BAUD_COUNT1_S 16
#define EPI_BAUD_COUNT0_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_HB16CFG register.
#define EPI_HB16CFG_XFFEN 0x00800000 // External FIFO FULL Enable
#define EPI_HB16CFG_XFEEN 0x00400000 // External FIFO EMPTY Enable
#define EPI_HB16CFG_WRHIGH 0x00200000 // WRITE Strobe Polarity
#define EPI_HB16CFG_RDHIGH 0x00100000 // READ Strobe Polarity
#define EPI_HB16CFG_MAXWAIT_M 0x0000FF00 // Maximum Wait
#define EPI_HB16CFG_WRWS_M 0x000000C0 // CS0n Write Wait States
#define EPI_HB16CFG_WRWS_0 0x00000000 // No wait states
#define EPI_HB16CFG_WRWS_1 0x00000040 // 1 wait state
#define EPI_HB16CFG_WRWS_2 0x00000080 // 2 wait states
#define EPI_HB16CFG_WRWS_3 0x000000C0 // 3 wait states
#define EPI_HB16CFG_RDWS_M 0x00000030 // CS0n Read Wait States
#define EPI_HB16CFG_RDWS_0 0x00000000 // No wait states
#define EPI_HB16CFG_RDWS_1 0x00000010 // 1 wait state
#define EPI_HB16CFG_RDWS_2 0x00000020 // 2 wait states
#define EPI_HB16CFG_RDWS_3 0x00000030 // 3 wait states
#define EPI_HB16CFG_BSEL 0x00000004 // Byte Select Configuration
#define EPI_HB16CFG_MODE_M 0x00000003 // Host Bus Sub-Mode
#define EPI_HB16CFG_MODE_ADMUX 0x00000000 // ADMUX - AD[15:0]
#define EPI_HB16CFG_MODE_ADNMUX 0x00000001 // ADNONMUX - D[15:0]
#define EPI_HB16CFG_MODE_SRAM 0x00000002 // Continuous Read - D[15:0]
#define EPI_HB16CFG_MODE_XFIFO 0x00000003 // XFIFO - D[15:0]
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_GPCFG register.
#define EPI_GPCFG_CLKPIN 0x80000000 // Clock Pin
#define EPI_GPCFG_CLKGATE 0x40000000 // Clock Gated
#define EPI_GPCFG_RDYEN 0x10000000 // Ready Enable
#define EPI_GPCFG_FRMPIN 0x08000000 // Framing Pin
#define EPI_GPCFG_FRM50 0x04000000 // 50/50 Frame
#define EPI_GPCFG_FRMCNT_M 0x03C00000 // Frame Count
#define EPI_GPCFG_RW 0x00200000 // Read and Write
#define EPI_GPCFG_WR2CYC 0x00080000 // 2-Cycle Writes
#define EPI_GPCFG_RD2CYC 0x00040000 // 2-Cycle Reads
#define EPI_GPCFG_MAXWAIT_M 0x0000FF00 // Maximum Wait
#define EPI_GPCFG_ASIZE_M 0x00000030 // Address Bus Size
#define EPI_GPCFG_ASIZE_NONE 0x00000000 // No address
#define EPI_GPCFG_ASIZE_4BIT 0x00000010 // Up to 4 bits wide
#define EPI_GPCFG_ASIZE_12BIT 0x00000020 // Up to 12 bits wide. This size
// cannot be used with 24-bit data
#define EPI_GPCFG_ASIZE_20BIT 0x00000030 // Up to 20 bits wide. This size
// cannot be used with data sizes
// other than 8
#define EPI_GPCFG_DSIZE_M 0x00000003 // Size of Data Bus
#define EPI_GPCFG_DSIZE_4BIT 0x00000000 // 8 Bits Wide (EPI0S0 to EPI0S7)
#define EPI_GPCFG_DSIZE_16BIT 0x00000001 // 16 Bits Wide (EPI0S0 to EPI0S15)
#define EPI_GPCFG_DSIZE_24BIT 0x00000002 // 24 Bits Wide (EPI0S0 to EPI0S23)
#define EPI_GPCFG_DSIZE_32BIT 0x00000003 // 32 Bits Wide (EPI0S0 to EPI0S31)
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_SDRAMCFG register.
#define EPI_SDRAMCFG_FREQ_M 0xC0000000 // Frequency Range
#define EPI_SDRAMCFG_FREQ_NONE 0x00000000 // 0 - 15 MHz
#define EPI_SDRAMCFG_FREQ_15MHZ 0x40000000 // 15 - 30 MHz
#define EPI_SDRAMCFG_FREQ_30MHZ 0x80000000 // 30 - 50 MHz
#define EPI_SDRAMCFG_FREQ_50MHZ 0xC0000000 // 50 - 100 MHz
#define EPI_SDRAMCFG_RFSH_M 0x07FF0000 // Refresh Counter
#define EPI_SDRAMCFG_SLEEP 0x00000200 // Sleep Mode
#define EPI_SDRAMCFG_SIZE_M 0x00000003 // Size of SDRAM
#define EPI_SDRAMCFG_SIZE_8MB 0x00000000 // 64 megabits (8MB)
#define EPI_SDRAMCFG_SIZE_16MB 0x00000001 // 128 megabits (16MB)
#define EPI_SDRAMCFG_SIZE_32MB 0x00000002 // 256 megabits (32MB)
#define EPI_SDRAMCFG_SIZE_64MB 0x00000003 // 512 megabits (64MB)
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_HB8CFG register.
#define EPI_HB8CFG_XFFEN 0x00800000 // External FIFO FULL Enable
#define EPI_HB8CFG_XFEEN 0x00400000 // External FIFO EMPTY Enable
#define EPI_HB8CFG_WRHIGH 0x00200000 // CS0n WRITE Strobe Polarity
#define EPI_HB8CFG_RDHIGH 0x00100000 // CS0n READ Strobe Polarity
#define EPI_HB8CFG_MAXWAIT_M 0x0000FF00 // Maximum Wait
#define EPI_HB8CFG_WRWS_M 0x000000C0 // Write Wait States
#define EPI_HB8CFG_WRWS_0 0x00000000 // No wait states
#define EPI_HB8CFG_WRWS_1 0x00000040 // 1 wait state
#define EPI_HB8CFG_WRWS_2 0x00000080 // 2 wait states
#define EPI_HB8CFG_WRWS_3 0x000000C0 // 3 wait states
#define EPI_HB8CFG_RDWS_M 0x00000030 // Read Wait States
#define EPI_HB8CFG_RDWS_0 0x00000000 // No wait states
#define EPI_HB8CFG_RDWS_1 0x00000010 // 1 wait state
#define EPI_HB8CFG_RDWS_2 0x00000020 // 2 wait states
#define EPI_HB8CFG_RDWS_3 0x00000030 // 3 wait states
#define EPI_HB8CFG_MODE_M 0x00000003 // Host Bus Sub-Mode
#define EPI_HB8CFG_MODE_MUX 0x00000000 // ADMUX - AD[7:0]
#define EPI_HB8CFG_MODE_NMUX 0x00000001 // ADNONMUX - D[7:0]
#define EPI_HB8CFG_MODE_SRAM 0x00000002 // Continuous Read - D[7:0]
#define EPI_HB8CFG_MODE_FIFO 0x00000003 // XFIFO - D[7:0]
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_HB8CFG2 register.
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_WORD 0x80000000 // Word Access Mode
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_CSBAUD 0x04000000 // Chip Select Baud Rate
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_CSCFG_M 0x03000000 // Chip Select Configuration
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_CSCFG_ALE 0x00000000 // ALE Configuration
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_CSCFG_CS 0x01000000 // CSn Configuration
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_CSCFG_DCS 0x02000000 // Dual CSn Configuration
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_CSCFG_ADCS 0x03000000 // ALE with Dual CSn Configuration
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_WRHIGH 0x00200000 // CS1n WRITE Strobe Polarity
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_RDHIGH 0x00100000 // CS1n READ Strobe Polarity
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_WRWS_M 0x000000C0 // CS1n Write Wait States
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_WRWS_0 0x00000000 // No wait states
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_WRWS_1 0x00000040 // 1 wait state
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_WRWS_2 0x00000080 // 2 wait states
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_WRWS_3 0x000000C0 // 3 wait states
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_RDWS_M 0x00000030 // CS1n Read Wait States
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_RDWS_0 0x00000000 // No wait states
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_RDWS_1 0x00000010 // 1 wait state
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_RDWS_2 0x00000020 // 2 wait states
#define EPI_HB8CFG2_RDWS_3 0x00000030 // 3 wait states
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_HB16CFG2 register.
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_WORD 0x80000000 // Word Access Mode
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_CSBAUD 0x04000000 // Chip Select Baud Rate
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_CSCFG_M 0x03000000 // Chip Select Configuration
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_CSCFG_ALE 0x00000000 // ALE Configuration
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_CSCFG_CS 0x01000000 // CSn Configuration
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_CSCFG_DCS 0x02000000 // Dual CSn Configuration
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_CSCFG_ADCS 0x03000000 // ALE with Dual CSn Configuration
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_WRHIGH 0x00200000 // CS1n WRITE Strobe Polarity
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_RDHIGH 0x00100000 // CS1n READ Strobe Polarity
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_WRWS_M 0x000000C0 // CS1n Write Wait States
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_WRWS_0 0x00000000 // No wait states
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_WRWS_1 0x00000040 // 1 wait state
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_WRWS_2 0x00000080 // 2 wait states
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_WRWS_3 0x000000C0 // 3 wait states
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_RDWS_M 0x00000030 // CS1n Read Wait States
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_RDWS_0 0x00000000 // No wait states
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_RDWS_1 0x00000010 // 1 wait state
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_RDWS_2 0x00000020 // 2 wait states
#define EPI_HB16CFG2_RDWS_3 0x00000030 // 3 wait states
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_GPCFG2 register.
#define EPI_GPCFG2_WORD 0x80000000 // Word Access Mode
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_ADDRMAP register.
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_EPSZ_M 0x000000C0 // External Peripheral Size
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_EPSZ_256B 0x00000000 // 256 bytes; lower address range:
// 0x00 to 0xFF
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_EPSZ_64KB 0x00000040 // 64 KB; lower address range:
// 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_EPSZ_16MB 0x00000080 // 16 MB; lower address range:
// 0x00.0000 to 0xFF.FFFF
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_EPSZ_256MB 0x000000C0 // 256 MB; lower address range:
// 0x000.0000 to 0xFFF.FFFF
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_EPADR_M 0x00000030 // External Peripheral Address
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_EPADR_NONE 0x00000000 // Not mapped
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_EPADR_A000 0x00000010 // At 0xA000.0000
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_EPADR_C000 0x00000020 // At 0xC000.0000
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_ERSZ_M 0x0000000C // External RAM Size
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_ERSZ_256B 0x00000000 // 256 bytes; lower address range:
// 0x00 to 0xFF
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_ERSZ_64KB 0x00000004 // 64 KB; lower address range:
// 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_ERSZ_16MB 0x00000008 // 16 MB; lower address range:
// 0x00.0000 to 0xFF.FFFF
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_ERSZ_256MB 0x0000000C // 256 MB; lower address range:
// 0x000.0000 to 0xFFF.FFFF
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_ERADR_M 0x00000003 // External RAM Address
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_ERADR_NONE 0x00000000 // Not mapped
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_ERADR_6000 0x00000001 // At 0x6000.0000
#define EPI_ADDRMAP_ERADR_8000 0x00000002 // At 0x8000.0000
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_RSIZE0 register.
#define EPI_RSIZE0_SIZE_M 0x00000003 // Current Size
#define EPI_RSIZE0_SIZE_8BIT 0x00000001 // Byte (8 bits)
#define EPI_RSIZE0_SIZE_16BIT 0x00000002 // Half-word (16 bits)
#define EPI_RSIZE0_SIZE_32BIT 0x00000003 // Word (32 bits)
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_RADDR0 register.
#define EPI_RADDR0_ADDR_M 0x1FFFFFFF // Current Address
#define EPI_RADDR0_ADDR_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_RPSTD0 register.
#define EPI_RPSTD0_POSTCNT_M 0x00001FFF // Post Count
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_RSIZE1 register.
#define EPI_RSIZE1_SIZE_M 0x00000003 // Current Size
#define EPI_RSIZE1_SIZE_8BIT 0x00000001 // Byte (8 bits)
#define EPI_RSIZE1_SIZE_16BIT 0x00000002 // Half-word (16 bits)
#define EPI_RSIZE1_SIZE_32BIT 0x00000003 // Word (32 bits)
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_RADDR1 register.
#define EPI_RADDR1_ADDR_M 0x1FFFFFFF // Current Address
#define EPI_RADDR1_ADDR_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_RPSTD1 register.
#define EPI_RPSTD1_POSTCNT_M 0x00001FFF // Post Count
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_STAT register.
#define EPI_STAT_CELOW 0x00000200 // Clock Enable Low
#define EPI_STAT_XFFULL 0x00000100 // External FIFO Full
#define EPI_STAT_XFEMPTY 0x00000080 // External FIFO Empty
#define EPI_STAT_INITSEQ 0x00000040 // Initialization Sequence
#define EPI_STAT_WBUSY 0x00000020 // Write Busy
#define EPI_STAT_NBRBUSY 0x00000010 // Non-Blocking Read Busy
#define EPI_STAT_ACTIVE 0x00000001 // Register Active
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_RFIFOCNT register.
#define EPI_RFIFOCNT_COUNT_M 0x00000007 // FIFO Count
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_READFIFO register.
#define EPI_READFIFO_DATA_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Reads Data
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_READFIFO1
// register.
#define EPI_READFIFO1_DATA_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Reads Data
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_READFIFO2
// register.
#define EPI_READFIFO2_DATA_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Reads Data
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_READFIFO3
// register.
#define EPI_READFIFO3_DATA_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Reads Data
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_READFIFO4
// register.
#define EPI_READFIFO4_DATA_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Reads Data
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_READFIFO5
// register.
#define EPI_READFIFO5_DATA_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Reads Data
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_READFIFO6
// register.
#define EPI_READFIFO6_DATA_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Reads Data
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_READFIFO7
// register.
#define EPI_READFIFO7_DATA_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Reads Data
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_FIFOLVL register.
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_WFERR 0x00020000 // Write Full Error
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_RSERR 0x00010000 // Read Stall Error
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_WRFIFO_M 0x00000070 // Write FIFO
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_WRFIFO_EMPT 0x00000000 // Trigger when there are 1 to 4
// spaces available in the WFIFO
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_WRFIFO_1_4 0x00000020 // Trigger when there are 1 to 3
// spaces available in the WFIFO
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_WRFIFO_1_2 0x00000030 // Trigger when there are 1 to 2
// spaces available in the WFIFO
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_WRFIFO_3_4 0x00000040 // Trigger when there is 1 space
// available in the WFIFO
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_RDFIFO_M 0x00000007 // Read FIFO
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_RDFIFO_EMPT 0x00000000 // Empty
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_RDFIFO_1_8 0x00000001 // Trigger when there are 1 or more
// entries in the NBRFIFO
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_RDFIFO_1_4 0x00000002 // Trigger when there are 2 or more
// entries in the NBRFIFO
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_RDFIFO_1_2 0x00000003 // Trigger when there are 4 or more
// entries in the NBRFIFO
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_RDFIFO_3_4 0x00000004 // Trigger when there are 6 or more
// entries in the NBRFIFO
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_RDFIFO_7_8 0x00000005 // Trigger when there are 7 or more
// entries in the NBRFIFO
#define EPI_FIFOLVL_RDFIFO_FULL 0x00000006 // Trigger when there are 8 entries
// in the NBRFIFO
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_WFIFOCNT register.
#define EPI_WFIFOCNT_WTAV_M 0x00000007 // Available Write Transactions
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_IM register.
#define EPI_IM_WRIM 0x00000004 // Write Interrupt Mask
#define EPI_IM_RDIM 0x00000002 // Read Interrupt Mask
#define EPI_IM_ERRIM 0x00000001 // Error Interrupt Mask
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_RIS register.
#define EPI_RIS_WRRIS 0x00000004 // Write Raw Interrupt Status
#define EPI_RIS_RDRIS 0x00000002 // Read Raw Interrupt Status
#define EPI_RIS_ERRRIS 0x00000001 // Error Raw Interrupt Status
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_MIS register.
#define EPI_MIS_WRMIS 0x00000004 // Write Masked Interrupt Status
#define EPI_MIS_RDMIS 0x00000002 // Read Masked Interrupt Status
#define EPI_MIS_ERRMIS 0x00000001 // Error Masked Interrupt Status
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_EISC register.
#define EPI_EISC_WTFULL 0x00000004 // Write FIFO Full Error
#define EPI_EISC_RSTALL 0x00000002 // Read Stalled Error
#define EPI_EISC_TOUT 0x00000001 // Timeout Error
// The following definitions are deprecated.
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the EPI_O_BAUD
// register.
#define EPI_BAUD_COUNT_M 0x0000FFFF // Baud Rate Counter
#define EPI_BAUD_COUNT_S 0
#endif // __HW_EPI_H__