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* (c) Copyright 2011-2013 Microsemi SoC Products Group. All rights reserved.
* SmartFusion2 Microcontroller Subsystem MMUART bare metal software driver
* public API.
* SVN $Revision: 5610 $
* SVN $Date: 2013-04-05 18:49:30 +0530 (Fri, 05 Apr 2013) $
@mainpage SmartFusion2 MSS UART Bare Metal Driver.
@section intro_sec Introduction
The SmartFusion2 microcontroller subsystem (MSS) includes two multi-mode UART
(MMUART) peripherals for serial communication. This driver provides a set of
functions for controlling the MSS MMUARTs as part of a bare metal system
where no operating system is available. These drivers can be adapted for use
as part of an operating system, but the implementation of the adaptation layer
between this driver and the operating system's driver model is outside the
scope of this driver.
Note: MSS UART is synonymous with MSS MMUART in this document.
@section hw_dependencies Hardware Flow Dependencies
The configuration of all features of the MSS MMUART peripherals is covered by
this driver with the exception of the SmartFusion2 IOMUX configuration.
SmartFusion2 allows multiple non-concurrent uses of some external pins through
IOMUX configuration. This feature allows optimization of external pin usage by
assigning external pins for use by either the microcontroller subsystem or the
FPGA fabric. The MSS MMUART serial signals are routed through IOMUXs to the
SmartFusion2 device external pins. The MSS MMUART serial signals may also be
routed through IOMUXs to the SmartFusion2 FPGA fabric. For more information on
IOMUX, refer to the IOMUX section of the SmartFusion2 Microcontroller
Subsystem (MSS) User<65>s Guide.
The IOMUXs are configured using the SmartFusion2 MSS configurator tool. You
must ensure that the MSS MMUART peripherals are enabled and configured in the
SmartFusion2 MSS configurator if you wish to use them. For more information on
IOMUXs, refer to the IOMUX section of the SmartFusion2 Microcontroller
Subsystem (MSS) User<65>s Guide.
The base address, register addresses and interrupt number assignment for the
MSS MMUART peripherals are defined as constants in the SmartFusion2 CMSIS HAL.
You must ensure that the latest SmartFusion2 CMSIS HAL is included in the
project settings of the software tool chain used to build your project and
that it is generated into your project.
@section theory_op Theory of Operation
The MSS MMUART driver functions are grouped into the following categories:
- Initialization and configuration functions
- Polled transmit and receive functions
- Interrupt driven transmit and receive functions
Initialization and Configuration
The MSS MMUART supports the following four broad modes of operation:
- UART or USART mode
- LIN mode
- IrDA mode
- Smartcard or ISO 7816 mode
The MSS MMUART driver provides the MSS_UART_init(), MSS_UART_lin_init(),
MSS_UART_irda_init() and MSS_UART_smartcard_init() functions to initialize the
MSS MMUARTs for operation in one of these modes. One of these initialization
functions must be called before any other MSS MMUART driver functions can be
called. The MSS MMUART operating modes are mutually exclusive; therefore only
one of the initialization functions must be called. The first parameter of the
initialization functions is a pointer to one of two global data structures
used to store state information for each MSS MMUART. A pointer to these data
structures is also used as the first parameter to many of the driver functions
to identify which MSS MMUART will be used by the called function. The names of
these two data structures are g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1. Therefore, any call
to an MSS MMUART function should be of the form
MSS_UART_function_name( &g_mss_uart0, ... ) or
MSS_UART_function_name( &g_mss_uart1, ... ).
For the UART or USART modes of operation, the MSS MMUART driver is initialized
through a call to the MSS_UART_init() function. This function takes the UART<52>s
configuration as its parameters. The MSS_UART_init() function must be called
before any other MSS MMUART driver functions can be called.
The MSS_UART_init() function configures the baud rate based on the input baud
rate parameter and if possible uses a fractional baud rate for greater
precision. This function disables the LIN, IrDA and SmartCard modes.
LIN mode
For the LIN mode of operation, the MSS MMUART driver is initialized through a
call to the MSS_UART_lin_init() function. This function takes the LIN node<64>s
configuration as its parameters. The MSS_UART_lin_init() function must be
called before any other MSS MMUART driver functions can be called. The
MSS_UART_lin_init() function configures the baud rate based on the input baud
rate parameter and if possible uses a fractional baud rate for greater
precision. This function disables the IrDA and SmartCard modes.
The driver also provides the following LIN mode configuration functions:
- MSS_UART_set_break()
- MSS_UART_clear_break()
- MSS_UART_set_pidpei_handler()
- MSS_UART_set_linbreak_handler()
- MSS_UART_set_linsync_handler()
Note: These LIN mode configuration functions can only be called after the
MSS_UART_lin_init() function is called.
IrDA mode
For the IrDA mode of operation, the driver is initialized through a call to
the MSS_UART_irda_init() function. This function takes the IrDA node<64>s
configuration as its parameters. The MSS_UART_irda_init() function must be
called before any other MSS MMUART driver functions can be called. The
MSS_UART_irda_init() function configures the baud rate based on the input baud
rate parameter and if possible uses a fractional baud rate for greater
precision. This function disables the LIN and SmartCard modes.
Smartcard or ISO 7816 mode
For the Smartcard or ISO 7816 mode of operation, the driver is initialized
through a call to the MSS_UART_smartcard_init() function. This function takes
the smartcard configuration as its parameters. The MSS_UART_smartcard_init()
function must be called before any other MSS MMUART driver functions can be
called. The MSS_UART_smartcard_init() function configures the baud rate based
on the input baud rate parameter and if possible uses a fractional baud rate
for greater precision. This function disables the LIN and IrDA modes.
The driver also provides the following Smartcard mode configuration functions:
- MSS_UART_enable_halfduplex()
- MSS_UART_disable_halfduplex()
- MSS_UART_set_nack_handler()
Note: These Smartcard mode configuration functions can only be called after
the MSS_UART_smartcard_init() function is called.
Common Configuration Functions
The driver also provides the configuration functions that can be used with all
MSS MMUART operating modes. These common configuration functions are as
- MSS_UART_set_rx_endian()
- MSS_UART_set_tx_endian()
- MSS_UART_enable_afclear()
- MSS_UART_disable_afclear()
- MSS_UART_enable_rx_timeout()
- MSS_UART_disable_rx_timeout()
- MSS_UART_enable_tx_time_guard()
- MSS_UART_disable_tx_time_guard()
- MSS_UART_set_address()
- MSS_UART_set_ready_mode()
- MSS_UART_set_usart_mode()
- MSS_UART_set_filter_length()
- MSS_UART_enable_afm()
- MSS_UART_disable_afm()
Note: These configuration functions can only be called after one of the
MSS_UART_init(), MSS_UART_lin_init(), MSS_UART_irda_init() or
MSS_UART_smartcard_init() functions is called.
Polled Transmit and Receive Operations
The driver can be used to transmit and receive data once initialized.
Data is transmitted using the MSS_UART_polled_tx() function. This function is
blocking, meaning that it will only return once the data passed to the
function has been sent to the MSS MMUART hardware transmitter. Data received
by the MSS MMUART hardware receiver can be read by the MSS_UART_get_rx()
The MSS_UART_polled_tx_string() function is provided to transmit a NULL (<28>\0<>)
terminated string in polled mode. This function is blocking, meaning that it
will only return once the data passed to the function has been sent to the MSS
MMUART hardware transmitter.
The MSS_UART_fill_tx_fifo() function fills the MSS MMUART hardware transmit
FIFO with data from a buffer passed as a parameter and returns the number of
bytes transferred to the FIFO. If the transmit FIFO is not empty when the
MSS_UART_fill_tx_fifo() function is called it returns immediately without
transferring any data to the FIFO.
Interrupt Driven Operations
The driver can also transmit or receive data under interrupt control, freeing
your application to perform other tasks until an interrupt occurs indicating
that the driver<65>s attention is required.
Interrupt Handlers
The MSS MMUART driver supports all types of interrupt triggered by the MSS
MMUART. The driver<65>s internal top level interrupt handler identifies the
source of the MSS MMUART interrupt and calls the corresponding lower level
handler function that you previously registered with the driver through calls
to the MSS_UART_set_rx_handler(), MSS_UART_set_tx_handler(),
MSS_UART_set_rxstatus_handler(), and MSS_UART_set_modemstatus_handler()
functions. You are responsible for creating these lower level interrupt
handlers as part of your application program and registering them with the
Note: The SmartFusion2 CMSIS-PAL defines the UART0_IRQHandler() and
UART1_IRQHandler() functions (with weak linkage) and assigns them as the
interrupt service routines (ISR) for the MSS MMUART interrupt inputs to
the Cortex-M3 NVIC. The MSS MMUART driver provides the implementation
functions for both of these ISRs from which it calls its own internal
top level, interrupt handler function.
The MSS_UART_enable_irq() and MSS_UART_disable_irq() functions are used to
enable or disable the received line status, received data available/character
timeout, transmit holding register empty and modem status interrupts at the
MSS MMUART level. The MSS_UART_enable_irq() function also enables the MSS
MMUART instance interrupt at the Cortex-M3 level.
Transmitting Data
Interrupt-driven transmit is initiated by a call to MSS_UART_irq_tx(),
specifying the block of data to transmit. Your application is then free to
perform other tasks and inquire later whether transmit has completed by
calling the MSS_UART_tx_complete() function. The MSS_UART_irq_tx() function
enables the UART<52>s transmit holding register empty (THRE) interrupt and then,
when the interrupt goes active, the driver<65>s default THRE interrupt handler
transfers the data block to the UART until the entire block is transmitted.
Note: You can use the MSS_UART_set_tx_handler() function to assign an
alternative handler to the THRE interrupt. In this case, you must not
use the MSS_UART_irq_tx() function to initiate the transmit, as this
will re-assign the driver<65>s default THRE interrupt handler to the THRE
interrupt. Instead, your alternative THRE interrupt handler must include
a call to the MSS_UART_fill_tx_fifo() function to transfer the data to
the UART.
Receiving Data
Interrupt-driven receive is performed by first calling
MSS_UART_set_rx_handler() to register a receive handler function that will be
called by the driver whenever receive data is available. You must provide this
receive handler function which must include a call to the MSS_UART_get_rx()
function to actually read the received data.
UART Status
The function MSS_UART_get_rx_status() is used to read the receiver error
status. This function returns the overrun, parity, framing, break, and FIFO
error status of the receiver.
The function MSS_UART_get_tx_status() is used to read the transmitter status.
This function returns the transmit empty (TEMT) and transmit holding register
empty (THRE) status of the transmitter.
The function MSS_UART_get_modem_status() is used to read the modem status
flags. This function returns the current value of the modem status register.
The MSS_UART_set_loopback() function can be used to locally loopback the Tx
and Rx lines of a UART. This is not to be confused with the loopback of UART0
to UART1, which can be achieved through the microcontroller subsystem<65>s system
#ifndef __MSS_UART_H_
#define __MSS_UART_H_ 1
#include "../../CMSIS/m2sxxx.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
Baud rates
The following definitions are used to specify standard baud rates as a
parameter to the MSS_UART_init() function.
#define MSS_UART_110_BAUD 110
#define MSS_UART_300_BAUD 300
#define MSS_UART_1200_BAUD 1200
#define MSS_UART_2400_BAUD 2400
#define MSS_UART_4800_BAUD 4800
#define MSS_UART_9600_BAUD 9600
#define MSS_UART_19200_BAUD 19200
#define MSS_UART_38400_BAUD 38400
#define MSS_UART_57600_BAUD 57600
#define MSS_UART_115200_BAUD 115200
#define MSS_UART_230400_BAUD 230400
#define MSS_UART_460800_BAUD 460800
#define MSS_UART_921600_BAUD 921600
Data Bits Length
The following defines are used to build the value of the MSS_UART_init()
function line_config parameter.
#define MSS_UART_DATA_5_BITS ( (uint8_t) 0x00 )
#define MSS_UART_DATA_6_BITS ( (uint8_t) 0x01 )
#define MSS_UART_DATA_7_BITS ( (uint8_t) 0x02 )
#define MSS_UART_DATA_8_BITS ( (uint8_t) 0x03 )
The following defines are used to build the value of the MSS_UART_init()
function line_config parameter.
#define MSS_UART_NO_PARITY ( (uint8_t) 0x00 )
#define MSS_UART_ODD_PARITY ( (uint8_t) 0x08 )
#define MSS_UART_EVEN_PARITY ( (uint8_t) 0x18 )
#define MSS_UART_STICK_PARITY_0 ( (uint8_t) 0x38 )
#define MSS_UART_STICK_PARITY_1 ( (uint8_t) 0x28 )
Number of Stop Bits
The following defines are used to build the value of the MSS_UART_init()
function line_config parameter.
#define MSS_UART_ONE_STOP_BIT ( (uint8_t) 0x00 )
#define MSS_UART_ONEHALF_STOP_BIT ( (uint8_t) 0x04 )
#define MSS_UART_TWO_STOP_BITS ( (uint8_t) 0x04 )
Receiver Error Status
The following defines are used to determine the UART receiver error type.
These bit mask constants are used with the return value of the
MSS_UART_get_rx_status() function to find out if any errors occurred while
receiving data.
#define MSS_UART_INVALID_PARAM ( (uint8_t)0xFF )
#define MSS_UART_NO_ERROR ( (uint8_t)0x00 )
#define MSS_UART_OVERUN_ERROR ( (uint8_t)0x02 )
#define MSS_UART_PARITY_ERROR ( (uint8_t)0x04 )
#define MSS_UART_FRAMING_ERROR ( (uint8_t)0x08 )
#define MSS_UART_BREAK_ERROR ( (uint8_t)0x10 )
#define MSS_UART_FIFO_ERROR ( (uint8_t)0x80 )
Transmitter Status
The following definitions are used to determine the UART transmitter status.
These bit mask constants are used with the return value of the
MSS_UART_get_tx_status() function to find out the status of the transmitter.
#define MSS_UART_TX_BUSY ( (uint8_t) 0x00 )
#define MSS_UART_THRE ( (uint8_t) 0x20 )
#define MSS_UART_TEMT ( (uint8_t) 0x40 )
Modem Status
The following defines are used to determine the modem status. These bit
mask constants are used with the return value of the
MSS_UART_get_modem_status() function to find out the modem status of
the UART.
#define MSS_UART_DCTS ( (uint8_t) 0x01 )
#define MSS_UART_DDSR ( (uint8_t) 0x02 )
#define MSS_UART_TERI ( (uint8_t) 0x04 )
#define MSS_UART_DDCD ( (uint8_t) 0x08 )
#define MSS_UART_CTS ( (uint8_t) 0x10 )
#define MSS_UART_DSR ( (uint8_t) 0x20 )
#define MSS_UART_RI ( (uint8_t) 0x40 )
#define MSS_UART_DCD ( (uint8_t) 0x80 )
This typedef specifies the irq_mask parameter for the MSS_UART_enable_irq()
and MSS_UART_disable_irq() functions. The driver defines a set of bit masks
that are used to build the value of the irq_mask parameter. A bitwise OR of
these bit masks is used to enable or disable multiple MSS MMUART interrupts.
typedef uint16_t mss_uart_irq_t;
The following defines specify the interrupt masks to enable and disable MSS
MMUART interrupts. They are used to build the value of the irq_mask parameter
for the MSS_UART_enable_irq() and MSS_UART_disable_irq() functions. A bitwise
OR of these constants is used to enable or disable multiple interrupts.
#define MSS_UART_RBF_IRQ 0x001
#define MSS_UART_TBE_IRQ 0x002
#define MSS_UART_LS_IRQ 0x004
#define MSS_UART_MS_IRQ 0x008
#define MSS_UART_RTO_IRQ 0x010
#define MSS_UART_NACK_IRQ 0x020
#define MSS_UART_PIDPE_IRQ 0x040
#define MSS_UART_LINB_IRQ 0x080
#define MSS_UART_LINS_IRQ 0x100
This enumeration specifies the receiver FIFO trigger level. This is the number
of bytes that must be received before the UART generates a receive data
available interrupt. It provides the allowed values for the
MSS_UART_set_rx_handler() function trigger_level parameter.
typedef enum {
} mss_uart_rx_trig_level_t;
This enumeration specifies the loopback configuration of the UART. It provides
the allowed values for the MSS_UART_set_loopback() function<6F>s loopback
parameter. Use MSS_UART_LOCAL_LOOPBACK_ON to set up the UART to locally
loopback its Tx and Rx lines. Use MSS_UART_REMOTE_LOOPBACK_ON to set up the
UART in remote loopback mode.
typedef enum {
} mss_uart_loopback_t;
IrDA input / output polarity.
This enumeration specifies the RZI modem polarity for input and output signals.
This is passed as parameters in MSS_UART_irda_init() function.
typedef enum {
} mss_uart_rzi_polarity_t;
IrDA input / output pulse width.
This enumeration specifies the RZI modem pulse width for input and output signals.
This is passed as parameters in MSS_UART_irda_init() function.
typedef enum {
MSS_UART_3_BY_16 = 0u,
MSS_UART_1_BY_4 = 1u,
} mss_uart_rzi_pulsewidth_t;
Tx / Rx endianess.
This enumeration specifies the MSB first or LSB first for MSS UART transmitter
and receiver. The parameter of this type shall be passed in
MSS_UART_set_rx_endian()and MSS_UART_set_tx_endian() functions.
typedef enum {
} mss_uart_endian_t;
Glitch filter length.
This enumeration specifies the glitch filter length. The function
MSS_UART_set_filter_length() accepts the parameter of this type.
typedef enum {
} mss_uart_filter_length_t;
TXRDY and RXRDY mode.
This enumeration specifies the TXRDY and RXRDY signal modes. The function
MSS_UART_set_ready_mode() accepts the parameter of this type.
typedef enum {
} mss_uart_ready_mode_t;
USART mode of operation.
This enumeration specifies the mode of operation of MSS UART when operating
as USART. The function MSS_UART_set_usart_mode() accepts the parameter of this type.
typedef enum {
} mss_uart_usart_mode_t;
MSS UART instance type.
This is type definition for MSS UART instance. You need to create and
maintain a record of this type. This holds all data regarding the MSS UART
typedef struct mss_uart_instance mss_uart_instance_t;
Interrupt handler prototype.
This typedef specifies the function prototype for MSS UART interrupt handlers.
All interrupt handlers registered with the MSS UART driver must be of this type.
The interrupt handlers are registered with the driver through the
MSS_UART_set_rx_handler(), MSS_UART_set_tx_handler(),
MSS_UART_set_rxstatus_handler(), and MSS_UART_set_modemstatus_handler()
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to either g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1 to
identify the MSS UART to associate with the handler function.
typedef void (*mss_uart_irq_handler_t)( mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart );
There is one instance of this structure for each instance of the
microcontroller subsystem<65>s UARTs. Instances of this structure are used to
identify a specific UART. A pointer to an initialized instance of the
mss_uart_instance_t structure is passed as the first parameter to
MSS UART driver functions to identify which UART should perform the
requested operation.
struct mss_uart_instance{
/* CMSIS related defines identifying the UART hardware. */
UART_TypeDef * hw_reg; /*!< Pointer to UART registers. */
IRQn_Type irqn; /*!< UART's Cortex-M3 NVIC interrupt number. */
uint32_t baudrate; /*!< Operating baud rate. */
uint8_t lineconfig; /*!< Line configuration parameters. */
uint8_t status; /*!< Sticky line status. */
/* transmit related info (used with interrupt driven transmit): */
const uint8_t * tx_buffer; /*!< Pointer to transmit buffer. */
uint32_t tx_buff_size; /*!< Transmit buffer size. */
uint32_t tx_idx; /*!< Index within transmit buffer of next byte to transmit.*/
/* line status interrupt handler:*/
mss_uart_irq_handler_t linests_handler; /*!< Pointer to user registered line status handler. */
/* receive interrupt handler:*/
mss_uart_irq_handler_t rx_handler; /*!< Pointer to user registered receiver handler. */
/* transmit interrupt handler:*/
mss_uart_irq_handler_t tx_handler; /*!< Pointer to user registered transmit handler. */
/* modem status interrupt handler:*/
mss_uart_irq_handler_t modemsts_handler; /*!< Pointer to user registered modem status handler. */
/* receiver timeout interrupt handler */
mss_uart_irq_handler_t rto_handler; /*!< Pointer to user registered receiver timeout handler. */
/* NACK interrupt handler */
mss_uart_irq_handler_t nack_handler; /*!< Pointer to user registered NACK handler. */
/* PID parity prror interrup handler */
mss_uart_irq_handler_t pid_pei_handler; /*!< Pointer to user registered PID parity error handler. */
/* LIN break interrupt handler */
mss_uart_irq_handler_t break_handler; /*!< Pointer to user registered LIN break handler. */
/* LIN sync detection interrupt handler */
mss_uart_irq_handler_t sync_handler; /*!< Pointer to user registered LIN sync dectection handler. */
This instance of mss_uart_instance_t holds all data related to the operations
performed by UART0. The function MSS_UART_init() initializes this structure.
A pointer to g_mss_uart0 is passed as the first parameter to MSS UART driver
functions to indicate that UART0 should perform the requested operation.
extern mss_uart_instance_t g_mss_uart0;
This instance of mss_uart_instance_t holds all data related to the operations
performed by UART1. The function MSS_UART_init() initializes this structure.
A pointer to g_mss_uart1 is passed as the first parameter to MSS UART driver
functions to indicate that UART1 should perform the requested operation.
extern mss_uart_instance_t g_mss_uart1;
The MSS_UART_init() function initializes and configures one of the SmartFusion2
MSS UARTs with the configuration passed as a parameter. The configuration
parameters are the baud_rate which is used to generate the baud value and the
line_config which is used to specify the line configuration (bit length,
stop bits and parity).
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS UART hardware block to be initialized. There are two
such data structures, g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS
UART0 and MSS UART1 respectively. This parameter must point to either
the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1 global data structure defined within
the UART driver..
@param baud_rate
The baud_rate parameter specifies the baud rate. It can be specified for
common baud rates<65> using the following defines:
<20> MSS_UART_110_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_300_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_1200_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_2400_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_4800_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_9600_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_19200_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_38400_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_57600_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_115200_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_230400_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_460800_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_921600_BAUD
Alternatively, any nonstandard baud rate can be specified by simply passing
the actual required baud rate as the value for this parameter.
@param line_config
The line_config parameter is the line configuration specifying the bit length,
number of stop bits and parity settings. This is a bitwise OR of one value
from each of the following groups of allowed values:
<20> One of the following to specify the transmit/receive data bit length:
<20> One of the following to specify the parity setting:
<20> One of the following to specify the number of stop bits:
This function does not return a value.
#include "mss_uart.h"
int main(void)
mss_uart_instance_t* this_uart,
uint32_t baud_rate,
uint8_t line_config
The MSS_UART_lin_init() function is used to initialize the MSS UART for
LIN mode of operation. The configuration parameters are the baud_rate which is
used to generate the baud value and the line_config which is used to specify
the line configuration (bit length, stop bits and parity).
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param baud_rate
The baud_rate parameter specifies the baud rate. It can be specified for
common baud rates<65> using the following defines:
<20> MSS_UART_110_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_300_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_1200_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_2400_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_4800_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_9600_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_19200_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_38400_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_57600_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_115200_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_230400_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_460800_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_921600_BAUD
Alternatively, any nonstandard baud rate can be specified by simply passing
the actual required baud rate as the value for this parameter.
@param line_config
The line_config parameter is the line configuration specifying the bit length,
number of stop bits and parity settings. This is a bitwise OR of one value
from each of the following groups of allowed values:
<20> One of the following to specify the transmit/receive data bit length:
<20> One of the following to specify the parity setting:
<20> One of the following to specify the number of stop bits:
This function does not return a value.
#include "mss_uart.h"
int main(void)
mss_uart_instance_t* this_uart,
uint32_t baud_rate,
uint8_t line_config
The MSS_UART_irda_init() function is used to initialize the MSS UART instance
referenced by the parameter this_uart for IrDA mode of operation. This
function must be called before calling any other IrDA functionality specific
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param baud_rate
The baud_rate parameter specifies the baud rate. It can be specified for
common baud rates<65> using the following defines:
<20> MSS_UART_110_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_300_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_1200_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_2400_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_4800_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_9600_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_19200_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_38400_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_57600_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_115200_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_230400_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_460800_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_921600_BAUD
Alternatively, any nonstandard baud rate can be specified by simply passing
the actual required baud rate as the value for this parameter.
@param line_config
The line_config parameter is the line configuration specifying the bit length,
number of stop bits and parity settings. This is a bitwise OR of one value
from each of the following groups of allowed values:
<20> One of the following to specify the transmit/receive data bit length:
<20> One of the following to specify the parity setting:
<20> One of the following to specify the number of stop bits:
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t* this_uart,
uint32_t baud_rate,
uint8_t line_config,
mss_uart_rzi_polarity_t rxpol,
mss_uart_rzi_polarity_t txpol,
mss_uart_rzi_pulsewidth_t pw
The MSS_UART_smartcard_init() function is used to initialize the MSS UART
for ISO 7816 (smartcard) mode of operation. The configuration parameters are
the baud_rate which is used to generate the baud value and the line_config
which is used to specify the line configuration (bit length, stop bits and parity).
This function disables all other modes of the MSS UART instance pointed by
the parameter this_uart.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param baud_rate
The baud_rate parameter specifies the baud rate. It can be specified for
common baud rates<65> using the following defines:
<20> MSS_UART_110_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_300_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_1200_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_2400_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_4800_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_9600_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_19200_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_38400_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_57600_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_115200_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_230400_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_460800_BAUD
<20> MSS_UART_921600_BAUD
Alternatively, any nonstandard baud rate can be specified by simply passing
the actual required baud rate as the value for this parameter.
@param line_config
The line_config parameter is the line configuration specifying the bit length,
number of stop bits and parity settings. This is a bitwise OR of one value
from each of the following groups of allowed values:
<20> One of the following to specify the transmit/receive data bit length:
<20> One of the following to specify the parity setting:
<20> One of the following to specify the number of stop bits:
This function does not return a value.
#include "mss_uart.h"
int main(void)
mss_uart_instance_t* this_uart,
uint32_t baud_rate,
uint8_t line_config
The function MSS_UART_polled_tx() is used to transmit data. It transfers the
contents of the transmitter data buffer, passed as a function parameter, into
the UART<52>s hardware transmitter FIFO. It returns when the full content of the
transmit data buffer has been transferred to the UART<52>s transmit FIFO. It is
safe to release or reuse the memory used as the transmitter data buffer once
this function returns.
Note: This function reads the UART<52>s line status register (LSR) to poll
for the active state of the transmitter holding register empty (THRE) bit
before transferring data from the data buffer to the transmitter FIFO. It
transfers data to the transmitter FIFO in blocks of 16 bytes or less and
allows the FIFO to empty before transferring the next block of data.
Note: The actual transmission over the serial connection will still be
in progress when this function returns. Use the MSS_UART_get_tx_status()
function if you need to know when the transmitter is empty.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param pbuff
The pbuff parameter is a pointer to a buffer containing the data to
be transmitted.
@param tx_size
The tx_size parameter specifies the size, in bytes, of the data to
be transmitted.
This function does not return a value.
#include "mss_uart.h"
int main(void)
uint8_t message[12] = "Hello World";
MSS_UART_polled_tx(&g_mss_uart0, message, sizeof(message));
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
const uint8_t * pbuff,
uint32_t tx_size
The function MSS_UART_polled_tx_string() is used to transmit a NULL ('\0')
terminated string. It transfers the text string, from the buffer starting at
the address pointed to by p_sz_string into the UART<52>s hardware transmitter
FIFO. It returns when the complete string has been transferred to the UART's
transmit FIFO. It is safe to release or reuse the memory used as the string
buffer once this function returns.
Note: This function reads the UART<52>s line status register (LSR) to poll
for the active state of the transmitter holding register empty (THRE) bit
before transferring data from the data buffer to the transmitter FIFO. It
transfers data to the transmitter FIFO in blocks of 16 bytes or less and
allows the FIFO to empty before transferring the next block of data.
Note: The actual transmission over the serial connection will still be
in progress when this function returns. Use the MSS_UART_get_tx_status()
function if you need to know when the transmitter is empty.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param p_sz_string
The p_sz_string parameter is a pointer to a buffer containing the NULL
('\0') terminated string to be transmitted.
This function does not return a value.
#include "mss_uart.h"
int main(void)
uint8_t message[12] = "Hello World";
MSS_UART_polled_tx_string(&g_mss_uart0, message);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
const uint8_t * p_sz_string
The function MSS_UART_irq_tx() is used to initiate an interrupt-driven
transmit. It returns immediately after making a note of the transmit buffer
location and enabling transmit interrupts both at the UART and Cortex-M3 NVIC
level. This function takes a pointer via the pbuff parameter to a memory
buffer containing the data to transmit. The memory buffer specified through
this pointer must remain allocated and contain the data to transmit until
the transmit completion has been detected through calls to function
MSS_UART_tx_complete(). The actual transmission over the serial connection
is still in progress until calls to the MSS_UART_tx_complete() function
indicate transmit completion.
Note: The MSS_UART_irq_tx() function enables both the transmit holding
register empty (THRE) interrupt in the UART and the MSS UART instance
interrupt in the Cortex-M3 NVIC as part of its implementation.
Note: The MSS_UART_irq_tx() function assigns an internal default transmit
interrupt handler function to the UART<52>s THRE interrupt. This interrupt
handler overrides any custom interrupt handler that you may have previously
registered using the MSS_UART_set_tx_handler() function.
Note: The MSS_UART_irq_tx() function<6F>s default transmit interrupt
handler disables the UART<52>s THRE interrupt when all of the data has
been transferred to the UART's transmit FIFO.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param pbuff
The pbuff parameter is a pointer to a buffer containing the data
to be transmitted.
@param tx_size
The tx_size parameter specifies the size, in bytes, of the data
to be transmitted.
This function does not return a value.
#include "mss_uart.h"
int main(void)
uint8_t tx_buff[10] = "abcdefghi";
MSS_UART_irq_tx(&g_mss_uart0, tx_buff, sizeof(tx_buff));
while(0 == MSS_UART_tx_complete(&g_mss_uart0))
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
const uint8_t * pbuff,
uint32_t tx_size
The MSS_UART_tx_complete() function is used to find out if the interrupt-driven
transmit previously initiated through a call to MSS_UART_irq_tx() is complete.
This is typically used to find out when it is safe to reuse or release the
memory buffer holding transmit data.
Note: The transfer of all of the data from the memory buffer to the UART<52>s
transmit FIFO and the actual transmission over the serial connection are both
complete when a call to the MSS_UART_tx_complete() function indicates transmit
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function return a non-zero value if transmit has completed, otherwise
it returns zero.
See the MSS_UART_irq_tx() function for an example that uses the
MSS_UART_tx_complete() function.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_get_rx() function reads the content of the UART receiver<65>s FIFO
and stores it in the receive buffer that is passed via the rx_buff function
parameter. It copies either the full contents of the FIFO into the receive
buffer, or just enough data from the FIFO to fill the receive buffer,
dependent upon the size of the receive buffer passed by the buff_size
parameter. The MSS_UART_get_rx() function returns the number of bytes copied
into the receive buffer .This function is non-blocking and will return 0
immediately if no data has been received.
Note: The MSS_UART_get_rx() function reads and accumulates the receiver
status of the MSS UART instance before reading each byte from the receiver's
data register/FIFO. This allows the driver to maintain a sticky record of any
receiver errors that occur as the UART receives each data byte; receiver
errors would otherwise be lost after each read from the receiver's data register.
A call to the MSS_UART_get_rx_status() function returns any receiver errors
accumulated during the execution of the MSS_UART_get_rx() function.
Note: If you need to read the error status for each byte received, set
the buff_size to 1 and read the receive line error status for each byte
using the MSS_UART_get_rx_status() function.
The MSS_UART_get_rx() function can be used in polled mode, where it is called
at regular intervals to find out if any data has been received, or in interrupt
driven-mode, where it is called as part of a receive handler that is called
by the driver as a result of data being received.
Note: In interrupt driven mode you should call the MSS_UART_get_rx()
function as part of the receive handler function that you register with
the MSS UART driver through a call to MSS_UART_set_rx_handler().
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param rx_buff
The rx_buff parameter is a pointer to a buffer where the received
data is copied.
@param buff_size
The buff_size parameter specifies the size of the receive buffer in bytes.
This function returns the number of bytes that were copied into the
rx_buff buffer. It returns 0 if no data has been received.
Polled mode example:
int main( void )
uint8_t rx_buff[RX_BUFF_SIZE];
uint32_t rx_idx = 0;
rx_size = MSS_UART_get_rx(&g_mss_uart0, rx_buff, sizeof(rx_buff));
if(rx_size > 0)
process_rx_data(rx_buff, rx_size);
return 0;
Interrupt driven example:
int main( void )
return 0;
void uart1_rx_handler(mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart)
uint8_t rx_buff[RX_BUFF_SIZE];
uint32_t rx_idx = 0;
rx_size = MSS_UART_get_rx(this_uart, rx_buff, sizeof(rx_buff));
process_rx_data(rx_buff, rx_size);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
uint8_t * rx_buff,
size_t buff_size
The MSS_UART_set_rx_handler() function is used to register a receive handler
function that is called by the driver when a UART receive data available (RDA)
interrupt occurs. You must create and register the receive handler function
to suit your application and it must include a call to the MSS_UART_get_rx()
function to actually read the received data.
Note: The MSS_UART_set_rx_handler() function enables both the RDA
interrupt in the UART and the MSS UART instance interrupt in the Cortex-M3
NVIC as part
of its implementation.
Note: You can disable the RDA interrupt once the data is received by
calling the MSS_UART_disable_irq() function. This is your choice and is
dependent upon your application.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param handler
The handler parameter is a pointer to a receive interrupt handler function
provided by your application that will be called as a result of a UART RDA
interrupt. This handler function must be of type mss_uart_irq_handler_t.
@param trigger_level
The trigger_level parameter is the receive FIFO trigger level. This
specifies the number of bytes that must be received before the UART
triggers an RDA interrupt.
This function does not return a value.
#include "mss_uart.h"
#define RX_BUFF_SIZE 64
uint8_t g_rx_buff[RX_BUFF_SIZE];
void uart0_rx_handler(mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart)
MSS_UART_get_rx(this_uart, &g_rx_buff[g_rx_idx], sizeof(g_rx_buff));
int main(void)
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_irq_handler_t handler,
mss_uart_rx_trig_level_t trigger_level
The MSS_UART_set_loopback() function is used to locally loopback the Tx and
Rx lines of a UART. This is not to be confused with the loopback of UART0
to UART1, which can be achieved through the microcontroller subsystem<65>s
system registers.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param loopback
The loopback parameter indicates whether or not the UART<52>s transmit
and receive lines should be looped back. Allowed values are as follows:
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_set_loopback(&g_mss_uart0, MSS_UART_LOCAL_LOOPBACK_OFF);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_loopback_t loopback
The MSS_UART_enable_irq() function enables the MSS UART interrupts specified
by the irq_mask parameter. The irq_mask parameter identifies the MSS UART
interrupts by bit position, as defined in the interrupt enable register (IER)
of MSS UART. The MSS UART interrupts and their identifying irq_mask bit
positions are as follows:
When an irq_mask bit position is set to 1, this function enables the
corresponding MSS UART interrupt in the IER register. When an irq_mask bit
position is set to 0, the corresponding interrupt<70>s state remains unchanged in
the IER register.
Note: The MSS_UART_enable_irq() function also enables the MSS UART instance
interrupt in the Cortex-M3 NVIC.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1,
associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1. This parameter must point to either
the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1 global data structure defined within the UART
@param irq_mask
The irq_mask parameter is used to select which of the MSS UART<52>s interrupts
you want to enable. The allowed value for the irq_mask parameter is one of
the following constants or a bitwise OR of more than one:
- MSS_UART_RBF_IRQ (bit mask = 0x001)
- MSS_UART_TBE_IRQ (bit mask = 0x002)
- MSS_UART_LS_IRQ (bit mask = 0x004)
- MSS_UART_MS_IRQ (bit mask = 0x008)
- MSS_UART_RTO_IRQ (bit mask = 0x010)
- MSS_UART_NACK_IRQ (bit mask = 0x020)
- MSS_UART_PIDPE_IRQ (bit mask = 0x040)
- MSS_UART_LINB_IRQ (bit mask = 0x080)
- MSS_UART_LINS_IRQ (bit mask = 0x100)
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_enable_irq(&g_mss_uart0,(MSS_UART_RBF_IRQ | MSS_UART_TBE_IRQ));
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_irq_t irq_mask
The MSS_UART_disable_irq() function disables the MSS UART interrupts specified
by the irq_mask parameter. The irq_mask parameter identifies the MSS UART
interrupts by bit position, as defined in the interrupt enable register (IER)
of MSS UART. The MSS UART interrupts and their identifying bit positions are
as follows:
When an irq_mask bit position is set to 1, this function disables the
corresponding MSS UART interrupt in the IER register. When an irq_mask bit
position is set to 0, the corresponding interrupt<70>s state remains unchanged in
the IER register.
Note: If you disable all four of the UART<52>s interrupts, the
MSS_UART_disable_irq() function also disables the MSS UART instance
interrupt in the Cortex-M3 NVIC.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param irq_mask
The irq_mask parameter is used to select which of the MSS UART<52>s interrupts
you want to disable. The allowed value for the irq_mask parameter is one of
the following constants or a bitwise OR of more than one:
- MSS_UART_RBF_IRQ (bit mask = 0x001)
- MSS_UART_TBE_IRQ (bit mask = 0x002)
- MSS_UART_LS_IRQ (bit mask = 0x004)
- MSS_UART_MS_IRQ (bit mask = 0x008)
- MSS_UART_RTO_IRQ (bit mask = 0x010)
- MSS_UART_NACK_IRQ (bit mask = 0x020)
- MSS_UART_PIDPE_IRQ (bit mask = 0x040)
- MSS_UART_LINB_IRQ (bit mask = 0x080)
- MSS_UART_LINS_IRQ (bit mask = 0x100)
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_disable_irq(&g_mss_uart0, (MSS_UART_RBF_IRQ | MSS_UART_TBE_IRQ));
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_irq_t irq_mask
The MSS_UART_set_pidpei_handler() function is used assign a custom interrupt
handler for the PIDPEI (PID parity error interrupt) when the MSS UART is
operating in LIN mode.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param handler
The handler parameter is the pointer to the custom handler function.
This parameter is of type mss_uart_irq_handler_t.
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_ set_pidpei_handler(&g_mss_uart0, my_pidpei_handler);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_irq_handler_t handler
The MSS_UART_set_linbreak_handler () function is used assign a custom
interrupt handler for the LIN Break detection interrupt when the MSS UART
is operating in LIN mode.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param handler
The handler parameter is the pointer to the custom handler function.
This parameter is of type mss_uart_irq_handler_t.
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_set_linbreak_handler(&g_mss_uart0, my_break_handler);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_irq_handler_t handler
The MSS_UART_set_linsync_handler() function is used assign a custom interrupt
handler for the LIN Sync character detection interrupt when the MSS UART
is operating in LIN mode.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param handler
The handler parameter is the pointer to the custom handler function.
This parameter is of type mss_uart_irq_handler_t.
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_set_linsync_handler(&g_mss_uart0, my_linsync_handler);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_irq_handler_t handler
The MSS_UART_set_nack_handler() function is used assign a custom interrupt
handler for the NACK character detection interrupt when the MSS UART
is operating in Smartcard mode.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param handler
The handler parameter is the pointer to the custom handler function.
This parameter is of type mss_uart_irq_handler_t.
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_set_nack_handler(&g_mss_uart0, my_nack_handler);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_irq_handler_t handler
The MSS_UART_set_rx_timeout_handler() function is used assign a custom
interrupt handler for the receiver timeout interrupt when the MSS UART is
operating in mode. It finds application in IrDA mode of operation.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param handler
The handler parameter is the pointer to the custom handler function.
This parameter is of type mss_uart_irq_handler_t.
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_set_rx_timeout_handler(&g_mss_uart0, my_rxtimeout_handler);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_irq_handler_t handler
The MSS_UART_set_rxstatus_handler() function is used to register a receiver
status handler function that is called by the driver when a UART receiver
line status (RLS) interrupt occurs. You must create and register the handler
function to suit your application.
Note: The MSS_UART_set_rxstatus_handler() function enables both the RLS
interrupt in the UART and the MSS UART instance interrupt in the Cortex-M3
NVIC as part of its implementation.
Note: You can disable the RLS interrupt when required by calling the
MSS_UART_disable_irq() function. This is your choice and is dependent upon
your application.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param handler
The handler parameter is a pointer to a receiver line status interrupt
handler function provided by your application that will be called as a
result of a UART RLS interrupt. This handler function must be of type
This function does not return a value.
#include "mss_uart.h"
void uart_rxsts_handler(mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart)
uint8_t status;
status = MSS_UART_get_rx_status(this_uart);
int main(void)
MSS_UART_init( &g_mss_uart0,
MSS_UART_set_rxstatus_handler(&g_mss_uart0, uart_rxsts_handler);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_irq_handler_t handler
The MSS_UART_set_tx_handler() function is used to register a transmit handler
function that is called by the driver when a UART transmit holding register
empty (THRE) interrupt occurs. You must create and register the transmit
handler function to suit your application. You can use the
MSS_UART_fill_tx_fifo() function in your transmit handler function to
write data to the transmitter.
Note: The MSS_UART_set_tx_handler() function enables both the THRE
interrupt in the UART and the MSS UART instance interrupt in the Cortex-M3
NVIC as part of its implementation.
Note: You can disable the THRE interrupt when required by calling the
MSS_UART_disable_irq() function. This is your choice and is dependent upon
your application.
Note: The MSS_UART_irq_tx() function does not use the transmit handler
function that you register with the MSS_UART_set_tx_handler() function.
It uses its own internal THRE interrupt handler function that overrides
any custom interrupt handler that you register using the
MSS_UART_set_tx_handler() function.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param handler
The handler parameter is a pointer to a transmit interrupt handler
function provided by your application that will be called as a result
of a UART THRE interrupt. This handler function must be of type
This function does not return a value.
#include "mss_uart.h"
uint8_t * g_tx_buffer;
size_t g_tx_size = 0;
void uart_tx_handler(mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart)
size_t size_in_fifo;
size_in_fifo = MSS_UART_fill_tx_fifo(this_uart,
(const uint8_t *)g_tx_buffer,
if(size_in_fifo == g_tx_size)
g_tx_size = 0;
MSS_UART_disable_irq(this_uart, MSS_UART_TBE_IRQ);
g_tx_buffer = &g_tx_buffer[size_in_fifo];
g_tx_size = g_tx_size - size_in_fifo;
int main(void)
uint8_t message[12] = "Hello world";
g_tx_buffer = message;
g_tx_size = sizeof(message);
MSS_UART_set_tx_handler(&g_mss_uart0, uart_tx_handler);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_irq_handler_t handler
The MSS_UART_set_modemstatus_handler() function is used to register a modem
status handler function that is called by the driver when a UART modem status
(MS) interrupt occurs. You must create and register the handler function to
suit your application.
Note: The MSS_UART_set_modemstatus_handler() function enables both the MS
interrupt in the UART and the MSS UART instance interrupt in the Cortex-M3 NVIC
as part of its implementation.
Note: You can disable the MS interrupt when required by calling the
MSS_UART_disable_irq() function. This is your choice and is dependent
upon your application.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param handler
The handler parameter is a pointer to a modem status interrupt handler
function provided by your application that will be called as a result
of a UART MS interrupt. This handler function must be of type
This function does not return a value.
#include "mss_uart.h"
void uart_modem_handler(mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart)
uint8_t status;
status = MSS_UART_get_modem_status(this_uart);
if(status & MSS_UART_CTS)
int main(void)
MSS_UART_set_modemstatus_handler(&g_mss_uart0, uart_modem_handler);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_irq_handler_t handler
The MSS_UART_fill_tx_fifo() function fills the UART's hardware transmitter
FIFO with the data found in the transmitter buffer that is passed via the
tx_buffer function parameter. If the transmitter FIFO is not empty when
the function is called, the function returns immediately without transferring
any data to the FIFO; otherwise, the function transfers data from the
transmitter buffer to the FIFO until it is full or until the complete
contents of the transmitter buffer have been copied into the FIFO. The
function returns the number of bytes copied into the UART's transmitter FIFO.
Note: This function reads the UART<52>s line status register (LSR) to check
for the active state of the transmitter holding register empty (THRE) bit
before transferring data from the data buffer to the transmitter FIFO. If
THRE is 0, the function returns immediately, without transferring any data
to the FIFO. If THRE is 1, the function transfers up to 16 bytes of data
to the FIFO and then returns.
Note: The actual transmission over the serial connection will still be
in progress when this function returns. Use the MSS_UART_get_tx_status()
function if you need to know when the transmitter is empty.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param tx_buffer
The tx_buffer parameter is a pointer to a buffer containing the data
to be transmitted.
@param tx_size
The tx_size parameter is the size in bytes, of the data to be transmitted.
This function returns the number of bytes copied into the UART's
transmitter FIFO.
void send_using_interrupt(uint8_t * pbuff, size_t tx_size)
size_t size_in_fifo;
size_in_fifo = MSS_UART_fill_tx_fifo(&g_mss_uart0, pbuff, tx_size);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
const uint8_t * tx_buffer,
size_t tx_size
The MSS_UART_get_rx_status() function returns the receiver error status of the
MSS UART instance. It reads both the current error status of the receiver from
the UART<52>s line status register (LSR) and the accumulated error status from
preceding calls to the MSS_UART_get_rx() function, and it combines them using
a bitwise OR. It returns the cumulative overrun, parity, framing, break and
FIFO error status of the receiver, since the previous call to
MSS_UART_get_rx_status(), as an 8-bit encoded value.
Note: The MSS_UART_get_rx() function reads and accumulates the receiver
status of the MSS UART instance before reading each byte from the receiver<65>s
data register/FIFO. The driver maintains a sticky record of the cumulative
receiver error status, which persists after the MSS_UART_get_rx() function
returns. The MSS_UART_get_rx_status() function clears the driver<65>s sticky
receiver error record before returning.
Note: The driver<65>s transmit functions also read the line status
register (LSR) as part of their implementation. When the driver reads the
LSR, the UART clears any active receiver error bits in the LSR. This could
result in the driver losing receiver errors. To avoid any loss of receiver
errors, the transmit functions also update the driver<65>s sticky record of the
cumulative receiver error status whenever they read the LSR.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function returns the UART<52>s receiver error status as an 8-bit unsigned
integer. The returned value is 0 if no receiver errors occurred. The driver
provides a set of bit mask constants that should be compared with and/or
used to mask the returned value to determine the receiver error status.
When the return value is compared to the following bit masks, a non-zero
result indicates that the corresponding error occurred:
<20> MSS_UART_OVERRUN_ERROR (bit mask = 0x02)
<20> MSS_UART_PARITY_ERROR (bit mask = 0x04)
<20> MSS_UART_FRAMING_ERROR (bit mask = 0x08)
<20> MSS_UART_BREAK_ERROR (bit mask = 0x10)
<20> MSS_UART_FIFO_ERROR (bit mask = 0x80)
When the return value is compared to the following bit mask, a non-zero
result indicates that no error occurred:
<20> MSS_UART_NO_ERROR (bit mask = 0x00)
Upon unsuccessful execution, this function returns:
<20> MSS_UART_INVALID_PARAM (bit mask = 0xFF)
uint8_t rx_data[MAX_RX_DATA_SIZE];
uint8_t err_status;
err_status = MSS_UART_get_rx_status(&g_mss_uart0);
if(MSS_UART_NO_ERROR == err_status)
rx_size = MSS_UART_get_rx(&g_mss_uart0, rx_data, MAX_RX_DATA_SIZE);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_get_modem_status() function returns the modem status of the
MSS UART instance. It reads the modem status register (MSR) and returns
the 8 bit value. The bit encoding of the returned value is exactly the
same as the definition of the bits in the MSR.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function returns current state of the UART's MSR as an 8 bit
unsigned integer. The driver provides the following set of bit mask
constants that should be compared with and/or used to mask the
returned value to determine the modem status:
<20> MSS_UART_DCTS (bit mask = 0x01)
<20> MSS_UART_DDSR (bit mask = 0x02)
<20> MSS_UART_TERI (bit mask = 0x04)
<20> MSS_UART_DDCD (bit mask = 0x08)
<20> MSS_UART_CTS (bit mask = 0x10)
<20> MSS_UART_DSR (bit mask = 0x20)
<20> MSS_UART_RI (bit mask = 0x40)
<20> MSS_UART_DCD (bit mask = 0x80)
void uart_modem_status_isr(mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart)
uint8_t status;
status = MSS_UART_get_modem_status(this_uart);
if( status & MSS_UART_DCTS )
if( status & MSS_UART_CTS )
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_get_tx_status() function returns the transmitter status of the
MSS UART instance. It reads both the UART<52>s line status register (LSR) and
returns the status of the transmit holding register empty (THRE) and
transmitter empty (TEMT) bits.*
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function returns the UART<52>s transmitter status as an 8-bit unsigned
integer. The returned value is 0 if the transmitter status bits are not
set or the function execution failed. The driver provides a set of bit
mask constants that should be compared with and/or used to mask the
returned value to determine the transmitter status.
When the return value is compared to the following bit mask, a non-zero
result indicates that the corresponding transmitter status bit is set:
<20> MSS_UART_THRE (bit mask = 0x20)
<20> MSS_UART_TEMT (bit mask = 0x40)
When the return value is compared to the following bit mask, a non-zero
result indicates that the transmitter is busy or the function execution
<20> MSS_UART_TX_BUSY (bit mask = 0x00)
uint8_t tx_buff[10] = "abcdefghi";
MSS_UART_polled_tx(&g_mss_uart0, tx_buff, sizeof(tx_buff));
while(!(MSS_UART_TEMT & MSS_UART_get_tx_status(&g_mss_uart0)))
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_set_break() function is used to send the break
(9 zeros after stop bit) signal on the TX line. This function can be used
only when the MSS UART is initialized in LIN mode by using MSS_UART_lin_init().
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_clear_break() function is used to remove the break signal on the
TX line. This function can be used only when the MSS UART is initialized in
LIN mode by using MSS_UART_lin_init().
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_enable_half_duplex() function is used to enable the half-duplex
(single wire) mode for the MSS UART. Though it finds application in Smartcard
mode, half-duplex mode can be used in other modes as well.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_disable_half_duplex() function is used to disable the half-duplex
(single wire) mode for the MSS UART. Though it finds application in Smartcard
mode, half-duplex mode can be used in other modes as well.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_set_rx_endian() function is used to configure the LSB first or
MSB first setting for MSS UART receiver
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param endian
The endian parameter tells the LSB first or MSB first configuration.
This parameter is of type mss_uart_endian_t.
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_set_rx_endian(&g_mss_uart0, MSS_UART_LITTLEEND);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_endian_t endian
The MSS_UART_set_tx_endian() function is used to configure the LSB first or
MSB first setting for MSS UART transmitter.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param endian
The endian parameter tells the LSB first or MSB first configuration.
This parameter is of type mss_uart_endian_t.
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_set_tx_endian(&g_mss_uart0, MSS_UART_LITTLEEND);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_endian_t endian
The MSS_UART_set_filter_length () function is used to configure the glitch
filter length of the MSS UART. This should be configured in accordance with
the chosen baud rate.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param length
The length parameter is of mss_uart_filter_length_t type that determines
the length of the glitch filter.
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_set_filter_length(&g_mss_uart0, MSS_UART_LEN2);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_filter_length_t length
The MSS_UART_enable_afm() function is used to enable address flag detection
mode of the MSS UART
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_disable_afm() function is used to disable address flag detection
mode of the MSS UART.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_enable_afclear () function is used to enable address flag clear
of the MSS UART. This should be used in conjunction with address flag
detection mode (AFM).
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_disable_afclear () function is used to disable address flag
clear of the MSS UART. This should be used in conjunction with address flag
detection mode (AFM).
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_enable_rx_timeout() function is used to enable and configure
the receiver timeout functionality of MSS UART. This function accepts the
timeout parameter and applies the timeout based up on the baud rate as per
the formula 4 x timeout x bit time.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param timeout
The timeout parameter specifies the receiver timeout multiple.
It should be configured according to the baud rate in use.
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_enable_rx_timeout(&g_mss_uart0 , 24);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
uint8_t timeout
The MSS_UART_disable_rx_timeout() function is used to disable the receiver
timeout functionality of MSS UART.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_enable_tx_time_guard() function is used to enable and configure
the transmitter time guard functionality of MSS UART. This function accepts
the timeguard parameter and applies the timeguard based up on the baud rate
as per the formula timeguard x bit time.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_enable_tx_time_guard(&g_mss_uart0 , 24);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
uint8_t timeguard
The MSS_UART_disable_tx_time_guard() function is used to disable the
transmitter time guard functionality of MSS UART.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
This function does not return a value.
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart
The MSS_UART_set_address() function is used to set the 8-bit address for
the MSS UART referenced by this_uart parameter.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param address
The address parameter is the 8-bit address which is to be configured
to the MSS UART referenced by this_uart parameter.
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_set_address(&g_mss_uart0, 0xAA);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
uint8_t address
The MSS_UART_set_ready_mode() function is used to configure the MODE0 or MODE1
to the TXRDY and RXRDY signals of the MSS UART referenced by this_uart
parameter. The mode parameter is used to provide the mode to be configured.
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param mode
The mode parameter is the mss_uart_ready_mode_t type which is used to
configure the TXRDY and RXRDY signal modes.
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_set_ready_mode(&g_mss_uart0, MSS_UART_READY_MODE0);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_ready_mode_t mode
The MSS_UART_set_usart_mode() function is used to configure the MSS UART
referenced by the parameter this_uart in USART mode. Various USART modes
are supported which can be configured by the parameter mode of type
@param this_uart
The this_uart parameter is a pointer to an mss_uart_instance_t
structure identifying the MSS UART hardware block that will perform
the requested function. There are two such data structures,
g_mss_uart0 and g_mss_uart1, associated with MSS UART0 and MSS UART1.
This parameter must point to either the g_mss_uart0 or g_mss_uart1
global data structure defined within the UART driver.
@param mode
The mode parameter is the USART mode to be configured.
This parameter is of type mss_uart_usart_mode_t.
This function does not return a value.
MSS_UART_set_usart_mode(&g_mss_uart0, MSS_UART_SYNC_MASTER_POS_EDGE_CLK);
mss_uart_instance_t * this_uart,
mss_uart_usart_mode_t mode
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __MSS_UART_H_ */