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2015-07-20 22:23:43 +08:00

636 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2014 IBM Corp.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
* Contributors:
* Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
#include "MQTTPacket.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if !defined(_WINDOWS)
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
struct Options
char* connection; /**< connection to system under test. */
char** haconnections;
int hacount;
int verbose;
int test_no;
} options =
void usage()
void getopts(int argc, char** argv)
int count = 1;
while (count < argc)
if (strcmp(argv[count], "--test_no") == 0)
if (++count < argc)
options.test_no = atoi(argv[count]);
else if (strcmp(argv[count], "--connection") == 0)
if (++count < argc)
options.connection = argv[count];
printf("\nSetting connection to %s\n", options.connection);
else if (strcmp(argv[count], "--haconnections") == 0)
if (++count < argc)
char* tok = strtok(argv[count], " ");
options.hacount = 0;
options.haconnections = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 5);
while (tok)
options.haconnections[options.hacount] = malloc(strlen(tok) + 1);
strcpy(options.haconnections[options.hacount], tok);
tok = strtok(NULL, " ");
else if (strcmp(argv[count], "--verbose") == 0)
options.verbose = 1;
printf("\nSetting verbose on\n");
#define LOGA_DEBUG 0
#define LOGA_INFO 1
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
void MyLog(int LOGA_level, char* format, ...)
static char msg_buf[256];
va_list args;
struct timeb ts;
struct tm *timeinfo;
if (LOGA_level == LOGA_DEBUG && options.verbose == 0)
timeinfo = localtime(&ts.time);
strftime(msg_buf, 80, "%Y%m%d %H%M%S", timeinfo);
sprintf(&msg_buf[strlen(msg_buf)], ".%.3hu ", ts.millitm);
va_start(args, format);
vsnprintf(&msg_buf[strlen(msg_buf)], sizeof(msg_buf) - strlen(msg_buf), format, args);
printf("%s\n", msg_buf);
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WINDOWS)
#define mqsleep(A) Sleep(1000*A)
static DWORD start_time = 0;
START_TIME_TYPE start_clock(void)
return GetTickCount();
#elif defined(AIX)
#define mqsleep sleep
#define START_TIME_TYPE struct timespec
START_TIME_TYPE start_clock(void)
static struct timespec start;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start);
return start;
#define mqsleep sleep
#define START_TIME_TYPE struct timeval
/* TODO - unused - remove? static struct timeval start_time; */
START_TIME_TYPE start_clock(void)
struct timeval start_time;
gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);
return start_time;
#if defined(WIN32)
long elapsed(START_TIME_TYPE start_time)
return GetTickCount() - start_time;
#elif defined(AIX)
#define assert(a)
long elapsed(struct timespec start)
struct timespec now, res;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
ntimersub(now, start, res);
return (res.tv_sec)*1000L + (res.tv_nsec)/1000000L;
long elapsed(START_TIME_TYPE start_time)
struct timeval now, res;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
timersub(&now, &start_time, &res);
return (res.tv_sec)*1000 + (res.tv_usec)/1000;
#define assert(a, b, c, d) myassert(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, b, c, d)
#define assert1(a, b, c, d, e) myassert(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, b, c, d, e)
int tests = 0;
int failures = 0;
FILE* xml;
START_TIME_TYPE global_start_time;
char output[3000];
char* cur_output = output;
void write_test_result()
long duration = elapsed(global_start_time);
fprintf(xml, " time=\"%ld.%.3ld\" >\n", duration / 1000, duration % 1000);
if (cur_output != output)
fprintf(xml, "%s", output);
cur_output = output;
fprintf(xml, "</testcase>\n");
void myassert(char* filename, int lineno, char* description, int value, char* format, ...)
if (!value)
va_list args;
printf("Assertion failed, file %s, line %d, description: %s\n", filename, lineno, description);
va_start(args, format);
vprintf(format, args);
cur_output += sprintf(cur_output, "<failure type=\"%s\">file %s, line %d </failure>\n",
description, filename, lineno);
MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Assertion succeeded, file %s, line %d, description: %s", filename, lineno, description);
#define min(a, b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
int checkMQTTStrings(MQTTString a, MQTTString b)
if (!a.lenstring.data)
a.lenstring.data = a.cstring;
if (a.cstring)
a.lenstring.len = strlen(a.cstring);
if (!b.lenstring.data)
b.lenstring.data = b.cstring;
if (b.cstring)
b.lenstring.len = strlen(b.cstring);
return memcmp(a.lenstring.data, b.lenstring.data, min(a.lenstring.len, b.lenstring.len)) == 0;
int checkConnectPackets(MQTTPacket_connectData* before, MQTTPacket_connectData* after)
int rc = 0;
int start_failures = failures;
assert("struct_ids should be the same",
memcmp(before->struct_id, after->struct_id, 4) == 0, "struct_ids were different %.4s\n", after->struct_id);
assert("struct_versions should be the same",
before->struct_version == after->struct_version, "struct_versions were different\n", rc);
assert("MQTT versions should be the same",
before->MQTTVersion == after->MQTTVersion, "MQTT versions were different\n", rc);
assert("ClientIDs should be the same",
checkMQTTStrings(before->clientID, after->clientID), "ClientIDs were different\n", rc);
assert("keepAliveIntervals should be the same",
before->keepAliveInterval == after->keepAliveInterval, "keepAliveIntervals were different %d\n", after->keepAliveInterval);
assert("cleansessions should be the same",
before->cleansession == after->cleansession, "cleansessions were different\n", rc);
assert("willFlags should be the same",
before->willFlag == after->willFlag, "willFlags were different\n", rc);
if (before->willFlag)
assert("will struct_ids should be the same",
memcmp(before->will.struct_id, after->will.struct_id, 4) == 0, "will struct_ids were different %.4s\n", after->struct_id);
assert("will struct_versions should be the same",
before->will.struct_version == after->will.struct_version, "will struct_versions were different\n", rc);
assert("topic names should be the same",
checkMQTTStrings(before->will.topicName, after->will.topicName), "topic names were different\n", rc);
assert("messages should be the same",
checkMQTTStrings(before->will.message, after->will.message), "messages were different\n", rc);
assert("retained flags should be the same",
before->will.retained == after->will.retained, "retained flags were different\n", rc);
assert("will qos should be the same",
before->will.qos == after->will.qos, "will qos were different\n", rc);
assert("usernames should be the same",
checkMQTTStrings(before->clientID, after->clientID), "usernames were different\n", rc);
assert("passwords should be the same",
checkMQTTStrings(before->password, after->password), "passwords were different\n", rc);
return failures == start_failures;
int test1(struct Options options)
MQTTPacket_connectData data = MQTTPacket_connectData_initializer;
MQTTPacket_connectData data_after = MQTTPacket_connectData_initializer;
int rc = 0;
unsigned char buf[100];
int buflen = sizeof(buf);
fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test1\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
global_start_time = start_clock();
failures = 0;
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 1 - serialization of connect and back");
data.clientID.cstring = "me";
data.keepAliveInterval = 20;
data.cleansession = 1;
data.username.cstring = "testuser";
data.password.cstring = "testpassword";
data.willFlag = 1;
data.will.message.cstring = "will message";
data.will.qos = 1;
data.will.retained = 0;
data.will.topicName.cstring = "will topic";
rc = MQTTSerialize_connect(buf, buflen, &data);
assert("good rc from serialize connect", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);
rc = MQTTDeserialize_connect(&data_after, buf, buflen);
assert("good rc from deserialize connect", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);
/* data after should be the same as data before */
rc = checkConnectPackets(&data, &data_after);
assert("packets should be the same", rc == 1, "packets were different\n", rc);
/* exit: */
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST1: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
return failures;
int test2(struct Options options)
int rc = 0;
unsigned char buf[100];
int buflen = sizeof(buf);
unsigned char dup = 0;
int qos = 2;
unsigned char retained = 0;
unsigned short msgid = 23;
MQTTString topicString = MQTTString_initializer;
unsigned char *payload = (unsigned char*)"kkhkhkjkj jkjjk jk jk ";
int payloadlen = strlen((char*)payload);
unsigned char dup2 = 1;
int qos2 = 1;
unsigned char retained2 = 1;
unsigned short msgid2 = 3243;
MQTTString topicString2 = MQTTString_initializer;
unsigned char *payload2 = NULL;
int payloadlen2 = 0;
fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test1\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
global_start_time = start_clock();
failures = 0;
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 2 - serialization of publish and back");
topicString.cstring = "mytopic";
rc = MQTTSerialize_publish(buf, buflen, dup, qos, retained, msgid, topicString,
payload, payloadlen);
assert("good rc from serialize publish", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);
rc = MQTTDeserialize_publish(&dup2, &qos2, &retained2, &msgid2, &topicString2,
&payload2, &payloadlen2, buf, buflen);
assert("good rc from deserialize publish", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);
/* data after should be the same as data before */
assert("dups should be the same", dup == dup2, "dups were different %d\n", dup2);
assert("qoss should be the same", qos == qos2, "qoss were different %d\n", qos2);
assert("retaineds should be the same", retained == retained2, "retaineds were different %d\n", retained2);
assert("msgids should be the same", msgid == msgid2, "msgids were different %d\n", msgid2);
assert("topics should be the same",
checkMQTTStrings(topicString, topicString2), "topics were different %s\n", ""); //topicString2);
assert("payload lengths should be the same",
payloadlen == payloadlen2, "payload lengths were different %d\n", payloadlen2);
assert("payloads should be the same",
memcmp(payload, payload2, payloadlen) == 0, "payloads were different %s\n", "");
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST2: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
return failures;
int test3(struct Options options)
int i = 0;
int rc = 0;
unsigned char buf[100];
int buflen = sizeof(buf);
#define TOPIC_COUNT 2
unsigned char dup = 0;
unsigned short msgid = 23;
int count = TOPIC_COUNT;
MQTTString topicStrings[TOPIC_COUNT] = { MQTTString_initializer, MQTTString_initializer };
int req_qoss[TOPIC_COUNT] = {2, 1};
unsigned char dup2 = 1;
unsigned short msgid2 = 2223;
int count2 = 0;
MQTTString topicStrings2[TOPIC_COUNT] = { MQTTString_initializer, MQTTString_initializer };
int req_qoss2[TOPIC_COUNT] = {0, 0};
fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test1\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
global_start_time = start_clock();
failures = 0;
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 2 - serialization of subscribe and back");
topicStrings[0].cstring = "mytopic";
topicStrings[1].cstring = "mytopic2";
rc = MQTTSerialize_subscribe(buf, buflen, dup, msgid, count, topicStrings, req_qoss);
assert("good rc from serialize subscribe", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);
rc = MQTTDeserialize_subscribe(&dup2, &msgid2, 2, &count2, topicStrings2, req_qoss2, buf, buflen);
assert("good rc from deserialize subscribe", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);
/* data after should be the same as data before */
assert("dups should be the same", dup == dup2, "dups were different %d\n", dup2);
assert("msgids should be the same", msgid == msgid2, "msgids were different %d\n", msgid2);
assert("count should be the same", count == count2, "counts were different %d\n", count2);
for (i = 0; i < count2; ++i)
assert("topics should be the same",
checkMQTTStrings(topicStrings[i], topicStrings2[i]), "topics were different %s\n", "");
assert("qoss should be the same", req_qoss[i] == req_qoss2[i], "qoss were different %d\n", req_qoss2[i]);
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST3: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
return failures;
int test4(struct Options options)
int i = 0;
int rc = 0;
unsigned char buf[100];
int buflen = sizeof(buf);
#define TOPIC_COUNT 2
int msgid = 23;
int count = TOPIC_COUNT;
int granted_qoss[TOPIC_COUNT] = {2, 1};
unsigned short msgid2 = 2223;
int count2 = 0;
int granted_qoss2[TOPIC_COUNT] = {0, 0};
fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test1\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
global_start_time = start_clock();
failures = 0;
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 4 - serialization of suback and back");
rc = MQTTSerialize_suback(buf, buflen, msgid, count, granted_qoss);
assert("good rc from serialize suback", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);
rc = MQTTDeserialize_suback(&msgid2, 2, &count2, granted_qoss2, buf, buflen);
assert("good rc from deserialize suback", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);
/* data after should be the same as data before */
assert("msgids should be the same", msgid == msgid2, "msgids were different %d\n", msgid2);
assert("count should be the same", count == count2, "counts were different %d\n", count2);
for (i = 0; i < count2; ++i)
assert("qoss should be the same", granted_qoss[i] == granted_qoss2[i], "qoss were different %d\n", granted_qoss2[i]);
/* exit: */
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST4: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
return failures;
int test5(struct Options options)
int i = 0;
int rc = 0;
unsigned char buf[100];
int buflen = sizeof(buf);
#define TOPIC_COUNT 2
unsigned char dup = 0;
unsigned short msgid = 23;
int count = TOPIC_COUNT;
MQTTString topicStrings[TOPIC_COUNT] = { MQTTString_initializer, MQTTString_initializer };
unsigned char dup2 = 1;
unsigned short msgid2 = 2223;
int count2 = 0;
MQTTString topicStrings2[TOPIC_COUNT] = { MQTTString_initializer, MQTTString_initializer };
fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test1\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
global_start_time = start_clock();
failures = 0;
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 2 - serialization of unsubscribe and back");
topicStrings[0].cstring = "mytopic";
topicStrings[1].cstring = "mytopic2";
rc = MQTTSerialize_unsubscribe(buf, buflen, dup, msgid, count, topicStrings);
assert("good rc from serialize unsubscribe", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);
rc = MQTTDeserialize_unsubscribe(&dup2, &msgid2, 2, &count2, topicStrings2, buf, buflen);
assert("good rc from deserialize unsubscribe", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);
/* data after should be the same as data before */
assert("dups should be the same", dup == dup2, "dups were different %d\n", dup2);
assert("msgids should be the same", msgid == msgid2, "msgids were different %d\n", msgid2);
assert("count should be the same", count == count2, "counts were different %d\n", count2);
for (i = 0; i < count2; ++i)
assert("topics should be the same",
checkMQTTStrings(topicStrings[i], topicStrings2[i]), "topics were different %s\n", "");
/* exit: */
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST5: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
return failures;
int test6(struct Options options)
int rc = 0;
unsigned char buf[100];
int buflen = sizeof(buf);
unsigned char sessionPresent = 1;
unsigned char connack_rc = 77;
unsigned char sessionPresent2 = 0;
unsigned char connack_rc2 = 0;
fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test1\" name=\"de/serialization\"");
global_start_time = start_clock();
failures = 0;
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 2 - serialization of connack and back");
rc = MQTTSerialize_connack(buf, buflen, connack_rc, sessionPresent);
assert("good rc from serialize connack", rc > 0, "rc was %d\n", rc);
rc = MQTTDeserialize_connack(&sessionPresent2, &connack_rc2, buf, buflen);
assert("good rc from deserialize connack", rc == 1, "rc was %d\n", rc);
/* data after should be the same as data before */
assert("connack rcs should be the same", connack_rc == connack_rc2, "connack rcs were different %d\n", connack_rc2);
assert("session present flags should be the same", sessionPresent == sessionPresent2,
"session present flags were different %d\n", sessionPresent2);
/* exit: */
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "TEST6: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", tests, failures);
return failures;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int rc = 0;
int (*tests[])() = {NULL, test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6};
xml = fopen("TEST-test1.xml", "w");
fprintf(xml, "<testsuite name=\"test1\" tests=\"%d\">\n", (int)(ARRAY_SIZE(tests) - 1));
getopts(argc, argv);
if (options.test_no == 0)
{ /* run all the tests */
for (options.test_no = 1; options.test_no < ARRAY_SIZE(tests); ++options.test_no)
rc += tests[options.test_no](options); /* return number of failures. 0 = test succeeded */
rc = tests[options.test_no](options); /* run just the selected test */
if (rc == 0)
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "verdict pass");
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "verdict fail");
fprintf(xml, "</testsuite>\n");
return rc;