mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 03:45:27 +08:00
575 lines
14 KiB
575 lines
14 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2006-2018, RT-Thread Development Team
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
#include <rtthread.h>
#include <rtdevice.h>
#define LED_PIN 21
int main(void)
int count = 1;
rt_pin_mode(LED_PIN, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT);
while (count++)
rt_pin_write(LED_PIN, PIN_HIGH);
rt_pin_write(LED_PIN, PIN_LOW);
return RT_EOK;
// #ifdef RT_USING_PIN
// #define KEY1_PIN 25
// void key1_cb(void *args)
// {
// rt_kprintf("key1 irq!\n");
// }
// static int pin_sample(int argc, char *argv[])
// {
// rt_pin_mode(KEY1_PIN, PIN_IRQ_MODE_FALLING);
// rt_pin_attach_irq(KEY1_PIN, PIN_IRQ_MODE_FALLING, key1_cb, RT_NULL);
// rt_pin_irq_enable(KEY1_PIN, PIN_IRQ_ENABLE);
// return RT_EOK;
// }
// MSH_CMD_EXPORT(pin_sample, pin sample);
// #endif
#define ADC_DEV_NAME "adc0"
#define REFER_VOLTAGE 330
#define CONVERT_BITS (1 << 12)
static int adc_vol_sample(int argc, char *argv[])
rt_adc_device_t adc_dev;
rt_uint32_t value, vol;
rt_err_t ret = RT_EOK;
adc_dev = (rt_adc_device_t)rt_device_find(ADC_DEV_NAME);
if (adc_dev == RT_NULL)
rt_kprintf("adc sample run failed! can't find %s device!\n", ADC_DEV_NAME);
return RT_ERROR;
while (1)
ret = rt_adc_enable(adc_dev, ADC_DEV_CHANNEL);
value = rt_adc_read(adc_dev, ADC_DEV_CHANNEL);
rt_kprintf("the value is :%d,", value);
rt_kprintf("the voltage is :%d.%02d \n", vol / 100, vol % 100);
ret = rt_adc_disable(adc_dev, ADC_DEV_CHANNEL);
return ret;
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(adc_vol_sample, adc voltage convert sample);
#define HWTIMER_DEV_NAME "timer0"
static rt_err_t timeout_cb(rt_device_t dev, rt_size_t size)
rt_kprintf("this is hwtimer timeout callback fucntion!\n");
rt_kprintf("tick is :%d !\n", rt_tick_get());
return 0;
static int hwtimer_sample(int argc, char *argv[])
rt_err_t ret = RT_EOK;
rt_hwtimerval_t timeout_s;
rt_device_t hw_dev = RT_NULL;
rt_hwtimer_mode_t mode;
hw_dev = rt_device_find(HWTIMER_DEV_NAME);
if (hw_dev == RT_NULL)
rt_kprintf("hwtimer sample run failed! can't find %s device!\n", HWTIMER_DEV_NAME);
return RT_ERROR;
ret = rt_device_open(hw_dev, RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDWR);
if (ret != RT_EOK)
rt_kprintf("open %s device failed!\n", HWTIMER_DEV_NAME);
return ret;
rt_device_set_rx_indicate(hw_dev, timeout_cb);
ret = rt_device_control(hw_dev, HWTIMER_CTRL_MODE_SET, &mode);
if (ret != RT_EOK)
rt_kprintf("set mode failed! ret is :%d\n", ret);
return ret;
timeout_s.sec = 2;
timeout_s.usec = 0;
if (rt_device_write(hw_dev, 0, &timeout_s, sizeof(timeout_s)) != sizeof(timeout_s))
rt_kprintf("set timeout value failed\n");
return RT_ERROR;
rt_device_read(hw_dev, 0, &timeout_s, sizeof(timeout_s));
rt_kprintf("Read: Sec = %d, Usec = %d\n", timeout_s.sec, timeout_s.usec);
return ret;
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(hwtimer_sample, hwtimer sample);
#define PWM_DEV_NAME "pwm0" /* PWM???? */
#define PWM_DEV_CHANNEL 0 /* PWM?? */
struct rt_device_pwm *pwm_dev; /* PWM???? */
static int pwm_sample(int argc, char *argv[])
rt_uint32_t period, pulse;
period = 500000; /* ???0.5ms,?????ns */
pulse = 250000; /* PWM?????,?????ns */
pwm_dev = (struct rt_device_pwm *)rt_device_find(PWM_DEV_NAME);
if (pwm_dev == RT_NULL)
rt_kprintf("pwm sample run failed! can't find %s device!\n", PWM_DEV_NAME);
return RT_ERROR;
rt_pwm_set(pwm_dev, PWM_DEV_CHANNEL, period, pulse);
rt_pwm_enable(pwm_dev, PWM_DEV_CHANNEL);
return RT_EOK;
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(pwm_sample, pwm sample);
static int rtc_sample(int argc, char *argv[])
rt_err_t ret = RT_EOK;
time_t now;
ret = set_date(2020, 6, 15);
if (ret != RT_EOK)
rt_kprintf("set RTC date failed\n");
return ret;
ret = set_time(11, 15, 50);
if (ret != RT_EOK)
rt_kprintf("set RTC time failed\n");
return ret;
now = time(RT_NULL);
rt_kprintf("%s\n", ctime(&now));
return ret;
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(rtc_sample, rtc sample);
#define WDT_DEVICE_NAME "wdt"
static rt_device_t wdg_dev;
static void idle_hook(void)
rt_device_control(wdg_dev, RT_DEVICE_CTRL_WDT_KEEPALIVE, NULL);
rt_kprintf("feed the dog!\n ");
static int wdt_sample(int argc, char *argv[])
rt_err_t ret = RT_EOK;
rt_uint32_t timeout = 1;
char device_name[RT_NAME_MAX];
if (argc == 2)
rt_strncpy(device_name, argv[1], RT_NAME_MAX);
rt_strncpy(device_name, WDT_DEVICE_NAME, RT_NAME_MAX);
wdg_dev = rt_device_find(device_name);
if (!wdg_dev)
rt_kprintf("find %s failed!\n", device_name);
return RT_ERROR;
ret = rt_device_init(wdg_dev);
if (ret != RT_EOK)
rt_kprintf("initialize %s failed!\n", device_name);
return RT_ERROR;
ret = rt_device_control(wdg_dev, RT_DEVICE_CTRL_WDT_SET_TIMEOUT, &timeout);
if (ret != RT_EOK)
rt_kprintf("set %s timeout failed!\n", device_name);
return RT_ERROR;
ret = rt_device_control(wdg_dev, RT_DEVICE_CTRL_WDT_START, RT_NULL);
if (ret != RT_EOK)
rt_kprintf("start %s failed!\n", device_name);
return -RT_ERROR;
// rt_thread_idle_sethook(idle_hook);
return ret;
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(wdt_sample, wdt sample);
#define W25Q_SPI_DEVICE_NAME "spi00"
#define W25Q_FLASH_NAME "norflash0"
#include "drv_spi.h"
#include "spi_flash_sfud.h"
#include "dfs_posix.h"
static int rt_hw_spi_flash_init(void)
rt_hw_spi_device_attach("spi0", "spi00", GPIOA, PIN12);
if (RT_NULL == rt_sfud_flash_probe(W25Q_FLASH_NAME, W25Q_SPI_DEVICE_NAME))
return -RT_ERROR;
return RT_EOK;
/* ???????? */
static void spi_w25q_sample(int argc, char *argv[])
struct rt_spi_device *spi_dev_w25q;
char name[RT_NAME_MAX];
rt_uint8_t w25x_read_id = 0x90;
rt_uint8_t id[5] = {0};
if (argc == 2)
rt_strncpy(name, argv[1], RT_NAME_MAX);
rt_strncpy(name, W25Q_SPI_DEVICE_NAME, RT_NAME_MAX);
/* ?? spi ???????? */
spi_dev_w25q = (struct rt_spi_device *)rt_device_find(name);
struct rt_spi_configuration cfg;
cfg.data_width = 8;
cfg.max_hz = 20 * 1000 * 1000; /* 20M */
rt_spi_configure(spi_dev_w25q, &cfg);
if (!spi_dev_w25q)
rt_kprintf("spi sample run failed! can't find %s device!\n", name);
/* ??1:?? rt_spi_send_then_recv()??????ID */
rt_spi_send_then_recv(spi_dev_w25q, &w25x_read_id, 1, id, 5);
rt_kprintf("use rt_spi_send_then_recv() read w25q ID is:%x%x\n", id[3], id[4]);
/* ??2:?? rt_spi_transfer_message()??????ID */
struct rt_spi_message msg1, msg2;
msg1.send_buf = &w25x_read_id;
msg1.recv_buf = RT_NULL;
msg1.length = 1;
msg1.cs_take = 1;
msg1.cs_release = 0;
msg1.next = &msg2;
msg2.send_buf = RT_NULL;
msg2.recv_buf = id;
msg2.length = 5;
msg2.cs_take = 0;
msg2.cs_release = 1;
msg2.next = RT_NULL;
rt_spi_transfer_message(spi_dev_w25q, &msg1);
rt_kprintf("use rt_spi_transfer_message() read w25q ID is:%x%x\n", id[3], id[4]);
static void spi_flash_elmfat_sample(void)
int fd, size;
struct statfs elm_stat;
char str[] = "elmfat mount to W25Q flash.\r\n", buf[80];
if (dfs_mkfs("elm", W25Q_FLASH_NAME) == 0)
rt_kprintf("make elmfat filesystem success.\n");
if (dfs_mount(W25Q_FLASH_NAME, "/", "elm", 0, 0) == 0)
rt_kprintf("elmfat filesystem mount success.\n");
if (statfs("/", &elm_stat) == 0)
rt_kprintf("elmfat filesystem block size: %d, total blocks: %d, free blocks: %d.\n",
elm_stat.f_bsize, elm_stat.f_blocks, elm_stat.f_bfree);
if (mkdir("/user", 0x777) == 0)
rt_kprintf("make a directory: '/user'.\n");
rt_kprintf("Write string '%s' to /user/test.txt.\n", str);
/* ????????????,??????????????*/
fd = open("/user/test.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);
if (fd >= 0)
if (write(fd, str, sizeof(str)) == sizeof(str))
rt_kprintf("Write data done.\n");
/* ????????? */
fd = open("/user/test.txt", O_RDONLY);
if (fd >= 0)
size = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (size == sizeof(str))
rt_kprintf("Read data from file test.txt(size: %d): %s \n", size, buf);
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(spi_flash_elmfat_sample, spi flash elmfat sample);
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(spi_w25q_sample, spi w25q sample);
//#ifdef RT_USING_SPI
//#define SD_SPI_DEVICE_NAME "spi10"
//#define SDCARD_NAME "sd0"
//#include "drv_spi.h"
//#include "dfs_posix.h"
//#include "spi_msd.h"
//static int rt_hw_spi1_tfcard(void)
// rt_hw_spi_device_attach("spi1", SD_SPI_DEVICE_NAME, GPIOB, PIN6);
// return msd_init(SDCARD_NAME, SD_SPI_DEVICE_NAME);
//static void elmfat_sample(void)
// int fd, size;
// struct statfs elm_stat;
// char str[] = "elmfat mount to sdcard.\r\n", buf[80];
// if (dfs_mkfs("elm", SDCARD_NAME) == 0)
// rt_kprintf("make elmfat filesystem success.\n");
// if (dfs_mount(SDCARD_NAME, "/", "elm", 0, 0) == 0)
// rt_kprintf("elmfat filesystem mount success.\n");
// if (statfs("/", &elm_stat) == 0)
// rt_kprintf("elmfat filesystem block size: %d, total blocks: %d, free blocks: %d.\n",
// elm_stat.f_bsize, elm_stat.f_blocks, elm_stat.f_bfree);
// if (mkdir("/user", 0x777) == 0)
// rt_kprintf("make a directory: '/user'.\n");
// rt_kprintf("Write string '%s' to /user/test.txt.\n", str);
// fd = open("/user/test.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);
// if (fd >= 0)
// {
// if (write(fd, str, sizeof(str)) == sizeof(str))
// rt_kprintf("Write data done.\n");
// close(fd);
// }
// fd = open("/user/test.txt", O_RDONLY);
// if (fd >= 0)
// {
// size = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
// close(fd);
// if (size == sizeof(str))
// rt_kprintf("Read data from file test.txt(size: %d): %s \n", size, buf);
// }
//MSH_CMD_EXPORT(elmfat_sample, elmfat sample);
#define SDCARD_NAME "sd0"
#include "dfs_posix.h"
static void sdio_elmfat_sample(void)
int fd, size;
struct statfs elm_stat;
char str[] = "elmfat mount to sdcard.\n", buf[80];
if (dfs_mkfs("elm", SDCARD_NAME) == 0)
rt_kprintf("make elmfat filesystem success.\n");
if (dfs_mount(SDCARD_NAME, "/", "elm", 0, 0) == 0)
rt_kprintf("elmfat filesystem mount success.\n");
if (statfs("/", &elm_stat) == 0)
rt_kprintf("elmfat filesystem block size: %d, total blocks: %d, free blocks: %d.\n",
elm_stat.f_bsize, elm_stat.f_blocks, elm_stat.f_bfree);
if (mkdir("/user", 0x777) == 0)
rt_kprintf("make a directory: '/user'.\n");
rt_kprintf("Write string '%s' to /user/test.txt.\n", str);
fd = open("/user/test.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);
if (fd >= 0)
if (write(fd, str, sizeof(str)) == sizeof(str))
rt_kprintf("Write data done.\n");
fd = open("/user/test.txt", O_RDONLY);
if (fd >= 0)
size = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (size == sizeof(str))
rt_kprintf("Read data from file test.txt(size: %d): %s \n", size, buf);
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(sdio_elmfat_sample, sdio elmfat sample);
static void crypto_sample(void)
rt_uint8_t temp[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *ctx;
rt_uint32_t result = 0;
struct hwcrypto_crc_cfg cfg =
.last_val = 0x0,
.poly = 0x04C11DB7,
.width = 8,
.xorout = 0x00000000,
.flags = 0,
ctx = rt_hwcrypto_crc_create(rt_hwcrypto_dev_default(), HWCRYPTO_CRC_CRC32);
rt_hwcrypto_crc_cfg(ctx, &cfg);
result = rt_hwcrypto_crc_update(ctx, temp, sizeof(temp));
rt_kprintf("result: 0x%08x \n", result);
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(crypto_sample, crypto sample);
#define NORFLASH_DEV_NAME "nor"
static int norflash_sample(int argc, char *argv[])
rt_err_t ret = RT_EOK;
rt_device_t hw_dev = RT_NULL;
hw_dev = rt_device_find(NORFLASH_DEV_NAME);
if (hw_dev == RT_NULL)
rt_kprintf("norflash sample run failed! can't find %s device!\n", NORFLASH_DEV_NAME);
return RT_ERROR;
rt_kprintf("norflash sample run success! find %s device!\n", NORFLASH_DEV_NAME);
ret = rt_device_open(hw_dev, RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDWR);
if (ret != RT_EOK)
rt_kprintf("open %s device failed!\n", NORFLASH_DEV_NAME);
return ret;
rt_kprintf("open %s device success!\n", NORFLASH_DEV_NAME);
struct rt_mtd_nor_device *hw_nor;
hw_nor = RT_MTD_NOR_DEVICE(hw_dev);
long id = hw_nor->ops->read_id(hw_nor);
rt_kprintf("id = %08x!\n", id);
// rt_device_set_rx_indicate(hw_dev, timeout_cb);
// ret = rt_device_control(hw_dev, HWTIMER_CTRL_MODE_SET, &mode);
// if (ret != RT_EOK)
// {
// rt_kprintf("set mode failed! ret is :%d\n", ret);
// return ret;
// }
// timeout_s.sec = 2;
// timeout_s.usec = 0;
// if (rt_device_write(hw_dev, 0, &timeout_s, sizeof(timeout_s)) != sizeof(timeout_s))
// {
// rt_kprintf("set timeout value failed\n");
// return RT_ERROR;
// }
// rt_thread_mdelay(3500);
// rt_device_read(hw_dev, 0, &timeout_s, sizeof(timeout_s));
// rt_kprintf("Read: Sec = %d, Usec = %d\n", timeout_s.sec, timeout_s.usec);
return ret;
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(norflash_sample, norflash sample);