/* * COPYRIGHT (C) 2011-2023, Real-Thread Information Technology Ltd * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2014-07-31 aozima the first version * 2014-09-18 aozima update command & response. */ #ifndef __DEV_SPI_WIFI_H_INCLUDED__ #define __DEV_SPI_WIFI_H_INCLUDED__ #include // little-endian struct spi_cmd_request { uint32_t flag; uint32_t M2S_len; // master to slave data len. uint32_t magic1; uint32_t magic2; }; #define CMD_MAGIC1 (0x67452301) #define CMD_MAGIC2 (0xEFCDAB89) #define CMD_FLAG_MRDY (0x01) // little-endian struct spi_response { uint32_t flag; uint32_t S2M_len; // slave to master data len. uint32_t magic1; uint32_t magic2; }; #define RESP_FLAG_SRDY (0x01) #define RESP_MAGIC1 (0x98BADCFE) #define RESP_MAGIC2 (0x10325476) /* spi slave configure. */ #define SPI_MAX_DATA_LEN 1520 #define SPI_TX_POOL_SIZE 2 #define SPI_RX_POOL_SIZE 2 typedef enum { data_type_eth_data = 0, data_type_cmd, data_type_resp, data_type_status, } app_data_type_typedef; struct spi_data_packet { uint32_t data_len; uint32_t data_type; char buffer[SPI_MAX_DATA_LEN]; }; /********************************* RW009 **************************************/ /* option */ #define RW009_CMD_TIMEOUT (RT_TICK_PER_SECOND*3) #define SSID_NAME_LENGTH_MAX (32) #define PASSWORD_LENGTH_MAX (64) typedef enum { MODE_STATION=0, MODE_SOFTAP=1, } wifi_mode_t; typedef struct _rw009_ap_info { char ssid[SSID_NAME_LENGTH_MAX]; uint8_t bssid[8]; // 6byte + 2byte PAD. int rssi; /* Receive Signal Strength Indication in dBm. */ uint32_t max_data_rate; /* Maximum data rate in kilobits/s */ uint32_t security; /* Security type */ uint32_t channel; /* Radio channel that the AP beacon was received on */ } rw009_ap_info; typedef struct _rw009_cmd_init { uint32_t mode; } rw009_cmd_init; typedef struct _rw009_resp_init { uint8_t mac[8]; // 6byte + 2byte PAD. uint8_t sn[24]; // serial. char version[16]; // firmware version. } rw009_resp_init; typedef struct _rw009_cmd_easy_join { char ssid[SSID_NAME_LENGTH_MAX]; char passwd[PASSWORD_LENGTH_MAX]; } rw009_cmd_easy_join; typedef struct _rw009_cmd_join { uint8_t bssid[8]; // 6byte + 2byte PAD. char passwd[PASSWORD_LENGTH_MAX]; } rw009_cmd_join; typedef struct _rw009_cmd_rssi { uint8_t bssid[8]; // 6byte + 2byte PAD. } rw009_cmd_rssi; typedef struct _rw009_cmd_softap { char ssid[SSID_NAME_LENGTH_MAX]; char passwd[PASSWORD_LENGTH_MAX]; uint32_t security; /* Security type. */ uint32_t channel; /* Radio channel that the AP beacon was received on */ } rw009_cmd_softap; typedef struct _rw009_resp_join { rw009_ap_info ap_info; } rw009_resp_join; struct rw009_cmd { uint32_t cmd; uint32_t len; /** command body */ union { rw009_cmd_init init; rw009_cmd_easy_join easy_join; rw009_cmd_join join; rw009_cmd_rssi rssi; rw009_cmd_softap softap; } params; }; struct rw009_resp { uint32_t cmd; uint32_t len; int32_t result; // result for CMD. /** resp Body */ union { rw009_resp_init init; rw009_ap_info ap_info; } resp; }; #define RW009_CMD_INIT 128 #define RW009_CMD_SCAN 129 #define RW009_CMD_JOIN 130 #define RW009_CMD_EASY_JOIN 131 #define RW009_CMD_RSSI 132 #define RW009_CMD_SOFTAP 133 /** cond !ADDTHIS*/ #define SHARED_ENABLED 0x00008000 #define WPA_SECURITY 0x00200000 #define WPA2_SECURITY 0x00400000 #define WPS_ENABLED 0x10000000 #define WEP_ENABLED 0x0001 #define TKIP_ENABLED 0x0002 #define AES_ENABLED 0x0004 #define WSEC_SWFLAG 0x0008 /** endcond */ /** * Enumeration of Wi-Fi security modes */ typedef enum { SECURITY_OPEN = 0, /**< Open security */ SECURITY_WEP_PSK = WEP_ENABLED, /**< WEP Security with open authentication */ SECURITY_WEP_SHARED = ( WEP_ENABLED | SHARED_ENABLED ), /**< WEP Security with shared authentication */ SECURITY_WPA_TKIP_PSK = ( WPA_SECURITY | TKIP_ENABLED ), /**< WPA Security with TKIP */ SECURITY_WPA_AES_PSK = ( WPA_SECURITY | AES_ENABLED ), /**< WPA Security with AES */ SECURITY_WPA2_AES_PSK = ( WPA2_SECURITY | AES_ENABLED ), /**< WPA2 Security with AES */ SECURITY_WPA2_TKIP_PSK = ( WPA2_SECURITY | TKIP_ENABLED ), /**< WPA2 Security with TKIP */ SECURITY_WPA2_MIXED_PSK = ( WPA2_SECURITY | AES_ENABLED | TKIP_ENABLED ), /**< WPA2 Security with AES & TKIP */ SECURITY_WPS_OPEN = WPS_ENABLED, /**< WPS with open security */ SECURITY_WPS_SECURE = (WPS_ENABLED | AES_ENABLED), /**< WPS with AES security */ SECURITY_UNKNOWN = -1, /**< May be returned by scan function if security is unknown. Do not pass this to the join function! */ SECURITY_FORCE_32_BIT = 0x7fffffff /**< Exists only to force wiced_security_t type to 32 bits */ } security_t; /* porting */ extern void spi_wifi_hw_init(void); extern void spi_wifi_int_cmd(rt_bool_t cmd); extern rt_bool_t spi_wifi_is_busy(void); /* export API. */ extern rt_err_t rt_hw_wifi_init(const char *spi_device_name,wifi_mode_t mode); extern int32_t rw009_rssi(void); extern rt_err_t rw009_join(const char * SSID, const char * passwd); extern rt_err_t rw009_softap(const char * SSID, const char * passwd,uint32_t security,uint32_t channel); #endif // __DEV_SPI_WIFI_H_INCLUDED__