/* * Copyright 2020-2022 NXP * All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #ifndef _FSL_MIPI_DSI_H_ #define _FSL_MIPI_DSI_H_ #include "fsl_common.h" /*! * @addtogroup mipi_dsi * @{ */ /******************************************************************************* * Definitions ******************************************************************************/ /*! @name Driver version */ /*@{*/ #define FSL_MIPI_DSI_DRIVER_VERSION (MAKE_VERSION(2, 2, 2)) /*@}*/ /* The max APB transfer size. */ #define FSL_DSI_TX_MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTE (64U * 4U) #define FSL_DSI_RX_MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTE (64U * 4U) /*! @brief MIPI DSI structure definition. */ typedef struct { DSI_HOST_Type *host; /*!< Pointer to HOST registers. */ DSI_HOST_APB_PKT_IF_Type *apb; /*!< Pointer to APB registers. */ DSI_HOST_DPI_INTFC_Type *dpi; /*!< Pointer to DPI registers. */ DSI_HOST_NXP_FDSOI28_DPHY_INTFC_Type *dphy; /*!< Pointer to DPHY registers. */ } MIPI_DSI_Type; /*! @brief Error codes for the MIPI DSI driver. */ enum { kStatus_DSI_Busy = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_MIPI_DSI, 0), /*!< DSI is busy. */ kStatus_DSI_RxDataError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_MIPI_DSI, 1), /*!< Read data error. */ kStatus_DSI_ErrorReportReceived = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_MIPI_DSI, 2), /*!< Error report package received. */ kStatus_DSI_NotSupported = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_MIPI_DSI, 3), /*!< The transfer type not supported. */ }; /*! @brief MIPI DSI controller configuration. */ typedef struct _dsi_config { uint8_t numLanes; /*!< Number of lanes. */ bool enableNonContinuousHsClk; /*!< In enabled, the high speed clock will enter low power mode between transmissions. */ bool enableTxUlps; /*!< Enable the TX ULPS. */ bool autoInsertEoTp; /*!< Insert an EoTp short package when switching from HS to LP. */ uint8_t numExtraEoTp; /*!< How many extra EoTp to send after the end of a packet. */ uint32_t htxTo_ByteClk; /*!< HS TX timeout count (HTX_TO) in byte clock. */ uint32_t lrxHostTo_ByteClk; /*!< LP RX host timeout count (LRX-H_TO) in byte clock. */ uint32_t btaTo_ByteClk; /*!< Bus turn around timeout count (TA_TO) in byte clock. */ } dsi_config_t; /*! @brief MIPI DPI interface color coding. */ typedef enum _dsi_dpi_color_coding { kDSI_Dpi16BitConfig1 = 0U, /*!< 16-bit configuration 1. RGB565: XXXXXXXX_RRRRRGGG_GGGBBBBB. */ kDSI_Dpi16BitConfig2 = 1U, /*!< 16-bit configuration 2. RGB565: XXXRRRRR_XXGGGGGG_XXXBBBBB. */ kDSI_Dpi16BitConfig3 = 2U, /*!< 16-bit configuration 3. RGB565: XXRRRRRX_XXGGGGGG_XXBBBBBX. */ kDSI_Dpi18BitConfig1 = 3U, /*!< 18-bit configuration 1. RGB666: XXXXXXRR_RRRRGGGG_GGBBBBBB. */ kDSI_Dpi18BitConfig2 = 4U, /*!< 18-bit configuration 2. RGB666: XXRRRRRR_XXGGGGGG_XXBBBBBB. */ kDSI_Dpi24Bit = 5U, /*!< 24-bit. */ } dsi_dpi_color_coding_t; /*! @brief MIPI DSI pixel packet type send through DPI interface. */ typedef enum _dsi_dpi_pixel_packet { kDSI_PixelPacket16Bit = 0U, /*!< 16 bit RGB565. */ kDSI_PixelPacket18Bit = 1U, /*!< 18 bit RGB666 packed. */ kDSI_PixelPacket18BitLoosely = 2U, /*!< 18 bit RGB666 loosely packed into three bytes. */ kDSI_PixelPacket24Bit = 3U, /*!< 24 bit RGB888, each pixel uses three bytes. */ } dsi_dpi_pixel_packet_t; /*! @brief _dsi_dpi_polarity_flag DPI signal polarity. */ enum { kDSI_DpiVsyncActiveLow = 0U, /*!< VSYNC active low. */ kDSI_DpiHsyncActiveLow = 0U, /*!< HSYNC active low. */ kDSI_DpiVsyncActiveHigh = (1U << 0U), /*!< VSYNC active high. */ kDSI_DpiHsyncActiveHigh = (1U << 1U), /*!< HSYNC active high. */ }; /*! @brief DPI video mode. */ typedef enum _dsi_dpi_video_mode { kDSI_DpiNonBurstWithSyncPulse = 0U, /*!< Non-Burst mode with Sync Pulses. */ kDSI_DpiNonBurstWithSyncEvent = 1U, /*!< Non-Burst mode with Sync Events. */ kDSI_DpiBurst = 2U, /*!< Burst mode. */ } dsi_dpi_video_mode_t; /*! @brief Behavior in BLLP (Blanking or Low-Power Interval). */ typedef enum _dsi_dpi_bllp_mode { kDSI_DpiBllpLowPower, /*!< LP mode used in BLLP periods. */ kDSI_DpiBllpBlanking, /*!< Blanking packets used in BLLP periods. */ kDSI_DpiBllpNull, /*!< Null packets used in BLLP periods. */ } dsi_dpi_bllp_mode_t; /*! @brief MIPI DSI controller DPI interface configuration. */ typedef struct _dsi_dpi_config { uint16_t pixelPayloadSize; /*!< Maximum number of pixels that should be sent as one DSI packet. Recommended that the line size (in pixels) is evenly divisible by this parameter. */ dsi_dpi_color_coding_t dpiColorCoding; /*!< DPI color coding. */ dsi_dpi_pixel_packet_t pixelPacket; /*!< Pixel packet format. */ dsi_dpi_video_mode_t videoMode; /*!< Video mode. */ dsi_dpi_bllp_mode_t bllpMode; /*!< Behavior in BLLP. */ uint8_t polarityFlags; /*!< OR'ed value of _dsi_dpi_polarity_flag controls signal polarity. */ uint16_t hfp; /*!< Horizontal front porch, in dpi pixel clock. */ uint16_t hbp; /*!< Horizontal back porch, in dpi pixel clock. */ uint16_t hsw; /*!< Horizontal sync width, in dpi pixel clock. */ uint8_t vfp; /*!< Number of lines in vertical front porch. */ uint8_t vbp; /*!< Number of lines in vertical back porch. */ uint16_t panelHeight; /*!< Line number in vertical active area. */ uint8_t virtualChannel; /*!< Virtual channel. */ } dsi_dpi_config_t; /*! @brief MIPI DSI D-PHY configuration. */ typedef struct _dsi_dphy_config { uint32_t txHsBitClk_Hz; /*!< The generated HS TX bit clock in Hz. */ uint8_t tClkPre_ByteClk; /*!< TLPX + TCLK-PREPARE + TCLK-ZERO + TCLK-PRE in byte clock. Set how long the controller will wait after enabling clock lane for HS before enabling data lanes for HS. */ uint8_t tClkPost_ByteClk; /*!< TCLK-POST + T_CLK-TRAIL in byte clock. Set how long the controller will wait before putting clock lane into LP mode after data lanes detected in stop state. */ uint8_t tHsExit_ByteClk; /*!< THS-EXIT in byte clock. Set how long the controller will wait after the clock lane has been put into LP mode before enabling clock lane for HS again. */ uint32_t tWakeup_EscClk; /*!< Number of clk_esc clock periods to keep a clock or data lane in Mark-1 state after exiting ULPS. */ uint8_t tHsPrepare_HalfEscClk; /*!< THS-PREPARE in clk_esc/2. Set how long to drive the LP-00 state before HS transmissions, available values are 2, 3, 4, 5. */ uint8_t tClkPrepare_HalfEscClk; /*!< TCLK-PREPARE in clk_esc/2. Set how long to drive the LP-00 state before HS transmissions, available values are 2, 3. */ uint8_t tHsZero_ByteClk; /*!< THS-ZERO in clk_byte. Set how long that controller drives data lane HS-0 state before transmit the Sync sequence. Available values are 6, 7, ..., 37. */ uint8_t tClkZero_ByteClk; /*!< TCLK-ZERO in clk_byte. Set how long that controller drives clock lane HS-0 state before transmit the Sync sequence. Available values are 3, 4, ..., 66. */ uint8_t tHsTrail_ByteClk; /*!< THS-TRAIL + 4*UI in clk_byte. Set the time of the flipped differential state after last payload data bit of HS transmission burst. Available values are 0, 1, ..., 15. */ uint8_t tClkTrail_ByteClk; /*!< TCLK-TRAIL + 4*UI in clk_byte. Set the time of the flipped differential state after last payload data bit of HS transmission burst. Available values are 0, 1, ..., 15. */ } dsi_dphy_config_t; /*! @brief _dsi_apb_status Status of APB to packet interface. */ enum { kDSI_ApbNotIdle = (1U << 0U), /*!< State machine not idle */ kDSI_ApbTxDone = (1U << 1U), /*!< Tx packet done */ kDSI_ApbRxControl = (1U << 2U), /*!< DPHY direction 0 - tx had control, 1 - rx has control */ kDSI_ApbTxOverflow = (1U << 3U), /*!< TX fifo overflow */ kDSI_ApbTxUnderflow = (1U << 4U), /*!< TX fifo underflow */ kDSI_ApbRxOverflow = (1U << 5U), /*!< RX fifo overflow */ kDSI_ApbRxUnderflow = (1U << 6U), /*!< RX fifo underflow */ kDSI_ApbRxHeaderReceived = (1U << 7U), /*!< RX packet header has been received */ kDSI_ApbRxPacketReceived = (1U << 8U), /*!< All RX packet payload data has been received */ }; /*! @brief _dsi_rx_error_status Host receive error status. */ enum { kDSI_RxErrorEccOneBit = (1U << 0U), /*!< ECC single bit error detected. */ kDSI_RxErrorEccMultiBit = (1U << 1U), /*!< ECC multi bit error detected. */ kDSI_RxErrorCrc = (1U << 7U), /*!< CRC error detected. */ kDSI_RxErrorHtxTo = (1U << 8U), /*!< High Speed forward TX timeout detected. */ kDSI_RxErrorLrxTo = (1U << 9U), /*!< Reverse Low power data receive timeout detected. */ kDSI_RxErrorBtaTo = (1U << 10U) /*!< BTA timeout detected. */ }; /*! @brief DSI host controller status (status_out) */ enum _dsi_host_status { kDSI_HostSoTError = (1U << 0U), /*!< SoT error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_HostSoTSyncError = (1U << 1U), /*!< SoT Sync error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_HostEoTSyncError = (1U << 2U), /*!< EoT Sync error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_HostEscEntryCmdError = (1U << 3U), /*!< Escape Mode Entry Command Error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_HostLpTxSyncError = (1U << 4U), /*!< Low-power transmit Sync Error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_HostPeriphToError = (1U << 5U), /*!< Peripheral timeout error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_HostFalseControlError = (1U << 6U), /*!< False control error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_HostContentionDetected = (1U << 7U), /*!< Contention detected from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_HostEccErrorOneBit = (1U << 8U), /*!< Single bit ECC error (corrected) from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_HostEccErrorMultiBit = (1U << 9U), /*!< Multi bit ECC error (not corrected) from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_HostChecksumError = (1U << 10U), /*!< Checksum error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_HostInvalidDataType = (1U << 11U), /*!< DSI data type not recognized. */ kDSI_HostInvalidVcId = (1U << 12U), /*!< DSI VC ID invalid. */ kDSI_HostInvalidTxLength = (1U << 13U), /*!< Invalid transmission length. */ kDSI_HostProtocalViolation = (1U << 15U), /*!< DSI protocal violation. */ kDSI_HostResetTriggerReceived = (1U << 16U), /*!< Reset trigger received. */ kDSI_HostTearTriggerReceived = (1U << 17U), /*!< Tear effect trigger receive. */ kDSI_HostAckTriggerReceived = (1U << 18U), /*!< Acknowledge trigger message received. */ }; /*! @brief _dsi_interrupt DSI interrupt. */ enum { kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbNotIdle = (1U << 0U), /*!< State machine not idle */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbTxDone = (1U << 1U), /*!< Tx packet done */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbRxControl = (1U << 2U), /*!< DPHY direction 0 - tx control, 1 - rx control */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbTxOverflow = (1U << 3U), /*!< TX fifo overflow */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbTxUnderflow = (1U << 4U), /*!< TX fifo underflow */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbRxOverflow = (1U << 5U), /*!< RX fifo overflow */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbRxUnderflow = (1U << 6U), /*!< RX fifo underflow */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbRxHeaderReceived = (1U << 7U), /*!< RX packet header has been received */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbRxPacketReceived = (1U << 8U), /*!< All RX packet payload data has been received */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1SoTError = (1U << 9U), /*!< SoT error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1SoTSyncError = (1U << 10U), /*!< SoT Sync error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1EoTSyncError = (1U << 11U), /*!< EoT Sync error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1EscEntryCmdError = (1U << 12U), /*!< Escape Mode Entry Command Error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1LpTxSyncError = (1U << 13U), /*!< Low-power transmit Sync Error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1PeriphToError = (1U << 14U), /*!< Peripheral timeout error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1FalseControlError = (1U << 15U), /*!< False control error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1ContentionDetected = (1U << 16U), /*!< Contention detected from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1EccErrorOneBit = (1U << 17U), /*!< Single bit ECC error (corrected) from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1EccErrorMultiBit = (1U << 18U), /*!< Multi bit ECC error (not corrected) from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1ChecksumError = (1U << 19U), /*!< Checksum error from peripheral error report. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1InvalidDataType = (1U << 20U), /*!< DSI data type not recognized. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1InvalidVcId = (1U << 21U), /*!< DSI VC ID invalid. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1InvalidTxLength = (1U << 22U), /*!< Invalid transmission length. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1ProtocalViolation = (1U << 24U), /*!< DSI protocal violation. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1ResetTriggerReceived = (1U << 25U), /*!< Reset trigger received. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1TearTriggerReceived = (1U << 26U), /*!< Tear effect trigger receive. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1AckTriggerReceived = (1U << 27U), /*!< Acknowledge trigger message received. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1HtxTo = (1U << 29U), /*!< High speed TX timeout. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1LrxTo = (1U << 30U), /*!< Low power RX timeout. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup1BtaTo = (1U << 31U), /*!< Host BTA timeout. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup2EccOneBit = (1U << 0U), /*!< Sinle bit ECC error. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup2EccMultiBit = (1U << 1U), /*!< Multi bit ECC error. */ kDSI_InterruptGroup2CrcError = (1U << 2U), /*!< CRC error. */ }; /*! @brief DSI TX data type. */ typedef enum _dsi_tx_data_type { kDSI_TxDataVsyncStart = 0x01U, /*!< V Sync start. */ kDSI_TxDataVsyncEnd = 0x11U, /*!< V Sync end. */ kDSI_TxDataHsyncStart = 0x21U, /*!< H Sync start. */ kDSI_TxDataHsyncEnd = 0x31U, /*!< H Sync end. */ kDSI_TxDataEoTp = 0x08U, /*!< End of transmission packet. */ kDSI_TxDataCmOff = 0x02U, /*!< Color mode off. */ kDSI_TxDataCmOn = 0x12U, /*!< Color mode on. */ kDSI_TxDataShutDownPeriph = 0x22U, /*!< Shut down peripheral. */ kDSI_TxDataTurnOnPeriph = 0x32U, /*!< Turn on peripheral. */ kDSI_TxDataGenShortWrNoParam = 0x03U, /*!< Generic Short WRITE, no parameters. */ kDSI_TxDataGenShortWrOneParam = 0x13U, /*!< Generic Short WRITE, one parameter. */ kDSI_TxDataGenShortWrTwoParam = 0x23U, /*!< Generic Short WRITE, two parameter. */ kDSI_TxDataGenShortRdNoParam = 0x04U, /*!< Generic Short READ, no parameters. */ kDSI_TxDataGenShortRdOneParam = 0x14U, /*!< Generic Short READ, one parameter. */ kDSI_TxDataGenShortRdTwoParam = 0x24U, /*!< Generic Short READ, two parameter. */ kDSI_TxDataDcsShortWrNoParam = 0x05U, /*!< DCS Short WRITE, no parameters. */ kDSI_TxDataDcsShortWrOneParam = 0x15U, /*!< DCS Short WRITE, one parameter. */ kDSI_TxDataDcsShortRdNoParam = 0x06U, /*!< DCS Short READ, no parameters. */ kDSI_TxDataSetMaxReturnPktSize = 0x37U, /*!< Set the Maximum Return Packet Size. */ kDSI_TxDataNull = 0x09U, /*!< Null Packet, no data. */ kDSI_TxDataBlanking = 0x19U, /*!< Blanking Packet, no data. */ kDSI_TxDataGenLongWr = 0x29U, /*!< Generic long write. */ kDSI_TxDataDcsLongWr = 0x39U, /*!< DCS Long Write/write_LUT Command Packet. */ kDSI_TxDataLooselyPackedPixel20BitYCbCr = 0x0CU, /*!< Loosely Packed Pixel Stream, 20-bit YCbCr, 4:2:2 Format. */ kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel24BitYCbCr = 0x1CU, /*!< Packed Pixel Stream, 24-bit YCbCr, 4:2:2 Format. */ kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel16BitYCbCr = 0x2CU, /*!< Packed Pixel Stream, 16-bit YCbCr, 4:2:2 Format. */ kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel30BitRGB = 0x0DU, /*!< Packed Pixel Stream, 30-bit RGB, 10-10-10 Format. */ kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel36BitRGB = 0x1DU, /*!< Packed Pixel Stream, 36-bit RGB, 12-12-12 Format. */ kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel12BitYCrCb = 0x3DU, /*!< Packed Pixel Stream, 12-bit YCbCr, 4:2:0 Format. */ kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel16BitRGB = 0x0EU, /*!< Packed Pixel Stream, 16-bit RGB, 5-6-5 Format. */ kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel18BitRGB = 0x1EU, /*!< Packed Pixel Stream, 18-bit RGB, 6-6-6 Format. */ kDSI_TxDataLooselyPackedPixel18BitRGB = 0x2EU, /*!< Loosely Packed Pixel Stream, 18-bit RGB, 6-6-6 Format. */ kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel24BitRGB = 0x3EU, /*!< Packed Pixel Stream, 24-bit RGB, 8-8-8 Format. */ } dsi_tx_data_type_t; /*! @brief DSI RX data type. */ typedef enum _dsi_rx_data_type { kDSI_RxDataAckAndErrorReport = 0x02U, /*!< Acknowledge and Error Report */ kDSI_RxDataEoTp = 0x08U, /*!< End of Transmission packet. */ kDSI_RxDataGenShortRdResponseOneByte = 0x11U, /*!< Generic Short READ Response, 1 byte returned. */ kDSI_RxDataGenShortRdResponseTwoByte = 0x12U, /*!< Generic Short READ Response, 2 byte returned. */ kDSI_RxDataGenLongRdResponse = 0x1AU, /*!< Generic Long READ Response. */ kDSI_RxDataDcsLongRdResponse = 0x1CU, /*!< DCS Long READ Response. */ kDSI_RxDataDcsShortRdResponseOneByte = 0x21U, /*!< DCS Short READ Response, 1 byte returned. */ kDSI_RxDataDcsShortRdResponseTwoByte = 0x22U, /*!< DCS Short READ Response, 2 byte returned. */ } dsi_rx_data_type_t; /*! @brief _dsi_transfer_flags DSI transfer control flags. */ enum { kDSI_TransferUseHighSpeed = (1U << 0U), /*!< Use high speed mode or not. */ kDSI_TransferPerformBTA = (1U << 1U), /*!< Perform BTA or not. */ }; /*! @brief Structure for the data transfer. */ typedef struct _dsi_transfer { uint8_t virtualChannel; /*!< Virtual channel. */ dsi_tx_data_type_t txDataType; /*!< TX data type. */ uint8_t flags; /*!< Flags to control the transfer, see _dsi_transfer_flags. */ const uint8_t *txData; /*!< The TX data buffer. */ uint8_t *rxData; /*!< The TX data buffer. */ uint16_t txDataSize; /*!< Size of the TX data. */ uint16_t rxDataSize; /*!< Size of the RX data. */ bool sendDscCmd; /*!< If set to true, the DSC command is specified by @ref dscCmd, otherwise the DSC command is included in the @ref txData. */ uint8_t dscCmd; /*!< The DSC command to send, only valid when @ref sendDscCmd is true. */ } dsi_transfer_t; /*! @brief MIPI DSI transfer handle. */ typedef struct _dsi_handle dsi_handle_t; /*! * @brief MIPI DSI callback for finished transfer. * * When transfer finished, one of these status values will be passed to the user: * - @ref kStatus_Success Data transfer finished with no error. * - @ref kStatus_Timeout Transfer failed because of timeout. * - @ref kStatus_DSI_RxDataError RX data error, user could use @ref DSI_GetRxErrorStatus * to check the error details. * - @ref kStatus_DSI_ErrorReportReceived Error Report packet received, user could use * @ref DSI_GetAndClearHostStatus to check the error report status. * - @ref kStatus_Fail Transfer failed for other reasons. */ typedef void (*dsi_callback_t)(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, dsi_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData); /*! @brief MIPI DSI transfer handle structure */ struct _dsi_handle { volatile bool isBusy; /*!< MIPI DSI is busy with APB data transfer. */ dsi_transfer_t xfer; /*!< Transfer information. */ dsi_callback_t callback; /*!< DSI callback */ void *userData; /*!< Callback parameter */ const MIPI_DSI_Type *dsi; /*!< Pointer to MIPI DSI peripheral. */ }; /******************************************************************************* * API ******************************************************************************/ #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /*! * @name MIPI_DSI host initialization. * @{ */ /*! * @brief Initializes an MIPI DSI host with the user configuration. * * This function initializes the MIPI DSI host with the configuration, it should * be called first before other MIPI DSI driver functions. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param config Pointer to a user-defined configuration structure. */ void DSI_Init(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, const dsi_config_t *config); /*! * @brief Deinitializes an MIPI DSI host. * * This function should be called after all bother MIPI DSI driver functions. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. */ void DSI_Deinit(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base); /*! * @brief Get the default configuration to initialize the MIPI DSI host. * * The default value is: * @code config->numLanes = 4; config->enableNonContinuousHsClk = false; config->enableTxUlps = false; config->autoInsertEoTp = true; config->numExtraEoTp = 0; config->htxTo_ByteClk = 0; config->lrxHostTo_ByteClk = 0; config->btaTo_ByteClk = 0; @endcode * * @param config Pointer to a user-defined configuration structure. */ void DSI_GetDefaultConfig(dsi_config_t *config); /*! @} */ /*! * @name DPI interface * @{ */ /*! * @brief Configure the DPI interface core. * * This function sets the DPI interface configuration, it should be used in * video mode. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param config Pointer to the DPI interface configuration. * @param numLanes Lane number, should be same with the setting in @ref dsi_dpi_config_t. * @param dpiPixelClkFreq_Hz The DPI pixel clock frequency in Hz. * @param dsiHsBitClkFreq_Hz The DSI high speed bit clock frequency in Hz. It is * the same with DPHY PLL output. */ void DSI_SetDpiConfig(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, const dsi_dpi_config_t *config, uint8_t numLanes, uint32_t dpiPixelClkFreq_Hz, uint32_t dsiHsBitClkFreq_Hz); /*! @} */ /*! * @name D-PHY configuration. * @{ */ /*! * @brief Initializes the D-PHY * * This function configures the D-PHY timing and setups the D-PHY PLL based on * user configuration. The configuration structure could be got by the function * @ref DSI_GetDphyDefaultConfig. * * For some platforms there is not dedicated D-PHY PLL, indicated by the macro * FSL_FEATURE_MIPI_DSI_NO_DPHY_PLL. For these platforms, the @p refClkFreq_Hz * is useless. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param config Pointer to the D-PHY configuration. * @param refClkFreq_Hz The REFCLK frequency in Hz. * @return The actual D-PHY PLL output frequency. If could not configure the * PLL to the target frequency, the return value is 0. */ uint32_t DSI_InitDphy(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, const dsi_dphy_config_t *config, uint32_t refClkFreq_Hz); /*! * @brief Deinitializes the D-PHY * * Power down the D-PHY PLL and shut down D-PHY. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. */ void DSI_DeinitDphy(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base); /*! * @brief Get the default D-PHY configuration. * * Gets the default D-PHY configuration, the timing parameters are set according * to D-PHY specification. User could use the configuration directly, or change * some parameters according to the special device. * * @param config Pointer to the D-PHY configuration. * @param txHsBitClk_Hz High speed bit clock in Hz. * @param txEscClk_Hz Esc clock in Hz. */ void DSI_GetDphyDefaultConfig(dsi_dphy_config_t *config, uint32_t txHsBitClk_Hz, uint32_t txEscClk_Hz); /*! @} */ /*! * @name Interrupts * @{ */ /*! * @brief Enable the interrupts. * * The interrupts to enable are passed in as OR'ed mask value of _dsi_interrupt. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param intGroup1 Interrupts to enable in group 1. * @param intGroup2 Interrupts to enable in group 2. */ static inline void DSI_EnableInterrupts(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, uint32_t intGroup1, uint32_t intGroup2) { base->apb->IRQ_MASK &= ~intGroup1; base->apb->IRQ_MASK2 &= ~intGroup2; } /*! * @brief Disable the interrupts. * * The interrupts to disable are passed in as OR'ed mask value of _dsi_interrupt. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param intGroup1 Interrupts to disable in group 1. * @param intGroup2 Interrupts to disable in group 2. */ static inline void DSI_DisableInterrupts(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, uint32_t intGroup1, uint32_t intGroup2) { base->apb->IRQ_MASK |= intGroup1; base->apb->IRQ_MASK2 |= intGroup2; } /*! * @brief Get and clear the interrupt status. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param intGroup1 Group 1 interrupt status. * @param intGroup2 Group 2 interrupt status. */ static inline void DSI_GetAndClearInterruptStatus(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, uint32_t *intGroup1, uint32_t *intGroup2) { *intGroup2 = base->apb->IRQ_STATUS2; *intGroup1 = base->apb->IRQ_STATUS; } /*! @} */ /*! * @name MIPI DSI APB * @{ */ /*! * @brief Configure the APB packet to send. * * This function configures the next APB packet transfer. After configuration, * the packet transfer could be started with function @ref DSI_SendApbPacket. * If the packet is long packet, Use @ref DSI_WriteApbTxPayload to fill the payload * before start transfer. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param wordCount For long packet, this is the byte count of the payload. * For short packet, this is (data1 << 8) | data0. * @param virtualChannel Virtual channel. * @param dataType The packet data type, (DI). * @param flags The transfer control flags, see _dsi_transfer_flags. */ void DSI_SetApbPacketControl( const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, uint16_t wordCount, uint8_t virtualChannel, dsi_tx_data_type_t dataType, uint8_t flags); /*! * @brief Fill the long APB packet payload. * * Write the long packet payload to TX FIFO. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param payload Pointer to the payload. * @param payloadSize Payload size in byte. */ void DSI_WriteApbTxPayload(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, const uint8_t *payload, uint16_t payloadSize); /*! * @brief Extended function to fill the payload to TX FIFO. * * Write the long packet payload to TX FIFO. This function could be used in two ways * * 1. Include the DSC command in parameter @p payload. In this case, the DSC command * is the first byte of @p payload. The parameter @p sendDscCmd is set to false, * the @p dscCmd is not used. This function is the same as @ref DSI_WriteApbTxPayload * when used in this way. * * 2. The DSC command in not in parameter @p payload, but specified by parameter @p dscCmd. * In this case, the parameter @p sendDscCmd is set to true, the @p dscCmd is the DSC * command to send. The @p payload is sent after @p dscCmd. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param payload Pointer to the payload. * @param payloadSize Payload size in byte. * @param sendDscCmd If set to true, the DSC command is specified by @p dscCmd, * otherwise the DSC command is included in the @p payload. * @param dscCmd The DSC command to send, only used when @p sendDscCmd is true. */ void DSI_WriteApbTxPayloadExt( const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, const uint8_t *payload, uint16_t payloadSize, bool sendDscCmd, uint8_t dscCmd); /*! * @brief Read the long APB packet payload. * * Read the long packet payload from RX FIFO. This function reads directly but * does not check the RX FIFO status. Upper layer should make sure there are * available data. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param payload Pointer to the payload. * @param payloadSize Payload size in byte. */ void DSI_ReadApbRxPayload(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t payloadSize); /*! * @brief Trigger the controller to send out APB packet. * * Send the packet set by @ref DSI_SetApbPacketControl. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. */ static inline void DSI_SendApbPacket(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base) { base->apb->SEND_PACKET = 0x1U; } /*! * @brief Get the APB status. * * The return value is OR'ed value of _dsi_apb_status. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @return The APB status. */ static inline uint32_t DSI_GetApbStatus(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base) { return base->apb->PKT_STATUS; } /*! * @brief Get the error status during data transfer. * * The return value is OR'ed value of _dsi_rx_error_status. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @return The error status. */ static inline uint32_t DSI_GetRxErrorStatus(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base) { return base->host->RX_ERROR_STATUS; } /*! * @brief Get the one-bit RX ECC error position. * * When one-bit ECC RX error detected using @ref DSI_GetRxErrorStatus, this * function could be used to get the error bit position. * * @code uint8_t eccErrorPos; uint32_t rxErrorStatus = DSI_GetRxErrorStatus(MIPI_DSI); if (kDSI_RxErrorEccOneBit & rxErrorStatus) { eccErrorPos = DSI_GetEccRxErrorPosition(rxErrorStatus); } @endcode * * @param rxErrorStatus The error status returned by @ref DSI_GetRxErrorStatus. * @return The 1-bit ECC error position. */ static inline uint8_t DSI_GetEccRxErrorPosition(uint32_t rxErrorStatus) { return (uint8_t)((rxErrorStatus >> 2U) & 0x1FU); } /*! * @brief Get and clear the DSI host status. * * The host status are returned as mask value of @ref _dsi_host_status. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @return The DSI host status. */ static inline uint32_t DSI_GetAndClearHostStatus(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base) { return base->host->CFG_STATUS_OUT; } /*! * @brief Get the RX packet header. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @return The RX packet header. */ static inline uint32_t DSI_GetRxPacketHeader(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base) { return base->apb->PKT_RX_PKT_HEADER; } /*! * @brief Extract the RX packet type from the packet header. * * Extract the RX packet type from the packet header get by @ref DSI_GetRxPacketHeader. * * @param rxPktHeader The RX packet header get by @ref DSI_GetRxPacketHeader. * @return The RX packet type. */ static inline dsi_rx_data_type_t DSI_GetRxPacketType(uint32_t rxPktHeader) { return (dsi_rx_data_type_t)(uint8_t)((rxPktHeader >> 16U) & 0x3FU); } /*! * @brief Extract the RX packet word count from the packet header. * * Extract the RX packet word count from the packet header get by @ref DSI_GetRxPacketHeader. * * @param rxPktHeader The RX packet header get by @ref DSI_GetRxPacketHeader. * @return For long packet, return the payload word count (byte). For short packet, * return the (data0 << 8) | data1. */ static inline uint16_t DSI_GetRxPacketWordCount(uint32_t rxPktHeader) { return (uint16_t)(rxPktHeader & 0xFFFFU); } /*! * @brief Extract the RX packet virtual channel from the packet header. * * Extract the RX packet virtual channel from the packet header get by @ref DSI_GetRxPacketHeader. * * @param rxPktHeader The RX packet header get by @ref DSI_GetRxPacketHeader. * @return The virtual channel. */ static inline uint8_t DSI_GetRxPacketVirtualChannel(uint32_t rxPktHeader) { return (uint8_t)((rxPktHeader >> 22U) & 0x3U); } /*! * @brief APB data transfer using blocking method. * * Perform APB data transfer using blocking method. This function waits until all * data send or received, or timeout happens. * * When using this API to read data, the actually read data count could be got * from xfer->rxDataSize. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param xfer Pointer to the transfer structure. * @retval kStatus_Success Data transfer finished with no error. * @retval kStatus_Timeout Transfer failed because of timeout. * @retval kStatus_DSI_RxDataError RX data error, user could use @ref DSI_GetRxErrorStatus * to check the error details. * @retval kStatus_DSI_ErrorReportReceived Error Report packet received, user could use * @ref DSI_GetAndClearHostStatus to check the error report status. * @retval kStatus_DSI_NotSupported Transfer format not supported. * @retval kStatus_DSI_Fail Transfer failed for other reasons. */ status_t DSI_TransferBlocking(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, dsi_transfer_t *xfer); /*! @} */ /*! * @name Transactional * @{ */ /*! * @brief Create the MIPI DSI handle. * * This function initializes the MIPI DSI handle which can be used for other transactional APIs. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param handle Handle pointer. * @param callback Callback function. * @param userData User data. */ status_t DSI_TransferCreateHandle(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, dsi_handle_t *handle, dsi_callback_t callback, void *userData); /*! * @brief APB data transfer using interrupt method. * * Perform APB data transfer using interrupt method, when transfer finished, * upper layer could be informed through callback function. * * When using this API to read data, the actually read data count could be got * from handle->xfer->rxDataSize after read finished. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param handle pointer to dsi_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state. * @param xfer Pointer to the transfer structure. * * @retval kStatus_Success Data transfer started successfully. * @retval kStatus_DSI_Busy Failed to start transfer because DSI is busy with pervious transfer. * @retval kStatus_DSI_NotSupported Transfer format not supported. */ status_t DSI_TransferNonBlocking(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, dsi_handle_t *handle, dsi_transfer_t *xfer); /*! * @brief Abort current APB data transfer. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param handle pointer to dsi_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state. */ void DSI_TransferAbort(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, dsi_handle_t *handle); /*! * @brief Interrupt handler for the DSI. * * @param base MIPI DSI host peripheral base address. * @param handle pointer to dsi_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state. */ void DSI_TransferHandleIRQ(const MIPI_DSI_Type *base, dsi_handle_t *handle); /*! @} */ #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif /*! @} */ #endif /* _FSL_MIPI_DSI_H_ */