 * Copyright (c) 2006-2018, RT-Thread Development Team
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Change Logs:
 * Date           Author       Notes
 * 2017-08-24     chinesebear  first version

#include "synopGMAC_Dev.h"
#include <rthw.h>
#include <rtthread.h>

#define UNUSED	1

  * Function to set the MDC clock for mdio transactiona
  * @param[in] pointer to device structure.
  * @param[in] clk divider value.
  * \return Reuturns 0 on success else return the error value.
s32 synopGMAC_set_mdc_clk_div(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev,u32 clk_div_val)
	u32 orig_data;
	orig_data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacGmiiAddr); //set the mdc clock to the user defined value
	orig_data &= (~ GmiiCsrClkMask);	   
	orig_data |= clk_div_val;
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacGmiiAddr ,orig_data);
	return 0;

  * Returns the current MDC divider value programmed in the ip.
  * @param[in] pointer to device structure.
  * @param[in] clk divider value.
  * \return Returns the MDC divider value read.
u32 synopGMAC_get_mdc_clk_div(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
	u32 data;
	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacGmiiAddr);
	data &= GmiiCsrClkMask;
	return data;

  * Function to read the Phy register. The access to phy register
  * is a slow process as the data is moved accross MDI/MDO interface
  * @param[in] pointer to Register Base (It is the mac base in our case) .
  * @param[in] PhyBase register is the index of one of supported 32 PHY devices.
  * @param[in] Register offset is the index of one of the 32 phy register.
  * @param[out] u16 data read from the respective phy register (only valid iff return value is 0).
  * \return Returns 0 on success else return the error status.
s32 synopGMAC_read_phy_reg(u32 RegBase,u32 PhyBase, u32 RegOffset, u16 * data )
	u32 addr;
	u32 loop_variable;
	addr = ((PhyBase << GmiiDevShift) & GmiiDevMask) | ((RegOffset << GmiiRegShift) & GmiiRegMask) 
													 | GmiiCsrClk3;	//sw: add GmiiCsrClk 
	addr = addr | GmiiBusy ; //Gmii busy bit

	//write the address from where the data to be read in GmiiGmiiAddr register of synopGMAC ip

	for(loop_variable = 0; loop_variable < DEFAULT_LOOP_VARIABLE; loop_variable++){ 
		//Wait till the busy bit gets cleared within a certain amount of time
		if (!(synopGMACReadReg(RegBase,GmacGmiiAddr) & GmiiBusy)){
	if(loop_variable < DEFAULT_LOOP_VARIABLE)
		* data = (u16)(synopGMACReadReg(RegBase,GmacGmiiData) & 0xFFFF);
		TR("Error::: PHY not responding Busy bit didnot get cleared !!!!!!\n");
	printf("read phy reg: offset = 0x%x\tdata = 0x%x\n",RegOffset,*data);


  * Function to write to the Phy register. The access to phy register
  * is a slow process as the data is moved accross MDI/MDO interface
  * @param[in] pointer to Register Base (It is the mac base in our case) .
  * @param[in] PhyBase register is the index of one of supported 32 PHY devices.
  * @param[in] Register offset is the index of one of the 32 phy register.
  * @param[in] data to be written to the respective phy register.
  * \return Returns 0 on success else return the error status.
s32 synopGMAC_write_phy_reg(u32 RegBase, u32 PhyBase, u32 RegOffset, u16 data)
    u32 addr;
    u32 loop_variable;

    synopGMACWriteReg(RegBase,GmacGmiiData,data); // write the data in to GmacGmiiData register of synopGMAC ip

    addr = ((PhyBase << GmiiDevShift) & GmiiDevMask) | ((RegOffset << GmiiRegShift) & GmiiRegMask) | GmiiWrite | GmiiCsrClk3;	//sw: add GmiiCsrclk

    addr = addr | GmiiBusy ; //set Gmii clk to 20-35 Mhz and Gmii busy bit

    for(loop_variable = 0; loop_variable < DEFAULT_LOOP_VARIABLE; loop_variable++){
        if (!(synopGMACReadReg(RegBase,GmacGmiiAddr) & GmiiBusy)){

    if(loop_variable < DEFAULT_LOOP_VARIABLE){
        return -ESYNOPGMACNOERR;
        TR("Error::: PHY not responding Busy bit didnot get cleared !!!!!!\n");
        return -ESYNOPGMACPHYERR;
    printf("write phy reg: offset = 0x%x\tdata = 0x%x",RegOffset,data);

  * Function to configure the phy in loopback mode. 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] enable or disable the loopback.
  * \return 0 on success else return the error status.
  * \note Don't get confused with mac loop-back synopGMAC_loopback_on(synopGMACdevice *) 
  * and synopGMAC_loopback_off(synopGMACdevice *) functions.
s32 synopGMAC_phy_loopback(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, bool loopback)
s32 status = -ESYNOPGMACNOERR;
u16 *temp;
	status = synopGMAC_read_phy_reg(gmacdev->MacBase, gmacdev->PhyBase, PHY_CONTROL_REG,temp);
	*temp |= 0x4000;
	*temp = *temp;

	status = synopGMAC_write_phy_reg(gmacdev->MacBase, gmacdev->PhyBase, PHY_CONTROL_REG, *temp);
return status;


  * Function to read the GMAC IP Version and populates the same in device data structure.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return Always return 0.

s32 synopGMAC_read_version (synopGMACdevice * gmacdev) 
	u32 data = 0;
	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacVersion );
	gmacdev->Version = data;
	return 0;

  * Function to reset the GMAC core. 
  * This reests the DMA and GMAC core. After reset all the registers holds their respective reset value
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return 0 on success else return the error status.
s32 synopGMAC_reset (synopGMACdevice * gmacdev) 
	u32 data = 0;
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaBusMode ,DmaResetOn);
	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaBusMode);
	TR("DATA after Reset = %08x\n",data);
	return 0;	

  * Function to program DMA bus mode register. 
  * The Bus Mode register is programmed with the value given. The bits to be set are
  * bit wise or'ed and sent as the second argument to this function.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] the data to be programmed.
  * \return 0 on success else return the error status.
s32 synopGMAC_dma_bus_mode_init(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 init_value )
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaBusMode ,init_value );
	return 0;


  * Function to program DMA Control register. 
  * The Dma Control register is programmed with the value given. The bits to be set are
  * bit wise or'ed and sent as the second argument to this function.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] the data to be programmed.
  * \return 0 on success else return the error status.
s32 synopGMAC_dma_control_init(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 init_value )
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl, init_value);
	return 0;

/*Gmac configuration functions*/

  * Enable the watchdog timer on the receiver. 
  * When enabled, Gmac enables Watchdog timer, and GMAC allows no more than
  * 2048 bytes of data (10,240 if Jumbo frame enabled).
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_wd_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacWatchdog);
  * Disable the watchdog timer on the receiver. 
  * When disabled, Gmac disabled watchdog timer, and can receive frames up to
  * 16,384 bytes.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.

void synopGMAC_wd_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacWatchdog);

  * Enables the Jabber frame support. 
  * When enabled, GMAC disabled the jabber timer, and can transfer 16,384 byte frames.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_jab_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacJabber);
  * Disables the Jabber frame support. 
  * When disabled, GMAC enables jabber timer. It cuts of transmitter if application 
  * sends more than 2048 bytes of data (10240 if Jumbo frame enabled).
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_jab_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacJabber);

  * Enables Frame bursting (Only in Half Duplex Mode). 
  * When enabled, GMAC allows frame bursting in GMII Half Duplex mode.
  * Reserved in 10/100 and Full-Duplex configurations.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_frame_burst_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacFrameBurst);
  * Disables Frame bursting. 
  * When Disabled, frame bursting is not supported.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_frame_burst_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacFrameBurst);

  * Enable Jumbo frame support. 
  * When Enabled GMAC supports jumbo frames of 9018/9022(VLAN tagged).
  * Giant frame error is not reported in receive frame status.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_jumbo_frame_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacJumboFrame);
  * Disable Jumbo frame support. 
  * When Disabled GMAC does not supports jumbo frames.
  * Giant frame error is reported in receive frame status.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_jumbo_frame_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacJumboFrame);

  * Disable Carrier sense. 
  * When Disabled GMAC ignores CRS signal during frame transmission
  * in half duplex mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.

void synopGMAC_disable_crs(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacDisableCrs);

  * Selects the GMII port. 
  * When called GMII (1000Mbps) port is selected (programmable only in 10/100/1000 Mbps configuration).
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_select_gmii(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacMiiGmii);
  * Selects the MII port. 
  * When called MII (10/100Mbps) port is selected (programmable only in 10/100/1000 Mbps configuration).
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_select_mii(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacMiiGmii);

  * Enables Receive Own bit (Only in Half Duplex Mode). 
  * When enaled GMAC receives all the packets given by phy while transmitting.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_rx_own_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacRxOwn);
  * Disables Receive Own bit (Only in Half Duplex Mode). 
  * When enaled GMAC disables the reception of frames when gmii_txen_o is asserted.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_rx_own_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacRxOwn);

  * Sets the GMAC in loopback mode. 
  * When on GMAC operates in loop-back mode at GMII/MII.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
  * \note (G)MII Receive clock is required for loopback to work properly, as transmit clock is
  * not looped back internally.
void synopGMAC_loopback_on(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacLoopback);
  * Sets the GMAC in Normal mode. 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_loopback_off(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacLoopback);

  * Sets the GMAC core in Full-Duplex mode. 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_set_full_duplex(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacDuplex);
  * Sets the GMAC core in Half-Duplex mode. 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_set_half_duplex(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacDuplex);

  * GMAC tries retransmission (Only in Half Duplex mode).
  * If collision occurs on the GMII/MII, GMAC attempt retries based on the 
  * back off limit configured. 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
  * \note This function is tightly coupled with synopGMAC_back_off_limit(synopGMACdev *, u32).
void synopGMAC_retry_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacRetry);
  * GMAC tries only one transmission (Only in Half Duplex mode).
  * If collision occurs on the GMII/MII, GMAC will ignore the current frami
  * transmission and report a frame abort with excessive collision in tranmit frame status. 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_retry_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacRetry);

  * GMAC strips the Pad/FCS field of incoming frames.
  * This is true only if the length field value is less than or equal to
  * 1500 bytes. All received frames with length field greater than or equal to
  * 1501 bytes are passed to the application without stripping the Pad/FCS field. 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_pad_crc_strip_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacPadCrcStrip);
  * GMAC doesnot strips the Pad/FCS field of incoming frames.
  * GMAC will pass all the incoming frames to Host unmodified. 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_pad_crc_strip_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacPadCrcStrip);
	u32 status = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig);
	DEBUG_MES("strips status : %u\n", status & GmacPadCrcStrip);
  * GMAC programmed with the back off limit value.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
  * \note This function is tightly coupled with synopGMAC_retry_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
void synopGMAC_back_off_limit(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 value)
	u32 data;
	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig);
	data &= (~GmacBackoffLimit);
	data |= value;
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig,data);

  * Enables the Deferral check in GMAC (Only in Half Duplex mode)
  * GMAC issues a Frame Abort Status, along with the excessive deferral error bit set in the 
  * transmit frame status when transmit state machine is deferred for more than
  * 	- 24,288 bit times in 10/100Mbps mode
  * 	- 155,680 bit times in 1000Mbps mode or Jumbo frame mode in 10/100Mbps operation. 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
  * \note Deferral begins when transmitter is ready to transmit, but is prevented because  of
  * an active CRS (carrier sense) 
void synopGMAC_deferral_check_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacDeferralCheck);
  * Disables the Deferral check in GMAC (Only in Half Duplex mode).
  * GMAC defers until the CRS signal goes inactive.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_deferral_check_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacDeferralCheck);
  * Enable the reception of frames on GMII/MII.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_rx_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacRx);
  * Disable the reception of frames on GMII/MII.
  * GMAC receive state machine is disabled after completion of reception of current frame.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_rx_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacRx);
  * Enable the transmission of frames on GMII/MII.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_tx_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacTx);
  * Disable the transmission of frames on GMII/MII.
  * GMAC transmit state machine is disabled after completion of transmission of current frame.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_tx_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacTx);

/*Receive frame filter configuration functions*/

  * Enables reception of all the frames to application.
  * GMAC passes all the frames received to application irrespective of whether they
  * pass SA/DA address filtering or not.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_frame_filter_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacFilter);
  * Disables reception of all the frames to application.
  * GMAC passes only those received frames to application which 
  * pass SA/DA address filtering.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void. 
void synopGMAC_frame_filter_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacFilter);

  * Populates the Hash High register with the data supplied.
  * This function is called when the Hash filtering is to be enabled.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] data to be written to hash table high register.
  * \return void. 
void synopGMAC_write_hash_table_high(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 data)

  * Populates the Hash Low register with the data supplied.
  * This function is called when the Hash filtering is to be enabled.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] data to be written to hash table low register.
  * \return void. 
void synopGMAC_write_hash_table_low(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 data)

  * Enables Hash or Perfect filter (only if Hash filter is enabled in H/W).
  * Only frames matching either perfect filtering or Hash Filtering as per HMC and HUC 
  * configuration are sent to application.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void. 
void synopGMAC_hash_perfect_filter_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacHashPerfectFilter);

  * Enables only Hash(only if Hash filter is enabled in H/W).
  * Only frames matching Hash Filtering as per HMC and HUC 
  * configuration are sent to application.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void. 
void synopGMAC_Hash_filter_only_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacHashPerfectFilter);

  * Enables Source address filtering.
  * When enabled source address filtering is performed. Only frames matching SA filtering are passed  to application with 
  * SAMatch bit of RxStatus is set. GMAC drops failed frames. 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
  * \note This function is overriden by synopGMAC_frame_filter_disable(synopGMACdevice *) 
void synopGMAC_src_addr_filter_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacSrcAddrFilter);
  * Disables Source address filtering.
  * When disabled GMAC forwards the received frames with updated SAMatch bit in RxStatus. 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_src_addr_filter_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacSrcAddrFilter);
  * Enables Inverse Destination address filtering.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_dst_addr_filter_inverse(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacDestAddrFilterNor);
  * Enables the normal Destination address filtering.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_dst_addr_filter_normal(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacDestAddrFilterNor);

  * Enables forwarding of control frames.
  * When set forwards all the control frames (incl. unicast and multicast PAUSE frames).
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
  * \note Depends on RFE of FlowControlRegister[2]
void synopGMAC_set_pass_control(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev,u32 passcontrol)
	u32 data;
	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter);
	data &= (~GmacPassControl);
	data |= passcontrol;

  * Enables Broadcast frames.
  * When enabled Address filtering module passes all incoming broadcast frames.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_broadcast_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacBroadcast );
  * Disable Broadcast frames.
  * When disabled Address filtering module filters all incoming broadcast frames.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_broadcast_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacBroadcast);

  * Enables Multicast frames.
  * When enabled all multicast frames are passed.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_multicast_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacMulticastFilter);
  * Disable Multicast frames.
  * When disabled multicast frame filtering depends on HMC bit.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_multicast_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacMulticastFilter);

  * Enables multicast hash filtering.
  * When enabled GMAC performs teh destination address filtering according to the hash table.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_multicast_hash_filter_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacMcastHashFilter);
  * Disables multicast hash filtering.
  * When disabled GMAC performs perfect destination address filtering for multicast frames, it compares 
  * DA field with the value programmed in DA register.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_multicast_hash_filter_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacMcastHashFilter);

  * Enables promiscous mode.
  * When enabled Address filter modules pass all incoming frames regardless of their Destination
  * and source addresses.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_promisc_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacPromiscuousMode);
  * Clears promiscous mode.
  * When called the GMAC falls back to normal operation from promiscous mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_promisc_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacPromiscuousMode);

  * Enables unicast hash filtering.
  * When enabled GMAC performs the destination address filtering of unicast frames according to the hash table.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_unicast_hash_filter_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacUcastHashFilter);
  * Disables multicast hash filtering.
  * When disabled GMAC performs perfect destination address filtering for unicast frames, it compares 
  * DA field with the value programmed in DA register.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_unicast_hash_filter_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFrameFilter, GmacUcastHashFilter);
/*Flow control configuration functions*/

  * Enables detection of pause frames with stations unicast address.
  * When enabled GMAC detects the pause frames with stations unicast address in addition to the
  * detection of pause frames with unique multicast address.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_unicast_pause_frame_detect_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFlowControl, GmacUnicastPauseFrame);
  * Disables detection of pause frames with stations unicast address.
  * When disabled GMAC only detects with the unique multicast address (802.3x).
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_unicast_pause_frame_detect_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFlowControl, GmacUnicastPauseFrame);
  * Rx flow control enable.
  * When Enabled GMAC will decode the rx pause frame and disable the tx for a specified time.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_rx_flow_control_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFlowControl, GmacRxFlowControl);
  * Rx flow control disable.
  * When disabled GMAC will not decode pause frame.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_rx_flow_control_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFlowControl, GmacRxFlowControl);
  * Tx flow control enable.
  * When Enabled 
  * 	- In full duplex GMAC enables flow control operation to transmit pause frames.
  *	- In Half duplex GMAC enables the back pressure operation
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_tx_flow_control_enable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFlowControl, GmacTxFlowControl);

  * Tx flow control disable.
  * When Disabled 
  * 	- In full duplex GMAC will not transmit any pause frames.
  *	- In Half duplex GMAC disables the back pressure feature.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_tx_flow_control_disable(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFlowControl, GmacTxFlowControl);

  * Initiate Flowcontrol operation.
  * When Set
  * 	- In full duplex GMAC initiates pause control frame.
  *	- In Half duplex GMAC initiates back pressure function.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_tx_activate_flow_control(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	//In case of full duplex check for this bit to b'0. if it is read as b'1 indicates that
        //control frame transmission is in progress.
	if(gmacdev->Speed == FULLDUPLEX){
		if(!synopGMACCheckBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFlowControl, GmacFlowControlBackPressure))
			synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFlowControl, GmacFlowControlBackPressure);
	else{ //if half duplex mode
		synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFlowControl, GmacFlowControlBackPressure);


  * stops Flowcontrol operation.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_tx_deactivate_flow_control(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	//In full duplex this bit is automatically cleared after transmitting a pause control frame.
	if(gmacdev->Speed == HALFDUPLEX){
	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacFlowControl, GmacFlowControlBackPressure);

  * This enables the pause frame generation after programming the appropriate registers.
  * presently activation is set at 3k and deactivation set at 4k. These may have to tweaked
  * if found any issues
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_pause_control(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
	u32 omr_reg;
	u32 mac_flow_control_reg;
	omr_reg = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->DmaBase,DmaControl);
	omr_reg |= DmaRxFlowCtrlAct4K | DmaRxFlowCtrlDeact5K |DmaEnHwFlowCtrl;
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl, omr_reg);

	mac_flow_control_reg = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacFlowControl);
	mac_flow_control_reg |= GmacRxFlowControl | GmacTxFlowControl | 0xFFFF0000;



  * Example mac initialization sequence.
  * This function calls the initialization routines to initialize the GMAC register.
  * One can change the functions invoked here to have different configuration as per the requirement
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return Returns 0 on success.
s32 synopGMAC_mac_init(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	u32 PHYreg;
	if(gmacdev->DuplexMode == FULLDUPLEX){
		TR("\n===phy FULLDUPLEX MODE\n");	//sw:	debug
		synopGMAC_set_full_duplex(gmacdev);  //1
		synopGMAC_tx_enable(gmacdev);	//according to Tang Dan's commitment

		synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->DmaBase,DmaControl, DmaStoreAndForward );//3
		synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->DmaBase,DmaControl, DmaFwdErrorFrames );
		if(gmacdev->Speed == SPEED1000)
			if(gmacdev->Speed == SPEED100)
				synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacFESpeed100);
				synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacFESpeed10);

		/*Frame Filter Configuration*/
	 	synopGMAC_frame_filter_enable(gmacdev); //2
	 	//synopGMAC_frame_filter_disable(gmacdev); //2
		//synopGMAC_dst_addr_filter_normal(gmacdev);	//scl
		/*Flow Control Configuration*/
	else{//for Half Duplex configuration
		TR("\n===phy HALFDUPLEX MODE\n");	//sw:	debug
		synopGMAC_wd_enable(gmacdev );

//sw: set efe & tsf
		synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->DmaBase,DmaControl, DmaStoreAndForward );
		synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->DmaBase,DmaControl, DmaFwdErrorFrames );
//sw: put it in the end

		if(gmacdev->Speed == SPEED1000)
			synopGMAC_select_mii(gmacdev );
			if(gmacdev->Speed == SPEED100)
				synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacFESpeed100 );
				synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacFESpeed10 );
//		synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacConfig, GmacDisableCrs);
//		synopGMAC_select_gmii(gmacdev);

		/*Frame Filter Configuration*/
//	 	synopGMAC_frame_filter_disable(gmacdev);


//		synopGMAC_promisc_enable(gmacdev);
//sw: loopback mode
//		synopGMAC_loopback_on(gmacdev);
		/*Flow Control Configuration*/		

		/*To set PHY register to enable CRS on Transmit*/
	return 0;

  * Sets the Mac address in to GMAC register.
  * This function sets the MAC address to the MAC register in question.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice to populate mac dma and phy addresses.
  * @param[in] Register offset for Mac address high
  * @param[in] Register offset for Mac address low
  * @param[in] buffer containing mac address to be programmed.
  * \return 0 upon success. Error code upon failure.
s32 synopGMAC_set_mac_addr(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 MacHigh, u32 MacLow, u8 *MacAddr)
	u32 data;

		data = (MacAddr[5] << 8) | MacAddr[4];
		data = (MacAddr[3] << 24) | (MacAddr[2] << 16) | (MacAddr[1] << 8) | MacAddr[0] ;

	return 0;

  * Get the Mac address in to the address specified.
  * The mac register contents are read and written to buffer passed.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice to populate mac dma and phy addresses.
  * @param[in] Register offset for Mac address high
  * @param[in] Register offset for Mac address low
  * @param[out] buffer containing the device mac address.
  * \return 0 upon success. Error code upon failure.
s32 synopGMAC_get_mac_addr(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 MacHigh, u32 MacLow, u8 *MacAddr)
	u32 data;
	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,MacHigh);
	MacAddr[5] = (data >> 8) & 0xff;
	MacAddr[4] = (data)        & 0xff;

	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,MacLow);
	MacAddr[3] = (data >> 24) & 0xff;
	MacAddr[2] = (data >> 16) & 0xff;
	MacAddr[1] = (data >> 8 ) & 0xff;
	MacAddr[0] = (data )      & 0xff;

//	rt_kprintf("MacAddr = 0x%x\t0x%x\t0x%x\t0x%x\t0x%x\t0x%x\n",MacAddr[0],MacAddr[1],MacAddr[2],MacAddr[3],MacAddr[4],MacAddr[5]);

	return 0;

  * Attaches the synopGMAC device structure to the hardware.
  * Device structure is populated with MAC/DMA and PHY base addresses.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice to populate mac dma and phy addresses.
  * @param[in] GMAC IP mac base address.
  * @param[in] GMAC IP dma base address.
  * @param[in] GMAC IP phy base address.
  * \return 0 upon success. Error code upon failure.
  * \note This is important function. No kernel api provided by Synopsys 

s32 synopGMAC_attach (synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 macBase, u32 dmaBase, u32 phyBase,u8 *mac_addr)
	/*Make sure the Device data strucure is cleared before we proceed further*/
	rt_memset((void *) gmacdev,0,sizeof(synopGMACdevice));
	/*Populate the mac and dma base addresses*/
	gmacdev->MacBase = macBase;
	gmacdev->DmaBase = dmaBase;
	gmacdev->PhyBase = phyBase;
//	rt_kprintf("gmacdev->DmaBase = 0x%x\n", gmacdev->DmaBase);
//	rt_kprintf("dmaBase = 0x%x\n", dmaBase);
		int i,j;
		u16 data;
		for (i = phyBase,j=0;j<32;i=(i+1)&0x1f,j++) 
			if(data != 0 && data != 0xffff) break;
			if(data != 0 && data != 0xffff) break;

		if(j==32) { 
			rt_kprintf("phy_detect: can't find PHY!\n");
		gmacdev->PhyBase = i;

//	synopGMAC_get_mac_addr(gmacdev, GmacAddr0High, GmacAddr0Low, mac_addr);

	/* Program/flash in the station/IP's Mac address */
	synopGMAC_set_mac_addr(gmacdev,GmacAddr0High,GmacAddr0Low, mac_addr); 

	return 0;	

  * Initialize the rx descriptors for ring or chain mode operation.
  * 	- Status field is initialized to 0.
  *	- EndOfRing set for the last descriptor.
  *	- buffer1 and buffer2 set to 0 for ring mode of operation. (note)
  *	- data1 and data2 set to 0. (note)
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * @param[in] whether end of ring
  * \return void.
  * \note Initialization of the buffer1, buffer2, data1,data2 and status are not done here. This only initializes whether one wants to use this descriptor
  * in chain mode or ring mode. For chain mode of operation the buffer2 and data2 are programmed before calling this function.
void synopGMAC_rx_desc_init_ring(DmaDesc *desc, bool last_ring_desc)
	desc->status = 0;
	desc->length = last_ring_desc ? RxDescEndOfRing : 0;
	desc->buffer1 = 0;
	desc->buffer2 = 0;
	desc->data1 = 0;
	desc->data2 = 0;
	desc->dummy1 = 0;
	desc->dummy2 = 0;

void synopGMAC_rx_desc_recycle(DmaDesc *desc, bool last_ring_desc)
	desc->status = DescOwnByDma;
	desc->length = last_ring_desc ? RxDescEndOfRing : 0;
	//desc->buffer1 = 0;
	//desc->buffer2 = 0;
	//desc->data1 = 0;
	//desc->data2 = 0;
	desc->dummy1 = 0;
	desc->dummy2 = 0;

  * Initialize the tx descriptors for ring or chain mode operation.
  * 	- Status field is initialized to 0.
  *	- EndOfRing set for the last descriptor.
  *	- buffer1 and buffer2 set to 0 for ring mode of operation. (note)
  *	- data1 and data2 set to 0. (note)
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * @param[in] whether end of ring
  * \return void.
  * \note Initialization of the buffer1, buffer2, data1,data2 and status are not done here. This only initializes whether one wants to use this descriptor
  * in chain mode or ring mode. For chain mode of operation the buffer2 and data2 are programmed before calling this function.
void synopGMAC_tx_desc_init_ring(DmaDesc *desc, bool last_ring_desc)
	#ifdef ENH_DESC
	desc->status = last_ring_desc? TxDescEndOfRing : 0;
	desc->length = 0; 
	desc->length = last_ring_desc? TxDescEndOfRing : 0;
	desc->status = 0;

	desc->buffer1 = 0;
	desc->buffer2 = 0;
	desc->data1 = 0;
	desc->data2 = 0;
	desc->dummy1 = 0;
	desc->dummy2 = 0;

  * Initialize the rx descriptors for chain mode of operation.
  * 	- Status field is initialized to 0.
  *	- EndOfRing set for the last descriptor.
  *	- buffer1 and buffer2 set to 0.
  *	- data1 and data2 set to 0.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * @param[in] whether end of ring
  * \return void.

void synopGMAC_rx_desc_init_chain(DmaDesc * desc)
	desc->status = 0;
	desc->length = RxDescChain;
	desc->buffer1 = 0;
	desc->data1 = 0;
  * Initialize the rx descriptors for chain mode of operation.
  * 	- Status field is initialized to 0.
  *	- EndOfRing set for the last descriptor.
  *	- buffer1 and buffer2 set to 0.
  *	- data1 and data2 set to 0.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * @param[in] whether end of ring
  * \return void.
void synopGMAC_tx_desc_init_chain(DmaDesc * desc)
	#ifdef ENH_DESC
	desc->status = TxDescChain;
	desc->length = 0;
	desc->length = TxDescChain;
	desc->buffer1 = 0;
	desc->data1 = 0;

s32 synopGMAC_init_tx_rx_desc_queue(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
	s32 i;
	for(i =0; i < gmacdev -> TxDescCount; i++){
	synopGMAC_tx_desc_init_ring(gmacdev->TxDesc + i, i == gmacdev->TxDescCount-1);
	TR("At line %d\n",__LINE__);
	for(i =0; i < gmacdev -> RxDescCount; i++){
	synopGMAC_rx_desc_init_ring(gmacdev->RxDesc + i, i == gmacdev->RxDescCount-1);
	gmacdev->TxNext = 0;
	gmacdev->TxBusy = 0;
	gmacdev->RxNext = 0;
	gmacdev->RxBusy = 0;
  * Programs the DmaRxBaseAddress with the Rx descriptor base address.
  * Rx Descriptor's base address is available in the gmacdev structure. This function progrms the 
  * Dma Rx Base address with the starting address of the descriptor ring or chain.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_init_rx_desc_base(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
	DEBUG_MES("gmacdev->RxDescDma = %08x\n", gmacdev->RxDescDma);
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase,DmaRxBaseAddr,(u32)gmacdev->RxDescDma );

  * Programs the DmaTxBaseAddress with the Tx descriptor base address.
  * Tx Descriptor's base address is available in the gmacdev structure. This function progrms the 
  * Dma Tx Base address with the starting address of the descriptor ring or chain.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_init_tx_desc_base(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * Makes the Dma as owner for this descriptor.
  * This function sets the own bit of status field of the DMA descriptor,
  * indicating the DMA is the owner for this descriptor. 
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_set_owner_dma(DmaDesc *desc)
desc->status |=  DescOwnByDma;

  * set tx descriptor to indicate SOF.
  * This Descriptor contains the start of ethernet frame.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_set_desc_sof(DmaDesc *desc)
#ifdef ENH_DESC
desc->status |= DescTxFirst;//ENH_DESC
desc->length |= DescTxFirst;


  * set tx descriptor to indicate EOF.
  * This descriptor contains the End of ethernet frame.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_set_desc_eof(DmaDesc *desc)
#ifdef ENH_DESC
desc->status |= DescTxLast;//ENH_DESC
desc->length |= DescTxLast;

  * checks whether this descriptor contains start of frame.
  * This function is to check whether the descriptor's data buffer 
  * contains a fresh ethernet frame?
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if SOF in current descriptor, else returns fail.
bool synopGMAC_is_sof_in_rx_desc(DmaDesc *desc)
return ((desc->status & DescRxFirst) == DescRxFirst);                      

  * checks whether this descriptor contains end of frame.
  * This function is to check whether the descriptor's data buffer 
  * contains end of ethernet frame?
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if SOF in current descriptor, else returns fail.
bool synopGMAC_is_eof_in_rx_desc(DmaDesc *desc)
return ((desc->status & DescRxLast) == DescRxLast);                      

  * checks whether destination address filter failed in the rx frame.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if Failed, false if not.
bool synopGMAC_is_da_filter_failed(DmaDesc *desc)
return ((desc->status & DescDAFilterFail) == DescDAFilterFail);                      

  * checks whether source address filter failed in the rx frame.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if Failed, false if not.
bool synopGMAC_is_sa_filter_failed(DmaDesc *desc)
return ((desc->status & DescSAFilterFail) == DescSAFilterFail);                      

  * Checks whether the descriptor is owned by DMA.
  * If descriptor is owned by DMA then the OWN bit is set to 1. This API is same for both ring and chain mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if Dma owns descriptor and false if not.
bool synopGMAC_is_desc_owned_by_dma(DmaDesc *desc)
return ((desc->status & DescOwnByDma) == DescOwnByDma );

  * returns the byte length of received frame including CRC.
  * This returns the no of bytes received in the received ethernet frame including CRC(FCS).
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns the length of received frame lengths in bytes.
u32 synopGMAC_get_rx_desc_frame_length(u32 status)
	return ((status & DescFrameLengthMask) >> DescFrameLengthShift);

  * Checks whether the descriptor is valid
  * if no errors such as CRC/Receive Error/Watchdog Timeout/Late collision/Giant Frame/Overflow/Descriptor
  * error the descritpor is said to be a valid descriptor.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return True if desc valid. false if error.
bool synopGMAC_is_desc_valid(u32 status)
	return ((status & DescError) == 0);

  * Checks whether the descriptor is empty.
  * If the buffer1 and buffer2 lengths are zero in ring mode descriptor is empty.
  * In chain mode buffer2 length is 0 but buffer2 itself contains the next descriptor address.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if descriptor is empty, false if not empty.
bool synopGMAC_is_desc_empty(DmaDesc *desc)
	//if both the buffer1 length and buffer2 length are zero desc is empty
	return(((desc->length  & DescSize1Mask) == 0) && ((desc->length  & DescSize2Mask) == 0) );

  * Checks whether the rx descriptor is valid.
  * if rx descripor is not in error and complete frame is available in the same descriptor
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if no error and first and last desc bits are set, otherwise it returns false.
bool synopGMAC_is_rx_desc_valid(u32 status)
	return ((status & DescError) == 0) && ((status & DescRxFirst) == DescRxFirst) && ((status & DescRxLast) == DescRxLast);

  * Checks whether the tx is aborted due to collisions.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if collisions, else returns false.
bool synopGMAC_is_tx_aborted(u32 status)
	return (((status & DescTxLateCollision) == DescTxLateCollision) | ((status & DescTxExcCollisions) == DescTxExcCollisions));


  * Checks whether the tx carrier error.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if carrier error occured, else returns falser.
bool synopGMAC_is_tx_carrier_error(u32 status)
	return (((status & DescTxLostCarrier) == DescTxLostCarrier)  | ((status & DescTxNoCarrier) == DescTxNoCarrier));

  * Gives the transmission collision count.
  * returns the transmission collision count indicating number of collisions occured before the frame was transmitted.
  * Make sure to check excessive collision didnot happen to ensure the count is valid.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns the count value of collision.
u32 synopGMAC_get_tx_collision_count(u32 status)
	return ((status & DescTxCollMask) >> DescTxCollShift);
u32 synopGMAC_is_exc_tx_collisions(u32 status)
	return ((status & DescTxExcCollisions) == DescTxExcCollisions);

  * Check for damaged frame due to overflow or collision.
  * Retruns true if rx frame was damaged due to buffer overflow in MTL or late collision in half duplex mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if error else returns false.
bool synopGMAC_is_rx_frame_damaged(u32 status)
//bool synopGMAC_dma_rx_collisions(u32 status)
	return (((status & DescRxDamaged) == DescRxDamaged) | ((status & DescRxCollision) == DescRxCollision));

  * Check for damaged frame due to collision.
  * Retruns true if rx frame was damaged due to late collision in half duplex mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if error else returns false.
bool synopGMAC_is_rx_frame_collision(u32 status)
//bool synopGMAC_dma_rx_collisions(u32 status)
	return ((status & DescRxCollision) == DescRxCollision);

  * Check for receive CRC error.
  * Retruns true if rx frame CRC error occured.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if error else returns false.
bool synopGMAC_is_rx_crc(u32 status)
//u32 synopGMAC_dma_rx_crc(u32 status)
	return ((status & DescRxCrc) == DescRxCrc);

  * Indicates rx frame has non integer multiple of bytes. (odd nibbles).
  * Retruns true if dribbling error in rx frame.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if error else returns false.
bool synopGMAC_is_frame_dribbling_errors(u32 status)
//u32 synopGMAC_dma_rx_frame_errors(u32 status)
	return ((status & DescRxDribbling) == DescRxDribbling);

  * Indicates error in rx frame length.
  * Retruns true if received frame length doesnot match with the length field
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if error else returns false.
bool synopGMAC_is_rx_frame_length_errors(u32 status)
//u32 synopGMAC_dma_rx_length_errors(u32 status)
	return((status & DescRxLengthError) == DescRxLengthError);

  * Checks whether this rx descriptor is last rx descriptor.
  * This returns true if it is last descriptor either in ring mode or in chain mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to devic structure.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if it is last descriptor, false if not.
  * \note This function should not be called before initializing the descriptor using synopGMAC_desc_init().
bool synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev,DmaDesc *desc)
//bool synopGMAC_is_last_desc(DmaDesc *desc)
return (((desc->length & RxDescEndOfRing) == RxDescEndOfRing) || ((u32)gmacdev->RxDesc == desc->data2));

  * Checks whether this tx descriptor is last tx descriptor.
  * This returns true if it is last descriptor either in ring mode or in chain mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to devic structure.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if it is last descriptor, false if not.
  * \note This function should not be called before initializing the descriptor using synopGMAC_desc_init().
bool synopGMAC_is_last_tx_desc(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev,DmaDesc *desc)
//bool synopGMAC_is_last_desc(DmaDesc *desc)
#ifdef ENH_DESC
	return (((desc->status & TxDescEndOfRing) == TxDescEndOfRing) || ((u32)gmacdev->TxDesc == desc->data2));
	return (((desc->length & TxDescEndOfRing) == TxDescEndOfRing) || ((u32)gmacdev->TxDesc == desc->data2));

  * Checks whether this rx descriptor is in chain mode.
  * This returns true if it is this descriptor is in chain mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if chain mode is set, false if not.
bool synopGMAC_is_rx_desc_chained(DmaDesc * desc)
	return((desc->length & RxDescChain) == RxDescChain);             

  * Checks whether this tx descriptor is in chain mode.
  * This returns true if it is this descriptor is in chain mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * \return returns true if chain mode is set, false if not.
bool synopGMAC_is_tx_desc_chained(DmaDesc * desc)
#ifdef ENH_DESC
	return((desc->status & TxDescChain) == TxDescChain);             
	return((desc->length & TxDescChain) == TxDescChain);             

  * Driver Api to get the descriptor field information.
  * This returns the status, dma-able address of buffer1, the length of buffer1, virtual address of buffer1
  * dma-able address of buffer2, length of buffer2, virtural adddress of buffer2.
  * @param[in]  pointer to DmaDesc structure.
  * @param[out] pointer to status field fo descriptor.
  * @param[out] dma-able address of buffer1.
  * @param[out] length of buffer1.
  * @param[out] virtual address of buffer1.
  * @param[out] dma-able address of buffer2.
  * @param[out] length of buffer2.
  * @param[out] virtual address of buffer2.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_get_desc_data(DmaDesc * desc, u32 * Status, u32 * Buffer1, u32 * Length1, u32 * Data1, u32 * Buffer2, u32 * Length2, u32 * Data2)

	if(Status != 0)   
		*Status = desc->status;

	if(Buffer1 != 0)
		*Buffer1 = desc->buffer1;
	if(Length1 != 0)
		*Length1 = (desc->length & DescSize1Mask) >> DescSize1Shift;
	if(Data1 != 0)
		*Data1 = desc->data1;

	if(Buffer2 != 0)
		*Buffer2 = desc->buffer2;
	if(Length2 != 0)
		*Length2 = (desc->length & DescSize2Mask) >> DescSize2Shift;
	if(Data1 != 0)
		*Data2 = desc->data2;


#ifdef ENH_DESC_8W
  * This function is defined two times. Once when the code is compiled for ENHANCED DESCRIPTOR SUPPORT and Once for Normal descriptor
  * Get the index and address of Tx desc.
  * This api is same for both ring mode and chain mode.
  * This function tracks the tx descriptor the DMA just closed after the transmission of data from this descriptor is 
  * over. This returns the descriptor fields to the caller.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[out] status field of the descriptor.
  * @param[out] Dma-able buffer1 pointer.
  * @param[out] length of buffer1 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[out] virtual pointer for buffer1.
  * @param[out] Dma-able buffer2 pointer.
  * @param[out] length of buffer2 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[out] virtual pointer for buffer2.
  * @param[out] u32 data indicating whether the descriptor is in ring mode or chain mode.
  * \return returns present tx descriptor index on success. Negative value if error.
s32 synopGMAC_get_tx_qptr(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 * Status, u32 * Buffer1, u32 * Length1, u32 * Data1, u32 * Buffer2, u32 * Length2, u32 * Data2,
                          u32 * Ext_Status, u32 * Time_Stamp_High, u32 * Time_Stamp_Low)
	u32  txover      = gmacdev->TxBusy;
	DmaDesc * txdesc = gmacdev->TxBusyDesc;
		return -1;
		return -1;

	(gmacdev->BusyTxDesc)--; //busy tx descriptor is reduced by one as it will be handed over to Processor now

	if(Status != 0)   
		*Status = txdesc->status;

	if(Ext_Status != 0)
		*Ext_Status = txdesc->extstatus;
        if(Time_Stamp_High != 0)
		*Time_Stamp_High = txdesc->timestamphigh; 
        if(Time_Stamp_Low != 0)
		*Time_Stamp_High = txdesc->timestamplow; 

	if(Buffer1 != 0)
		*Buffer1 = txdesc->buffer1;
	if(Length1 != 0)
		*Length1 = (txdesc->length & DescSize1Mask) >> DescSize1Shift;
	if(Data1 != 0)
		*Data1 = txdesc->data1;

	if(Buffer2 != 0)
		*Buffer2 = txdesc->buffer2;
	if(Length2 != 0)
		*Length2 = (txdesc->length & DescSize2Mask) >> DescSize2Shift;
	if(Data1 != 0)
		*Data2 = txdesc->data2;

	gmacdev->TxBusy     = synopGMAC_is_last_tx_desc(gmacdev,txdesc) ? 0 : txover + 1;

	   	gmacdev->TxBusyDesc = (DmaDesc *)txdesc->data2;
		gmacdev->TxBusyDesc = synopGMAC_is_last_tx_desc(gmacdev,txdesc) ? gmacdev->TxDesc : (txdesc + 1);
		synopGMAC_tx_desc_init_ring(txdesc, synopGMAC_is_last_tx_desc(gmacdev,txdesc));
	TR("%02d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",txover,(u32)txdesc,txdesc->status,txdesc->length,txdesc->buffer1,txdesc->buffer2,txdesc->data1,txdesc->data2);

	return txover;	

  * Get the index and address of Tx desc.
  * This api is same for both ring mode and chain mode.
  * This function tracks the tx descriptor the DMA just closed after the transmission of data from this descriptor is 
  * over. This returns the descriptor fields to the caller.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[out] status field of the descriptor.
  * @param[out] Dma-able buffer1 pointer.
  * @param[out] length of buffer1 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[out] virtual pointer for buffer1.
  * @param[out] Dma-able buffer2 pointer.
  * @param[out] length of buffer2 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[out] virtual pointer for buffer2.
  * @param[out] u32 data indicating whether the descriptor is in ring mode or chain mode.
  * \return returns present tx descriptor index on success. Negative value if error.
s32 synopGMAC_get_tx_qptr(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 * Status, u32 * Buffer1, u32 * Length1, u32 * Data1, u32 * Buffer2, u32 * Length2, u32 * Data2 )
	u32  txover      = gmacdev->TxBusy;
	DmaDesc * txdesc = gmacdev->TxBusyDesc;
	int i;
//sw: dbg

	//pci_sync_cache(0, (vm_offset_t)txdesc, 64, SYNC_R);
	//pci_sync_cache(0, (vm_offset_t)txdesc, 64, SYNC_W);
	printf("Cache sync before get a used tx dma desc!\n");
	printf("\n==%02d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",txover,(u32)txdesc,txdesc->status,txdesc->length,txdesc->buffer1,txdesc->buffer2,txdesc->data1,txdesc->data2);
		return -1;
//	gmacdev->TxBusy     = synopGMAC_is_last_tx_desc(gmacdev,txdesc) ? 0 : txover + 1;
//	gmacdev->TxBusyDesc = synopGMAC_is_last_tx_desc(gmacdev,txdesc) ? gmacdev->TxDesc : (txdesc + 1);
		return -1;
	(gmacdev->BusyTxDesc)--; //busy tx descriptor is reduced by one as it will be handed over to Processor now

	if(Status != 0)   
		*Status = txdesc->status;

	if(Buffer1 != 0)
		*Buffer1 = txdesc->buffer1;
	if(Length1 != 0)
		*Length1 = (txdesc->length & DescSize1Mask) >> DescSize1Shift;
	if(Data1 != 0)
		*Data1 = txdesc->data1;

	if(Buffer2 != 0)
		*Buffer2 = txdesc->buffer2;
	if(Length2 != 0)
		*Length2 = (txdesc->length & DescSize2Mask) >> DescSize2Shift;
	if(Data1 != 0)
		*Data2 = txdesc->data2;

	gmacdev->TxBusy     = synopGMAC_is_last_tx_desc(gmacdev,txdesc) ? 0 : txover + 1;

	   	gmacdev->TxBusyDesc = (DmaDesc *)txdesc->data2;
		gmacdev->TxBusyDesc = synopGMAC_is_last_tx_desc(gmacdev,txdesc) ? gmacdev->TxDesc : (txdesc + 1);
		synopGMAC_tx_desc_init_ring(txdesc, synopGMAC_is_last_tx_desc(gmacdev,txdesc));
	//printf("%02d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",txover,(u32)txdesc,txdesc->status,txdesc->length,txdesc->buffer1,txdesc->buffer2,txdesc->data1,txdesc->data2);
	//pci_sync_cache(0, (vm_offset_t)txdesc, 64, SYNC_W);
	printf("Cache sync after re-init a tx dma desc!\n");

	return txover;	

  * Populate the tx desc structure with the buffer address.
  * Once the driver has a packet ready to be transmitted, this function is called with the 
  * valid dma-able buffer addresses and their lengths. This function populates the descriptor
  * and make the DMA the owner for the descriptor. This function also controls whetther Checksum
  * offloading to be done in hardware or not. 
  * This api is same for both ring mode and chain mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] Dma-able buffer1 pointer.
  * @param[in] length of buffer1 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[in] virtual pointer for buffer1.
  * @param[in] Dma-able buffer2 pointer.
  * @param[in] length of buffer2 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[in] virtual pointer for buffer2.
  * @param[in] u32 data indicating whether the descriptor is in ring mode or chain mode.
  * @param[in] u32 indicating whether the checksum offloading in HW/SW.
  * \return returns present tx descriptor index on success. Negative value if error.
u32 len;
s32 synopGMAC_set_tx_qptr(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 Buffer1, u32 Length1, u32 Data1, u32 Buffer2, u32 Length2, u32 Data2,u32 offload_needed,u32 * index, DmaDesc * Dpr)
	u32  txnext      = gmacdev->TxNext;
	DmaDesc * txdesc = gmacdev->TxNextDesc;

	*index = txnext;
	Dpr = txdesc;

		TR("set tx qptr: desc empty!\n");
		return -1;

	(gmacdev->BusyTxDesc)++; //busy tx descriptor is reduced by one as it will be handed over to Processor now
		txdesc->length |= ((Length1 <<DescSize1Shift) & DescSize1Mask);
		#ifdef ENH_DESC
		txdesc->status |=  (DescTxFirst | DescTxLast | DescTxIntEnable); //ENH_DESC
		txdesc->length |=  (DescTxFirst | DescTxLast | DescTxIntEnable); //Its always assumed that complete data will fit in to one descriptor

	 	txdesc->buffer1 = Buffer1;
		txdesc->data1 = Data1;

		 Make sure that the OS you are running supports the IP and TCP checkusm offloaidng,
		 before calling any of the functions given below.		 
		synopGMAC_tx_checksum_offload_ipv4hdr(gmacdev, txdesc);
		synopGMAC_tx_checksum_offload_tcponly(gmacdev, txdesc);
//		synopGMAC_tx_checksum_offload_tcp_pseudo(gmacdev, txdesc);
		#ifdef ENH_DESC
		txdesc->status |= DescOwnByDma;//ENH_DESC
		txdesc->status = DescOwnByDma;

		gmacdev->TxNext = synopGMAC_is_last_tx_desc(gmacdev,txdesc) ? 0 : txnext + 1;
	   	gmacdev->TxNextDesc = (DmaDesc *)txdesc->data2;
//		printf("synopGMAC_set_tx_qptr:in ring mode\n");
		txdesc->length |= (((Length1 <<DescSize1Shift) & DescSize1Mask) | ((Length2 <<DescSize2Shift) & DescSize2Mask));
		#ifdef ENH_DESC
		txdesc->status |=  (DescTxFirst | DescTxLast | DescTxIntEnable); //ENH_DESC
		txdesc->length |=  (DescTxFirst | DescTxLast | DescTxIntEnable); //Its always assumed that complete data will fit in to one descriptor

	 	txdesc->buffer1 = Buffer1;
		txdesc->data1 = Data1;

	 	txdesc->buffer2 = Buffer2;
		txdesc->data2 = Data2;

		 Make sure that the OS you are running supports the IP and TCP checkusm offloaidng,
		 before calling any of the functions given below.		 
//sw: i am not sure about the checksum.so i omit it in the outside
		synopGMAC_tx_checksum_offload_ipv4hdr(gmacdev, txdesc);
		synopGMAC_tx_checksum_offload_tcponly(gmacdev, txdesc);
//		synopGMAC_tx_checksum_offload_tcp_pseudo(gmacdev, txdesc);
		#ifdef ENH_DESC	
		txdesc->status |= DescOwnByDma;//ENH_DESC
//		printf("synopGMAC_set_tx_qptr:give the tx descroptor to dma\n");
		txdesc->status = DescOwnByDma;

		gmacdev->TxNext = synopGMAC_is_last_tx_desc(gmacdev,txdesc) ? 0 : txnext + 1;
		gmacdev->TxNextDesc = synopGMAC_is_last_tx_desc(gmacdev,txdesc) ? gmacdev->TxDesc : (txdesc + 1);

	printf("%02d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",txnext,(u32)txdesc,txdesc->status,txdesc->length,txdesc->buffer1,txdesc->buffer2,txdesc->data1,txdesc->data2);
	//pci_sync_cache(0, (vm_offset_t)txdesc, 64, SYNC_W);
	printf("Cache sync to set a tx desc!\n");
	//pci_sync_cache(0, (vm_offset_t)(txdesc->data1), 32, SYNC_W);
	//printf("Cache sync for data in the buf of the tx desc!\n");
	return txnext;	
#ifdef ENH_DESC_8W
  * Prepares the descriptor to receive packets.
  * The descriptor is allocated with the valid buffer addresses (sk_buff address) and the length fields
  * and handed over to DMA by setting the ownership. After successful return from this function the
  * descriptor is added to the receive descriptor pool/queue.
  * This api is same for both ring mode and chain mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] Dma-able buffer1 pointer.
  * @param[in] length of buffer1 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[in] Dma-able buffer2 pointer.
  * @param[in] length of buffer2 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[in] u32 data indicating whether the descriptor is in ring mode or chain mode.
  * \return returns present rx descriptor index on success. Negative value if error.
//														dma_addr  RX_BUF_SIZE     skb
s32 synopGMAC_set_rx_qptr(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 Buffer1, u32 Length1, u32 Data1, u32 Buffer2, u32 Length2, u32 Data2)
	u32  rxnext      = gmacdev->RxNext;
	DmaDesc * rxdesc = gmacdev->RxNextDesc;

		return -1;

		rxdesc->length |= ((Length1 <<DescSize1Shift) & DescSize1Mask);

		rxdesc->buffer1 = Buffer1;
		rxdesc->data1 = Data1;

		rxdesc->extstatus = 0;
		rxdesc->reserved1 = 0;
		rxdesc->timestamplow = 0;
		rxdesc->timestamphigh = 0;

		if((rxnext % MODULO_INTERRUPT) !=0)
		rxdesc->length |= RxDisIntCompl;		
		rxdesc->status = DescOwnByDma;

		gmacdev->RxNext     = synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc) ? 0 : rxnext + 1;
	   	gmacdev->RxNextDesc = (DmaDesc *)rxdesc->data2;
		rxdesc->length |= (((Length1 <<DescSize1Shift) & DescSize1Mask) | ((Length2 << DescSize2Shift) & DescSize2Mask));

		rxdesc->buffer1 = Buffer1;
		rxdesc->data1 = Data1;

		rxdesc->extstatus = 0;
		rxdesc->reserved1 = 0;
		rxdesc->timestamplow = 0;
		rxdesc->timestamphigh = 0;

		rxdesc->buffer2 = Buffer2;
		rxdesc->data2 = Data2;
		if((rxnext % MODULO_INTERRUPT) !=0)
		rxdesc->length |= RxDisIntCompl;		

		rxdesc->status = DescOwnByDma;
		gmacdev->RxNext     = synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc) ? 0 : rxnext + 1;
		gmacdev->RxNextDesc = synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc) ? gmacdev->RxDesc : (rxdesc + 1);
	TR("%02d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",rxnext,(u32)rxdesc,rxdesc->status,rxdesc->length,rxdesc->buffer1,rxdesc->buffer2,rxdesc->data1,rxdesc->data2,rxdesc->dummy1,rxdesc->dummy2);

	(gmacdev->BusyRxDesc)++; //One descriptor will be given to Hardware. So busy count incremented by one
	//pci_sync_cache(0, (vm_offset_t)rxdesc,64, SYNC_W);
	return rxnext;

  * Prepares the descriptor to receive packets.
  * The descriptor is allocated with the valid buffer addresses (sk_buff address) and the length fields
  * and handed over to DMA by setting the ownership. After successful return from this function the
  * descriptor is added to the receive descriptor pool/queue.
  * This api is same for both ring mode and chain mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] Dma-able buffer1 pointer.
  * @param[in] length of buffer1 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[in] Dma-able buffer2 pointer.
  * @param[in] length of buffer2 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[in] u32 data indicating whether the descriptor is in ring mode or chain mode.
  * \return returns present rx descriptor index on success. Negative value if error.
s32 synopGMAC_set_rx_qptr(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 Buffer1, u32 Length1, u32 Data1, u32 Buffer2, u32 Length2, u32 Data2)
	u32  rxnext      = gmacdev->RxNext;
	DmaDesc * rxdesc = gmacdev->RxNextDesc;

		return -1;

		rxdesc->length |= ((Length1 <<DescSize1Shift) & DescSize1Mask);

		rxdesc->buffer1 = Buffer1;
		rxdesc->data1 = Data1;

		if((rxnext % MODULO_INTERRUPT) !=0)
		rxdesc->length |= RxDisIntCompl;		

		rxdesc->status = DescOwnByDma;

		gmacdev->RxNext     = synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc) ? 0 : rxnext + 1;
	   	gmacdev->RxNextDesc = (DmaDesc *)rxdesc->data2;
		rxdesc->length |= (((Length1 <<DescSize1Shift) & DescSize1Mask) | ((Length2 << DescSize2Shift) & DescSize2Mask));

		rxdesc->buffer1 = Buffer1;
		rxdesc->data1 = Data1;

		rxdesc->buffer2 = Buffer2;
		rxdesc->data2 = Data2;
		if((rxnext % MODULO_INTERRUPT) !=0)
		rxdesc->length |= RxDisIntCompl;		

		rxdesc->status = DescOwnByDma;

		gmacdev->RxNext     = synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc) ? 0 : rxnext + 1;
		gmacdev->RxNextDesc = synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc) ? gmacdev->RxDesc : (rxdesc + 1);
	TR("%02d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",rxnext,(u32)rxdesc,rxdesc->status,rxdesc->length,rxdesc->buffer1,rxdesc->buffer2,rxdesc->data1,rxdesc->data2);
	(gmacdev->BusyRxDesc)++; //One descriptor will be given to Hardware. So busy count incremented by one

	return rxnext;

s32 synopGMAC_set_rx_qptr_init(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 Buffer1, u32 Length1, u32 Data1, u32 Buffer2, u32 Length2, u32 Data2)
	u32  rxnext      = gmacdev->RxNext;
	DmaDesc * rxdesc = gmacdev->RxNextDesc;

/* sw	
		return -1;

		return -1;

		rxdesc->length |= ((Length1 <<DescSize1Shift) & DescSize1Mask);

		rxdesc->buffer1 = Buffer1;
		rxdesc->data1 = Data1;

		if((rxnext % MODULO_INTERRUPT) !=0)
		rxdesc->length |= RxDisIntCompl;		

		rxdesc->status = DescOwnByDma;
		rxdesc->status = 0;

		gmacdev->RxNext     = synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc) ? 0 : rxnext + 1;
	   	gmacdev->RxNextDesc = (DmaDesc *)rxdesc->data2;
		rxdesc->length |= (((Length1 <<DescSize1Shift) & DescSize1Mask) | ((Length2 << DescSize2Shift) & DescSize2Mask));

		rxdesc->buffer1 = Buffer1;
		rxdesc->data1 = Data1;

		rxdesc->buffer2 = Buffer2;
		rxdesc->data2 = Data2;
		if((rxnext % MODULO_INTERRUPT) !=0)
		rxdesc->length |= RxDisIntCompl;		

		rxdesc->status = DescOwnByDma;
		rxdesc->status = 0;

		gmacdev->RxNext     = synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc) ? 0 : rxnext + 1;
		gmacdev->RxNextDesc = synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc) ? gmacdev->RxDesc : (rxdesc + 1);
	TR("%02d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",rxnext,(u32)rxdesc,rxdesc->status,rxdesc->length,rxdesc->buffer1,rxdesc->buffer2,rxdesc->data1,rxdesc->data2);
	(gmacdev->BusyRxDesc)++; //One descriptor will be given to Hardware. So busy count incremented by one
	return rxnext;
#ifdef ENH_DESC_8W
  * This function is defined two times. Once when the code is compiled for ENHANCED DESCRIPTOR SUPPORT and Once for Normal descriptor
  * Get back the descriptor from DMA after data has been received.
  * When the DMA indicates that the data is received (interrupt is generated), this function should be
  * called to get the descriptor and hence the data buffers received. With successful return from this
  * function caller gets the descriptor fields for processing. check the parameters to understand the 
  * fields returned.`
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[out] pointer to hold the status of DMA.
  * @param[out] Dma-able buffer1 pointer.
  * @param[out] pointer to hold length of buffer1 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[out] virtual pointer for buffer1.
  * @param[out] Dma-able buffer2 pointer.
  * @param[out] pointer to hold length of buffer2 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[out] virtual pointer for buffer2.
  * \return returns present rx descriptor index on success. Negative value if error.
s32 synopGMAC_get_rx_qptr(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 * Status, u32 * Buffer1, u32 * Length1, u32 * Data1, u32 * Buffer2, u32 * Length2, u32 * Data2,
                          u32 * Ext_Status, u32 * Time_Stamp_High, u32 * Time_Stamp_Low)
	u32 rxnext       = gmacdev->RxBusy;	// index of descriptor the DMA just completed. May be useful when data 
						//is spread over multiple buffers/descriptors
	DmaDesc * rxdesc = gmacdev->RxBusyDesc;
		return -1;
		return -1;

	if(Status != 0)
		*Status = rxdesc->status;// send the status of this descriptor

	if(Ext_Status != 0)
		*Ext_Status = rxdesc->extstatus;
        if(Time_Stamp_High != 0)
		*Time_Stamp_High = rxdesc->timestamphigh; 
        if(Time_Stamp_Low != 0)
		*Time_Stamp_Low = rxdesc->timestamplow; 

	if(Length1 != 0)
		*Length1 = (rxdesc->length & DescSize1Mask) >> DescSize1Shift;
	if(Buffer1 != 0)
		*Buffer1 = rxdesc->buffer1;
	if(Data1 != 0)
		*Data1 = rxdesc->data1;

	if(Length2 != 0)
		*Length2 = (rxdesc->length & DescSize2Mask) >> DescSize2Shift;
	if(Buffer2 != 0)
		*Buffer2 = rxdesc->buffer2;
	if(Data1 != 0)
		*Data2 = rxdesc->data2;

	gmacdev->RxBusy     = synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc) ? 0 : rxnext + 1;

	   	gmacdev->RxBusyDesc = (DmaDesc *)rxdesc->data2;
		//synopGMAC_desc_init_chain(rxdesc, synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc),0,0);
		gmacdev->RxBusyDesc = synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc) ? gmacdev->RxDesc : (rxdesc + 1);
		synopGMAC_rx_desc_init_ring(rxdesc, synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc));
	TR("%02d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",rxnext,(u32)rxdesc,rxdesc->status,rxdesc->length,rxdesc->buffer1,rxdesc->buffer2,rxdesc->data1,rxdesc->data2);
	(gmacdev->BusyRxDesc)--; //busy tx descriptor is reduced by one as it will be handed over to Processor now


  * Get back the descriptor from DMA after data has been received.
  * When the DMA indicates that the data is received (interrupt is generated), this function should be
  * called to get the descriptor and hence the data buffers received. With successful return from this
  * function caller gets the descriptor fields for processing. check the parameters to understand the 
  * fields returned.`
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[out] pointer to hold the status of DMA.
  * @param[out] Dma-able buffer1 pointer.
  * @param[out] pointer to hold length of buffer1 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[out] virtual pointer for buffer1.
  * @param[out] Dma-able buffer2 pointer.
  * @param[out] pointer to hold length of buffer2 (Max is 2048).
  * @param[out] virtual pointer for buffer2.
  * \return returns present rx descriptor index on success. Negative value if error.
s32 synopGMAC_get_rx_qptr(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev, u32 * Status, u32 * Buffer1, u32 * Length1, u32 * Data1, u32 * Buffer2, u32 * Length2, u32 * Data2)
	u32 rxnext       = gmacdev->RxBusy;	// index of descriptor the DMA just completed. May be useful when data 
						//is spread over multiple buffers/descriptors
	DmaDesc * rxdesc = gmacdev->RxBusyDesc;

	u32 len;
		DEBUG_MES("synopGMAC_get_rx_qptr:DMA descriptor is owned by GMAC!\n");
		return -1;
		DEBUG_MES("synopGMAC_get_rx_qptr:rx desc is empty!\n");
		return -1;

	if(Status != 0)
		*Status = rxdesc->status;// send the status of this descriptor

	if(Length1 != 0)
		*Length1 = (rxdesc->length & DescSize1Mask) >> DescSize1Shift;
	if(Buffer1 != 0)
		*Buffer1 = rxdesc->buffer1;
	if(Data1 != 0)
		*Data1 = rxdesc->data1;
	if(Length2 != 0)
		*Length2 = (rxdesc->length & DescSize2Mask) >> DescSize2Shift;
	if(Buffer2 != 0)
		*Buffer2 = rxdesc->buffer2;
	if(Data1 != 0)
		*Data2 = rxdesc->data2;

	len =  synopGMAC_get_rx_desc_frame_length(*Status);
	DEBUG_MES("Cache sync for data buffer in rx dma desc: length = 0x%x\n",len);
	gmacdev->RxBusy     = synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc) ? 0 : rxnext + 1;
	   	gmacdev->RxBusyDesc = (DmaDesc *)rxdesc->data2;
		gmacdev->RxBusyDesc = synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc) ? gmacdev->RxDesc : (rxdesc + 1);
//sw: raw data		
		DEBUG_MES("%02d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",rxnext,(u32)rxdesc,rxdesc->status,rxdesc->length,rxdesc->buffer1,rxdesc->buffer2,rxdesc->data1,rxdesc->data2);
		synopGMAC_rx_desc_init_ring(rxdesc, synopGMAC_is_last_rx_desc(gmacdev,rxdesc));
	DEBUG_MES("%02d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n",rxnext,(u32)rxdesc,rxdesc->status,rxdesc->length,rxdesc->buffer1,rxdesc->buffer2,rxdesc->data1,rxdesc->data2);

	(gmacdev->BusyRxDesc)--; //This returns one descriptor to processor. So busy count will be decremented by one



  * Clears all the pending interrupts.
  * If the Dma status register is read then all the interrupts gets cleared
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_clear_interrupt(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
	u32 data;
	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaStatus);
	TR("DMA status reg = 0x%x before cleared!\n",data);
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaStatus ,data);
   //     plat_delay(DEFAULT_LOOP_VARIABLE);
//	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaStatus);
	TR("DMA status reg = 0x%x after cleared!\n",data);

  * Returns the all unmasked interrupt status after reading the DmaStatus register.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return 0 upon success. Error code upon failure.
u32 synopGMAC_get_interrupt_type(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
	u32 data;
	u32 interrupts = 0;
	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaStatus);
	//data = data & ~0x84;	//sw: some bits shoud not be cleaned
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaStatus ,data); //manju: I think this is the appropriate location to clear the interrupts
	if(data & DmaIntErrorMask)	interrupts |= synopGMACDmaError;
	if(data & DmaIntRxNormMask)	interrupts |= synopGMACDmaRxNormal;
	if(data & DmaIntRxAbnMask)	interrupts |= synopGMACDmaRxAbnormal;
	if(data & DmaIntRxStoppedMask)	interrupts |= synopGMACDmaRxStopped;
	if(data & DmaIntTxNormMask)	interrupts |= synopGMACDmaTxNormal;
	if(data & DmaIntTxAbnMask)	interrupts |= synopGMACDmaTxAbnormal;
	if(data & DmaIntTxStoppedMask)	interrupts |= synopGMACDmaTxStopped;

	return interrupts;

  * Returns the interrupt mask.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return 0 upon success. Error code upon failure.
u32 synopGMAC_get_interrupt_mask(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
	return(synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaInterrupt));

  * Enable all the interrupts.
  * Enables the DMA interrupt as specified by the bit mask.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] bit mask of interrupts to be enabled.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_enable_interrupt(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 interrupts)
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaInterrupt, interrupts);

  * Disable all the interrupts.
  * Disables all DMA interrupts.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
  * \note This function disabled all the interrupts, if you want to disable a particular interrupt then
  *  use synopGMAC_disable_interrupt().
void synopGMAC_disable_interrupt_all(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
//	rt_kprintf("dmabase = 0x%x\n",gmacdev->DmaBase);
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaInterrupt, DmaIntDisable);
//	synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaInterrupt);

  * Disable interrupt according to the bitfield supplied.
  * Disables only those interrupts specified in the bit mask in second argument.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] bit mask for interrupts to be disabled.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_disable_interrupt(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 interrupts)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaInterrupt, interrupts);
  * Enable the DMA Reception.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_enable_dma_rx(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
//	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl, DmaRxStart);
	u32 data;
	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl);
  	data |= DmaRxStart; 
	TR0(" ===33334\n");
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl ,data);
	TR0(" ===33344\n");

  * Enable the DMA Transmission.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_enable_dma_tx(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
//	synopGMACSetBits(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl, DmaTxStart);
	u32 data;
	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl);
  	data |= DmaTxStart; 
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl ,data);


  * Resumes the DMA Transmission.
  * the DmaTxPollDemand is written. (the data writeen could be anything).
  * This forces the DMA to resume transmission.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_resume_dma_tx(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaTxPollDemand, 1);

  * Resumes the DMA Reception.
  * the DmaRxPollDemand is written. (the data writeen could be anything).
  * This forces the DMA to resume reception.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_resume_dma_rx(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaRxPollDemand, 0);

  * Take ownership of this Descriptor.
  * The function is same for both the ring mode and the chain mode DMA structures.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_take_desc_ownership(DmaDesc * desc)
		desc->status &= ~DescOwnByDma;  //Clear the DMA own bit
//		desc->status |= DescError;	// Set the error to indicate this descriptor is bad

  * Take ownership of all the rx Descriptors.
  * This function is called when there is fatal error in DMA transmission.
  * When called it takes the ownership of all the rx descriptor in rx descriptor pool/queue from DMA.
  * The function is same for both the ring mode and the chain mode DMA structures.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
  * \note Make sure to disable the transmission before calling this function, otherwise may result in racing situation.
void synopGMAC_take_desc_ownership_rx(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	s32 i;
	DmaDesc *desc;
	desc = gmacdev->RxDesc;
	for(i = 0; i < gmacdev->RxDescCount; i++){
		if(synopGMAC_is_rx_desc_chained(desc)){	//This descriptor is in chain mode
			desc = (DmaDesc *)desc->data2;
			synopGMAC_take_desc_ownership(desc + i);

  * Take ownership of all the rx Descriptors.
  * This function is called when there is fatal error in DMA transmission.
  * When called it takes the ownership of all the tx descriptor in tx descriptor pool/queue from DMA.
  * The function is same for both the ring mode and the chain mode DMA structures.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
  * \note Make sure to disable the transmission before calling this function, otherwise may result in racing situation.
void synopGMAC_take_desc_ownership_tx(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
	s32 i;
	DmaDesc *desc;
	desc = gmacdev->TxDesc;
	for(i = 0; i < gmacdev->TxDescCount; i++){
		if(synopGMAC_is_tx_desc_chained(desc)){	//This descriptor is in chain mode
			desc = (DmaDesc *)desc->data2;
			synopGMAC_take_desc_ownership(desc + i);

  * Disable the DMA for Transmission.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.

void synopGMAC_disable_dma_tx(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
//	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl, DmaTxStart);
	u32 data;
	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl);
  	data &= (~DmaTxStart); 
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl ,data);
  * Disable the DMA for Reception.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_disable_dma_rx(synopGMACdevice * gmacdev)
//	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl, DmaRxStart);
	u32 data;
	data = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl);
  	data &= (~DmaRxStart); 
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->DmaBase, DmaControl ,data);

/*******************PMT APIs***************************************/

  * Enables the assertion of PMT interrupt.
  * This enables the assertion of PMT interrupt due to Magic Pkt or Wakeup frame
  * reception.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_pmt_int_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Disables the assertion of PMT interrupt.
  * This disables the assertion of PMT interrupt due to Magic Pkt or Wakeup frame
  * reception.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_pmt_int_disable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Enables the power down mode of GMAC.
  * This function puts the Gmac in power down mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_power_down_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Disables the powerd down setting of GMAC.
  * If the driver wants to bring up the GMAC from powerdown mode, even though the magic packet or the
  * wake up frames received from the network, this function should be called.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_power_down_disable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Enables the pmt interrupt generation in powerdown mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_enable_pmt_interrupt(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Disables the pmt interrupt generation in powerdown mode.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_disable_pmt_interrupt(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Enables GMAC to look for Magic packet.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_magic_packet_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * Enables GMAC to look for wake up frame. 
  * Wake up frame is defined by the user.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_wakeup_frame_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * Enables wake-up frame filter to handle unicast packets.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_pmt_unicast_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Checks whether the packet received is a magic packet?.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns True if magic packet received else returns false.
bool synopGMAC_is_magic_packet_received(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
	u32 data;
	data = 	synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacPmtCtrlStatus);	
	return((data & GmacPmtMagicPktReceived) == GmacPmtMagicPktReceived);
  * Checks whether the packet received is a wakeup frame?.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns true if wakeup frame received else returns false.
bool synopGMAC_is_wakeup_frame_received(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
	u32 data;
	data = 	synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacPmtCtrlStatus);	
	return((data & GmacPmtWakeupFrameReceived) == GmacPmtWakeupFrameReceived);

  * Populates the remote wakeup frame registers.
  * Consecutive 8 writes to GmacWakeupAddr writes the wakeup frame filter registers.
  * Before commensing a new write, frame filter pointer is reset to 0x0000.
  * A small delay is introduced to allow frame filter pointer reset operation.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] pointer to frame filter contents array.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_write_wakeup_frame_register(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 * filter_contents)
	s32 i;
	for(i =0; i<WAKEUP_REG_LENGTH; i++)
		synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->MacBase, GmacWakeupAddr,  *(filter_contents + i));

/*******************PMT APIs***************************************/
/*******************MMC APIs***************************************/

  * Freezes the MMC counters.
  * This function call freezes the MMC counters. None of the MMC counters are updated
  * due to any tx or rx frames until synopGMAC_mmc_counters_resume is called.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_mmc_counters_stop(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Resumes the MMC counter updation.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_mmc_counters_resume(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Configures the MMC in Self clearing mode.
  * Programs MMC interface so that counters are cleared when the counters are read.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_mmc_counters_set_selfclear(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Configures the MMC in non-Self clearing mode.
  * Programs MMC interface so that counters are cleared when the counters are read.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_mmc_counters_reset_selfclear(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Configures the MMC to stop rollover.
  * Programs MMC interface so that counters will not rollover after reaching maximum value.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_mmc_counters_disable_rollover(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Configures the MMC to rollover.
  * Programs MMC interface so that counters will rollover after reaching maximum value.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_mmc_counters_enable_rollover(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * Read the MMC Counter.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] the counter to be read.
  * \return returns the read count value.
u32 synopGMAC_read_mmc_counter(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 counter)
	return(	synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,counter));
  * Read the MMC Rx interrupt status.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns the Rx interrupt status.
u32 synopGMAC_read_mmc_rx_int_status(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
	return(	synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacMmcIntrRx));
  * Read the MMC Tx interrupt status.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns the Tx interrupt status.
u32 synopGMAC_read_mmc_tx_int_status(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
	return(	synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacMmcIntrTx));
  * Disable the MMC Tx interrupt.
  * The MMC tx interrupts are masked out as per the mask specified.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] tx interrupt bit mask for which interrupts needs to be disabled.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_disable_mmc_tx_interrupt(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 mask)
  * Enable the MMC Tx interrupt.
  * The MMC tx interrupts are enabled as per the mask specified.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] tx interrupt bit mask for which interrupts needs to be enabled.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_enable_mmc_tx_interrupt(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 mask)
  * Disable the MMC Rx interrupt.
  * The MMC rx interrupts are masked out as per the mask specified.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] rx interrupt bit mask for which interrupts needs to be disabled.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_disable_mmc_rx_interrupt(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 mask)
  * Enable the MMC Rx interrupt.
  * The MMC rx interrupts are enabled as per the mask specified.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] rx interrupt bit mask for which interrupts needs to be enabled.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_enable_mmc_rx_interrupt(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 mask)
  * Disable the MMC ipc rx checksum offload interrupt.
  * The MMC ipc rx checksum offload interrupts are masked out as per the mask specified.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] rx interrupt bit mask for which interrupts needs to be disabled.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_disable_mmc_ipc_rx_interrupt(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 mask)
  * Enable the MMC ipc rx checksum offload interrupt.
  * The MMC ipc rx checksum offload interrupts are enabled as per the mask specified.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] rx interrupt bit mask for which interrupts needs to be enabled.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_enable_mmc_ipc_rx_interrupt(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 mask)
/*******************MMC APIs***************************************/
/*******************Ip checksum offloading APIs***************************************/

  * Enables the ip checksum offloading in receive path.
  * When set GMAC calculates 16 bit 1's complement of all received ethernet frame payload.
  * It also checks IPv4 Header checksum is correct. GMAC core appends the 16 bit checksum calculated
  * for payload of IP datagram and appends it to Ethernet frame transferred to the application.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_enable_rx_chksum_offload(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Disable the ip checksum offloading in receive path.
  * Ip checksum offloading is disabled in the receive path.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_disable_rx_Ipchecksum_offload(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Instruct the DMA to drop the packets fails tcp ip checksum.
  * This is to instruct the receive DMA engine to drop the recevied packet if they 
  * fails the tcp/ip checksum in hardware. Valid only when full checksum offloading is enabled(type-2).
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_rx_tcpip_chksum_drop_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Instruct the DMA not to drop the packets even if it fails tcp ip checksum.
  * This is to instruct the receive DMA engine to allow the packets even if recevied packet
  * fails the tcp/ip checksum in hardware. Valid only when full checksum offloading is enabled(type-2).
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_rx_tcpip_chksum_drop_disable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * When the Enhanced Descriptor is enabled then the bit 0 of RDES0 indicates whether the
  * Extended Status is available (RDES4). Time Stamp feature and the Checksum Offload Engine2
  * makes use of this extended status to provide the status of the received packet.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns TRUE or FALSE
#ifdef ENH_DESC_8W

  * This function indicates whether extended status is available in the RDES0.
  * Any function which accesses the fields of extended status register must ensure a check on this has been made
  * This is valid only for Enhanced Descriptor.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] u32 status field of the corresponding descriptor.
  * \return returns TRUE or FALSE.
bool synopGMAC_is_ext_status(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev,u32 status) 		      // extended status present indicates that the RDES4 need to be probed
	return((status & DescRxEXTsts ) != 0 ); // if extstatus set then it returns 1
  * This function returns true if the IP header checksum bit is set in the extended status.
  * Valid only when enhaced status available is set in RDES0 bit 0.
  * This is valid only for Enhanced Descriptor.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] u32 status field of the corresponding descriptor.
  * \return returns TRUE or FALSE.
bool synopGMAC_ES_is_IP_header_error(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev,u32 ext_status)          // IP header (IPV4) checksum error
	return((ext_status & DescRxIpHeaderError) != 0 ); // if IPV4 header error return 1
  * This function returns true if the Checksum is bypassed in the hardware.
  * Valid only when enhaced status available is set in RDES0 bit 0.
  * This is valid only for Enhanced Descriptor.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] u32 status field of the corresponding descriptor.
  * \return returns TRUE or FALSE.
bool synopGMAC_ES_is_rx_checksum_bypassed(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev,u32 ext_status)     // Hardware engine bypassed the checksum computation/checking
	return((ext_status & DescRxChkSumBypass ) != 0 ); // if checksum offloading bypassed return 1
  * This function returns true if payload checksum error is set in the extended status.
  * Valid only when enhaced status available is set in RDES0 bit 0.
  * This is valid only for Enhanced Descriptor.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] u32 status field of the corresponding descriptor.
  * \return returns TRUE or FALSE.
bool synopGMAC_ES_is_IP_payload_error(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev,u32 ext_status)         // IP payload checksum is in error (UDP/TCP/ICMP checksum error)
	return((ext_status & DescRxIpPayloadError) != 0 ); // if IP payload error return 1

  * Decodes the Rx Descriptor status to various checksum error conditions.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] u32 status field of the corresponding descriptor.
  * \return returns decoded enum (u32) indicating the status.
u32 synopGMAC_is_rx_checksum_error(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 status)
	if     (((status & DescRxChkBit5) == 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit7) == 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit0) == 0))
	return RxLenLT600;
	else if(((status & DescRxChkBit5) == 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit7) == 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit0) != 0))
	return RxIpHdrPayLoadChkBypass;
	else if(((status & DescRxChkBit5) == 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit7) != 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit0) != 0))
	return RxChkBypass;
	else if(((status & DescRxChkBit5) != 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit7) == 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit0) == 0))
	return RxNoChkError;
	else if(((status & DescRxChkBit5) != 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit7) == 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit0) != 0))
	return RxPayLoadChkError;
	else if(((status & DescRxChkBit5) != 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit7) != 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit0) == 0))
	return RxIpHdrChkError;
	else if(((status & DescRxChkBit5) != 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit7) != 0) && ((status & DescRxChkBit0) != 0))
	return RxIpHdrPayLoadChkError;
	return RxIpHdrPayLoadRes;
  * Checks if any Ipv4 header checksum error in the frame just transmitted.
  * This serves as indication that error occureed in the IPv4 header checksum insertion.
  * The sent out frame doesnot carry any ipv4 header checksum inserted by the hardware.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] u32 status field of the corresponding descriptor.
  * \return returns true if error in ipv4 header checksum, else returns false.
bool synopGMAC_is_tx_ipv4header_checksum_error(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 status)
	return((status & DescTxIpv4ChkError) == DescTxIpv4ChkError);

  * Checks if any payload checksum error in the frame just transmitted.
  * This serves as indication that error occureed in the payload checksum insertion.
  * The sent out frame doesnot carry any payload checksum inserted by the hardware.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] u32 status field of the corresponding descriptor.
  * \return returns true if error in ipv4 header checksum, else returns false.
bool synopGMAC_is_tx_payload_checksum_error(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 status)
	return((status & DescTxPayChkError) == DescTxPayChkError);
  * The check summ offload engine is bypassed in the tx path.
  * Checksum is not computed in the Hardware.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] Pointer to tx descriptor for which  ointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_tx_checksum_offload_bypass(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, DmaDesc *desc)
	#ifdef ENH_DESC
	desc->status = (desc->length & (~DescTxCisMask));//ENH_DESC
	desc->length = (desc->length & (~DescTxCisMask));

  * The check summ offload engine is enabled to do only IPV4 header checksum.
  * IPV4 header Checksum is computed in the Hardware.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] Pointer to tx descriptor for which  ointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_tx_checksum_offload_ipv4hdr(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, DmaDesc *desc)
	#ifdef ENH_DESC
	desc->status = ((desc->status & (~DescTxCisMask)) | DescTxCisIpv4HdrCs);//ENH_DESC
	desc->length = ((desc->length & (~DescTxCisMask)) | DescTxCisIpv4HdrCs);


  * The check summ offload engine is enabled to do TCPIP checsum assuming Pseudo header is available.
  * Hardware computes the tcp ip checksum assuming pseudo header checksum is computed in software.
  * Ipv4 header checksum is also inserted.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] Pointer to tx descriptor for which  ointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_tx_checksum_offload_tcponly(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, DmaDesc *desc)
	#ifdef ENH_DESC
	desc->status = ((desc->status & (~DescTxCisMask)) | DescTxCisTcpOnlyCs);//ENH_DESC
	desc->length = ((desc->length & (~DescTxCisMask)) | DescTxCisTcpOnlyCs);

  * The check summ offload engine is enabled to do complete checksum computation.
  * Hardware computes the tcp ip checksum including the pseudo header checksum.
  * Here the tcp payload checksum field should be set to 0000.
  * Ipv4 header checksum is also inserted.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * @param[in] Pointer to tx descriptor for which  ointer to synopGMACdevice.
  * \return returns void.
void synopGMAC_tx_checksum_offload_tcp_pseudo(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, DmaDesc *desc)
	#ifdef ENH_DESC
	desc->status = ((desc->length & (~DescTxCisMask)) | DescTxCisTcpPseudoCs);
	desc->length = ((desc->length & (~DescTxCisMask)) | DescTxCisTcpPseudoCs);

/*******************Ip checksum offloading APIs***************************************/

/*******************IEEE 1588 Timestamping API***************************************/

 * At this time the driver supports the IEEE time stamping feature when the Enhanced Descriptors are enabled.
 * For normal descriptor and the IEEE time stamp (version 1), driver support is not proviced
 * Please make sure you have enabled the Advanced timestamp feature in the hardware and the driver should
 * be compiled with the ADV_TME_STAMP feature. 
 * Some of the APIs provided here may not be valid for all configurations. Please make sure you call the
 * API with due care.

  * This function enables the timestamping. This enables the timestamping for transmit and receive frames.
  * When disabled timestamp is not added to tx and receive frames and timestamp generator is suspended.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * This function disables the timestamping. 
  * When disabled timestamp is not added to tx and receive frames and timestamp generator is suspended.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_disable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
	synopGMACClearBits(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacInterruptMask, GmacTSIntMask);

  * Enable the interrupt to get timestamping interrupt. 
  * This enables the host to get the interrupt when (1) system time is greater or equal to the 
  * target time high and low register or (2) there is a overflow in th esecond register.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_int_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * Disable the interrupt to get timestamping interrupt. 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_int_disable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * Enable MAC address for PTP frame filtering. 
  * When enabled, uses MAC address (apart from MAC address 0) to filter the PTP frames when
  * PTP is sent directly over Ethernet.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_mac_addr_filt_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * Disables MAC address for PTP frame filtering. 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_mac_addr_filt_disable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * Selet the type of clock mode for PTP. 
  * Please note to use one of the follwoing as the clk_type argument.
  * GmacTSOrdClk		  = 0x00000000,	     00=> Ordinary clock
  * GmacTSBouClk		  = 0x00010000,	     01=> Boundary clock
  * GmacTSEtoEClk		  = 0x00020000,	     10=> End-to-End transparent clock
  * GmacTSPtoPClk		  = 0x00030000,	     11=> P-to-P transparent clock
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * @param[in] u32 value representing one of the above clk value
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_set_clk_type(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 clk_type)
	u32 clkval;
	clkval = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSControl); //set the mdc clock to the user defined value
	clkval = clkval | clk_type;	   

  * Enable Snapshot for messages relevant to Master. 
  * When enabled, snapshot is taken for messages relevant to master mode only, else snapshot is taken for messages relevant 
  * to slave node. 
  * Valid only for Ordinary clock and Boundary clock
  * Reserved when "Advanced Time Stamp" is not selected
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_master_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Disable Snapshot for messages relevant to Master. 
  * When disabled, snapshot is taken for messages relevant 
  * to slave node. 
  * Valid only for Ordinary clock and Boundary clock
  * Reserved when "Advanced Time Stamp" is not selected
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_master_disable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Enable Snapshot for Event messages. 
  * When enabled, snapshot is taken for event messages only (SYNC, Delay_Req, Pdelay_Req or Pdelay_Resp)
  * When disabled, snapshot is taken for all messages except Announce, Management and Signaling.
  * Reserved when "Advanced Time Stamp" is not selected
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_event_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Disable Snapshot for Event messages. 
  * When disabled, snapshot is taken for all messages except Announce, Management and Signaling.
  * Reserved when "Advanced Time Stamp" is not selected
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_event_disable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * Enable time stamp snapshot for IPV4 frames. 
  * When enabled, time stamp snapshot is taken for IPV4 frames
  * Reserved when "Advanced Time Stamp" is not selected
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_IPV4_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Disable time stamp snapshot for IPV4 frames. 
  * When disabled, time stamp snapshot is not taken for IPV4 frames
  * Reserved when "Advanced Time Stamp" is not selected
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_IPV4_disable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
}                    // Only for "Advanced Time Stamp"
  * Enable time stamp snapshot for IPV6 frames. 
  * When enabled, time stamp snapshot is taken for IPV6 frames
  * Reserved when "Advanced Time Stamp" is not selected
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_IPV6_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Disable time stamp snapshot for IPV6 frames. 
  * When disabled, time stamp snapshot is not taken for IPV6 frames
  * Reserved when "Advanced Time Stamp" is not selected
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_IPV6_disable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * Enable time stamp snapshot for PTP over Ethernet frames. 
  * When enabled, time stamp snapshot is taken for PTP over Ethernet frames
  * Reserved when "Advanced Time Stamp" is not selected
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_ptp_over_ethernet_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Disable time stamp snapshot for PTP over Ethernet frames. 
  * When disabled, time stamp snapshot is not taken for PTP over Ethernet frames
  * Reserved when "Advanced Time Stamp" is not selected
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_ptp_over_ethernet_disable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * Snoop PTP packet for version 2 format 
  * When set the PTP packets are snooped using the version 2 format.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_pkt_snoop_ver2(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Snoop PTP packet for version 2 format 
  * When set the PTP packets are snooped using the version 2 format.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_pkt_snoop_ver1(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * Timestamp digital rollover 
  * When set the timestamp low register rolls over after 0x3B9A_C9FF value.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_digital_rollover_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Timestamp binary rollover 
  * When set the timestamp low register rolls over after 0x7FFF_FFFF value.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_binary_rollover_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Enable Time Stamp for All frames 
  * When set the timestamp snap shot is enabled for all frames received by the core.
  * Reserved when "Advanced Time Stamp" is not selected
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_all_frames_enable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Disable Time Stamp for All frames 
  * When reset the timestamp snap shot is not enabled for all frames received by the core.
  * Reserved when "Advanced Time Stamp" is not selected
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_all_frames_disable(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Addend Register Update 
  * This function loads the contents of Time stamp addend register with the supplied 32 value.
  * This is reserved function when only coarse correction option is selected
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * @param[in] 32 bit addend value
  * \return returns 0 for Success or else Failure
s32 synopGMAC_TS_addend_update(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 addend_value)
	u32 loop_variable;
        synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSAddend,addend_value);// Load the addend_value in to Addend register
        for(loop_variable = 0; loop_variable < DEFAULT_LOOP_VARIABLE; loop_variable++){ //Wait till the busy bit gets cleared with in a certain amount of time
		if(!((synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSControl)) & GmacTSADDREG)){ // if it is cleared then break
        if(loop_variable < DEFAULT_LOOP_VARIABLE)
        TR("Error::: The TSADDREG bit is not getting cleared !!!!!!\n");

  * time stamp Update 
  * This function updates (adds/subtracts) with the value specified in the Timestamp High Update and
  * Timestamp Low Update register.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * @param[in] Timestamp High Update value
  * @param[in] Timestamp Low Update value
  * \return returns 0 for Success or else Failure
s32 synopGMAC_TS_timestamp_update(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 high_value, u32 low_value)
	u32 loop_variable;
        synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSHighUpdate,high_value);// Load the high value to Timestamp High register
        synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSLowUpdate,low_value);// Load the high value to Timestamp High register
        for(loop_variable = 0; loop_variable < DEFAULT_LOOP_VARIABLE; loop_variable++){ //Wait till the busy bit gets cleared with in a certain amount of time
		if(!((synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSControl)) & GmacTSUPDT)){ // if it is cleared then break
        if(loop_variable < DEFAULT_LOOP_VARIABLE)
        TR("Error::: The TSADDREG bit is not getting cleared !!!!!!\n");

  * time stamp Initialize 
  * This function Loads/Initializes h the value specified in the Timestamp High Update and
  * Timestamp Low Update register.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * @param[in] Timestamp High Load value
  * @param[in] Timestamp Low Load value
  * \return returns 0 for Success or else Failure
s32 synopGMAC_TS_timestamp_init(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 high_value, u32 low_value)
	u32 loop_variable;
        synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSHighUpdate,high_value);// Load the high value to Timestamp High register
        synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSLowUpdate,low_value);// Load the high value to Timestamp High register
        for(loop_variable = 0; loop_variable < DEFAULT_LOOP_VARIABLE; loop_variable++){ //Wait till the busy bit gets cleared with in a certain amount of time
		if(!((synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSControl)) & GmacTSINT)){ // if it is cleared then break
        if(loop_variable < DEFAULT_LOOP_VARIABLE)
        TR("Error::: The TSADDREG bit is not getting cleared !!!!!!\n");

  * Time Stamp Update Coarse 
  * When reset the timestamp update is done using coarse method.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_coarse_update(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)
  * Time Stamp Update Fine 
  * When reset the timestamp update is done using Fine method.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_fine_update(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev)

  * Load the Sub Second Increment value in to Sub Second increment register 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_subsecond_init(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 sub_sec_inc_value)
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSSubSecIncr,(sub_sec_inc_value & GmacSSINCMsk));
  * Reads the time stamp contents in to the respective pointers 
  * These registers are readonly.
  * This function returns the 48 bit time stamp assuming Version 2 timestamp with higher word is selected.
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * @param[in] pointer to hold 16 higher bit second register contents
  * @param[in] pointer to hold 32 bit second register contents
  * @param[in] pointer to hold 32 bit subnanosecond register contents
  * \return returns void
  * \note Please note that since the atomic access to the timestamp registers is not possible, 
  *  the contents read may be different from the actual time stamp. 
void synopGMAC_TS_read_timestamp(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u16 * higher_sec_val, u32 * sec_val, u32 *  sub_sec_val)
	* higher_sec_val = (u16)(synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSHighWord) & GmacTSHighWordMask);
        * sec_val        = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSHigh);
        * sub_sec_val    = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSLow);
  * Loads the time stamp higher sec value from the value supplied 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * @param[in] 16 higher bit second register contents passed as 32 bit value
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_load_timestamp_higher_val(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 higher_sec_val)
	synopGMACWriteReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSHighWord, (higher_sec_val & GmacTSHighWordMask));
  * Reads the time stamp higher sec value to respective pointers 
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * @param[in] pointer to hold 16 higher bit second register contents
  * \return returns void
void synopGMAC_TS_read_timestamp_higher_val(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u16 * higher_sec_val)
	* higher_sec_val = (u16)(synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSHighWord) & GmacTSHighWordMask);
  * Load the Target time stamp registers 
  * This function Loads the target time stamp registers with the values proviced
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * @param[in] target Timestamp High value
  * @param[in] target Timestamp Low  value
  * \return returns 0 for Success or else Failure
void synopGMAC_TS_load_target_timestamp(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 sec_val, u32 sub_sec_val)
  * Reads the Target time stamp registers 
  * This function Loads the target time stamp registers with the values proviced
  * @param[in] pointer to synopGMACdevice
  * @param[in] pointer to hold target Timestamp High value
  * @param[in] pointer to hold target Timestamp Low  value
  * \return returns 0 for Success or else Failure
void synopGMAC_TS_read_target_timestamp(synopGMACdevice *gmacdev, u32 * sec_val, u32 * sub_sec_val)
	* sec_val     = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSTargetTimeHigh);
	* sub_sec_val = synopGMACReadReg(gmacdev->MacBase,GmacTSTargetTimeLow);