/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2020-06-16 guohp1128 first version */ #include "drv_gpio.h" #ifdef RT_USING_PIN static const struct pin_index pins[] = { __NRF5X_PIN(0 , 0, 0 ), __NRF5X_PIN(1 , 0, 1 ), __NRF5X_PIN(2 , 0, 2 ), __NRF5X_PIN(3 , 0, 3 ), __NRF5X_PIN(4 , 0, 4 ), __NRF5X_PIN(5 , 0, 5 ), __NRF5X_PIN(6 , 0, 6 ), __NRF5X_PIN(7 , 0, 7 ), __NRF5X_PIN(8 , 0, 8 ), __NRF5X_PIN(9 , 0, 9 ), __NRF5X_PIN(10, 0, 10), __NRF5X_PIN(11, 0, 11), __NRF5X_PIN(12, 0, 12), __NRF5X_PIN(13, 0, 13), __NRF5X_PIN(14, 0, 14), __NRF5X_PIN(15, 0, 15), __NRF5X_PIN(16, 0, 16), __NRF5X_PIN(17, 0, 17), __NRF5X_PIN(18, 0, 18), __NRF5X_PIN(19, 0, 19), __NRF5X_PIN(20, 0, 20), __NRF5X_PIN(21, 0, 21), __NRF5X_PIN(22, 0, 22), __NRF5X_PIN(23, 0, 23), __NRF5X_PIN(24, 0, 24), __NRF5X_PIN(25, 0, 25), __NRF5X_PIN(26, 0, 26), __NRF5X_PIN(27, 0, 27), __NRF5X_PIN(28, 0, 28), __NRF5X_PIN(29, 0, 29), __NRF5X_PIN(30, 0, 30), __NRF5X_PIN(31, 0, 31), #if defined(SOC_NRF52840) || defined(SOC_NRF5340) __NRF5X_PIN(32, 1, 0 ), __NRF5X_PIN(33, 1, 1 ), __NRF5X_PIN(34, 1, 2 ), __NRF5X_PIN(35, 1, 3 ), __NRF5X_PIN(36, 1, 4 ), __NRF5X_PIN(37, 1, 5 ), __NRF5X_PIN(38, 1, 6 ), __NRF5X_PIN(39, 1, 7 ), __NRF5X_PIN(40, 1, 8 ), __NRF5X_PIN(41, 1, 9 ), __NRF5X_PIN(42, 1, 10), __NRF5X_PIN(43, 1, 11), __NRF5X_PIN(44, 1, 12), __NRF5X_PIN(45, 1, 13), __NRF5X_PIN(46, 1, 14), __NRF5X_PIN(47, 1, 15), #endif /* SOC_NRF52840 5340*/ }; /* EVENTS_IN[n](n=0..7) and EVENTS_PORT */ static struct rt_pin_irq_hdr pin_irq_hdr_tab[] = { {-1, 0, RT_NULL, RT_NULL}, {-1, 0, RT_NULL, RT_NULL}, {-1, 0, RT_NULL, RT_NULL}, {-1, 0, RT_NULL, RT_NULL}, {-1, 0, RT_NULL, RT_NULL}, {-1, 0, RT_NULL, RT_NULL}, {-1, 0, RT_NULL, RT_NULL}, {-1, 0, RT_NULL, RT_NULL}, {-1, 0, RT_NULL, RT_NULL}, }; #define ITEM_NUM(items) sizeof(items) / sizeof(items[0]) /* pin: the number of pins */ static const struct pin_index *get_pin(uint8_t pin) { const struct pin_index *index; if (pin < ITEM_NUM(pins)) { index = &pins[pin]; if (index->index == -1) index = RT_NULL; } else { index = RT_NULL; } return index; }; static void nrf5x_pin_write(rt_device_t dev, rt_base_t pin, rt_base_t value) { const struct pin_index *index; index = get_pin(pin); if (index == RT_NULL) { return; } nrf_gpio_pin_write(pin, value); } static int nrf5x_pin_read(rt_device_t dev, rt_base_t pin) { int value; const struct pin_index *index; value = PIN_LOW; index = get_pin(pin); if (index == RT_NULL) { return value; } value = nrf_gpio_pin_read(pin); return value; } static void nrf5x_pin_mode(rt_device_t dev, rt_base_t pin, rt_base_t mode) { const struct pin_index *index; index = get_pin(pin); if (index == RT_NULL) { return; } if (mode == PIN_MODE_OUTPUT) { /* output setting */ nrf_gpio_cfg_output(pin); } else if (mode == PIN_MODE_INPUT) { /* input setting: not pull. */ nrf_gpio_cfg_input(pin, NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOPULL); } else if (mode == PIN_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP) { /* input setting: pull up. */ nrf_gpio_cfg_input(pin, NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP); } else if (mode == PIN_MODE_INPUT_PULLDOWN) { /* input setting: pull down. */ nrf_gpio_cfg_input(pin, NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLDOWN); } else if (mode == PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_OD) { /* output setting: od. */ nrf_gpio_cfg( pin, NRF_GPIO_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT, NRF_GPIO_PIN_INPUT_DISCONNECT, NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOPULL, NRF_GPIO_PIN_S0D1, NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOSENSE); } } static void pin_irq_hdr(nrfx_gpiote_pin_t pin, nrf_gpiote_polarity_t action) { int i; int irq_quantity; irq_quantity = ITEM_NUM(pin_irq_hdr_tab); for(i = 0; i < irq_quantity; i++) { if(pin_irq_hdr_tab[i].pin == pin) { pin_irq_hdr_tab[i].hdr(pin_irq_hdr_tab[i].args); } } } /* args = true : hi_accuracy(IN_EVENT) * args = false: lo_accuracy(PORT_EVENT) */ static rt_err_t nrf5x_pin_attach_irq(struct rt_device *device, rt_int32_t pin, rt_uint32_t mode, void (*hdr)(void *args), void *args) { const struct pin_index *index; rt_int32_t irqindex = -1; rt_base_t level; nrfx_err_t err_code; int i; int irq_quantity; index = get_pin(pin); if (index == RT_NULL) { return RT_ENOSYS; } irq_quantity = ITEM_NUM(pin_irq_hdr_tab); for(i = 0; i < irq_quantity; i++) { if(pin_irq_hdr_tab[i].pin != -1) { irqindex = -1; continue; } else { irqindex = i; break; } } if(irqindex == -1) { return RT_ENOMEM; } level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); pin_irq_hdr_tab[irqindex].pin = pin; pin_irq_hdr_tab[irqindex].hdr = hdr; pin_irq_hdr_tab[irqindex].mode = mode; pin_irq_hdr_tab[irqindex].args = args; if(mode == PIN_IRQ_MODE_RISING) { nrfx_gpiote_in_config_t inConfig = NRFX_GPIOTE_CONFIG_IN_SENSE_LOTOHI(args); inConfig.pull = NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLDOWN; err_code = nrfx_gpiote_in_init(pin, &inConfig, pin_irq_hdr); } else if(mode == PIN_IRQ_MODE_FALLING) { nrfx_gpiote_in_config_t inConfig = NRFX_GPIOTE_CONFIG_IN_SENSE_HITOLO(args); inConfig.pull = NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP; err_code = nrfx_gpiote_in_init(pin, &inConfig, pin_irq_hdr); } else if(mode == PIN_IRQ_MODE_RISING_FALLING) { nrfx_gpiote_in_config_t inConfig = NRFX_GPIOTE_CONFIG_IN_SENSE_TOGGLE(args); inConfig.pull = NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP; err_code = nrfx_gpiote_in_init(pin, &inConfig, pin_irq_hdr); } rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); switch(err_code) { case NRFX_ERROR_BUSY: return RT_EBUSY; case NRFX_SUCCESS: return RT_EOK; case NRFX_ERROR_NO_MEM: return RT_ENOMEM; default: return RT_ERROR; } } static rt_err_t nrf5x_pin_dettach_irq(struct rt_device *device, rt_int32_t pin) { const struct pin_index *index; rt_base_t level; int i; int irq_quantity; index = get_pin(pin); if (index == RT_NULL) { return RT_ENOSYS; } irq_quantity = ITEM_NUM(pin_irq_hdr_tab); for(i = 0; i < irq_quantity; i++) { if(pin_irq_hdr_tab[i].pin == pin) { level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); pin_irq_hdr_tab[i].pin = -1; pin_irq_hdr_tab[i].hdr = RT_NULL; pin_irq_hdr_tab[i].mode = 0; pin_irq_hdr_tab[i].args = RT_NULL; nrfx_gpiote_in_uninit(pin); rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); break; } } if(i >= irq_quantity) { return RT_ENOSYS; } return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t nrf5x_pin_irq_enable(struct rt_device *device, rt_base_t pin, rt_uint32_t enabled) { const struct pin_index *index; rt_base_t level; int i; int irq_quantity; index = get_pin(pin); if (index == RT_NULL) { return RT_ENOSYS; } irq_quantity = ITEM_NUM(pin_irq_hdr_tab); for(i = 0; i < irq_quantity; i++) { if(pin_irq_hdr_tab[i].pin == pin) { level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); if(enabled == PIN_IRQ_ENABLE) { nrfx_gpiote_in_event_enable(pin,enabled); } else if(enabled == PIN_IRQ_DISABLE) { nrfx_gpiote_in_event_disable(pin); } rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); break; } } if(i >= irq_quantity) { return RT_ENOSYS; } return RT_EOK; } const static struct rt_pin_ops _nrf5x_pin_ops = { nrf5x_pin_mode, nrf5x_pin_write, nrf5x_pin_read, nrf5x_pin_attach_irq, nrf5x_pin_dettach_irq, nrf5x_pin_irq_enable, RT_NULL, }; rt_err_t rt_hw_pin_init(void) { nrfx_err_t err_code; err_code = (nrfx_err_t)rt_device_pin_register("pin", &_nrf5x_pin_ops, RT_NULL); err_code = nrfx_gpiote_init(NRFX_GPIOTE_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY); switch(err_code) { case NRFX_ERROR_INVALID_STATE: return -RT_EINVAL; case NRFX_SUCCESS: return RT_EOK; default: return -RT_ERROR;; } } INIT_BOARD_EXPORT(rt_hw_pin_init); #if defined(SOC_NRF5340) /* test GPIO write, read, input interrupt */ #define DK_BOARD_LED_1 28 #define DK_BOARD_LED_2 29 #define DK_BOARD_LED_3 30 #define DK_BOARD_LED_4 31 #define DK_BOARD_BUTTON_1 23 #define DK_BOARD_BUTTON_2 24 #define DK_BOARD_BUTTON_3 8 #define DK_BOARD_BUTTON_4 9 #else /* test GPIO write, read, input interrupt */ #define DK_BOARD_LED_1 13 #define DK_BOARD_LED_2 14 #define DK_BOARD_LED_3 15 #define DK_BOARD_LED_4 16 #define DK_BOARD_BUTTON_1 11 #define DK_BOARD_BUTTON_2 12 #define DK_BOARD_BUTTON_3 24 #define DK_BOARD_BUTTON_4 25 #endif void button_1_callback(void *args) { static int flag1 = 0; if(flag1 == 0) { flag1 = 1; rt_pin_write(DK_BOARD_LED_1, PIN_LOW); } else { flag1 = 0; rt_pin_write(DK_BOARD_LED_1, PIN_HIGH); } } void button_2_callback(void *args) { static int flag2 = 0; if(flag2 == 0) { flag2 = 1; rt_pin_write(DK_BOARD_LED_2, PIN_LOW); } else { flag2 = 0; rt_pin_write(DK_BOARD_LED_2, PIN_HIGH); } } void button_3_callback(void *args) { static int flag3 = 0; if(flag3 == 0) { flag3 = 1; rt_pin_write(DK_BOARD_LED_3, PIN_LOW); } else { flag3 = 0; rt_pin_write(DK_BOARD_LED_3, PIN_HIGH); } } void button_4_callback(void *args) { static int flag4 = 0; if(flag4 == 0) { flag4 = 1; rt_pin_write(DK_BOARD_LED_4, PIN_LOW); } else { flag4 = 0; rt_pin_write(DK_BOARD_LED_4, PIN_HIGH); } } void gpio_sample(void) { rt_pin_mode(DK_BOARD_LED_1, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); rt_pin_mode(DK_BOARD_LED_2, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); rt_pin_mode(DK_BOARD_LED_3, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); rt_pin_mode(DK_BOARD_LED_4, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); rt_pin_write(DK_BOARD_LED_1, PIN_HIGH); rt_pin_write(DK_BOARD_LED_2, PIN_HIGH); rt_pin_write(DK_BOARD_LED_3, PIN_HIGH); rt_pin_write(DK_BOARD_LED_4, PIN_HIGH); rt_pin_attach_irq(DK_BOARD_BUTTON_1, PIN_IRQ_MODE_FALLING, button_1_callback, (void*) true); //true: hi_accuracy(IN_EVENT),false: lo_accuracy(PORT_EVENT) rt_pin_irq_enable(DK_BOARD_BUTTON_1, PIN_IRQ_ENABLE); rt_pin_attach_irq(DK_BOARD_BUTTON_2, PIN_IRQ_MODE_FALLING, button_2_callback, (void*) true); //true: hi_accuracy(IN_EVENT),false: lo_accuracy(PORT_EVENT) rt_pin_irq_enable(DK_BOARD_BUTTON_2, PIN_IRQ_ENABLE); rt_pin_attach_irq(DK_BOARD_BUTTON_3, PIN_IRQ_MODE_FALLING, button_3_callback, (void*) true); //true: hi_accuracy(IN_EVENT),false: lo_accuracy(PORT_EVENT) rt_pin_irq_enable(DK_BOARD_BUTTON_3, PIN_IRQ_ENABLE); rt_pin_attach_irq(DK_BOARD_BUTTON_4, PIN_IRQ_MODE_FALLING, button_4_callback, (void*) false); //true: hi_accuracy(IN_EVENT),false: lo_accuracy(PORT_EVENT) rt_pin_irq_enable(DK_BOARD_BUTTON_4, PIN_IRQ_ENABLE); } MSH_CMD_EXPORT(gpio_sample, gpio sample); #endif /* RT_USING_PIN */