/* * Copyright (C) 2018 Shanghai Eastsoft Microelectronics Co., Ltd. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2020-12-15 liuhy first implementation. */ /* * 程序清单:这是一个 pm睡眠唤醒的使用例程 * 例程导出了 pm_sample 命令到控制终端 * 命令调用格式:pm_sample * 命令解释:进入不同的睡眠模式,然后用按键唤醒。 * 程序功能:通过串口输出字符串,告知进入睡眠和唤醒睡眠的情况。 * 注意:进入睡眠前,如果有中断挂起(SYSTICK、UART、EXTI等),睡眠将被瞬间唤醒。 */ #include #include #ifdef RT_USING_PM #define PM_NAME "pm" /* 设备名称 */ #define WAKE_UP_PIN 19 /* 唤醒源 */ #define SLEEP_TIMES 12 /* 进入睡眠次数,轮流进入不同的睡眠模式,包括无睡眠模式 */ struct pm_callback_t { volatile int in_fun_times; /*进入函数的次数*/ volatile char flag; /*标志*/ volatile int mode; /*需要打印的模式*/ }; volatile struct pm_callback_t g_pm_data; /*进入睡眠前,睡眠唤醒后,都会进入。*/ /*函数打印睡眠相关的信息*/ void sleep_in_out_callback(rt_uint8_t event, rt_uint8_t mode, void *data) { /*没有标志,不处理*/ if(!(g_pm_data.flag)) { return; } /*标志不正常,清空标志*/ if((g_pm_data.flag) > 2) { (g_pm_data.flag) = 0; return; } /*模式不匹配*/ if(g_pm_data.mode != mode ) { return; } /*进入的事件*/ switch(event) { /*进入睡眠前*/ case RT_PM_ENTER_SLEEP: g_pm_data.flag = 1; rt_kprintf("\n\r##%d : ENTER ",g_pm_data.in_fun_times); g_pm_data.in_fun_times++; /*进入睡眠次数+1*/ break; /*睡眠唤醒后*/ case RT_PM_EXIT_SLEEP: g_pm_data.flag = 0; /*睡眠唤醒后*/ /*从深睡眠唤醒后,等待UART时钟未恢复稳定,输出可能丢失*/ rt_kprintf("\n\rEXIT\n\r"); rt_pm_request(PM_SLEEP_MODE_NONE); /*进无休眠模式*/ return; default: break; }; /*当前的睡眠模式*/ switch(mode) { case PM_SLEEP_MODE_NONE: rt_kprintf("PM_SLEEP_MODE_NONE\n\r"); break; case PM_SLEEP_MODE_IDLE: rt_kprintf("PM_SLEEP_MODE_IDLE\n\r"); break; case PM_SLEEP_MODE_LIGHT: rt_kprintf("PM_SLEEP_MODE_LIGHT\n\r"); break; case PM_SLEEP_MODE_DEEP: rt_kprintf("PM_SLEEP_MODE_DEEP\n\r"); break; case PM_SLEEP_MODE_STANDBY: rt_kprintf("PM_SLEEP_MODE_STANDBY\n\r"); break; case PM_SLEEP_MODE_SHUTDOWN: rt_kprintf("PM_SLEEP_MODE_SHUTDOWN\n\r"); break; case PM_SLEEP_MODE_MAX: rt_kprintf("PM_SLEEP_MODE_MAX\n\r"); break; default: break; } } /* pm测试函数 */ static void pm_test(void *parameter) { int in_mode[7],i = 0; g_pm_data.in_fun_times = 0; g_pm_data.flag = 0; in_mode[0] = PM_SLEEP_MODE_NONE; in_mode[1] = PM_SLEEP_MODE_IDLE; in_mode[2] = PM_SLEEP_MODE_LIGHT; in_mode[3] = PM_SLEEP_MODE_DEEP; in_mode[4] = PM_SLEEP_MODE_STANDBY; in_mode[5] = PM_SLEEP_MODE_SHUTDOWN; in_mode[6] = PM_SLEEP_MODE_MAX; /*设置回调函数和私有数据*/ rt_pm_notify_set(sleep_in_out_callback,RT_NULL); while(i < SLEEP_TIMES) { g_pm_data.mode = in_mode[i%6]; /*无休眠模式,不赋予标志*/ if(g_pm_data.mode != PM_SLEEP_MODE_NONE) { g_pm_data.flag = 2; } /*彻底释放无休眠模式*/ rt_pm_release_all(PM_SLEEP_MODE_NONE); /*请求选择的休眠模式*/ rt_pm_request(in_mode[i%6]); rt_thread_mdelay(500); /*无休眠模式,不需要额外的等待*/ while(( g_pm_data.flag != 0 )&&(g_pm_data.mode != PM_SLEEP_MODE_NONE)) { rt_thread_mdelay(500); } /*释放选择的休眠模式 ,彻底释放*/ rt_pm_release_all(in_mode[i%6]); i++; } /*切换为无睡眠模式*/ rt_pm_request(PM_SLEEP_MODE_NONE); /*清除回调函数和私有数据*/ rt_pm_notify_set(RT_NULL,RT_NULL); rt_kprintf("thread pm_test close\n\r"); } /*按键唤醒的回调函数*/ void wake_by_pin(void *args) { } static int pm_sample(int argc, char *argv[]) { rt_thread_t thread; /* 按键引脚为输入模式 */ rt_pin_mode(WAKE_UP_PIN, PIN_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); /* 绑定中断,下降沿模式,回调函数名为wake_by_pin */ rt_pin_attach_irq(WAKE_UP_PIN, PIN_IRQ_MODE_RISING, wake_by_pin, RT_NULL); /* 使能中断 */ rt_pin_irq_enable(WAKE_UP_PIN, PIN_IRQ_ENABLE); thread = rt_thread_create("pm_test", pm_test, RT_NULL, 1024, 25, 10); if (thread != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(thread); } else { rt_kprintf("create pm_test thread failed!\n\r"); } return RT_EOK; } /* 导出到 msh 命令列表中 */ MSH_CMD_EXPORT(pm_sample, pm sample); #endif