/*! \file gd32f30x_fwdgt.c \brief FWDGT driver */ /* Copyright (C) 2017 GigaDevice 2017-02-10, V1.0.1, firmware for GD32F30x */ #include "gd32f30x_fwdgt.h" /* write value to FWDGT_CTL_CMD bit field */ #define CTL_CMD(regval) (BITS(0,15) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /* write value to FWDGT_RLD_RLD bit field */ #define RLD_RLD(regval) (BITS(0,11) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 0)) /*! \brief disable write access to FWDGT_PSC and FWDGT_RLD \param[in] none \param[out] none \retval none */ void fwdgt_write_disable(void) { FWDGT_CTL = FWDGT_WRITEACCESS_DISABLE; } /*! \brief reload the counter of FWDGT \param[in] none \param[out] none \retval none */ void fwdgt_counter_reload(void) { FWDGT_CTL = FWDGT_KEY_RELOAD; } /*! \brief start the free watchdog timer counter \param[in] none \param[out] none \retval none */ void fwdgt_enable(void) { FWDGT_CTL = FWDGT_KEY_ENABLE; } /*! \brief configure counter reload value, and prescaler divider value \param[in] reload_value: specify reload value(0x0000 - 0x0FFF) \param[in] prescaler_div: FWDGT prescaler value \arg FWDGT_PSC_DIV4: FWDGT prescaler set to 4 \arg FWDGT_PSC_DIV8: FWDGT prescaler set to 8 \arg FWDGT_PSC_DIV16: FWDGT prescaler set to 16 \arg FWDGT_PSC_DIV32: FWDGT prescaler set to 32 \arg FWDGT_PSC_DIV64: FWDGT prescaler set to 64 \arg FWDGT_PSC_DIV128: FWDGT prescaler set to 128 \arg FWDGT_PSC_DIV256: FWDGT prescaler set to 256 \param[out] none \retval ErrStatus: ERROR or SUCCESS */ ErrStatus fwdgt_config(uint16_t reload_value, uint8_t prescaler_div) { uint32_t timeout = FWDGT_PSC_TIMEOUT; uint32_t flag_status = RESET; /* enable write access to FWDGT_PSC,and FWDGT_RLD */ FWDGT_CTL = FWDGT_WRITEACCESS_ENABLE; /* wait until the PUD flag to be reset */ do{ flag_status = FWDGT_STAT & FWDGT_STAT_PUD; }while((--timeout > 0U) && ((uint32_t)RESET != flag_status)); if ((uint32_t)RESET != flag_status){ return ERROR; } /* configure FWDGT */ FWDGT_PSC = (uint32_t)prescaler_div; timeout = FWDGT_RLD_TIMEOUT; /* wait until the RUD flag to be reset */ do{ flag_status = FWDGT_STAT & FWDGT_STAT_RUD; }while((--timeout > 0U) && ((uint32_t)RESET != flag_status)); if ((uint32_t)RESET != flag_status){ return ERROR; } FWDGT_RLD = RLD_RLD(reload_value); /* reload the counter */ FWDGT_CTL = FWDGT_KEY_RELOAD; return SUCCESS; } /*! \brief get flag state of FWDGT \param[in] flag: flag to get \arg FWDGT_FLAG_PUD: a write operation to FWDGT_PSC register is on going \arg FWDGT_FLAG_RUD: a write operation to FWDGT_RLD register is on going \param[out] none \retval FlagStatus: SET or RESET */ FlagStatus fwdgt_flag_get(uint16_t flag) { if(FWDGT_STAT & flag){ return SET; } return RESET; }