/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2018-12-13 balanceTWK add sdcard port file * 2019-06-11 WillianChan Add SD card hot plug detection */ #include #ifdef BSP_USING_SDCARD #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "drv_gpio.h" #include "drv_sdio.h" #define DBG_TAG "app.card" #define DBG_LVL DBG_INFO #include /* SD Card hot plug detection pin */ #define SD_CHECK_PIN GET_PIN(G, 2) static void _sdcard_mount(void) { rt_device_t device; device = rt_device_find("sd0"); if (device == NULL) { mmcsd_wait_cd_changed(0); stm32_mmcsd_change(); mmcsd_wait_cd_changed(RT_WAITING_FOREVER); device = rt_device_find("sd0"); } if (device != RT_NULL) { if (dfs_mount("sd0", "/", "elm", 0, 0) == RT_EOK) { LOG_I("sd card mount to '/'"); } else { LOG_W("sd card mount to '/' failed!"); } } } static void _sdcard_unmount(void) { rt_thread_mdelay(200); dfs_unmount("/"); LOG_I("Unmount \"/\""); mmcsd_wait_cd_changed(0); stm32_mmcsd_change(); mmcsd_wait_cd_changed(RT_WAITING_FOREVER); } static void sd_mount(void *parameter) { rt_uint8_t re_sd_check_pin = 1; while (1) { rt_thread_mdelay(200); if(re_sd_check_pin && (re_sd_check_pin = rt_pin_read(SD_CHECK_PIN)) == 0) { _sdcard_mount(); } if (!re_sd_check_pin && (re_sd_check_pin = rt_pin_read(SD_CHECK_PIN)) != 0) { _sdcard_unmount(); } } } int stm32_sdcard_mount(void) { rt_thread_t tid; rt_pin_mode(SD_CHECK_PIN, PIN_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); tid = rt_thread_create("sd_mount", sd_mount, RT_NULL, 1024, RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX - 2, 20); if (tid != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(tid); } else { LOG_E("create sd_mount thread err!"); } return RT_EOK; } INIT_APP_EXPORT(stm32_sdcard_mount); #endif /* BSP_USING_SDCARD */