/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * */ #include "tc_comm.h" #ifdef RT_USING_FINSH #include #endif #ifdef RT_USING_TC #define TC_PRIORITY 25 #define TC_STACK_SIZE 0x400 static rt_uint8_t _tc_stat; static struct rt_semaphore _tc_sem; static struct rt_thread _tc_thread; static rt_uint8_t _tc_stack[TC_STACK_SIZE]; static char _tc_prefix[64]; static const char* _tc_current; static void (*_tc_cleanup)(void) = RT_NULL; static rt_uint32_t _tc_scale = 1; FINSH_VAR_EXPORT(_tc_scale, finsh_type_int, the testcase timer timeout scale) static rt_uint32_t _tc_loop; void tc_thread_entry(void* parameter) { unsigned int fail_count = 0; struct finsh_syscall* index; /* create tc semaphore */ rt_sem_init(&_tc_sem, "tc", 0, RT_IPC_FLAG_PRIO); do { for (index = _syscall_table_begin; index < _syscall_table_end; FINSH_NEXT_SYSCALL(index)) { /* search testcase */ if (rt_strstr(index->name, _tc_prefix) == index->name) { long tick; _tc_current = index->name + 4; rt_kprintf("Run TestCase: %s\n", _tc_current); _tc_stat = TC_STAT_PASSED | TC_STAT_RUNNING; tick = index->func(); if (tick > 0) { /* Make sure we are going to be blocked. */ rt_sem_control(&_tc_sem, RT_IPC_CMD_RESET, 0); rt_sem_take(&_tc_sem, tick * _tc_scale); } if (_tc_cleanup != RT_NULL) { /* perform testcase cleanup */ _tc_cleanup(); _tc_cleanup = RT_NULL; } if (_tc_stat & TC_STAT_RUNNING) { rt_kprintf("TestCase[%s] exit with stat TC_STAT_RUNNING." " Please fix the TC.\n", _tc_current); /* If the TC forgot to clear the flag, we do it. */ _tc_stat &= ~TC_STAT_RUNNING; } if (_tc_stat & TC_STAT_FAILED) { rt_kprintf("TestCase[%s] failed\n", _tc_current); fail_count++; } else { rt_kprintf("TestCase[%s] passed\n", _tc_current); } } } } while (_tc_loop); rt_kprintf("RT-Thread TestCase Running Done!\n"); if (fail_count) { rt_kprintf("%d tests failed\n", fail_count); } else { rt_kprintf("All tests passed\n"); } /* detach tc semaphore */ rt_sem_detach(&_tc_sem); } void tc_stop() { _tc_loop = 0; rt_thread_delay(10 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); if (_tc_thread.stat != RT_THREAD_INIT) { /* lock scheduler */ rt_enter_critical(); /* detach old tc thread */ rt_thread_detach(&_tc_thread); rt_sem_detach(&_tc_sem); /* unlock scheduler */ rt_exit_critical(); } rt_thread_delay(RT_TICK_PER_SECOND/2); } FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(tc_stop, stop testcase thread); void tc_done(rt_uint8_t stat) { _tc_stat |= stat; _tc_stat &= ~TC_STAT_RUNNING; /* release semaphore */ rt_sem_release(&_tc_sem); } void tc_stat(rt_uint8_t stat) { if (stat & TC_STAT_FAILED) { rt_kprintf("TestCases[%s] failed\n", _tc_current); } _tc_stat |= stat; } void tc_cleanup(void (*cleanup)()) { _tc_cleanup = cleanup; } void tc_start(const char* tc_prefix) { rt_err_t result; /* tesecase prefix is null */ if (tc_prefix == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("TestCase Usage: tc_start(prefix)\n\n"); rt_kprintf("list_tc() can list all testcases.\n"); return ; } /* init tc thread */ if (_tc_stat & TC_STAT_RUNNING) { /* stop old tc thread */ tc_stop(); } rt_memset(_tc_prefix, 0, sizeof(_tc_prefix)); rt_snprintf(_tc_prefix, sizeof(_tc_prefix), "_tc_%s", tc_prefix); result = rt_thread_init(&_tc_thread, "tc", tc_thread_entry, RT_NULL, &_tc_stack[0], sizeof(_tc_stack), TC_PRIORITY - 3, 5); /* set tc stat */ _tc_stat = TC_STAT_RUNNING | TC_STAT_FAILED; if (result == RT_EOK) rt_thread_startup(&_tc_thread); } FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(tc_start, start testcase with testcase prefix or name); void tc_loop(const char *tc_prefix) { _tc_loop = 1; tc_start(tc_prefix); } FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(tc_loop, start testcase with testcase prefix or name in loop mode); void list_tc() { struct finsh_syscall* index; rt_kprintf("TestCases List:\n"); for (index = _syscall_table_begin; index < _syscall_table_end; FINSH_NEXT_SYSCALL(index)) { /* search testcase */ if (rt_strstr(index->name, "_tc_") == index->name) { #ifdef FINSH_USING_DESCRIPTION rt_kprintf("%-16s -- %s\n", index->name + 4, index->desc); #else rt_kprintf("%s\n", index->name + 4); #endif } } } FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(list_tc, list all testcases); #endif