// peci.c - Driver for the Platform Environment Control Interface (PECI)
//          module.
// Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
// Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by
// TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright
// laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source
// software in order to form a larger program.
// This is part of revision 8264 of the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library.

//! \addtogroup peci_api
//! @{

#include "inc/hw_ints.h"
#include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "inc/hw_peci.h"
#include "inc/hw_sysctl.h"
#include "inc/hw_types.h"
#include "driverlib/debug.h"
#include "driverlib/interrupt.h"
#include "driverlib/peci.h"

// The following defines provide characteristics of the PECI module that are
// important to the driver but which can not be gleaned from the register
// definitions.
#define PECI_MAX_BAUD           2000000     // Maximum baud rate
#define PECI_MIN_BAUD           2000        // Minimum baud rate
#define PECI_MIN_RATIO          8           // Minimum baud rate divider
#define PECI_MAX_RATIO          65535       // Maximum baud rate divider
#define PECI_POLL_PRESCALE      4096        // Polling timer prescaler
#define PECI_MIN_POLL           2           // Minimum polling interval (ms)
#define PECI_MAX_POLL           1000        // Maximum polling interval (ms)

//! \internal
//! Checks a PECI domain.
//! \param ulDomain is the PECI domain identifier.
//! This function determines if a domain identifier is valid.
//! \return Returns \b true if the domain identifier is valid and \b false
//! otherwise.
#ifdef DEBUG
static tBoolean
PECIDomainValid(unsigned long ulDomain)
    return((ulDomain == PECI_DOMAIN_M0D0) ||
           (ulDomain == PECI_DOMAIN_M0D1) ||
           (ulDomain == PECI_DOMAIN_M1D0) ||
           (ulDomain == PECI_DOMAIN_M1D1));

//! Sets the configuration of the PECI module.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the PECI module.
//! \param ulPECIClk is the rate of the clock supplied to the PECI module.
//! \param ulBaud is the bit rate that should be used for the PECI transfers.
//! \param ulPoll is the polling rate, in ms, that should be used for the
//! time between PECI polls.
//! \param ulOffset is the offset to be applied to all temperature values to
//! convert from relative to absolute.
//! \param ulRetry is the number of retry attempts for a PECI transaction.
//! This function initializes operation of the PECI block.  It programs the bit
//! rate, polling rate and retry counts for PECI transactions.  It also
//! programs the offset value to be used to translate relative temperature
//! values from PECI transactions to absolute values.  At the end of this
//! function, no host/domain combinations are enabled.  Each desired
//! host/domain combination can be configured/enabled with a call to
//! PECIDomainEnable().
//! The peripheral clock is the same as the processor clock.  This value is
//! returned by SysCtlClockGet(), or it can be explicitly hard coded if it is
//! constant and known (to save the code/execution overhead of a call to
//! SysCtlClockGet()).
//! The \e ulBaud parameter defines the bit rate for the PECI transactions.
//! This value is used to calculate a divisor value based on the specified
//! \e ulPECIClk.  If the exact baud rate cannot be achieved (due to rounding),
//! the baud rate is programmed to the nearest value that is less than the
//! specified value.
//! The \e ulPoll parameter defines the polling rate, in milliseconds, used
//! for PECI transactions.  For generation of the polling rate, the \e
//! ulPECIClk is pre-divided by \b 4096.  A value of 0 disables the polling
//! feature.  If the exact polling rate cannot be achieved (due to rounding),
//! the polling rate is programmed to the nearest value that is greater than
//! the specified value.
//! The \e ulRetry parameter defines the number of PECI transactions that are
//! attempted before indicating an error condition.
//! \return None.
PECIConfigSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulPECIClk,
              unsigned long ulBaud, unsigned long ulPoll,
              unsigned long ulOffset, unsigned long ulRetry)
    unsigned long ulTemp, ulDiv;

    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);
    ASSERT(ulPECIClk != 0);
    ASSERT((ulBaud != 0) && (ulBaud <= PECI_MAX_BAUD) &&
           (ulBaud >= PECI_MIN_BAUD) &&
           ((ulBaud * 4 * PECI_MIN_RATIO) < ulPECIClk));
    ASSERT((ulPoll == 0) ||
           ((ulPoll >= PECI_MIN_POLL) && (ulPoll <= PECI_MAX_POLL)));

    // Generate value for the PECI Control Register.
    ulTemp = ((ulOffset << PECI_CTL_OFFSET_S) & PECI_CTL_OFFSET_M);
    ulTemp |= ((ulRetry << PECI_CTL_CRETRY_S) & PECI_CTL_CRETRY_M);
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_CTL) = ulTemp;

    // Compute the divisor for the PECI baud rate clock.
    // Round up, to ensure programmed baud rate is <= specified rate.
    // Ensure that proper ratio is maintained for clock:baud.
    ulDiv = (ulPECIClk + (4 * ulBaud) - 1) / (4 * ulBaud);
    ulDiv = (ulDiv < PECI_MIN_RATIO) ? PECI_MIN_RATIO : ulDiv;
    ulDiv = (ulDiv > PECI_MAX_RATIO) ? PECI_MAX_RATIO : ulDiv;
    ulTemp = ((ulDiv << PECI_DIV_BAUD_S) & PECI_DIV_BAUD_M);

    // Compute the divisor for the PECI polling rate.
    // Round up, to ensure programmed polling rate is >= specified rate.
    ulDiv = ((ulPoll == 0) ? 0 : ((((ulPECIClk * ulPoll) / 1000) +
                                   (PECI_POLL_PRESCALE - 1)) /
    ulTemp |= ((ulDiv << PECI_DIV_POLL_S) & PECI_DIV_POLL_M);;
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_DIV) = ulTemp;

//! Gets the current configuration of the PECI module.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the PECI module.
//! \param ulPECIClk is the rate of the clock supplied to the PECI module.
//! \param pulBaud is a pointer to storage for the bit rate.
//! \param pulPoll is a pointer to storage for the polling rate.
//! \param pulOffset is a pointer to stoarage for the offset.
//! \param pulRetry is a pointer to storage for the retry count.
//! The baud rate and poll rate for the PECI module are determined, given an
//! explicitly provided peripheral clock.  The returned rates are the actual
//! rates being used; they may not be the same as the requested rates, due to
//! rounding in the calculations.
//! The peripheral clock is the same as the processor clock.  This value is
//! returned by SysCtlClockGet(), or it can be explicitly hard coded if it is
//! constant and known (to save the code/execution overhead of a call to
//! SysCtlClockGet()).
//! \return None.
PECIConfigGet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulPECIClk,
              unsigned long *pulBaud, unsigned long *pulPoll,
              unsigned long *pulOffset, unsigned long *pulRetry)
    unsigned long ulTemp;

    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);
    ASSERT(ulPECIClk != 0);
    ASSERT(*pulBaud != 0);
    ASSERT(*pulPoll != 0);
    ASSERT(*pulOffset != 0);
    ASSERT(*pulRetry != 0);

    // Retrieve the Offset and Retry values
    ulTemp = HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_CTL);
    *pulOffset = ((ulTemp & PECI_CTL_OFFSET_M) >> PECI_CTL_OFFSET_S);
    *pulRetry = ((ulTemp & PECI_CTL_CRETRY_M) >> PECI_CTL_CRETRY_S);

    // Calculate the baud rate.
    ulTemp = HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_DIV);
    *pulBaud = ulPECIClk / ((ulTemp & PECI_DIV_BAUD_M) >> PECI_DIV_BAUD_S);

    // Compute the divisor for the PECI polling rate.
    // Round up, to ensure programmed polling rate is >= specified rate.
    *pulPoll = ((((ulTemp & PECI_DIV_POLL_M) >> PECI_DIV_POLL_S) * 1000) /
        (ulPECIClk / PECI_POLL_PRESCALE));

//! Enables bypassing of negotiation errors.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the PECI module.
//! This function enables bypassing of negotiation errors that might occur
//! during a PECI transaction.  When enabled, negotiation errors are ignored.
//! \return None.
PECIBypassEnable(unsigned long ulBase)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Enable bypass.

//! Disables bypassing of negotiation errors.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the PECI module.
//! This function disables bypassing of negotiation errors that might occur
//! during a PECI transaction.  When disabled, negotiation errors are reported
//! and the remainder of the transaction is aborted.
//! \return None.
PECIBypassDisable(unsigned long ulBase)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Disable bypass.

//! Sets the configuration of the specified PECI domain.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the PECI module.
//! \param ulDomain is the PECI domain that should be configured.
//! \param ulHigh is the high temperature threshold value.
//! \param ulLow is the low temperature threshold value.
//! This function configures the specified PECI domain for temperature
//! monitoring  operations.  The values for \e ulHigh and \e ulLow can be
//! specified as values relative to the maximum temperature allowed, or they
//! can be specified as absolute temperatures if an offset was programmed
//! in the PECIConfigSet() function.
//! The \e ulDomain parameter can be one of the following values:
//! \b PECI_DOMAIN_M1D1.
//! \return None.
PECIDomainConfigSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulDomain,
                    unsigned long ulHigh, unsigned long ulLow)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);
    ASSERT(ulHigh <= 0xFFFF);
    ASSERT(ulLow <= 0xFFFF);
    ASSERT(ulHigh > ulLow);

    // Set the HTHRESH and LTHRESH fields in the domain control/status
    // register.
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_M0D0C + (ulDomain * 4)) =
        (((ulHigh << PECI_M0D0C_HITHR_S) & PECI_M0D0C_HITHR_M) |
         ((ulLow << PECI_M0D0C_LOTHR_S) & PECI_M0D0C_LOTHR_M));

//! Gets the configuration of the specified PECI domain.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the PECI module.
//! \param ulDomain is the PECI domain that should be configured.
//! \param pulHigh is a pointer to storage for the high threshold.
//! \param pulLow is a pointer to storage for the low threshold.
//! This function configures the specified PECI domain for temperature
//! monitoring  operations.  The values for \e ulHigh and \e ulLow can be
//! specified as values relative to the maximum temperature allowed, or they
//! can be specified as absolute temperatures if an offset was programmed
//! in the PECIConfigSet() function.
//! The \e ulDomain parameter can be one of the following values:
//! \b PECI_DOMAIN_M1D1.
//! \return None.
PECIDomainConfigGet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulDomain,
                    unsigned long *pulHigh, unsigned long *pulLow)
    unsigned long ulTemp;

    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);
    ASSERT(pulHigh != 0);
    ASSERT(pulLow != 0);

    // Get the HTHRESH and LTHRESH fields in the domain control/status
    // register.
    ulTemp = HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_M0D0C + (ulDomain * 4));
    *pulHigh = ((ulTemp && PECI_M0D0C_HITHR_M) >> PECI_M0D0C_HITHR_S);
    *pulLow = ((ulTemp && PECI_M0D0C_LOTHR_M) >> PECI_M0D0C_LOTHR_S);

//! Enables a domain within the PECI module.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the PECI module.
//! \param ulDomain is the PECI domain that should be enabled.
//! This function enables the specified PECI domain for temperature monitoring
//! operations.
//! The \e ulDomain parameter can be one of the following values:
//! \b PECI_DOMAIN_M1D1.
//! \return None.
PECIDomainEnable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulDomain)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Enable the specified domain.
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_CTL) |= (1 << ulDomain);

//! Disables a domain within the PECI module.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the PECI module.
//! \param ulDomain is the PECI domain that should be disabled.
//! This function disables the specified PECI domain.
//! The \e ulDomain parameter can be one of the following values:
//! \b PECI_DOMAIN_M1D1.
//! \return None.
PECIDomainDisable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulDomain)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Disable the specified domain.
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_CTL) &= ~(1 << ulDomain);

//! Reads the current temperature value for the specified domain.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the PECI module.
//! \param ulDomain is the PECI domain that should be disabled.
//! This function returns the most recently read temperature value from the
//! specified domain.
//! The \e ulDomain parameter can be one of the following values:
//! \b PECI_DOMAIN_M1D1.
//! \return None.
unsigned long
PECIDomainValueGet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulDomain)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Return the most recently polled temperature value
    return(((HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_M0D0 + (ulDomain * 4)) &

//! Reads the maximum/error value for the specified domain.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the PECI module.
//! \param ulDomain is the PECI domain that should be disabled.
//! This function returns the maximum temperature value for the specified
//! domain.
//! The \e ulDomain parameter can be one of the following values:
//! \b PECI_DOMAIN_M1D1.
//! \return None.
unsigned long
PECIDomainMaxReadGet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulDomain)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Return the most recently polled temperature value
    return(((HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_M0D0 + (ulDomain * 4)) &
             PECI_M0D0_MAXREAD_M) >> PECI_M0D0_MAXREAD_S));

//! Clears the current temperature value for the specified domain.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the PECI module.
//! \param ulDomain is the PECI domain that should be disabled.
//! This function clears the current and maximum values for the specified
//! domain.
//! The \e ulDomain parameter can be one of the following values:
//! \b PECI_DOMAIN_M1D1.
//! \return None.
PECIDomainValueClear(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulDomain)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Clear the temperature value.
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_M0D0 + (ulDomain * 4) ) &= ~PECI_M0D0_VALUE_M;

//! Clears the maximum/error value for the specified domain.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the PECI module.
//! \param ulDomain is the PECI domain that should be disabled.
//! This function clears the current and maximum values for the specified
//! domain.
//! The \e ulDomain parameter can be one of the following values:
//! \b PECI_DOMAIN_M1D1.
//! \return None.
PECIDomainMaxReadClear(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulDomain)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Clear the maximum/error value.
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_M0D0 + (ulDomain * 4) ) &= ~PECI_M0D0_MAXREAD_M;

//! Registers an interrupt handler for the PECI module.
//! \param ulBase specifies the PECI module base address.
//! \param pfnHandler is a pointer to the function to be called when the
//! PECI interrupt occurs.
//! This function registers the handler to be called when an PECI interrupt   
//! occurs. This function enables the global interrupt in the interrupt  
//! controller; specific PECI interrupts must be enabled via PECIIntEnable().   
//! If necessary, it is the interrupt handler's responsibility to clear the 
//! interrupt source via PECIIntClear().
//! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt
//! handlers.
//! \return None.
PECIIntRegister(unsigned long ulBase, void (*pfnHandler)(void))
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);
    ASSERT(pfnHandler != 0);

    // Register the interrupt handler.
    IntRegister(INT_PECI0, pfnHandler);

    // Enable the PECI interrupt.

//! Unregisters an interrupt handler for the PECI module.
//! \param ulBase specifies the PECI module base address.
//! This function unregisters the handler to be called when a PECI interrupt
//! occurs.  This function also masks off the interrupt in the interrupt 
//! controller so that the interrupt handler no longer is called.
//! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt
//! handlers.
//! \return None.
PECIIntUnregister(unsigned long ulBase)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Disable the PECI interrupt.

    // Unregister the interrupt handler.

//! Enables individual PECI interrupt sources.
//! \param ulBase specifies the PECI module base address.
//! \param ulIntFlags is a bit mask of the interrupt sources to be enabled.
//! \param ulIntMode is the mode for the PECI domain interrupts.
//! This function enables the indicated PECI interrupt sources.  Only the 
//! sources that are enabled can be reflected to the processor interrupt; 
//! disabled sources have no effect on the processor.
//! The \e ulIntFlags parameter can be any of the following values:
//! \b PECI_READ, \b PECI_ERR, \b PECI_AC, \b PECI_M0D0, \b PECI_M0D1,
//! \b PECI_M1D0, or \b PECI_M1D1.
//! The \e ulIntMode parameter is used to configure the interrupt mode for
//! the corresponding \b PECI_DOMAIN_MnDm field, and can be any of the
//! following values:  \b PECI_M0D0_MODE1, \b PECI_M0D0_MODE2,
//! \b PECI_M0D0_MODE3, \b PECI_M0D1_MODE1, \b PECI_M0D1_MODE2,
//! \b PECI_M0D1_MODE3. \b PECI_M1D0_MODE1, \b PECI_M1D0_MODE2,
//! \b PECI_M1D0_MODE3, \b PECI_M1D1_MODE1, \b PECI_M1D1_MODE2, or
//! \b PECI_M1D1_MODE3.
//! \return None.
PECIIntEnable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulIntFlags,
              unsigned long ulIntMode)
    unsigned long ulTemp;

    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Get the current mask value.
    ulTemp = HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_IM);

    // Clear the bit/bit-fields that are configured, based on the value
    // in the flags parameter.
    ulTemp &= ~ulIntFlags;

    // Set/Enable the bit/bit-fields based on the value in the flags and mode
    // parameter.  The flags parameter alters the bits in the lower half
    // of the mask, while the mode alters the bit fields in the upper
    // half of the mask.
    ulTemp |= (0x0000FFFF & ulIntFlags);
    ulTemp |= (0xFFFF0000 & ulIntMode);
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_IM) = ulTemp;

//! Disables individual PECI interrupt sources.
//! \param ulBase specifies the PECI module base address.
//! \param ulIntFlags is a bit mask of the interrupt sources to be disabled.
//! This function disables the indicated PECI interrupt sources.  Only the 
//! sources that are enabled can be reflected to the processor interrupt; 
//! disabled sources have no effect on the processor.
//! The \e ulIntFlags parameter can be any of the following values:
//! \b PECI_READ, \b PECI_ERR, \b PECI_AC, \b PECI_M0D0, \b PECI_M0D1,
//! \b PECI_M1D0, or \b PECI_M1D1.
//! \return None.
PECIIntDisable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulIntFlags)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Disable the specified interrupts.
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_IM) &= ~ulIntFlags;

//! Gets the current interrupt status.
//! \param ulBase specifies the PECI module base address.
//! \param bMasked is \b false if the raw interrupt status is required or
//! \b true if the masked interrupt status is required.
//! This function returns the interrupt status for the PECI module.  Either the
//! raw interrupt status or the status of interrupts that are allowed to
//! reflect to the processor can be returned.
//! The interpretation of the PECI_DOMAIN_MnDm fields vary based on the mode
//! value programed using the PECIIntEnable() function for the field.  Each
//! field may take on one of the following values:
//! \return The current interrupt status, enumerated as a bit field of
//! \b PECI_READ, \b PECI_ERR, \b PECI_AC, \b PECI_M0D0, \b PECI_M0D1,
//! \b PECI_M1D0, or \b PECI_M1D1.
unsigned long
PECIIntStatus(unsigned long ulBase, tBoolean bMasked)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Return either the interrupt status or the raw interrupt status as
    // requested.
        return(HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_MIS));
        return(HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_RIS));

//! Clears PECI interrupt sources.
//! \param ulBase specifies the PECI module base address.
//! \param ulIntFlags is a bit mask of the interrupt sources to be cleared.
//! This function clears the specified PECI interrupt sources so that they no 
//! longer assert.  This function must be called in the interrupt handler to
//! keep the interrupts from being recognized again immediately upon exit.  
//! The \e ulIntFlags parameter can consist of any combination of the 
//! \b PECI_READ, \b PECI_ERR, \b PECI_AC, \b PECI_M0D0, \b PECI_M0D1, 
//! \b PECI_M1D0, or \b PECI_M1D1 values.
//! \note Because there is a write buffer in the Cortex-M processor, it may
//! take several clock cycles before the interrupt source is actually cleared.
//! Therefore, it is recommended that the interrupt source be cleared early in
//! the interrupt handler (as opposed to the very last action) to avoid
//! returning from the interrupt handler before the interrupt source is
//! actually cleared.  Failure to do so may result in the interrupt handler
//! being immediately reentered (because the interrupt controller still sees
//! the interrupt source asserted).
//! \return None.
PECIIntClear(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulIntFlags)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Clear the requested interrupt sources.
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_IC) = ulIntFlags;

//! Sends a PECI Advanced Command.
//! \param ulBase specifies the PECI module base address.
//! This function sends a PECI Advanced Command.  If the interface is not IDLE,
//! it waits for the interface to become IDLE then sends the command.  The
//! function parameters are used to populate the message control fields before
//! activating the command.
//! \return None.
PECIAdvCmdSend(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned char ucCmd,
               unsigned char ucHidRe, unsigned char ucDomain,
               unsigned char ucProcAdd, unsigned long ulArg,
               unsigned char ucSize, unsigned long ulData0,
               unsigned long ulData1)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Wait for the interface to be idle.
    while(HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_ACCODE) == 0xFFFFFFFF)

    // Fill in the registers for the advanced command.
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_ACARG) = ulArg;
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_ACRDWR0) = ulData0;
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_ACRDWR1) = ulData1;
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_ACADDR) = (ucHidRe << 24) |
                                    (ucSize  << 16) |
                                    (ucDomain << 8) |
                                    (ucProcAdd << 0);

    // Now, issue the command.
    HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_ACCMD) = ucCmd;

//! Sends a PECI Advanced Command (non blocking).
//! \param ulBase specifies the PECI module base address.
//! This function sends a PECI Advanced Command.  If the interface is not IDLE,
//! it returns immediately.  Otherwise, it sends the the command.  The function
//! paramters are used to populate the message control fields before activating
//! the command.
//! \return None.
unsigned long
PECIAdvCmdSendNonBlocking(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned char ucCmd,
                          unsigned char ucHidRe, unsigned char ucDomain,
                          unsigned char ucProcAdd, unsigned long ulArg,
                          unsigned char ucSize, unsigned long ulData0,
                          unsigned long ulData1)
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // Check for the interface to be idle.
    // If not, return immediately.
    if(HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_ACCODE) == 0xFFFFFFFF)

    // Send the command.
    PECIAdvCmdSend(ulBase, ucCmd, ucHidRe, ucDomain, ucProcAdd, ulArg,
                   ucSize, ulData0, ulData1);

    // Return, indicating that the command has been issued.

//! Obtains status of previous PECI Advanced Command.
//! \param ulBase specifies the PECI module base address.
//! This function gets the status of a previously issued PECI Advanced Command.
//! If the command has completed, and the data pointers are non-zero, the data
//! registers are read and saved.
//! \return -1 if command has not yet been completed, otherwise, the return
//! code associated with the Advanced Command.
unsigned long
PECIAdvCmdStatusGet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long *pulData0,
                    unsigned long *pulData1)
    unsigned long ulCode;

    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ulBase == PECI0_BASE);

    // If the command has completed, optionally read and save the data
    // registers.
    ulCode = HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_ACCODE);
    if(ulCode != 0xFFFFFFFF)
        if(pulData0 != (void *)0)
            *pulData0 = HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_ACRDWR0);
        if(pulData1 != (void *)0)
            *pulData1 = HWREG(ulBase + PECI_O_ACRDWR1);

    // Return the command code from the most recently completed command.

// Close the Doxygen group.
//! @}