#include <rtgui/rtgui.h> #include <rtgui/rtgui_system.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <rtgui/widgets/view.h> #include <rtgui/widgets/workbench.h> #include <stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h> #ifdef RT_USING_LWIP #include <lwip/err.h> #include <lwip/dns.h> #include <lwip/netif.h> #endif static struct rtgui_view* device_view = RT_NULL; int get_thread_cnt() { int cnt = 0; struct rt_list_node *list, *node; extern struct rt_object_information rt_object_container[]; list = &rt_object_container[RT_Object_Class_Thread].object_list; for (node = list->next; node != list; node = node->next) { cnt ++; } return cnt; } const static char *stm32_devname[] = { "STM32 MD", /* 0x410 */ "STM32 LD", /* 0x412 */ "STM32 HD", /* 0x414 */ "Unknown" , /* 0x416 */ "STM32 CL", /* 0x418 */ }; const static char *stm32_revname[] = { "Rev A", "Rev B", "Rev Z", "Rev Y", "Rev Unknown" }; /* * Device Information View * Device: Win32 or Cortex-M3 etc * Memory: * Thread: * IP Address: * Gateway: * DNS: */ static rt_bool_t view_event_handler(struct rtgui_widget* widget, struct rtgui_event* event) { switch (event->type) { case RTGUI_EVENT_PAINT: { struct rtgui_dc* dc; struct rtgui_rect rect; char* line; rt_uint32_t total, used, max_used; line = rtgui_malloc(256); if (line == RT_NULL) return RT_FALSE; dc = rtgui_dc_begin_drawing(widget); if (dc == RT_NULL) { rtgui_free(line); return RT_FALSE; } rtgui_widget_get_rect(widget, &rect); /* fill background */ rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &rect); rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 18; { rt_uint32_t dev_index, rev_index; dev_index = DBGMCU_GetDEVID(); dev_index = (dev_index - 0x410)/2; rev_index = DBGMCU_GetREVID(); switch (rev_index) { case 0x1000: case 0x0000: rev_index = 0; /* Revision A */ break; case 0x1001: case 0x2001: rev_index = 3; /* Revision Z */ break; case 0x2000: rev_index = 1; /* Revision B */ break; case 0x2002: rev_index = 2; /* Revision Y */ break; default: rev_index = 4; /* Unknown */ break; }; /* check device index */ if (dev_index < 0 || dev_index > 4) dev_index = 3; /* draw each information */ sprintf(line, "�豸: %s %s", stm32_devname[dev_index], stm32_revname[rev_index]); rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, line, &rect); rect.y1 += 16; rect.y2 += 16; } rt_memory_info(&total, &used, &max_used); sprintf(line, "�ڴ�: ��ǰʹ�� %d �ֽ�", used); rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, line, &rect); rect.y1 += 16; rect.y2 += 16; { rt_uint16_t rect_width; rtgui_color_t saved; rtgui_rect_t mem_rect = rect; rtgui_rect_inflate(&mem_rect, -2); rtgui_dc_draw_rect(dc, &mem_rect); rtgui_rect_inflate(&mem_rect, -1); rect_width = rtgui_rect_width(mem_rect); saved = RTGUI_WIDGET_BACKGROUND(widget); RTGUI_WIDGET_BACKGROUND(widget) = light_grey; mem_rect.x2 = mem_rect.x1 + (max_used * rect_width / total); rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &mem_rect); RTGUI_WIDGET_BACKGROUND(widget) = blue; mem_rect.x2 = mem_rect.x1 + (used * rect_width / total); rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &mem_rect); /* restore color */ RTGUI_WIDGET_BACKGROUND(widget) = saved; } rect.y1 += 18; rect.y2 += 18; sprintf(line, "�߳���: %d", get_thread_cnt()); rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, line, &rect); rect.y1 += 16; rect.y2 += 16; #ifdef RT_USING_LWIP { struct ip_addr ip_addr; struct _ip_addr { rt_uint8_t addr0, addr1, addr2, addr3; } *addr; addr = (struct _ip_addr*)&netif_default->ip_addr.addr; sprintf(line, "IP��ַ : %d.%d.%d.%d", addr->addr0, addr->addr1, addr->addr2, addr->addr3); rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, line, &rect); rect.y1 += 16; rect.y2 += 16; addr = (struct _ip_addr*)&netif_default->gw.addr; sprintf(line, "���ص�ַ: %d.%d.%d.%d", addr->addr0, addr->addr1, addr->addr2, addr->addr3); rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, line, &rect); rect.y1 += 16; rect.y2 += 16; addr = (struct _ip_addr*)&netif_default->netmask.addr; sprintf(line, "��������: %d.%d.%d.%d", addr->addr0, addr->addr1, addr->addr2, addr->addr3); rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, line, &rect); rect.y1 += 16; rect.y2 += 16; #if LWIP_DNS ip_addr = dns_getserver(0); addr = (struct _ip_addr*)&ip_addr; sprintf(line, "DNS��ַ : %d.%d.%d.%d", addr->addr0, addr->addr1, addr->addr2, addr->addr3); rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, line, &rect); rect.y1 += 16; rect.y2 += 16; #endif } #endif rtgui_dc_end_drawing(dc); rtgui_free(line); return RT_FALSE; } case RTGUI_EVENT_KBD: { struct rtgui_event_kbd* ekbd; ekbd = (struct rtgui_event_kbd*)event; if (ekbd->type == RTGUI_KEYDOWN && ekbd->key == RTGUIK_RETURN) { rtgui_workbench_t* workbench; workbench = RTGUI_WORKBENCH(RTGUI_WIDGET(device_view)->parent); rtgui_workbench_remove_view(workbench, device_view); rtgui_view_destroy(device_view); device_view = RT_NULL; } } return RT_FALSE; } /* use parent event handler */ return rtgui_view_event_handler(widget, event); } rtgui_view_t *device_view_create(rtgui_workbench_t* workbench) { if (device_view != RT_NULL) { rtgui_view_show(device_view, RT_FALSE); } else { /* create a view */ device_view = rtgui_view_create("Device Info"); /* set view event handler */ rtgui_widget_set_event_handler(RTGUI_WIDGET(device_view), view_event_handler); /* this view can be focused */ RTGUI_WIDGET(device_view)->flag |= RTGUI_WIDGET_FLAG_FOCUSABLE; /* add view to workbench */ rtgui_workbench_add_view(workbench, device_view); } return device_view; }