/****************************************************************************//** * @file nu_usci_spi.h * @version V3.00 * @brief M480 series USCI_SPI driver header file * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * @copyright (C) 2016-2020 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved. *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __NU_USCI_SPI_H__ #define __NU_USCI_SPI_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver @{ */ /** @addtogroup USCI_SPI_Driver USCI_SPI Driver @{ */ /** @addtogroup USCI_SPI_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS USCI_SPI Exported Constants @{ */ #define USPI_MODE_0 (0x0 << USPI_PROTCTL_SCLKMODE_Pos) /*!< SCLK idle low; data transmit with falling edge and receive with rising edge \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_MODE_1 (0x1 << USPI_PROTCTL_SCLKMODE_Pos) /*!< SCLK idle low; data transmit with rising edge and receive with falling edge \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_MODE_2 (0x2 << USPI_PROTCTL_SCLKMODE_Pos) /*!< SCLK idle high; data transmit with rising edge and receive with falling edge \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_MODE_3 (0x3 << USPI_PROTCTL_SCLKMODE_Pos) /*!< SCLK idle high; data transmit with falling edge and receive with rising edge \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SLAVE (USPI_PROTCTL_SLAVE_Msk) /*!< Set as slave \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_MASTER (0x0ul) /*!< Set as master \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SS (USPI_PROTCTL_SS_Msk) /*!< Set SS \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SS_ACTIVE_HIGH (0x0ul) /*!< SS active high \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SS_ACTIVE_LOW (USPI_LINECTL_CTLOINV_Msk) /*!< SS active low \hideinitializer */ /* USCI_SPI Interrupt Mask */ #define USPI_SSINACT_INT_MASK (0x001ul) /*!< Slave Slave Inactive interrupt mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SSACT_INT_MASK (0x002ul) /*!< Slave Slave Active interrupt mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SLVTO_INT_MASK (0x004ul) /*!< Slave Mode Time-out interrupt mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SLVBE_INT_MASK (0x008ul) /*!< Slave Mode Bit Count Error interrupt mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_TXUDR_INT_MASK (0x010ul) /*!< Slave Transmit Under Run interrupt mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_RXOV_INT_MASK (0x020ul) /*!< Receive Buffer Overrun interrupt mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_TXST_INT_MASK (0x040ul) /*!< Transmit Start interrupt mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_TXEND_INT_MASK (0x080ul) /*!< Transmit End interrupt mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_RXST_INT_MASK (0x100ul) /*!< Receive Start interrupt mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_RXEND_INT_MASK (0x200ul) /*!< Receive End interrupt mask \hideinitializer */ /* USCI_SPI Status Mask */ #define USPI_BUSY_MASK (0x01ul) /*!< Busy status mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_RX_EMPTY_MASK (0x02ul) /*!< RX empty status mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_RX_FULL_MASK (0x04ul) /*!< RX full status mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_TX_EMPTY_MASK (0x08ul) /*!< TX empty status mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_TX_FULL_MASK (0x10ul) /*!< TX full status mask \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SSLINE_STS_MASK (0x20ul) /*!< USCI_SPI_SS line status mask \hideinitializer */ /*@}*/ /* end of group USCI_SPI_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */ /** @addtogroup USCI_SPI_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS USCI_SPI Exported Functions @{ */ /** * @brief Disable slave 3-wire mode. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_DISABLE_3WIRE_MODE(uspi) ( (uspi)->PROTCTL &= ~USPI_PROTCTL_SLV3WIRE_Msk ) /** * @brief Enable slave 3-wire mode. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_ENABLE_3WIRE_MODE(uspi) ( (uspi)->PROTCTL |= USPI_PROTCTL_SLV3WIRE_Msk ) /** * @brief Get the Rx buffer empty flag. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return Rx buffer flag * @retval 0: Rx buffer is not empty * @retval 1: Rx buffer is empty * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_GET_RX_EMPTY_FLAG(uspi) ( ((uspi)->BUFSTS & USPI_BUFSTS_RXEMPTY_Msk) == USPI_BUFSTS_RXEMPTY_Msk ? 1:0 ) /** * @brief Get the Tx buffer empty flag. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return Tx buffer flag * @retval 0: Tx buffer is not empty * @retval 1: Tx buffer is empty * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_GET_TX_EMPTY_FLAG(uspi) ( ((uspi)->BUFSTS & USPI_BUFSTS_TXEMPTY_Msk) == USPI_BUFSTS_TXEMPTY_Msk ? 1:0 ) /** * @brief Get the Tx buffer full flag. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return Tx buffer flag * @retval 0: Tx buffer is not full * @retval 1: Tx buffer is full * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_GET_TX_FULL_FLAG(uspi) ( ((uspi)->BUFSTS & USPI_BUFSTS_TXFULL_Msk) == USPI_BUFSTS_TXFULL_Msk ? 1:0 ) /** * @brief Get the datum read from RX register. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return data in Rx register * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_READ_RX(uspi) ((uspi)->RXDAT) /** * @brief Write datum to TX register. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @param[in] u32TxData The datum which user attempt to transfer through USCI_SPI bus. * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_WRITE_TX(uspi, u32TxData) ( (uspi)->TXDAT = (u32TxData) ) /** * @brief Set USCI_SPI_SS pin to high state. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return None. * @details Disable automatic slave selection function and set USCI_SPI_SS pin to high state. Only available in Master mode. * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SET_SS_HIGH(uspi) \ do{ \ (uspi)->LINECTL &= ~(USPI_LINECTL_CTLOINV_Msk); \ (uspi)->PROTCTL = ((uspi)->PROTCTL & ~(USPI_PROTCTL_AUTOSS_Msk | USPI_PROTCTL_SS_Msk)); \ }while(0) /** * @brief Set USCI_SPI_SS pin to low state. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return None. * @details Disable automatic slave selection function and set USCI_SPI_SS pin to low state. Only available in Master mode. * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SET_SS_LOW(uspi) \ do{ \ (uspi)->LINECTL |= (USPI_LINECTL_CTLOINV_Msk); \ (uspi)->PROTCTL = (((uspi)->PROTCTL & ~USPI_PROTCTL_AUTOSS_Msk) | USPI_PROTCTL_SS_Msk); \ }while(0) /** * @brief Set the length of suspend interval. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @param[in] u32SuspCycle Decide the length of suspend interval. * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SET_SUSPEND_CYCLE(uspi, u32SuspCycle) ( (uspi)->PROTCTL = ((uspi)->PROTCTL & ~USPI_PROTCTL_SUSPITV_Msk) | ((u32SuspCycle) << USPI_PROTCTL_SUSPITV_Pos) ) /** * @brief Set the USCI_SPI transfer sequence with LSB first. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SET_LSB_FIRST(uspi) ( (uspi)->LINECTL |= USPI_LINECTL_LSB_Msk ) /** * @brief Set the USCI_SPI transfer sequence with MSB first. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SET_MSB_FIRST(uspi) ( (uspi)->LINECTL &= ~USPI_LINECTL_LSB_Msk ) /** * @brief Set the data width of a USCI_SPI transaction. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @param[in] u32Width The data width * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_SET_DATA_WIDTH(uspi,u32Width) \ do{ \ if((u32Width) == 16ul){ \ (uspi)->LINECTL = ((uspi)->LINECTL & ~USPI_LINECTL_DWIDTH_Msk) | (0 << USPI_LINECTL_DWIDTH_Pos); \ }else { \ (uspi)->LINECTL = ((uspi)->LINECTL & ~USPI_LINECTL_DWIDTH_Msk) | ((u32Width) << USPI_LINECTL_DWIDTH_Pos); \ } \ }while(0) /** * @brief Get the USCI_SPI busy state. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return USCI_SPI busy status * @retval 0: USCI_SPI module is not busy * @retval 1: USCI_SPI module is busy * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_IS_BUSY(uspi) ( ((uspi)->PROTSTS & USPI_PROTSTS_BUSY_Msk) == USPI_PROTSTS_BUSY_Msk ? 1:0 ) /** * @brief Get the USCI_SPI wakeup flag. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return Wakeup status. * @retval 0 Flag is not set. * @retval 1 Flag is set. * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_GET_WAKEUP_FLAG(uspi) ( ((uspi)->WKSTS & USPI_WKSTS_WKF_Msk) == USPI_WKSTS_WKF_Msk ? 1:0) /** * @brief Clear the USCI_SPI wakeup flag. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_CLR_WAKEUP_FLAG(uspi) ( (uspi)->WKSTS |= USPI_WKSTS_WKF_Msk) /** * @brief Get protocol interrupt flag/status. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return The interrupt flag/status of protocol status register. * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_GET_PROT_STATUS(uspi) ( (uspi)->PROTSTS) /** * @brief Clear specified protocol interrupt flag. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @param[in] u32IntTypeFlag Interrupt Type Flag, should be * - \ref USPI_PROTSTS_SSACTIF_Msk * - \ref USPI_PROTSTS_SSINAIF_Msk * - \ref USPI_PROTSTS_SLVBEIF_Msk * - \ref USPI_PROTSTS_SLVTOIF_Msk * - \ref USPI_PROTSTS_RXENDIF_Msk * - \ref USPI_PROTSTS_RXSTIF_Msk * - \ref USPI_PROTSTS_TXENDIF_Msk * - \ref USPI_PROTSTS_TXSTIF_Msk * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_CLR_PROT_INT_FLAG(uspi,u32IntTypeFlag) ( (uspi)->PROTSTS = (u32IntTypeFlag)) /** * @brief Get buffer interrupt flag/status. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return The interrupt flag/status of buffer status register. * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_GET_BUF_STATUS(uspi) ( (uspi)->BUFSTS) /** * @brief Clear specified buffer interrupt flag. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @param[in] u32IntTypeFlag Interrupt Type Flag, should be * - \ref USPI_BUFSTS_TXUDRIF_Msk * - \ref USPI_BUFSTS_RXOVIF_Msk * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_CLR_BUF_INT_FLAG(uspi,u32IntTypeFlag) ( (uspi)->BUFSTS = (u32IntTypeFlag)) /** * @brief Enable specified protocol interrupt. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @param[in] u32IntSel Interrupt Type, should be * - \ref USPI_PROTIEN_SLVBEIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_PROTIEN_SLVTOIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_PROTIEN_SSACTIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_PROTIEN_SSINAIEN_Msk * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_ENABLE_PROT_INT(uspi, u32IntSel) ((uspi)->PROTIEN |= (u32IntSel)) /** * @brief Disable specified protocol interrupt. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @param[in] u32IntSel Interrupt Type, should be * - \ref USPI_PROTIEN_SLVBEIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_PROTIEN_SLVTOIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_PROTIEN_SSACTIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_PROTIEN_SSINAIEN_Msk * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_DISABLE_PROT_INT(uspi, u32IntSel) ((uspi)->PROTIEN &= ~ (u32IntSel)) /** * @brief Enable specified buffer interrupt. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @param[in] u32IntSel Interrupt Type, should be * - \ref USPI_BUFCTL_RXOVIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_BUFCTL_TXUDRIEN_Msk * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_ENABLE_BUF_INT(uspi, u32IntSel) ((uspi)->BUFCTL |= (u32IntSel)) /** * @brief Disable specified buffer interrupt. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @param[in] u32IntSel Interrupt Type, should be * - \ref USPI_BUFCTL_RXOVIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_BUFCTL_TXUDRIEN_Msk * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_DISABLE_BUF_INT(uspi, u32IntSel) ((uspi)->BUFCTL &= ~ (u32IntSel)) /** * @brief Enable specified transfer interrupt. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @param[in] u32IntSel Interrupt Type, should be * - \ref USPI_INTEN_RXENDIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_INTEN_RXSTIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_INTEN_TXENDIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_INTEN_TXSTIEN_Msk * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_ENABLE_TRANS_INT(uspi, u32IntSel) ((uspi)->INTEN |= (u32IntSel)) /** * @brief Disable specified transfer interrupt. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @param[in] u32IntSel Interrupt Type, should be * - \ref USPI_INTEN_RXENDIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_INTEN_RXSTIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_INTEN_TXENDIEN_Msk * - \ref USPI_INTEN_TXSTIEN_Msk * @return None * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_DISABLE_TRANS_INT(uspi, u32IntSel) ((uspi)->INTEN &= ~ (u32IntSel)) /** * @brief Trigger RX PDMA function. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return None. * @details Set RXPDMAEN bit of USPI_PDMACTL register to enable RX PDMA transfer function. * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_TRIGGER_RX_PDMA(uspi) ((uspi)->PDMACTL |= USPI_PDMACTL_RXPDMAEN_Msk|USPI_PDMACTL_PDMAEN_Msk) /** * @brief Trigger TX PDMA function. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return None. * @details Set TXPDMAEN bit of USPI_PDMACTL register to enable TX PDMA transfer function. * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_TRIGGER_TX_PDMA(uspi) ((uspi)->PDMACTL |= USPI_PDMACTL_TXPDMAEN_Msk|USPI_PDMACTL_PDMAEN_Msk) /** * @brief Disable RX PDMA transfer. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return None. * @details Clear RXPDMAEN bit of USPI_PDMACTL register to disable RX PDMA transfer function. * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_DISABLE_RX_PDMA(uspi) ( (uspi)->PDMACTL &= ~USPI_PDMACTL_RXPDMAEN_Msk ) /** * @brief Disable TX PDMA transfer. * @param[in] uspi The pointer of the specified USCI_SPI module. * @return None. * @details Clear TXPDMAEN bit of USPI_PDMACTL register to disable TX PDMA transfer function. * \hideinitializer */ #define USPI_DISABLE_TX_PDMA(uspi) ( (uspi)->PDMACTL &= ~USPI_PDMACTL_TXPDMAEN_Msk ) uint32_t USPI_Open(USPI_T *uspi, uint32_t u32MasterSlave, uint32_t u32SPIMode, uint32_t u32DataWidth, uint32_t u32BusClock); void USPI_Close(USPI_T *uspi); void USPI_ClearRxBuf(USPI_T *uspi); void USPI_ClearTxBuf(USPI_T *uspi); void USPI_DisableAutoSS(USPI_T *uspi); void USPI_EnableAutoSS(USPI_T *uspi, uint32_t u32SSPinMask, uint32_t u32ActiveLevel); uint32_t USPI_SetBusClock(USPI_T *uspi, uint32_t u32BusClock); uint32_t USPI_GetBusClock(USPI_T *uspi); void USPI_EnableInt(USPI_T *uspi, uint32_t u32Mask); void USPI_DisableInt(USPI_T *uspi, uint32_t u32Mask); uint32_t USPI_GetIntFlag(USPI_T *uspi, uint32_t u32Mask); void USPI_ClearIntFlag(USPI_T *uspi, uint32_t u32Mask); uint32_t USPI_GetStatus(USPI_T *uspi, uint32_t u32Mask); void USPI_EnableWakeup(USPI_T *uspi); void USPI_DisableWakeup(USPI_T *uspi); /*@}*/ /* end of group USCI_SPI_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */ /*@}*/ /* end of group USCI_SPI_Driver */ /*@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __NU_USCI_SPI_H__ */ /*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/