/** @file het.h
*   @brief HET Driver Definition File
*   @date 29.May.2013
*   @version 03.05.02

/* (c) Texas Instruments 2009-2013, All rights reserved. */

#ifndef __HET_H__
#define __HET_H__

#include "reg_het.h"
#include <string.h>


/** @def pwm0
*   @brief Pwm signal 0
*   Alias for pwm signal 0
#define pwm0 0U

/** @def pwm1
*   @brief Pwm signal 1
*   Alias for pwm signal 1
#define pwm1 1U

/** @def pwm2
*   @brief Pwm signal 2
*   Alias for pwm signal 2
#define pwm2 2U

/** @def pwm3
*   @brief Pwm signal 3
*   Alias for pwm signal 3
#define pwm3 3U

/** @def pwm4
*   @brief Pwm signal 4
*   Alias for pwm signal 4
#define pwm4 4U

/** @def pwm5
*   @brief Pwm signal 5
*   Alias for pwm signal 5
#define pwm5 5U

/** @def pwm6
*   @brief Pwm signal 6
*   Alias for pwm signal 6
#define pwm6 6U

/** @def pwm7
*   @brief Pwm signal 7
*   Alias for pwm signal 7
#define pwm7 7U

/** @def edge0
*   @brief Edge signal 0
*   Alias for edge signal 0
#define edge0 0U

/** @def edge1
*   @brief Edge signal 1
*   Alias for edge signal 1
#define edge1 1U

/** @def edge2
*   @brief Edge signal 2
*   Alias for edge signal 2
#define edge2 2U

/** @def edge3
*   @brief Edge signal 3
*   Alias for edge signal 3
#define edge3 3U

/** @def edge4
*   @brief Edge signal 4
*   Alias for edge signal 4
#define edge4 4U

/** @def edge5
*   @brief Edge signal 5
*   Alias for edge signal 5
#define edge5 5U

/** @def edge6
*   @brief Edge signal 6
*   Alias for edge signal 6
#define edge6 6U

/** @def edge7
*   @brief Edge signal 7
*   Alias for edge signal 7
#define edge7 7U

/** @def cap0
*   @brief Capture signal 0
*   Alias for capture signal 0
#define cap0 0U

/** @def cap1
*   @brief Capture signal 1
*   Alias for capture signal 1
#define cap1 1U

/** @def cap2
*   @brief Capture signal 2
*   Alias for capture signal 2
#define cap2 2U

/** @def cap3
*   @brief Capture signal 3
*   Alias for capture signal 3
#define cap3 3U

/** @def cap4
*   @brief Capture signal 4
*   Alias for capture signal 4
#define cap4 4U

/** @def cap5
*   @brief Capture signal 5
*   Alias for capture signal 5
#define cap5 5U

/** @def cap6
*   @brief Capture signal 6
*   Alias for capture signal 6
#define cap6 6U

/** @def cap7
*   @brief Capture signal 7
*   Alias for capture signal 7
#define cap7 7U

/** @def pwmEND_OF_DUTY
*   @brief Pwm end of duty
*   Alias for pwm end of duty notification
#define pwmEND_OF_DUTY 2U

/** @def pwmEND_OF_PERIOD
*   @brief Pwm end of period
*   Alias for pwm end of period notification
#define pwmEND_OF_PERIOD 4U

/** @def pwmEND_OF_BOTH
*   @brief Pwm end of duty and period
*   Alias for pwm end of duty and period notification
#define pwmEND_OF_BOTH 6U


/** @struct hetBase
*   @brief HET Register Definition
*   This structure is used to access the HET module registers.
/** @typedef hetBASE_t
*   @brief HET Register Frame Type Definition
*   This type is used to access the HET Registers.

enum hetPinSelect
    PIN_HET_0 = 0U,
    PIN_HET_1 = 1U,
    PIN_HET_2 = 2U,
    PIN_HET_3 = 3U,
    PIN_HET_4 = 4U,
    PIN_HET_5 = 5U,
    PIN_HET_6 = 6U,
    PIN_HET_7 = 7U,
    PIN_HET_8 = 8U,
    PIN_HET_9 = 9U,
    PIN_HET_10 = 10U,
    PIN_HET_11 = 11U,
    PIN_HET_12 = 12U,
    PIN_HET_13 = 13U,
    PIN_HET_14 = 14U,
    PIN_HET_15 = 15U,
    PIN_HET_16 = 16U,
    PIN_HET_17 = 17U,
    PIN_HET_18 = 18U,
    PIN_HET_19 = 19U,
    PIN_HET_20 = 20U,
    PIN_HET_21 = 21U,
    PIN_HET_22 = 22U,
    PIN_HET_23 = 23U,
    PIN_HET_24 = 24U,
    PIN_HET_25 = 25U,
    PIN_HET_26 = 26U,
    PIN_HET_27 = 27U,
    PIN_HET_28 = 28U,
    PIN_HET_29 = 29U,
    PIN_HET_30 = 30U,
    PIN_HET_31 = 31U

/** @struct hetInstructionBase
*   @brief HET Instruction Definition
*   This structure is used to access the HET RAM.
/** @typedef hetINSTRUCTION_t
*   @brief HET Instruction Type Definition
*   This type is used to access a HET Instruction.
typedef volatile struct hetInstructionBase
    uint32 Program;
    uint32 Control;
    uint32 Data;
    uint32   rsvd1;

/** @struct hetRamBase
*   @brief HET RAM Definition
*   This structure is used to access the HET RAM.
/** @typedef hetRAMBASE_t
*   @brief HET RAM Type Definition
*   This type is used to access the HET RAM.
typedef volatile struct het1RamBase
    hetINSTRUCTION_t Instruction[160U];
} hetRAMBASE_t;

/** @struct hetSignal
*   @brief HET Signal Definition
*   This structure is used to define a pwm signal.
/** @typedef hetSIGNAL_t
*   @brief HET Signal Type Definition
*   This type is used to access HET Signal Information.
typedef struct hetSignal
	uint32 duty;   /**< Duty cycle in % of the period  */
	float64   period; /**< Period in us                   */
} hetSIGNAL_t;

 *  @defgroup HET HET
 *  @brief Inter-Integrated Circuit Module.
 *  The HET is a software-controlled timer with a dedicated specialized timer micromachine and a set of 30 instructions.
 *  The HET micromachine is connected to a port of up to 32 input/output (I/O) pins.
 *	Related Files
 *   - reg_het.h
 *   - het.h
 *   - het.c
 *   - reg_htu.h
 *   - htu.h
 *   - std_nhet.h
 *  @addtogroup HET
 *  @{
/* HET Interface Functions */
void hetInit(void);

/* PWM Interface Functions */
void        pwmStart(hetRAMBASE_t * hetRAM,uint32 pwm);
void        pwmStop(hetRAMBASE_t * hetRAM,uint32 pwm);
void        pwmSetDuty(hetRAMBASE_t * hetRAM,uint32 pwm, uint32 pwmDuty);
void        pwmSetSignal(hetRAMBASE_t * hetRAM,uint32 pwm, hetSIGNAL_t signal);
hetSIGNAL_t pwmGetSignal(hetRAMBASE_t * hetRAM,uint32 pwm);
void        pwmEnableNotification(hetBASE_t * hetREG,uint32 pwm, uint32 notification);
void        pwmDisableNotification(hetBASE_t * hetREG,uint32 pwm, uint32 notification);
void        pwmNotification(hetBASE_t * hetREG,uint32 pwm, uint32 notification);

/* Edge Interface Functions */
void     edgeResetCounter(hetRAMBASE_t * hetRAM,uint32 edge);
uint32 edgeGetCounter(hetRAMBASE_t * hetRAM,uint32 edge);
void     edgeEnableNotification(hetBASE_t * hetREG,uint32 edge);
void     edgeDisableNotification(hetBASE_t * hetREG,uint32 edge);
void     edgeNotification(hetBASE_t * hetREG,uint32 edge);

/* Captured Signal Interface Functions */
hetSIGNAL_t capGetSignal(hetRAMBASE_t * hetRAM,uint32 cap);

/* Timestamp Interface Functions */
void     hetResetTimestamp(hetRAMBASE_t * hetRAM);
uint32 hetGetTimestamp(hetRAMBASE_t * hetRAM);

/** @fn void hetNotification(hetBASE_t *het, uint32 offset)
*   @brief het interrupt callback
*   @param[in] het - Het module base address
*              - hetREG1: HET1 module base address pointer
*              - hetREG2: HET2 module base address pointer
*   @param[in] offset - het interrupt offset / Source number
*   @note This function has to be provide by the user.
* This is a interrupt callback that is provided by the application and is call upon
* an het interrupt.  The parameter passed to the callback is a copy of the interrupt 
* offset register which is used to decode the interrupt source.
void hetNotification(hetBASE_t *het, uint32 offset);
