/* * This file is part of FH8620 BSP for RT-Thread distribution. * * Copyright (c) 2016 Shanghai Fullhan Microelectronics Co., Ltd. * All rights reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Visit http://www.fullhan.com to get contact with Fullhan. * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes */ /* * spi_fh_adapt.c * * Created on: Mar 2, 2016 * Author: duobao */ #include <stdint.h> #include "spi_fh_adapt.h" #include "board_info.h" #ifdef RT_USING_W25QXX #include "spi_flash_w25qxx.h" #endif #ifdef RT_USING_AT45DBXX #include "spi_flash_at45dbxx.h" #endif #ifdef RT_USING_SST25VFXX #include "spi_flash_sst25vfxx.h" #endif #ifdef RT_USING_GD #include "spi_flash_gd.h" #endif #ifdef RT_USING_FLASH_DEFAULT #include "spi_flash_default.h" #endif #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) #define WX_MANU_ID 0xEF #define AT_MANU_ID 0x1F /* atmel */ #define SST_MANU_ID 0xBF #define GD_MANU_ID 0xC8 #define SPI_ADAPT_DEBUG #ifdef SPI_ADAPT_DEBUG #define CMD_JEDEC_ID 0x9f #define FH_SPI_ADAPT_DEBUG(fmt, args...) \ rt_kprintf(fmt,##args); #else #define FH_SPI_ADAPT_DEBUG(fmt, args...) #endif struct fh_flash_id{ unsigned char id; rt_err_t (*fh_flash_init)(struct flash_platform_data *plat_flash); char *name; }; const struct fh_flash_id id_map[] = { #ifdef RT_USING_W25QXX WX_MANU_ID,w25qxx_init,"winbond", #endif #ifdef RT_USING_AT45DBXX AT_MANU_ID,at45dbxx_init,"atmel", #endif #ifdef RT_USING_SST25VFXX SST_MANU_ID,sst25vfxx_init,"SST", #endif #ifdef RT_USING_GD GD_MANU_ID,gd_init,"GD", #endif }; struct fh_flash_id * fh_flash_check_id_map(unsigned char id){ struct fh_flash_id *p_map = RT_NULL; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(id_map); i++) { p_map = (struct fh_flash_id *)&id_map[i]; if (p_map->id == id){ return p_map; } } return RT_NULL; } int fh_flash_adapt_probe(void *priv_data) { struct flash_platform_data *plat_flash = priv_data; const char * flash_device_name = plat_flash->flash_name; const char * spi_device_name = plat_flash->spi_name; struct rt_spi_device * rt_spi_device; struct fh_flash_id * flash_model; rt_spi_device = (struct rt_spi_device *)rt_device_find(spi_device_name); if(rt_spi_device == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("spi device %s not found!\r\n", spi_device_name); return -RT_ENOSYS; } /* config spi */ { struct rt_spi_configuration cfg; cfg.data_width = 8; cfg.mode = RT_SPI_MODE_0 | RT_SPI_MSB; /* SPI Compatible: Mode 0 and Mode 3 */ cfg.max_hz = 50 * 1000 * 1000; /* 50M */ rt_spi_configure(rt_spi_device, &cfg); } /* init flash */ rt_uint8_t cmd; rt_uint8_t id_recv[3]; uint16_t memory_type_capacity; rt_err_t ret; cmd = 0xFF; /* reset SPI FLASH, cancel all cmd in processing. */ rt_spi_send(rt_spi_device, &cmd, 1); /* read flash id */ cmd = CMD_JEDEC_ID; rt_spi_send_then_recv(rt_spi_device, &cmd, 1, id_recv, 3); //if the flash is already connect. if(id_recv[0] != 0xff){ flash_model =fh_flash_check_id_map(id_recv[0]); if(flash_model){ ret = flash_model->fh_flash_init(plat_flash); if(ret != RT_EOK){ rt_kprintf("flash:%s init error\n",flash_model->name); rt_kprintf("use default flash ops..\n"); //flash_model->fh_flash_adapt_init =flash_default_init; ret = flash_default_init(plat_flash); } } else{ rt_kprintf( "use default flash ops...\nunrecognized flash id is :%02X %02X %02X\n", id_recv[0], id_recv[1], id_recv[2]); ret = flash_default_init(plat_flash); } int i; for(i=0; i<plat_flash->nr_parts; i++) { fh_spi_partition_register(plat_flash->flash_name, &plat_flash->parts[i]); } return ret; } else{ rt_kprintf("please check if you connect the flash already...\n"); return RT_ENOSYS; } } int fh_flash_adapt_exit(void *priv_data) { return 0; } struct fh_board_ops flash_driver_ops = { .probe = fh_flash_adapt_probe, .exit = fh_flash_adapt_exit, }; rt_err_t fh_flash_adapt_init(void) { fh_board_driver_register("fh_flash", &flash_driver_ops); return 0; }