/***************************************************************************//** * @file drv_rtc.c * @brief RTC driver of RT-Thread RTOS for EFM32 * COPYRIGHT (C) 2012, RT-Thread Development Team * @author Bernard, onelife * @version 1.0 ******************************************************************************* * @section License * The license and distribution terms for this file may be found in the file * LICENSE in this distribution or at http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE ******************************************************************************* * @section Change Logs * Date Author Notes * 2009-01-05 Bernard the first version * 2010-12-27 onelife Modify for EFM32 * 2011-06-16 onelife Modify init function for efm32lib v2 upgrading * 2011-12-14 onelife Move LFXO enabling routine to driver initialization * function (board.c) ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************//** * @addtogroup efm32 * @{ ******************************************************************************/ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "board.h" #include "hdl_interrupt.h" #include "drv_rtc.h" #if defined(RT_USING_RTC) /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef RT_RTC_DEBUG #define rtc_debug(format,args...) rt_kprintf(format, ##args) #else #define rtc_debug(format,args...) #endif /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ static struct rt_device rtc; static rt_uint32_t rtc_time; /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ static rt_err_t rt_rtc_open(rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t oflag) { if (dev->rx_indicate != RT_NULL) { /* Open Interrupt */ } return RT_EOK; } static rt_size_t rt_rtc_read( rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, void* buffer, rt_size_t size) { return 0; } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Configure RTC device * * @details * * @note * * @param[in] dev * Pointer to device descriptor * * @param[in] cmd * RTC control command * * @param[in] args * Arguments * * @return * Error code ******************************************************************************/ static rt_err_t rt_rtc_control(rt_device_t dev, rt_uint8_t cmd, void *args) { RT_ASSERT(dev != RT_NULL); switch (cmd) { case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_RTC_GET_TIME: *(rt_uint32_t *)args = rtc_time + RTC_CounterGet(); rtc_debug("RTC: get rtc_time %x + %x\n", rtc_time, RTC_CounterGet()); break; case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_RTC_SET_TIME: { rtc_time = *(rt_uint32_t *)args; rtc_debug("RTC: set rtc_time %x\n", rtc_time); /* Reset counter */ RTC_CounterReset(); } break; } return RT_EOK; } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * RTC counter overflow interrupt handler * * @details * * @note ******************************************************************************/ void rt_hw_rtc_isr(rt_device_t device) { if (RTC->IF & RTC_IFC_OF) { rtc_time += _RTC_CNT_MASK; } RTC->IFC = _RTC_IFC_MASK; } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Register RTC device * * @details * * @note * * @param[in] device * Pointer to device descriptor * * @param[in] name * Device name * * @param[in] flag * Configuration flags * * @return * Error code ******************************************************************************/ rt_err_t rt_hw_rtc_register( rt_device_t device, const char *name, rt_uint32_t flag) { RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); device->type = RT_Device_Class_RTC; device->rx_indicate = RT_NULL; device->tx_complete = RT_NULL; device->init = RT_NULL; device->open = rt_rtc_open; device->close = RT_NULL; device->read = rt_rtc_read; device->write = RT_NULL; device->control = rt_rtc_control; device->user_data = RT_NULL; /* no private */ /* register a character device */ return rt_device_register(device, name, RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR | flag); } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Initialize all RTC module related hardware and register RTC device to kernel * * @details * * @note ******************************************************************************/ void rt_hw_rtc_init(void) { rt_uint32_t reset; reset = RMU_ResetCauseGet(); // TODO: What is the current reset mode? if (reset & RMU_RSTCAUSE_PORST || reset & RMU_RSTCAUSE_EXTRST) { RTC_Init_TypeDef rtcInit; efm32_irq_hook_init_t hook; rtcInit.enable = true; rtcInit.debugRun = false; rtcInit.comp0Top = false; rtc_time = 0UL; rt_kprintf("rtc is not configured\n"); rt_kprintf("please configure with set_date and set_time\n"); /* Configuring clock */ CMU_ClockDivSet(cmuClock_RTC,cmuClkDiv_32768); CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_RTC, true); /* Initialize and enable RTC */ RTC_Reset(); RTC_Init(&rtcInit); hook.type = efm32_irq_type_rtc; hook.unit = 0; hook.cbFunc = rt_hw_rtc_isr; hook.userPtr = RT_NULL; efm32_irq_hook_register(&hook); /* Enabling Interrupt from RTC */ RTC_IntEnable(RTC_IFC_OF); RTC_IntClear(RTC_IFC_OF); NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(RTC_IRQn); NVIC_SetPriority(RTC_IRQn, EFM32_IRQ_PRI_DEFAULT); NVIC_EnableIRQ(RTC_IRQn); } /* register rtc device */ rt_hw_rtc_register(&rtc, RT_RTC_NAME, EFM32_NO_DATA); } #endif /***************************************************************************//** * @} ******************************************************************************/