#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import os from building import * Import('RTT_ROOT') Import('rtconfig') #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Package configuration #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PKGNAME = "bmsis" VERSION = "v1.0.0" DEPENDS = [""] #DEPENDS = ["PKG_USING_RW007"] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compile the configuration # # SOURCES: Need to compile c and c++ source, auto search when SOURCES is empty # # LOCAL_CPPPATH: Local file path (.h/.c/.cpp) # LOCAL_CFLAGS: Local c compilation parameter # LOCAL_CCFLAGS: Local c/c++ compilation parameter # LOCAL_CXXFLAGS: Local c++ compilation parameter # LOCAL_ASFLAGS: Local assembly parameters # # CPPPATH: Global file path (.h/.c/.cpp), auto search when LOCAL_CPPPATH/CPPPATH # is empty # no pass!!! # CFLAGS : Global compilation parameter # ASFLAGS: Global assembly parameters # # CPPDEFINES: Global macro definition # LOCAL_CPPDEFINES: Local macro definition # # LIBS: Specify the static library that need to be linked # LIBPATH: Specify the search directory for the library file (.lib/.a) # # LINKFLAGS: Link options #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CWD = GetCurrentDir() SOURCES = Glob("./source/*.c") LOCAL_CPPPATH = [] LOCAL_CFLAGS = "" LOCAL_CCFLAGS = "" LOCAL_CXXFLAGS = "" LOCAL_ASFLAGS = "" CPPPATH = [GetCurrentDir(), os.path.join(GetCurrentDir(), 'include')] CFLAGS = "" CCFLAGS = "" CXXFLAGS = "" ASFLAGS = "" CPPDEFINES = [] LOCAL_CPPDEFINES = [] LIBS = [] LIBPATH = [] LINKFLAGS = "" SOURCES_IGNORE = [] CPPPATH_IGNORE = [] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main target #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- objs = DefineGroup(name = PKGNAME, src = SOURCES, depend = DEPENDS, CPPPATH = CPPPATH, CFLAGS = CFLAGS, CCFLAGS = CCFLAGS, CXXFLAGS = CXXFLAGS, ASFLAGS = ASFLAGS, LOCAL_CPPPATH = LOCAL_CPPPATH, LOCAL_CFLAGS = LOCAL_CFLAGS, LOCAL_CCFLAGS = LOCAL_CCFLAGS, LOCAL_CXXFLAGS = LOCAL_CXXFLAGS, LOCAL_ASFLAGS = LOCAL_ASFLAGS, CPPDEFINES = CPPDEFINES, LOCAL_CPPDEFINES = LOCAL_CPPDEFINES, LIBS = LIBS, LIBPATH = LIBPATH, LINKFLAGS = LINKFLAGS) Return("objs") #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # End #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------