/* * File : lcd.h * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2006, RT-Thread Develop Team * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2008-03-29 Yi.Qiu * 2011-06-13 lgnq modified for FM3 easy kit */ #ifndef __LCD_H__ #define __LCD_H__ #include <rtthread.h> #include "mb9bf506r.h" /********* LCD Hardward Interface ************* LCD_CS PORT1.7 LCD_CD PORT1.6 LCD_WR PORT1.5 LCD_RD PORT1.4 LCD_SCK PORT1.3 LCD_MOSI PORT1.2 LCD_C86 PORT1.1 LCD_PS PORT1.0 LCD_DATA[0..7] PORT5.[0..7] ***********************************************/ #define LCD_CS (1UL << 7) #define LCD_CS_DDR (FM3_GPIO->DDR1) #define LCD_CS_PFR (FM3_GPIO->PFR1) #define LCD_CS_PDOR (FM3_GPIO->PDOR1) #define LCD_CD (1UL << 6) #define LCD_CD_DDR (FM3_GPIO->DDR1) #define LCD_CD_PFR (FM3_GPIO->PFR1) #define LCD_CD_PDOR (FM3_GPIO->PDOR1) #define LCD_PS (1UL << 0) #define LCD_PS_DDR (FM3_GPIO->DDR1) #define LCD_PS_PFR (FM3_GPIO->PFR1) #define LCD_PS_PDOR (FM3_GPIO->PDOR1) #define LCD_CLK (1UL << 6) #define LCD_CLK_DDR (FM3_GPIO->DDR5) #define LCD_CLK_PFR (FM3_GPIO->PFR5) #define LCD_CLK_PDOR (FM3_GPIO->PDOR5) #define LCD_DATA (1UL << 7) #define LCD_DATA_DDR (FM3_GPIO->DDR5) #define LCD_DATA_PFR (FM3_GPIO->PFR5) #define LCD_DATA_PDOR (FM3_GPIO->PDOR5) /* LCD driver for ZYMG12864C3 */ #define LCD_WIDTH 128 #define LCD_HEIGHT 64 // Driver the LCD with Parallel or serial interface and the command/data control pin is gpio #define LCD_CS_HIGH() LCD_CS_PDOR |= LCD_CS #define LCD_CS_LOW() LCD_CS_PDOR &= ~LCD_CS #define LCD_CD_HIGH() LCD_CD_PDOR |= LCD_CD #define LCD_CD_LOW() LCD_CD_PDOR &= ~LCD_CD #define LCD_PS_HIGH() LCD_PS_PDOR |= LCD_PS #define LCD_PS_LOW() LCD_PS_PDOR &= ~LCD_PS #define LCD_CLK_HIGH() LCD_CLK_PDOR |= LCD_CLK #define LCD_CLK_LOW() LCD_CLK_PDOR &= ~LCD_CLK #define LCD_DATA_HIGH() LCD_DATA_PDOR |= LCD_DATA #define LCD_DATA_LOW() LCD_DATA_PDOR &= ~LCD_DATA // define the arrtibute of ZYMG12864(LCM) #define GUI_LCM_XMAX 128 // defined the lcd's line-number is 128 #define GUI_LCM_YMAX 64 // defined the lcd's column-number is 64 #define GUI_LCM_PAGE 8 // defined the lcd's page-number is 8(GUI_LCM_YMAX/8) /* set LCD command */ #define DISPLAY_ON 0xAF // A0,RD,WR:010 #define DISPLAY_OFF 0xAE // A0,RD,WR:010 #define SET_START_LINE_0 0x40 // A0,RD,WR:010; line0~line63 #define SET_PAGE_ADDR_0 0xB0 // A0,RD,WR:010; addr0~addr8 #define SET_COLH_ADDR_0 0x10 // A0,RD,WR:010; #define SET_COLL_ADDR_0 0x00 // A0,RD,WR:010; addr0~addr131 #define READ_STATUS 0x-0 // A0,RD,WR:001; BUSY | ADC | ON/OFF | RESET | 0 0 0 0 #define STATUS_BUSY 0x80 #define STATUS_ADC_REVERSE 0x40 // column address 131-n : SEG n, else column address n : SEG n #define STATUS_DISPLAY_OFF 0x20 #define STATUS_RESET 0x80 #define WRITE_DATA 0x-- // A0,RD,WR:110 #define READ_DATE 0x-- // A0,RD,WR:101; spi mode is unavailable #define SET_ADC_NORMAL 0xA0 // A0,RD,WR:010 #define SET_ADC_REVERSE 0xA1 // A0,RD,WR:010 #define DISPLAY_NORMAL 0xA6 // A0,RD,WR:010 #define DISPLAY_REVERSE 0xA7 // A0,RD,WR:010; reverse color #define DISPLAY_ALL_ON 0xA5 // A0,RD,WR:010 #define DISPLAY_ALL_NORMAL 0xA4 // A0,RD,WR:010 /************************************************************* * bias: 1/65duty | 1/49duty | 1/33duty | 1/55duty | 1/53duty * * ---------------|----------|----------|----------|--------- * * A2: 1/9 bias | 1/8 bias | 1/6 bias | 1/8 bias | 1/8 bias * * A3: 1/7 bias | 1/6 bias | 1/5 bias | 1/6 bias | 1/6 bias * **************************************************************/ #define SET_LCD_BIAS_7 0xA3 // A0,RD,WR:010 #define SET_LCD_BIAS_9 0xA2 // A0,RD,WR:010 #define RMW_MODE_ENABLE 0xE0 // A0,RD,WR:010; the column address locked when read command operating #define RMW_MODE_END 0xEE // A0,RD,WR:010; returns to the column address when RMW was entered. #define RESET_LCD 0xE2 // A0,RD,WR:010 /************************************************************************************** * Com Scan Dir: | 1/65duty | 1/49duty | 1/33duty | 1/55duty | 1/53duty * * --------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|------------------------ * * C0: Normal | COM0:COM63 | COM0:COM47 | COM0:COM31 | COM0:COM53 | COM0:COM51 * * C8: Reverse | COM63:COM0 | COM47:COM0 | COM31:COM0 | COM53:COM0 | COM51:COM0 * ***************************************************************************************/ #define COM_SCAN_DIR_NORMAL 0xC0 // A0,RD,WR:010 #define COM_SCAN_DIR_REVERSE 0xC8 // A0,RD,WR:010 // 0 0 1 0 1 | Booster On | Regulator On | Follower On #define POWER_BOOSTER_ON 0x2C // A0,RD,WR:010 #define POWER_REGULATOR_ON 0x2E // A0,RD,WR:010 #define POWER_FOLLOWER_ON 0x2F // A0,RD,WR:010 #define SET_RESISTOR_RATIO 0x20 // A0,RD,WR:010; 20~27:small~large #define SET_ELECVOL_MODE 0x81 // A0,RD,WR:010; double byte command #define SET_ELECVOL_REG 0x20 // A0,RD,WR:010; the electronic volume(64 voltage levels:00~3F) function is not used. #define SLEEP_MODE_ENABLE 0xAC // A0,RD,WR:010; double byte command, preceding command #define SLEEP_MODE_DISABLE 0xAD // A0,RD,WR:010; preceding command #define SLEEP_MODE_DELIVER 0x00 // A0,RD,WR:010; following command #define BOOST_RATIO_SET 0xF8 // A0,RD,WR:010; double byte command, preceding command #define BOOST_RATIO_234 0x00 // A0,RD,WR:010; following command #define BOOST_RATIO_5 0x01 // A0,RD,WR:010; following command #define BOOST_RATIO_6 0x03 // A0,RD,WR:010; following command #define COMMAND_NOP 0xE3 // A0,RD,WR:010 #define COMMAND_IC_TEST 0xFC // A0,RD,WR:010; don't use #define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_LCD_GET_WIDTH 0 #define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_LCD_GET_HEIGHT 1 #define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_LCD_GET_BPP 2 #define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_LCD_GET_FRAMEBUFFER 3 #define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_LCD_POWER_ON 4 #define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_LCD_POWER_OFF 5 #define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_LCD_CLEAR_SCR 6 #define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_LCD_FILL_ALL 7 #define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_LCD_UPDATE_POINT 8 #define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_LCD_DISPLAY_ON 9 #define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_LCD_DISPLAY_OFF 10 #define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_LCD_PUT_STRING 11 enum { ADC_MSG, KEY_MSG, CPU_MSG, MAX_MSG, }; struct lcd_msg { rt_uint8_t type; rt_uint16_t adc_value; rt_uint8_t key; rt_uint16_t major; rt_uint16_t minor; }; extern rt_uint32_t x; extern rt_uint32_t y; void rt_hw_lcd_init(void); #endif