/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2020, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2020-08-18 guohp1128 the first version */ #include "drv_adc.h" #ifdef RT_USING_ADC #define ADC_NAME "adc" struct rt_adc_device nrf5x_adc_device; drv_nrfx_saadc_result_t results; nrf_saadc_value_t result_buff_cache[8]; static void nrf5x_saadc_event_hdr(nrfx_saadc_evt_t const * p_event) { uint8_t i,j; if(p_event->type == NRFX_SAADC_EVT_DONE) { j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if(results.channels[i].channel_index == i) { results.result_buffer[i] = result_buff_cache[j]; j ++; } } results.done = 1; } } static uint32_t get_channels_mask(void) { uint8_t i; uint32_t mask = 0; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if(results.channels[i].channel_index != 0xff) { mask |= (1 << results.channels[i].channel_index); } } return mask; } static void set_channels(drv_nrfx_saadc_channel_t * channel) { uint8_t i; if(channel -> mode == NRF_SAADC_MODE_SINGLE_ENDED) { results.channels[channel->channel_num] = (nrfx_saadc_channel_t)NRFX_SAADC_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_SE(channel -> pin_p + 1, channel -> channel_num); } else if(channel -> mode == NRF_SAADC_MODE_DIFFERENTIAL) { results.channels[channel->channel_num] = (nrfx_saadc_channel_t)NRFX_SAADC_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_DIFFERENTIAL(channel -> pin_p + 1, channel -> pin_n + 1, channel -> channel_num); } results.channel_count = 0; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if(results.channels[i].channel_index != 0xff) { results.channel_count ++; } } } /* channel: 0-7 */ static rt_err_t nrf5x_adc_enabled(struct rt_adc_device *device, rt_uint32_t channel, rt_bool_t enabled) { nrfx_err_t err_code = NRFX_SUCCESS; uint8_t i,j; if (enabled) { RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(device->parent.user_data != RT_NULL); drv_nrfx_saadc_channel_t * drv_channel_config = NULL; drv_channel_config = (drv_nrfx_saadc_channel_t *)device->parent.user_data; set_channels(drv_channel_config); nrfx_saadc_channel_t channels_cache[results.channel_count]; j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if(results.channels[i].channel_index != 0xff) { channels_cache[j] = results.channels[i]; j ++; } } err_code = nrfx_saadc_channels_config(channels_cache,results.channel_count); err_code = nrfx_saadc_simple_mode_set(get_channels_mask(), NRF_SAADC_RESOLUTION_12BIT, NRF_SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_DISABLED, nrf5x_saadc_event_hdr); err_code = nrfx_saadc_buffer_set(result_buff_cache, results.channel_count); } else { results.channels[channel].channel_index = 0xff; results.channel_count = 0; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if(results.channels[i].channel_index != 0xff) { results.channel_count ++; } } if(results.channel_count == 0) { nrfx_saadc_channel_t channels_cache[1]; err_code = nrfx_saadc_channels_config(channels_cache, 0); return err_code; } else { nrfx_saadc_channel_t channels_cache[results.channel_count]; j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if(results.channels[i].channel_index != 0xff) { channels_cache[j] = results.channels[i]; j ++; } } err_code = nrfx_saadc_channels_config(channels_cache,results.channel_count); err_code = nrfx_saadc_simple_mode_set(get_channels_mask(), NRF_SAADC_RESOLUTION_12BIT, NRF_SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_DISABLED, nrf5x_saadc_event_hdr); err_code = nrfx_saadc_buffer_set(result_buff_cache, results.channel_count); } } return err_code; } static rt_err_t nrf5x_get_adc_value(struct rt_adc_device *device, rt_uint32_t channel, rt_uint32_t *value) { nrfx_err_t err_code = NRFX_SUCCESS; if (results.channels[channel].channel_index != 0xff) { results.done = 0; err_code = nrfx_saadc_mode_trigger(); while(results.done == 0) { ; } * value = results.result_buffer[channel]; results.done = 0; } return err_code; } static const struct rt_adc_ops nrf5x_adc_ops = { .enabled = nrf5x_adc_enabled, .convert = nrf5x_get_adc_value, }; int rt_hw_adc_init(void) { int result = RT_EOK; uint8_t i; char name_buf[6] = ADC_NAME; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { results.channels[i].channel_index = 0xff; results.result_buffer[i] = 0; results.channel_count = 0; results.done = 0; } /* initializing SAADC interrupt priority */ if (nrfx_saadc_init(NRFX_SAADC_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY) != NRFX_SUCCESS) { rt_kprintf("%s init failed", name_buf); rt_kprintf("The driver is already initialized."); result = -RT_ERROR; } else { /* register ADC device */ if (rt_hw_adc_register(&nrf5x_adc_device, name_buf, &nrf5x_adc_ops, nrf5x_adc_device.parent.user_data) == RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("%s init success", name_buf); } else { rt_kprintf("%s register failed", name_buf); result = -RT_ERROR; } } return result; } INIT_BOARD_EXPORT(rt_hw_adc_init); /*test saadc*/ #include #define SAMPLE_ADC_MODE_SINGLE_ENDED 0 //single-ended mode #define SAMPLE_ADC_MODE_DIFFERENTIAL 1 //differential mode #define SAMPLE_ADC_AIN1 1 #define SAMPLE_ADC_AIN2 2 #define SAMPLE_ADC_AIN7 7 #define SAMPLE_ADC_AIN_NC 0 //disable input of AINx #define SAMPLE_ADC_CHANNEL_0 0 #define SAMPLE_ADC_CHANNEL_1 1 #define SAMPLE_ADC_CHANNEL_5 5 void saadc_sample(void) { drv_nrfx_saadc_channel_t channel_config; rt_uint32_t result; rt_adc_device_t adc_dev; adc_dev = (rt_adc_device_t)rt_device_find(ADC_NAME); adc_dev->parent.user_data = &channel_config; channel_config = (drv_nrfx_saadc_channel_t){.mode = SAMPLE_ADC_MODE_SINGLE_ENDED, .pin_p = SAMPLE_ADC_AIN1, .pin_n = SAMPLE_ADC_AIN_NC, .channel_num = SAMPLE_ADC_CHANNEL_0}; rt_adc_enable(adc_dev, channel_config.channel_num); channel_config = (drv_nrfx_saadc_channel_t){.mode = SAMPLE_ADC_MODE_SINGLE_ENDED, .pin_p = SAMPLE_ADC_AIN2, .pin_n = SAMPLE_ADC_AIN_NC, .channel_num = SAMPLE_ADC_CHANNEL_1}; rt_adc_enable(adc_dev, channel_config.channel_num); channel_config = (drv_nrfx_saadc_channel_t){.mode = SAMPLE_ADC_MODE_SINGLE_ENDED, .pin_p = SAMPLE_ADC_AIN7, .pin_n = SAMPLE_ADC_AIN_NC, .channel_num = SAMPLE_ADC_CHANNEL_5}; rt_adc_enable(adc_dev, channel_config.channel_num); int count = 1; while(count++) { result = rt_adc_read(adc_dev, 0); rt_kprintf("saadc channel 0 value = %d, ",result); result = rt_adc_read(adc_dev, 1); rt_kprintf("saadc channel 1 value = %d, ",result); result = rt_adc_read(adc_dev, 5); rt_kprintf("saadc channel 5 value = %d",result); rt_kprintf("\r\n"); rt_thread_mdelay(1000); } } MSH_CMD_EXPORT(saadc_sample, saadc sample); #endif /* RT_USING_ADC */