import os import sys import rtconfig if os.getenv('RTT_ROOT'): RTT_ROOT = os.getenv('RTT_ROOT') else: RTT_ROOT = os.path.normpath(os.getcwd() + '/../..') sys.path = sys.path + [os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, 'tools')] from building import * TARGET = 'rtthread-realview.' + rtconfig.TARGET_EXT DefaultEnvironment(tools=[]) env = Environment(tools = ['mingw'], AS = rtconfig.AS, ASFLAGS = rtconfig.AFLAGS, CC = rtconfig.CC, CCFLAGS = rtconfig.CFLAGS, AR = rtconfig.AR, ARFLAGS = '-rc', LINK = rtconfig.LINK, LINKFLAGS = rtconfig.LFLAGS) env.PrependENVPath('PATH', rtconfig.EXEC_PATH) env['ASCOM'] = env['ASPPCOM'] Export('RTT_ROOT') Export('rtconfig') # prepare building environment objs = PrepareBuilding(env, RTT_ROOT) if GetDepend('RT_USING_VMM'): if os.system('{cppcmd} -P -C -E -I. -D__ASSEMBLY__ {ldfile}.S -o {ldfile}'.format( cppcmd = os.path.join(rtconfig.EXEC_PATH, 'arm-none-eabi-gcc'), ldfile = rtconfig.LINK_SCRIPT)) != 0: print('failed to generate linker script %s' % rtconfig.LINK_SCRIPT) sys.exit(255) # if the linker script changed, relink the target Depends(TARGET, rtconfig.LINK_SCRIPT) else: # we should use none-vmm link script link_flags = str(env['LINKFLAGS']) env['LINKFLAGS'] = link_flags.replace('', '.lds') # make a building DoBuilding(TARGET, objs)