/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2021-11-24 Rbb666 The first version */ #include #include "lcd_port.h" #include "hal_data.h" #if DLG_LVGL_USE_GPU_RA6M3 #include "lv_port_gpu.h" #endif #define COLOR_BUFFER (LV_HOR_RES_MAX * LV_VER_RES_MAX / 4) /*A static or global variable to store the buffers*/ static lv_disp_draw_buf_t disp_buf; /*Descriptor of a display driver*/ static lv_disp_drv_t disp_drv; /*Static or global buffer(s). The second buffer is optional*/ // 0x1FFE0000 0x20040000 __attribute__((section(".ARM.__at_0x1FFE0000"))) lv_color_t buf_1[COLOR_BUFFER]; static uint8_t lvgl_ready_done = RT_EBUSY; static rt_device_t device; static struct rt_device_graphic_info info; static rt_sem_t trans_done_semphr = RT_NULL; void _ra_port_display_callback(display_callback_args_t *p_args) { if (lvgl_ready_done != RT_EOK) return; if (DISPLAY_EVENT_LINE_DETECTION == p_args->event) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); lv_disp_flush_ready((lv_disp_drv_t *)&disp_drv); rt_sem_release(trans_done_semphr); /* exit interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); } } // Wait until Vsync is triggered through callback function void vsync_wait(void) { rt_sem_take(trans_done_semphr, RT_WAITING_FOREVER); } static void color_to16_maybe(lv_color16_t *dst, lv_color_t *src) { #if (LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 16) dst->full = src->full; #else dst->ch.blue = src->ch.blue; dst->ch.green = src->ch.green; dst->ch.red = src->ch.red; #endif } static void disp_flush(lv_disp_drv_t *disp_drv, const lv_area_t *area, lv_color_t *color_p) { int x1, x2, y1, y2; x1 = area->x1; x2 = area->x2; y1 = area->y1; y2 = area->y2; /*Return if the area is out the screen*/ if (x2 < 0) return; if (y2 < 0) return; if (x1 > info.width - 1) return; if (y1 > info.height - 1) return; /*Truncate the area to the screen*/ int32_t act_x1 = x1 < 0 ? 0 : x1; int32_t act_y1 = y1 < 0 ? 0 : y1; int32_t act_x2 = x2 > info.width - 1 ? info.width - 1 : x2; int32_t act_y2 = y2 > info.height - 1 ? info.height - 1 : y2; uint32_t x; uint32_t y; long int location = 0; #if DLG_LVGL_USE_GPU_RA6M3 lv_port_gpu_flush(); #endif /* color_p is a buffer pointer; the buffer is provided by LVGL */ lv_color16_t *fbp16 = (lv_color16_t *)info.framebuffer; for (y = act_y1; y <= act_y2; y++) { for (x = act_x1; x <= act_x2; x++) { location = (x) + (y) * info.width; color_to16_maybe(&fbp16[location], color_p); color_p++; } color_p += x2 - act_x2; } vsync_wait(); } void lv_port_disp_init(void) { /* LCD Device Init */ device = rt_device_find("lcd"); RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); if (rt_device_open(device, RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDWR) == RT_EOK) { rt_device_control(device, RTGRAPHIC_CTRL_GET_INFO, &info); } RT_ASSERT(info.bits_per_pixel == 8 || info.bits_per_pixel == 16 || info.bits_per_pixel == 24 || info.bits_per_pixel == 32); trans_done_semphr = rt_sem_create("lvgl_sem", 1, RT_IPC_FLAG_PRIO); if (trans_done_semphr == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("create transform done semphr failed.\n"); return; } /*Initialize `disp_buf` with the buffer(s). With only one buffer use NULL instead buf_2 */ lv_disp_draw_buf_init(&disp_buf, buf_1, NULL, COLOR_BUFFER); lv_disp_drv_init(&disp_drv); /*Basic initialization*/ /*Set the resolution of the display*/ disp_drv.hor_res = LCD_WIDTH; disp_drv.ver_res = LCD_HEIGHT; /*Set a display buffer*/ disp_drv.draw_buf = &disp_buf; /*Used to copy the buffer's content to the display*/ disp_drv.flush_cb = disp_flush; #if DLG_LVGL_USE_GPU_RA6M3 /* Initialize GPU module */ lv_port_gpu_init(); #endif /* LV_PORT_DISP_GPU_EN */ /*Finally register the driver*/ lv_disp_drv_register(&disp_drv); lvgl_ready_done = RT_EOK; }