/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2018-02-08 Zhangyihong the first version * 2018-04-03 XY gt9xx for 1024 * 600 * 2018-04-14 liu2guang optimize int and rst to pin framework * 2017-08-08 XY imxrt1052 * 2018-10-29 XY */ #include #include #include "drv_touch.h" #include "string.h" #include "drv_pin.h" #define DBG_TAG "TOUCH.gt9xx" #define DBG_LVL DBG_LOG #include // extern tcon_panel_t _panel; #if 0 #define TP_INT_PIN GET_PIN(GPIO_PORT_E, GPIO_PIN_10) /* GPIO_PORT_E GPIO_PIN_10 */ #define TP_RST_PIN GET_PIN(GPIO_PORT_E, GPIO_PIN_11) /* GPIO_PORT_E GPIO_PIN_11 */ #else #ifdef BSP_USING_MANGOPI // mango board #define TP_INT_PIN GET_PIN(GPIO_PORT_D, GPIO_PIN_22) /* GPIO_PORT_D GPIO_PIN_22 */ #define TP_RST_PIN GET_PIN(GPIO_PORT_G, GPIO_PIN_11) /* GPIO_PORT_G GPIO_PIN_11 */ #elif defined(BSP_USING_M7) #define TP_INT_PIN GET_PIN(GPIO_PORT_G, GPIO_PIN_14) /* GPIO_PORT_G GPIO_PIN_14 */ #define TP_RST_PIN GET_PIN(GPIO_PORT_G, GPIO_PIN_12) /* GPIO_PORT_G GPIO_PIN_12 */ #endif #endif #ifndef TP_INT_PIN #error "Please config touch panel INT pin." #endif #ifndef TP_RST_PIN #error "Please config touch panel RST pin." #endif #ifndef IIC_RETRY_NUM #define IIC_RETRY_NUM 2 #endif #define GT9xx_Read_Interval (20) /* gt9xx 读取坐标最小间隔时间 */ /* Either 0x5D or 0x14 could be used as the address */ #define GT9xx_TS_ADDR1 (0x14) #define GT9xx_TS_ADDR2 (0x5D) static uint8_t GT9xx_TS_ADDR = GT9xx_TS_ADDR1; #define gt9xx_READ_XY_REG (0x814E) /* 坐标寄存器 */ #define gt9xx_CLEARBUF_REG (0x814E) /* 清除坐标寄存器 */ #define gt9xx_CONFIG_REG (0x8047) /* 配置参数寄存器 */ #define gt9xx_COMMAND_REG (0x8040) /* 实时命令 */ #define gt9xx_PRODUCT_ID_REG (0x8140) /* 产品ID */ #define gt9xx_VENDOR_ID_REG (0x814A) /* 当前模组选项信息 */ #define gt9xx_CONFIG_VERSION_REG (0x8047) /* 配置文件版本号 */ #define gt9xx_CONFIG_CHECKSUM_REG (0x80FF) /* 配置文件校验码 */ #define gt9xx_FIRMWARE_VERSION_REG (0x8144) /* 固件版本号 */ static struct touch_driver gt9xx_driver; void gt9xx_hw_reset(rt_uint8_t address) { rt_tick_t delay = rt_tick_from_millisecond(30); rt_pin_mode(TP_RST_PIN, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); rt_pin_mode(TP_INT_PIN, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); if (address == 0x5D) { rt_pin_write(TP_RST_PIN, PIN_LOW); rt_pin_write(TP_INT_PIN, PIN_LOW); rt_thread_delay(delay); rt_pin_write(TP_RST_PIN, PIN_HIGH); rt_pin_write(TP_INT_PIN, PIN_LOW); rt_thread_delay(delay); rt_pin_write(TP_INT_PIN, PIN_LOW); rt_thread_delay(delay); rt_pin_write(TP_INT_PIN, PIN_HIGH); } else { rt_pin_write(TP_RST_PIN, PIN_LOW); rt_pin_write(TP_INT_PIN, PIN_HIGH); rt_thread_delay(delay); rt_pin_write(TP_RST_PIN, PIN_HIGH); rt_pin_write(TP_INT_PIN, PIN_HIGH); rt_thread_delay(delay); rt_pin_write(TP_INT_PIN, PIN_LOW); rt_thread_delay(delay); rt_pin_write(TP_INT_PIN, PIN_HIGH); } rt_thread_mdelay(5); /* more than 5ms */ } static rt_bool_t gt9xx_probe(struct rt_i2c_bus_device *i2c_bus) { rt_uint8_t cmd[2]; rt_uint8_t buffer[5] = {0}; GT9xx_TS_ADDR = GT9xx_TS_ADDR1; gt9xx_hw_reset(GT9xx_TS_ADDR); rt_thread_delay(RT_TICK_PER_SECOND / 5); cmd[0] = (rt_uint8_t)((gt9xx_PRODUCT_ID_REG >> 8) & 0xFF); cmd[1] = (rt_uint8_t)(gt9xx_PRODUCT_ID_REG & 0xFF); if (rt_touch_read(GT9xx_TS_ADDR1, &cmd, 2, buffer, 4) != 0) { if (rt_touch_read(GT9xx_TS_ADDR2, &cmd, 2, buffer, 4) != 0) { LOG_E("Failed to fetch GT9XX ID at the address 0x%x/0x%x", GT9xx_TS_ADDR1, GT9xx_TS_ADDR2); return RT_FALSE; } GT9xx_TS_ADDR = GT9xx_TS_ADDR2; } buffer[4] = '\0'; LOG_D("%#X %#X %#X %#X %#X", buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3], buffer[4]); if (!rt_strcmp((const char *)buffer, "911")) { LOG_I("Found chip gt911"); return RT_TRUE; } else if (!rt_strcmp((const char *)buffer, "928")) { LOG_I("Found chip gt928"); return RT_TRUE; } else if (!rt_strcmp((const char *)buffer, "9147")) { LOG_I("Found chip gt9147"); return RT_TRUE; } else if (!rt_strcmp((const char *)buffer, "9157")) { LOG_I("Found chip gt9157"); return RT_TRUE; } else { LOG_E("Uknow chip gt9xx device: [%s]", buffer); } return RT_FALSE; } static void gt9xx_init(struct rt_i2c_bus_device *i2c_bus) { rt_uint8_t buf = 0; rt_uint8_t cmd[2]; cmd[0] = (rt_uint8_t)((gt9xx_CONFIG_VERSION_REG >> 8) & 0xFF); cmd[1] = (rt_uint8_t)(gt9xx_CONFIG_VERSION_REG & 0xFF); rt_touch_read(GT9xx_TS_ADDR, &cmd, 2, &buf, 1); LOG_I("GT9xx Config version: 0x%02X", buf); cmd[0] = (rt_uint8_t)((gt9xx_VENDOR_ID_REG >> 8) & 0xFF); cmd[1] = (rt_uint8_t)(gt9xx_VENDOR_ID_REG & 0xFF); rt_touch_read(GT9xx_TS_ADDR, &cmd, 2, &buf, 1); LOG_I("GT9xx Sensor id: 0x%02X", buf); } static void gt9xx_deinit(void) { } static rt_err_t gt9xx_read_point(struct rt_touch_data *touch_data, rt_size_t touch_num) { rt_uint8_t cmd[2]; rt_uint8_t buf[8] = {0}; static rt_uint8_t s_tp_down = 0; cmd[0] = (rt_uint8_t)((gt9xx_READ_XY_REG >> 8) & 0xFF); cmd[1] = (rt_uint8_t)(gt9xx_READ_XY_REG & 0xFF); rt_touch_read(GT9xx_TS_ADDR, &cmd, 2, buf, 8); if ((buf[0] & 0x01) == 0) { if (s_tp_down) { s_tp_down = 0; touch_data->event = RT_TOUCH_EVENT_UP; } else { touch_data->event = RT_TOUCH_EVENT_NONE; } } else { touch_data->x_coordinate = ((rt_uint16_t)buf[3] << 8) | buf[2]; touch_data->y_coordinate = ((rt_uint16_t)buf[5] << 8) | buf[4]; // rt_kprintf("X:%d Y:%d\n", touch_data->x_coordinate, touch_data->y_coordinate); if (s_tp_down) { touch_data->event = RT_TOUCH_EVENT_MOVE; // rt_kprintf("s_tp_down\n"); } else { touch_data->event = RT_TOUCH_EVENT_DOWN; s_tp_down = 1; } } buf[0] = ((gt9xx_CLEARBUF_REG >> 8) & 0xFF); buf[1] = (gt9xx_CLEARBUF_REG & 0xFF); buf[2] = 0x00; rt_touch_write(GT9xx_TS_ADDR, buf, 3); return RT_EOK; } struct touch_ops gt9xx_ops = { .init = gt9xx_init, .deinit = gt9xx_deinit, .read_point = gt9xx_read_point, }; int gt9xx_driver_register(void) { gt9xx_driver.probe = gt9xx_probe; gt9xx_driver.ops = >9xx_ops; gt9xx_driver.read_interval = rt_tick_from_millisecond(GT9xx_Read_Interval); gt9xx_driver.check_mode = TOUCH_INT_MODE; gt9xx_driver.user_data = RT_NULL; rt_touch_drivers_register(>9xx_driver); return RT_EOK; } INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(gt9xx_driver_register);