 * Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Change Logs:
 * Date           Author       Notes
 * 2007-01-10     Bernard      the first version
 * 2008-07-12     Bernard      remove all rt_int8, rt_uint32_t etc typedef
 * 2010-10-26     yi.qiu       add module support
 * 2010-11-10     Bernard      add cleanup callback function in thread exit.
 * 2011-05-09     Bernard      use builtin va_arg in GCC 4.x
 * 2012-11-16     Bernard      change RT_NULL from ((void*)0) to 0.
 * 2012-12-29     Bernard      change the RT_USING_MEMPOOL location and add
 *                             RT_USING_MEMHEAP condition.
 * 2012-12-30     Bernard      add more control command for graphic.
 * 2013-01-09     Bernard      change version number.
 * 2015-02-01     Bernard      change version number to v2.1.0
 * 2017-08-31     Bernard      change version number to v3.0.0
 * 2017-11-30     Bernard      change version number to v3.0.1
 * 2017-12-27     Bernard      change version number to v3.0.2
 * 2018-02-24     Bernard      change version number to v3.0.3
 * 2018-04-25     Bernard      change version number to v3.0.4
 * 2018-05-31     Bernard      change version number to v3.1.0
 * 2018-09-04     Bernard      change version number to v3.1.1
 * 2018-09-14     Bernard      apply Apache License v2.0 to RT-Thread Kernel
 * 2018-10-13     Bernard      change version number to v4.0.0
 * 2018-10-02     Bernard      add 64bit arch support
 * 2018-11-22     Jesven       add smp member to struct rt_thread
 *                             add struct rt_cpu
 *                             add smp relevant macros
 * 2019-01-27     Bernard      change version number to v4.0.1
 * 2019-05-17     Bernard      change version number to v4.0.2
 * 2019-12-20     Bernard      change version number to v4.0.3
 * 2020-08-10     Meco Man     add macro for struct rt_device_ops
 * 2020-10-23     Meco Man     define maximum value of ipc type
 * 2021-03-19     Meco Man     add security devices
 * 2021-05-10     armink       change version number to v4.0.4
 * 2021-11-19     Meco Man     change version number to v4.1.0
 * 2021-12-21     Meco Man     re-implement RT_UNUSED
 * 2022-01-01     Gabriel      improve hooking method
 * 2022-01-07     Gabriel      move some __on_rt_xxxxx_hook to dedicated c source files
 * 2022-01-12     Meco Man     remove RT_THREAD_BLOCK
 * 2022-04-20     Meco Man     change version number to v4.1.1
 * 2022-04-21     THEWON       add macro RT_VERSION_CHECK
 * 2022-06-29     Meco Man     add RT_USING_LIBC and standard libc headers
 * 2022-08-16     Meco Man     change version number to v5.0.0
 * 2022-09-12     Meco Man     define rt_ssize_t
 * 2022-12-20     Meco Man     add const name for rt_object
 * 2023-04-01     Rose_Man     change version number to v5.1.0

#ifndef __RT_DEF_H__
#define __RT_DEF_H__

#include <rtconfig.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#endif /* RT_USING_LIBC */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @addtogroup BasicDef


/* RT-Thread version information */
#define RT_VERSION_MAJOR                5               /**< Major version number (X.x.x) */
#define RT_VERSION_MINOR                1               /**< Minor version number (x.X.x) */
#define RT_VERSION_PATCH                0               /**< Patch version number (x.x.X) */

/* e.g. #if (RTTHREAD_VERSION >= RT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 1, 0) */
#define RT_VERSION_CHECK(major, minor, revise)          ((major * 10000) + (minor * 100) + revise)

/* RT-Thread version */

/* RT-Thread basic data type definitions */
typedef int                             rt_bool_t;      /**< boolean type */
typedef signed long                     rt_base_t;      /**< Nbit CPU related date type */
typedef unsigned long                   rt_ubase_t;     /**< Nbit unsigned CPU related data type */

typedef int8_t                          rt_int8_t;      /**<  8bit integer type */
typedef int16_t                         rt_int16_t;     /**< 16bit integer type */
typedef int32_t                         rt_int32_t;     /**< 32bit integer type */
typedef uint8_t                         rt_uint8_t;     /**<  8bit unsigned integer type */
typedef uint16_t                        rt_uint16_t;    /**< 16bit unsigned integer type */
typedef uint32_t                        rt_uint32_t;    /**< 32bit unsigned integer type */
typedef int64_t                         rt_int64_t;     /**< 64bit integer type */
typedef uint64_t                        rt_uint64_t;    /**< 64bit unsigned integer type */
typedef size_t                          rt_size_t;      /**< Type for size number */
typedef ssize_t                         rt_ssize_t;     /**< Used for a count of bytes or an error indication */
typedef signed   char                   rt_int8_t;      /**<  8bit integer type */
typedef signed   short                  rt_int16_t;     /**< 16bit integer type */
typedef signed   int                    rt_int32_t;     /**< 32bit integer type */
typedef unsigned char                   rt_uint8_t;     /**<  8bit unsigned integer type */
typedef unsigned short                  rt_uint16_t;    /**< 16bit unsigned integer type */
typedef unsigned int                    rt_uint32_t;    /**< 32bit unsigned integer type */
#ifdef ARCH_CPU_64BIT
typedef signed long                     rt_int64_t;     /**< 64bit integer type */
typedef unsigned long                   rt_uint64_t;    /**< 64bit unsigned integer type */
typedef signed long long                rt_int64_t;     /**< 64bit integer type */
typedef unsigned long long              rt_uint64_t;    /**< 64bit unsigned integer type */
#endif /* ARCH_CPU_64BIT */
typedef rt_ubase_t                      rt_size_t;      /**< Type for size number */
typedef rt_base_t                       rt_ssize_t;     /**< Used for a count of bytes or an error indication */
#endif /* RT_USING_LIBC */

typedef rt_base_t                       rt_err_t;       /**< Type for error number */
typedef rt_uint32_t                     rt_time_t;      /**< Type for time stamp */
typedef rt_uint32_t                     rt_tick_t;      /**< Type for tick count */
typedef rt_base_t                       rt_flag_t;      /**< Type for flags */
typedef rt_ubase_t                      rt_dev_t;       /**< Type for device */
typedef rt_base_t                       rt_off_t;       /**< Type for offset */

#include <stdatomic.h>
typedef atomic_size_t rt_atomic_t;
typedef volatile rt_base_t rt_atomic_t;

/* boolean type definitions */
#define RT_TRUE                         1               /**< boolean true  */
#define RT_FALSE                        0               /**< boolean fails */

/* null pointer definition */
#define RT_NULL                         0


/* maximum value of base type */
#define RT_UINT8_MAX                    UINT8_MAX       /**< Maximum number of UINT8 */
#define RT_UINT16_MAX                   UINT16_MAX      /**< Maximum number of UINT16 */
#define RT_UINT32_MAX                   UINT32_MAX      /**< Maximum number of UINT32 */
#define RT_UINT8_MAX                    0xff            /**< Maximum number of UINT8 */
#define RT_UINT16_MAX                   0xffff          /**< Maximum number of UINT16 */
#define RT_UINT32_MAX                   0xffffffff      /**< Maximum number of UINT32 */
#endif /* RT_USING_LIBC */

#define RT_TICK_MAX                     RT_UINT32_MAX   /**< Maximum number of tick */

/* maximum value of ipc type */
#define RT_SEM_VALUE_MAX                RT_UINT16_MAX   /**< Maximum number of semaphore .value */
#define RT_MUTEX_VALUE_MAX              RT_UINT16_MAX   /**< Maximum number of mutex .value */
#define RT_MUTEX_HOLD_MAX               RT_UINT8_MAX    /**< Maximum number of mutex .hold */
#define RT_MB_ENTRY_MAX                 RT_UINT16_MAX   /**< Maximum number of mailbox .entry */
#define RT_MQ_ENTRY_MAX                 RT_UINT16_MAX   /**< Maximum number of message queue .entry */

/* Common Utilities */

#define RT_UNUSED(x)                   ((void)x)

/* compile time assertion */
#define RT_CTASSERT(name, expn) typedef char _ct_assert_##name[(expn)?1:-1]

/* Compiler Related Definitions */
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)           /* ARM Compiler */
#define rt_section(x)               __attribute__((section(x)))
#define rt_used                     __attribute__((used))
#define rt_align(n)                 __attribute__((aligned(n)))
#define rt_weak                     __attribute__((weak))
#define rt_inline                   static __inline
/* module compiling */
#define RTT_API                     __declspec(dllimport)
#define RTT_API                     __declspec(dllexport)
#endif /* RT_USING_MODULE */
#elif defined (__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)     /* for IAR Compiler */
#define rt_section(x)               @ x
#define rt_used                     __root
#define PRAGMA(x)                   _Pragma(#x)
#define rt_align(n)                    PRAGMA(data_alignment=n)
#define rt_weak                     __weak
#define rt_inline                   static inline
#define RTT_API
#elif defined (__GNUC__)                /* GNU GCC Compiler */
/* the version of GNU GCC must be greater than 4.x */
typedef __builtin_va_list           __gnuc_va_list;
typedef __gnuc_va_list              va_list;
#define va_start(v,l)               __builtin_va_start(v,l)
#define va_end(v)                   __builtin_va_end(v)
#define va_arg(v,l)                 __builtin_va_arg(v,l)
#endif /* RT_USING_LIBC */
#define __RT_STRINGIFY(x...)        #x
#define RT_STRINGIFY(x...)          __RT_STRINGIFY(x)
#define rt_section(x)               __attribute__((section(x)))
#define rt_used                     __attribute__((used))
#define rt_align(n)                 __attribute__((aligned(n)))
#define rt_weak                     __attribute__((weak))
#define rt_inline                   static __inline
#define RTT_API
#elif defined (__ADSPBLACKFIN__)        /* for VisualDSP++ Compiler */
#define rt_section(x)               __attribute__((section(x)))
#define rt_used                     __attribute__((used))
#define rt_align(n)                 __attribute__((aligned(n)))
#define rt_weak                     __attribute__((weak))
#define rt_inline                   static inline
#define RTT_API
#elif defined (_MSC_VER)
#define rt_section(x)
#define rt_used
#define rt_align(n)                 __declspec(align(n))
#define rt_weak
#define rt_inline                   static __inline
#define RTT_API
#elif defined (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__)
/* The way that TI compiler set section is different from other(at least
    * GCC and MDK) compilers. See ARM Optimizing C/C++ Compiler 5.9.3 for more
    * details. */
#define rt_section(x)               __attribute__((section(x)))
#ifdef __TI_EABI__
#define rt_used                     __attribute__((retain)) __attribute__((used))
#define rt_used                     __attribute__((used))
#define PRAGMA(x)                   _Pragma(#x)
#define rt_align(n)                 __attribute__((aligned(n)))
#ifdef __TI_EABI__
#define rt_weak                     __attribute__((weak))
#define rt_weak
#define rt_inline                   static inline
#define RTT_API
#elif defined (__TASKING__)
#define rt_section(x)               __attribute__((section(x)))
#define rt_used                     __attribute__((used, protect))
#define PRAGMA(x)                   _Pragma(#x)
#define rt_align(n)                 __attribute__((__align(n)))
#define rt_weak                     __attribute__((weak))
#define rt_inline                   static inline
#define RTT_API
    #error not supported tool chain
#endif /* __ARMCC_VERSION */

/* initialization export */
typedef int (*init_fn_t)(void);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma section("rti_fn$f",read)
        struct rt_init_desc
            const char* level;
            const init_fn_t fn;
            const char* fn_name;
        #define INIT_EXPORT(fn, level)                                  \
                                const char __rti_level_##fn[] = ".rti_fn." level;       \
                                const char __rti_##fn##_name[] = #fn;                   \
                                __declspec(allocate("rti_fn$f"))                        \
                                rt_used const struct rt_init_desc __rt_init_msc_##fn =  \
                                {__rti_level_##fn, fn, __rti_##fn##_name};
        struct rt_init_desc
            const char* level;
            const init_fn_t fn;
        #define INIT_EXPORT(fn, level)                                  \
                                const char __rti_level_##fn[] = ".rti_fn." level;       \
                                __declspec(allocate("rti_fn$f"))                        \
                                rt_used const struct rt_init_desc __rt_init_msc_##fn =  \
                                {__rti_level_##fn, fn };
        struct rt_init_desc
            const char* fn_name;
            const init_fn_t fn;
        #define INIT_EXPORT(fn, level)                                                       \
            const char __rti_##fn##_name[] = #fn;                                            \
            rt_used const struct rt_init_desc __rt_init_desc_##fn rt_section(".rti_fn." level) = \
            { __rti_##fn##_name, fn};
        #define INIT_EXPORT(fn, level)                                                       \
            rt_used const init_fn_t __rt_init_##fn rt_section(".rti_fn." level) = fn
#define INIT_EXPORT(fn, level)

/* board init routines will be called in board_init() function */
#define INIT_BOARD_EXPORT(fn)           INIT_EXPORT(fn, "1")

/* pre/device/component/env/app init routines will be called in init_thread */
/* components pre-initialization (pure software initialization) */
#define INIT_PREV_EXPORT(fn)            INIT_EXPORT(fn, "2")
/* device initialization */
#define INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(fn)          INIT_EXPORT(fn, "3")
/* components initialization (dfs, lwip, ...) */
#define INIT_COMPONENT_EXPORT(fn)       INIT_EXPORT(fn, "4")
/* environment initialization (mount disk, ...) */
#define INIT_ENV_EXPORT(fn)             INIT_EXPORT(fn, "5")
/* application initialization (rtgui application etc ...) */
#define INIT_APP_EXPORT(fn)             INIT_EXPORT(fn, "6")

#if !defined(RT_USING_FINSH)
/* define these to empty, even if not include finsh.h file */
#define FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(name, desc)
#define FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT_ALIAS(name, alias, desc)

#define MSH_CMD_EXPORT(command, desc)
#define MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(command, alias, desc)
#elif !defined(FINSH_USING_SYMTAB)
#define FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT_CMD(name, cmd, desc)

/* event length */
#define RT_EVENT_LENGTH                 32

/* memory management option */
#define RT_MM_PAGE_SIZE                 4096
#define RT_MM_PAGE_MASK                 (RT_MM_PAGE_SIZE - 1)
#define RT_MM_PAGE_BITS                 12

/* kernel malloc definitions */
#define RT_KERNEL_MALLOC(sz)            rt_malloc(sz)

#define RT_KERNEL_FREE(ptr)             rt_free(ptr)

#define RT_KERNEL_REALLOC(ptr, size)    rt_realloc(ptr, size)

 * @addtogroup Error


/* RT-Thread error code definitions */
#define RT_EOK                          0               /**< There is no error */
#define RT_ERROR                        1               /**< A generic error happens */
#define RT_ETIMEOUT                     2               /**< Timed out */
#define RT_EFULL                        3               /**< The resource is full */
#define RT_EEMPTY                       4               /**< The resource is empty */
#define RT_ENOMEM                       5               /**< No memory */
#define RT_ENOSYS                       6               /**< No system */
#define RT_EBUSY                        7               /**< Busy */
#define RT_EIO                          8               /**< IO error */
#define RT_EINTR                        9               /**< Interrupted system call */
#define RT_EINVAL                       10              /**< Invalid argument */
#define RT_ETRAP                        11              /**< Trap event */
#define RT_ENOENT                       12              /**< No entry */
#define RT_ENOSPC                       13              /**< No space left */


 * @ingroup BasicDef
 * @def RT_ALIGN(size, align)
 * Return the most contiguous size aligned at specified width. RT_ALIGN(13, 4)
 * would return 16.
#define RT_ALIGN(size, align)           (((size) + (align) - 1) & ~((align) - 1))

 * @ingroup BasicDef
 * @def RT_ALIGN_DOWN(size, align)
 * Return the down number of aligned at specified width. RT_ALIGN_DOWN(13, 4)
 * would return 12.
#define RT_ALIGN_DOWN(size, align)      ((size) & ~((align) - 1))

 * Double List structure
struct rt_list_node
    struct rt_list_node *next;                          /**< point to next node. */
    struct rt_list_node *prev;                          /**< point to prev node. */
typedef struct rt_list_node rt_list_t;                  /**< Type for lists. */

 * Single List structure
struct rt_slist_node
    struct rt_slist_node *next;                         /**< point to next node. */
typedef struct rt_slist_node rt_slist_t;                /**< Type for single list. */

 * @addtogroup KernelObject


 * kernel object macros
#define RT_OBJECT_FLAG_MODULE           0x80            /**< is module object. */

 * Base structure of Kernel object
struct rt_object
#if RT_NAME_MAX > 0
    char        name[RT_NAME_MAX];                       /**< dynamic name of kernel object */
    const char *name;                                    /**< static name of kernel object */
#endif /* RT_NAME_MAX > 0 */
    rt_uint8_t  type;                                    /**< type of kernel object */
    rt_uint8_t  flag;                                    /**< flag of kernel object */

    void      * module_id;                               /**< id of application module */
#endif /* RT_USING_MODULE */

    int         lwp_ref_count;                           /**< ref count for lwp */
#endif /* RT_USING_SMART */

    rt_list_t   list;                                    /**< list node of kernel object */
typedef struct rt_object *rt_object_t;                   /**< Type for kernel objects. */

 *  The object type can be one of the follows with specific
 *  macros enabled:
 *  - Thread
 *  - Semaphore
 *  - Mutex
 *  - Event
 *  - MailBox
 *  - MessageQueue
 *  - MemHeap
 *  - MemPool
 *  - Device
 *  - Timer
 *  - Module
 *  - Unknown
 *  - Static
enum rt_object_class_type
    RT_Object_Class_Null          = 0x00,      /**< The object is not used. */
    RT_Object_Class_Thread        = 0x01,      /**< The object is a thread. */
    RT_Object_Class_Semaphore     = 0x02,      /**< The object is a semaphore. */
    RT_Object_Class_Mutex         = 0x03,      /**< The object is a mutex. */
    RT_Object_Class_Event         = 0x04,      /**< The object is a event. */
    RT_Object_Class_MailBox       = 0x05,      /**< The object is a mail box. */
    RT_Object_Class_MessageQueue  = 0x06,      /**< The object is a message queue. */
    RT_Object_Class_MemHeap       = 0x07,      /**< The object is a memory heap. */
    RT_Object_Class_MemPool       = 0x08,      /**< The object is a memory pool. */
    RT_Object_Class_Device        = 0x09,      /**< The object is a device. */
    RT_Object_Class_Timer         = 0x0a,      /**< The object is a timer. */
    RT_Object_Class_Module        = 0x0b,      /**< The object is a module. */
    RT_Object_Class_Memory        = 0x0c,      /**< The object is a memory. */
    RT_Object_Class_Channel       = 0x0d,      /**< The object is a channel */
    RT_Object_Class_Custom        = 0x0e,      /**< The object is a custom object */
    RT_Object_Class_Unknown       = 0x0f,      /**< The object is unknown. */
    RT_Object_Class_Static        = 0x80       /**< The object is a static object. */

 * The information of the kernel object
struct rt_object_information
    enum rt_object_class_type type;                     /**< object class type */
    rt_list_t                 object_list;              /**< object list */
    rt_size_t                 object_size;              /**< object size */

 * The hook function call macro
    #define __ON_HOOK_ARGS(__hook, argv)
    #define RT_OBJECT_HOOK_CALL(func, argv)
    #define RT_OBJECT_HOOK_CALL(func, argv)         __on_##func argv
        #define __ON_HOOK_ARGS(__hook, argv)        do {if ((__hook) != RT_NULL) __hook argv; } while (0)
        #define __ON_HOOK_ARGS(__hook, argv)
    #endif /* RT_HOOK_USING_FUNC_PTR */
#endif /* RT_USING_HOOK */

#ifndef __on_rt_interrupt_switch_hook
    #define __on_rt_interrupt_switch_hook()         __ON_HOOK_ARGS(rt_interrupt_switch_hook, ())
#ifndef __on_rt_malloc_hook
    #define __on_rt_malloc_hook(addr, size)         __ON_HOOK_ARGS(rt_malloc_hook, (addr, size))
#ifndef __on_rt_free_hook
    #define __on_rt_free_hook(rmem)                 __ON_HOOK_ARGS(rt_free_hook, (rmem))


 * @addtogroup Clock


 * clock & timer macros
#define RT_TIMER_FLAG_DEACTIVATED       0x0             /**< timer is deactive */
#define RT_TIMER_FLAG_ACTIVATED         0x1             /**< timer is active */
#define RT_TIMER_FLAG_ONE_SHOT          0x0             /**< one shot timer */
#define RT_TIMER_FLAG_PERIODIC          0x2             /**< periodic timer */

#define RT_TIMER_FLAG_HARD_TIMER        0x0             /**< hard timer,the timer's callback function will be called in tick isr. */
#define RT_TIMER_FLAG_SOFT_TIMER        0x4             /**< soft timer,the timer's callback function will be called in timer thread. */

#define RT_TIMER_CTRL_SET_TIME          0x0             /**< set timer control command */
#define RT_TIMER_CTRL_GET_TIME          0x1             /**< get timer control command */
#define RT_TIMER_CTRL_SET_ONESHOT       0x2             /**< change timer to one shot */
#define RT_TIMER_CTRL_SET_PERIODIC      0x3             /**< change timer to periodic */
#define RT_TIMER_CTRL_GET_STATE         0x4             /**< get timer run state active or deactive*/
#define RT_TIMER_CTRL_GET_REMAIN_TIME   0x5             /**< get the remaining hang time */
#define RT_TIMER_CTRL_GET_FUNC          0x6             /**< get timer timeout func  */
#define RT_TIMER_CTRL_SET_FUNC          0x7             /**< set timer timeout func  */
#define RT_TIMER_CTRL_GET_PARM          0x8             /**< get timer parameter  */
#define RT_TIMER_CTRL_SET_PARM          0x9             /**< get timer parameter  */

#define RT_TIMER_SKIP_LIST_LEVEL          1

/* 1 or 3 */
#define RT_TIMER_SKIP_LIST_MASK         0x3             /**< Timer skips the list mask */

 * timer structure
struct rt_timer
    struct rt_object parent;                            /**< inherit from rt_object */

    rt_list_t        row[RT_TIMER_SKIP_LIST_LEVEL];

    void (*timeout_func)(void *parameter);              /**< timeout function */
    void            *parameter;                         /**< timeout function's parameter */

    rt_tick_t        init_tick;                         /**< timer timeout tick */
    rt_tick_t        timeout_tick;                      /**< timeout tick */
typedef struct rt_timer *rt_timer_t;


 * @addtogroup Signal

#include <sys/signal.h>
typedef unsigned long rt_sigset_t;
typedef siginfo_t rt_siginfo_t;
typedef void (*rt_sighandler_t)(int signo);

#define RT_SIG_MAX          32


#include <sys/signal.h>

#endif /* RT_USING_SIGNALS */

 * @addtogroup Thread


 * Thread

 * thread state definitions
#define RT_THREAD_INIT                       0x00                /**< Initialized status */
#define RT_THREAD_CLOSE                      0x01                /**< Closed status */
#define RT_THREAD_READY                      0x02                /**< Ready status */
#define RT_THREAD_RUNNING                    0x03                /**< Running status */

 * for rt_thread_suspend_with_flag()

#define RT_THREAD_SUSPEND_MASK               0x04
#define RT_SIGNAL_COMMON_WAKEUP_MASK         0x02
#define RT_SIGNAL_KILL_WAKEUP_MASK           0x01

#define RT_THREAD_SUSPEND_INTERRUPTIBLE      (RT_THREAD_SUSPEND_MASK)                                                             /**< Suspend interruptable 0x4 */
#define RT_THREAD_SUSPEND_KILLABLE           (RT_THREAD_SUSPEND_MASK | RT_SIGNAL_COMMON_WAKEUP_MASK)                              /**< Suspend with killable 0x6 */
#define RT_THREAD_STAT_MASK                  0x07

#define RT_THREAD_STAT_YIELD            0x08                /**< indicate whether remaining_tick has been reloaded since last schedule */

#define RT_THREAD_STAT_SIGNAL           0x10                /**< task hold signals */
#define RT_THREAD_STAT_SIGNAL_WAIT      0x20                /**< task is waiting for signals */
#define RT_THREAD_STAT_SIGNAL_PENDING   0x40                /**< signals is held and it has not been procressed */
#define RT_THREAD_STAT_SIGNAL_MASK      0xf0

 * thread control command definitions
#define RT_THREAD_CTRL_STARTUP          0x00                /**< Startup thread. */
#define RT_THREAD_CTRL_CLOSE            0x01                /**< Close thread. */
#define RT_THREAD_CTRL_CHANGE_PRIORITY  0x02                /**< Change thread priority. */
#define RT_THREAD_CTRL_INFO             0x03                /**< Get thread information. */
#define RT_THREAD_CTRL_BIND_CPU         0x04                /**< Set thread bind cpu. */


#define RT_CPU_DETACHED                 RT_CPUS_NR          /**< The thread not running on cpu. */
#define RT_CPU_MASK                     ((1 << RT_CPUS_NR) - 1) /**< All CPUs mask bit. */

#define RT_SCHEDULE_IPI                 0
#endif /* RT_SCHEDULE_IPI */

#ifndef RT_STOP_IPI
#define RT_STOP_IPI                     1
#endif /* RT_STOP_IPI */

 * CPUs definitions
struct rt_cpu
    struct rt_thread *current_thread;

    rt_uint16_t irq_nest;
    rt_uint8_t  irq_switch_flag;

    rt_uint8_t current_priority;
    rt_list_t priority_table[RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX];
    rt_uint32_t priority_group;
    rt_uint8_t ready_table[32];
    rt_uint32_t priority_group;
#endif /* RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 */

    rt_tick_t tick;

#endif /* RT_USING_SMP */

struct rt_thread;

typedef rt_err_t (*rt_wakeup_func_t)(void *object, struct rt_thread *thread);

struct rt_wakeup
    rt_wakeup_func_t func;
    void *user_data;

#define _LWP_NSIG       64

#ifdef ARCH_CPU_64BIT
#define _LWP_NSIG_BPW   64
#define _LWP_NSIG_BPW   32


typedef void (*lwp_sighandler_t)(int);

typedef struct {
    unsigned long sig[_LWP_NSIG_WORDS];
} lwp_sigset_t;

struct lwp_sigaction {
    union {
        void (*_sa_handler)(int);
        void (*_sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
    } __sa_handler;
    lwp_sigset_t sa_mask;
    int sa_flags;
    void (*sa_restorer)(void);

struct rt_user_context
    void *sp;
    void *pc;
    void *flag;

 * Thread structure
struct rt_thread
    /* rt object */
#if RT_NAME_MAX > 0
    char        name[RT_NAME_MAX];                      /**< dynamic name of kernel object */
    const char *name;                                   /**< static name of kernel object */
#endif /* RT_NAME_MAX > 0 */
    rt_uint8_t  type;                                   /**< type of object */
    rt_uint8_t  flags;                                  /**< thread's flags */

    void       *module_id;                              /**< id of application module */
#endif /* RT_USING_MODULE */

    int       lwp_ref_count;                            /**< ref count for lwp */
#endif /* RT_USING_SMART */

    rt_list_t   list;                                   /**< the object list */
    rt_list_t   tlist;                                  /**< the thread list */

    /* stack point and entry */
    void       *sp;                                     /**< stack point */
    void       *entry;                                  /**< entry */
    void       *parameter;                              /**< parameter */
    void       *stack_addr;                             /**< stack address */
    rt_uint32_t stack_size;                             /**< stack size */

    /* error code */
    rt_err_t    error;                                  /**< error code */

    rt_uint8_t  stat;                                   /**< thread status */

    rt_uint8_t  bind_cpu;                               /**< thread is bind to cpu */
    rt_uint8_t  oncpu;                                  /**< process on cpu */

    rt_uint16_t scheduler_lock_nest;                    /**< scheduler lock count */
    rt_uint16_t cpus_lock_nest;                         /**< cpus lock count */
    rt_uint16_t critical_lock_nest;                     /**< critical lock count */
#endif /*RT_USING_SMP*/

    /* priority */
    rt_uint8_t  current_priority;                       /**< current priority */
    rt_uint8_t  init_priority;                          /**< initialized priority */
    rt_uint8_t  number;
    rt_uint8_t  high_mask;
#endif /* RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 */
    rt_uint32_t number_mask;                            /**< priority number mask */

    /* object for IPC */
    rt_list_t taken_object_list;
    rt_object_t pending_object;

    /* thread event */
    rt_uint32_t event_set;
    rt_uint8_t  event_info;
#endif /* RT_USING_EVENT */

    rt_sigset_t     sig_pending;                        /**< the pending signals */
    rt_sigset_t     sig_mask;                           /**< the mask bits of signal */

#ifndef RT_USING_SMP
    void            *sig_ret;                           /**< the return stack pointer from signal */
#endif /* RT_USING_SMP */
    rt_sighandler_t *sig_vectors;                       /**< vectors of signal handler */
    void            *si_list;                           /**< the signal infor list */
#endif /* RT_USING_SIGNALS */

    void            *msg_ret;                           /**< the return msg */

    rt_ubase_t  init_tick;                              /**< thread's initialized tick */
    rt_ubase_t  remaining_tick;                         /**< remaining tick */

    rt_uint64_t  duration_tick;                         /**< cpu usage tick */
#endif /* RT_USING_CPU_USAGE */

    void  *pthread_data;                                /**< the handle of pthread data, adapt 32/64bit */
#endif /* RT_USING_PTHREADS */

    struct rt_timer thread_timer;                       /**< built-in thread timer */

    void (*cleanup)(struct rt_thread *tid);             /**< cleanup function when thread exit */

    /* light weight process if present */
    void        *lwp;
    /* for user create */
    void        *user_entry;
    void        *user_stack;
    rt_uint32_t user_stack_size;
    rt_uint32_t *kernel_sp;                             /**< kernel stack point */
    rt_list_t   sibling;                                /**< next thread of same process */

    lwp_sigset_t signal;
    lwp_sigset_t signal_mask;
    int signal_mask_bak;
    rt_uint32_t signal_in_process;
#ifndef ARCH_MM_MMU
    lwp_sighandler_t signal_handler[32];
    struct rt_user_context user_ctx;

    struct rt_wakeup wakeup;                            /**< wakeup data */
    int exit_request;
#if defined(ARCH_MM_MMU)
    int step_exec;
    int debug_attach_req;
    int debug_ret_user;
    int debug_suspend;
    struct rt_hw_exp_stack *regs;
    void * thread_idr;                                 /** lwp thread indicator */
    int *clear_child_tid;
    int tid;

    rt_ubase_t user_data;                             /**< private user data beyond this thread */
typedef struct rt_thread *rt_thread_t;


 * @addtogroup IPC


 * IPC flags and control command definitions
#define RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO                0x00            /**< FIFOed IPC. @ref IPC. */
#define RT_IPC_FLAG_PRIO                0x01            /**< PRIOed IPC. @ref IPC. */

#define RT_IPC_CMD_UNKNOWN              0x00            /**< unknown IPC command */
#define RT_IPC_CMD_RESET                0x01            /**< reset IPC object */
#define RT_IPC_CMD_GET_STATE            0x02            /**< get the state of IPC object */

#define RT_WAITING_FOREVER              -1              /**< Block forever until get resource. */
#define RT_WAITING_NO                   0               /**< Non-block. */

 * Base structure of IPC object
struct rt_ipc_object
    struct rt_object parent;                            /**< inherit from rt_object */

    rt_list_t        suspend_thread;                    /**< threads pended on this resource */

 * Semaphore structure
struct rt_semaphore
    struct rt_ipc_object parent;                        /**< inherit from ipc_object */

    rt_uint16_t          value;                         /**< value of semaphore. */
    rt_uint16_t          reserved;                      /**< reserved field */
typedef struct rt_semaphore *rt_sem_t;

 * Mutual exclusion (mutex) structure
struct rt_mutex
    struct rt_ipc_object parent;                        /**< inherit from ipc_object */

    rt_uint8_t           ceiling_priority;              /**< the priority ceiling of mutexe */
    rt_uint8_t           priority;                      /**< the maximal priority for pending thread */
    rt_uint8_t           hold;                          /**< numbers of thread hold the mutex */
    rt_uint8_t           reserved;                      /**< reserved field */

    struct rt_thread    *owner;                         /**< current owner of mutex */
    rt_list_t            taken_list;                    /**< the object list taken by thread */
typedef struct rt_mutex *rt_mutex_t;
#endif /* RT_USING_MUTEX */

 * flag definitions in event
#define RT_EVENT_FLAG_AND               0x01            /**< logic and */
#define RT_EVENT_FLAG_OR                0x02            /**< logic or */
#define RT_EVENT_FLAG_CLEAR             0x04            /**< clear flag */

 * event structure
struct rt_event
    struct rt_ipc_object parent;                        /**< inherit from ipc_object */

    rt_uint32_t          set;                           /**< event set */
typedef struct rt_event *rt_event_t;
#endif /* RT_USING_EVENT */

 * mailbox structure
struct rt_mailbox
    struct rt_ipc_object parent;                        /**< inherit from ipc_object */

    rt_ubase_t          *msg_pool;                      /**< start address of message buffer */

    rt_uint16_t          size;                          /**< size of message pool */

    rt_uint16_t          entry;                         /**< index of messages in msg_pool */
    rt_uint16_t          in_offset;                     /**< input offset of the message buffer */
    rt_uint16_t          out_offset;                    /**< output offset of the message buffer */

    rt_list_t            suspend_sender_thread;         /**< sender thread suspended on this mailbox */
typedef struct rt_mailbox *rt_mailbox_t;
#endif /* RT_USING_MAILBOX */

 * message queue structure
struct rt_messagequeue
    struct rt_ipc_object parent;                        /**< inherit from ipc_object */

    void                *msg_pool;                      /**< start address of message queue */

    rt_uint16_t          msg_size;                      /**< message size of each message */
    rt_uint16_t          max_msgs;                      /**< max number of messages */

    rt_uint16_t          entry;                         /**< index of messages in the queue */

    void                *msg_queue_head;                /**< list head */
    void                *msg_queue_tail;                /**< list tail */
    void                *msg_queue_free;                /**< pointer indicated the free node of queue */

    rt_list_t            suspend_sender_thread;         /**< sender thread suspended on this message queue */
typedef struct rt_messagequeue *rt_mq_t;


 * @addtogroup MM


 * memory structure
struct rt_memory
    struct rt_object        parent;                 /**< inherit from rt_object */
    const char *            algorithm;              /**< Memory management algorithm name */
    rt_ubase_t              address;                /**< memory start address */
    rt_size_t               total;                  /**< memory size */
    rt_size_t               used;                   /**< size used */
    rt_size_t               max;                    /**< maximum usage */
typedef struct rt_memory *rt_mem_t;
#endif /* RT_USING_HEAP */

 * memory management
 * heap & partition

typedef rt_mem_t rt_smem_t;
#endif /* RT_USING_SMALL_MEM */

typedef rt_mem_t rt_slab_t;
#endif /* RT_USING_SLAB */

 * memory item on the heap
struct rt_memheap_item
    rt_uint32_t             magic;                      /**< magic number for memheap */
    struct rt_memheap      *pool_ptr;                   /**< point of pool */

    struct rt_memheap_item *next;                       /**< next memheap item */
    struct rt_memheap_item *prev;                       /**< prev memheap item */

    struct rt_memheap_item *next_free;                  /**< next free memheap item */
    struct rt_memheap_item *prev_free;                  /**< prev free memheap item */
    rt_uint8_t              owner_thread_name[4];       /**< owner thread name */
#endif /* RT_USING_MEMTRACE */

 * Base structure of memory heap object
struct rt_memheap
    struct rt_object        parent;                     /**< inherit from rt_object */

    void                   *start_addr;                 /**< pool start address and size */

    rt_size_t               pool_size;                  /**< pool size */
    rt_size_t               available_size;             /**< available size */
    rt_size_t               max_used_size;              /**< maximum allocated size */

    struct rt_memheap_item *block_list;                 /**< used block list */

    struct rt_memheap_item *free_list;                  /**< free block list */
    struct rt_memheap_item  free_header;                /**< free block list header */

    struct rt_semaphore     lock;                       /**< semaphore lock */
    rt_bool_t               locked;                     /**< External lock mark */
#endif /* RT_USING_MEMHEAP */

 * Base structure of Memory pool object
struct rt_mempool
    struct rt_object parent;                            /**< inherit from rt_object */

    void            *start_address;                     /**< memory pool start */
    rt_size_t        size;                              /**< size of memory pool */

    rt_size_t        block_size;                        /**< size of memory blocks */
    rt_uint8_t      *block_list;                        /**< memory blocks list */

    rt_size_t        block_total_count;                 /**< numbers of memory block */
    rt_size_t        block_free_count;                  /**< numbers of free memory block */

    rt_list_t        suspend_thread;                    /**< threads pended on this resource */
typedef struct rt_mempool *rt_mp_t;
#endif /* RT_USING_MEMPOOL */


 * @addtogroup Device


 * device (I/O) class type
enum rt_device_class_type
    RT_Device_Class_Char = 0,                           /**< character device */
    RT_Device_Class_Block,                              /**< block device */
    RT_Device_Class_NetIf,                              /**< net interface */
    RT_Device_Class_MTD,                                /**< memory device */
    RT_Device_Class_CAN,                                /**< CAN device */
    RT_Device_Class_RTC,                                /**< RTC device */
    RT_Device_Class_Sound,                              /**< Sound device */
    RT_Device_Class_Graphic,                            /**< Graphic device */
    RT_Device_Class_I2CBUS,                             /**< I2C bus device */
    RT_Device_Class_USBDevice,                          /**< USB slave device */
    RT_Device_Class_USBHost,                            /**< USB host bus */
    RT_Device_Class_USBOTG,                             /**< USB OTG bus */
    RT_Device_Class_SPIBUS,                             /**< SPI bus device */
    RT_Device_Class_SPIDevice,                          /**< SPI device */
    RT_Device_Class_SDIO,                               /**< SDIO bus device */
    RT_Device_Class_PM,                                 /**< PM pseudo device */
    RT_Device_Class_Pipe,                               /**< Pipe device */
    RT_Device_Class_Portal,                             /**< Portal device */
    RT_Device_Class_Timer,                              /**< Timer device */
    RT_Device_Class_Miscellaneous,                      /**< Miscellaneous device */
    RT_Device_Class_Sensor,                             /**< Sensor device */
    RT_Device_Class_Touch,                              /**< Touch device */
    RT_Device_Class_PHY,                                /**< PHY device */
    RT_Device_Class_Security,                           /**< Security device */
    RT_Device_Class_WLAN,                               /**< WLAN device */
    RT_Device_Class_Pin,                                /**< Pin device */
    RT_Device_Class_ADC,                                /**< ADC device */
    RT_Device_Class_DAC,                                /**< DAC device */
    RT_Device_Class_WDT,                                /**< WDT device */
    RT_Device_Class_PWM,                                /**< PWM device */
    RT_Device_Class_Bus,                                /**< Bus device */
    RT_Device_Class_Unknown                             /**< unknown device */

 * device flags definitions
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_DEACTIVATE       0x000           /**< device is not not initialized */

#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDONLY           0x001           /**< read only */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_WRONLY           0x002           /**< write only */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR             0x003           /**< read and write */

#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_REMOVABLE        0x004           /**< removable device */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_STANDALONE       0x008           /**< standalone device */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_ACTIVATED        0x010           /**< device is activated */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_SUSPENDED        0x020           /**< device is suspended */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_STREAM           0x040           /**< stream mode */

#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_INT_RX           0x100           /**< INT mode on Rx */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_DMA_RX           0x200           /**< DMA mode on Rx */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_INT_TX           0x400           /**< INT mode on Tx */
#define RT_DEVICE_FLAG_DMA_TX           0x800           /**< DMA mode on Tx */

#define RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_CLOSE           0x000           /**< device is closed */
#define RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDONLY          0x001           /**< read only access */
#define RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_WRONLY          0x002           /**< write only access */
#define RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDWR            0x003           /**< read and write */
#define RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_OPEN            0x008           /**< device is opened */
#define RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_MASK            0xf0f           /**< mask of open flag */

 * general device commands
 * 0x01 - 0x1F general device control commands
 * 0x20 - 0x3F udevice control commands
 * 0x40 -      special device control commands
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_RESUME           0x01            /**< resume device */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_SUSPEND          0x02            /**< suspend device */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_CONFIG           0x03            /**< configure device */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_CLOSE            0x04            /**< close device */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_NOTIFY_SET       0x05            /**< set notify func */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_SET_INT          0x06            /**< set interrupt */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_CLR_INT          0x07            /**< clear interrupt */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_GET_INT          0x08            /**< get interrupt status */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_CONSOLE_OFLAG    0x09            /**< get console open flag */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_MASK             0x1f            /**< mask for contrl commands */

 * device control
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(Type)        ((RT_Device_Class_##Type + 1) * 0x100)

 * special device commands
/* character device */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_CHAR_STREAM      (RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(Char) + 1)             /**< stream mode on char device */
/* block device */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BLK_GETGEOME     (RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(Block) + 1)            /**< get geometry information   */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BLK_SYNC         (RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(Block) + 2)            /**< flush data to block device */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BLK_ERASE        (RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(Block) + 3)            /**< erase block on block device */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BLK_AUTOREFRESH  (RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(Block) + 4)            /**< block device : enter/exit auto refresh mode */
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BLK_PARTITION    (RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(Block) + 5)            /**< get block device partition */
/* net interface device*/
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_NETIF_GETMAC     (RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(NetIf) + 1)            /**< get mac address */
/* mtd interface device*/
#define RT_DEVICE_CTRL_MTD_FORMAT       (RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(MTD) + 1)              /**< format a MTD device */

typedef struct rt_device *rt_device_t;

 * operations set for device object
struct rt_device_ops
    /* common device interface */
    rt_err_t  (*init)   (rt_device_t dev);
    rt_err_t  (*open)   (rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t oflag);
    rt_err_t  (*close)  (rt_device_t dev);
    rt_ssize_t (*read)  (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
    rt_ssize_t (*write) (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, const void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
    rt_err_t  (*control)(rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *args);
#endif /* RT_USING_DEVICE_OPS */

 * WaitQueue structure
struct rt_wqueue
    rt_uint32_t flag;
    rt_list_t waiting_list;
typedef struct rt_wqueue rt_wqueue_t;

 * Device structure
struct rt_device
    struct rt_object          parent;                   /**< inherit from rt_object */
#ifdef RT_USING_DM
    struct rt_driver *drv;
    void *dtb_node;
    enum rt_device_class_type type;                     /**< device type */
    rt_uint16_t               flag;                     /**< device flag */
    rt_uint16_t               open_flag;                /**< device open flag */

    rt_uint8_t                ref_count;                /**< reference count */
    rt_uint8_t                device_id;                /**< 0 - 255 */

    /* device call back */
    rt_err_t (*rx_indicate)(rt_device_t dev, rt_size_t size);
    rt_err_t (*tx_complete)(rt_device_t dev, void *buffer);

    const struct rt_device_ops *ops;
    /* common device interface */
    rt_err_t  (*init)   (rt_device_t dev);
    rt_err_t  (*open)   (rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t oflag);
    rt_err_t  (*close)  (rt_device_t dev);
    rt_ssize_t (*read)  (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
    rt_ssize_t (*write) (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, const void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
    rt_err_t  (*control)(rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *args);
#endif /* RT_USING_DEVICE_OPS */

    const struct dfs_file_ops *fops;
    struct rt_wqueue wait_queue;

    void                     *user_data;                /**< device private data */

#define RT_DRIVER_MATCH_DTS (1<<0)
struct rt_device_id
    const char *compatible;
    void *data;

struct rt_driver
    const struct rt_device_ops *dev_ops;
    /* common device interface */
    rt_err_t  (*init)   (rt_device_t dev);
    rt_err_t  (*open)   (rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t oflag);
    rt_err_t  (*close)  (rt_device_t dev);
    rt_ssize_t (*read)  (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
    rt_ssize_t (*write) (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, const void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
    rt_err_t  (*control)(rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *args);
    const struct filesystem_ops *fops;
    const char *name;
    enum rt_device_class_type dev_type;
    int device_size;
    int flag;
    const struct rt_device_id *dev_match;
    int (*probe)(struct rt_device *dev);
    int (*probe_init)(struct rt_device *dev);
    int (*remove)(struct rt_device *dev);
    const void *ops;    /* driver-specific operations */
    void *drv_priv_data;
typedef struct rt_driver *rt_driver_t;

 * Notify structure
struct rt_device_notify
    void (*notify)(rt_device_t dev);
    struct rt_device *dev;

struct rt_channel
    struct rt_ipc_object parent;                        /**< inherit from object */
    struct rt_thread *reply;                            /**< the thread will be reply */
    rt_list_t wait_msg;                                 /**< the wait queue of sender msg */
    rt_list_t wait_thread;                              /**< the wait queue of sender thread */
    rt_wqueue_t reader_queue;                           /**< channel poll queue */
    rt_uint8_t  stat;                                   /**< the status of this channel */
    rt_ubase_t  ref;
typedef struct rt_channel *rt_channel_t;

 * block device geometry structure
struct rt_device_blk_geometry
    rt_uint64_t sector_count;                           /**< count of sectors */
    rt_uint32_t bytes_per_sector;                       /**< number of bytes per sector */
    rt_uint32_t block_size;                             /**< number of bytes to erase one block */

 * sector arrange struct on block device
struct rt_device_blk_sectors
    rt_uint64_t sector_begin;                           /**< begin sector */
    rt_uint64_t sector_end;                             /**< end sector   */

 * cursor control command

 * graphic device control command
#define RTGRAPHIC_CTRL_POWERON          (RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(Graphic) + 1)
#define RTGRAPHIC_CTRL_GET_INFO         (RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(Graphic) + 3)
#define RTGRAPHIC_CTRL_SET_MODE         (RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(Graphic) + 4)
#define RTGRAPHIC_CTRL_GET_EXT          (RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(Graphic) + 5)
#define RTGRAPHIC_CTRL_GET_MODE         (RT_DEVICE_CTRL_BASE(Graphic) + 8)

/* graphic device */

 * build a pixel position according to (x, y) coordinates.
#define RTGRAPHIC_PIXEL_POSITION(x, y)  ((x << 16) | y)

 * graphic device information structure
struct rt_device_graphic_info
    rt_uint8_t  pixel_format;                           /**< graphic format */
    rt_uint8_t  bits_per_pixel;                         /**< bits per pixel */
    rt_uint16_t pitch;                                  /**< bytes per line */

    rt_uint16_t width;                                  /**< width of graphic device */
    rt_uint16_t height;                                 /**< height of graphic device */

    rt_uint8_t *framebuffer;                            /**< frame buffer */
    rt_uint32_t smem_len;                               /**< allocated frame buffer size */

 * rectangle information structure
struct rt_device_rect_info
    rt_uint16_t x;                                      /**< x coordinate */
    rt_uint16_t y;                                      /**< y coordinate */
    rt_uint16_t width;                                  /**< width */
    rt_uint16_t height;                                 /**< height */

 * graphic operations
struct rt_device_graphic_ops
    void (*set_pixel) (const char *pixel, int x, int y);
    void (*get_pixel) (char *pixel, int x, int y);

    void (*draw_hline)(const char *pixel, int x1, int x2, int y);
    void (*draw_vline)(const char *pixel, int x, int y1, int y2);

    void (*blit_line) (const char *pixel, int x, int y, rt_size_t size);
#define rt_graphix_ops(device)          ((struct rt_device_graphic_ops *)(device->user_data))

#endif /* RT_USING_DEVICE */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#ifdef __cplusplus
/* RT-Thread definitions for C++ */
namespace rtthread {

enum TICK_WAIT {
    WAIT_NONE = 0,
    WAIT_FOREVER = -1,


#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* __RT_DEF_H__ */