/* * File : drv_spi.c * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2017, RT-Thread Development Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2017-08-30 tanek first implementation. */ #include #include #include #include #include "drv_spi.h" #include "drv_gpio.h" #include "drv_clock.h" #define SPI_BUS_MAX_CLK (30 * 1000 * 1000) #define DBG_ENABLE #define DBG_SECTION_NAME "SPI" #define DBG_LEVEL DBG_WARNING #define DBG_COLOR #include #ifdef RT_USING_SPI //#define DEBUG #define ARR_LEN(__N) (sizeof(__N) / sizeof(__N[0])) #ifdef DEBUG #define DEBUG_PRINTF(...) rt_kprintf(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define DEBUG_PRINTF(...) #endif #define __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ rt_inline /* * @brief Hardware Layer Interface */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ rt_uint32_t SPI_GetVersion(SPI_T *spi) { return spi->VER; } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_Reset(SPI_T *spi) { HAL_SET_BIT(spi->CTRL, SPI_CTRL_RST_MASK); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_SetMode(SPI_T *spi, SPI_CTRL_Mode mode) { HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->CTRL, SPI_CTRL_MODE_MASK, mode); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_Enable(SPI_T *spi) { HAL_SET_BIT(spi->CTRL, SPI_CTRL_EN_MASK); } __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_Disable(SPI_T *spi) { HAL_CLR_BIT(spi->CTRL, SPI_CTRL_EN_MASK); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_StartTransmit(SPI_T *spi) { HAL_SET_BIT(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_XCH_MASK); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_SetFirstTransmitBit(SPI_T *spi, SPI_TCTRL_Fbs bit) { HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_FBS_MASK, bit); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_EnableRapidsMode(SPI_T *spi, bool delay_sample) { HAL_SET_BIT(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_RPSM_MASK); HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_SDC_MASK, delay_sample << SPI_TCTRL_SDC_SHIFT); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_DisableRapidsMode(SPI_T *spi) { HAL_CLR_BIT(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_RPSM_MASK); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_SetDuplex(SPI_T *spi, SPI_TCTRL_DHB_Duplex duplex) { HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_DHB_MASK, duplex); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_SetCsLevel(SPI_T *spi, bool level) { HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_SS_LEVEL_MASK, level << SPI_TCTRL_SS_LEVEL_SHIFT); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_ManualChipSelect(SPI_T *spi, SPI_TCTRL_SS_Sel cs) { HAL_SET_BIT(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_SS_OWNER_MASK); HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_SS_SEL_MASK, cs); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_AutoChipSelect(SPI_T *spi, SPI_TCTRL_SS_Sel cs, bool cs_remain) { HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_SS_SEL_MASK, cs); HAL_CLR_BIT(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_SS_OWNER_MASK); HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_SS_CTL_MASK, (!cs_remain) << SPI_TCTRL_SS_CTL_SHIFT); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_SetCsIdle(SPI_T *spi, bool idle) { HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_SPOL_MASK, (!!idle) << SPI_TCTRL_SPOL_SHIFT); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_SetSclkMode(SPI_T *spi, SPI_SCLK_Mode mode) { HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->TCTRL, SPI_TCTRL_CPOL_MASK | SPI_TCTRL_CPHA_MASK, mode); } typedef enum { SPI_INT_CS_DESELECT = SPI_IER_SS_INT_EN_MASK, SPI_INT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE = SPI_IER_TC_INT_EN_MASK, SPI_INT_TXFIFO_UNDER_RUN = SPI_IER_TF_UDR_INT_EN_MASK, SPI_INT_TXFIFO_OVERFLOW = SPI_IER_TF_OVF_INT_EN_MASK, SPI_INT_RXFIFO_UNDER_RUN = SPI_IER_RF_UDR_INT_EN_MASK, SPI_INT_RXFIFO_OVERFLOW = SPI_IER_RF_OVF_INT_EN_MASK, SPI_INT_TXFIFO_FULL = SPI_IER_TF_FUL_INT_EN_MASK, SPI_INT_TXFIFO_EMPTY = SPI_IER_TX_EMP_INT_EN_MASK, SPI_INT_TXFIFO_READY = SPI_IER_TX_ERQ_INT_EN_MASK, SPI_INT_RXFIFO_FULL = SPI_IER_RF_FUL_INT_EN_MASK, SPI_INT_RXFIFO_EMPTY = SPI_IER_RX_EMP_INT_EN_MASK, SPI_INT_RXFIFO_READY = SPI_IER_RF_RDY_INT_EN_MASK } SPI_Int_Type; /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_EnableInt(SPI_T *spi, SPI_Int_Type type) { HAL_SET_BIT(spi->IER, type); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_DisableInt(SPI_T *spi, SPI_Int_Type type) { HAL_CLR_BIT(spi->IER, type); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ bool SPI_IntState(SPI_T *spi, SPI_Int_Type type) { return !!HAL_GET_BIT(spi->STA, type); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ bool SPI_ClearInt(SPI_T *spi, SPI_Int_Type type) { HAL_SET_BIT(spi->STA, type); return HAL_GET_BIT(spi->STA, type); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_DebugReadTx(SPI_T *spi, rt_uint32_t *data) { // tbc... } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_DebugWriteRx(SPI_T *spi, rt_uint32_t *data) { // tbc... } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_ResetTxFifo(SPI_T *spi) { HAL_SET_BIT(spi->FCTL, SPI_FCTL_TF_RST_MASK); while (HAL_GET_BIT(spi->FCTL, SPI_FCTL_TF_RST_MASK) != 0); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_ResetRxFifo(SPI_T *spi) { HAL_SET_BIT(spi->FCTL, SPI_FCTL_RF_RST_MASK); while (HAL_GET_BIT(spi->FCTL, SPI_FCTL_RF_RST_MASK) != 0); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_DMA(SPI_T *spi, bool txEn, bool rxEn) { HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->FCTL, SPI_FCTL_TF_DRQ_EN_MASK | SPI_FCTL_RF_DRQ_EN_MASK, ((!!txEn) << SPI_FCTL_TF_DRQ_EN_SHIFT) | ((!!rxEn) << SPI_FCTL_RF_DRQ_EN_SHIFT)); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_SetTxFifoThreshold(SPI_T *spi, uint8_t threshold) { HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->FCTL, SPI_FCTL_TX_TRIG_LEVEL_MASK, threshold << SPI_FCTL_TX_TRIG_LEVEL_SHIFT); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_SetRxFifoThreshold(SPI_T *spi, uint8_t threshold) { HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->FCTL, SPI_FCTL_RX_TRIG_LEVEL_MASK, threshold << SPI_FCTL_RX_TRIG_LEVEL_SHIFT); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ uint8_t SPI_GetTxFifoCounter(SPI_T *spi) { return (uint8_t)((spi->FST & SPI_FST_TF_CNT_MASK) >> SPI_FST_TF_CNT_SHIFT); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ uint8_t SPI_GetRxFifoCounter(SPI_T *spi) { return (uint8_t)((spi->FST & SPI_FST_RF_CNT_MASK) >> SPI_FST_RF_CNT_SHIFT); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_EnableDualMode(SPI_T *spi) { HAL_SET_BIT(spi->BCC, SPI_BCC_DRM_MASK); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_DisableDualMode(SPI_T *spi) { HAL_CLR_BIT(spi->BCC, SPI_BCC_DRM_MASK); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_SetInterval(SPI_T *spi, uint16_t nSCLK) { HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->WAIT, SPI_WAIT_WCC_MASK, nSCLK << SPI_WAIT_WCC_SHIFT); } /* * @brief */ static void SPI_SetClkDiv(SPI_T *spi, uint16_t div) { uint8_t n = 0; if (div < 1) { return; } if (div > 2 * (0xFF + 1)) { HAL_CLR_BIT(spi->CCTR, SPI_CCTR_DRS_MASK); do { div = (div == 1) ? 0 : ((div + 1) / 2); n++; } while (div); HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->CCTR, SPI_CCTR_CDR1_MASK, (n & 0x0F) << SPI_CCTR_CDR1_SHIFT); } else { HAL_SET_BIT(spi->CCTR, SPI_CCTR_DRS_MASK); n = ((div + 1) / 2) - 1; HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->CCTR, SPI_CCTR_CDR2_MASK, (n & 0xFF) << SPI_CCTR_CDR2_SHIFT); } } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_SetDataSize(SPI_T *spi, rt_uint32_t data_size, rt_uint32_t dummy_size) { HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->BC, SPI_BC_MBC_MASK, data_size + dummy_size); HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->TC, SPI_TC_MWTC_MASK, data_size); HAL_MODIFY_REG(spi->BCC, SPI_BCC_STC_MASK, data_size); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_Write(SPI_T *spi, uint8_t *data) { HAL_REG_8BIT(&spi->TXD) = *data; } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ void SPI_Read(SPI_T *spi, uint8_t *data) { *data = HAL_REG_8BIT(&spi->RXD); } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ uint8_t *SPI_TxAddress(SPI_T *spi) { return (uint8_t *)&spi->TXD; } /* * @brief */ __SPI_STATIC_INLINE__ uint8_t *SPI_RxAddress(SPI_T *spi) { return (uint8_t *)&spi->RXD; } /* private rt-thread spi ops function */ static rt_err_t configure(struct rt_spi_device *device, struct rt_spi_configuration *configuration); static rt_uint32_t xfer(struct rt_spi_device *device, struct rt_spi_message *message); static struct rt_spi_ops tina_spi_ops = { configure, xfer }; static rt_err_t configure(struct rt_spi_device *device, struct rt_spi_configuration *configuration) { struct rt_spi_bus *spi_bus = (struct rt_spi_bus *)device->bus; struct tina_spi_cs *tina_spi_cs = device->parent.user_data; struct tina_spi *_spi_info = (struct tina_spi *)spi_bus->parent.user_data; SPI_T *spi = _spi_info->spi; DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(configuration != RT_NULL); DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); DEBUG_PRINTF("spi address: %08X\n", (rt_uint32_t)spi); SPI_Disable(spi); SPI_Reset(spi); SPI_ResetRxFifo(spi); SPI_ResetTxFifo(spi); DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); /* data_width */ if (configuration->data_width != 8) { DEBUG_PRINTF("error: data_width is %d\n", configuration->data_width); return RT_EIO; } DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); SPI_SetDuplex(spi, SPI_TCTRL_DHB_FULL_DUPLEX); SPI_SetMode(spi, SPI_CTRL_MODE_MASTER); /* MSB or LSB */ if (configuration->mode & RT_SPI_MSB) { SPI_SetFirstTransmitBit(spi, SPI_TCTRL_FBS_MSB); } else { SPI_SetFirstTransmitBit(spi, SPI_TCTRL_FBS_LSB); } switch (configuration->mode) { case RT_SPI_MODE_0: SPI_SetSclkMode(spi, SPI_SCLK_Mode0); break; case RT_SPI_MODE_1: SPI_SetSclkMode(spi, SPI_SCLK_Mode1); break; case RT_SPI_MODE_2: SPI_SetSclkMode(spi, SPI_SCLK_Mode2); break; case RT_SPI_MODE_3: SPI_SetSclkMode(spi, SPI_SCLK_Mode3); break; } /* baudrate */ { unsigned int spi_clock = 0; rt_uint32_t max_hz; rt_uint32_t div; DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); max_hz = configuration->max_hz; if (max_hz > SPI_BUS_MAX_CLK) { max_hz = SPI_BUS_MAX_CLK; } spi_clock = ahb_get_clk(); DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); div = (spi_clock + max_hz - 1) / max_hz; dbg_log(DBG_LOG, "configuration->max_hz: %d\n", configuration->max_hz); dbg_log(DBG_LOG, "max freq: %d\n", max_hz); dbg_log(DBG_LOG, "spi_clock: %d\n", spi_clock); dbg_log(DBG_LOG, "div: %d\n", div); SPI_SetClkDiv(spi, div / 2); } /* baudrate */ SPI_ManualChipSelect(spi, tina_spi_cs->cs); SPI_SetDataSize(spi, 0, 0); SPI_Enable(spi); DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return RT_EOK; }; static rt_uint32_t xfer(struct rt_spi_device *device, struct rt_spi_message *message) { struct rt_spi_bus *r6_spi_bus = (struct rt_spi_bus *)device->bus; struct tina_spi *_spi_info = (struct tina_spi *)r6_spi_bus->parent.user_data; SPI_T *spi = _spi_info->spi; struct rt_spi_configuration *config = &device->config; struct tina_spi_cs *tina_spi_cs = device->parent.user_data; RT_ASSERT(device != NULL); RT_ASSERT(message != NULL); DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); DEBUG_PRINTF("spi_info: %08X\n", (rt_uint32_t)_spi_info); DEBUG_PRINTF("spi address: %08X\n", (rt_uint32_t)spi); /* take CS */ if (message->cs_take) { SPI_ManualChipSelect(spi, tina_spi_cs->cs); SPI_SetCsLevel(spi, false); DEBUG_PRINTF("spi take cs\n"); } DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); { if ((config->data_width <= 8) && (message->length > 0)) { const rt_uint8_t *send_ptr = message->send_buf; rt_uint8_t *recv_ptr = message->recv_buf; rt_uint32_t tx_size = message->length; rt_uint32_t rx_size = message->length; DEBUG_PRINTF("spi poll transfer start: %d\n", tx_size); SPI_ResetTxFifo(spi); SPI_ResetRxFifo(spi); SPI_SetDataSize(spi, tx_size, 0); SPI_StartTransmit(spi); DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); while (tx_size > 0 || rx_size > 0) { uint8_t tx_data = 0xFF; uint8_t rx_data = 0xFF; while ((SPI_GetTxFifoCounter(spi) < SPI_FIFO_SIZE) && (tx_size > 0)) { if (send_ptr != RT_NULL) { tx_data = *send_ptr++; } SPI_Write(spi, &tx_data); tx_size--; } while (SPI_GetRxFifoCounter(spi) > 0) { rx_size--; SPI_Read(spi, &rx_data); if (recv_ptr != RT_NULL) { *recv_ptr++ = rx_data; } } } DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if ((tx_size != 0) || (rx_size != 0)) { DEBUG_PRINTF("spi_tx_rx error with tx count = %d, rx count = %d.\n", tx_size, rx_size); return 0; } DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); while (SPI_IntState(spi, SPI_INT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE) == 0); SPI_ClearInt(spi, SPI_INT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE); DEBUG_PRINTF("spi poll transfer finsh\n"); } else if (config->data_width > 8) { DEBUG_PRINTF("data width: %d\n", config->data_width); RT_ASSERT(NULL); } } /* release CS */ if (message->cs_release) { SPI_SetCsLevel(spi, true); DEBUG_PRINTF("spi release cs\n"); } return message->length; }; #ifdef TINA_USING_SPI0 static struct rt_spi_bus spi_bus0; #endif #ifdef TINA_USING_SPI1 static struct rt_spi_bus spi_bus1; #endif static const struct tina_spi spis[] = { #ifdef TINA_USING_SPI0 {(SPI_T *)SPI0_BASE_ADDR, SPI0_GATING, &spi_bus0}, #endif #ifdef TINA_USING_SPI1 {(SPI_T *)SPI1_BASE_ADDR, SPI1_GATING, &spi_bus1}, #endif }; /** \brief init and register r6 spi bus. * * \param SPI: R6 SPI, e.g: SPI1,SPI2,SPI3. * \param spi_bus_name: spi bus name, e.g: "spi1" * \return * */ rt_err_t tina_spi_bus_register(SPI_T *spi, const char *spi_bus_name) { int i; DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); RT_ASSERT(spi_bus_name != RT_NULL); for (i = 0; i < ARR_LEN(spis); i++) { if (spi == spis[i].spi) { bus_software_reset_disalbe(spis[i].spi_gate); bus_gate_clk_enalbe(spis[i].spi_gate); spis[i].spi_bus->parent.user_data = (void *)&spis[i]; DEBUG_PRINTF("bus addr: %08X\n", (rt_uint32_t)spis[i].spi_bus); DEBUG_PRINTF("user_data: %08X\n", (rt_uint32_t)spis[i].spi_bus->parent.user_data); DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); rt_spi_bus_register(spis[i].spi_bus, spi_bus_name, &tina_spi_ops); DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return RT_EOK; } } DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return RT_ERROR; } int rt_hw_spi_init(void) { DEBUG_PRINTF("register spi bus\n"); #ifdef TINA_USING_SPI0 /* register spi bus */ { rt_err_t result; DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); gpio_set_func(GPIO_PORT_C, GPIO_PIN_0, IO_FUN_1); gpio_set_func(GPIO_PORT_C, GPIO_PIN_2, IO_FUN_1); gpio_set_func(GPIO_PORT_C, GPIO_PIN_3, IO_FUN_1); DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); result = tina_spi_bus_register((SPI_T *)SPI0_BASE_ADDR, "spi0"); if (result != RT_EOK) { DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return result; } } DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); /* attach cs */ { static struct rt_spi_device spi_device; static struct tina_spi_cs spi_cs; rt_err_t result; DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); spi_cs.cs = SPI_TCTRL_SS_SEL_SS0; DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); gpio_set_func(GPIO_PORT_C, GPIO_PIN_1, IO_FUN_1); DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); result = rt_spi_bus_attach_device(&spi_device, "spi00", "spi0", (void *)&spi_cs); if (result != RT_EOK) { DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return result; } } DEBUG_PRINTF("%s -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); #endif #ifdef TINA_USING_SPI1 /* register spi bus */ { rt_err_t result; gpio_set_func(GPIO_PORT_A, GPIO_PIN_1, IO_FUN_5); gpio_set_func(GPIO_PORT_A, GPIO_PIN_2, IO_FUN_5); gpio_set_func(GPIO_PORT_A, GPIO_PIN_3, IO_FUN_5); result = tina_spi_bus_register((SPI_T *)SPI1_BASE_ADDR, "spi1"); if (result != RT_EOK) { DEBUG_PRINTF("register spi bus faild: %d\n", result); return result; } } DEBUG_PRINTF("attach cs\n"); /* attach cs */ { static struct rt_spi_device spi_device; static struct tina_spi_cs spi_cs; rt_err_t result; spi_cs.cs = SPI_TCTRL_SS_SEL_SS0; gpio_set_func(GPIO_PORT_A, GPIO_PIN_0, IO_FUN_5); result = rt_spi_bus_attach_device(&spi_device, "spi10", "spi1", (void *)&spi_cs); if (result != RT_EOK) { DEBUG_PRINTF("attach cs faild: %d\n", result); return result; } } #endif return RT_EOK; } INIT_BOARD_EXPORT(rt_hw_spi_init); #endif