/* * Copyright (C) 2018 Shanghai Eastsoft Microelectronics Co., Ltd. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2019-10-23 yuzrain the first version */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "board.h" #include "drv_rtc.h" #ifdef RT_USING_RTC /** * @brief Time structure */ typedef struct { uint8_t hour; /**< Hours */ uint8_t minute; /**< Minutes */ uint8_t second; /**< Seconds */ uint16_t sub_sec; /**< Sub-seconds */ } rtc_time_t; /** * @brief Date structure */ typedef struct { uint8_t week; /**< Weeks */ uint8_t day; /**< days */ uint8_t month; /**< months */ uint8_t year; /**< years */ } rtc_date_t; static rt_uint32_t bcd_to_dec(rt_uint32_t bcd) { return ((bcd & 0xF) + ((bcd >> 4) & 0xF) * 10); } static void rtc_get_time(rtc_time_t *time) { rt_uint32_t tmp = RTC->TIME; time->second = bcd_to_dec(tmp & 0x7F); time->minute = bcd_to_dec((tmp >> 8) & 0x7F); time->hour = bcd_to_dec((tmp >> 16) & 0x7F); return; } static void rtc_get_date(rtc_date_t *date) { uint32_t tmp = RTC->CAL; date->day = bcd_to_dec(tmp & 0x3F); date->month = bcd_to_dec((tmp >> 8) & 0x1F); date->year = bcd_to_dec((tmp >> 16) & 0xFF); date->week = bcd_to_dec((RTC->TIME >> 24) & 0x7); return; } static rt_err_t es32f0_rtc_control(rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *args) { rt_err_t result = RT_EOK; struct tm time_temp; struct tm *pNow; rt_uint16_t timout = 0xFFF; rtc_time_t *time = rt_malloc(sizeof(rtc_time_t)); rtc_date_t *date = rt_malloc(sizeof(rtc_date_t)); switch (cmd) { case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_RTC_GET_TIME: { /* Wait RTC data ready then read */ while ((--timout)&&((RTC->STAT & RTC_STAT_SYNDONE_MSK) != RTC_STAT_SYNDONE_MSK)); if (timout == 0) result = RT_ERROR; /* Read */ rtc_get_time(time); rtc_get_date(date); time_temp.tm_sec = time->second; time_temp.tm_min = time->minute; time_temp.tm_hour = time->hour; time_temp.tm_wday = date->week - 1; time_temp.tm_mday = date->day; time_temp.tm_mon = date->month - 1; time_temp.tm_year = date->year - 1900 + 2000; *((time_t *)args) = timegm(&time_temp); break; } case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_RTC_SET_TIME: { rt_enter_critical(); /* converts calendar time time into local time. */ pNow = localtime((const time_t *)args); /* copy the statically located variable */ memcpy(&time_temp, pNow, sizeof(struct tm)); /* unlock scheduler. */ rt_exit_critical(); time->hour = time_temp.tm_hour; time->minute = time_temp.tm_min; time->second = time_temp.tm_sec; date->year = time_temp.tm_year + 1900 - 2000; date->month = time_temp.tm_mon + 1; date->day = time_temp.tm_mday; /* Stop RTC */ CLEAR_BIT(RTC->CON, RTC_CON_RTCEN_MSK); WRITE_REG(RTC->TIME, ((time->hour/10)<hour%10)<minute/10)<minute%10)<second/10)<second%10)<CAL, ((date->year/10)<year%10)<month/10)<month%10)<day/10)<day%10)<CON, RTC_CON_RTCEN_MSK); break; } case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_RTC_GET_ALARM: break; case RT_DEVICE_CTRL_RTC_SET_ALARM: break; default: break; } rt_free(time); rt_free(date); return result; } #ifdef RT_USING_DEVICE_OPS const static struct rt_device_ops es32f0_rtc_ops = { RT_NULL, RT_NULL, RT_NULL, RT_NULL, RT_NULL, es32f0_rtc_control }; #endif static struct rt_device rtc_dev; #define RTC_SOURCE_LOSC 0x1 #define RTC_SOURCE_LRC 0x2 int rt_hw_rtc_init(void) { rt_err_t ret = RT_EOK; rt_uint16_t timout = 0xFFFF; rt_uint32_t rtc_clk = 32768-1; rt_uint8_t rtc_src = RTC_SOURCE_LOSC; /* * Config RTC clock * We config the external 32.768K crystal as RTC clock source for the first * choice. If external 32.768K crystal is not ready, we will choose LRC. */ /* Enable LOSC then wait it ready */ if ((RCU->CON & RCU_CON_LOSCON_MSK) != RCU_CON_LOSCON_MSK) SET_BIT(RCU->CON, RCU_CON_LOSCON_MSK); /* Wait external 32.768K crystal ready */ while (((RCU->CON & RCU_CON_LOSCRDY_MSK) != RCU_CON_LOSCRDY_MSK)&&(--timout)); if (timout == 0) { /* We use LRC if external 32.768K crystal is not ready */ if ((RCU->CON & RCU_CON_LRCON_MSK) != RCU_CON_LRCON_MSK) SET_BIT(RCU->CON, RCU_CON_LRCON_MSK); /* Wait LRC ready */ timout = 0xFF; while (((RCU->CON & RCU_CON_LRCRDY_MSK) != RCU_CON_LRCRDY_MSK)&&(--timout)); rtc_clk = 32000-1; rtc_src = RTC_SOURCE_LRC; } /* Open RTC clock */ SET_BIT(RCU->AHBEN, RCU_AHBEN_RTCEN_MSK); /* Reset RTC */ SET_BIT(RCU->AHBRST, RCU_AHBRST_RTCEN_MSK); CLEAR_BIT(RCU->AHBRST, RCU_AHBRST_RTCEN_MSK); CLEAR_BIT(RTC->CON, RTC_CON_RTCEN_MSK); /* Config RTC clock source */ MODIFY_REG(RTC->CON, RTC_CON_CKSEL_MSK, rtc_src<CON, RTC_CON_PSCALE_MSK|RTC_CON_SCALE_MSK, ((rtc_clk&0x7F)<>7)&0xFF)<TIME, (0x3<CAL, (0x1<CON, RTC_CON_RTCEN_MSK); rtc_dev.type = RT_Device_Class_RTC; rtc_dev.rx_indicate = RT_NULL; rtc_dev.tx_complete = RT_NULL; #ifdef RT_USING_DEVICE_OPS rtc_dev.ops = &es32f0_rtc_ops; #else rtc_dev.init = RT_NULL; rtc_dev.open = RT_NULL; rtc_dev.close = RT_NULL; rtc_dev.read = RT_NULL; rtc_dev.write = RT_NULL; rtc_dev.control = es32f0_rtc_control; #endif rtc_dev.user_data = RTC; ret = rt_device_register(&rtc_dev, "rtc", RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR); return ret; } INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(rt_hw_rtc_init); #endif