/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2019, Huada Semiconductor Co.,Ltd All rights reserved. * * This software is owned and published by: * Huada Semiconductor Co.,Ltd ("HDSC"). * * BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING OR USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND * BY ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. * * This software contains source code for use with HDSC * components. This software is licensed by HDSC to be adapted only * for use in systems utilizing HDSC components. HDSC shall not be * responsible for misuse or illegal use of this software for devices not * supported herein. HDSC is providing this software "AS IS" and will * not be responsible for issues arising from incorrect user implementation * of the software. * * Disclaimer: * HDSC MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARISING BY LAW OR OTHERWISE, * REGARDING THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING ANY ACOOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS), * ITS PERFORMANCE OR SUITABILITY FOR YOUR INTENDED USE, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, AND THE IMPLIED * WARRANTY OF NONINFRINGEMENT. * HDSC SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY (WHETHER IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT * LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, * LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING FROM USE OR * INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS OF DATA, * SAVINGS OR PROFITS, * EVEN IF Disclaimer HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * YOU ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITIES FOR SELECTION OF THE SOFTWARE TO ACHIEVE YOUR * INTENDED RESULTS, AND FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, USE OF, AND RESULTS OBTAINED * FROM, THE SOFTWARE. * * This software may be replicated in part or whole for the licensed use, * with the restriction that this Disclaimer and Copyright notice must be * included with each copy of this software, whether used in part or whole, * at all times. */ /*****************************************************************************/ /** \file lptim.h ** ** ** ** ** History: ** - 2019-04-09 First version ** *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __LPTIM_H__ #define __LPTIM_H__ /***************************************************************************** * Include files *****************************************************************************/ #include "ddl.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** ******************************************************************************* ** \brief LPTIMx 预除频 ** \note LPTIMx_CR PRS 在定时器运行时不可以更改该值 ******************************************************************************/ typedef enum { LptimPrsDiv1 = 0, // 1分频 LptimPrsDiv2 = 1, // 2分频 LptimPrsDiv4 = 2, // 4分频 LptimPrsDiv8 = 3, // 8分频 LptimPrsDiv16 = 4, // 16分频 LptimPrsDiv32 = 5, // 32分频 LptimPrsDiv64 = 6, // 64分频 LptimPrsDiv256 = 7 // 256分频 }en_lptim_prs_t; /** ******************************************************************************* ** \brief LPTIMx 时钟选择 ** \note LPTIMx_CR TCK_SEL ******************************************************************************/ typedef enum { LptimPclk = 0, LptimXtl = 2, LptimRcl = 3 }en_lptim_tcksel_t; /** ******************************************************************************* ** \brief LPTIMx GATE极性控制位 ** \note LPTIMx_CR GATE_P ******************************************************************************/ typedef enum { LptimGatePLow = 0, LptimGatePHigh = 1 }en_lptim_gatep_t; /** ******************************************************************************* ** \brief LPTIMx 时钟选择 ** \note LPTIMx_CR GATE ******************************************************************************/ typedef enum { LptimGateLow = 0, LptimGateHigh = 1 }en_lptim_gate_t; /** ******************************************************************************* ** \brief LPTIMx TOG输出使能位 ** \note LPTIMx_CR TOG ******************************************************************************/ typedef enum { LptimTogEnLow = 0, LptimTogEnHigh = 1 }en_lptim_togen_t; /** ******************************************************************************* ** \brief LPTIMx CT计数器/定时器功能选择 ** \note LPTIMx_CR CT ******************************************************************************/ typedef enum { LptimTimerFun = 0, //警示器功能,定时器使用TCK_SEL选择的时钟进行计数 LptimCntFun = 1 //计数器功能,计数器使用外部输入的下降沿进行计数,采样时钟使用TCK_SEL选择的时钟 }en_lptim_ct_t; /** ******************************************************************************* ** \brief LPTIMx 定时器工作模式 ** \note LPTIMx_CR MD ******************************************************************************/ typedef enum { LptimMode1 = 0, //模式1无重载16位计数器/定时器 LptimMode2 = 1 //模式2自动重载16位计数器/定时器 }en_lptim_md_t; /** ******************************************************************************* ** \brief LPTIMx 初始化配置的结构体 ** \note ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { en_lptim_prs_t enPrs; en_lptim_tcksel_t enTcksel; en_lptim_gatep_t enGatep; en_lptim_gate_t enGate; en_lptim_togen_t enTogen; en_lptim_ct_t enCt; en_lptim_md_t enMd; uint16_t u16Arr; }stc_lptim_cfg_t; /****************************************************************************** * Global variable declarations ('extern', definition in C source) *****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * Global function prototypes (definition in C source) *****************************************************************************/ extern void Lptim_ConfIt(M0P_LPTIMER_TypeDef* Lptimx, boolean_t NewStatus); extern void Lptim_Cmd(M0P_LPTIMER_TypeDef* Lptimx, boolean_t NewStatus); extern boolean_t Lptim_GetItStatus(M0P_LPTIMER_TypeDef* Lptimx); extern void Lptim_ClrItStatus(M0P_LPTIMER_TypeDef* Lptimx); extern en_result_t Lptim_Init(M0P_LPTIMER_TypeDef* Lptimx, stc_lptim_cfg_t* InitStruct); #ifdef __cplusplus #endif #endif //__LPTIM_H__ /****************************************************************************** * EOF (not truncated) *****************************************************************************/