// hw_adc.h - Macros used when accessing the ADC hardware.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
// Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by
// TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright
// laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source
// software in order to form a larger program.
// This is part of revision 8264 of the Stellaris Firmware Development Package.

#ifndef __HW_ADC_H__
#define __HW_ADC_H__

// The following are defines for the ADC register offsets.
#define ADC_O_ACTSS             0x00000000  // ADC Active Sample Sequencer
#define ADC_O_RIS               0x00000004  // ADC Raw Interrupt Status
#define ADC_O_IM                0x00000008  // ADC Interrupt Mask
#define ADC_O_ISC               0x0000000C  // ADC Interrupt Status and Clear
#define ADC_O_OSTAT             0x00000010  // ADC Overflow Status
#define ADC_O_EMUX              0x00000014  // ADC Event Multiplexer Select
#define ADC_O_USTAT             0x00000018  // ADC Underflow Status
#define ADC_O_TSSEL             0x0000001C  // ADC Trigger Source Select
#define ADC_O_SSPRI             0x00000020  // ADC Sample Sequencer Priority
#define ADC_O_SPC               0x00000024  // ADC Sample Phase Control
#define ADC_O_PSSI              0x00000028  // ADC Processor Sample Sequence
                                            // Initiate
#define ADC_O_SAC               0x00000030  // ADC Sample Averaging Control
#define ADC_O_DCISC             0x00000034  // ADC Digital Comparator Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_O_CTL               0x00000038  // ADC Control
#define ADC_O_SSMUX0            0x00000040  // ADC Sample Sequence Input
                                            // Multiplexer Select 0
#define ADC_O_SSCTL0            0x00000044  // ADC Sample Sequence Control 0
#define ADC_O_SSFIFO0           0x00000048  // ADC Sample Sequence Result FIFO
                                            // 0
#define ADC_O_SSFSTAT0          0x0000004C  // ADC Sample Sequence FIFO 0
                                            // Status
#define ADC_O_SSOP0             0x00000050  // ADC Sample Sequence 0 Operation
#define ADC_O_SSDC0             0x00000054  // ADC Sample Sequence 0 Digital
                                            // Comparator Select
#define ADC_O_SSEMUX0           0x00000058  // ADC Sample Sequence Extended
                                            // Input Multiplexer Select 0
#define ADC_O_SSMUX1            0x00000060  // ADC Sample Sequence Input
                                            // Multiplexer Select 1
#define ADC_O_SSCTL1            0x00000064  // ADC Sample Sequence Control 1
#define ADC_O_SSFIFO1           0x00000068  // ADC Sample Sequence Result FIFO
                                            // 1
#define ADC_O_SSFSTAT1          0x0000006C  // ADC Sample Sequence FIFO 1
                                            // Status
#define ADC_O_SSOP1             0x00000070  // ADC Sample Sequence 1 Operation
#define ADC_O_SSDC1             0x00000074  // ADC Sample Sequence 1 Digital
                                            // Comparator Select
#define ADC_O_SSEMUX1           0x00000078  // ADC Sample Sequence Extended
                                            // Input Multiplexer Select 1
#define ADC_O_SSMUX2            0x00000080  // ADC Sample Sequence Input
                                            // Multiplexer Select 2
#define ADC_O_SSCTL2            0x00000084  // ADC Sample Sequence Control 2
#define ADC_O_SSFIFO2           0x00000088  // ADC Sample Sequence Result FIFO
                                            // 2
#define ADC_O_SSFSTAT2          0x0000008C  // ADC Sample Sequence FIFO 2
                                            // Status
#define ADC_O_SSOP2             0x00000090  // ADC Sample Sequence 2 Operation
#define ADC_O_SSDC2             0x00000094  // ADC Sample Sequence 2 Digital
                                            // Comparator Select
#define ADC_O_SSEMUX2           0x00000098  // ADC Sample Sequence Extended
                                            // Input Multiplexer Select 2
#define ADC_O_SSMUX3            0x000000A0  // ADC Sample Sequence Input
                                            // Multiplexer Select 3
#define ADC_O_SSCTL3            0x000000A4  // ADC Sample Sequence Control 3
#define ADC_O_SSFIFO3           0x000000A8  // ADC Sample Sequence Result FIFO
                                            // 3
#define ADC_O_SSFSTAT3          0x000000AC  // ADC Sample Sequence FIFO 3
                                            // Status
#define ADC_O_SSOP3             0x000000B0  // ADC Sample Sequence 3 Operation
#define ADC_O_SSDC3             0x000000B4  // ADC Sample Sequence 3 Digital
                                            // Comparator Select
#define ADC_O_SSEMUX3           0x000000B8  // ADC Sample Sequence Extended
                                            // Input Multiplexer Select 3
#define ADC_O_TMLB              0x00000100  // ADC Test Mode Loopback
#define ADC_O_DCRIC             0x00000D00  // ADC Digital Comparator Reset
                                            // Initial Conditions
#define ADC_O_DCCTL0            0x00000E00  // ADC Digital Comparator Control 0
#define ADC_O_DCCTL1            0x00000E04  // ADC Digital Comparator Control 1
#define ADC_O_DCCTL2            0x00000E08  // ADC Digital Comparator Control 2
#define ADC_O_DCCTL3            0x00000E0C  // ADC Digital Comparator Control 3
#define ADC_O_DCCTL4            0x00000E10  // ADC Digital Comparator Control 4
#define ADC_O_DCCTL5            0x00000E14  // ADC Digital Comparator Control 5
#define ADC_O_DCCTL6            0x00000E18  // ADC Digital Comparator Control 6
#define ADC_O_DCCTL7            0x00000E1C  // ADC Digital Comparator Control 7
#define ADC_O_DCCMP0            0x00000E40  // ADC Digital Comparator Range 0
#define ADC_O_DCCMP1            0x00000E44  // ADC Digital Comparator Range 1
#define ADC_O_DCCMP2            0x00000E48  // ADC Digital Comparator Range 2
#define ADC_O_DCCMP3            0x00000E4C  // ADC Digital Comparator Range 3
#define ADC_O_DCCMP4            0x00000E50  // ADC Digital Comparator Range 4
#define ADC_O_DCCMP5            0x00000E54  // ADC Digital Comparator Range 5
#define ADC_O_DCCMP6            0x00000E58  // ADC Digital Comparator Range 6
#define ADC_O_DCCMP7            0x00000E5C  // ADC Digital Comparator Range 7
#define ADC_O_PP                0x00000FC0  // ADC Peripheral Properties
#define ADC_O_PC                0x00000FC4  // ADC Peripheral Configuration
#define ADC_O_CC                0x00000FC8  // ADC Clock Configuration

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_ACTSS register.
#define ADC_ACTSS_ASEN3         0x00000008  // ADC SS3 Enable
#define ADC_ACTSS_ASEN2         0x00000004  // ADC SS2 Enable
#define ADC_ACTSS_ASEN1         0x00000002  // ADC SS1 Enable
#define ADC_ACTSS_ASEN0         0x00000001  // ADC SS0 Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_RIS register.
#define ADC_RIS_INRDC           0x00010000  // Digital Comparator Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define ADC_RIS_INR3            0x00000008  // SS3 Raw Interrupt Status
#define ADC_RIS_INR2            0x00000004  // SS2 Raw Interrupt Status
#define ADC_RIS_INR1            0x00000002  // SS1 Raw Interrupt Status
#define ADC_RIS_INR0            0x00000001  // SS0 Raw Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_IM register.
#define ADC_IM_DCONSS3          0x00080000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt on
                                            // SS3
#define ADC_IM_DCONSS2          0x00040000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt on
                                            // SS2
#define ADC_IM_DCONSS1          0x00020000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt on
                                            // SS1
#define ADC_IM_DCONSS0          0x00010000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt on
                                            // SS0
#define ADC_IM_MASK3            0x00000008  // SS3 Interrupt Mask
#define ADC_IM_MASK2            0x00000004  // SS2 Interrupt Mask
#define ADC_IM_MASK1            0x00000002  // SS1 Interrupt Mask
#define ADC_IM_MASK0            0x00000001  // SS0 Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_ISC register.
#define ADC_ISC_DCINSS3         0x00080000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt
                                            // Status on SS3
#define ADC_ISC_DCINSS2         0x00040000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt
                                            // Status on SS2
#define ADC_ISC_DCINSS1         0x00020000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt
                                            // Status on SS1
#define ADC_ISC_DCINSS0         0x00010000  // Digital Comparator Interrupt
                                            // Status on SS0
#define ADC_ISC_IN3             0x00000008  // SS3 Interrupt Status and Clear
#define ADC_ISC_IN2             0x00000004  // SS2 Interrupt Status and Clear
#define ADC_ISC_IN1             0x00000002  // SS1 Interrupt Status and Clear
#define ADC_ISC_IN0             0x00000001  // SS0 Interrupt Status and Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_OSTAT register.
#define ADC_OSTAT_OV3           0x00000008  // SS3 FIFO Overflow
#define ADC_OSTAT_OV2           0x00000004  // SS2 FIFO Overflow
#define ADC_OSTAT_OV1           0x00000002  // SS1 FIFO Overflow
#define ADC_OSTAT_OV0           0x00000001  // SS0 FIFO Overflow

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_EMUX register.
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_M          0x0000F000  // SS3 Trigger Select
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_PROCESSOR  0x00000000  // Processor (default)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_COMP0      0x00001000  // Analog Comparator 0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_COMP1      0x00002000  // Analog Comparator 1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_COMP2      0x00003000  // Analog Comparator 2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_EXTERNAL   0x00004000  // External (GPIO PB4)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_TIMER      0x00005000  // Timer
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_PWM0       0x00006000  // PWM0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_PWM1       0x00007000  // PWM1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_PWM2       0x00008000  // PWM2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_PWM3       0x00009000  // PWM3
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_ALWAYS     0x0000F000  // Always (continuously sample)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_M          0x00000F00  // SS2 Trigger Select
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_PROCESSOR  0x00000000  // Processor (default)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_COMP0      0x00000100  // Analog Comparator 0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_COMP1      0x00000200  // Analog Comparator 1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_COMP2      0x00000300  // Analog Comparator 2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_EXTERNAL   0x00000400  // External (GPIO PB4)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_TIMER      0x00000500  // Timer
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_PWM0       0x00000600  // PWM0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_PWM1       0x00000700  // PWM1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_PWM2       0x00000800  // PWM2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_PWM3       0x00000900  // PWM3
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_ALWAYS     0x00000F00  // Always (continuously sample)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_M          0x000000F0  // SS1 Trigger Select
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_PROCESSOR  0x00000000  // Processor (default)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_COMP0      0x00000010  // Analog Comparator 0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_COMP1      0x00000020  // Analog Comparator 1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_COMP2      0x00000030  // Analog Comparator 2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_EXTERNAL   0x00000040  // External (GPIO PB4)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_TIMER      0x00000050  // Timer
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_PWM0       0x00000060  // PWM0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_PWM1       0x00000070  // PWM1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_PWM2       0x00000080  // PWM2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_PWM3       0x00000090  // PWM3
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_ALWAYS     0x000000F0  // Always (continuously sample)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_M          0x0000000F  // SS0 Trigger Select
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_PROCESSOR  0x00000000  // Processor (default)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_COMP0      0x00000001  // Analog Comparator 0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_COMP1      0x00000002  // Analog Comparator 1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_COMP2      0x00000003  // Analog Comparator 2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_EXTERNAL   0x00000004  // External (GPIO PB4)
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_TIMER      0x00000005  // Timer
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_PWM0       0x00000006  // PWM0
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_PWM1       0x00000007  // PWM1
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_PWM2       0x00000008  // PWM2
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_PWM3       0x00000009  // PWM3
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_ALWAYS     0x0000000F  // Always (continuously sample)

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_USTAT register.
#define ADC_USTAT_UV3           0x00000008  // SS3 FIFO Underflow
#define ADC_USTAT_UV2           0x00000004  // SS2 FIFO Underflow
#define ADC_USTAT_UV1           0x00000002  // SS1 FIFO Underflow
#define ADC_USTAT_UV0           0x00000001  // SS0 FIFO Underflow

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_TSSEL register.
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS3_M         0x03000000  // PWM Unit Select
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS3_0         0x00000000  // PWM Unit 0
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS3_1         0x01000000  // PWM Unit 1
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS2_M         0x00030000  // PWM Unit Select
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS2_0         0x00000000  // PWM Unit 0
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS2_1         0x00010000  // PWM Unit 1
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS1_M         0x00000300  // PWM Unit Select
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS1_0         0x00000000  // PWM Unit 0
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS1_1         0x00000100  // PWM Unit 1
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS0_M         0x00000003  // PWM Unit Select
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS0_0         0x00000000  // PWM Unit 0
#define ADC_TSSEL_PS0_1         0x00000001  // PWM Unit 1

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSPRI register.
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS3_M         0x00003000  // SS3 Priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS3_1ST       0x00000000  // First priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS3_2ND       0x00001000  // Second priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS3_3RD       0x00002000  // Third priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS3_4TH       0x00003000  // Fourth priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS2_M         0x00000300  // SS2 Priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS2_1ST       0x00000000  // First priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS2_2ND       0x00000100  // Second priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS2_3RD       0x00000200  // Third priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS2_4TH       0x00000300  // Fourth priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS1_M         0x00000030  // SS1 Priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS1_1ST       0x00000000  // First priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS1_2ND       0x00000010  // Second priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS1_3RD       0x00000020  // Third priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS1_4TH       0x00000030  // Fourth priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS0_M         0x00000003  // SS0 Priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS0_1ST       0x00000000  // First priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS0_2ND       0x00000001  // Second priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS0_3RD       0x00000002  // Third priority
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS0_4TH       0x00000003  // Fourth priority

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SPC register.
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_M         0x0000000F  // Phase Difference
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_0         0x00000000  // ADC sample lags by 0.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_22_5      0x00000001  // ADC sample lags by 22.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_45        0x00000002  // ADC sample lags by 45.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_67_5      0x00000003  // ADC sample lags by 67.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_90        0x00000004  // ADC sample lags by 90.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_112_5     0x00000005  // ADC sample lags by 112.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_135       0x00000006  // ADC sample lags by 135.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_157_5     0x00000007  // ADC sample lags by 157.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_180       0x00000008  // ADC sample lags by 180.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_202_5     0x00000009  // ADC sample lags by 202.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_225       0x0000000A  // ADC sample lags by 225.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_247_5     0x0000000B  // ADC sample lags by 247.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_270       0x0000000C  // ADC sample lags by 270.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_292_5     0x0000000D  // ADC sample lags by 292.5
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_315       0x0000000E  // ADC sample lags by 315.0
#define ADC_SPC_PHASE_337_5     0x0000000F  // ADC sample lags by 337.5

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_PSSI register.
#define ADC_PSSI_GSYNC          0x80000000  // Global Synchronize
#define ADC_PSSI_SYNCWAIT       0x08000000  // Synchronize Wait
#define ADC_PSSI_SS3            0x00000008  // SS3 Initiate
#define ADC_PSSI_SS2            0x00000004  // SS2 Initiate
#define ADC_PSSI_SS1            0x00000002  // SS1 Initiate
#define ADC_PSSI_SS0            0x00000001  // SS0 Initiate

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SAC register.
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_M           0x00000007  // Hardware Averaging Control
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_OFF         0x00000000  // No hardware oversampling
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_2X          0x00000001  // 2x hardware oversampling
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_4X          0x00000002  // 4x hardware oversampling
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_8X          0x00000003  // 8x hardware oversampling
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_16X         0x00000004  // 16x hardware oversampling
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_32X         0x00000005  // 32x hardware oversampling
#define ADC_SAC_AVG_64X         0x00000006  // 64x hardware oversampling

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCISC register.
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT7        0x00000080  // Digital Comparator 7 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT6        0x00000040  // Digital Comparator 6 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT5        0x00000020  // Digital Comparator 5 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT4        0x00000010  // Digital Comparator 4 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT3        0x00000008  // Digital Comparator 3 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT2        0x00000004  // Digital Comparator 2 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT1        0x00000002  // Digital Comparator 1 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear
#define ADC_DCISC_DCINT0        0x00000001  // Digital Comparator 0 Interrupt
                                            // Status and Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_CTL register.
#define ADC_CTL_RES             0x00000010  // Sample Resolution
#define ADC_CTL_VREF_M          0x00000003  // Voltage Reference Select
#define ADC_CTL_VREF_INTERNAL   0x00000000  // The internal reference as the
                                            // voltage reference
#define ADC_CTL_VREF_EXT_3V     0x00000001  // A 3.0 V external VREFA input is
                                            // the voltage reference. The ADC
                                            // conversion range is 0.0 V to the
                                            // external reference value
#define ADC_CTL_VREF_EXT_1V     0x00000003  // A 1.0 V external VREFA input is
                                            // the voltage reference. The ADC
                                            // conversion range is 0.0 V to
                                            // three times the external
                                            // reference value
#define ADC_CTL_VREF            0x00000001  // Voltage Reference Select

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSMUX0 register.
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX7_M       0xF0000000  // 8th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX6_M       0x0F000000  // 7th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX5_M       0x00F00000  // 6th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX4_M       0x000F0000  // 5th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX3_M       0x0000F000  // 4th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX2_M       0x00000F00  // 3rd Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX1_M       0x000000F0  // 2nd Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX0_M       0x0000000F  // 1st Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX7_S       28
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX6_S       24
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX5_S       20
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX4_S       16
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX3_S       12
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX2_S       8
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX1_S       4
#define ADC_SSMUX0_MUX0_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSCTL0 register.
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS7          0x80000000  // 8th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE7          0x40000000  // 8th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END7         0x20000000  // 8th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D7           0x10000000  // 8th Sample Diff Input Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS6          0x08000000  // 7th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE6          0x04000000  // 7th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END6         0x02000000  // 7th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D6           0x01000000  // 7th Sample Diff Input Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS5          0x00800000  // 6th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE5          0x00400000  // 6th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END5         0x00200000  // 6th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D5           0x00100000  // 6th Sample Diff Input Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS4          0x00080000  // 5th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE4          0x00040000  // 5th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END4         0x00020000  // 5th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D4           0x00010000  // 5th Sample Diff Input Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS3          0x00008000  // 4th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE3          0x00004000  // 4th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END3         0x00002000  // 4th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D3           0x00001000  // 4th Sample Diff Input Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS2          0x00000800  // 3rd Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE2          0x00000400  // 3rd Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END2         0x00000200  // 3rd Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D2           0x00000100  // 3rd Sample Diff Input Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS1          0x00000080  // 2nd Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE1          0x00000040  // 2nd Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END1         0x00000020  // 2nd Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D1           0x00000010  // 2nd Sample Diff Input Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_TS0          0x00000008  // 1st Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL0_IE0          0x00000004  // 1st Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL0_END0         0x00000002  // 1st Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL0_D0           0x00000001  // 1st Sample Diff Input Select

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFIFO0 register.
#define ADC_SSFIFO0_DATA_M      0x00000FFF  // Conversion Result Data
#define ADC_SSFIFO0_DATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFSTAT0 register.
#define ADC_SSFSTAT0_FULL       0x00001000  // FIFO Full
#define ADC_SSFSTAT0_EMPTY      0x00000100  // FIFO Empty
#define ADC_SSFSTAT0_HPTR_M     0x000000F0  // FIFO Head Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT0_TPTR_M     0x0000000F  // FIFO Tail Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT0_HPTR_S     4
#define ADC_SSFSTAT0_TPTR_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSOP0 register.
#define ADC_SSOP0_S7DCOP        0x10000000  // Sample 7 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S6DCOP        0x01000000  // Sample 6 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S5DCOP        0x00100000  // Sample 5 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S4DCOP        0x00010000  // Sample 4 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S3DCOP        0x00001000  // Sample 3 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S2DCOP        0x00000100  // Sample 2 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S1DCOP        0x00000010  // Sample 1 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP0_S0DCOP        0x00000001  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSDC0 register.
#define ADC_SSDC0_S7DCSEL_M     0xF0000000  // Sample 7 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S6DCSEL_M     0x0F000000  // Sample 6 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S5DCSEL_M     0x00F00000  // Sample 5 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S4DCSEL_M     0x000F0000  // Sample 4 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S3DCSEL_M     0x0000F000  // Sample 3 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S2DCSEL_M     0x00000F00  // Sample 2 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S1DCSEL_M     0x000000F0  // Sample 1 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S0DCSEL_M     0x0000000F  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC0_S6DCSEL_S     24
#define ADC_SSDC0_S5DCSEL_S     20
#define ADC_SSDC0_S4DCSEL_S     16
#define ADC_SSDC0_S3DCSEL_S     12
#define ADC_SSDC0_S2DCSEL_S     8
#define ADC_SSDC0_S1DCSEL_S     4
#define ADC_SSDC0_S0DCSEL_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSEMUX0 register.
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX7       0x10000000  // 8th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX6       0x01000000  // 7th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX5       0x00100000  // 6th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX4       0x00010000  // 5th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX3       0x00001000  // 4th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX2       0x00000100  // 3rd Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX1       0x00000010  // 2th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX0_EMUX0       0x00000001  // 1st Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSMUX1 register.
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX3_M       0x0000F000  // 4th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX2_M       0x00000F00  // 3rd Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX1_M       0x000000F0  // 2nd Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX0_M       0x0000000F  // 1st Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX3_S       12
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX2_S       8
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX1_S       4
#define ADC_SSMUX1_MUX0_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSCTL1 register.
#define ADC_SSCTL1_TS3          0x00008000  // 4th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_IE3          0x00004000  // 4th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL1_END3         0x00002000  // 4th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL1_D3           0x00001000  // 4th Sample Diff Input Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_TS2          0x00000800  // 3rd Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_IE2          0x00000400  // 3rd Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL1_END2         0x00000200  // 3rd Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL1_D2           0x00000100  // 3rd Sample Diff Input Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_TS1          0x00000080  // 2nd Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_IE1          0x00000040  // 2nd Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL1_END1         0x00000020  // 2nd Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL1_D1           0x00000010  // 2nd Sample Diff Input Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_TS0          0x00000008  // 1st Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL1_IE0          0x00000004  // 1st Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL1_END0         0x00000002  // 1st Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL1_D0           0x00000001  // 1st Sample Diff Input Select

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFIFO1 register.
#define ADC_SSFIFO1_DATA_M      0x00000FFF  // Conversion Result Data
#define ADC_SSFIFO1_DATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFSTAT1 register.
#define ADC_SSFSTAT1_FULL       0x00001000  // FIFO Full
#define ADC_SSFSTAT1_EMPTY      0x00000100  // FIFO Empty
#define ADC_SSFSTAT1_HPTR_M     0x000000F0  // FIFO Head Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT1_TPTR_M     0x0000000F  // FIFO Tail Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT1_HPTR_S     4
#define ADC_SSFSTAT1_TPTR_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSOP1 register.
#define ADC_SSOP1_S3DCOP        0x00001000  // Sample 3 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP1_S2DCOP        0x00000100  // Sample 2 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP1_S1DCOP        0x00000010  // Sample 1 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP1_S0DCOP        0x00000001  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSDC1 register.
#define ADC_SSDC1_S3DCSEL_M     0x0000F000  // Sample 3 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC1_S2DCSEL_M     0x00000F00  // Sample 2 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC1_S1DCSEL_M     0x000000F0  // Sample 1 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC1_S0DCSEL_M     0x0000000F  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC1_S2DCSEL_S     8
#define ADC_SSDC1_S1DCSEL_S     4
#define ADC_SSDC1_S0DCSEL_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSEMUX1 register.
#define ADC_SSEMUX1_EMUX3       0x00001000  // 4th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX1_EMUX2       0x00000100  // 3rd Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX1_EMUX1       0x00000010  // 2th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX1_EMUX0       0x00000001  // 1st Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSMUX2 register.
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX3_M       0x0000F000  // 4th Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX2_M       0x00000F00  // 3rd Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX1_M       0x000000F0  // 2nd Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX0_M       0x0000000F  // 1st Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX3_S       12
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX2_S       8
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX1_S       4
#define ADC_SSMUX2_MUX0_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSCTL2 register.
#define ADC_SSCTL2_TS3          0x00008000  // 4th Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_IE3          0x00004000  // 4th Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL2_END3         0x00002000  // 4th Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL2_D3           0x00001000  // 4th Sample Diff Input Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_TS2          0x00000800  // 3rd Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_IE2          0x00000400  // 3rd Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL2_END2         0x00000200  // 3rd Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL2_D2           0x00000100  // 3rd Sample Diff Input Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_TS1          0x00000080  // 2nd Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_IE1          0x00000040  // 2nd Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL2_END1         0x00000020  // 2nd Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL2_D1           0x00000010  // 2nd Sample Diff Input Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_TS0          0x00000008  // 1st Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL2_IE0          0x00000004  // 1st Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL2_END0         0x00000002  // 1st Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL2_D0           0x00000001  // 1st Sample Diff Input Select

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFIFO2 register.
#define ADC_SSFIFO2_DATA_M      0x00000FFF  // Conversion Result Data
#define ADC_SSFIFO2_DATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFSTAT2 register.
#define ADC_SSFSTAT2_FULL       0x00001000  // FIFO Full
#define ADC_SSFSTAT2_EMPTY      0x00000100  // FIFO Empty
#define ADC_SSFSTAT2_HPTR_M     0x000000F0  // FIFO Head Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT2_TPTR_M     0x0000000F  // FIFO Tail Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT2_HPTR_S     4
#define ADC_SSFSTAT2_TPTR_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSOP2 register.
#define ADC_SSOP2_S3DCOP        0x00001000  // Sample 3 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP2_S2DCOP        0x00000100  // Sample 2 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP2_S1DCOP        0x00000010  // Sample 1 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation
#define ADC_SSOP2_S0DCOP        0x00000001  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSDC2 register.
#define ADC_SSDC2_S3DCSEL_M     0x0000F000  // Sample 3 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC2_S2DCSEL_M     0x00000F00  // Sample 2 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC2_S1DCSEL_M     0x000000F0  // Sample 1 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC2_S0DCSEL_M     0x0000000F  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select
#define ADC_SSDC2_S2DCSEL_S     8
#define ADC_SSDC2_S1DCSEL_S     4
#define ADC_SSDC2_S0DCSEL_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSEMUX2 register.
#define ADC_SSEMUX2_EMUX3       0x00001000  // 4th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX2_EMUX2       0x00000100  // 3rd Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX2_EMUX1       0x00000010  // 2th Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)
#define ADC_SSEMUX2_EMUX0       0x00000001  // 1st Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSMUX3 register.
#define ADC_SSMUX3_MUX0_M       0x0000000F  // 1st Sample Input Select
#define ADC_SSMUX3_MUX0_S       0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSCTL3 register.
#define ADC_SSCTL3_TS0          0x00000008  // 1st Sample Temp Sensor Select
#define ADC_SSCTL3_IE0          0x00000004  // 1st Sample Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_SSCTL3_END0         0x00000002  // 1st Sample is End of Sequence
#define ADC_SSCTL3_D0           0x00000001  // 1st Sample Diff Input Select

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFIFO3 register.
#define ADC_SSFIFO3_DATA_M      0x00000FFF  // Conversion Result Data
#define ADC_SSFIFO3_DATA_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSFSTAT3 register.
#define ADC_SSFSTAT3_FULL       0x00001000  // FIFO Full
#define ADC_SSFSTAT3_EMPTY      0x00000100  // FIFO Empty
#define ADC_SSFSTAT3_HPTR_M     0x000000F0  // FIFO Head Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT3_TPTR_M     0x0000000F  // FIFO Tail Pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT3_HPTR_S     4
#define ADC_SSFSTAT3_TPTR_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSOP3 register.
#define ADC_SSOP3_S0DCOP        0x00000001  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Operation

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSDC3 register.
#define ADC_SSDC3_S0DCSEL_M     0x0000000F  // Sample 0 Digital Comparator
                                            // Select

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSEMUX3 register.
#define ADC_SSEMUX3_EMUX0       0x00000001  // 1st Sample Input Select (Upper
                                            // Bit)

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_TMLB register.
#define ADC_TMLB_LB             0x00000001  // Loopback Mode Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCRIC register.
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG7       0x00800000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 7
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG6       0x00400000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 6
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG5       0x00200000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 5
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG4       0x00100000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 4
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG3       0x00080000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 3
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG2       0x00040000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 2
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG1       0x00020000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 1
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCTRIG0       0x00010000  // Digital Comparator Trigger 0
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT7        0x00000080  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 7
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT6        0x00000040  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 6
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT5        0x00000020  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 5
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT4        0x00000010  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 4
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT3        0x00000008  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 3
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT2        0x00000004  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 2
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT1        0x00000002  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 1
#define ADC_DCRIC_DCINT0        0x00000001  // Digital Comparator Interrupt 0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL0 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL0_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL1 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL1_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL2 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL2_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL3 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL3_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL4 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL4_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL5 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL5_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL6 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL6_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCTL7 register.
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTE          0x00001000  // Comparison Trigger Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTC_M        0x00000C00  // Comparison Trigger Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTC_MID      0x00000400  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTC_HIGH     0x00000C00  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTM_M        0x00000300  // Comparison Trigger Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTM_ONCE     0x00000100  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTM_HALWAYS  0x00000200  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CTM_HONCE    0x00000300  // Hysteresis Once
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIE          0x00000010  // Comparison Interrupt Enable
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIC_M        0x0000000C  // Comparison Interrupt Condition
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIC_LOW      0x00000000  // Low Band
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIC_MID      0x00000004  // Mid Band
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIC_HIGH     0x0000000C  // High Band
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIM_M        0x00000003  // Comparison Interrupt Mode
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIM_ALWAYS   0x00000000  // Always
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIM_ONCE     0x00000001  // Once
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIM_HALWAYS  0x00000002  // Hysteresis Always
#define ADC_DCCTL7_CIM_HONCE    0x00000003  // Hysteresis Once

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP0 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP0_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP0_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP0_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP0_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP1 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP1_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP1_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP1_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP1_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP2 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP2_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP2_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP2_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP2_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP3 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP3_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP3_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP3_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP3_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP4 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP4_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP4_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP4_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP4_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP5 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP5_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP5_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP5_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP5_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP6 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP6_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP6_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP6_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP6_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_DCCMP7 register.
#define ADC_DCCMP7_COMP1_M      0x0FFF0000  // Compare 1
#define ADC_DCCMP7_COMP0_M      0x00000FFF  // Compare 0
#define ADC_DCCMP7_COMP1_S      16
#define ADC_DCCMP7_COMP0_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_PP register.
#define ADC_PP_TS               0x00800000  // Temperature Sensor
#define ADC_PP_RSL_M            0x007C0000  // Resolution
#define ADC_PP_TYPE_M           0x00030000  // ADC Architecture
#define ADC_PP_TYPE_SAR         0x00000000  // SAR
#define ADC_PP_DC_M             0x0000FC00  // Digital Comparator Count
#define ADC_PP_CH_M             0x000003F0  // ADC Channel Count
#define ADC_PP_MSR_M            0x0000000F  // Maximum ADC Sample Rate
#define ADC_PP_MSR_125K         0x00000001  // 125 ksps
#define ADC_PP_MSR_250K         0x00000003  // 250 ksps
#define ADC_PP_MSR_500K         0x00000005  // 500 ksps
#define ADC_PP_MSR_1M           0x00000007  // 1 Msps
#define ADC_PP_RSL_S            18
#define ADC_PP_DC_S             10
#define ADC_PP_CH_S             4

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_PC register.
#define ADC_PC_SR_M             0x0000000F  // ADC Sample Rate
#define ADC_PC_SR_125K          0x00000001  // 125 ksps
#define ADC_PC_SR_250K          0x00000003  // 250 ksps
#define ADC_PC_SR_500K          0x00000005  // 500 ksps
#define ADC_PC_SR_1M            0x00000007  // 1 Msps

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_CC register.
#define ADC_CC_CS_M             0x0000000F  // ADC Clock Source
#define ADC_CC_CS_SYSPLL        0x00000000  // Either the system clock (if the
                                            // PLL bypass is in effect) or the
                                            // 16 MHz clock derived from PLL /
                                            // 25 (default)
#define ADC_CC_CS_PIOSC         0x00000001  // PIOSC

// The following are defines for the the interpretation of the data in the
// SSFIFOx when the ADC TMLB is enabled.
#define ADC_SSFIFO_TMLB_CNT_M   0x000003C0  // Continuous Sample Counter
#define ADC_SSFIFO_TMLB_CONT    0x00000020  // Continuation Sample Indicator
#define ADC_SSFIFO_TMLB_DIFF    0x00000010  // Differential Sample Indicator
#define ADC_SSFIFO_TMLB_TS      0x00000008  // Temp Sensor Sample Indicator
#define ADC_SSFIFO_TMLB_MUX_M   0x00000007  // Analog Input Indicator
#define ADC_SSFIFO_TMLB_CNT_S   6           // Sample counter shift
#define ADC_SSFIFO_TMLB_MUX_S   0           // Input channel number shift

// The following definitions are deprecated.

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_EMUX
// register.
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_MASK       0x0000F000  // Event mux 3 mask
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_MASK       0x00000F00  // Event mux 2 mask
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_MASK       0x000000F0  // Event mux 1 mask
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_MASK       0x0000000F  // Event mux 0 mask
#define ADC_EMUX_EM3_SHIFT      12          // The shift for the fourth event
#define ADC_EMUX_EM2_SHIFT      8           // The shift for the third event
#define ADC_EMUX_EM1_SHIFT      4           // The shift for the second event
#define ADC_EMUX_EM0_SHIFT      0           // The shift for the first event

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the ADC_O_SSPRI
// register.
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS3_MASK      0x00003000  // Sequencer 3 priority mask
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS2_MASK      0x00000300  // Sequencer 2 priority mask
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS1_MASK      0x00000030  // Sequencer 1 priority mask
#define ADC_SSPRI_SS0_MASK      0x00000003  // Sequencer 0 priority mask

// The following are deprecated defines for the ADC sequence register offsets..
#define ADC_O_SEQ               0x00000040  // Offset to the first sequence
#define ADC_O_SEQ_STEP          0x00000020  // Increment to the next sequence
#define ADC_O_X_SSFSTAT         0x0000000C  // FIFO status register
#define ADC_O_X_SSFIFO          0x00000008  // Result FIFO register
#define ADC_O_X_SSCTL           0x00000004  // Sample sequence control register
#define ADC_O_X_SSMUX           0x00000000  // Multiplexer select register

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the ADC_SSMUX0,
// ADC_SSMUX1, ADC_SSMUX2, and ADC_SSMUX3 registers. Not all fields are present
// in all registers..
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX7_MASK     0x70000000  // 8th mux select mask
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX6_MASK     0x07000000  // 7th mux select mask
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX5_MASK     0x00700000  // 6th mux select mask
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX4_MASK     0x00070000  // 5th mux select mask
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX3_MASK     0x00007000  // 4th mux select mask
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX2_MASK     0x00000700  // 3rd mux select mask
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX1_MASK     0x00000070  // 2nd mux select mask
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX0_MASK     0x00000007  // 1st mux select mask
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX7_SHIFT    28
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX6_SHIFT    24
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX5_SHIFT    20
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX4_SHIFT    16
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX3_SHIFT    12
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX2_SHIFT    8
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX1_SHIFT    4
#define ADC_SSMUX_MUX0_SHIFT    0

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the ADC_SSCTL0,
// ADC_SSCTL1, ADC_SSCTL2, and ADC_SSCTL3 registers. Not all fields are present
// in all registers.
#define ADC_SSCTL_TS7           0x80000000  // 8th temperature sensor select
#define ADC_SSCTL_IE7           0x40000000  // 8th interrupt enable
#define ADC_SSCTL_END7          0x20000000  // 8th sequence end select
#define ADC_SSCTL_D7            0x10000000  // 8th differential select
#define ADC_SSCTL_TS6           0x08000000  // 7th temperature sensor select
#define ADC_SSCTL_IE6           0x04000000  // 7th interrupt enable
#define ADC_SSCTL_END6          0x02000000  // 7th sequence end select
#define ADC_SSCTL_D6            0x01000000  // 7th differential select
#define ADC_SSCTL_TS5           0x00800000  // 6th temperature sensor select
#define ADC_SSCTL_IE5           0x00400000  // 6th interrupt enable
#define ADC_SSCTL_END5          0x00200000  // 6th sequence end select
#define ADC_SSCTL_D5            0x00100000  // 6th differential select
#define ADC_SSCTL_TS4           0x00080000  // 5th temperature sensor select
#define ADC_SSCTL_IE4           0x00040000  // 5th interrupt enable
#define ADC_SSCTL_END4          0x00020000  // 5th sequence end select
#define ADC_SSCTL_D4            0x00010000  // 5th differential select
#define ADC_SSCTL_TS3           0x00008000  // 4th temperature sensor select
#define ADC_SSCTL_IE3           0x00004000  // 4th interrupt enable
#define ADC_SSCTL_END3          0x00002000  // 4th sequence end select
#define ADC_SSCTL_D3            0x00001000  // 4th differential select
#define ADC_SSCTL_TS2           0x00000800  // 3rd temperature sensor select
#define ADC_SSCTL_IE2           0x00000400  // 3rd interrupt enable
#define ADC_SSCTL_END2          0x00000200  // 3rd sequence end select
#define ADC_SSCTL_D2            0x00000100  // 3rd differential select
#define ADC_SSCTL_TS1           0x00000080  // 2nd temperature sensor select
#define ADC_SSCTL_IE1           0x00000040  // 2nd interrupt enable
#define ADC_SSCTL_END1          0x00000020  // 2nd sequence end select
#define ADC_SSCTL_D1            0x00000010  // 2nd differential select
#define ADC_SSCTL_TS0           0x00000008  // 1st temperature sensor select
#define ADC_SSCTL_IE0           0x00000004  // 1st interrupt enable
#define ADC_SSCTL_END0          0x00000002  // 1st sequence end select
#define ADC_SSCTL_D0            0x00000001  // 1st differential select

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the ADC_SSFIFO0,
// ADC_SSFIFO1, ADC_SSFIFO2, and ADC_SSFIFO3 registers.
#define ADC_SSFIFO_DATA_MASK    0x000003FF  // Sample data

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the ADC_SSFSTAT0,
#define ADC_SSFSTAT_FULL        0x00001000  // FIFO is full
#define ADC_SSFSTAT_EMPTY       0x00000100  // FIFO is empty
#define ADC_SSFSTAT_HPTR        0x000000F0  // FIFO head pointer
#define ADC_SSFSTAT_TPTR        0x0000000F  // FIFO tail pointer

// The following are deprecated defines for the the interpretation of the data
// in the SSFIFOx when the ADC TMLB is enabled.
#define ADC_TMLB_CNT_M          0x000003C0  // Continuous Sample Counter
#define ADC_TMLB_CONT           0x00000020  // Continuation Sample Indicator
#define ADC_TMLB_DIFF           0x00000010  // Differential Sample Indicator
#define ADC_TMLB_TS             0x00000008  // Temp Sensor Sample Indicator
#define ADC_TMLB_MUX_M          0x00000007  // Analog Input Indicator
#define ADC_TMLB_CNT_S          6           // Sample counter shift
#define ADC_TMLB_MUX_S          0           // Input channel number shift

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the loopback ADC
// data.
#define ADC_LB_CNT_MASK         0x000003C0  // Sample counter mask
#define ADC_LB_CONT             0x00000020  // Continuation sample
#define ADC_LB_DIFF             0x00000010  // Differential sample
#define ADC_LB_TS               0x00000008  // Temperature sensor sample
#define ADC_LB_MUX_MASK         0x00000007  // Input channel number mask
#define ADC_LB_CNT_SHIFT        6           // Sample counter shift
#define ADC_LB_MUX_SHIFT        0           // Input channel number shift


#endif // __HW_ADC_H__