/* This header file is part of the ATMEL AVR-UC3-SoftwareFramework-1.7.0 Release */ /*This file has been prepared for Doxygen automatic documentation generation.*/ /*! \file ********************************************************************* * * \brief Power Manager driver. * * * - Compiler: IAR EWAVR32 and GNU GCC for AVR32 * - Supported devices: All AVR32 devices. * - AppNote: * * \author Atmel Corporation: http://www.atmel.com \n * Support and FAQ: http://support.atmel.no/ * *****************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2009 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The name of Atmel may not be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * 4. This software may only be redistributed and used in connection with an Atmel * AVR product. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ATMEL "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE * EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE * */ #ifndef _PM_H_ #define _PM_H_ #include <avr32/io.h> #include "compiler.h" #include "preprocessor.h" /*! \brief Sets the MCU in the specified sleep mode. * * \param mode Sleep mode: * \arg \c AVR32_PM_SMODE_IDLE: Idle; * \arg \c AVR32_PM_SMODE_FROZEN: Frozen; * \arg \c AVR32_PM_SMODE_STANDBY: Standby; * \arg \c AVR32_PM_SMODE_STOP: Stop; * \arg \c AVR32_PM_SMODE_DEEP_STOP: DeepStop; * \arg \c AVR32_PM_SMODE_STATIC: Static. */ #define SLEEP(mode) {__asm__ __volatile__ ("sleep "STRINGZ(mode));} //! Input and output parameters when initializing PM clocks using pm_configure_clocks(). typedef struct { //! CPU frequency (input/output argument). unsigned long cpu_f; //! PBA frequency (input/output argument). unsigned long pba_f; //! Oscillator 0's external crystal(or external clock) frequency (board dependant) (input argument). unsigned long osc0_f; //! Oscillator 0's external crystal(or external clock) startup time: AVR32_PM_OSCCTRL0_STARTUP_x_RCOSC (input argument). unsigned long osc0_startup; } pm_freq_param_t; #define PM_FREQ_STATUS_FAIL (-1) #define PM_FREQ_STATUS_OK (0) /*! \brief Gets the MCU reset cause. * * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager instance (i.e. &AVR32_PM). * * \return The MCU reset cause which can be masked with the * \c AVR32_PM_RCAUSE_x_MASK bit-masks to isolate specific causes. */ #if (defined __GNUC__) __attribute__((__always_inline__)) #endif extern __inline__ unsigned int pm_get_reset_cause(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm) { return pm->rcause; } /*! * \brief This function will enable the external clock mode of the oscillator 0. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) */ extern void pm_enable_osc0_ext_clock(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! * \brief This function will enable the crystal mode of the oscillator 0. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param fosc0 Oscillator 0 crystal frequency (Hz) */ extern void pm_enable_osc0_crystal(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int fosc0); /*! * \brief This function will enable the oscillator 0 to be used with a startup time. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param startup Clock 0 startup time. AVR32_PM_OSCCTRL0_STARTUP_x_RCOSC. */ extern void pm_enable_clk0(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int startup); /*! * \brief This function will disable the oscillator 0. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) */ extern void pm_disable_clk0(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! * \brief This function will enable the oscillator 0 to be used with no startup time. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param startup Clock 0 startup time, for which the function does not wait. AVR32_PM_OSCCTRL0_STARTUP_x_RCOSC. */ extern void pm_enable_clk0_no_wait(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int startup); /*! * \brief This function will wait until the Osc0 clock is ready. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) */ extern void pm_wait_for_clk0_ready(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! * \brief This function will enable the external clock mode of the oscillator 1. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) */ extern void pm_enable_osc1_ext_clock(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! * \brief This function will enable the crystal mode of the oscillator 1. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param fosc1 Oscillator 1 crystal frequency (Hz) */ extern void pm_enable_osc1_crystal(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int fosc1); /*! * \brief This function will enable the oscillator 1 to be used with a startup time. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param startup Clock 1 startup time. AVR32_PM_OSCCTRL1_STARTUP_x_RCOSC. */ extern void pm_enable_clk1(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int startup); /*! * \brief This function will disable the oscillator 1. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) */ extern void pm_disable_clk1(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! * \brief This function will enable the oscillator 1 to be used with no startup time. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param startup Clock 1 startup time, for which the function does not wait. AVR32_PM_OSCCTRL1_STARTUP_x_RCOSC. */ extern void pm_enable_clk1_no_wait(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int startup); /*! * \brief This function will wait until the Osc1 clock is ready. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) */ extern void pm_wait_for_clk1_ready(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! * \brief This function will enable the external clock mode of the 32-kHz oscillator. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) */ extern void pm_enable_osc32_ext_clock(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! * \brief This function will enable the crystal mode of the 32-kHz oscillator. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) */ extern void pm_enable_osc32_crystal(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! * \brief This function will enable the oscillator 32 to be used with a startup time. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param startup Clock 32 kHz startup time. AVR32_PM_OSCCTRL32_STARTUP_x_RCOSC. */ extern void pm_enable_clk32(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int startup); /*! * \brief This function will disable the oscillator 32. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) */ extern void pm_disable_clk32(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! * \brief This function will enable the oscillator 32 to be used with no startup time. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param startup Clock 32 kHz startup time, for which the function does not wait. AVR32_PM_OSCCTRL32_STARTUP_x_RCOSC. */ extern void pm_enable_clk32_no_wait(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int startup); /*! * \brief This function will wait until the osc32 clock is ready. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) */ extern void pm_wait_for_clk32_ready(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! * \brief This function will select all the power manager clocks. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param pbadiv Peripheral Bus A clock divisor enable * \param pbasel Peripheral Bus A select * \param pbbdiv Peripheral Bus B clock divisor enable * \param pbbsel Peripheral Bus B select * \param hsbdiv High Speed Bus clock divisor enable (CPU clock = HSB clock) * \param hsbsel High Speed Bus select (CPU clock = HSB clock ) */ extern void pm_cksel(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int pbadiv, unsigned int pbasel, unsigned int pbbdiv, unsigned int pbbsel, unsigned int hsbdiv, unsigned int hsbsel); /*! * \brief This function will setup a generic clock. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param gc generic clock number (0 for gc0...) * \param osc_or_pll Use OSC (=0) or PLL (=1) * \param pll_osc Select Osc0/PLL0 or Osc1/PLL1 * \param diven Generic clock divisor enable * \param div Generic clock divisor */ extern void pm_gc_setup(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int gc, unsigned int osc_or_pll, unsigned int pll_osc, unsigned int diven, unsigned int div); /*! * \brief This function will enable a generic clock. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param gc generic clock number (0 for gc0...) */ extern void pm_gc_enable(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int gc); /*! * \brief This function will disable a generic clock. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param gc generic clock number (0 for gc0...) */ extern void pm_gc_disable(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int gc); /*! * \brief This function will setup a PLL. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param pll PLL number(0 for PLL0, 1 for PLL1) * \param mul PLL MUL in the PLL formula * \param div PLL DIV in the PLL formula * \param osc OSC number (0 for osc0, 1 for osc1) * \param lockcount PLL lockount */ extern void pm_pll_setup(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int pll, unsigned int mul, unsigned int div, unsigned int osc, unsigned int lockcount); /*! * \brief This function will set a PLL option. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param pll PLL number(0 for PLL0, 1 for PLL1) * \param pll_freq Set to 1 for VCO frequency range 80-180MHz, set to 0 for VCO frequency range 160-240Mhz. * \param pll_div2 Divide the PLL output frequency by 2 (this settings does not change the FVCO value) * \param pll_wbwdisable 1 Disable the Wide-Bandith Mode (Wide-Bandwith mode allow a faster startup time and out-of-lock time). 0 to enable the Wide-Bandith Mode. */ extern void pm_pll_set_option(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int pll, unsigned int pll_freq, unsigned int pll_div2, unsigned int pll_wbwdisable); /*! * \brief This function will get a PLL option. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param pll PLL number(0 for PLL0, 1 for PLL1) * \return Option */ extern unsigned int pm_pll_get_option(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int pll); /*! * \brief This function will enable a PLL. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param pll PLL number(0 for PLL0, 1 for PLL1) */ extern void pm_pll_enable(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int pll); /*! * \brief This function will disable a PLL. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param pll PLL number(0 for PLL0, 1 for PLL1) */ extern void pm_pll_disable(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int pll); /*! * \brief This function will wait for PLL0 locked * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) */ extern void pm_wait_for_pll0_locked(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! * \brief This function will wait for PLL1 locked * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) */ extern void pm_wait_for_pll1_locked(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! * \brief This function will switch the power manager main clock. * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param clock Clock to be switched on. AVR32_PM_MCSEL_SLOW for RCOsc, AVR32_PM_MCSEL_OSC0 for Osc0, AVR32_PM_MCSEL_PLL0 for PLL0. */ extern void pm_switch_to_clock(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned long clock); /*! * \brief Switch main clock to clock Osc0 (crystal mode) * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param fosc0 Oscillator 0 crystal frequency (Hz) * \param startup Crystal 0 startup time. AVR32_PM_OSCCTRL0_STARTUP_x_RCOSC. */ extern void pm_switch_to_osc0(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned int fosc0, unsigned int startup); /*! \brief Enables the Brown-Out Detector interrupt. * * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM). */ extern void pm_bod_enable_irq(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! \brief Disables the Brown-Out Detector interrupt. * * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM). */ extern void pm_bod_disable_irq(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! \brief Clears the Brown-Out Detector interrupt flag. * * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM). */ extern void pm_bod_clear_irq(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! \brief Gets the Brown-Out Detector interrupt flag. * * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM). * * \retval 0 No BOD interrupt. * \retval 1 BOD interrupt pending. */ extern unsigned long pm_bod_get_irq_status(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! \brief Gets the Brown-Out Detector interrupt enable status. * * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM). * * \retval 0 BOD interrupt disabled. * \retval 1 BOD interrupt enabled. */ extern unsigned long pm_bod_get_irq_enable_bit(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! \brief Gets the triggering threshold of the Brown-Out Detector. * * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM). * * \return Triggering threshold of the BOD. See the electrical characteristics * in the part datasheet for actual voltage levels. */ extern unsigned long pm_bod_get_level(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm); /*! * \brief Read the content of the PM GPLP registers * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param gplp GPLP register index (0,1,... depending on the number of GPLP registers for a given part) * * \return The content of the chosen GPLP register. */ extern unsigned long pm_read_gplp(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned long gplp); /*! * \brief Write into the PM GPLP registers * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param gplp GPLP register index (0,1,... depending on the number of GPLP registers for a given part) * \param value Value to write */ extern void pm_write_gplp(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned long gplp, unsigned long value); /*! \brief Enable the clock of a module. * * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param module The module to clock (use one of the defines in the part-specific * header file under "toolchain folder"/avr32/inc(lude)/avr32/; depending on the * clock domain, look for the sections "CPU clocks", "HSB clocks", "PBx clocks") * * \return Status. * \retval 0 Success. * \retval <0 An error occured. */ extern long pm_enable_module(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned long module); /*! \brief Disable the clock of a module. * * \param pm Base address of the Power Manager (i.e. &AVR32_PM) * \param module The module to shut down (use one of the defines in the part-specific * header file under "toolchain folder"/avr32/inc(lude)/avr32/; depending on the * clock domain, look for the sections "CPU clocks", "HSB clocks", "PBx clocks") * * \return Status. * \retval 0 Success. * \retval <0 An error occured. */ extern long pm_disable_module(volatile avr32_pm_t *pm, unsigned long module); /*! \brief Automatically configure the CPU, PBA, PBB, and HSB clocks * according to the user wishes. * * This function needs some parameters stored in a pm_freq_param_t structure: * - cpu_f and pba_f are the wanted frequencies, * - osc0_f is the oscillator 0 on-board frequency (e.g. FOSC0), * - osc0_startup is the oscillator 0 startup time (e.g. OSC0_STARTUP). * * The function will then configure the clocks using the following rules: * - It first try to find a valid PLL frequency (the highest possible value to avoid jitter) in order * to satisfy the CPU frequency, * - It optimizes the configuration depending the various divide stages, * - Then, the PBA frequency is configured from the CPU freq. * - Note that HSB and PBB are configured with the same frequency as CPU. * - Note also that the number of wait states of the flash read accesses is automatically set-up depending * the CPU frequency. As a consequence, the application needs the FLASHC driver to compile. * * The CPU, HSB and PBA frequencies programmed after configuration are stored back into cpu_f and pba_f. * * \param param pointer on the configuration structure. * * \retval PM_FREQ_STATUS_OK Mode successfully initialized. * \retval PM_FREQ_STATUS_FAIL The configuration can not be done. */ extern int pm_configure_clocks(pm_freq_param_t *param); /*! \brief Automatically configure the USB clock. * * USB clock is configured to 48MHz, using the PLL1 from the Oscillator0, assuming * a 12 MHz crystal is connected to it. */ extern void pm_configure_usb_clock(void); #endif // _PM_H_