/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "air32f10x_flash.h" /** @addtogroup AIR32F103_StdPeriph_Driver * @{ */ /** @defgroup FLASH * @brief FLASH driver modules * @{ */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Private_TypesDefinitions * @{ */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Private_Defines * @{ */ /* Flash Access Control Register bits */ #define ACR_LATENCY_Mask ((uint32_t)0x00000038) #define ACR_HLFCYA_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFF7) #define ACR_PRFTBE_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFEF) /* Flash Access Control Register bits */ #define ACR_PRFTBS_Mask ((uint32_t)0x00000020) /* Flash Control Register bits */ #define CR_PG_Set ((uint32_t)0x00000001) #define CR_PG_Reset ((uint32_t)0x00001FFE) #define CR_PER_Set ((uint32_t)0x00000002) #define CR_PER_Reset ((uint32_t)0x00001FFD) #define CR_MER_Set ((uint32_t)0x00000004) #define CR_MER_Reset ((uint32_t)0x00001FFB) #define CR_OPTPG_Set ((uint32_t)0x00000010) #define CR_OPTPG_Reset ((uint32_t)0x00001FEF) #define CR_OPTER_Set ((uint32_t)0x00000020) #define CR_OPTER_Reset ((uint32_t)0x00001FDF) #define CR_STRT_Set ((uint32_t)0x00000040) #define CR_LOCK_Set ((uint32_t)0x00000080) /* FLASH Mask */ #define RDPRT_Mask ((uint32_t)0x00000002) #define WRP0_Mask ((uint32_t)0x000000FF) #define WRP1_Mask ((uint32_t)0x0000FF00) #define WRP2_Mask ((uint32_t)0x00FF0000) #define WRP3_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFF000000) #define OB_USER_BFB2 ((uint16_t)0x0008) /* FLASH Keys */ #define RDP_Key ((uint16_t)0x00A5) #define FLASH_KEY1 ((uint32_t)0x45670123) #define FLASH_KEY2 ((uint32_t)0xCDEF89AB) /* FLASH BANK address */ #define FLASH_BANK1_END_ADDRESS ((uint32_t)0x807FFFF) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Private_Macros * @{ */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Private_Variables * @{ */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Private_FunctionPrototypes * @{ */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Private_Functions * @{ */ /** @code This driver provides functions to configure and program the Flash memory of all AIR32F103 devices, including the latest AIR32F103_XL density devices. AIR32F103_XL devices feature up to 1 Mbyte with dual bank architecture for read-while-write (RWW) capability: - bank1: fixed size of 512 Kbytes (256 pages of 2Kbytes each) - bank2: up to 512 Kbytes (up to 256 pages of 2Kbytes each) While other AIR32F103 devices features only one bank with memory up to 512 Kbytes. In version V3.3.0, some functions were updated and new ones were added to support AIR32F103_XL devices. Thus some functions manages all devices, while other are dedicated for XL devices only. The table below presents the list of available functions depending on the used AIR32F103 devices. *************************************************** * Legacy functions used for all AIR32F103 devices * *************************************************** +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Functions prototypes |AIR32F103_XL|Other AIR32F103| Comments | | | devices | devices | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_SetLatency | Yes | Yes | No change | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_HalfCycleAccessCmd | Yes | Yes | No change | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd | Yes | Yes | No change | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_Unlock | Yes | Yes | - For AIR32F10X_XL devices: unlock Bank1 and Bank2. | | | | | - For other devices: unlock Bank1 and it is equivalent | | | | | to FLASH_UnlockBank1 function. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_Lock | Yes | Yes | - For AIR32F10X_XL devices: lock Bank1 and Bank2. | | | | | - For other devices: lock Bank1 and it is equivalent | | | | | to FLASH_LockBank1 function. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_ErasePage | Yes | Yes | - For AIR32F103_XL devices: erase a page in Bank1 and Bank2 | | | | | - For other devices: erase a page in Bank1 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_EraseAllPages | Yes | Yes | - For AIR32F103_XL devices: erase all pages in Bank1 and Bank2 | | | | | - For other devices: erase all pages in Bank1 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_EraseOptionBytes | Yes | Yes | No change | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_ProgramWord | Yes | Yes | Updated to program up to 1MByte (depending on the used device) | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_ProgramHalfWord | Yes | Yes | Updated to program up to 1MByte (depending on the used device) | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_ProgramOptionByteData | Yes | Yes | No change | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_EnableWriteProtection | Yes | Yes | No change | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_ReadOutProtection | Yes | Yes | No change | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_UserOptionByteConfig | Yes | Yes | No change | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_GetUserOptionByte | Yes | Yes | No change | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_GetWriteProtectionOptionByte | Yes | Yes | No change | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_GetReadOutProtectionStatus | Yes | Yes | No change | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_GetPrefetchBufferStatus | Yes | Yes | No change | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_ITConfig | Yes | Yes | - For AIR32F103_XL devices: enable Bank1 and Bank2's interrupts| | | | | - For other devices: enable Bank1's interrupts | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_GetFlagStatus | Yes | Yes | - For AIR32F103_XL devices: return Bank1 and Bank2's flag status| | | | | - For other devices: return Bank1's flag status | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_ClearFlag | Yes | Yes | - For AIR32F103_XL devices: clear Bank1 and Bank2's flag | | | | | - For other devices: clear Bank1's flag | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_GetStatus | Yes | Yes | - Return the status of Bank1 (for all devices) | | | | | equivalent to FLASH_GetBank1Status function | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_WaitForLastOperation | Yes | Yes | - Wait for Bank1 last operation (for all devices) | | | | | equivalent to: FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation function | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ************************************************************************************************************************ * New functions used for all AIR32F103 devices to manage Bank1: * * - These functions are mainly useful for AIR32F103_XL density devices, to have separate control for Bank1 and bank2 * * - For other devices, these functions are optional (covered by functions listed above) * ************************************************************************************************************************ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Functions prototypes |AIR32F103_XL|Other AIR32F103| Comments | | | devices | devices | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FLASH_UnlockBank1 | Yes | Yes | - Unlock Bank1 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_LockBank1 | Yes | Yes | - Lock Bank1 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FLASH_EraseAllBank1Pages | Yes | Yes | - Erase all pages in Bank1 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FLASH_GetBank1Status | Yes | Yes | - Return the status of Bank1 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation | Yes | Yes | - Wait for Bank1 last operation | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ***************************************************************************** * New Functions used only with AIR32F103_XL density devices to manage Bank2 * ***************************************************************************** +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Functions prototypes |AIR32F103_XL|Other AIR32F103| Comments | | | devices | devices | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FLASH_UnlockBank2 | Yes | No | - Unlock Bank2 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FLASH_LockBank2 | Yes | No | - Lock Bank2 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FLASH_EraseAllBank2Pages | Yes | No | - Erase all pages in Bank2 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FLASH_GetBank2Status | Yes | No | - Return the status of Bank2 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation | Yes | No | - Wait for Bank2 last operation | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FLASH_BootConfig | Yes | No | - Configure to boot from Bank1 or Bank2 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ @endcode */ /** * @brief Sets the code latency value. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param FLASH_Latency: specifies the FLASH Latency value. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_Latency_0: FLASH Zero Latency cycle * @arg FLASH_Latency_1: FLASH One Latency cycle * @arg FLASH_Latency_2: FLASH Two Latency cycles * @retval None */ void FLASH_SetLatency(uint32_t FLASH_Latency) { uint32_t tmpreg = 0; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_LATENCY(FLASH_Latency)); /* Read the ACR register */ tmpreg = FLASH->ACR; /* Sets the Latency value */ tmpreg &= ACR_LATENCY_Mask; tmpreg |= FLASH_Latency; /* Write the ACR register */ FLASH->ACR = tmpreg; } /** * @brief Enables or disables the Half cycle flash access. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param FLASH_HalfCycleAccess: specifies the FLASH Half cycle Access mode. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_HalfCycleAccess_Enable: FLASH Half Cycle Enable * @arg FLASH_HalfCycleAccess_Disable: FLASH Half Cycle Disable * @retval None */ void FLASH_HalfCycleAccessCmd(uint32_t FLASH_HalfCycleAccess) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_HALFCYCLEACCESS_STATE(FLASH_HalfCycleAccess)); /* Enable or disable the Half cycle access */ FLASH->ACR &= ACR_HLFCYA_Mask; FLASH->ACR |= FLASH_HalfCycleAccess; } /** * @brief Enables or disables the Prefetch Buffer. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param FLASH_PrefetchBuffer: specifies the Prefetch buffer status. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_PrefetchBuffer_Enable: FLASH Prefetch Buffer Enable * @arg FLASH_PrefetchBuffer_Disable: FLASH Prefetch Buffer Disable * @retval None */ void FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd(uint32_t FLASH_PrefetchBuffer) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_PREFETCHBUFFER_STATE(FLASH_PrefetchBuffer)); /* Enable or disable the Prefetch Buffer */ FLASH->ACR &= ACR_PRFTBE_Mask; FLASH->ACR |= FLASH_PrefetchBuffer; } /** * @brief Unlocks the FLASH Program Erase Controller. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * - For AIR32F10X_XL devices this function unlocks Bank1 and Bank2. * - For all other devices it unlocks Bank1 and it is equivalent * to FLASH_UnlockBank1 function.. * @param None * @retval None */ void FLASH_Unlock(void) { /* Authorize the FPEC of Bank1 Access */ FLASH->KEYR = FLASH_KEY1; FLASH->KEYR = FLASH_KEY2; #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) /* Authorize the FPEC of Bank2 Access */ FLASH->KEYR2 = FLASH_KEY1; FLASH->KEYR2 = FLASH_KEY2; #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ } /** * @brief Unlocks the FLASH Bank1 Program Erase Controller. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * - For AIR32F10X_XL devices this function unlocks Bank1. * - For all other devices it unlocks Bank1 and it is * equivalent to FLASH_Unlock function. * @param None * @retval None */ void FLASH_UnlockBank1(void) { /* Authorize the FPEC of Bank1 Access */ FLASH->KEYR = FLASH_KEY1; FLASH->KEYR = FLASH_KEY2; } #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) /** * @brief Unlocks the FLASH Bank2 Program Erase Controller. * @note This function can be used only for AIR32F10X_XL density devices. * @param None * @retval None */ void FLASH_UnlockBank2(void) { /* Authorize the FPEC of Bank2 Access */ FLASH->KEYR2 = FLASH_KEY1; FLASH->KEYR2 = FLASH_KEY2; } #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ /** * @brief Locks the FLASH Program Erase Controller. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * - For AIR32F10X_XL devices this function Locks Bank1 and Bank2. * - For all other devices it Locks Bank1 and it is equivalent * to FLASH_LockBank1 function. * @param None * @retval None */ void FLASH_Lock(void) { /* Set the Lock Bit to lock the FPEC and the CR of Bank1 */ FLASH->CR |= CR_LOCK_Set; #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) /* Set the Lock Bit to lock the FPEC and the CR of Bank2 */ FLASH->CR2 |= CR_LOCK_Set; #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ } /** * @brief Locks the FLASH Bank1 Program Erase Controller. * @note this function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * - For AIR32F10X_XL devices this function Locks Bank1. * - For all other devices it Locks Bank1 and it is equivalent * to FLASH_Lock function. * @param None * @retval None */ void FLASH_LockBank1(void) { /* Set the Lock Bit to lock the FPEC and the CR of Bank1 */ FLASH->CR |= CR_LOCK_Set; } #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) /** * @brief Locks the FLASH Bank2 Program Erase Controller. * @note This function can be used only for AIR32F10X_XL density devices. * @param None * @retval None */ void FLASH_LockBank2(void) { /* Set the Lock Bit to lock the FPEC and the CR of Bank2 */ FLASH->CR2 |= CR_LOCK_Set; } #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ /** * @brief Erases a specified FLASH page. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param Page_Address: The page address to be erased. * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_BUSY, FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_ErasePage(uint32_t Page_Address) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_ADDRESS(Page_Address)); #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) if(Page_Address < FLASH_BANK1_END_ADDRESS) { /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation(EraseTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to erase the page */ FLASH->CR|= CR_PER_Set; FLASH->AR = Page_Address; FLASH->CR|= CR_STRT_Set; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation(EraseTimeout); /* Disable the PER Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_PER_Reset; } } else { /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation(EraseTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to erase the page */ FLASH->CR2|= CR_PER_Set; FLASH->AR2 = Page_Address; FLASH->CR2|= CR_STRT_Set; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation(EraseTimeout); /* Disable the PER Bit */ FLASH->CR2 &= CR_PER_Reset; } } #else /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(EraseTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to erase the page */ FLASH->CR|= CR_PER_Set; FLASH->AR = Page_Address; FLASH->CR|= CR_STRT_Set; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(EraseTimeout); /* Disable the PER Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_PER_Reset; } #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ /* Return the Erase Status */ return status; } /** * @brief Erases all FLASH pages. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param None * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_EraseAllPages(void) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation(EraseTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to erase all pages */ FLASH->CR |= CR_MER_Set; FLASH->CR |= CR_STRT_Set; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation(EraseTimeout); /* Disable the MER Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_MER_Reset; } if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to erase all pages */ FLASH->CR2 |= CR_MER_Set; FLASH->CR2 |= CR_STRT_Set; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation(EraseTimeout); /* Disable the MER Bit */ FLASH->CR2 &= CR_MER_Reset; } #else /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(EraseTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to erase all pages */ FLASH->CR |= CR_MER_Set; FLASH->CR |= CR_STRT_Set; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(EraseTimeout); /* Disable the MER Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_MER_Reset; } #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ /* Return the Erase Status */ return status; } /** * @brief Erases all Bank1 FLASH pages. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * - For AIR32F10X_XL devices this function erases all Bank1 pages. * - For all other devices it erases all Bank1 pages and it is equivalent * to FLASH_EraseAllPages function. * @param None * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_EraseAllBank1Pages(void) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation(EraseTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to erase all pages */ FLASH->CR |= CR_MER_Set; FLASH->CR |= CR_STRT_Set; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation(EraseTimeout); /* Disable the MER Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_MER_Reset; } /* Return the Erase Status */ return status; } #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) /** * @brief Erases all Bank2 FLASH pages. * @note This function can be used only for AIR32F103_XL density devices. * @param None * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_EraseAllBank2Pages(void) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation(EraseTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to erase all pages */ FLASH->CR2 |= CR_MER_Set; FLASH->CR2 |= CR_STRT_Set; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation(EraseTimeout); /* Disable the MER Bit */ FLASH->CR2 &= CR_MER_Reset; } /* Return the Erase Status */ return status; } #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ #if defined(__CC_ARM) __ASM void SetStrt(void) { MOV R0, PC LDR R1, [R0,#16] LDR R1, [R0,#32] LDR R0, =0x40022010 LDR R1, =0x60 STR R1,[R0] NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP FLAGLABLE LDR R1, =0x4002200C LDR R2, [R1] AND R2, #0x01 CMP R2, #0x00 BNE FLAGLABLE BX lr } #elif defined(__ICCARM__) void SetStrt(void) { __ASM("MOV R0, PC\n" "LDR R1, [R0,#16]\n" "LDR R1, [R0,#32]\n" "LDR R0, =0x40022010\n" "LDR R1, =0x60\n" "STR R1,[R0]\n" "NOP\n" "NOP\n" "NOP\n" "NOP\n" "NOP\n" "NOP\n" "FLAGLABLE:\n" "LDR R1, =0x4002200C\n" "LDR R2, [R1]\n" "AND R2, R2, #0x01\n" "CMP R2, #0x00\n" "BNE FLAGLABLE\n" "BX lr"); } #elif defined(__clang__) __STATIC_INLINE void SetStrt(void) { __ASM("MOV R0, PC"); __ASM("LDR R1, [R0,#16]"); __ASM("LDR R1, [R0,#32]"); __ASM("LDR R0, =0x40022010"); __ASM("LDR R1, =0x60"); __ASM("STR R1,[R0]"); __ASM("NOP"); __ASM("NOP"); __ASM("NOP"); __ASM("NOP"); __ASM("NOP"); __ASM("NOP"); __ASM("FLAGLABLE:"); __ASM("LDR R1, =0x4002200C"); __ASM("LDR R2, [R1]"); __ASM("AND R2, #0x01"); __ASM("CMP R2, #0x00"); __ASM("BNE FLAGLABLE"); __ASM("BX lr"); } #elif defined(__GNUC__) void SetStrt(void) { asm("MOV R0, PC"); asm("LDR R1, [R0,#16]"); asm("LDR R1, [R0,#32]"); asm("LDR R0, =0x40022010"); asm("LDR R1, =0x60"); asm("STR R1,[R0]"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("FLAGLABLE"); asm("LDR R1, =0x4002200C"); asm("LDR R2, [R1]"); asm("AND R2, #0x01"); asm("CMP R2, #0x00"); asm("BNE FLAGLABLE"); asm("BX lr"); } #endif /** * @brief Erases the FLASH option bytes. * @note This functions erases all option bytes except the Read protection (RDP). * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param None * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_EraseOptionBytes(void) { uint16_t rdptmp = RDP_Key; FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; /* Get the actual read protection Option Byte value */ if(FLASH_GetReadOutProtectionStatus() != RESET) { rdptmp = 0x00; } /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(EraseTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* Authorize the small information block programming */ FLASH->OPTKEYR = FLASH_KEY1; FLASH->OPTKEYR = FLASH_KEY2; /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to erase the option bytes */ // FLASH->CR |= CR_OPTER_Set; // FLASH->CR |= CR_STRT_Set; // /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ // status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(EraseTimeout); SetStrt(); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the erase operation is completed, disable the OPTER Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_OPTER_Reset; /* Enable the Option Bytes Programming operation */ FLASH->CR |= CR_OPTPG_Set; /* Restore the last read protection Option Byte value */ OB->RDP = (uint16_t)rdptmp; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status != FLASH_TIMEOUT) { /* if the program operation is completed, disable the OPTPG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_OPTPG_Reset; } } else { if (status != FLASH_TIMEOUT) { /* Disable the OPTPG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_OPTPG_Reset; } } } /* Return the erase status */ return status; } /** * @brief Programs a word at a specified address. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param Address: specifies the address to be programmed. * @param Data: specifies the data to be programmed. * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_ProgramWord(uint32_t Address, uint32_t Data) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; __IO uint32_t tmp = 0; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_ADDRESS(Address)); #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) if(Address < FLASH_BANK1_END_ADDRESS - 2) { /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to program the new first half word */ FLASH->CR |= CR_PG_Set; *(__IO uint16_t*)Address = (uint16_t)Data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to program the new second half word */ tmp = Address + 2; *(__IO uint16_t*) tmp = Data >> 16; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); /* Disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_PG_Reset; } else { /* Disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_PG_Reset; } } } else if(Address == (FLASH_BANK1_END_ADDRESS - 1)) { /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to program the new first half word */ FLASH->CR |= CR_PG_Set; *(__IO uint16_t*)Address = (uint16_t)Data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation(ProgramTimeout); /* Disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_PG_Reset; } else { /* Disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_PG_Reset; } /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to program the new second half word */ FLASH->CR2 |= CR_PG_Set; tmp = Address + 2; *(__IO uint16_t*) tmp = Data >> 16; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation(ProgramTimeout); /* Disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR2 &= CR_PG_Reset; } else { /* Disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR2 &= CR_PG_Reset; } } else { /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to program the new first half word */ FLASH->CR2 |= CR_PG_Set; *(__IO uint16_t*)Address = (uint16_t)Data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to program the new second half word */ tmp = Address + 2; *(__IO uint16_t*) tmp = Data >> 16; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation(ProgramTimeout); /* Disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR2 &= CR_PG_Reset; } else { /* Disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR2 &= CR_PG_Reset; } } } #else /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to program the new first half word */ FLASH->CR |= CR_PG_Set; *(__IO uint16_t*)Address = (uint16_t)Data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to program the new second half word */ tmp = Address + 2; *(__IO uint16_t*) tmp = Data >> 16; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); /* Disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_PG_Reset; } else { /* Disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_PG_Reset; } } #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ /* Return the Program Status */ return status; } /** * @brief Programs a half word at a specified address. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param Address: specifies the address to be programmed. * @param Data: specifies the data to be programmed. * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_ProgramHalfWord(uint32_t Address, uint16_t Data) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_ADDRESS(Address)); #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(Address < FLASH_BANK1_END_ADDRESS) { if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to program the new data */ FLASH->CR |= CR_PG_Set; *(__IO uint16_t*)Address = Data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation(ProgramTimeout); /* Disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_PG_Reset; } } else { if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to program the new data */ FLASH->CR2 |= CR_PG_Set; *(__IO uint16_t*)Address = Data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation(ProgramTimeout); /* Disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR2 &= CR_PG_Reset; } } #else /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the previous operation is completed, proceed to program the new data */ FLASH->CR |= CR_PG_Set; *(__IO uint16_t*)Address = Data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); /* Disable the PG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_PG_Reset; } #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ /* Return the Program Status */ return status; } /** * @brief Programs a half word at a specified Option Byte Data address. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param Address: specifies the address to be programmed. * This parameter can be 0x1FFFF804 or 0x1FFFF806. * @param Data: specifies the data to be programmed. * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_ProgramOptionByteData(uint32_t Address, uint8_t Data) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_DATA_ADDRESS(Address)); status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* Authorize the small information block programming */ FLASH->OPTKEYR = FLASH_KEY1; FLASH->OPTKEYR = FLASH_KEY2; /* Enables the Option Bytes Programming operation */ FLASH->CR |= CR_OPTPG_Set; *(__IO uint16_t*)Address = Data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status != FLASH_TIMEOUT) { /* if the program operation is completed, disable the OPTPG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_OPTPG_Reset; } } /* Return the Option Byte Data Program Status */ return status; } /** * @brief Write protects the desired pages * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param FLASH_Pages: specifies the address of the pages to be write protected. * This parameter can be: * @arg For @b STM32_Low-density_devices: value between FLASH_WRProt_Pages0to3 and FLASH_WRProt_Pages28to31 * @arg For @b STM32_Medium-density_devices: value between FLASH_WRProt_Pages0to3 * and FLASH_WRProt_Pages124to127 * @arg For @b STM32_High-density_devices: value between FLASH_WRProt_Pages0to1 and * FLASH_WRProt_Pages60to61 or FLASH_WRProt_Pages62to255 * @arg For @b STM32_Connectivity_line_devices: value between FLASH_WRProt_Pages0to1 and * FLASH_WRProt_Pages60to61 or FLASH_WRProt_Pages62to127 * @arg For @b STM32_XL-density_devices: value between FLASH_WRProt_Pages0to1 and * FLASH_WRProt_Pages60to61 or FLASH_WRProt_Pages62to511 * @arg FLASH_WRProt_AllPages * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_EnableWriteProtection(uint32_t FLASH_Pages) { uint16_t WRP0_Data = 0xFFFF, WRP1_Data = 0xFFFF, WRP2_Data = 0xFFFF, WRP3_Data = 0xFFFF; FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_WRPROT_PAGE(FLASH_Pages)); FLASH_Pages = (uint32_t)(~FLASH_Pages); WRP0_Data = (uint16_t)(FLASH_Pages & WRP0_Mask); WRP1_Data = (uint16_t)((FLASH_Pages & WRP1_Mask) >> 8); WRP2_Data = (uint16_t)((FLASH_Pages & WRP2_Mask) >> 16); WRP3_Data = (uint16_t)((FLASH_Pages & WRP3_Mask) >> 24); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* Authorizes the small information block programming */ FLASH->OPTKEYR = FLASH_KEY1; FLASH->OPTKEYR = FLASH_KEY2; FLASH->CR |= CR_OPTPG_Set; if(WRP0_Data != 0xFF) { OB->WRP0 = WRP0_Data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); } if((status == FLASH_COMPLETE) && (WRP1_Data != 0xFF)) { OB->WRP1 = WRP1_Data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); } if((status == FLASH_COMPLETE) && (WRP2_Data != 0xFF)) { OB->WRP2 = WRP2_Data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); } if((status == FLASH_COMPLETE)&& (WRP3_Data != 0xFF)) { OB->WRP3 = WRP3_Data; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); } if(status != FLASH_TIMEOUT) { /* if the program operation is completed, disable the OPTPG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_OPTPG_Reset; } } /* Return the write protection operation Status */ return status; } /** * @brief Enables or disables the read out protection. * @note If the user has already programmed the other option bytes before calling * this function, he must re-program them since this function erases all option bytes. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param Newstate: new state of the ReadOut Protection. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_ReadOutProtection(FunctionalState NewState) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState)); status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(EraseTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* Authorizes the small information block programming */ FLASH->OPTKEYR = FLASH_KEY1; FLASH->OPTKEYR = FLASH_KEY2; FLASH->CR |= CR_OPTER_Set; FLASH->CR |= CR_STRT_Set; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(EraseTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* if the erase operation is completed, disable the OPTER Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_OPTER_Reset; /* Enable the Option Bytes Programming operation */ FLASH->CR |= CR_OPTPG_Set; if(NewState != DISABLE) { OB->RDP = 0x00; } else { OB->RDP = RDP_Key; FLASH->SR &= FLASH_FLAG_WRPRTERR; } /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status != FLASH_TIMEOUT) { /* if the program operation is completed, disable the OPTPG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_OPTPG_Reset; } } else { if(status != FLASH_TIMEOUT) { /* Disable the OPTER Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_OPTER_Reset; } } } /* Return the protection operation Status */ return status; } /** * @brief Programs the FLASH User Option Byte: IWDG_SW / RST_STOP / RST_STDBY. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param OB_IWDG: Selects the IWDG mode * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg OB_IWDG_SW: Software IWDG selected * @arg OB_IWDG_HW: Hardware IWDG selected * @param OB_STOP: Reset event when entering STOP mode. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg OB_STOP_NoRST: No reset generated when entering in STOP * @arg OB_STOP_RST: Reset generated when entering in STOP * @param OB_STDBY: Reset event when entering Standby mode. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg OB_STDBY_NoRST: No reset generated when entering in STANDBY * @arg OB_STDBY_RST: Reset generated when entering in STANDBY * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_UserOptionByteConfig(uint16_t OB_IWDG, uint16_t OB_STOP, uint16_t OB_STDBY) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_OB_IWDG_SOURCE(OB_IWDG)); assert_param(IS_OB_STOP_SOURCE(OB_STOP)); assert_param(IS_OB_STDBY_SOURCE(OB_STDBY)); /* Authorize the small information block programming */ FLASH->OPTKEYR = FLASH_KEY1; FLASH->OPTKEYR = FLASH_KEY2; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* Enable the Option Bytes Programming operation */ FLASH->CR |= CR_OPTPG_Set; OB->USER = OB_IWDG | (uint16_t)(OB_STOP | (uint16_t)(OB_STDBY | ((uint16_t)0xF8))); /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status != FLASH_TIMEOUT) { /* if the program operation is completed, disable the OPTPG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_OPTPG_Reset; } } /* Return the Option Byte program Status */ return status; } #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) /** * @brief Configures to boot from Bank1 or Bank2. * @note This function can be used only for AIR32F103_XL density devices. * @param FLASH_BOOT: select the FLASH Bank to boot from. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_BOOT_Bank1: At startup, if boot pins are set in boot from user Flash * position and this parameter is selected the device will boot from Bank1(Default). * @arg FLASH_BOOT_Bank2: At startup, if boot pins are set in boot from user Flash * position and this parameter is selected the device will boot from Bank2 or Bank1, * depending on the activation of the bank. The active banks are checked in * the following order: Bank2, followed by Bank1. * The active bank is recognized by the value programmed at the base address * of the respective bank (corresponding to the initial stack pointer value * in the interrupt vector table). * For more information, please refer to AN2606 from www.st.com. * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_BootConfig(uint16_t FLASH_BOOT) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; assert_param(IS_FLASH_BOOT(FLASH_BOOT)); /* Authorize the small information block programming */ FLASH->OPTKEYR = FLASH_KEY1; FLASH->OPTKEYR = FLASH_KEY2; /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { /* Enable the Option Bytes Programming operation */ FLASH->CR |= CR_OPTPG_Set; if(FLASH_BOOT == FLASH_BOOT_Bank1) { OB->USER |= OB_USER_BFB2; } else { OB->USER &= (uint16_t)(~(uint16_t)(OB_USER_BFB2)); } /* Wait for last operation to be completed */ status = FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(ProgramTimeout); if(status != FLASH_TIMEOUT) { /* if the program operation is completed, disable the OPTPG Bit */ FLASH->CR &= CR_OPTPG_Reset; } } /* Return the Option Byte program Status */ return status; } #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ /** * @brief Returns the FLASH User Option Bytes values. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param None * @retval The FLASH User Option Bytes values:IWDG_SW(Bit0), RST_STOP(Bit1) * and RST_STDBY(Bit2). */ uint32_t FLASH_GetUserOptionByte(void) { /* Return the User Option Byte */ return (uint32_t)(FLASH->OBR >> 2); } /** * @brief Returns the FLASH Write Protection Option Bytes Register value. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param None * @retval The FLASH Write Protection Option Bytes Register value */ uint32_t FLASH_GetWriteProtectionOptionByte(void) { /* Return the Flash write protection Register value */ return (uint32_t)(FLASH->WRPR); } /** * @brief Checks whether the FLASH Read Out Protection Status is set or not. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param None * @retval FLASH ReadOut Protection Status(SET or RESET) */ FlagStatus FLASH_GetReadOutProtectionStatus(void) { FlagStatus readoutstatus = RESET; if ((FLASH->OBR & RDPRT_Mask) != (uint32_t)RESET) { readoutstatus = SET; } else { readoutstatus = RESET; } return readoutstatus; } /** * @brief Checks whether the FLASH Prefetch Buffer status is set or not. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * @param None * @retval FLASH Prefetch Buffer Status (SET or RESET). */ FlagStatus FLASH_GetPrefetchBufferStatus(void) { FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET; if ((FLASH->ACR & ACR_PRFTBS_Mask) != (uint32_t)RESET) { bitstatus = SET; } else { bitstatus = RESET; } /* Return the new state of FLASH Prefetch Buffer Status (SET or RESET) */ return bitstatus; } /** * @brief Enables or disables the specified FLASH interrupts. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * - For AIR32F10X_XL devices, enables or disables the specified FLASH interrupts for Bank1 and Bank2. * - For other devices it enables or disables the specified FLASH interrupts for Bank1. * @param FLASH_IT: specifies the FLASH interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled. * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg FLASH_IT_ERROR: FLASH Error Interrupt * @arg FLASH_IT_EOP: FLASH end of operation Interrupt * @param NewState: new state of the specified Flash interrupts. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * @retval None */ void FLASH_ITConfig(uint32_t FLASH_IT, FunctionalState NewState) { #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_IT(FLASH_IT)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState)); if((FLASH_IT & 0x80000000) != 0x0) { if(NewState != DISABLE) { /* Enable the interrupt sources */ FLASH->CR2 |= (FLASH_IT & 0x7FFFFFFF); } else { /* Disable the interrupt sources */ FLASH->CR2 &= ~(uint32_t)(FLASH_IT & 0x7FFFFFFF); } } else { if(NewState != DISABLE) { /* Enable the interrupt sources */ FLASH->CR |= FLASH_IT; } else { /* Disable the interrupt sources */ FLASH->CR &= ~(uint32_t)FLASH_IT; } } #else /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_IT(FLASH_IT)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState)); if(NewState != DISABLE) { /* Enable the interrupt sources */ FLASH->CR |= FLASH_IT; } else { /* Disable the interrupt sources */ FLASH->CR &= ~(uint32_t)FLASH_IT; } #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ } /** * @brief Checks whether the specified FLASH flag is set or not. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * - For AIR32F10X_XL devices, this function checks whether the specified * Bank1 or Bank2 flag is set or not. * - For other devices, it checks whether the specified Bank1 flag is * set or not. * @param FLASH_FLAG: specifies the FLASH flag to check. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg FLASH_FLAG_BSY: FLASH Busy flag * @arg FLASH_FLAG_PGERR: FLASH Program error flag * @arg FLASH_FLAG_WRPRTERR: FLASH Write protected error flag * @arg FLASH_FLAG_EOP: FLASH End of Operation flag * @arg FLASH_FLAG_OPTERR: FLASH Option Byte error flag * @retval The new state of FLASH_FLAG (SET or RESET). */ FlagStatus FLASH_GetFlagStatus(uint32_t FLASH_FLAG) { FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET; #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_GET_FLAG(FLASH_FLAG)) ; if(FLASH_FLAG == FLASH_FLAG_OPTERR) { if((FLASH->OBR & FLASH_FLAG_OPTERR) != (uint32_t)RESET) { bitstatus = SET; } else { bitstatus = RESET; } } else { if((FLASH_FLAG & 0x80000000) != 0x0) { if((FLASH->SR2 & FLASH_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET) { bitstatus = SET; } else { bitstatus = RESET; } } else { if((FLASH->SR & FLASH_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET) { bitstatus = SET; } else { bitstatus = RESET; } } } #else /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_GET_FLAG(FLASH_FLAG)) ; if(FLASH_FLAG == FLASH_FLAG_OPTERR) { if((FLASH->OBR & FLASH_FLAG_OPTERR) != (uint32_t)RESET) { bitstatus = SET; } else { bitstatus = RESET; } } else { if((FLASH->SR & FLASH_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET) { bitstatus = SET; } else { bitstatus = RESET; } } #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ /* Return the new state of FLASH_FLAG (SET or RESET) */ return bitstatus; } /** * @brief Clears the FLASH's pending flags. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices. * - For AIR32F10X_XL devices, this function clears Bank1 or Bank2’s pending flags * - For other devices, it clears Bank1’s pending flags. * @param FLASH_FLAG: specifies the FLASH flags to clear. * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg FLASH_FLAG_PGERR: FLASH Program error flag * @arg FLASH_FLAG_WRPRTERR: FLASH Write protected error flag * @arg FLASH_FLAG_EOP: FLASH End of Operation flag * @retval None */ void FLASH_ClearFlag(uint32_t FLASH_FLAG) { #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG(FLASH_FLAG)) ; if((FLASH_FLAG & 0x80000000) != 0x0) { /* Clear the flags */ FLASH->SR2 = FLASH_FLAG; } else { /* Clear the flags */ FLASH->SR = FLASH_FLAG; } #else /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG(FLASH_FLAG)) ; /* Clear the flags */ FLASH->SR = FLASH_FLAG; #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ } /** * @brief Returns the FLASH Status. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices, it is equivalent * to FLASH_GetBank1Status function. * @param None * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_BUSY, FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP or FLASH_COMPLETE */ FLASH_Status FLASH_GetStatus(void) { FLASH_Status flashstatus = FLASH_COMPLETE; if((FLASH->SR & FLASH_FLAG_BSY) == FLASH_FLAG_BSY) { flashstatus = FLASH_BUSY; } else { if((FLASH->SR & FLASH_FLAG_PGERR) != 0) { flashstatus = FLASH_ERROR_PG; } else { if((FLASH->SR & FLASH_FLAG_WRPRTERR) != 0 ) { flashstatus = FLASH_ERROR_WRP; } else { flashstatus = FLASH_COMPLETE; } } } /* Return the Flash Status */ return flashstatus; } /** * @brief Returns the FLASH Bank1 Status. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices, it is equivalent * to FLASH_GetStatus function. * @param None * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_BUSY, FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP or FLASH_COMPLETE */ FLASH_Status FLASH_GetBank1Status(void) { FLASH_Status flashstatus = FLASH_COMPLETE; if((FLASH->SR & FLASH_FLAG_BANK1_BSY) == FLASH_FLAG_BSY) { flashstatus = FLASH_BUSY; } else { if((FLASH->SR & FLASH_FLAG_BANK1_PGERR) != 0) { flashstatus = FLASH_ERROR_PG; } else { if((FLASH->SR & FLASH_FLAG_BANK1_WRPRTERR) != 0 ) { flashstatus = FLASH_ERROR_WRP; } else { flashstatus = FLASH_COMPLETE; } } } /* Return the Flash Status */ return flashstatus; } #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) /** * @brief Returns the FLASH Bank2 Status. * @note This function can be used for AIR32F103_XL density devices. * @param None * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_BUSY, FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP or FLASH_COMPLETE */ FLASH_Status FLASH_GetBank2Status(void) { FLASH_Status flashstatus = FLASH_COMPLETE; if((FLASH->SR2 & (FLASH_FLAG_BANK2_BSY & 0x7FFFFFFF)) == (FLASH_FLAG_BANK2_BSY & 0x7FFFFFFF)) { flashstatus = FLASH_BUSY; } else { if((FLASH->SR2 & (FLASH_FLAG_BANK2_PGERR & 0x7FFFFFFF)) != 0) { flashstatus = FLASH_ERROR_PG; } else { if((FLASH->SR2 & (FLASH_FLAG_BANK2_WRPRTERR & 0x7FFFFFFF)) != 0 ) { flashstatus = FLASH_ERROR_WRP; } else { flashstatus = FLASH_COMPLETE; } } } /* Return the Flash Status */ return flashstatus; } #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ /** * @brief Waits for a Flash operation to complete or a TIMEOUT to occur. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices, * it is equivalent to FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation. * - For AIR32F10X_XL devices this function waits for a Bank1 Flash operation * to complete or a TIMEOUT to occur. * - For all other devices it waits for a Flash operation to complete * or a TIMEOUT to occur. * @param Timeout: FLASH programming Timeout * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(uint32_t Timeout) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; /* Check for the Flash Status */ status = FLASH_GetBank1Status(); /* Wait for a Flash operation to complete or a TIMEOUT to occur */ while((status == FLASH_BUSY) && (Timeout != 0x00)) { status = FLASH_GetBank1Status(); Timeout--; } if(Timeout == 0x00) { status = FLASH_TIMEOUT; } /* Return the operation status */ return status; } /** * @brief Waits for a Flash operation on Bank1 to complete or a TIMEOUT to occur. * @note This function can be used for all AIR32F103 devices, * it is equivalent to FLASH_WaitForLastOperation. * @param Timeout: FLASH programming Timeout * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation(uint32_t Timeout) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; /* Check for the Flash Status */ status = FLASH_GetBank1Status(); /* Wait for a Flash operation to complete or a TIMEOUT to occur */ while((status == FLASH_FLAG_BANK1_BSY) && (Timeout != 0x00)) { status = FLASH_GetBank1Status(); Timeout--; } if(Timeout == 0x00 ) { status = FLASH_TIMEOUT; } /* Return the operation status */ return status; } #if defined(AIR32F10X_XL) || defined(AIR32F10X_MD_1024K) /** * @brief Waits for a Flash operation on Bank2 to complete or a TIMEOUT to occur. * @note This function can be used only for AIR32F103_XL density devices. * @param Timeout: FLASH programming Timeout * @retval FLASH Status: The returned value can be: FLASH_ERROR_PG, * FLASH_ERROR_WRP, FLASH_COMPLETE or FLASH_TIMEOUT. */ FLASH_Status FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation(uint32_t Timeout) { FLASH_Status status = FLASH_COMPLETE; /* Check for the Flash Status */ status = FLASH_GetBank2Status(); /* Wait for a Flash operation to complete or a TIMEOUT to occur */ while((status == (FLASH_FLAG_BANK2_BSY & 0x7FFFFFFF)) && (Timeout != 0x00)) { status = FLASH_GetBank2Status(); Timeout--; } if(Timeout == 0x00 ) { status = FLASH_TIMEOUT; } /* Return the operation status */ return status; } #endif /* AIR32F10X_XL */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */