/* * File : bsp.c * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2009, RT-Thread Development Team * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2010-04-09 fify the first version * * For : Renesas M16C * Toolchain : IAR's EW for M16C v3.401 */ #include "iom16c62p.h" #include "bsp.h" #include "rtconfig.h" void led_init(void) { PUR3.BIT.PU37 = 1; PD11.BIT.PD11_0 = 1; led_off(); } void led_on(void) { P11.BIT.P11_0 = 0; } void led_off(void) { P11.BIT.P11_0 = 1; } static void mcu_init(void) { volatile rt_uint32_t count; /* Configure clock for divide by 1 mode */ PRCR.BYTE |= 0x01; /* Enable access to clock registers PRCR.PRC0 = 1 */ CM1.BYTE = 0x20; /* Set CM16, CM17 divide ratio to 1: */ /* ... main clock on in high drive no PLL */ CM0.BYTE &= ~0x40; /* Set divide ratio to 1 CM0.CM06 = 0 */ /* Configure main PLL */ PRCR.BYTE |= 0x02; /* Allow writing to processor mode register PRCR.PRC0 = 1 */ PM2.BYTE |= 0x01; /* Set SFR access to 2 wait, which is required for */ /* ... operation greater than 16 MHz PM2.PM20 = 1 */ PRCR.BYTE &= ~0x02; /* Protect processor mode register PRCR.PRC0 = 0 */ PLC0.BYTE = 0x91; /* Enable and turn on PLL */ count = 20000; /* Delay while PLL stabilizes */ while (count > 0) { count--; } CM1.BYTE |= 0x02; /* Switch to PLL CM1.CM11 = 1 */ PRCR.BYTE &= ~0x01; /* Protect clock control register PRCR.PRC0 = 0 */ PRCR.BYTE |= 0x02; /* Allow writing to processor mode register PRCR.PRC0 = 1 */ PM1.BYTE |= 0x01; /* Enable data flash area PM1.PM10 = 1 */ PRCR.BYTE &= ~0x02; /* Protect processor mode register PRCR.PRC0 = 0 */ } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TICKER INITIALIZATION * * Description : This function is called to initialize rt-thread's tick source (typically a timer generating * interrupts every 1 to 100 mS). * * We decided to use Timer #B0 as the tick interrupt source. * * Arguments : none * * Returns : * * Notes : (1) Timer B channel 0 is setup as a periodic timer, generating an interrupt * OS_TICKS_PER_SEC times per second. The timer counts down and generates an interrupt * when it underflows. * * (2) The timer ISR handler, rt_hw_timer_handler(), is placed into the vector table in vectors.s34. ********************************************************************************************************* */ static void timer_tick_init(void) { /* Set timer to timer mode */ /* Set count source as PLL clock / 8 (f8) */ TB0MR.BYTE = 0x40; /* Assign timer value and reload value */ TB0 = (CPU_CLK_FREQ / 8) / RT_TICK_PER_SECOND; /* Set timer B channel 0 interrupt level = 7 */ /* Clear interrupt request */ TB0IC.BYTE = 0x07; TABSR.BYTE |= 0x20; /* Start timer */ } void system_init(void) { mcu_init(); led_init(); /* Initialize the I/Os for the LED controls */ timer_tick_init(); /* Initialize the rt-thread tick interrupt */ }