/* * File : key.c * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2011, RT-Thread Develop Team * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2011-03-03 lgnq */ #include <rtthread.h> #include "key.h" #include "lcd.h" #ifdef RT_USING_RTGUI #include <rtgui/event.h> #include <rtgui/rtgui_server.h> #endif static void key_io_init(void) { /*Select CPIO function*/ KEY_PFR &= ~KEY_MASK; /*Set CPIO Pull-Up function*/ KEY_PCR |= KEY_MASK; /*Make button pins inputs*/ KEY_DDR &= ~KEY_MASK; } static void key_thread_entry(void *parameter) { #ifdef RT_USING_RTGUI rt_time_t next_delay; rt_uint8_t i; struct rtgui_event_kbd kbd_event; key_io_init(); /* init keyboard event */ RTGUI_EVENT_KBD_INIT(&kbd_event); kbd_event.mod = RTGUI_KMOD_NONE; kbd_event.unicode = 0; while (1) { next_delay = RT_TICK_PER_SECOND/10; kbd_event.key = RTGUIK_UNKNOWN; kbd_event.type = RTGUI_KEYDOWN; if (KEY_ENTER_GETVALUE() == 0 ) { for(i=0; ; i++) { rt_thread_delay( next_delay ); if (KEY_ENTER_GETVALUE() == 0) { if (i>=4) { /* HOME key */ kbd_event.key = RTGUIK_HOME; next_delay = RT_TICK_PER_SECOND/5; break; } } else { kbd_event.key = RTGUIK_RETURN; break; } } } if (KEY_DOWN_GETVALUE() == 0) { kbd_event.key = RTGUIK_DOWN; } if (KEY_UP_GETVALUE() == 0) { kbd_event.key = RTGUIK_UP; } if (KEY_RIGHT_GETVALUE() == 0) { kbd_event.key = RTGUIK_RIGHT; } if (KEY_LEFT_GETVALUE() == 0) { kbd_event.key = RTGUIK_LEFT; } if (kbd_event.key != RTGUIK_UNKNOWN) { /* post down event */ rtgui_server_post_event(&(kbd_event.parent), sizeof(kbd_event)); } else { kbd_event.type = RTGUI_KEYUP; rtgui_server_post_event(&(kbd_event.parent), sizeof(kbd_event)); } /* wait next key press */ rt_thread_delay(next_delay); } #else extern struct rt_messagequeue mq; rt_time_t next_delay; struct lcd_msg msg; msg.type = KEY_MSG; key_io_init(); while (1) { msg.key = NO_KEY; next_delay = RT_TICK_PER_SECOND/10; if (KEY_ENTER_GETVALUE() == 0 ) { msg.key = KEY_ENTER; } if (KEY_DOWN_GETVALUE() == 0) { msg.key = KEY_DOWN; } if (KEY_UP_GETVALUE() == 0) { msg.key = KEY_UP; } if (KEY_RIGHT_GETVALUE() == 0) { msg.key = KEY_RIGHT; } if (KEY_LEFT_GETVALUE() == 0) { msg.key = KEY_LEFT; } rt_mq_send(&mq, &msg, sizeof(msg)); /* wait next key press */ rt_thread_delay(next_delay); } #endif } static rt_thread_t key_thread; void rt_hw_key_init(void) { key_thread = rt_thread_create("key", key_thread_entry, RT_NULL, 384, 28, 5); if (key_thread != RT_NULL) rt_thread_startup(key_thread); }